BEST FIERY AVENGER Paladin Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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paladins will always stand out as a fan favorite in both Dungeons and Dragons and Balter Gate 3 and that is especially true of the oath of Vengeance Paladin and the wild things you can do with a polearm which is kind of a wild statement too when you take it out of context but in this video I want to show you how to build my fiery Avenger build that utilizes some of early fire damage that then swaps off of pure fire damage and onto some other fun mechanics the reason behind this is that fire becomes heavily resisted in the latter portions of the game so we abandon the heat mechanic for a lot of the more effective gear in the game this build in its pure form is extremely viable for Honor mode if you're looking for a hard-hitting paladin build to take you through the hardest difficult difficult I just kind of asso some of the heat focused gear for more survivability or utility items if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things it's by upfront the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said we'll be taking eight levels into Paladin using the oath of Vengeance and then four levels into fighter as either Battle Master for a ton of additional abilities or Champion for just a raw in to critical hit potential outside of that we'll be focusing on three specific Feats Sentinel polearm master and great weapon Master I'll be discussing how you'll address your Feats but that's really the primary focus of your build so there's your too long didn't watch of this entire video if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get back to creating your Paladin Avenger before you head out please don't forget to like comment subscribe each one of those things does help me out in a huge way I currently have something like 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that interest you the most using the chapters in both the timeline and the description and if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist link below at the end of the video uper right corner it's [ __ ] everywhere but let's get started here on the fiery Avenger Paladin build for balers Gate 3 as always we we start off with our character creation so when it comes to race please choose the race that makes the most sense for you your character and how you want to go about doing things don't worry about any of this from a minmax perspective because this is a singleplayer narrative game so just have some fun with this cre and role play for you your character and everything you're just going to enjoy the game far more now here are some standout options because I do quite like them for the build and the synergies we have in mind so typically I do not recommend zarel tlin and the reason behind that is you get three cantrips as a teling depending upon which subrace you choose with the zarel tling you get thury which is actually very good gain advantage on intimidation and performance checks it's nice to just kind of have right the other two canant trips you get are searing Smite and branding Smite you get both of those smites default as a paladin just simply by leveling up but what I like about the zarel well this is just not necessarily zarel tling but any of the tling they get this hellish resistance you have resistance to fire damage taking only half damage from it so if you want to go with a mempop teling and get Mage hand which is actually extremely useful by all means go for it or as modius tling uh one of these gets darkness and I cannot remember off the top of my head but produce flame for the asmodus teling will actually be pretty handy a flame in your hand sheds a light in a 30ft radius and Deals 1 to eight fire damage when thrown so you have a way to just pretty much throw some fire damage whenever you need to and we will be using tons of fire damage gain and the heat mechanic once I'll show this off once we actually get into the gear portion everything does fire damage to your character and the nice thing about a teling is you just kind of already have resistance to fire damage taking only half the damage from it so you mitigate a lot of the damage you're going to deal um elves are kind of nice here both High uh specifically High Elves and half High Elves because they get access to cantrips which can give you access to Firebolt which is just a way to do fire damage for this Fire based build the thing to keep in mind though is that this does use intelligence which sucks but you can use blade Ward instead and get access to this because this will have your damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing attacks which can actually be pretty beneficial for the spill outside of that some other standout ones are dwarfs if you want to go with the gold dwarf to get increased hit points to make you a lot more tanky if you so wish the half work is a really good choice here as well because you get access to Savage attacks this is different than the feat Savage attacker if you in case you're coming from this as a veteran when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon you deal an extra dice of weapon Dam you get a whole bunch more damage coming out as a half or and you get Relentless endurance if you reach zero hit points you regain one hit point instead of being down we can get this effect from an amulet but you can circumvent that by just having it built into your character by default which is really good um gith are always a really good one here too because the gith get access to a ton of different items throughout this game there's a lot of really cool story and narrative options being a GI it's a Sleeper race in the sense that not many people choose it but a lot of build guide videos recommend them because this action is very good Proficiency in all skills of a chosen ability they get can trips like Mage hand they get an enhanced leap they have a lot of really cool stuff that they have access to in addition to a ton of armor that is relegated purely to the race of gith so it's a really really uh great choice that not a lot of people go with unfortunately but my ultimate choice because I just if I were to play tabletop it would be this character it would be a dragon born oath of Vengeance Paladin I've that has been in my brain for years so I would be remiss to not recommend this character because you get a fire breath attack that does 2 to 12 damage the nice thing too is it scales with your level it gets better every handful of I think it's a eight and four or what it gets better at like level 8 and 12 or 5 and N it's something of the sort but either way the scales with you it gets better it's very strong and you start off with a resistance to fire damage outside of the heat mechanic we've talked about it's also the most prevalent damage in the game so it's very nice to have that capability for our class we are of course going with Paladin which is going to give us Divine sense gain advantage on attack rols against sles JS beans and Undead the latter two being very prevalent especially towards the latter portions of the game lay on hands which is going to be a nice heal for you which is going to be cool throughout the rest of the game and your channel