MY FAVORITE BEASTMASTER Ranger Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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Ranger has always been one of my favorite classes  in DND and in balers Gate 3 it gets a new breath   of air with improvements to a lot of the sub  classes that are otherwise a little lackluster   in this video I'm going to show you the exact  main character I have been playing in my first   playthrough of bg3 to me a ranger is a dual  wielding character that can also use ranged   abilities and that's the focus I've taken for this  character while also being able to summon beasts   so with that being said we'll structure everything  around those those three criteria let me just tell   you outright though you can make a level 12 Ranger  beastmas and have a great time I I just wanted to   have more utility with my character per turn  because I felt like if I miss any of my shots   or what have you my character's turn felt useless  we'll talk about more that that little bit more   after the build portion of this video but if this  is your first time my channel the way I do things   is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos  so you can decide if it's the right you so with   that being said we'll be taking eight levels into  Ranger Beast Master first it's important that we   do that first because we want the level seven  Beastmaster ability to allow our companions to   help bringing up down players and the level eight  ability which increases companions hit points   doubling it in almost all cases after that we'll  put four levels into fighter as either Champion   for a more on the rails experience just delivering  raw critical hit potential or Battle Master for   more party utility my preferred route but that's  really the entire gist of this video outside of   gear choices of course so if that's all you wanted  to know please feel free to shut the video down   and getting and get back to creating your defender  of the Woodland Realms before you head out please   don't forget to like comment subscribe each one  of those things helps me out in a huge way I   currently have something like 89% unsubscribed  viewership on the channel and that's a metric   I'm trying to change this year so every little bit  helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video   that in you the most using the chapters with the  timeline and description and if you need help with   any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my  playlist linked below at the end of the video up   right corner it's it's [ __ ] everyone but let's  get started here on my favorite Ranger beastmas   build for bers Skate 3 jumping into character  creation we have a lot of really fun options   for race now if you just want to make a really  cool kind of dritz doen uh Ranger go with dra   uh he's not really 100% Ranger he's actually more  fighter than Ranger which is a fact that has been   corrected for me by ver mortis my good buddy so  if you want you can go with a Dr and Dr actually   a really good Ranger option all elves are very  good and the reason behind this is that Dr elf   both wood and high get access to perception as  a skill choice innately because of their race   and this is really good because you'll be using  perception insight and persuasion quite a bit in   the game so it's nice to just kind of have that  checked off and also on top of it Dr get access   to three cant trips they get Dancing Lights fairy  fire and the Darkness cantrip and all and well   mainly mainly the uh the darkness spell is is  quite good so this is a really solid option elf   going with the wood elf in specific I personally  went with because I wanted that increased movement   speed I like the increased movement speed because  it allows me to get into place better for any kind   of range attacks and stuff like that also the wood  elf gives uh me a further skill specialization in   stealth so I already have that checked off so I  can already start the game with two proficiencies   and skills that maybe I didn't have otherwise so  I quite like that human is always great if you   just want a simple increase to your like carry  capacity and what have you halflings are always   quite fun too because a lightf foot halfling has  stealth advantage and they have an innate lucky   here so when you roll for when you roll a one  for attack rolls ability taxt or saving throws   you can roll the die and must use the the new  roll this is actually a pretty good option for   the honor mode where you know you're kind of stuck  with a lot of your roles the dwarf dwar is also a   pretty good option here uh because duar get three  canant trips as well just like the Dr but their   three can trips um three can trips well they get  enlarged that's the one I wanted to talk about and   invisibility at levels three and five so those  are some really good abilities in addition to   that too they get this duar resistance so they're  they have a advantage on saving throws against   Illusions and can and against being Charmed or  paralyzed as well as just a native resistance   to poison meaning that when you use your favorite  or your natural Explorer here you can choose fire   and start the game resistant to both fire damage  and as a dwarf resistant to poison damage that's   quite cool another really good option that I  like too is the forest gnome because it gives   you speak with animals right away and you don't  have to waste a spell slot on it and I actually   really do like that because this being a laran  game and you being a ranger speak with animals   is pretty crucial just kind of the roleplay of  it and everything like that but of course guys   this is a single player narrative game so please  choose the race that makes sense for you and the   kind of RP you have created for your character and  I I do really emphasize that really role play this   and have a lot of fun with it because it makes the  decisions you choose for every character that much   more enjoyable my last little option here uh for  your character is tling as either as modius or   mopes the zarel tling is definitely doable to um  it's just worth noting that the the uh can trip   that they get access to outside of thury stearing  smite and branding Smite are concentration spells   that take both an action and a bonus action so  it's a very heavy investment on your character   and for you being either predominantly a range or  predominantly a melee however you want to play the   character it can be a little tough for you the  mephistophiles teing though on the other hand   gets access to Mage hand which you can do a lot  of really fun things with burning hands which is   really cool and things get up close to you and  then flame blade which is actually pretty cool   because the flame blade will summon a simitar  which is using your dexterity which you will   be using naturally with this character and lastly  your as modius tling here gets access to produce   flame for just another nice little ability hellish  rebuke so they can basically do return damage   as a reaction if someone hits them and then the  darkness spell the darkness spell is really really   strong because it basically blinds everything so  you have advantage on hitting those targets they   can't cast any spells unless it's within like  five or 10 feet or something like that if it's   a range spell and they pretty much will will have  disadvantage on every type of um melee jacket it's   it's a really really strong ability that can be  very very abused so go with whatever you whatever   makes sense for you again I went with a Wood Elf  and it worked it working very well for me our   class is of course a ranger and for our natural  Explorer trait we're going to want to choose stuff   that makes sense for you now what I mean by that  is I probably wouldn't choose Beast Tamer cuz this   just gives you fine familiar which isn't terrible  it's pretty cool and pretty fun if you want want   to add another Beast to your repertoire but we  will be having a beast as part of being Beast   Master now Urban tracker I would recommend if  you are not going to have a rogue or Bard in   your party that is your slight of hand character  if you want your Ranger to be the person that is   picking locks stealing and disarming traps then  you would choose Urban tracker here I did that but   you don't need to you can go with BB uh Wasteland  