Triggered Insta Model! ( I AM A FREAKING BODYBUILDER)

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so I just wanted to take some time and show you guys how some people on Instagram have a following are only used to getting praised and cannot handle any type of criticism at all hello YouTube guess what we're talking about today one guess I'm giving you time three two one Instagram you guys know there's always just some thought I was gonna curse some poop going on on my Instagram from Indian men asking me to see my feets and and them offering money for that to very upset obese woman upset at me because I said there's no such thing as health and every side now today we have an angry instant model now she claims that she is not triggered but I don't agree with that and I'm sure I don't have to tell you but you guys are gonna tell me in the comment section if you agree or not so if you remember I did a if that hashtag bodybuilding video not too long ago I said I notice whenever I post on Instagram whatever I post if it's cosplay if it's food pictures of my doll I hash tag bodybuilding that I kind of looked back on my Instagram and I was like wait this is absolutely nothing to do with bodybuilding why would a hashtag in bodybuilding so I decided to check out the hashtag bodybuilding page and find what other people are asked tagging bodybuilding that have nothing to do with bodybuilding and I found that a lot of us just do the same [ __ ] oh I cursed like cursed the monetization your mu YouTube whatever it's gone now I can curse the rest of the video it feels good to be free so I personally thought that the video was just fun loving and fun and light-hearted and just something that we all could laugh about I could personal laugh at the fact that I hash tag bodybuilding when I post a picture of my dog already I can laugh at the fact that decided to cosplay as a little bomb from Mari give it a hashtag bodybuilding I have it the fact that it's not bodybuilding I'm dressed up as a character that's not real it's not bodybuilding and if someone pulled me out I would probably just laugh that's not probably I would just laugh because I think it's a known fact that most people kind of hashtag things I have nothing to do with the picture and I think it's just funny to realize it laugh about it and go on about our day well someone doesn't feel that way though someone felt personally attacked that I didn't call her picture hashtag bodybuilding and she decided to tell me so before I read these I just want to say that I have never excelled with anyone that was so mad at me except for Omar Umar whatever his name is for my last Instagram video story except for him but I've never really felt what's on I was so upset that I never insulted if you watch the video I literally just read her quote said that she was destined for gain and said that face selfies weren't hash tag bodybuilding unless you are super iconic bodybuilder or fitness model because we don't know who you are and then I took a fake selfie of myself and said I'm a no bot and this chick felt personally attacked by that so let's see if you guys understand this because I am personally just confused oh and one more thing before we get to those messages I just wanted to say I put everybody's name in the video men and women news I was just a fun natured video I didn't say anything bad about anyone I thought they were all the few pics but still funny that they hashtag bodybuilding you guys didn't see the puppy I put in there complain but he is hashtag bodybuilding stats with puppy muscles and - I put their names in because they're all public profiles hashed hiding bodybuilding and wanting to gain a following okay if you want a following than you wants attention like I said in the first video if you are looking for a following and you're on social media then you're going to get good and bad I get it all the time remember that girls that I need hand surgery because my hands are weird I personally don't think I said anything bad or degrading to women but she felt completely differently even though she says that she's not offended or triggered but yet she constantly accepts messaging me so let's get to reading thanks for mentioning me in your YouTube video I didn't know there was a trademark on using the hashtag bodybuilding flat-faced destined to make sick games [ __ ] you need to sit down with your jealous ass you're obviously insecure so I responded you're welcome and I'm guessing you missed the beginning of the video and just went to the exact spot that I talked about you I take it that you are used to people only praising you and you take any type of seoulite criticism as heat and it causes an immediate reaction to call the other person names I can't speak for you but you calling me a [ __ ] and that I'm obviously insecure implies that but you can always explain us to why on a finish I'm always open to hear criticism when it comes to myself and that's literally what I think happened I think someone messaged her and said hey you're in this video haha you're not ashtag body build oh god her whole world is over because someone said that you're not hashtag body built and her someone who's not used to having anything but positive feedback instantly went to this YouTube channel didn't even watch the video forward