Tess Holliday Comes Out As Pansexual

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it's a gay issue do today so since a lot of my gay friends seems to really love unicorns I wanted to do a unicorn inspired look I originally ordered over two months ago a full-on front lace rainbow haired wig but I received this way does this look like front lace I wanted to do a gay themed video during Pride Month couldn't do that because I just received the wig so instead of that you guys get me complaining that I couldn't do my original plan but it's fine everything's fine it's cool because I get to talk to you guys it's a new day a new topic and I kind of like the look until I think about the fact that I spent $50 on a wig with this which I originally could have gotten on Amazon and gotten it to my house in about two days but I'm not mad it's fine it's fine okay so before we get started I wanted to make one thing clear I don't care what you guys call yourself I don't care if you are gay I don't care if you're bi I don't care if you are straight I don't care whatever you are just be that it doesn't affect me in absolutely no way I never understood the way people get so fired up and angry by this new hip lingo that people use to describe their sexuality it will literally get upset and fight let the person say no you're not this so you're basically that this is what you are I personally just let people do what they want to do as long as they are not hurting anybody hurting a child hurting an animal harming people in some type of way it's really none of my business who you're attracted to I mean I am nosy as freak but you really don't have to tell me because it's really none of my business you want to say you're multi logarithm sexual whatever be that if you watch cartoon then you can understand my cartoon references we're probably gonna be very good friends now with all of that being said Tess holiday has come out as pansexual so I will tell you why I have an opinion on this specific situation at the end of the video but until then I thought it was cool if we could just read the article together and then I get to do my favorite thing in the world to do - eat hot cheetos read your comments and read your opinions so get ready to participate in this discussion test holiday comes out as pansexual the body-positive activist opened up about her relationship to her own queerness in the gel my issue of nylon magazine holiday 33 revealed her sexuality with a funny anecdote about a recent vacation to Mexico the body-positive activist said she was sitting at the hotel's pool bar when a man came up to her and asked are you by okay I'm sorry but I feel like that's all made up I've had some men approached me and say some odd things and asked some very odd questions but that just seems like it's setting us up for something yes we'll find out I said thank you so much for asking I've been thinking a lot about my relationship to my own queerness and I think the word pansexual speaks to me more than Baez yeah that never happened who talks like that come on people come on my queer people who just starts a conversation in this way does it not sound like a little bit shady to you turns out Holliday continued that the man was a waiter and was simply asking are you buying oh okay are you bi are you buying both sound very different unless she like completely cut him off in between his right in the middle of his question excuse me ma'am are you bi actually sir no I'm not bi pansexual speaks a lot more to my soul I mean how can you confuse that unless you were just like waiting on the edge of your seat waiting for someone to ask you the specific question and so that you could like give them this information that that nobody really asks for I just feel like it's fake so that people can be like oh wow what a cool story and how funny is that Tess Holliday what a crazy misunderstanding Holliday said that she feels more comfortable with herself now that she's figured out she's pansexual which means she's attracted to a person regardless of their sex or gender identity so I only know about this story because a group of my gay friends actually sent it over to me I also have a couple older and gay couple friends that send this to me and they were very confused on this whole pansexual thing and they're gay themselves they didn't understand what it was and they rely girl what is pansexual so I might get hate for this I'm not sure why anyone would give hate for this I don't know why you wouldn't want to just explain it in a nice way but like I get it and I don't get it at the same time and I think that's kind of understandable the more people I talk to you a lot of people don't understand the pansexual things I think it's just basically you are by I know some of you told me that you are pansexual so if you to say in the comment section exactly what it is and how it is different from being bisexual please feel free but like I said I don't care what you are or what you what you identify as just do your thing and watch some anime you join our crew I don't get deep into this topic because it shouldn't matter to me but it's test holiday and so I wanted to make a little bit of a point and I wanted to see what you guys thought because I do have a very high day following so I'm very interested to see how you approach this you know since it's something that probably speaks to you because many of you have boys that you aren't very fond of test holiday but I want to see what you feel about this whole story I feel like a lot of stuff in my life now makes sense a lot of the things that I felt when I was younger makes sense a lot of the relationships that I had makes sense she said I definitely have a sense of relief holiday continued I can connect with people on a more intimate level than I was before because I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not earlier this week Holliday posted a photo to Instagram wishing her followers a happy Pride Month I've always been an a-line for the LGBTQ community and I find myself trying to navigate my own sexual identity she wrote I'm still figuring out how I identify and that's okay because everyone's journey is different and boom this is where my points starts to get made she very might well be pansexual like I said in the beginning don't care none of my business but this kind of just proves my point that Tess Holliday very much needs that spotlight consistently and also proves another thing that really irritates me about the fat acceptance movement to try to get minorities to be their allies like she said in the last