Wanderer fire or poison you'll be able to choose   another one of these um by the time we hit level  eight so you can you can say okay you know what   start of the game I'm going to go fire and then  later I'm going to go poison or start of the game   I'm going to go Urban tracker and then later I'm  going to go fire and the nice thing about these   three is it's going to give us a resistance to  that damage type meaning we will take half damage   of that type fire being the most prevalent damage  type in the game we we'll put Wasteland Wander of   fire right here if you're not going to go Urban  tracker now for favorite enemy when I first made   my Ranger I went with Ranger Knight and I found  that I really wasn't using the heavy armor like I   thought I would so if you want to go ranger Knight  then I would say you'd want to swap eight Ranger   four fighter for four or for eight Fighter for  Ranger and become more of a fighter with Ranger   capabilities rather than a Ranger with fighter  capab my go-to recommendation here is Bounty   Hunter because because you gain Proficiency in  investigation which is again a free proficiency   now I've got three free proficiencies on this  character stealth in investigation and perception   as a Wood Elf creatures you hit within snaring  strike either Ranger or melee have disadvantage   on their saving throw meaning it's far more likely  for that to get to go off and snaring strike is a   very good early ability for our background please  as always choose the one that makes sense for the   roleplay of your character because this really  going to help out in the decisions that you   make throughout the game and it makes the game  have a little bit more weight and personalized   customization to yourself you know are you a  former soldier who has was at one point maybe   a scout and has used those cap abilities to become  a ranger are you someone who has you know studied   all sorts of books and toms and and in doing so  has learned so much about nature that you fell to   a kind of guardian or defensive nature in that  you became a ranger are you uh I don't know an   Outlander who became a ranger through whatever  means necessarily just choose the background   that makes sense for your character and the way  you want to play this game do not just simply go   uh that seems like it's going to be the best one  the best one is the way that you enjoy playing my   minmax option is usually always Guild Artisan  because this gives me free um proficiency and   insight and persuasion so I've covered pretty much  all the major things that the game has to throw at   me through just all the things before I even get  into my skill proficiency options so taking a look   at this list through this character in specific  I have stealth taken care of I have investigation   taken care of insight perception and persuasion  so what I would tell you then is is pretty much   look at these and kind of make the ones that make  sense for you and your character if you get speak   with animals Animal handling is useless so do  not choose this if you get that spell as either a   forest gnome or you choose it as your first spell  as a ranger my honest opinion just don't choose it   out right survival nature and Athletics are all  really good options um if you did not have maybe   perception or any of the other ones that I have  just natively as part of my uh race selection or   part of my background I would definitely get them  like perception is very very good same thing with   insight and persuasion you'll just be making a  lot of those checks throughout the game survival   checks you be making quite a bit too um this  says to go you know track prey stay alive in   the wild it's mainly used to find that there's  like dirt that you can dig and find stuff in uh   nature is very not often used too but an Athletics  proficiency here helps me shove and resist being   shoved which is can be a nice thing as as the  AI will definitely shove you quite a bit so now   we've gone through all this let's talk now about  our ability scores so wor the ranger we're going   to focus primarily on dexterity that's where the  majority of our damage is going to come from since   we're using rang weapons and finesse melee weapons  as well as this will give us an increase to our   initiative and help us out with also doing um more  Armor class from our dexterity score in addition   to that we're going to increase our wisdom cuz  that's where all of our casting comes from now   if you're playing on honor mode which is that  new Iron Man mode that they released in patch   5 you can just stay here with 16 and 16 wisdom  in decks if you aren't and you want to kind of   get a little spicy with this you can pop up your  dexterity to the 17 and then an act one when you   deal with the hag is all I will say because if  you've never played the game you'll discover who   the hag is um one of the outcomes of dealing with  her is getting her hair which will give you a free   ability point which you can then put into here and  then in act three you can get a lot of increas his   steerability points but if you want to just play  a little bit more safe and just kind of have fun   just put it at 16 um we're going to bring our  constitution here up to 14 we're going to leave   our strength as is you can bring it to 10 if you  want but it's fine here at 8 um now this depends   too if you are playing your main character or if  this is going to be one of your companions if this   is going to be a companion bring your strength up  here to eight to to 10 maybe even 12 if you want   uh bringing this to 15 is not going to give you  at any advantage so I bring it I just keep this   so either I would do something like this if it was  not the main character if it is the main character   do something like this this gives us a plus one  to our Charisma checks meaning that if we take   a look at persuasion um we have a Proficiency in  it and it's kind of gets bugged when you have it   inherited from a back a background but this should  read as a plus three meaning that whenever we do   any of our conversation checks throughout the game  even though our main character is a ranger does   not focus on Charisma will at least get a little  bit of a benefit here and be able to push through   a lot of the harder more higher difficulty class  uh persuasion checks as in the earlier portions   of the game remember your proficiency Bonus Goes  from two to three to four at levels 1 five and   nine respectively so it's something that only gets  better for you so this is probably what I would   stick with for my main character going throughout  the game and we'll have plenty of ways to increase   our strength through items which I'll talk about  in a bit but let's jump now into the build jumping   into the progression points here right at level  two we're just going to stick with Ranger all   the way through to level eight so your first  two spells are going to be pretty interesting   it's going to depend of course what race you chose  if you chose a gome then you're never ever going   to choose speak with animals cuz you always have  it but since we started with Bounty Hunter we're   going to go with ins snaring strike and ins  snaring strike is a good first option because   Hunter's Mark gets really good when we have a  pet the problem here is between between these two   spells they are both concentration spells I like  Hunter's Mark cuz I feel like it does a little bit   more for me towards like a little bit later in the  game and staring strike is very good in maybe the   beginning portions of the game and maybe a little  bit stronger at the very end of the game I don't   know it's kind of I I I bounce back and forth  between the two that I like the most but what   we're going to do outside of that is choose long  Strider now long strer here it is a ritual spell   meaning that when you cast it it will a lock until  this specific spell will last until long rest but   as a ritual spell it does not cost a spell slot so  you cast this on every one of your member of your   party right after you get up from a long rest and  you're just good to go after that it is absolutely   spicy for our fighting style we're going to go  with archery we will eventually pick up two weapon   fighting but we'll do it with our fighter levels  if you want to focus on being a dual wielder first   and foremost