oath which we'll talk about as we level our character up for our subass we're going with oath of Vengeance which gives us inquisitor's might you or an allies weapon attacks deal an additional two radiant damage and can da enemies for one turn it's not the most amazing class action uh we're looking towards our lad portions to really pull a lot of oath of Vengeance but the oath of Vengeance get us a lot of really good spells as bound to the oath that are very very fun and really going to help you out with your Mobility on the battlefield now keep in mind too you are a paladin so you have an oath and its tenants you must apply yourself to the oath of Vengeance specifically has fight the greater evil exerting your wisdom identify the higher morality in any given instance and fight for it the way I've always been the the oath of Vengeance has been described to me as of the three Paladin Oaths in this case it's kind of not necessarily the evil one but it's always you'll choose the lesser of two evils you know like hey you know if eradicating this town results in a whole entire city being saved or something of those sorts it's kind of falls into the oath of Vengeance like it's a little bit more of a a uh ends justify the means type of character and less of like I must uphold good for the righteousness of devotion it's just a little bit more of a darker path I suppose you could say for your background here we are going to go with whatever you choose from a roleplay persp perspective create a little backstory for your character have some fun with it you know are you some sort of noble son that has joined into a paladin order are you a former a criminal who has seen the air of their ways and somehow become a are you a sage who has studied through Tes and toes and Toes of knowledge and lore and has discovered themselves to be a student of of a paladin order whatever it is please make a roleplay for your character because this kind of helps make those decisions a little bit more fun for your my minmax choice though is always give artisen for insight and persuasion having these bonuses online for you just initially is so so good which then brings us into our skills you know having them already clicked off is just a really nice way to kind of jump in stuff then you can put points here into intimidation which does fit into the Persona of the oath of Vengeance Paladin uh medicine and animal handling or uh doesn't matter animal handling we're not talking about that um religion actually is not a terrible Choice here um Athletics is good it's going to be geared towards shov things and that is a nice bonus action you can use to shove something off of a precipice just keep in mind if you shove them into something that they fall to their Doom you do not get the loot so just keep that in mind religion is not a bad one there's plenty of little religion checks throughout the game so I would definitely not not recommend it but I would always make sure I've got something like persuasion or intimidation some form of conversational skill because we are a high Charisma character and that is going to really really benefit us for our ability points we're going to be going with a high amount of strength and a good amount of Charisma as well as a stable amount of constitution not a huge investment and dexterity though the way I'm looking at this character is it's going to be a heavy armor build I'm not going to be relying on the dexterity bonus of well dexterity my AC bonus from dexterity and I'm going to focus more instead on the benefits of my stuff from strength strength is of course going to be what we're going to be doing the line share of our damage with and Charisma is going to help out all of our spell casting capabilities as well as kind of lean into some of the other kind of class actions I guess you could call them of the Paladin they'll usually kind of come off of some sort of Charisma bonus uh say for example the aura that helps out with everyone's defense it's going to come off of your crisma modifier so we do want this number to be good and high and same thing with our constitution because it is our health pool which is huge but since we are a paladin we have a ton of concentration spells meaning that it will be a constitution check to see if the concentration of that spell does not break 14 is good I wish it could be higher but we will fix that towards the end of the game with some really good items and again dexterity is just so that it's not a penalty right we don't want to have a minus one uh to dexterity it's nice and also wisdoms at a 10 because we don't want a minus one to that as well because wisdom's going to govern things like hold person charm person uh I think frighten is basically any a lot of the big heavier crowd control style of spells that are cast against you are against wisdom so we want that to be good and high this is what I would recommend for your ability points we're going to switch over now now to my other character that is unfortunately a Wood Elf and not a dragon born to progress through what this leveling up looks like so the progression for this character is going to be locked pretty straightforward in fact to be totally Frank with you this is a very cookie cutter build this is one that I plenty of people have done videos and Guides Online for it's there there's nothing here that's going to be totally unique I'm just going to be honest with you uh probably the more unique portions of the build are going to be focused on the heat mechanic but again we're going to kind of swap that off and you can still stick with it towards the latter portions of the game it's just kind of probably more Min maxy to drop it so we're going to start off with first five levels here into Paladin in fact we're going to stick here for almost all of them and this is important because it's going to get our two main Feats online so right here at level two we're going to get access to our divine Smite which is going to be great it's going to scale with us it's going to do plenty of damage and it does radiant damage while not heat uh or I'm sorry fire damage there's plenty of ways to to buff and improve this for our fighting style we're definitely going to be going here with great weapon fighting you can go with something like defense if you want but we are going to be using great weapons so we might as well pull a even more damage into them and for our spells just to kind of show off some of them um your weapons attack Divine favor is not bad because it kind of It kind of jumps in with your class action I just don't like that it's AA concentration ability and it only lasts for three turns um if it would just kind of lasted for something like 10 turns like bless I would like it a little bit more but stuff like protection from Good and Evil is good Shield of faith is nice just to get yourself additional armor class the smites are pretty good too just to give you access to this damage type just keep in mind doing this costs an action and a bonus action sering Smite here deals an extra 1 to six fire damage and sets your Target on fire it takes one to six fire damage every turn so this can work in conjunction with a lot of the heat stuff we have in mind um heroism is also very nice targets immune to Fright gain five