Is My Neighbor Racist??? (Story Time)

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you know I don't know why people keep keeps trying to stuff with me they don't know who they're with I'm Abed [Music] YouTube it's storytime so I had every bit of intention of getting on here this Saturday and giving you guys that cellulite tip video that I said I was going to do on my Instagram PS if you don't follow me on Instagram first of all I've been waiting for you where have you been why would you keep me waiting right here but if you follow me on Instagram sometimes I'll ask you guys you guys want that this type of video on YouTube and if you guys say yes then I make a video and I asked if you guys wanted some tips on how to get rid or at least reduce so you like and that was supposed to be today's video but then something happened something random something just completely bizarre it literally had me standing there like what the just happened am I in the twilight zone and because you guys seem to like my story times about my amazing life I figured since it's pretty fresh it happened yesterday why not tell you guys well I have the passion still in me no judging by the title if you don't know me or maybe this is the first video that you have ever seen me speak you're probably thinking oh this is just another black girl playing the race card you know calling everybody racist know if you knew anything about me I don't play the race card unless it really needs to be played because there are racists out here but if you knew any of my videos I think black people can be racist white people can be racist I called out black people about being racist if someone is treating me bad I don't go straight to that that person is racist that person is probably just an [ __ ] and if someone doesn't like me then maybe they just don't like me not because of the color of my skin maybe they just don't like my personality but but I personally think that in this situation this specific person that I'm talking about I think it's a race issue that's just my opinion that's just how I felt or how I feel right now but before we move on I want you to comment right now kind of just take a guess you know and I was gonna say educated guess but I don't know if that's an educated guess kind of just like just a random guess you know my new follower guess my old follower guess and anybody who who's just pop it into this video who who who has never seen this face before so right now leave a comment and say oh I think she's just gonna you know she's gonna play the race card to a situation that wasn't about race or say I trust Michelle she's pretty level-headed feel crazy but pretty level-headed and it's probably a race thing do you trust me you shouldn't just kidding you should but make that guess in the comment section right now and I'm gonna tell you the story so Yoshi my dog is special she loves to get distracted when she needs to just go to the bathroom if there are people she will be distracted if there's birds she will be distracted if there is a damn ladybug she will be more interested in that ladybug instead of just going to the bathroom so usually when I get home before I take your oh I can check outside because I can see where the grass area is where everybody takes their dogs if there's you know a lot of people out there or not I look out the window and there's a few people out there with their dogs along with a lady on her porch right in front of the path that Yoshi usually goes to the bathroom just fine it looks so peaceful out there owners just walking their dog a lady enjoying the day on her porch I really love my new place it's extremely enjoy and peaceful so I like wait for five minutes to see if people you know start clearing out so Yoshi doesn't get so distracted with all the other dogs so I look back out there and all the dogs and their owners are all cleared I'll except for the lady on the porch and I'm like that's fine yes you probably will not even see her because the lady's on her porch and there's a wall right there you go she's so small she's she'll be fine so we head downstairs we go to our usual spot and Yoshi goes to her usual Street a snit so I let her sniff for a bit and then from the corner of my eye I see the lady that was on the porch route up and do this with her phone so I think that's an odd way to hold your phone right in my general direction but whatever I really did think at first that she was maybe she's just watching a video in this house she watches her videos on her eyes so I keep minding my own business just waiting for Yoshi to poop and I noticed that she is still just stone-cold with her phone like still like right at me standing when she was just kind of relaxing her on her chair on her pork so I'm like let's test this out a little bit Yoshi let's just go to the bus and the lady takes her phone and goes like this and follows me and I'm like okay let's go to the right and just as I thought the lady takes her phone and follows follows me to the right with her phone and so honestly I was just like whatever if you want to videotape me taking my dog for crap then then have fun with that video you weird person in reality in public places you're allowed to take people you can't do anything about it even if you call the police they won't do anything but now that you know all this stuff happened once you hear a bit once you hear everything in the end of the video it's this is actually like a private like you can't hate people and she was taping me but at the moment I was like okay well it's a public place I guess they can videotape me taking my dog for up to so I just let her do her thing girl it's Friday enjoy it after about two minutes I you know I did keep like staring at her staring at my dogs staring at her like I even like would like you know how that awkward smile like I even like smiled at her hey girl let's what are you doing and she would not break that that phone thing that she was doing with that just a very angry face make her feet was white like this so then I started walking to the left again and of course she the phone you know she'll have the phone follow me as I walk to the left because my dog was not about to poop in that spot so like we got to get this moving because you are taking forever dog so if we change the spot and once I moved a little bit to the left the lady still having her phone right at me like this goes I've never seen you here before and I say okay I have been here for about a week and a half and she still has her phone pointed at me and she says well I've never seen you and I say okay from you know all the stuff that she was doing I knew she wasn't very friendly so I go do you have an issue with me being here ma'am and this shape flips she completely flipped out if you're trespassing I'm gonna call the police I see man what are you talking about I've never seen you here before and I'm tired of you trespassing I'm gonna call the police on you Lord Jesus this girl does not know not know who she's messing with so I say um ma'am do you know every single resident in this apartment complex this very large apartment complex are you the gatekeeper to this apartment complex does everybody have to go through you and your one-bedroom apartment on the first floor so that you know everyone in this apartment complex so that you make sure that you keep tabs on every single person in this apartment complex because when I sign my lease I