and just doing archery damage as an  afterthought then you would start here but for   this character we're going to start with archery  because I want the melee damage to come from other   sources within my partk we gohe accept here push  him to level three and now we will choose Hunter   Mark for our subass we will choose Beast Master  which will then give us Ranger companion and   we'll talk about more about the ranger companion  after the build and go into some specifics about   how these abilities will help play out and how  Hunters mark whenever your companion attacks   something with Hunter's Mark it will actually do  the one to six damage here but then do even more   damage because it's your companion so Hunter's  Mark becomes very beneficial with your companion   doing a lot of damage for you also remember to you  are a ranger so this is the only way to swap out   your spells is in between those levels we'll jump  up here level four and we will choose ability to   replace those spell if we want but now we go into  our feet your feet opt options are going to just   kind of depend upon what you want to do with the  character right if you're going to focus on being   a range combatant the first um feet we're going  to go with is Sharpshooter now what I what I kind   of want you to think about too is do you want to  do the Dual hand crossbows that everyone talks   about is super good you can do that you would go  Sharpshooter first and then you would go crossbow   expert but I'm not going to use crossbows at all  unless I get a good one and I use it but it's not   the focus of this character so I'm going to  go with Sharpshooter now of course the very   best quote unquote Ranger is like a gloomstalker  ranger that then does some spicing into Rogue but   again we're not going to focus on that entirely  so Sharpshooter is our big Focus if you want to   focus more on the melee portion of this build  You' use Savage attacker when making melee   weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice  and use the highest result but if you want to do   that melee you'd probably want to get dual wielder  first you can use two two weapon fighting even if   your weapons aren't light and you gain plus one  bonus to armor class while wielding a weapon in   each hand you cannot dual wield heavy weapons so  what we'll start off here is we'll go Sharpshooter   then we will go with dual wielder and then as our  last uh feat we can go with a number of things we   can go with alert to give us five more bonus to  our initiative ability Improvement to just simply   buff up our wisdom or buff buff up our dexterity  whatever you really want to do there you can also   like I said though go into Savage attack to  just outright do more damage and melee which   is very good since we will be going with the um  Battle Master Marshall adapt is really good here   because it adds two more Maneuvers to our maneuver  list and we get an additional superiority die so   if you really want to focus on the utility that  Battlemaster brings this brings you even more by   getting two more Maneuvers in on top of your  existing ones so this can be very fun it's a   cool way to go about it I I really do like this  route too if you want to really lean into that   kind of support capability lucky is great for  being uh for giving you some additional ways to   um reroll attack rolls ability checks or saving  throws especially if you're doing say honor mode   and you're really struggling this can be a nice  one day but we'll start off with Sharpshooter and   we'll go from there on to level five we get a big  Power Spike the first thing is extra attack right   so this applies to our ranged attack so when we  do a ranged attack we can now do two attacks for   one action which is huge and a first big subass  feature here companions Bond the bomb between you   and your companion animal companion grows stronger  your proficiency bonus is added to its armor and   damage rolls and at level five that proficiency  bonus is now three it is huge so we're going   to finally start to get a lot of use out of our  companion you might have felt a really weird point   where your Ranger doesn't feel like they're doing  much damage and the the companion feels like Absol   absolute [ __ ] this is where that all starts  to change because at this point your Ranger your   your Ranger companion falls off almost every level  until five so this is what really Buffs it up and   makes it a lot stronger for our level two uh I'm  sorry spell level two capabilities Spike growth is   really good in the early portions of the game you  basically drop Spike growth where there's maybe a   bunch of casters or stuff like that and then all  of them all those monsters have to run through it   or you cast Spike grow you place all of your melee  characters at the edge of the spike growth all of   the enemies have to run through it it does a ton  of damage and if you use the Raven The Raven can   fly over the spike row so it's really cool keep  in mind though it is a concentration capability   so you will need to uh kind of Juggle that with  your Hunter's prey capability into level six we   get some new favorite enemy so if you went  with Bounty Hunter before you can now do   something like Keeper of the Veil for Proficiency  in Arcana and protection from evil and good which   is quite good Mage breaker for Arcana and true  strike true strike is not that good Sanctified   stalker for Proficiency in religion and cast  secred flame which is the worst [ __ ] spell in   the game and then Ranger Knight if you want that  Proficiency in history and the uh heavy armor so   go with whatever one you want I'd probably go with  probably Keeper of the veil cuz this is actually a   pretty good capability it lasts until long rest  which is good it is a concentration ability but   it will help out with phas fiend and Undead which  you will deal with tons of in the latter portions   of the game for natural Explorer if you went  with Urban tracker go with fire if you went   with fire then go with poison you'll have fire and  poison resistance in the game is really nice again   though if you have Beast Tamer have fun with that  fine familiar so you can have a little bit fun   have another little creature out if you so wish  you really want to lean into that kind of Beast   Master idea uh no it's level seven is our next one  this is the important level so now subass feature   your animal companion can Dash disengage and help  as a bonus Shack the Sean connory bonus action no   it's a bonus action which is huge because now the  action economy for companion just went through the   roof it could Dash disengage and help before but  now it can all do that as a bonus action so if you   have a raven it can use a primary action to Dash  and it can use a bonus action to Dash and then you   can fly a huge distance so it allows you to really  jump up in the face of something and lock them   down if you can use this for any one of your other  uh companions too hey you know what one of your   main your your healer or your your Wizard or or  your Barbarian whatever it is was just down well   now your companion can use its bonus action to  help get them up primary action Dash bonus action   help gets that character back online for you  help is the biggest Boon for this companion and   it's a really really really really really really  huge feature for um the uh Ranger could think of   the damn word um choosing a new spell here uh  bar skin cool increases its armor class 26 uh   again it's a concentration capability so kind of  keep that in mind protection from Poison is nice   because this is not a concentration capability  and it grants resistance to poison so if you're   dealing with a bunch of traps in an area you can  cast this it gives you a nice little bit of uh   functionality here talents is always good to have  it is a concentration ability though pass without   of Trace is not really huge for this character  so I wouldn't focus on it um the rest of these   just kind of choose whichever one like maybe you  go with this if you didn't choose it earlier or   or didn't or finally want to put it into your  repertoire I mean there's plenty of ways to get   speak with animals so I've kind of skipped out on  it but have fun with your options here you really   can't go wrong with too many of them halo Thorns  is okay um I don't like it a whole ton