Fat Positive Women Were NICE to Me (What??)

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please welcome back to them now I feel completed and able to move on with the video hello YouTube welcome back to my channel my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug a past the intern or gone a grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you are I share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because whenever you share your thoughts someone takes it personally and a half's to make sure that you know why you're wrong in a very lengthy paragraph in the comment section so if there's anything offending you right now today at this very moment let us know in the comment section this is the place to do it and while you are down there you might as well hit that subscribe button because I post one to two times a week usually two but sometimes three okay so remember this video that I posted just reading from people who hatched AG world obesity day world obesity day is basically just bringing awareness of the dangers of obesity and trying to get people to be more active and eat healthier and the fat positive movements printed it told all the members of their fat positive crew to hijack and take back the hashtag and show everyone how amazing how liberating and how cool being fat is and so I decided to read a lot of the posts under the hashtag world obesity day and one of the girls saw that she was in the video and we're ready to fight and a friend of hers had the audacity the audacity to get on my Instagram mine by mine mine my Instagram in my comment section and let me know how she felt about me including her friend in my hateful video and the original girl that I used in my video actually decide as a slip and slide in my inbox and she was extremely nice so was her friend so I wanted to make sure to share and capture these interactions on my youtube channel because we're always so drowned with the drama around with people getting upset and we don't show enough of people from different groups who don't have the same beliefs slightly come together and you know be cordial to each other so it'll be nice that's what I'm trying to say just being a bunch of nice people who have different opinions and I'm here to share it we're talking about today is this girl that I use at the end of my video so let's do a little recap here we're old obesity days all that fat phobia [ __ ] it all right off being fat does not mean unhealthy take your BMI skill and shove it right up your [ __ ] god damn you guys so let's see what her friend had to say you featured a wonderfully talented friend of mine in this cruel video and it's really sad to me that you have to put others down for YouTube views I'm sure you can come up with loads of other topics to talk about on your channel without attempting to make strangers feel bad please consider this have a good day so nothing horrible and these are the kind of comments that I usually like to respond to she didn't call me any names she didn't attack my looks today today I have a Squidward nose like someone decided to tell me before and so when I get comments like this I always try to reply because I think it's important to also reply to the the people that don't agree with you so basically all I said is can you point out you know pinpoint exact time frames of where exactly I was cruel in the video and I basically said I don't even think that you watched it and have a good day I didn't watch the video you are beautiful and charismatic and if you were just making personal training videos it would be fabulous but to film a whole video to make examples of people regarding their bodies is just cruel to me you don't have to invite other people to critique other women and so basically what I said in this super long paragraph that I responded with I said you know thanks for the compliments but if we're gonna have to agree to disagree because these are public posts and they hashtagged a certain group of words where they obviously wanted other people to see it and she also said that no comment that if it was only personal training videos on my channel then it would be fabulous and that kind of confused me because as a personal trainer I advocate against obesity I do not believe in health at every size so I'm doing exactly what personal trainers should be doing advocating for health rather than these extremes I find it very interesting when I talk about obesity than people all of a sudden want to come on my page and say how horrible it is to critique these women's bodies but when I talk about being too thin and everyone's yep she's right I also said that a lot of these people think that I'm talking about beauty but once again we are talking about health and everyone talks about any of the other features on these women's bodies and I say any of the other features because I also think that saying something like oh you shouldn't open critique to him his bodies or you shouldn't you know judge people's bodies that's I feel like that's such a cop-out because obesity is what you look like right you can't talk about obesity without talking about someone's body and the fat positive people are the body positive people whatever they want to call themselves know this and they know that's an easy way to play victim I got completely understand if I made fun of you know her tattoos or piercings or if I made fun of someone you know their face or something no this is purely about weight and help just like if we were talking about anorexic individuals I wouldn't be talking about their personality or their you know other features it would be all about the health and their weight because their weight is significantly low and then finally she said that you shouldn't talk about people you don't know and I said well then that's very odd there would be absolutely no content at all there'd be no news people shouldn't talk about the president we all don't know him personally we don't know him I know my ass doesn't I don't want to get anywhere near him oh my god you're gonna make it a political thing now good lord when in reality I just don't want to be around people content but in all seriousness it's all content creators only talked about people that they personally knew YouTube the news shows would be very boring and that's not realistic and I'm sure every single one of you have talked about someone that you don't know people talk about me all the time I know about like what four people and a Yoshi so I said all of that and she says I wanted to say something in defense of my friend as I'm sure you would for yours too however I cannot speak on their behalf and I know they have made a response loss reach out to you for a discussion this topic is close to home for me as I run a night in London and our entire ethos is acceptance of different kinds of bodies and my friend in question is one of our four performers they really are incredible on stage I feel that making a video like this invites criticism and mocking from strangers who otherwise wouldn't have seen the body positive posts which is apparent from this comment section alone however I just like to say that I agree with you and that it's important to include muscular women in the body positive movement I imagine how hard you work to get your incredible figure you deserve all the praise for it and muscle can definitely be feminine acceptance for a woman of all kind and I pretty much knew what she was doing her friend got called out in a video and you know how videos are a lot