MY FAVORITE ICE GUARDIAN CASTER BUILD (Sorcerer/Wizard) for Baldur's Gate 3

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plate armor is always fun to wear but what if you could be an absolute moving tank but also be a fully functional spellcaster in this video today we're going to focus on those elements to deliver a character that uses a lot of the defensive capabilities of heavy armor but also leans into a lot of the really nasty reactive armor spells you can get from both Wizard and sorcerer we'll also be leaning very heavily on the ice element for this build deriving tons of ways to have a lot of fun with it across our items as well this is a little more of a complicated build but I wanted to get wild with a plate wearing spellcaster I'm currently working on a nurgle champion build from Warhammer so let me know in the comments below if that interested if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said we'll be starting out with one level into fighter just to give us that juicy heavy armor from there we'll be building out five levels into wizard with abjuration and six levels into sorcerer with draconic ancestry this is kind of a tricky setup so we'll be going with a few levels of sorcerer first then pivoting into the wizard back and forth essentially we want to get ice damage online as fast as possible but also supplement a lot of what we're trying to do with that ice damage as well as our survivability the original concept for this was using warlock but I decided to really lean into the casting portion of this rather than doing going with warlock and if that's all you wanted to know then please feel free to shut the video down and get started with creating your Frosty Boy before you head out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things helps me out in a huge way I currently have something like 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that interest you the most using the chapters and with the timeline in the description and if you need help with any other subject in bers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video let's get started here on the frost Guardian mage build in balers Gate 3 jumping into character creation have fun choose whatever race you wish to go with um as a spellcaster and just as a general fan of d and d d is is always my go-to for a lot of races um I like the ability to cast darkness and all the fun things that come with this as well as the proficiency that I get with I believe it's Insight did I get it uh yeah the perception it's perception that you get for being a Dr you can go ahead and go with any of the uh high or elf I'm sorry you can choose a half elf or an elf and go with the high variant of both not to mean that you smoke the ganja but that you can go ahead and jump into a high half elf to take advantage of the can trips we'll be focusing on Ray of frost and you're going to be able to get that through both of our classes so I wouldn't really worry about it but it's always nice to have additional canant trips and since we will be focusing on both intelligence and uh Charisma don't worry about the casting uh spell casting ability of this canant trip because we'll be getting both so you'll be just fine the wood elf is always great just for that increase movement speed if you want it but you can go even just with a basic human to get increased um Carry capacity halfling with the lucky capability is always good GI are always one of my favorite characters especially for spellcasters but all the benefits that we get as the GI we're really going to take advantage of just because we're starting as a fighter right all these proficiencies we're just going to get the nice thing though with the GI is there's plenty of armor and items and everything that is unique to the GI only which you would have to cast disguise self on to take advantage if you were not a gift so keep those things in mind um teelings as well as the asmodus or the me mephistophiles teelings are both very good because of the cantrips that they get are quite good for spellcasters and it's nice too the tling has a natural resistance to fire damage which in my opinion is the most prevalent damage in the game but I'm focusing on the dragon born for this namely the white dragon born I don't showcase dragon born or I I don't feel like dragon born get enough love because they really don't have any race features like they don't get any special proficiencies or anything like that which I think kind of really hamstrings them unfortunately but they're so godamn cool looking and the white dragon born gives us a frost breath attack now this frost breath breath not breast breath attack will scale with our levels now as of like patch two so this will get stronger as we play in addition to we have draconic ancestry so you are resistant to cold damage not really that integral here because I think cold damage is probably I think as far as the prevalence of damage in the game fire and poison are by far the most prevalent uh with cold being probably one of the least prevalent damage types from my personal experience uh so kind of take that with a grain of salt we're not really caring about the resistance here so much as just having another frost breath attack we're going to start as a fighter and again that's just to give us this heavy armor proficiency remember if we have a Proficiency in something we have we do not impose disadvantage in our attack roles which we don't care about but you can cast spells with that proficiency and as a fighter we get access to Second wi I had thought about starting as a paladin but then you have to be you have to worry about the Oaths and those Oaths you can just break willy-nilly it's not really that big of a deal but for me it just kind of felt like kind of too much of