temp hit points it's nice in the beginning of the game but you start to run into so many forms of temp hit points that it kind of gets GI jammed up pretty easily um wrathful smites two two is also very good just to get access to another psychic another form of damage in psychic which can be helpful towards the latter portions of the game but also the early portions too just to kind of frighten things is always nice um but that is kind of what we're going to stick here with we're going to go keep jumping through our levels get into Paladin level three we get divine health so now prevents diseases from affecting you and we get two of our big actions the first one is abjure enemy frighten an enemy they'll have disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles and they cannot move beans and UND dead have disadvantage on this saving throw which is always really cool right this is a channel oath capability same thing here with valve enity gain advantage on Attack rules against an enemy which is nice too right because what I like about this is this is an action whatever that kind of sucks but this is a bonus action and it lasts for 10 turns so you can cast this before you do a big Alpha strike and when we talk about uh the fighter and how he can really stack a lot of damage in it's cool because we just outright get an advantage on attacks against a Target which is just really really sick as far as our oath spells go we get Bane which is nice just to kind of help out with some attack roles it is a concentration ability same thing with Hunter's Mark which also is a concentration ability but it just adds more flat damage which is just kind of cool right it's one to six more damage anytime you hit with a weapon attack it's pretty cut and dry and simple and I like it for that very same reason uh more spells here command isn't bad especially in the early portions of the game especially if you're on honor mode just have someone drop a weapon and take the weapon from them it's it's actually pretty goddamn useful so we'll take that and we'll keep moving on um again we get more more spells you can pop those in but now wait wait wait yes I was like do we get another thing here no we don't now we get a feat so let's talk about feats so typically in these videos I go through a number of Feats you can choose but I'm not going to do that here well you know what I will a little bit but my the focus of this build is on three specific Feats and if you take a look at them we're going to use pole arm Master when attacking with a glaive halir Quarter Staff or spear you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon which can also be a Smite you can Smite with this which is cool you can also make an opportunity attack when a target comes within range so what we do is we take po AR master and double it with Sentinel when an enemy Within melee range Attacks An Enemy you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy so basically they come within range of you because of polar Master you get to do an opportunity attack and now you gain advantage on opportunity attacks so this all this kind of comes together so well that you can just lock things down you have really good uh what's it Zone Zone control or whatever the hell the term is that I can't think of the top of my head so you can do just so much stuff and you can use this on allies so it gives you a lot of really fun capabilities that are less of a defensive kind of way of being a paladin but you get to be more of like an offensive defensive Paladin right when an enemy Within melee range attacks an ally so you can oh hey reaction I'm going to go slam that Ally that that we the uh uh the target wait slam the enemy of my ally with your your big Burly pole AR so those are your big two that you're going to focus on but first we're going to get great weapon master and what we're going to do is resp this character we're going to go to Withers and say hey change my class and we're going to resp the character out of great weapon Master into P arm and Sentinel Master once we've reached a specific point in the game once you reach act two moonrise Tower you will get a specific weapon hird I'll show you in the gear section that's when you Respec because then you can probably at that point you're around level seven almost level eight and once you get to level eight you can get both of these and turn them on great weapon Master we will get but we'll get it again at level 12 I know that's confusing so I'm going to resay it right here we're going to start the game level four great weapon Master then once we get to the moonrise Tower in act two we're going to get a specific halir and then we're going to Respec our character at level eight to be Sentinel and pull arm Master for our two Feats and then level 12 we will pick up great weapon Master now if you don't want to focus on pull arms and you just want to use two-handed swords and weapons and all that fun action you definitely can I would pick up stuff like heavy armor Master to increase my strength but also negate damage by three ability Improvement to just put it into strength or into Charisma whatever it may be those are just really really nice all round capabilities Savage attacker is great when making melee weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result so you can get a lot of really great capabilities here even using resilient Constitution is great because and you get your proficiency bonus added into your uh concentration saving roles this is a really cool capability so just to kind of show off some of the other ways that you could approach this character that aren't specifically focused on Sentinel approach but like I said we will be doing that so that is what I'm going to be doing for this character so again you'll start with gra great weapon Master then resp and go Sentinel full AR into level five though we get a little bit of a power Spike we get our extra attack online this is going to allow us to do two attacks per one of our primary actions so when we go to attack something we'll attack twice which is lovely we're going to get now our level two spell slots and we get more oath spells namely hold person which is very very strong um and and we get Misty step Misty step is great because it's going to give us a lot of Mobility we can get misy step from tons of items but it's nice just to have this as a spell as well and as far as our spells go we get access to branding Smite which does that radiant damage but also prevents things from turning invisible and magic weapon magic weapon is cool is be uh because it can stack with a lot of items that say hey there's a specific hird that's that will give you it'll increase the damage of Your Dragon breath attacks if you choose a dragon born and you can imbue an item with a specific element but you can also cast magic weapon on that too so it can stack with a lot of really fun effects to give you even more out of um all of your enchanted weapons it's just again it's a concentration ability just keep so we would do something like that probably let's go ahead and accept that and push forward into level six where we will get Aura of protection you and nearby allies gain a bonus based off of your charisma modifier to saving throws this is just a