of people do make a mean spirited videos and they don't mean it from a good place they mean it from you know they want to hurt this person's feelings and I don't mean that in any of my videos I do love to joke around I mean in my family we get roasted daily but most of my jokes are very like light-hearted Cartoon Network 90s Nickelodeon mix and with some anime type jokes but I can understand what seeing my title I'm a fitness person you probably think that I'm just gonna bash everything about him but I also told her I'd have to agree to disagree because if someone took one of my friends pictures or even my picture and you know did some kind of response things you good lord what is going on I mean water all the water in the stores are gone anyway current events and all of that if someone took my picture even someone that's just on the Internet regular old person and they took their picture and they constructively criticize them or even was rude to them they full-on have the right to do that because once you post anything on the internet it is public if you post anything on the internet that is what invites criticism you can be the nicest person and you're gonna get criticized and anyone who decided to hashtag that you know phrase on the day that it was supposed to be for and you know other people should know that there is a chance that someone is going to criticize them just like when I hashtag body positivity on my post I'm like my fitness post sometimes people from the body-positive community say - tag that that's ours you don't meet that hashtag because you're muscular and no one ever judges your body no one calls you a man no one ever said anything to you it's just about me cuz I'm fat and then I said I don't know why you're bringing up her performance because I have never said that obese woman cannot I'm taking it that they dance or do some kind of like something that I probably can't do some kind of hanging thing handstand something like that and I have always said that I have obese clients that whoop ass in the gym they completely outperform a lot of my thin clients but my think plans I just they can't even hold a five-pound dumbbell sometimes some of them walk up the stairs and our huffing and puffing it is crazy that I got my big people just like flying up the stairs so I told her I'm not too sure why bringing up the performance thing whatever they do on stage they can probably do a million bajillion times better than me and then she just comes back and says well thank you for the super civil discussion if only all online debates could go this way take care and that was it from the friend it was a very like nice discussion I like woke up to that comment I was like oh god here we go Michelle if you respond she gonna blow up because that's usually what happened she did it she was so sweet so nice super sweet so then after I told this girl that I never got a message I never got anything I don't know what what you guys are talking about it get anything I don't even think I got tagged in anything apparently there is a video but I didn't see the video but then I got a message from the girl we went back and forth just talking and her first message it was extremely sweet she was complimenting Yoshi she was saying she loves doggies she was just a very nice person she said she's always up for a discussion and I was like wow she's really nice completely different from what I read from that from the but from the vibe God can I not talk today from the vibe from that post that I saw and I was like oh my gosh that's so nice I'm so happy that you reached out to me I've been wanting to talk to someone since I started YouTube from that specific group I was almost extremely excited but a little worried that it wouldn't work out because I don't have a lot of the time that I had before now it's like I'm always just busy and she said that she lives in London so I was like dang it that's gonna make it even harder to work this out I was very determined to make it work because I used her in a video she was extremely nice you know at least through messages would be a perfect light-hearted discussion not debate of two people from two different worlds you can still come together and speak like average fairly normal adults so I asked her what times work best for you and then I got a cramp because I was on my period which wasn't that bad this time you guys if you missed my post I'll update you guys but it wasn't horrible but I felt a cramp and that's when I just want to lay down relax breathe and wait for it to go away just in case it got bad and so it went away and I went back to my phone and all of a sudden I'm blah I don't see her messages I will see her paid nothing so I don't really know what happened maybe there was some kind of miscommunication and she is when it talked to me and she got the idea that she was gonna be on my channel she was like wait that's not what I was signing up for and she just maybe she didn't know how to tell me which is completely fine we could've just talked he could have just told me if that was the issue or maybe she saw a video she was like oh hell no I'm talking to this and she hates me so I don't know I didn't want to share this and say thank you to her friend and her I think her name's actually please if that's the reason that you hate me for getting your name wrong don't because I'm really bad at names pay me for a good reason because of my content I'm buns that she blocked me because I didn't want to talk to her whether it was it live or just discussion so that I could understand her and her world more but that's obviously not what she wants which is completely okay but I wanted to share this with everybody she's extremely sweet from what I saw from the messages and if a few of you guys actually follow her and saw the post and said that's so different from how she normally for trees herself so I'm really happy that she reached out and I wanted to make sure to share this and kind of follow up from my last video so that everyone knows that there are people out there in both sides if that's what you want to call I'm not too sure what side I'm on I don't feel like I'm in the fitness community I'm more of a regular old person straight who offed his only cartoon in 90 day fiancé and love after Locker but there are people out there that can speak in a civilized manner that have different opinions and I really love the interaction I wanted to say thank you to those ladies and make sure that you guys all see the positive as well so if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to hit that subscribe button let me know in the comment section what you think and I will see you guys next time I think we have a video coming out tomorrow so I'll see you guys tomorrow or the next day or the next day or whenever I get done editing it okay kiss kiss kiss take her on a free stay healthy and pet your dog okay bye you see the trippy unfitted up in my car in the kitty do you secure the bike you know you see the drippy unfitted and my karma kitty secured to Mikey I get to bust open on the flexor stretch [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 115,205
Rating: 4.9754348 out of 5
Keywords: fat positive, body positive, body positivity, fat positive workout, my thoughts, my thoughts will probably offend you, michelle mcdaniel, michelle mcdaniel workout, responding to fat chicks, health, healthy, fitness
Id: BU02el_GZ44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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