because   again anything that uses an act action and a  bonus action I I struggle with because it takes   a lot of action economy away from me and I don't  want that to happen so uh use whichever one fits   you and your scenario CU our last level here  under Ranger is going to do a little bit more   we're going to land stride so difficult terrain no  longer affects us great and oh I guess it doesn't   show it here but one thing that happens at level  eight that this doesn't show you is that all of   your companions now get more Health a substantial  increase to their health health so for example   wolves go from 31 to now 61 Health Ravens go from  21 to 32 Ranger or not Rangers spiders go from 24   to 42 bores from 27 to 51 and finally bears from  39 to 69 nice so now all of your Ranger companions   are going to be viable throughout the rest of the  game now it's worth noting too you can go four   more levels into Rangers here it's okay you can  take that route and your Ranger Beast Master your   beasts are going to become even better they're  going to get more hit points finally at level   9 UM and they're going to get more no I'm sorry  more hit points at 11 more hit points at 11 and   they'll get an extra attack at 11 they'll get more  abilities at 11 as well so 11's that kind of final   breaking point for the Beast Master what I will  say though is that at8 your Beast Master is going   to be strong with their beast but around level  10 that Beast is going to start to fall off as   far as it's outright damage capability you have to  start thinking of the Beast Beyond level 10 as how   do I use this to supplement my party or help out  my party or get in the way of an enemy it stops   becoming something that can outright do a serious  amount of stuff and become something that's more   of like a great I can use this to CC things I can  use this to lock something down over here I can   use this to distract something over here so I want  you to think of your beast in that way rather than   hey you know what man this build sucks because my  Beast can't One V one Raphael that's okay it's not   supposed to your Beast is supposed to augment  and supplement you and your party that's even   more true this way because we do not have the  the the strongest beasts possible we have the   penultimate one so just keep all that in mind as  you progress through this we're now going to pick   up dual wielder it's going to give us our ability  to wield not light weapons and we get plus one to   our Armor class which is lovely U this allows us  to really have a lot of fun with abilities now   we jump into new fighter and this gives us our  new fighting style we get two weapon fighting   which makes it so that you can make an off you can  attack with an offhand weapon and add your ability   modifier to the damage of the attack meaning we  had plus three because that's what our dexterity   modifier is so we accept this good to go and we  also of course get second wind nice little heal   that'll become better as we level up our fighter  level two the big thing for fighter is of course   action surge so now we get a whole additional  extra action once per long rest a short rest   make all these videos but I'm pretty dumb subass  here is either Battle Master or Champion you're   going to see with the gear that we have a lot of  ways to reduce our critical hit meaning that a   critical hit when you roll a attack roll if it's  a 20 it's a crit hit boom spicy amount of damage   with the champion we reduce that number from a  20 to a 19 we're going to use this helmet is in   one of them that would reduce that number even  further there's a bow that reduces that number   even further there is two separate weapons that  reduce that number even further so across the bow   the helmet those two other weapons that's a minus  four with this minus five so you'll be able to   crit hit things on a 15 or higher as a champion  it's a real great way if you want to just kind   of put the character on The Rails don't think  about what their other abilities can be I just   want them to shoot with a bow and arrow and mess  things up even if they you want to use two weapons   they can't you can just do that route Champion is  just fine it's not a lot of flare but it's still   a lot of it's a lot of big juicy numbers Battle  Master is what I went with because I wanted the   capability to use these Maneuvers to help out  my party or to help out myself or or just get   a little bit more utility out of the character so  I went with repost repost is really good because   that means anytime someone misses you you can  use the superiority die to just simply attack   right away and you get a 1d8 bonus on that attack  trip attack is really good here because you can   knock things prone pushing attack you can push  things 15 feet um where is it disarming attack   is nice because you can knock the weapon out of  Something's hand so all three of those are very   good ways to just kind of control the battlefield  a little bit better that extend outside of just   your character right knocking someone prone gives  everyone else Advantage pushing something you can   push them off a ledge or push them closer to a  heavier hitting melee Target disarm something   now they can't do their melee attacks against you  and this is a really scary monster you have a lot   of ways you can really have fun with it I do not  like fainting attack very much because this uses   your action and bonus action to attack a target  with advantage and deal 1d8 it just for me it   just is not really what I want because there's a  lot of ways I can get advantage on my character   outside of fainting attack so I think it's a  little bit of a trap I like Precision attack   though because you can spend a superiority die  to add it to the result on an attack roll meaning   that I can let's say I roll a 15 I can use my  superiority die uh the remaining superity die   I have as a plus so meaning we start here with  four this cost me one to use meaning I get a plus   three so I would get rather than 15 I'd get an  18 on that roll means more likely to hit whatever   it is and you know we'll go with disarming it um  attack most of these attacks have a range counter   part so we can use them even though we're just  kind of hanging back and using our bow and air   just to kind of just show show that off right  here right it says trick trip attack ranged all   that kind of smart stuff we'll accept this and  go to our final level with fighter and we can   choose here do I want to go more melee I would go  Savage attacker do I really want to lean into all   of these capabilities that we've already unlocked  well now we had four superiority die we get five   now that's really cool right um and on top of  it we have these disarming precision and repost   well now we can go trip attack and uh maneuvering  attack which is one I forgot to talk about which I   really like spend a superity die to make an attack  that deals an additional 1d8 on hit select which   friendly creature will gain half its movement  speed it will not provoke opportunity attacks   opportunity so what you can do during your turn  is use this capability and realize hey you know   what my cleric is embroiled is surrounded by  three other things I'm going to go ahead and   use maneuvering attack I'm going to give that  movement to the cleric they're not going to   incur opportunity attacks so they can get out of  that really hard pinched a area and they can move   a little bit further or you know what I'm going  to use this on um my big Bruiser Melee character   to get them further into combat and not incur any  kind of tax of opportunity move and weave through   a ton of things to get there it's a really really  really uh uh good uh ability and I like it quite   a bit here um let's go with Savage attackers  though because I think it's it'll be fun to   show off some of the capabilities character can  do that is the entire build let's now talk about   gear let's take a look at all these abilities  of put together one of the big things I want   to highlight is if I press passive and I go over  here so just like great weapon Master Sharpshooter   allows me to get a penalty to my attack Roll But  deal 10 more damage so I can really kind of amp   up damage on any kind of chaff or things of the  company maybe a boss whatever the situation is   then maybe just shut this off