at the video until she saw one of her pictures listen to that small 45 seconds clip that I did of her and instantly reacted without even really bossing the whole thing and probably thought that I was full on just insulting her and just for anyone who has not seen the video I will insert that clip really quick right now selfie bodybuilding is all about showing skin like we're not going to build muscle through here you've gotta gotta like show it the shoulder or like a quad a quad a calf unless you're like Phil Heath or some other popular type bodybuilder physique competitor figure competitor where we all know your face because you're an icon when you're just like a random person like me in the new hashtag bodybuilding on a selfie and people are just kind of like but let's read the caption and see I feel like I'm destined I'm guessing Dustin's and make but I'm not too sure oh not even one insult but let's see how she decided to react because who takes time out of their day to search through hashtags and say rude things about someone else especially another email I'm not used to anyone praising me but if I want to use hashtag bodybuilding on a picture what's it CPU then to say I'm destined for the games lol question mark question mark and mature you need to grow up and be a woman instead of acting like a middle school girl so before I read my response them for that first question that she asked me um a lot of people and I would think that she would want people to look through certain hashtags because that's how you get noticed on Instagram that's how I noticed her and that's all the people that freezes her on her Instagram noticed her eye response number one youtubers - what exactly did I say was root three I'm not sure what a female has to do with it I don't exclude people just because they are female or there were men in the video bye you say you aren't used to anyone praising you but I'm sure if I go through your page there are a ton of people who do praise you who most likely never received a personal message from you calling them a [ __ ] six I never said that you can't use hashtag bodybuilding that makes them more apparent that you only listen to your section of the video because I said I'd do the same thing seven immature girl your immediate reaction was to call me a [ __ ] that's what middle schoolers do [Music] I am so sorry I screwed that up it's high schoolers that do that Thank You Mean Girls for always always letting us know it's high schoolers immediate reaction to call the other person a [ __ ] when they have absolutely nothing else to say because they are reacting off of pure emotion instead of logical miss it's a word look at a youtubers take out of their day to search through hashtags so they can talk about people no that's what someone is being a [ __ ] does which is why I clunky that CC talked about people on social media is a [ __ ] move and if that's the only way you get views and I truly feel bad for you I said female because all the women I know wouldn't think twice about making videos like you do but you clearly have no respect for anyone or yourself your videos are all about making fun of people are calling people out what kind of life is that my immediate reaction wasn't immature but I don't know you kind disagreement because you capitalized this so I had to do with justice nor have I ever heard of you and I wake up with someone telling me I'm in your video and you're saying I guess she's destined for gains I told you that one triggered her I'm not sure why that triggered her her caption on the picture that I was looking at said I feel like I'm destined and she hashtag bodybuilding so I said I guess she's destined for gains it actually makes a lot of sense I guess she's destined for the gains or whatever joke you tried to make there I know I'm an athletic person so I ain't que what you were trying to get us fat with that one lol I'm just annoyed that I'm on a petty YouTube channel whoa so you can read my response right here but I was gonna pretty much say what I said in the message I told her that's okay that you feel that way we're all completely entitled to our opinions and feelings but unfortunately she does have an open profile she's obviously trying to get more followers see that about 10,000 followers and she's hashtag certain things she obviously wants a following she also has an open or public profile so with that being said people are always going to respond to your content on Instagram to get if you want a following that's what's going to happen it's not going to be everyone praising me and I pretty much ended it with if this is something that really triggers you and me saying that a selfie is not hashtag bodybuilding and that really hurt your feelings Instagram probably isn't the place for you it's only gonna get worse the more people that fully once again do I need to bring up the person that critiques my hand Ella really took that comment and responded with thanks girl and what about my day could you imagine if I let that comment just get to me I'm not triggered by you saying my selfie wasn't hashtag bodybuilding I am a [ __ ] bodybuilder and I used the same hash tags on everything lol didn't know that was a crime or that you had ownership of hashtags laughy's Instagram isn't the place for trolls like you