a gamey approach to the game like oh yeah you're a paladin but disregard it I didn't like that Approach at least as a fighter I could see it making sense to multiclass and not have to worry about an oath even though it's still kind of game in its own right you could go with Ranger too and pick up uh Ranger Knight to pick to also Grant you um heavy weapon or heavy armor you can do that if you want also there's an option for cleric if you wanted to go that route just to get you some heavy armor through uh the three domains I think it's Life Light uh nature and knowledge are your ones oh no it's nature and War are the ones that give you uh access to and since we're not putting any levels into this it doesn't really matter I like fighter because of the fighting style we get of Defense you gain plus one bonus to armor class while wearing armor and we are going to focus on wearing heavy armor build your background here please as I always say choose something that makes sense for The Narrative of the character you've created are you a former soldier that has found their way to the kind of Arcane arts or tapped into the draconic ancestry as part of your sorcerous capabilities to use your innate spell casting are you some sort of sorceress Outlander who comes into town and and learns the the the not Divine uh the the Arcane Arts to jump into a little bit of Wizardry whatever it is choose a background that makes sense for the character you're playing because it'll make playing that character far more fun it'll make choosing those decisions far more relied upon the decisions rather than just simply M maxing now if you don't want to do that you just want an easy one to pick Guild Artisan is always my go-to insight and persuasion are two of your more prevalent skill choices that you're going to make in the game and I like just having them taken care of now when it comes to those skill skills too you can put points into acrobatics or Athletics if you so wish this is going to help you Athletics is going to help you with resisting anytime you get shoved now also you already will have persuasion and insight if you go with Guild Artisan skip animal handling because it's basically used if you're not going to use speak with animals and there's so many ways to get speak with animals I would I would pretty much ignore it and if you want to not go with an evil character like I find intimidation can be kind of more along the evil line of things uh I really like picking up perception and then maybe intimidation or Athletics depending upon how I want my character to kind of fit into the world I'm playing and the character I'm playing so let's now talk about abilities so I don't I don't this this got all messed up but we're going to clear this so here's how our abilities are going to work here we are going to be a sorcerer and a wizard and we are also going to wear heavy armor so we really don't actually need dexterity we're going to put it to 10 and keep it there and we're going to bring up this both to 16 this allows us to maximize our casting from intelligence and Charisma we're going to really focus on being more of a sorcerer spellcaster but having those wizard levels and having the wizard levels at a certain rate allows us to tap into that abjurer ability which will basically give us an Arcane Ward we're not necessarily focusing on casting as a wizard we now have access to every single cold spell though as a wizard and since we're doing both Wizard and sorcerer we're going to have up to level six spells we're covering pretty much the whole gamut here Constitution though we're going to bring up to 14 we're going to hang out there and bring our wisdom up to 10 this way we don't suffer any penalties for anyone who cast stuff like charm person and the such and our constitution is going to be increased by armor and other sorts of things so don't worry about it too much but this is going to be your stat setup for this um if you if you did want to go that warlock route rather than going the wizard route that I talked about you pretty much would swap them one to one you'd go five warlock instead of five wizard you could unfortunately since we're not using pretty much any other stat you can take that intelligence and put it wherever you want and honestly putting into strength isn't terrible because even though you're not using any actual melee weapons it's nice to have carry capacity in my in my opinion but this is what the stats would look like for your character let's jump into some progression all right for the progression for this build let's jump into level two um now there is a variation where you can actually go up to level two fighter and take one level away from Wizard this would give you more action and as a sorcerer you can convert some of your actions you can convert your spell actions into bonus actions instead right where it uses a bonus action where the primary action so you can kind of go a little crazy with your action uh economy if you want to go this route but we're going to instead jump a level here into Sorcerer And this is going to unlock draconic bloodline the primary use of draconic bloodline is once we get to level six with it it's going to increase our damage with a specific element that is aligned with our draconic ancestor by our Charisma modifier passively it doesn't cost us anything it's always going to do that additional damage so right now as it stands our charisma's set to plus three so it's always going to do three additional damage and we'll be able to take advantage of this through a lot of other routs so the dragon ancestor we're going to go with is coincidentally white the same color of our dragon born that we were talking about and this gives us armor of agathis and it is why I decided to go with a sorcerer uh and