when I'm attacking  a harder to hit opponent like well again a boss   and outside of that we have all these fun things  right so we have all our abilities from our uh   battle Master we have all of our spells that we  get as a ranger can see here in here now just to   kind of really quickly talk to about ritual spell  as you can see here this says ritual I would cast   this on myself and it would not cost me a spell  slot it's going to be really useful throughout   the entirety of the game you can cast this on  your entire party you could even use a level two   spell slot and Target two characters and it will  not use that spell slot it's a really just great   capability here another example too would be speak  with animals another ritual spell but having all   these things present it makes for a lot of really  fun stuff but now we can also talk too about our   Ranger companion the ranger companion when I press  this button we have all of our abilities got a be   companion with draws the enem attention with its  goting Roar the bore companion which can charge   the wolf spider which uh can web and poison  enemies with its bite the dire Raven which can   blind mind and then lastly the wolf companion  so we can summon this up and we basically you   can summon up every short rest so um I'll show  you right now we'll go ahead and summon up the wolf now this will gray out and we cannot  summon another one you just simply though   do a short rest if I had one and it  would it would allow me to summon up   another companion so to quickly kind of go  through through this here we'll start off   here with the uh the fighter but one thing  I want to talk about is if I press this button I'll go back to my character and highlight  that examine all of the hunter pets get this you   deal an additional one to six creature uh to  deal additional one to six damage to creatures   marked by your Rangers Hunters Mark so the one  to six that Hunters Mark does is an addition   to the prey scent so basically anytime your Beast  does damage it will do its damage to thing that's   marked with Hunter mark it'll do its damage  plus 1 to six plus an additional 1 to six so   this allows your Beast to always kind of have  a really good amount of punching damage as far   as hitting into higher classes than its level this  level seven spider will still be viable throughout   the entirety of the game for me because it will  always pretty much have this additional 1 to six   on a Target that has Hunter Mark so it becomes  really important to use Hunter Mark as you play   through this build because it allows you to add  so much damage so just quickly looking over here   at the spider um it's worth noting at level  five all of your companions oh God oh God uh   get more I don't like spiders get more abilities  but I'll argue too that the spider is like one   of the best companions because this then gets  cocoon at level level five trap a creature in   your web to conun it here trapped in a spider's  web can't move or take actions bonus actions or   reactions the condition ends upon taking damage so  this is a really really good ability and another   thing to that this doesn't talk about is a rackn  jump which is a bonus action here um as opposed   to jump over here which is also a bonus action  but this doesn't use uh movement speed as you   can see so it allows you to kind of get a little  bit uh uh of a of a better jump here and of course   we have web as a portion to of the spider that  allows me to in web things and I do also have   poison damage with spider which is very very fun  let's take a look at some of the other companions   I'm not going to summon every single one of  them because it will require me to do bunch   of finesse here but just to quickly talk about  some of them there's the bore companion or as   I call it the bore Barian cuz the cool thing  about the bore at level five is that it gets   the ability to enrage so it can go into a frenzy  it will increase its damage by two SL flashing and   it gains resistance to physical um damage as well  as advantage on strength checks and saving throws   it's a really really cool ability for the board  basically adds another Barbarian to the party it   gets frenzy strike um that it can use as well and  it just has the ability to charge in addition to   uh it all of its other fun actions the cool  thing too is that frenzy strike just like uh   the Berserker is a bonus action so the boore can  charge or attack as its primary action and then   do fzy strike it's a bonus action so I actually  very much enjoy the boar I think it is the one   that maybe people don't go with as much because  the Raven or the spider is very gamey um the the   bear though is another very very very and the  bear is unfortunate in that level five bear is   good but the level 11 bear is amazing and I'll say  why on a secondary even though we're not going to   level 11 level five bear here is going to get us  access to goting Roar which is basically a taunt   the nice thing about this is even if your bear has  one hit point it's going to pull things towards it   or have it actually attack it until that bear is  dead which I I actually kind of like here it just   pulls uh the attention away from you the bear also  just does normal amount of damage which is cool   with its claws um it has that pre sent we've all  talked about but the thing that it gets at level   five is honeyed Paws which allows it to disarm  a Target and um not if it doesn't hold a weapon   it can knock it prone so the bear can be a fun  one at level 11 though the bear gets this thing   called Earth sign reinforcements which allows  it to summon another bear and that bear is not   the same level that the level 11 bear is it's it's  some like a level seven bear though it's a little   bit less the one thing I just don't like is that  that summon bear is not under your control and it   always will blunder through traps into blindness  just a bunch of issues where the bear actually   kind of ends up hampering you more than helping  you so um it is still a cool capability that the   bear does have the other one is the dire Raven  which is another one that I use a lot I I think   it's probably the one I use the most outside of  uh the spider so the bear uh the die Raven uses   its beak does uh piercing damage it has Ren Vision  which is cool so it can blind targets as you can   see CU blind the target but the nice thing though  is this has fly it's the only companion that can   fly this allows it to fly over anything that's  on the ground maybe poison it's fire maybe it's   your Spike growth whatever it is it can fly over  it which is nice and that fly also allows it to   fly to locations and help people that are down  that are maybe held from hold person all sorts   of ways that you would apply uh help to people  it can do which is cool at level five though   it gets a really good capability um it gets bad  Omen so this allows it to curse a Target and the   curse here just helps it so attack rols against  the affected entity have Advantage so you could   curse a Target with your Raven and if you have  a rogue in your party that Rogue can always use   sneak attack right so it's a really nice way to  kind of get some really fun Advantage onto uh any   of the bigger heavier hitting things trying to  go for and the last companion here is the wolf   Companion now the wolf companion gets uh lunging  bite to start off with and lunging bite see it   has an ability to knock things prone which is  always lovely but it also has something I don't   know why it doesn't show it in but uh uh yeah it  doesn't show you know what we'll just sell on this   one it's the last one for the so this little guy  also has where is it pack tactics the creature   has advantage on attack roles against a Target if  one of its allies was within 10 ft of the Target   and isn't incapacitated so the cool thing about  the wolf is if it's up front and personal with   another one of your uh allies in close combat it  can get advantage of this if you are up next next   to the wolf using your two hand weapons it can  help get Advantage so this allows you to pour a   lot of damage onto targets especially if you have  that pre s active with Hunter's Mark it is really   really really really nice um now at level five  bite turns into just infectious bite so bite a   Target and possibly turn it septic and septic here  