nice kind of AOE little buff to all of your Bros and you also have access to stuff like lesser restoration protection from Poison which can be nice when you're dealing with a bunch of traps and Aid which is just a spell going into level seven we get one of the most important features of this build and it is why we are choosing Sentinel and polar Master it is Relentless Avenger if you hit an enemy with an opportunity attack your movement speed increases by 15 on your next turn this is again why we're focused on those two Feats because we have opportunity attacks coming out of our ass we can do opportunity attacks whenever someone comes in range whenever someone attacks an ally in melee range and when someone enters out of an opportunity attack with us right if they leave our melee range we can use this so those three ways of incurring opportunity attacks allow us to get this huge bonus to our movement speed so we're just always going to be on the run and able to move around quite a bit again here too we have all of our spells we'll accept this for our final level into Paladin and we are good to go we can pick up our feet go ahead and choose Sentinel here so before we make this pivot you can actually if you want go five levels into Paladin four levels into fighter and then the rest into Paladin but this is the most straightforward easiest way to approach this character and it's why I did it this way you can break this up if you want but it's always suggested that if you're going with a melee build you do the first five levels of that Melee character to get your extra attack so now that we're character level 9 we move into fighter now this is going to give us an additional fighting style which I think the best and easiest one is defense but you can also use protection no you cannot I thought I I thought that was uh regardless of whether or not you had a shield so we're we're going with defense almost made a bad suggestion but we're going to get second win here you draw in your stamina to heal yourself it's just a free heal for a bonus action you can't go wrong there and it'll get better as we pull more levels in the fighter in level two we'll get action surge which is going to greatly increase your combat capability immediately gain an extra full action to use this turn it is a huge boom and then at level three we get to make a choice you can choose between going with Battle Master or Champion if you want a character that's a little bit more just kind of on the rails you don't have to think about using all these abilities cuz you're going to have a ton as a paladin as it is just go with champion because this simply does this the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one and we can choose a ton of items to further stack this that you can have Critical Hits on 19 and 20 with is just Champion or 18 19 and 20 with a a bow equipped there's a lot of ways to make this really really pull out a lot of big numbers for you but for this character I'm going to go Battle Master because why not add a whole bunch of crazy [ __ ] to the character this gives us Maneuvers so I like repost here when a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack expend a superiority die to retaliate with a powerful strike that deals an additional 1d8 damage it's just basically weaponizing anytime someone misses which is huge now some big standout ones are trip attack to knock things prone again getting that 1d8 uh bonus of damage pushing attack to move things 15 ft away from you Precision attack you can spend a superiority die well superiority die to add it to the result on an attack roll I really like that one maneuvering attack is cool to just kind of hand out movement speed to allies where is it disarming attack is very good then a superiority died to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 again but it possibly forces the target to drop the weapon they're holding I like this if I'm doing like say honor mode where I just really want to get the weapon out of the hand of a lot of things it it really really really is useful um a big one is fainting attack but the thing I don't like about this is you use both your action and bonus action on a turn to attack a target with advantage and deal a 1d8 damage we already have ways to give advantage to our character so I just don't find this as useful as say pushing attack or trip attack or disarming attack so go with whatever kind of additional effects you want to plat to enemies you want to knock them prone more often then go with trip do you want to disarm them then go with disarming trip I think is a little bit more useful in the latter portions of the game whereas disarming I think is better in the beginning of the game personal opinion can still be useful very much throughout the entire game if you so wish and our last level we're going to pick up great weapon Master to finish off our character now keep in mind too with great weapon Master when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon you can make another melee weapon attack as a bonus action that turn turn so if you went with champion you get a lot of value out of this out of just simply oh you my IA crit with one less that doesn't seem as beneficial it turns on some other fun stuff for you also attacks with melee weapons you are proficient with our wielding and our wielding in both hands can deal an additional 10 damage at the cost of a minus five attack roll penalty so you would toggle this in the passive section of your character on or off depending on if you're hitting a the boss or not bosses will typically have something like a flat like oh it's already like 45 % chance to hit them if you have this turned on now it's like 22% whatever I'm making up numbers here right so you turn that off you actually have a likelihood to hit them versus everything else You' probably keep it on to just smash the hell out of them but this is our character build let's take a look at some gear and how the Paladin overall works as far as our character goes as Paladin these fighter abilities we have a ton to choose from right and just to kind of quickly go over this you do have your superiority die because I am a Battle Master but you click this and it would just kind of going to give you all of our superiority die actions but taking a look at our lay on hand charges this now is a nice juicy 32 heel bomb that we can just use whenever someone's in a pinch I probably wouldn't use this very often because my character is focused on damage and this is a melee based heal do you have to be up close and personal but it is there nonetheless now for our Channel oath charges we still have our inquisitors might um this is dealing additional three radiant damage and can da enemies for one turn it's fine I just don't really like to use it I'd rather use B enity gain advantage on attack ruls against a specific enemy for 10 turn really nice capability has a 10-ft range so you'd probably use this right before you actually went to go through your series of massive major attacks into them right and in addition to just those capabilities as a paladin we have here we go Aura of protection we would cast this and it's just on now it's up as long as people are within 10 feet they will get this bonus from us so just keep those