laugh my ass off and once again it's not a crime and once again if you actually watched the video you would see I do the same thing I use the same hashtags for everything a fast-track body building on my dog pictures I literally called myself out I don't own the hash tag never said I did but anyway we're getting nowhere with this you said your opinion the video is up you can try to report it if you feel so strongly about the situation but the way you're acting I don't feel bad about it normal I feel bad when I post another video and here we are you're embarrassing I mean I do do a lot of things that other people would probably be embarrassed about but my confidence is pretty high I tend to not care so just to clear that up I'm not embarrassed by the last video nor am i embarrassed about this video I feel nothing nope that's a lie I feel confused you're embarrassing lol go dress up as more cartoon character then maybe try on a troll for your next look Oh burn she's got me oh wait oh wait oh right to the heart OH if anybody knows any troll characters I can dress up as that might just be a future cosplay possibility so I respond with will do and she has a little crying face probably laughing emojis can't wait to see it and then I liked and that was that and now we're here so once again what I think happened is someone messaged her like she said and said you know I are in this video and she clicked on the video saw the thumbnail title calling out into the models saw that it was a pretty long video and said this I don't have time for this scrolled through the whole video until she got to her picture listen to her little 45 second quit instantly thought the video was just trashing into the models or other people in the fitness industry which it wasn't and so we decided to message me calling me a [ __ ] which I definitely think that all of us probably do some pretty [ __ ] moves but I think in this case I didn't you guys know how I am I was totally owned up for me being a [ __ ] but in this case I don't personally think that I was no I didn't want to read a quote from our Instagram that I thought was pretty interesting giving the messages that she decided to send me and it was under her bikini competition picture which I have to say it looks freakin amazing lean as hell I just wanted to say that because I think that she thinks but I'm hating on her because she's pretty or because she's muscular or because she has big boobs I don't know I think they're nice boobs it's not any of that and I don't personally think that I hated on her - I just said it wasn't hashtag bodybuilding this is hashtag bodybuilding let's read that quote surround yourself with people who add value to your life who challenged you to be greater than you were yesterday so explain that she would even say that because to be a better person you have to be able to take criticism and this girl couldn't even take like jokingly type of criticism once again if you cannot handle someone saying that a selfie of your face is not hashtag bodybuilding then I'm not sure how much you're going to be able to handle if someone really decides to criticize you your personality your looks all the other pictures your muscles you will not have a good time on Instagram she says she feels bad for me and totally fine I have the worst absolute why insecure I hate myself I don't have a job what else my dog ran away from me Yoshi she ran she was done with my [ __ ] so she's totally right I'm just an insecure sad individual I would have an even worse life if I couldn't just sit back and laugh at myself and I feel bad for her and people like her that can't sit back and just laugh at themselves I mean how do you have fun so right now in the comments section please tell me if all things just a complete [ __ ] to her and I will see you guys in the next video oh by the way August again not one of you have guests a cosplay that I'm doing for my first it's convention I gave you guys so many hints and not one person got it yet tear your minds to come to get more hints I am gonna shout out the person that actually guesses correctly but we are doing an animate theme YouTube video right here on the 30th and I will be wearing my outfit for you so you still have time to guess correctly so remember you don't have to be a size two that's are great to have but they are not needed to be healthy and remember if you're gonna be on Instagram and you want a following and an open profile you're going to have to deal with C razors and the critics we all do remember hand surgery someone said I needed hand surgery bye guys hey guys I just wanted to shout out andp body building again from my first video he ended up seeing the video sharing it and laughing about it he reached out and I followed him awesome dude if you're interested in bodybuilding give him a follow and enjoy the hashtag bodybuilding [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 151,898
Rating: 4.9646683 out of 5
Keywords: triggered insta models, calling out insta models, caling out bodybuilders, calling out fitness models, angry insta models, michelle mcdaniel, reading comments, angry comments, funny comments, my thoughts will probably offend you
Id: r_8pPEa5nzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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