affected entity has its Constitution reduced by   one and has disadvantage on Constitution saving  throws it does necrotic damage too which can do   Fair really well with a lot of other things that  do necrotic damage Dage so you can still do your   standard addition bite if you so wish but now you  just get infectious bite as your standard default   attack and lunging a bite which we talked about  a little bit but those are all of your companions   they're really going to come down to how you  want to use your companions in your party and   where you want to what you want to do with them  again I really like the uh Raven and the spider   quite a bit but I also really like the wolf for  certaine the boore for a lot of situations I   think the companion I use the least is the bear  to be totally honest I think that that a lot of   people would say otherwise fair is probably  one of the best ones but comes down to you   and how you want to use them let's now go into  some gear discussions so to start us off when   it comes to weapons let me talk about the items  I actually don't have on this character and the   first one is the hunting shortbow you get this in  the beginning of the game in the emerald Grove at   Damon you fell of monsters you have advantage  against monstrosity type enemies remember this   applies to both your melee and your ranged attacks  and you will use this for a long time you can use   this all the way until you get uh a crossbow that  will deliver Bane onto targets you can use it for   the majority of the time you until you get to act  three it's it's actually pretty damn good it only   has a plus one to its enchantment it does have  a bound Hunter's Mark which is kind of cool um   but having that advantage against monstrosity  type enemies is actually very good so you can   sit on this bow for the entirety of the game until  you get to act three when you get your your your   top tier one but I really really like this bow  another thing you're going to get act one if you   go through the mountain pass is the knife of the  under Mountain King now the stats that I'm showing   you here they have changed as of patch four or  five now this just makes it so that whenever you   want a critical hit something you would do it with  one less just like we talked about Champion right   so if you CR hit things on 20 you could hit them  now on 19 also you have advantage on attack roles   against lightly or heavily obscured targets when  using this blade which will become very huge and   advantageous throughout the entirety of act two  and you just have this on your person so it's a   really nice thing to use here the Shadow Blade  thing is only going to come into effect when   you use melee attacks but the organ rearranger  is going to have effect throughout the entirety   of just simply having this equipped it's a really  really good one that can last you the entirety of   your playthrough even another good one here is Rap  City that you'll be getting in a access to in act   three once you deal with Stan's quest uh this is  going to gain plus one bonus to attack rolls and   attack rolls damage and spell save DC for every  foe you slay up to a Max of plus three and then   possibly inflict bleeding when hitting a creature  with this weapon while hiding or invisible so if   you this the latter part you're probably never  going to take advantage of because you don't   really hide or use invisibility with character  but the first thing is you is great right attack   rolles on damage increase is is always lovely  for the rap city and lastly is bloodthirst   this is something that you're going to get in act  three as well as you deal with the main quest the   number you need to roll a critical hit while  attacking by one this affect in stack that's   the biggest thing the nice thing though is exploit  weakness creatures uh hit with this weapon receive   vulnerability to piercing which is really cool  and if you use this in the off hand uh when a   creature misses you with a melee attack you you  may retaliate and gain true strike so basically   you can get the same ability that you get from  repost but it wouldn't use a superiority die and   it would give you true strike which helps out with  attacks after that it's so damn good but this just   depends on when you're going to do this portion  of the main quest without spoiling anything so uh   this just kind of depends on you and how you  go about it but once you get access to it it   will be quite good now outside of those things  we have the items I do have now the Drake fire   shortbow you're going to get access to in act two  and it is a real great short bow just because it   grants you resistance to Fire and cold damage and  also gives you haste it's just great if you never   ever want to do any kind of range you could just  keep this on your character and gain the benefit   of those resistances and and a free another good  one too is Bow the Banshee on hit possibly inflict   frightened gain plus one D4 bonus to attack and  damage against frightened creatures frighten is   really nice cuz it kind of locks things down for  you so it's a really really great capability now   the best bow for this build in my opinion there is  one better one well not one better one there's a   legendary bow but I don't think it's better than  the Deadshot so the Deadshot here the number you   need to roll a critical hit while attacking is  reduced by one spec can stack as we've now seen   many many many times Heen attack the wielder  doubles their proficiency bonus when rolling   range attacks with this weapon unless they have  disadvantage so you get plus4 when rolling range   attacks with this weapon no you get plus eight  I can't count clearly so it's just a really   really strong weapon that you then can use BRAC  width spend 20 ft of your movement speed for the   rest of your turn roll range damage twice and use  the highest result really helps you get a really   strong Alpha stri now as far as your um other  one-handed weapons we talked about some of the   bigger ones that you can get but you'll get access  to the sword of Life stealing here in act two at   the very beginning from Damon and the Moonlight  Towers assuming you do not kill him in the emerald   Grove on a critical hit the target takes an extra  10 necrotic damage as long as it isn't a contract   or in dead and you gain 10 temp hit points it's  just a really nice sword to use and the nice thing   too is this is a finesse weapon that's a big Focus  almost everything I've shown you is a finesse   weapon up to this point the farar aluve which will  get in act one from the beginning when you go into   the underd dark and this I used for a long time  mainly because of the melody here you can sing   and buff everyone around you or you can shriek and  debuff everyone around you and they take one to   four extra Thunder damage it's a really cool thing  to just kind of have on the game kind of bugged   out for me uh there's a point where you'll be able  to you have to attack like reflections of yourself   and one of my characters disarmed one of them so  I've got two of these weapons you're not supposed   to get two that I know but either way it's it's  a long sword it's finesse and it's versatile so   you can use this in your main hand with a light  weapon in your off hand until you get the dual   wielder feet which allows you to dual wheel um two  nonl weapons outside of that though you can use   any of the scimitars you're going to get access  to in the game there's plenty plenty plenty that   you can jump into just choose one and go with  it but I really like the hand maiden's mace   here um the reason here is that the sets thewar  strength to 18 the enchantment has no effect if   their strength score is higher without it which is  whatever but this gives me free 18 strength so now   I don't need to use finesse weapons if I do not  want to on this character you'll get this at the   beginning or end of act three whenever you decide  to do the house of grief and the nice thing like   I said is just unlocks all the other weapons for  me to play with that are one-handed so if you want   to use the non-f Finesse weapons you can just go  ahead and use this I personally on this character   haven't gotten Rap City or blood thirst so I'm not  using it now the other weapon I get from jira is   bellm is a a classic of balder's gate but this is  just