Eating all The Food I Ate When I Was FAT! 20,000 CALORIE MUKBANG!

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morning there will be absolutely no food sounds during the testing phase of this video no slurps no burps no smacks because that's repulsive don't worry me so funny--i fam I got you now if you're ready for a little different type of month bang sit back relax and let's do this [Music] this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group where you get to stay in our very positive and nerdy groups for life you also receive a 12 week gym program along with the home workout routine also in the group we do live zoom sessions on most Saturdays where my clients look at me like this through the screen if interested hit the link below for more information we would love to have good morning YouTube welcome back to the channel my name's michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer for it with all of this sitting here but we'll get to that in a second a proud mother of a pub a past theater nerd gone a grown up cosplay ready to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where I share my thoughts so probably a fin at least one person so if there is anything offending you today let us know in the comment section this is the place to do it and while you're down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week sometimes three and sometimes dressed in cosplay but not today it's a day we have a completely different type of video yes we are in my kitchen and you are probably saying what the heck is going on and I've been wanting to do a video like this because of two reasons as many of you know who've been watching my channel I am a past hubby eating until I have to throw up and then I do and then I eat more fassbender but now I'm a Binger who can actually keep this type of food in my house okay you guys day two of this on my counter normally when I was a huge Binger I think this would be open these are open at all Yoshi Yoshi aren't you proud of me I didn't eat them yet I'm a whole different person than I was hey guys don't mind me I'm just baking in front of my junk food that I still haven't touched normally back in the day I would have to bake plus eat this while I bake and then still eat this and probably add some of this on top I'm just getting out and add that but I would add a lot of stuff on top of my pancakes and now what for four or five years later I'm able to bake in front of junk food that I would normally just go ate Yoshi are you not proud of me Jun here she has won streets anyway but this might sound very just conceded to you I thought I have come so far from what I used to be and how food doesn't control me as much anymore it's still an everyday type of struggle on certain you know you have your hard days but I was at that point of Nikko and Tricia where you just eat so much booze all over your face and it feels like it's super fun and then you feel sick after you feel like crap and then you do it all over again I'm just very lucky that I didn't have a video camera and see that it is popular and then decide to turn that video camera on and film it because it was really gross honestly the fact that me and my boyfriend went to Walmart the place that I used to go to and fill up my cart with that I didn't even like I just put it in my cart because I wanted to eat as much as possible and he said to me your hands up like a conspiracy guy and instead of acting like that show that I used to watched in the 90s try to do is get a hold of her cart the second thing she's going to do is load up on those big news farmer John hams in the market I just picked out what one two three four five six seven item that is a huge step it might not be a big step for a lot of you guys who don't understand binging but that's a big step for me and I just look back from when I used to do and that's really amazing in my book and to the second thing I wanted to show that I'm very very excited to share and just curious as to how it would turn out is because I get so many comments saying you never eat junk food you probably hate junk food it disgust you huh you hate the taste of it only like healthy food people expect me to absolutely hate junk food last year I had one of those delicious succulent Strawberry Shortcake popsicles which I loved when I was a little Michelle and I opened it and was like that is way smaller than what I remember I either had very tiny hands or they started to produce it smaller little delicious morsels anyway I ate it and it wasn't bad it just wasn't as magical as I remember so the question that I want to answer is do I still like all the food I thought was amazing when I was fat now that I have cleaned my pellet of most junk food so I got some foods that I used to binge on we are going to see if it tastes like I remember but a little different than your average mukbang we are going to read the calories we're going to count the calories I have my trusty food scale that I keep at my side at all time so let's eat so I think we will start with something sweet because I know I love after eating a meal something sweet zebra cakes get ready to unwrap the smile the inside looks kind of dry honestly when I remember like just loving how like cakey it is so let's see what it's like