paragraph and that's what I think is happening here I feel like when popular influencers are going through a little bit of a tiff with the internet they need a new thing to have people connect with them and if you haven't noticed that Paula day is a very popular person and she's very rich and well-off and she's getting magazine covers on whatnot but a lot of her following is starting to turn on her a little bit they're starting to see what a hypocrite Tess Holliday it really is she gets very defensive when a fan says one little thing that doesn't have to do with her way of thought she called a fan fat phobic because the fan was posting before and after pictures and working out but now Tess Holliday is now working out she hashtags after your beauty standards but everything about her is part of the media's beauty standard except being slim and lastly she is a very mean person according to the inside people that work with her and refused to work with her she is literally a Regina George but worse that is the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen she's a full-on 30-something adults acting like Regina so she could have been having a little freakout noticing a little bit of a change in comments people saying I used to follow you but now I'm not in this this and that and she is feeling like she is losing her squad her internet support system which she needs in order to keep getting the jobs that she's getting she's popular there for magazines shows are going to want her to be on their show magazine whatever they just need her name as long as she's popular so what's does she have to do to stay relevant and love what is a big topic right now sexuality should I come out as bi no no no something more trendy pansexual if you look at the two words from a business point of view pansexual is way more of a trigger word and a relevant word to catch people's attention especially the younger generation and once again I am NOT saying that Tess Holliday is not pansexual guys know how Instagram works you know how Hollywood works a lot of things are faked a lot of things are faked a lot of things are set up this is their job to get attention I personally think that with this one Tess Holliday has some ulterior motives up her sleeve you look at certain shows commercials things like that you will see that everybody is kind of doing this whole be comfortable with who you are pronouns sexuality it's a very trendy thing right now especially in media [Applause] Marketing people know this social media influencers know this I really think the main motive is for attention so that she could continue to get money just like she is doing what the whole f your beauty standards type thing she doesn't care about people's health or the fact that they are more feeling beautiful at their side she doesn't care she just knows this is a niche and that people are responding to it and it gives her money so like I said the thing that bothers me about some of the girls from the fat acceptance movement is that they need to recruit other minorities so that they can make a bear group bigger they need allies just like she said in that article they have to acts like they're all part of this inclusive thing because they need more people in their little movements so they recruit people who can't change themselves for example they recruit people of color usually women of color and like I said in my madeline video I don't know how other women of color feel about this but do not include me at your fat positive movement health at every size type scam because I'm not sure what they think but I can't wake up one day and say that you know what I think I'll be white I can't do that most people and I say this in almost every single video most people can control their weight there's a very tiny community that can and it has to do with some type of medication or whatever very small percent everybody else is eating way too much and so therefore they can change the way they look so when they say like oh we're still body-positive and we're like we're trying to bring in the women of color or like the original people that we're supposed to be part of the body positive community burn victims are people who have freak accidents and now they don't have a leg or something and they're like yeah we can't help the way they look I be kind of irritated if I am a burn victim who got burned pretty severely and then there's someone who's obese Inc yeah we can't change they literally have to recruit all these people because they cannot stand on their own opinions by themselves because without everybody else they are completely weak because science contradicts pretty much all of their claims the original post that test holiday posted to us everybody happy Pride Month was a sponsored post where she got paid in some way because she tagged the sports bras maker you are simply a straight woman who has an urgent desire to feel special yeah nothing says a lie like rainbow underwear so that's really what I think about the whole test holiday coming out as and sexual is she pansexual I don't know she could be it's none of my business but I do think it is a way to garnish more fans as you see a lot of the media and shows commercials are jumping on that that's like they're jumping on the whole body positivity thing but that's what I think now it's time to tell me what you think and like I said I'm very curious to hear what everybody has to say about I'm very very very curious to hear what gay people have to say because my gay friends had the same opinion that I had she's doing it for attention my opinion doesn't matter don't take it too seriously like I said I just want to discuss anime and with you guys hashtag I'm still watching Fairy Tail and I feel like I'm gonna forever watch that cuz there's a lot of episodes all right you guys I will see you guys next time hope you guys enjoyed the video hope you enjoyed the hair hope you enjoyed the nail and all that and I will see you guys next time I cannot wait to read all of your comments on this topic bye guys [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 224,944
Rating: 4.9448409 out of 5
Keywords: tess holliday, fat acceptance, body positivity, fat positive, fat positivity, body positive, tess holliday comes out as pansexual, tess holliday cosmopolitan, michelle, mcdaniel, my thoughts will probbaly offend you, michelle mcdaniel, pansexual, sexuality, pride month, weightloss, weightloss motivation, fitness, gay, pride 2019
Id: 57yGmANWtSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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