Telling My Dad My Boyfriends WHITE [STORY TIME]

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is going on story times are saturday and and then there was a story time just yesterday how was there two posts in a row what is going on i just love telling you guys stories that's what's going on hello everyone and welcome to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you and before i get into this story time two things you guys are always asking me where is yoshi she is literally right here always under my feet my shadow and two i see that my i only date white guys video is kind of doing that whole blow up thing and some of you people are new here and don't understand my click bait titles not all of them but most of them you know like the real triggering one if you think that i'm going to limit myself to only one race you are just delusional and didn't actually watch the video i mean who gets on a video platform and doesn't actually watch the video or listen to a lot of people and since that video is a hot topic on my channel right now i figured i would just play it off panda piss off or entertain or both with the story time video the time i told my dad that i was dating a white boy a lot all right so if you've been here for a while then you know that me and my dad do not have the closest relationship i got daddy issues y'all yes it's great it's wonderful i i i i love it when i lived with them when i was younger i would say that i was more cordial to my dad i showed him respect i was living in his house so it was more like just being cordial when he actually was around it was literally hi dad bye dad happy birthday happy thanksgiving and merry christmas for the majority of my 20 something years i don't need to get into details about my narcissistic father and how it mean mentally but if you want more information of those story times i will link them below so i ended up meeting my boyfriend on a site called okcupid i usually don't introduce men to my friends and family because one it's none of their business and two back then i felt like whenever i would introduce someone that i was talking to that it would literally just crack to the ground shortly after and then i would have to explain to everyone what happened and that i'm just going to be a lonely pizza for the rest of my freaking life just kidding but that's how you feel after someone breaks it off right like we've all kind of felt that we've all been the breaker offer and we all been on the other side and it feels very shitty but this dude it was getting pretty serious he made it very clear that he was very interested in having a relationship with me so i said okay when he asked me to be his girly friend but you know i had a good feeling about this one it was definitely different in every aspect he asked me on actual well thought out dates you know putting thought into some days that i don't think a lot of people do it was just very fun and he felt very humble and he even told his parents and his friends and family about me which gave me a lot of anxiety but i was like oh maybe i should probably tell my my family at least so i told my mom who i am very close to and she's a black woman and you know she she's the easy one everybody on that side of the family just loves mixing it up they love some swirling indian asian white they don't give up i mean they'll definitely point out your race and roast the hell out of you at family holiday even but they will roast you whether you're black white asian it doesn't matter they will roast you they do not discriminate with their roasting session no matter what race you are they're very loving in that way now my dads and the people that i have met on that side are completely different that side is very traditional you must choose a partner that went to college choose a partner that graduated from college with a very impressive degree so that you can brag about someone else's accomplishments to your family and friends they must have a great corporate job or have their own business making lots of money they must be strong and a big man that's the head of the house the cerebral thing the person that makes all the rules and loves football because what kind of man doesn't like football because if you're a man and you don't like football you're gay right totally so i head into my dad's room while he sits in his big king chair while he pops those damn sunflower seeds and i say hey dad i have a boyfriend now just thought i would let you know and he wants me to tell him more about new boyfriend and so i do well he went to sdsu and graduated with a food science degree oh good good he owns his own baking business a businessman you say yeah his goal is to keep building it and have locations all over california he's planning on buying a house in the future once his business grows and he is financially stable he wants marriage in the long run and that's really it good good he sounds like a great man you'll have to introduce me to him in the future oh and he's white my dad hops out of his chair and my dad did not move quickly so i was like he hopped out of the chair with a mouthful of those damn sunflower seeds that he always popped and says well what's wrong with the black man nothing's wrong with a black man i never said that there was all i said was my boyfriend's wife well i just don't understand why you couldn't find a black man and then i kind of thought back to all of the black men that i did go on dates with the ones that threatened me coughed an attitude when i wouldn't give up the puss you know the vagina was just rude or maybe i just didn't have any connection and that wasn't just blackman it was the asians that i date the white guys that i dated the black men that i dated the one indian that little group was just [ __ ] and i wasn't just going to settle for one of the black guys that i went on a date with just because he was black so i could fulfill this black prophecy that my dad had for me and my future relationship i went on some dates with some pretty horrid dudes of all colors that i said youtube pretty quickly my views do not discriminate but i thought it was just funny that he just thought or maybe expected me to just go out and just find a any black guy and be like i choose you and we have a magical connection he has all the things that my dad requires in a man all while treating me amazingly and black all at the same time i mean that's pretty difficult to find any man that has all those things on a regular basis and don't get up here saying well you know women are pretty horrible pieces of too i don't date women i don't really care back to the topic i'm not going to discriminate someone that i have a connection with just because they aren't the same shade that i am so he's going on his little tandem and i just walk back downstairs and pass up my mom like hey just sold out i'm dating a white boy so speed up to us living in arizona it's three years later so obviously it's getting a little serious with my boyfriend and i'm in arizona he's still in california so we're doing this whole long distance thing and i visit him in cali he comes to arizona and visits me and the first day that my boyfriend gets in town my dad pulls him aside into his man cave with his football [ __ ] everywhere football's blazing on the big screen football's probably on the computer football's probably on my dad's iphone so he calls my my boyfriend in there you know come on into my man cave thank you for being such a good man to my daughter i really appreciate it thank you sir you know i always wanted michelle to end up with a black man but you know you're all right could you imagine if i went to my guy's white family's house trying to have a nice visit catch up with time with my boyfriend hang out with his family and his dad stands up and says michelle let me talk to you in my office and says you know you're great and everything and i'm really happy that you're treating my son well but i always really wanted him to end up with a beautiful white woman but i guess i guess you know you're okay too i would have no issues saying you you bastard die anyway that's the story about when i told my dad that my boyfriend is a white boy do you like to mix it up are you a swirler or do you prefer to stick to your own race i do have a question though to people who prefer not really prefer but like they are just they do not date anyone else like the ones who say that they are not attracted to any other race just their own i have a question for you that i've always kind of wanted to know and i really have absolutely no problem with these people if you only date black people if you only date white people if you only date asians i don't care that's your preference but if you found someone that they were just hilarious you had a great time with i mean i mean your heart just fluttered just hearing them speak you were physically and mentally just overly attracted to this person but there was a cat and you know what catch i'm gonna tell you they were a different race would you just slice them out of the possibility of being a romantic lover because they aren't the same race as you i've really been dying to like talk to someone that was like that and just kind of like chit chat so let me know in the comment section thank you so much for watching today and check out my story time from yesterday when i dated a professional professional pokemon card player don't forget to share subscribe look it's right at the bottom of the screen just do it right there follow me on instagram and hit the notification button so that you will be notified about this face and my stories and my opinions alright you guys i will see you all next [Music] time [Music] oh
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 57,327
Rating: 4.9543004 out of 5
Keywords: telling parents my boyfriends white, interacial dating, dating a white boy, interacial dating stories, telling my dad my boyfriends white, relationship stories, relationship story times, story, story time, funny story times, boyfriend story times, online dating, okcupid, okcupid story time, okcupid story times, okcupid apps, stroy time blogs, my thoughts will probably offend you, relationships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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