draconic uh whatever the hell it's called ancestor versus going with originally Warlock and wizard pled so uh you've got this right here for armor of agathys this is going to give us temp hit points and cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack we're going to really lean into that melee attack portion and you just choose whichever one of these makes sense for you like that bluish one fashion Souls is always the most important thing right and with our spells we're going to focus on these two ice knife because it's an ice damage spell and then chromatic orb which can be a ice spell right you can choose whatever element you want and then for our cantrips we're going to swap all these off we're definitely getting Ray of frost we're going to pick up friends assuming that no one else has it blade Ward is always a really good one you take half the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks then you can pick up whatever you'd like after that you know um light if you want invisible b or Illusion if you want to do that uh acid Splash whatever you really want to go with even just having something like Firebolt unfortunately we don't have a way to create water as our canri we would use one of our Druid or our cleric to create water to make things wet to give our uh Ray of frost increased damage so let's just go with acid Splash because I'm just going to click something here that's going to go ahead and complete our first level now we're going to get one One More Level into wizard here and this just kind of unlocks things a little bit for us we want to uh push into let's go ahead and clean off some of these spells our canant trips here could be a lot of the it's a lot of the same it's the same in list canant trips so we can pick other stuff just pick those and our spells list here we already have the ones that we want with ice knife and with chromatic orb so now let's pick up some of the ones that are going to really help us like Shield which is an abjuration spell Mage Armor which we don't actually need increases Armor class to 13 because uh you need this a Target can't be wearing armor in the beginning of the game maybe you aren't so this is okay to pick up at the very beginning so don't really worry about it if you if you don't uh Basha idious laughter is always a good one protection from evil and good uh fog Cloud can be good for blinding Stuff charm person is always lovely uh long Shredder is great cuz it's a ritual spell so you can cast it on your entire party one at a time without actually using the spell slot so we're we're going to do that and we're going to bring one more level here into wizard to get us the school of abjuration so the residual magic of your spells forms a ward around you that protects you from harm every time you cast an abjuration spell whatever its level will is it'll give you Arcane Ward up to a Max of two times your wizard level so we're going to stop here at wizard level two once we've since we've unlocked that we'll get magic Missile cuz it's nice um um you can use lightning to kind of couple stuff with things that are wet and have some fun with it so we'll go with something very basic like that so that is our wizard stuff taken care of also too uh abjuration spells are a little bit cheaper so that uh putting those abjuration spells into your spell book will be cheaper by half right so rather than costing 50 gold per level it's now 25 so that is the convoluted part now we're going to PIV it back to sorcerer you could you could go ahead and keep doing wizard just to get your uh your spells unlocked but I really with with with sorcerer want to start leaning into a lot of the fun passives we're going to get access to right so we can go ahead and pick up Shield again if we wanted but we're not going to do that um let's go ahead and pick up you know what we'll go with Thunder Wave one one now our passives here are going to give us meta magic so allies automatically succeed saving throws against spells that require them distant spells Al increase the range of your spells by 50% I do like that one extend spells double the duration of conditions summons and surfaces caused by spells which actually can be quite beneficial in this build and then twin spell costs one sorcery Point per spell per spell slot level used cans also cost one sorcery Point basically we're choosing additional Target that is what we're going to go with and we're just going to level up our sorcerer now all the way to level six that's the big kind of push Point here unfortunately at level two or I'm sorry level two spell SPS there's no real big actual um spells that are going to do ice damage that's okay we can just kind of uh hold the line here in the meantime stuff like darkness is still very good uh invisibility is always kind of nice Missy step is a great Mobility spell one of my favorite in the whole game uh shatter is always a really strong Thunder spell actually having something like gust of wh which allows you just to knock things around is also very nice in general enhance ability is nice you gain advantage on ability checks with a chosen an ability just go with whatever makes sense for the build you have in mind and your surrounding party members right you really want to make this work for you not just simply go okay well this might help out here or that might help out there just kind of do what's going to help you out in this specific situation or the build and party you have in mind I'll go with myy step remember two you have level two wizard so you're able to scribe your wizard spells and use them with all of your available wizard your spell slots so you're not locked into anything which is quite nice now with meta magic here uh we get our increased our our additional metamagic Ones cast spells while silenced