super sweet extremely sweet almost too sweet but because I love cake I that's God saying shouldn't be eating that I like it it definitely tastes artificial I'd probably be fine with that just one bite or maybe even half and then putting it away than having it another day okay let's try expose less wizards with something always in my house my dad had a weird you know thing for them but you only would get the strawberry ones or the cherry ones what of the red ones waves losing I always wanted the colourful ones and they would never get it for me unless I got at school and I would go crazy on them three pieces is a hundred and twenty and sugar sixteen grams of sugars and according to the American Heart Association the maximum amount about is sugar you should eat in a day for men is 150 calories or thirty seven point five grams and for women a hundred grams a day twenty five grams of sugar that is 12 grams all right let's try it it started out good at first and then I let it settle in and I just taste food coloring I like the texture of the candy detector like definitely causes that nostalgia of like that just like soft type of candy but I had about 3 grams of 7 to 12 I thought I was gonna finish the whole thing but it definitely isn't something that I would probably get as a lie can I do a sheet mill or like we got a snack for like a movie night it's not gonna be on my list should we try another flavor maybe I'll try like a wider flavor let's try the pink that is 11 grams this one's way better than the blueberry postes this was a Fame [Music] [Applause] Hey where's the cream filling I feel like this is the pun of a lot of nineties fat jokes all the fat kids are thought to eat post this cupcakes and Twinkies 39 grams of sugar they're all tinier than what I remember holy crap pretty much just like how I remember not drive very moist but I do taste that like artificial flavor so I don't really see me eating this now but I can see why I loved it back in the day because chocolate cake was my thing [Music] it is my thing it's still my thing I love chocolate cake I'm gonna get post as a checkmark that was actually pretty good very very sugary though hey let's switch out the sweetness and get something a little more salty Jesus these were my thing I love Jesus but I wasn't a huge fan of the regular one because my mom would never get the other ones because my dad didn't like it but you know my dad was the king of the household so we had to get basic cheddar which I was silly but I'd rather have these cheese it we expect a lot from our cheese and [Music] absolutely nothing to say except I really like these those are good oh man my arch-nemesis okay but usually I ate the Girl Scout version honestly for me it probably won't even matter these were bombs but let's see how fit Michelle sees them these are small look wait let me give you a it's like as small as my palm and I have small hands what is this so wonder I could eat a whole couple of bags of these [Music] [Music] these are actually really good this all good just flow through my veins knowing how many calories are just in - and how many freakin cookies that I would eat before just right in front of my television when I sat on the floor watching Hey Arnold okay these cookies well another arch-nemesis of mine soft baked cookies for some reason would force me to lose all control of my body and force myself to sit my big old butt on the couch with a big ol glass of milk and just eat there are so many means are these cookies and how they are full of crack and they have to be no you won't give me the cracks woohoo very colorful right up my alley most people's alley the more colorful it is the more people are gonna want to eat it which is why it's important to fill your plate with very healthy colorful food and then it's just signals to your brain that you want to eat it [Music] whoo that feels like it's really high in sugar and it's not human it's high but it's not as high as the zebra Kate when it feels like it's on the same level I would eat packs of this you know how I know when I was bigger I eat it with bullets scrape off the frosting I'm that person I feel like I need to scrape off the frosting so that it's a little bit more manageable but I can enjoy it more yeah I thought that was definitely going to give me that nostalgia whew that was a lot okay let's move on last thing Reese's Pieces yeah oh there's four servings in this thing I would eat this as a little kid that means I would have 60 grams of sugar times 4 C 4 grams of sugar not including the big soda that I would drink along with my popcorn where I would put more butter on top of it what is my purpose pass the butter thank you man that's a lot I've never counted the calories of a Reese's Pieces [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to me back then that wouldn't be a lot that wouldn't be enough at all but as someone that you know I know I don't need all of that food I know I just need like a little taste that's quite a bit it's it's fine that's enough but to a lot of people this isn't a lot and I can probably fit this in my hand actually a serving is a handful and I would put all of this in my mouth that's what she said that's my choke damn it Dwight a six seven eight eight okay these were good they don't