didn't hear anything about you if you live here then what's your room number and that's what I was like what the hell I am not giving you some random lady yelling at me for no reason my room number my friends knowing that my room number I don't want anybody coming to my room especially your crazy behind but that's not what I said I just said I'm not giving you my room number duh mind you she's still filming me like I'm a criminal because I took my dog out to go to the bathroom in a place where everyone takes their dog out to go to the bathroom like my head at the moment I was like maybe it's because I'm having my dog go to the bathroom but is it your backyard your patio is just connected to the area where everyone takes their dogs to go take so then she goes I'm tired of these people trespassing I'm calling the police she is still taping she is taping telling a random girl that is minding her own business taking her dog out to go to the bathroom that she's gonna call the police on her for what what are you proving with this video that's you're crazy that I have a fat booty so once she said I'm gonna call the police I'm tired of these people trespassing all but you know what yo she get upstairs so we went upstairs to get my phone because one yo she filled in poop so I was going to have my dog poop in the spot that she needs to poop in while I call the front desk to check this person that is disturbing me while I mind my own business we make our way back downstairs and this is when it gets downright stupid because once again Yoshi's gotta go to the bathroom and it's hot outside and we are back outside so I have my phone now because I'm going to have my dog go to the bathroom and if she keeps talking crazy I'm gonna call the police because you ma'am are harassing me and I have no time to deal with your act and I know if she was trying to do holding her phone up so that I can look back [ __ ] crazy and then still have something against me no no I'll go call the police so we start going downstairs and she sees me coming back and this chick I don't okay there is a pillar okay right on her on her it's not balcony you know what I'm talking about but right on her patio that word and she sees me coming back and she like gets up and Sprint's behind the patio to she was like this so I go down there and looking at her as she hides on peeps over the the pillar and I walked to the other side you know still on the grass area not on her property and I go ma'am I can see you so she sees that I have a phone in my hand and maybe she thought I was gonna videotape her to I don't know if that was the case you were talking so much crap before you were so you know gung-ho with your opinion on doing something wrong why would you care if I was going to change you but anyway she spots my phone and she Sprint's inside her apartment she starts to slip me off through her window and I'm standing there like and she's literally just flipping me off there and then she goes like there's a line of windows you know like the door window and then a few other windows and she's like closing the shades closing the shade closing the shades all while flipping me off and I'm just standing there in my confusion like what the just happened so I call the front desk people to tell them you know this just happened on your property and these people were extremely like shorts with me at like like are you not entertained by this story because I was freaking like so I was like you see you hurry your little black behind up so I'm gonna take you back upstairs then I'm gonna go raise hell in that office about a certain crazy individual in this complex because I feel threatened because you know damn well that if I was on my front porch and someone minding their own business was there and I started videotaping them asking them where their room number is and I'm gonna call the police on you if you're trespassing they would feel threatened if it was coming from me and you know damn well the police people would be on me okay don't believe it it's happened to me before over nothing if you want that story tell me in the comment section but that's for another time if you guys want it so I think usually right back up to my apartment building after she finally poops and points eight seconds before I grab my piece of make my way down to that office the office calls me the office manager and she goes sorry that we were so short with you but the lady that you were talking about was actually in the office complaining about you complaining about me interesting that took freaking beat me and I'm sure she lied about whatever she needed to lie about to to push her own you know goal with whatever she wanted to do so the manager asked me what happened I tell her exactly what I just told you guys and I'm waiting for her to be like well ma'am she says this and we're gonna believe her but instead she says you know we've had a few people complain about this lady and have a very similar story as to what you just told us she says it's not you this lady has done this to a few other people so now we are at the point where you're like yes Michelle this lady was a stone cold but how do you know that this is a racial issue why do you feel that way let's rewind back to my awesome animation or drawings whatever you want to call them my little thick figures now every single person in the the doggie park this happens to be white tell me why just tell me why did she have an issue the moment my black ass walked down there because everything looked utterly peaceful when when when I wasn't down there the birds were chirping the dogs were playing chicken on the porch at her feet propped up on her on the little wet just enjoying her her time why did it change when I walked out there so I personally think it's a race issue now if she did that to all those people then she's just crazy but yeah that's pretty much how I submit my Friday confused as hell as to what was wrong with this lady trespassing woman that's because your little patio to your one-bedroom apartment is connected to the grass where all the dogs play and go to the bathroom they make it York you are not special sweetie you live in an apartment you are going to have to deal with people and if you don't want to deal with people girl get your money up go purchase a house in a secluded area purchase a good security system and then no one will trespass but for now girl you live in an apartment on the bottom floor where your patio is connected to a grass area so enjoy looking at me and my beautiful sunkissed brown sugar skin and the fact that my dog will be taking a [ __ ] in front of your patio every day every day my name is michelle mcdaniel this is my opinion my thoughts will probably offend you and now that you heard the whole story what do you think do you think it's a reach issue is the woman just batshit crazy is it both I know next time on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z no way I'm not in a cartoon this is real life dammit you would never know by how stupid and entitled some people act [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 44,804
Rating: 4.9589882 out of 5
Keywords: my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, story time videos, michelle mcdaniel story time, racist stories, funny story time videos, funny videos, funny stories
Id: 1ayKsFuEXOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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