things in mind because you want to make sure you're you're using them and you're not just like not not not using half the benefit of being a paladin two as well you want to make sure you have your uh reaction set properly you want to make sure the game asks you about Divine on a critical hit rather than just going ahead and doing it because if I'm going to critical hit something they've got one Health I'm not going to waste the Divine Smite on it right because remember Divine Smite is going to pull from your spell slots and when it pulls from your spell slots it's going to upcast the ability so what I mean by that is go ahead and take a look at level one level one Divine Smite as is is going to do ignore that poison damage uh two d8 radiant damage deals an additional 1 d8 to fiends and Undead but if I click level two here I click where is this go there we go it will now deal an additional 1d8 so it will do the difference between 2 d8 or 3d8 radiant damage which is a significant amount of damage that you're going to be throwing onto the character um and it will really be nice here and again since we're focusing on stuff like Critical Hits From maybe champion this gets you the ability to just use this as a reaction just layers in so much goddamn damage into the character too um as well I wanted to focus on this really fast Precision attack your next weapon attack gets an attack bonus equal to your superiority die so this will is it's kind of like it gets less and less good as you go as you use it right because if I use this right now it uses superity die and that number goes down you can choose the uh Marshall adep feat which gives you superiority die and gives you more Maneuvers um but what not really the big focus of this build just wanted to show off that you can do that this is the reaction for that is repost here when a creature misses blah blah blah blah blah you would have that either ask you or just shut it off whichever one you want you probably want to have them ask you though so those are all of our abilities let's talk about our gear as far as Weapons go we're going to focus on two weapons that I actually don't have the first one is the everb burn great sword you're going to get this in the very beginning of the game if you missed it there unfortunately you miss it throughout the entirety of your playthrough but when you see the General on the na aloid ship you're going to use Shadow heart to use the spell command have the character drop their weapon and have someone else pick it up it is going to last you all the way up until we get our main halir that acts as the pretty much the focal point of the entire build so you can use that weapon up until act two and then you swap over the other one now another weapon that I don't have is the Hellfire great Axe so if you want to stick with the heat mechanic and doing fire damage then use this weapon you get it in act three you're going to get it in the uh in like the sourc Vault it does 1 D6 additional fire damage whenever you deal damage with this weapon you gain two turns of heat it's a plus two weapon and it has a special cleave attack that actually makes things vulnerable to fire well it ignores their fire resistance so it's a really great weapon to lean into that fire direction if you want to do it that you just go ahead and grab the Hellfire great Axe and skip out on all the full arm stuff now outside of that we have one other weapon you can use it's the Exterminator axe you're going to get access to this in the uh end of the First Act in the underd dark the the dwar who kind of tells you to go destroy the mid Colony he would give you this and it does 1d6 fire damage so this would basically replace your everburn Greatsword if you did not get it right you could just use this up until you get the main weapon of the build the Halbert of vigilance so again a BL a BL a plus one bonus to initiative roles which is awesome and advant AG on perception ability checks always cool but Adroid reflexes are a big one when you make an attack roll as a reaction you make it with Advantage so your repost now as far as a being a battle master has Advantage whenever you do that opportunity attack for someone in range uh you have Advantage you already have advantage on your opportunity attack so basically this thing is going to carry you throughout the entirety of the game if you don't want to use pole arms just use any really good two-handed weapon you get like if you want to switch over and use like this the Bal balin's Giant Slayer you can definitely do it the sword of chaos you can definitely do it you can use the hell beard hird whatever you want you don't want to use pull arms specifically as their feets are pertained or pertaining to their feets just go ahead and jump into any other now as far as your gear goes I'm also going to focus first on the items I don't have so in the beginning of the game is you can get the thermo arcanic gloves you're going to get these this in like the Lost Battlefield in act two but these gloves whenever you deal fire damage you gain two turns of heat and we're going to talk about heat in a little bit here and then lastly we have the ring of imulation and this ring will basically do damage to yourself but then also give you two turns of heat we're basically staing stacking up as much heat as possible so that we can lean into um another mechanic and also we have the cinder moth cloak a creature that damag is the wear within 2 m receives burning so now you just put things on fire for a little bit which is is just really cool and another item I had to edit in out for the fact here is the perap of wound closure this is what allows us to basically be what a half orc can do right when down automatically stabilize at the state of the start of the turn and also this nice one potent healing maximize the number of hit points restored I don't have this item but it is a really great way to get a lot of survivability and you simply get this in act one in the the mountain pass so it's a great thing to get online very early in the game so what is all this heat BS that I keep talking about so here's the cinder shoes here right whenever you burn an enemy you gain two turns of heat this is one of the items I recommend so heat engulfed by a vengeful fire takes one to four fire damage each turn but can use heat convergence so you take that fire damage this is why I recommend if you start with like the dragon born or any of the three T flings you get access to resistance to this so you don't take a lot of damage at all you take half that damage right so heat convergence the next time you deal fire damage you deal an additional one fire damage for every turn of heat remaining so basically you consume this and just do a ton more additional fire damage every single turn you decide to do that fire damage or a heat convergence you just kind of layer this in right and if you're using any of these heat based uh weapons it just layers into their already existing one plus one DC six of fire damage or 1 D4 in the everburn Greatsword for example so this just allows you to really lean into that damage and just doing this for example whenever you burn an enemy you gain two turns of heat that c moth cloak Burns enemies within two feet of you giving you