Quicken spells uh spells that cost an action cost a bonus action instead guess what that's what we're going to go with but then you have uh oh we already saw that one so we're going to go with quick and spell and accept that and you'll notice you're going to be a little bit behind the power curve and that's okay that's just going to be fine you'll you'll you'll make it I promise uh you again choose a can trip whichever one you wish we'll go with just that one and for spells here you darkness is good one now we get to talk about Beats and this can be pretty tricky because we're only going to get two Feats in this build so you can go with a really solid one like ability Improvement and increase your charisma to help out with all of your sorcerer capabilities um in this case I believe the game will choose the higher of the two um when it comes to your spell casting capability but do not quote me on that I've I've heard a lot lot of conflicting things across the board another really big one is Elemental adapt cold now this doesn't have the same effect as level four level six sorcerer right this allows us though in addition when you deal cold damage with a spell you cannot roll a one this makes it so that we almost can never autof fail a cold spell really helps us out when we kind of hinge upon that cold damage which is really nice both of those are really cool if you want to become even more disgusting with your heavy armor you could do something like heavy armor here right where you're even more tanky cuz remember even though we're picking these spells up the whole point of this build is to be very tanky and a lot of that tankiness comes with a lot of the items we're going to talk about here in just a little bit but um those three are really really solid choices here you can even jump into something like magic initiate with Druid and get yourself access to that's produce flame huh there there it is create or destroy water but call forth rain or destroy a water-based surface this is actually really good because this enables us the chance to use water on demand and this will thus give us the ability to make things wet and things are wet they're considered vulnerable mean they take double damage to cold spells so this is actually a really great way to dip into that if you'd really like to um you can go with just a good old fashioned spell sniper here give you access to ELD blast if you so wish and it makes it so that you're going to crit hit on a 19 or a 20 all these are really great lucky is always a really solid one here again go with whatever makes sense for the build you have in mind I'm just going to go with something very simple ability Improvement here to give us increased Charisma and we can really stack that Charisma but on to the further progression of this build we jump into sorcerer level five get more spells now we can jump into something like counter spell which is a really great ability um but you can also do something like sleet storm which is not even though it looks like ice it's not an actual ice capability right call forth a storm that disrupts the concentration of spellcasters dces fire and creates an ice surface this can create an ice surface but like I said it doesn't do ice damage so keep that in mind if you want to go with something like that uh haste is an amazing ability I really really love it so this was a really good one to pick up if you wish having this ability to fly also very strong counter spell is great keep in mind though like I said any of the things that are not on this list you're like well I kind of wanted to tap tap into something like that you'll be able to get access to it through all the wizard spells you can scribe into your spell book don't worry if you don't pick up the right thing here especially because remember Sorcerers are locked into their spells they have to change their spells through this capability here right so don't feel as locked in as you normally would as a sorcerer let's just go asleep uh okay whatever and then our last level into sorcerer here brings us to level six but now it gives us this the elemental Affinity resistance when you cast a spell that deals damage at the type associated with the draconic ancestry hint cold you can spend one sorcery point to gain resistance to that damage type and then this when you cast a spell that deals damage of the type associated with your draconic ancestry you add your charisma modifier to the damage no doesn't cost it's just there it it this this costs you a sorcery point this is just on that is the big Focus here with sorcerer and for our spells again we'll just choose I'll go with sleet storm there and press accept and I got this level character to finally level 12 so we can have fun with that going back into wizard again just choose other spells here have some fun choose whatever kind of makes sense for the build you have in mind hold person's always really good h of dagger is actually a surprisingly good ability for as simple as it seems um but you can go some like knock if you wanted to if you don't have anyone that's going to pop up and locks for you another can trip as you can see we are filled to the brim with canny trips let's go ahead with oh it doesn't matter there we go spells I like that I have a again I have this really cool idea for a nurgle champion and I'm just stuck in all sorts of different um ways to do acid damage for the build so just some defensive capabilities are illusion spells uh you're there's not a whole ton of early abjuration spells so the big abjuration spells we're going to be using are stuff like Mage Armor armor of aath and shield there's also another big one so don't worry we'll talk about that one in a little bit um I'm going to go we already picked up our improv abilities I me we could even do