a nice plus two weapon enchantment perfectly   balanced strike which is a bonus action this is  a free bonus action that I can use to just attack   again with this so the nice thing is that I'll be  able to attack and then just use a bonus action   again with this which is lovely um I overall  I love this weapon and I can just do a quick   Whirlwind attack if I really want to I just things  that Bell delivers to the table for me cuz the   main thing of the focus of my character personally  is using the Deadshot those are our weapons let's   talk gear now now so for gear we're going to focus  on medium armor and you can use light armor I mean   the high armor throughout the game is really good  the studded leather armor is really good because   it all gives you a bonus to your initiative  but ultimately you're going to want to fall   on the armor of agility now light armor is still  a really good call because light armor does not   give you a limitation on the amount of AC you  get so if I were to take a look at light armor uh right here it just says 12 Armor class right  well my character has in this case 19 because   I mess with the stats a little bit uh plus four  to his dexterity check so his armor class would   go up by four meaning that this light armor AC  would be a total of 16 I like medium armor on   the character because it's the it's the roleplay  I have en vision for them using light armor is   the minmax option so just go with whatever makes  sense for you but ultimately you're going to land   on Armor of agility which won't matter add  your full dexterity modifier to your armor   class additionally this armor does not impose  disadvantage on stealth saving our self ability   checks and saving throw plus two it's where I I  want to be with this build it's the best armor   for it opinion um you could also go with like in  increased crit armor and go light armor if you   really want to but again I wanted medium armor I  set that out the very beginning adamantine scale   I used as soon as I got it and I used it almost  all the way up until I got the armor of agility   here all incoming damage is reduced by one when a  melee attack hits you the attacker is sent reeling   and attackers can't land crits on the wear so  I really enjoyed using this up until the point   that I switched over to the armor of agility now  outside of that we have our gloves I'm using the   gauntlets of the warmaster target has our targets  have disadvantage on saving throws against your   maneuver and weapon actions which is to me really  good and also a plus one to my attack roles very   strong now you can get Legacy of the Masters  both of these are in act three from I think the   same vendor uh gain a plus two bonus to attack and  damage rolles with this weapon and plus one shrink   saving Thro so you get that plus one uh attack  from goet of the war Master but now you get it as   a plus two here which is really really lovely and  also to your damage right another good one too is   gaet of surging accuracy which will get an act two  which is lovely when you use action surge gain a   plus one D4 bonus to attack rules for the rest of  your turn the way you would use this is you'd use   action Surge and then you would go ahead and do  all the actions in a given turn that you wanted   to do right so okay I use action surge I buff  my character up I'm good to go now time to go   through everything else because I get this buff  from two early gloves those gloves of power if   you want to go with slight of hand uh this just  gives you a bonus to slight of hand also if you   end up getting the brand on your character get a  little bit extra value out of that and probably   the best gloves to get here in act one that you'll  get from the goblin Camp you gain proficiency with   long bows and short bows in addition your range  attacks deal in few damage personally I'd get the   gloves of archery sit on them all the way until I  got either surging accuracy Legacy the Masters or   warm G it's probably the best bet for your boots  I'm wearing the boots of persistence because you   gain freedom of movement and long Strider which  is lovely but if you want some Mobility go with   the disintegrating night Walkers can't be in  webbed and Tangled or and snared and you get   Misty step as a bound action so um even just  something simple like the blackgard or black   guards Greaves you gain long Shredder plus one  Athletics and the boots of shredding when you   cast a spell that requires concentration you gain  momentum for one turn while you're concentrating   you can't get knocked prone or be moved against  your will which is great because Hunter's Mark   is a concentration spell I use these boots of  striding until I put on the boots so they're   really really great boo hit the character pretty  well um for the cloak go with whatever one you   want I have the cloak of Elemental absorption so  I can absorb elements I just like that capability   but even something like the flesh melters cloak  so whenever someone does melee damage to you you   return turn and do acid damage which is always  lovely and strong for your helmet I'm using serox   horned Helm because this again it makes it so my  Critical Hits are reduced by one that's huge for   me can't be frightened cannot be afflicted  with other emotion altering conditions and   a constitution saving throw is increased by one  now why that last part is is important is because   concentration abilities like prey or prey pre  Hunters Mark Hunters Mark um is a concentration   ability so it makes a constitution saving throw  to make sure that ability stays online so if you   go into melee combat this helps you keep it going  some other good helmets so that you get access to   is the flawed hell dusk helmet right here at the  be well you need the the special medal you give   it to Dame in an act two he'll make you the flawed  hell dusk armor the wielder has plus two bonus of   saving throws against spells Constitution saving  throw plus one so it's going to be beneficial for   your charact I wore this until I got sbox helmet  uh the cobt cowl is great though while obscured   that's important the number remember you need  to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced   by one so you have to make sure your character is  hidden in some way shape or form um and obscured   is just simply all right time to I'm now heavily  obscured but this little half little half little   half Sun thingy that would be uh lightly obscured  so you just need to be obscured in some way shape   or form from a spell from being in a location  sneaking whatever it is and you get the benefit   of that for helmets though lastly we have the  circlet of hunting you gain a 1 D4 bonus to   attack rolls against creatures marked by Hunter  Mark true strike which we talked about which uh   from uh bloodthirst Fair fire and guiding bolt  guiding bolt can be done from your cleric like   Shadow heart for example Fair fire from a lot of  other sources but if you're already going to be   using Hunter Mark the circlet of hunting just  goes so well with it you basically get a free   1 D4 bonus just for having Hunters mark on and  there's another thing on here that gave us that   1 D4 bonus here from gunin of surging accuracy  you really can stack those bonuses quite a bit where am I what am I doing who's game uh who's  making this video it's me um okay so we also   have the H The Amulet of the Harpers advantage on  with some saving throws I just like having Shield   it's really great just uh boost to my AC when  I need it but some other great ones are stuff   like the moon drop pennant while the wearer  has 50% hit points or less they don't provoke   opportunity attacks so you can get out of hard  to reach spaces or amul of Missy step is another   good early one that's just just allows you to use  Misty step to get out of a bind uh for your ring   I don't have it I thought I did but the costic  band is good for whenever you do weapon damage   it does two acid damage so it's lovely just  a flat two damage to anything you do which   is any weapon you use so if you do a wield that's  four acid damage um the spurred ban during combat   when the wearer starts their turn with hit points  50% or less they gain momentum so they can move a   little bit further and then Crushers ring just  a flat increase to your movement speed for your   other rings that are