two turns of heat and we have this the fire heart whenever you take fire damage dealt by another creature you gain two turns of heat so you can see that we really lean into it especially in the early portions of the game because you can just you can really abuse it you can really add a ton of heat fire damage into yourself to just drop nukes on people those therm arcanic gloves uh whenever you deal fire damage you gain two turns of heat so you're constantly dealing fire damage to yourself or using your weapon to deal fire damage so there like I said heat is not going to be an issue for you you'll build it in so many resources and then just drop it as thermonuclear thermodynamic arcanic nukes every whatever the hell so those are some of the the big standout gear that you can use in a lot of the very early portions of the game you're going to get all that stuff and pretty much this build comes online middle of act two as soon as you get that halir you're pretty much set everything else just kind of makes things a little bit better in one One Direction or another so talking about starting off with our helmets we have the helmet of smiting you'll get in the very beginning of the game in act one in the underd dark when you apply a condition with one of your Smite spells which you're going to do because you're using a burning weapon you gain temp hit points equal to your charisma modifier so plus three temp hit points um another really good helmet here too is the flawed hell DUS helmet the wielder has plus two bonuses saving throws against spells Constitution saving throws all that stuff towards the end of the game in act three you'll get access to the hell dust helmet you can see a magical darkness which is really good so you pretty much can never be blinded the wielder has a plus two bonus save uh to saving throws against spells you can't be crit hit which is really really cool also you have emulating gaze see and frighten a target with nothing but your glass power you deal an additional 2 to 16 fire damage against burning creatures which you're just doing tons of anyway so you're burning things you're lighting stuff on fire you are the fiery Avenger and also serox helmet too makes it so that you can help out with that uh dark vision number you need to roll a crit hit is reduced by one you can't be frightened and Constitution saving throw increased by one into our cloaks the cloak of protection just very simple plus one Armor class plus one saving throw that Cinder moth cloak we talked about too that does Burns targets uh the cloak of Elemental absorption this basically you absorb an element you get hit with and then you deal an additional 1d6 of that element type on your next attack it has to be a melee attack though so this benefits this build a lot so if you're taking a lot of fire damage you can supercharge your fire damage out with this cloak for our chest piece I actually really like the Dwarven splint mail it's very easy to get at the beginning of act three and Rivington or the n ofac 2 I can't recall but you take one less piercing damage gain plus one bonus tubes to strength saving throws disadvantage on stealth who cares but you get plus two Constitution so it's just free health for you right now at the end of act one you can get the adamantine splint male this is the scale male this is the medium armor so just get the heavy armor version all incoming damage is reduced by two with that armor and when a attack hits you the target is sent Reeling for two turns uh reeling recover from receiving a terrible blow or hitting a strong metal has a minus one penalty to attack rolles for every turn remaining so it just is a nice way to mitigate a lot of damage towards you and you can't be crit hit when you're wearing that armor um towards the end of the game though hell dusk armor is amazing uh when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning for three turns so it just adds tons of burning right this is probably the best armor to wear for this build and you have resistance to fire damage and cannot be burned you take three less damage from all sources all sources all sources also you can fly so there is uh in the tabletop it's like level 10 or 12 or whatever the hell it is that the uh it's 14 that the oath of Vengeance Paladin can Sprout wings and fly this is basically your way to do for our gloves we have the gloves of heroism that you'll also get an act one when you use your channel oath spells you gain heroism which we've talked about but you can't be frightened receive five hit points per turn and it lasts for 10 turns so a good spell here to have that just kind of Auto triggers when Channel o also to gauntlets of surging accuracy are going to be great once you get that second level of fighter when you use action surge gain a 1 D4 bonus to action roles for the rest of your turn so to kind of illustrate how this would work the best you would use Val of enity uh Val of enity the advantage on attack roles against an enemy then you would use action surge now you've got two uh action to use and you get a 1 D4 bonus to attack roll for the rest of the turn if your character is already blessed by another Target that's an additional 1 D4 and now you've got two full actions of four swings coming out of you that have all the bonuses of these surging accuracy gloves you don't use them you don't attack with your primary action then use action Surge and then attack again because you've just basically you mitigated half of the bonus of this of these gloves so they're really really awesome gloves when you use um action surge also Legacy the Masters is great plus two bonus to attacks and damage roles with weapons it's just a flat bonus it's really good um I took them off this character but the these are really good too gauntlets of the warmaster targets have disadvantage on saving throws against your maneuver and weapon attacks which you will use in Spades because you are a battle master and for some reason that give up now there's this helmet too which I forgot to show off is the Helm of Balon the helmet heals you for two points every hit every turn plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws you can't be stunned you can't be crit it's a really awesome helmet too I don't know why I didn't showcase case it but it's another awesome helmet back to gloves we have the hell dust gloves here um the big thing that the focus is your weapon attacks deal an additional 1 to six fire damage so you can really layer in all this fire damage with that Hellfire great Axe really really really focusing on it um and just going hard in the paint even the latter portions of the game you'll just have such a disgusting amount of fire damage coming out but even if it gets resisted which is you know have that damage you're still doing quite a bit and if you're a dragon born and they resist your dragon breath attack it still does half damage the Hellfire great ax ability if they if it misses or whatever it still does half damage from the the tool tip I can't remember now 100% all right now I'm now I'm ding my knowledge we talked about the cinder shoes but we also have the Boost of persistence you gain freedom of movement and long Strider which is awesome freedom of movement is a really great ability here you