that again put us up to 20 maybe I'll just do that to to show off more damage for this build uh we have a druid that can or cleric that can cast create water for us so maybe we just go into Elemental adep nah let's just really focus on going off a lot of that Charisma damage and our last level here or Wizard and the the only reason I chose level five for Wizard is just to increase my uh total amount of spell levels if you wanted to go to Fighter for Wizard you could absolutely do that it just and it would keep you uh it would you just would lose your six level spell so that's worth noting if you wanted to go that route um we can pick up haste which we did not pick up before Glyph of warding is really good here because Glyph of warding can be ice I'm going to go with Glyph of warding in this case um stuff like ice storm and stuff like that although we can't get it from this list we can just simply scribe the spell into our spell book we have access to that uh one of the there it is protection from energy touch a creature to granted resistance to that one of these elements which would then in turn give me Arcane Ward is transportation just to choose another abjuration there we go now that we've completely leveled up our character let's have some fun and talk about how all these things come together before we take a look at the actual equipment let's talk about what the capabilities of what we can do now that we are this massive sorcerer wizard Mage thing and what we can really do is have a lot of fun with our sorcery points right we have all of these cool metamagic abilities distance spell twin spell uh even Quicken spell to kind of bounce back and forth between action and bonus action and we can use these sorcery points too to replenish some of our spell slots and even further we can use spell slots to give us sorcery points which is one of the best things about being a sorcerer outside of that though we have also Arcane recovery since we only have three Arcane recovery charges that's kind of also why we went to level five level four wizard would only give us two this gives us three so we can use these to replenish a level three a level two and a level one three level ones whatever combination we want to do but this at least keeps these three kind of online for us and also we get Arcane Ward so this right here your Arcane Ward blocks damage equal to its charges and then loses one charge casting abjuration spells will add charges equal to the level of the spell this gives us a lot of tank ability a lot of tank ability so I can go ahead and cast armor of agathis here I could even boost this bad boy up level 30 so gain I'm sorry level six wow gain level gain 30 temporary hit points and deal 30 cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack keep in mind of course you can only have temp hit points from One Source let's just go ahead and use a level three cast of this it's going to give us five Temp and we do 15 coold Dam or 15 Temp and 15 coold damage and that gives us five Arcane Ward keep in mind because we are using Arcane Ward we can have this go up to 10 so if I were to cast this again it would last and nice thing with armor athus is it lasts until long rest which is always really good and we can have a lot of fun with that of course we can't cast stuff like Mage Armor and blade Ward even though it's an abdur cantrip it will not help here watch it's a level zero spell and so you can't get anything out of a level zero spell so those things are are worth keeping in mind now another big thing though of course being a wizard we can jump over here and even though we are only relegated to level three Wizards from our I'm sorry wizard spells from our leveling we press this button and we can pull in all these really juicy capabilities right like cone of cold uh this freezing spear sphere ability wall of ice even fire Shield so I'm going to learn all those and now we have them just online for us we can knock out some you know we'll take out Mage Armor we'll take out tashas we'll take out that and we'll just put these nice cool um cold spells just into our repertoire keep in mind those are level six spells so we can't go too crazy we're only be able to kind of cast probably this one or this one and then our level five spell is going to be like cold of uh cone of cold if we wish but now we can really tap into all those great things to give us a lot of really fun stuff and what we're really going to hinge upon even though I got the spell for it is this fire Shield chill because fire Shield has two variants fire Shield warm and fire Shield chill with chill it does ice damage or cold damage as a response so ice cold Flames shed light in a 10ft radius you can take only half damage half the damage of all fire damage and you now deal 2 to 16 coold damage to anyone who hits you with a melee attack so we have that online now which is an evocation spell not an abjuration spell so keep that in mind casting it did not give us Arcane Ward I just want to show that it is online it's another for form of coold damage on top of our coold damage from armor of ays and we have a different way to cast it than just simply the spell so now let's go into equipment to talk about all these things and how they can really kind of trickle together when it comes to equipment the two big weapons you're going to be looking at are the morning Frost which you'll be getting in Act One by kind of taking care of uh plus bar Quest I believe it is but when dealing cold damage the wielder deals an additional one cold damage and dealing C damage with a Spell possibly inflicts chield upon the target it gives us a free Ray of frost EV evocation cantrip um it's great right and chill is nice here because it does this skip ability affected entity is vulnerable to cold damage