even have that like artificial taste in my opinion I'm sure they do do a lot of other people but this is a good pick for like a cheese snap I got me a little movie night thing once in a while I highly doubt I would need to eat the whole thing now that it's kind of settling in I'm like okay I don't think I need like to shove all of this in my mouth okay so I like three out of the seven cheese it cookie thing and the classic Reese's Pieces I was super interesting so while I clean up let me leave you guys with some tips from an ex bender think before you eat make a rational decision and ask yourself why are you choosing this food what is it going to do for you are you hungry if so go eat a meal and drink some water if you want a serving size after that then measure it out and enjoy if you don't trust yourself with junk food in the house don't buy it if you live at home with your parents you buy food like this have an open conversation with them that you are concerned about your health tell them you have no control you don't feel healthy make sure to make it about your health and ask if they can put the food on a high shelf so out of sight out of mind if they refuse just know I went through the same thing and it was hard but it taught me to have self-control get a hobby something I noticed is I eat or grab random food I don't even need or ones when I'm bored I got into music singing the sins Xbox Yoshi anything that would distract me the next tip is something I wouldn't recommend if you are someone who has trouble eating but since I am at the opposite end of that it helps me a lot but brushing my teeth after every meal or putting my retainer in after a meal its signal to my brain that the meal was over and I was done it really helped reduce my post meal binges keep a food journal even when you binge I'm a very visual person even at the point that I'm at now if I don't see the numbers I'm going to eat a lot more than what I really need count your calories once again even when you binge it sucks but God did it helped me once again visitor see what I was doing also counting the grams of sugar I would eat was very scary but I opening and I don't want diabetes take little samples of the treats for example if there is just a bunch of junk food like I had today or I'm at a party I usually try to do a sample size of each treat that I want instead of eating all of it just like I did in today's video be patient it took me so long to get to this point it took a lot of mental conditioning which sounds very weird but I had to change the way that I think I had to start thinking before I ate something because I am a mindless eater so be patient because you can get to the point where I'm at it's not easy I never thought that I would be able to have this food in front of me and portion it out but I put in the work mentally and physically and here's where I am I can enjoy this food and control myself without the food controlling me okay so the final verdicts of everything that I just ate is two hundred thirty seven point zero calories and that's about a meal for me just to put it in perspective for you guys my meals are about 250 to 350 calories and my plate is full of food with this I had a bite of a cookie a bite of a slice of cake six Reese's Pieces a couple of cheeses and a half a twizzler what the absolute I do see a lot of personal trainers doing like oh how much can I eat thirty thousand dollars or whatever they do and I think that we should kind of show people that you can't enjoy this kind of food without overdoing it you there's nothing wrong with trying it every once in a while so if you like this kind of video and you want to see me try other foods that I ate when I was bigger or think that I'm just kind of curious and trying let me know if you want to see that in a very controlled healthier way without the food all over the face and loud freaking eat at table manners honestly it's gross anyway remember you don't have to be a size two having big biceps are great to have to scare away all the boys but not need it to be healthy but health is important and I want all of my washers to be as healthy as possible while having the occasional Reese's Pieces or gross cookie things I don't know if you like then we found out that I'm not my thing anymore to be as healthy as possible thanks so much for watching I will see you guys next time crap my arms are too short I got it see the droopy unfitted off in my car love kitty I feel secure the bag I get the bar you know you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty already secured of my key I get the bugs open on the flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 173,029
Rating: 4.964088 out of 5
Keywords: mukbang, first mukbang, fit girls do mukbang, mukbang asmr, junk food mukbang asmr, junk food, eating and talking, eating snacks, 20000 calorie cheat day, 20000 calorie, 20000 calorie changelleges, 10000 calories, 10000 calorie cheat day, 10000 calorie challenge, 30000 calories a day, 30000 calories, 30000 calorie cheat day, eating too much, eating a lot, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, food challenge, 100000 calorie challenge, epic cheat day
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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