can't uh movement speed can't be reduced by difficult trrain spells or magical effects you can't be paralyzed or restrained so good in act one you'll get the disintegrating night walkers in um the underdark can't be un webbed in Tangled or and snared and you get Misty step so now you can use this rather than the Misty step from these boots rather than actually using a spell slot and those spell slots are a currency which you can use to Smite things with also the blackard Greaves uh blackard I believe actually is what it is um are Greaves you can get in act three when you go to do the ball Quest um you gain long Strider you which is pretty much half the benefit of the boots of persistence right so the boots of persistence you have to buy and they're pretty expensive these you just simply find uh if you want these boots of persistence cast friends on Damon in act three and you can buy them at half the cost there's also the armor of persistence which I have not showcased here it is right now that you can use too as a heavy armor um it's got all of its benefits of like blade Ward and resistance here um but I wanted to focus on a couple different heavy armors I usually almost always show this one off outside of that though we have our jewelry so the one that you probably want to focus on is the amul of Greater Health this sets your Constitution to 23 and you get advantage on Constitution saving throws making it so that anytime you go to do those concentration checks you're probably probably going to always pass them since your Constitution is so high and you have advantage on rolling against them it's just going to be so huge but leading up to that fire heart is really good here whenever you take fire damage dealt by another creature you gain two turns of heat and Amulet of the Harpers is always one of my favorite advantage on wisdom saving throws for anything that tries to uh reduce your anything that tries to CC you and you get Shield so just a nice way to kind of give some defensive mitigation as far as our Rings go uh The Crushers ring is good very early in the game and act one you'll buy from the goblin camp and then the Ring of free action you can buy from lur in the mid colony in act one still and you can buy buy it again in act three depending on what you do but you can ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained really really too really strong beginning uh ring of regeneration just gives you a free heal every single turn which is cool and then to the killer sweetheart which is an autocrit hit when you kill a creature your next attack roll will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes every a long rest but you can just Bank this on whenever you want it'll the game will keep asking you say no not now not now not now until you really want to do it you have an auto crit hit whenever you need and lastly um we've already talked about our cloaks I want to talk about our range weapon slot so you can get the Deadshot it's probably one of the better in slots if you want to focus on those crit rolls right the Deadshot the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack you would take the Deadshot and sarahx helmet and the fact that you're a champion and now you crit hit not on a 20 not on a 19 not on a 18 but a 17 all the way through those other numbers so 17 18 19 20 you crit hit so you are are way more likely to drop some serious bombs with this build if you go champion and kind of Stack onto these crit hit items there's more crit hit items you could really work on but I don't want to just show that one off the one I probably recommend is when you also get an act two the Drake fire short bow the damage is whatever but you gain resistance to fire damage so if you were not a tling you were not a um a dragon born you now have fire resistance for the rest of the game you also get resistance to cold which is cool but another B another good thing here is you get haste so basically you get a potion of haste that you can use every long rest right here bound into your character you gain an action become faster and gain two uh to your armor class so it's a really really strong build that can really shine with a lot of really great capabilities so I just wanted to Showcase all this gear before we show off what this combat looks like but unfortunately don't have all the really cool heat items to show this off but I just wanted to kind of showcase a little bit of how this works so um we're going to go ahead and go ahead go this so heat converion consume your heat I've got three charges of heat right now um so they I'm going to take damage but they can use heat convergence so I take damage and Deal One fire damage for every turn remaining I had four when I started this but I messed it up a little that's here or there I'm going to press this button and now we're ready to do damage with something right so um let's go ahead and use this steering SPID specific I mean we could go ahead and do something like this right to even further fuel a powerful attack but I'm going to go ahead and use this right it's probably not through we going to find out right now find I'm going to save and reload every time this fails so let's see oh so that went through now of course you do less damage because it's a companion that that is worth noting here right so just to kind of show this off right here attack roll blah blah blah blah and it shows off our infernal Acuity our great weapon Master our proficiency our all that attack R falls into this for damage roll strength modifier great weapon Master Allin that's just the raw damage of the weapon does 16 then we did an additional six damage because of our infernal Touch of our gloves and our heat then we did an additional nine damage with that heat convergence so oh and also the 1d6 from our actual weapon attack so you can see that this layers up very very very well and it can do quite a bit of damage and this is just showing off what if we wanted to go with just two handed weapons and not use our pull arms I wanted to kind of give you an idea of how this all works before showing off the actual gamep playay when we fight against pull arms let's jump into some combat and show how all this together I'm going to go ahead and just skip my turn here as carlac usually I start this with my character already active but I want to show off a little bit how some of the defensive capabilities of this build work so we're waiting for things to kind of go ahead and oh wow that was rough sorry carlac we're waiting for things to move in and out of range as it were and all sorts of stuff oh I don't know almost got out of range fine that's why we have him just kind of planted right here in the middle so they just went ahead and missed against me right so we can go ahead and use repost here that will allow me to do some damage now I do want to kind of hold off here because we are limited in the amount of damage we can do or amount of reactions we can do per turn as we see as we see reactions such as opportunity attacks are responses you have to events reactions can trigger both during and outside of your turn I'm going to not react here but otherwise we would do a repost and do some damage so we'll skip that and see what happens with some of the other characters and if