and resistant to fire damage and we're not focusing on fire so who really cares that's the nice thing about that that is our primary weapon we'll be using is morning Frost until we get to act three which in case we would use Marco hes here which gives us you gain plus one bonus to spell DC and spell attack rules which is Bueno Arcane battery alleviate the Arcane burden of spell casting with the power of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot this allows us to keep our level six spell slot online which is very nice but the biggest Boon of this is this right here resa's favor we're going to collect this ability and then we're going to hover over Frost of dark winter and it's why again I chose not to go with warlock because we get one of the biggest warlock abilities from this and I lied to you that's not true we um Embrace kca's ice to gain resistance to cold damage your cold spells deal additional cold damage equal to your proficiency bonus so that bonus at this level is plus four so I now get that draconic ancestry giving me a ton of damage to my uh spells because I'm doing cold damage with my spells and I get my Charisma bonus added in this just gives me that four additional proficiency bonus damage as well and it lasts until long rest when you deal spell damage you inflict one turn of frost upon the target take a look at that the entity has disadvantage on Deck saving throws when there are seven or more turns remaining The Entity must succeed a constitution saving throw or take one to four cold and become Frozen on a successful save it only takes half damage uh oops where is that and then Frozen affected is utterly enameled in ice and is incapacitated if dealt bludgeoning Thunder or Force damage ice shatters ending the condition so why we've picked up a little bit of our lightning stuff too so that's great that is a lot of fun and keep in mind too when someone's incapacitated Oh I thought it was him suppose not but we get Cod of cold activated for this as a not even a spell it doesn't cost a spell slot to use this it's a little action that'll pop up over here on the right and we get ice storm this used to give us and it was one of the big reasons I I went with frost of uh dark winter it used to give us arms of Hadar or uh I think you can actually get through the r yeah no you can't it used to give you uh um hunger of hatar hunger of Hadar which was the big warlock one I wanted to to kind of use with this build but hunger of hatar will fall off in its usefulness in the mid portions of the game so this kind of still keeps a lot of the the the value systems online so I'm going to go ahead and press this capability see so just look we are we are just covered in Frost elements right now it is very sick that is those are our weapons let's talk more about our gear now the character is staggeringly blinding so a big thing that I that we need to focus on is this you need the absolutes protector if the Wilder Bears the absolute brand all damage received from spells is reduced by one don't worry about that if you don't want to do that portion of the game then just go ahead and skip it you'll get this in act to I believe it's a Twilight Tower uh you get the shield bash capability which is nice but the nicest thing about this is that it gives us fire Shield chill so that we don't actually need to use a spell slot to use it it does replenish on Long rest until you actually get fire Shield this is a great way to turn file fire shield on for yourself without actually using the spell slot very much enjoy this route for the character now outside of that we have some other big things you want to focus on pretty much everything I'm wearing um there are different routes you can take with the armor the hell dusk armor is kind of good because it causes re active fire damage um any armor that you want to use in That's Heavy just go ahead and use it but I think landing on something like the dwarfen splint mail is quite good because you ultimately will get two Constitution from this that's very nice just use whatever heavy armor even if you want to use the armor of persistence like that that heavy armor that gives you blade Ward and resistance just by wearing it go ahead and do it just use whatever heavy armor you can get yourself access to because there's nothing that really keys off of this build heavy armor wise we've made the prision to go with heavy armor so not a lot of casting things kind of kind of roll with that right it's usually something that has to do with being a paladin or something of that sort so choose a heavy armor that you maybe like the look of or you like the effects of again I like the plus two Con on here giving us a juicy 16 Constitution for uh or another good option while you're waiting to get to that point could even just be something like the ice bite robe if you want you can go get you armor of ays it's kind of really whatever you want just use heavy armor that you find pretty much or for our cloak we have cloak of the weave you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles and you get the same ability that you get from just this cloak cloak of Elemental absorption they're pretty much the same cloak one you get the end of act two one you get an act three and it costs some money but basically you absorb element damage once per short rest take half damage from the next Elemental attack targeting you and deal an additional 1 D6 of that element type on your next attack so it's nice to just get some additional damage out from what I've heard that is melee weapon damage and I I have not been in a cold situation to test that enough as far as helmets go one that you'll get early in the game is the cold brim hat once per turn any condition inflicted on a Target also applies two turns of encrusted with