probably best in slot you  have ring of regeneration just a free heal every   turn and killer sweetheart which is a free auto  crit once per long run you have a lot of really   great capability all the uh items what not not on  but that is all of your gear your equipment let's   take a look at some combat for this character  to show what they can really do before jumping   into combat make sure you also buff your pet with  any until long rest Buffs that you would buff the   rest of your party with cuz it's always important  to make sure they get the most value out of being   up jumping into combat let's have some fun let's  do some stuff um you know what I'm going to go   ahead and actually we didn't we didn't put them  on I was going to use the G searching accuracy   but I'm stupid but either way we're going to  use our action turet up front so that way we   just kind of have a bunch of uh actions that we  can do and from here we can get spicy I can go   ahead and drop down a spike growth and put this  right here of course it's going to get carlac   in the way but it only affects them if they're  moving really so let's just do it to make a point   actually going to put it right here Spike growth  does definitely fall off in the latter portions   of the game but by the time you get it online and  the end of kind of like the midpoint of Act One   into the beginning of act two it's actually going  to be quite strong I definitely don't think it's   something you're going to really focus on Lou  portions of the game but for example here this   is something I could put down it's going to allow  all these targets to take damage as they move off   of the spike grow I'm going to swap though my  concentration ability over to Hunter's Mark um   let's go ahead and drop it on this target so  it's going to shut off that Spike growth and   we're not going to use Hunter Mark instead  I did that deliberately and I'm going to use brace now I'm going to do more damage and I want  to keep this character alive just to show you the   kind of damage my my wolf can do but I'm going  to take one shot just to show you what we can   do with just this one shot you know what even  we'll do we'll do this we'll use our Precision   attack that's going to add now three to our  rolls and we'll use disarming attack ranged   so we have quite a bit going on here let's press  this button weapon dropped and we did a flat 27   damage so that's awesome as you can see here  proficiency Keen attack archery uh um oh that   was the attack roll sorry damage roll um piercing  damage we had a reroll there dexterity modifier   we had more piercing damage go into it we had  the Sharpshooter damage add into it we had a   hunter Mark damage add into it so a lot of really  strong capabilities so 27 damage into this target   I don't want to keep shooting it because I could  possibly kill it so we're going to switch and just   shoot another Target real quick critical hit of  27 not really honest most damage another shot   over here critical hit 32 cuz we're getting all  these Critical Hits right because we've got this   on on we've got this on so our crits are just way  more alive even so even even one over we're not   even a champion where I Be A Champion then we'd  be even doing more hits had I had Rap City we'd   be doing more bloodthirst even more so you just  get a lot of ways to really Wombo Combo a lot   of the damage from this character more critical  hits man what a sick showing this has been so far   right that's so many that's so many Critical Hits  now keep something in mind when you are playing a   ranged character if you keep your bow out you  cannot use any kind of opportunity attacks in   this case that's just fine um but let's say  someone comes over to me and tries to swing   on me um I will not use my repost reaction with my  bow out I have to do this so I would recommend you   just kind of do that so your character pulls your  weapons out take advantage of anything you can if   they close the distance so I'm going to keep this  character alive to show you what it's like with   my wolf attacking them we'll skip through through  skip through let all these characters do all their   stuff until our wolf gets to go right after this  one and now wolf can do a number of things we only   have since since unfortunately our wolf isn't at a  level 11 Wolf so it does not get the extra attack   we can only do like stuff like a lunging a bite  or this infectious B now the cool thing though is   we will be within 10 ft of carlac so that gives us  advantage on the swing let's just go ahead and use got lucky we did a hit now the damage roll  you can see here it did an aconic damage of   the the comp the companion's Bond and then it  did the prey sent so you have a lot of damage   to get pulled into this character and it does  allow you to really Spike that damage up when   this really can get out of control so your your  companion can supplement you damage wise it can   supplement You by doing maybe a if I had inste  done lunging bite to try to knock this thing   prone it would have given me a lot of advantage  on hitting that Target if I was using the Raven   I could have blinded targets curs them if I was  using the spider I could have in webbed them   or cocooned them they really CC things to help  me deal with a lot of stuff in the battlefield   so this is a build that can do a lot it's a lot  more active than I think than just simply being   a ranger and simply using your Beast Master  it allows you to supplement the abilities of   your part by really leaning into the Battle  Master that every turn I'm a little bit more   alive I'm not just simply shooting things with a  bow and that's what I that's the kind of issue I   had with this character initially is I just kind  of felt weak from turn to turn whereas okay I'm   on will and he's my bardlock I'm going to do all  these cool abilities I'm over on Shadow heart and   she's my light cleric I'm going to use all these  cool abilities even carlac as a barbarian he's a   barbarian Fighter by the way um felt just so much  more of an active character so that's why I've   spiced in Battlemaster into my beastman you can  again like I've said so many times in this video   just go 12 Beast Master if you want to stick with  the puppy or B in a different character go Rogue   if you want literally not like the like like the  term go Rogue don't go that uh go Rogue Thief if   you want to add in extra bonus actions go Rogue  assassin if you want to add that kind of flare   of doing a lot of critical damage and a lot of  um surprise Alpha strikes in there there's a lot   of different ways you can spice up your Ranger  than just simply going 12 levels so hopefully   this gives you a better idea of how to play this  is my personal favorite Ranger character this is   the one that is in my playthrough I changed him up  a little bit for this video fact actually optimize   him when I go back into my save I'm going to  probably going to Respec him but still this   character is the one that I play and I have a  lot of fun with and you're right it's not like   the super ultimate gloomstalker Rogue Ranger  that that can one one shot everything in the   game but it's the ranger that I Envision when  I think of a d and Ranger and that's what was   important to me in the role play I had in mind  so please play the ranger how you want play the   character how you want and have fun with balers  gate cuz it's great great experience as always   though thank you so much for watching here today  if you have any suggestions or things you would   change add whatever it is let it be known in the  comment section below but have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 58,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MY FAVORITE BEASTMASTER Ranger Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 ranger build, bg3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger guide, baldurs gate 3 ranger, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 ranger class, baldurs gate 3 ranger build guide, bg3 beastmaster companions, bg3 beastmaster, bg3 beastmaster build, bg3 ranger build guide, bg3 ranger subclasses, baldurs gate 3, bg3, bg3 beastmaster multiclass, bg3 best beastmaster build, bg3 beastmaster ranger, bg3 battlemaster
Id: Qm-n2RDmrTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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