they go ahead and do anything within our turn sometimes you kind of get this weird bug where just nothing happens but we're going to go ahead and ignore that as it kind of pushes itself very slowly into the next character fist there we go fist Jepson now ah that would have been that if that had hit which I should not have done a Waring attack oh damn I thought was in range so you can see my range for attack is pretty huge I thought this character was in my range and they are just not so we're going to move over here that's fine he's going to be have an opportunity attack no big deal we want this Ally to be within range of us there we go now with this character we have plenty of things to do now take this character uh Gauntlet Rana for example I went ahead and used a potion of quickness so I've got two actions here to just show off a little bit of do I'm going to go ahead and use my actions and because we have those surging accuracy Buffs you can see burst of accuracy you have a one D4 bonus to attack rules after using action search so we can really get crazy with so I'm going to go ahead and use valve enity which is going to use our bonus action you know what yeah we'll use it character so now we have advantage in all of our attack rules as you can see now I have a 96% chance to hit we talked about this a little bit in the uh feet section but if I wanted to turn this off I now have a 99% chance to hit so this is just going to make sure we do a lot of damage and I'm going to go ahead to and press this button Divine Smite now you can have this bound to reactions and everything but I'm just trying to specifically create a a circumstance here so we're going to go ahead and do this now because of my Halbert I'm also doing Force damage here which is pretty cool this is going to do 21 to 54 there's a chance chance that I'm just going to outright kill her o I didn't she got pretty pretty lucky there and don't worry we can still do even more damage um so you know what with that bonus action or with that action we get from our uh additional attack I'm going to do this and just sweep right through things and we hit stuff like I said I turned on the reaction for divine Smite so now that just does a little bit more right there she was one of our little level one uh abilities we killed this character but we now have all this other stuff we can do I can now add Precision attack into this and you know what let's get kind of horny let's trip this dude no let's trip him oh missed him let's go ahead and try it again man this guy is spicy either way we miss both those attacks which is not a great showing for a video displaying the combat capabilities of character and if you miss a um battle maneuver you can see on Miss does not spend superiority die there we go you know what let's just let's just make this there you go blow them up even further with our divine Smite and we still have more action here we can do so we can go ahead and just follow this through with another attack on this character of course why wouldn't we miss for the display of something we're going to go ahead and take a turn and there it is pull arm Master opportunity attack so make an opportunity attack whenever a creature enters your reach prerequisite must be wielding a glaive h Quarter Staff or spear let's go ahead and do that and now Relentless Avenger just triggered right because we are a oath of Vengeance Paladin you have plus 15 uh feet bonus to your movement speed um you see thetion but we can do Divine SP and do even more damage now that character can't move too because they went within our opportunity attack range and let me let me let me switch over to character here to show that off Sentinel when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack it can no longer move for the rest of its turn so that character might have been trying to push through me but we were able to shut it down completely and when an enemy Within melee range attacks an ally you can use a reaction to make a weapon attack against that enemy too so we have tons of utility built into this character it's meant to be a reaching character that shuts down things has a good Zone control can really do lot of spicy bits of damage and now on my next turn I'm going to have a ton of Mobility to do whatever I want I'm going to keep carlac and range and end turn here to see what I can do um I don't think much is going to happen here but we'll we'll see of course I'm snared which sucks attack rolls against creature have advantage while the creatures attack rolls and deck saving throws have disadvantage I won't be able to remove that unless on the Move why not why wouldn't I miss all three things it' be totally part appropo for this entire video um so these are cat there they're casting this on me unfortunately but if they were casting this on carlac and I hadn't used my reaction earlier I could maybe weaponize my reaction back to do some fun stuff so just to kind of show off what this character can do how can really be a very very fun character doing a ton of really cool stuff and I think that this is again a very cookie cutter type of character this is not a a super unique one that no one's thought of it's one that we've all thought of the one that I'm sure there's plenty of Guides Online that exist but it's one I really wanted to Showcase because it is a really really fun build that can do a ton of really cool stuff and I really enjoy playing a character that kind of has like an answer for every little situation right that to me is always a really enjoyable way of playing so hey you know what we can use pole arm Cloud here and I can do this if it hits okay it didn't hit but if if that were to hit I could have actually use Divine Smite with it so you can see we're just layering so much damage with all these uh level one spell slots that we have access to from Divine Smite hey no but still hopefully this gives you a really good idea of how to play a vengance paladin how to layer in a ton of fire damage with the with the heat and burn mechanics or how to really dive hard on that capability as a um Vengeance Paladin because again remember we've got this Relentless Avenger we can move that additional 15 ft and I'm a Wood Elf so I can move now 82 ft away so I can have a long long movement speed because of all a lot of Mobility built into this character and I hope you get a really good way or idea of how to play this character from this but as always thank you so much for watching here today have a good one take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 71,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST FIERY AVENGER Paladin Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 paladin, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, bg3 paladin, baldurs gate 3 paladin class, best paladin subclass bg3, bg3 paladin guide, bg3 paladin subclasses, bg3 oath of vengeance paladin, oath of vengeance build, bg3 sentinel polearm master, bg3 polearm master sentinel, bg3 polearm build, bg3 vengeance paladin, bg3 fire build, bg3 heat build, bg3 heat convergence build, bg3, baldur
Id: W2N-4BkxORA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 13sec (3313 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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