frost that's any condition so if I want to use acid Splash or something um this basically builds up frost on them after seven turns they become Frozen so and they also have a disadvantage on Deck saving through uh another really good one that you can get early on it's a medium armor piece but they just kind of gives you a nice little spell saving throw you can use medium armor in this build because you've got all the way up to it so pretty much use whatever you have access to uh but ultimately you probably want to land on something like a Birthright which is going to give us plus two Charisma you can see my Charisma is at 22 so this gives us plus six passive damage to all of our cold spells it's absolutely Bonkers right in addition to with our proficiency bonus of plus4 so now with this staff and this level of Charisma we get plus 10 damage damage to all of our I don't think it shows here um all of our just generic cold damage spells plus 2d6 but it would do an additional 10 damage which I believe we'll be able to see once we take a look at comat as far as your gloves go you can go with something like this the Gemini gloves cantrips targeting foes and allies can Target an additional creature the same Target can be uh chosen twice these are nice because you press this ability and it lasts every it's until short rest which is pretty nice uh that way you can kind of get this going pretty every short rest the other option here would be something like the quick spell gloves can't trips that cost an action cost a bonus action instead again this would be a short rest so you can use something like Ray of frost to just kind of get a cheap shot off and have it actually be a bonus action rather than it being a primary action which is which is pretty cool right it does a respectable amount of damage and it's going to get that flat 10 bonus from all of our damage intervals so it be 13 to to 34 damage lovely um outside of that though with our boots we have access to the black guard's griev I just put these on to get long Strider that was it uh but you could get something like the dising disintegrating night walk Walkers uh this can't be in webbed and Tangled and snared and gives us Misty step which is a great way to move around click heels really gives us some ways to move around with mobility and not imposing disadvantage and Boots of what don't don't use those wrong build do not use those but again use gaves that make sense unfortunately there are not that many Greaves that make sense for this build there are ones that you have like Elemental momentum basically anytime you cast an element it gives you momentum those can be nice now into our jewelry so for jewelry we have the the ultimate is the spell Crux amulet because this gives us spell slot restoration you just turn a spell slot right back online it's an absolute must you're going to get this end of oh actually you get this in act one I believe from something in the under dark other options though amul the Harpers this is a shield spell it's an abjuration spell when it triggers it is level one one so it's going to only give you one thing of Arcane Ward here but it is nice nonetheless necklace of Elemental augmentation when one of your canant trips deals any one of these light these elements which we have all the cantrips now add your spell casting modifier to the damage dealt which is that so if I do ray of frost and I have that necklace on I have a lot of modifiers adding into this damage where it will go pretty heavy into just simply casting a damn cantrip so the there's Elemental augmentation ring boot necklace and I think there's gloves too but the ring uh is nice as well but this necklace I think is better we have the ring of regeneration just a simple Health uh healing ring every every wonderful or every turn gives us one to four hit points pressur ring for movement speed uh this is a nice early ring you'll get snowb burst ring when the wearer deals cold damage they also create a 15t circle of ice around the Target or Target which is nice um and then you have the killer sweetheart for some autoc crit Hits and The Ring of mental inhibition when a fox fails a saving throw against one of your spells they gain mental fatigue so minus one penalty to wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throws for every turn remaining so that's a minus two right out the gate so those are some of some examples of some items and some gear let's jump into what that gameplay looks like and how we can get all these things to Wombo Combo for some destruction jumping into combat let's see how this all comes together so I deliberately didn't start this on my turn to see if we can get actually any return damage onto these characters that hopefully will attack us let's see how it works I've casted a little bit of wet on the field to make them all vulnerable do my ice damage as well which will be juicy if it goes through miss my my AC is really high too so keep that in mind right like our AC for main character here is 24 they're just missing on me all sorts aha so we have Rush attack that was cast on me and we can use shield now Shield keep in mind here is an abjuration spell we already have the max amount of our AB our Arcane Ward up so we're not going to react to this but this could be a really good way to basically mitigate that damage and boost our Arcane Ward right let's not react uh-oh they were dealt a ton of damage did you see that so armor of gys did 50 damage attack roll 18 plus the three proficiency all those things kicked in together look at the amount of damage that it did right it would have done just a standard 25 but we went ahead and got that vulnerable on there so it did a massive 50 and then fire Shield same thing would have just done nine but it added into that V damage and did way more let's go ahead and uh want to do doing that on this nah and it killed the crap out of that guy one shot at him so with my character now we can have a lot of fun I can cast we've got two actions so I could go ahead and press ice storm and use a nons spell version because of our uh our staff or cone of cold and go crazy here right we can also basically we get three casts of level six spells because I've got this Arcane battery that makes it so that the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot I've got Arcane restoration or this restoration ability which will just outright recover that level six spell slot so we can go crazy with our level six spells or we can do something like uh the twin spell spells that c that that only target one creature can Target an additional creature costs one sorcery Point per spell slot level so in this case this would cast it would cost me six uh sorcery points to double cast this freezing sphere we'll go ahead and not do that right now because it will just completely murk the whole entire battle F really so I'm just going to show off a quick casting though of all of ice and we'll cast it like here to here course the target locked why wouldn't it be and this is just a fun ability remember they're wet so it's going to do quite a bit of damage maybe it actually won't weird don't know why they didn't do the damage but you can still do other things like recover from that fast we have stuff again like twin spell and just to show you what we could do with this we could just simply cast rare Frost we are Mo back I don't care if they hit me no hit me I want you to hit me this dud right here so twin spell we can go ahead and do frost what we can same time oh we can so this is going to cast this is going to cast with a bonus action oh no no this ha a Dr Caster because of my gloves I can make this can choose two Targets that's just Ray of frost it did 54 damage just to show off what it did so you can take a look at everything here so now you see all this damage kind of cascading together let's look at the bigger th our attack roll went through we had Arcane enchantment all that fun action the damage roll was just 17 that was what it would have done but our Charisma modifier worked into there Elemental Affinity worked into there so we had that all these juicy bonuses and it ended up doing a ton of damage it would have just done 27 they are vulnerable it ramped up over here to uh 54 and it's just so great right so let's go ahead and use like quick and spell and let's go ahead and do T of cold just to cast another one and get sorry sorry carlac 50 104 50 go look at that 104 there right it God there we go so again 52 damage would have been just your base here but we get that additional damage from it and unfortunately no one hit me in this example but I would have we we got that one hit but that was it I would have been dealing out so much more damage nothing can hit me and remember too Arcane Ward doesn't get removed by the like you have 10 charges it's one charge is removed regardless of the amount of damage so if some guy hits me for 100 I reduce 10 of that damage it becomes 90 and I take the rest and then it goes down to nine charges so I'm P I'm basically constantly keeping this Arcane Ward up while I have this armor of agathys up and this reactive uh fire Shield up I'm just pouring on damage nonstop as you can see this is a very very fun build and it relies on doing a lot of really cool things to have a lot of fun actions that can really be done with this character it's a way to to pull all the fun from Sorcerer And wizard together into a really fun Elemental Melting Pot now I did this with ice you can just as easily and probably even better do this with like fire if you really wanted to lean into like fire and use other than fire Shield chill fire Shield warm you'd use like the hell dusk armor which has reactive fire damage unfortunately there's nothing like armor of a gais and fire but you can still there so many things that give you burn or heat you can take advantage of the thermodynamic gloves the thermodynamic axe there's another axe that does it too it's a it's like a purple axe you can take advantage of so don't think that this is just ice you can do it with thunder you can do it with storm but really lean into this have fun with that draconic ancestry if I was a dragon born I'd be using my breath attack I could have a lot of fun with that there are so many ways you can make this work I just think that ice is a really cool one to show off cuz you get all these really cool effects and I mean I could go walk on this ice and see if I get knock prone aha knocked prone and lost my concentration but again just to kind of really show off the abilities of this build and how you can really have a lot of fun doing it hopefully this gives you some inspiration on a sorcerer wizard fighter heavy armor counterpart and if you have any suggestions or ways you would have changed this build go ahead and let me know in the comment section below but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 39,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE ICE GUARDIAN CASTER BUILD (Sorcerer/Wizard) for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, bg3 ice build, bg3 frost build, bg3 cold build, bg3 cold sorcerer, bg3 cold sorcerer build, bg3 draconic bloodline build, bg3 draconic sorcerer build, bg3 ice wizard, bg3 ice mage, bg3 frost mage, bg3 cold mage, bg3 coldbrim hat, bg3 cold spells, bg3 cold sorc, bg3 sorcerer build, bg3 best sorcerer build, bg3 cold damage, bg3 ice damage, wizard build, wizard ice
Id: NHU3JX81Vwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 40sec (2680 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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