THE BEST HEALER (Cleric/Bard) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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healers are a necessary component of almost  every RPG from the cleric to the Paladin and   even Druids all sorts of healers across the  many games out there that's no different in   balers Gate 3 plenty of multiclass options on  the table I want to go over what I believe to   be the best healer in balers Gate 3 by utilizing  Bard and cleric now if you're a d andd veteran   the adage is that healing isn't overly worth it  you're just better off doing more damage the best   type of healing is a monster not doing damage to  you after all but some people don't want to play   like that and I love getting big juicy heels off  I just wanted to address that upfront because I   think newer players can get discouraged online  asking for advice on building healers for more   veteran players that just tell them to kill things  if this is your first time on my channel the way   I do things is by upfront the knowledge of my  videos so you can decide if it's the right one   for you so with that being said we'll be taking  six levels of Life cleric and six levels of lore   Bard which one you go with first will depend  solely on the type of character you need for   your party as Bard will provide us with a lot of  crowd control and ways to subdue enemies while   adding later healing and the life cleric will be  our master of healing regardless our first level   will be in cleric just to get heavy armor turned  on ASAP but that's really the gist of this entire   video so if that's all you wanted to know please  feel free to shut the video down and get back to   creating your healing Powerhouse in bg3 before  you head out please don't forget to like comment   subscribe each one of those things does help  me out in a huge way I currently have something   like I don't know 89% unsubscribed viewership on  the channel that's a metric I'm trying to change   this year so every little bit helps you can jump  ahead to any part of the video that interest you   the most using the chapers of the timeline in  the description and you if you need help with   any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my  playlist links below and at the end of the video   let's get started here on the best healer build  in balers Skate 3 now to start us out I want to   talk very quickly about why we do not go with  Paladin in this build um I originally kind of   conceived this build looking at going nine  levels into Paladin to get the warden of a   Vitality spell and you definitely still can take  that route and then still go into life cleric but   I already have a build that's kind of similar to  it and if we take a look at this healing Radiance   spell um it's a channel oath ability proficiency  bonus which goes from two to three to then four   at levels 1 five and N then your Paladin level  then your charisma modifier so for me this was   a little too hinged upon your actual Paladin level  versus the life CL just gives us outright healing   bonuses based off of our character level which is  the combined level of all of our multiclasses so   if you're wondering why I don't have Paladin this  is why and again I already have a build like that   on the channel but I wanted to address this up  front before we go into character creation next   for character creation we have plenty of ways to  go about this remember this is a single player   narrative game so choose a race that makes sense  for you the character you want to make and the   role play you have in mind for your character  there are some options though that may be check   out I'm going to go through those but for the  most part this is going to be purely based off   of you cuz there's not a whole ton of benefit  from going to any one specific race humans nice   for some increased carry capacity and they get to  select an additional skill to be proficient in you   also kind of have to look about is this character  going to be the main character you're playing   which is actually a really really good one for a  main character or is this going to be maybe Shadow   heart or is this going to be any of the other  companions respect into this class so you just   kind of have to make that decision for yourself  uh the halfling can be a good choice here just   by simply going with the uh lucky capability here  to get to roll on attack rolls ability checks or   saving throws this is going to be nice especially  if you're playing in the honor mode where every   single role really helps you out and choosing  between the light foot or strong heart I would   just go with strong heart just to get that add  additional advantage on saving throws against   poison and a resistance to poison just gives me a  little bit more survivability in that same breath   I would look at the dwarf who also has that same  advantage on saving throws and and resistance to   poison just some more survivability and go with  a gold dwarf for just some more hit points those   are some things that I really like you can  definitely go with an elf or a d if you so   wish um D is my favorite charact favorite race  in the game and I almost always choose Dr for   a lot of my characters half elves are still just  as good as well um you can go with wood elf for   increased movement drought to kind of get those  benefits but one of the big ones that I really   like here is the asmodus tling the asmodus tling  gets produced flame which you can get as a cantrip   as a cleric but it's Nic to have this capability  um and it frees up a cantrip slot basically right   but the nice thing too is that at level three  you're going to get hellish rebuke which is an   basically anytime someone does damage to you you  can use hellish helish rebuke it'll use a spell   slot and do damage back and then lastly at level  five you get a free cast of Darkness you get it as   a spell so what I like about that is it offers  a lot of utility and don't think of this class   is purely a Healer It Is A Healer but the reason  we're jumping into Bard is to get a lot of utility   and a lot of help for the entire um party as a  whole so I like as modus tling memphisto tling is   great too Mage hand burning hands and then flame  blade flame blade not as crucial here the zarel   tling does get a lot of bonuses with seeding Smite  and branding Smite so not as huge here because   we're not focused on melee combat so those are my  kind of breakdowns here for your race classes of   course we're going to start off with cleric you  can start off with Bard if you want but I think   getting one level in the cleric and choosing your  subass of the life domain is a really nice way to   start us off because we just get jump we jump  into heavy armor right away so we don't have   to worry about overlapping armor choices with  any of the other people in our party unless of   course you have other heavy armor wearers and  also this gives us cure wounds and bless as   part of just simply selecting life domain for our  cantrips we're going to go guidance cuz it's just   so damn good we're going to choose resistance  because I like this of the of what's remaining   on this list uh blade Ward is another really good  one it's just not a I'm sorry I meant to choose   blade Ward I like blade Ward more than resistance  because blade Ward is not a concentration ability   but you'll see that we have plenty of ways to turn  blade Ward on in this build also sacred flame it's   a terrible ability it almost always misses but at  least it's just a free damage capability you can   have uh you can swap that for thury if you want  to gain advantage on intimidation and performance   checks if you'd like to do that for your DED go  with whatever one you want to go with please um   Helm is really nice here because it's the I don't  know it fits in with the whole uh dominion over   the the life domain one that uh you can kind of  look at too is Elis I don't know how to pronounce   that but this is basically the the good aligned  D goddess and if you go to pull the uh singing   sword in the underdark which you will find you  get an advantage if you if you're worshiping   this deity Leander might help out with the leaner  Quest I do not know but the leaner Quest is going   to be a big focus in the gear section but you know  Helm is just as fine or again leanders also have   light and life domain um choose whatever D makes  sense for you your character and your role play   that's really going to be the big thing here  there's nothing in here that's really going to   change the game anyway for you as far as your  background goes again same thing go with that   fits the roleplay for the character you have in  mind are you a former acolyte has turned to the   ways of the cleric Are you a folk hero who kind of  uses their piousness to drive themselves forward   are you a former Bard who has taken their levels  into Bard and turned into a claric or vice versa   whatever it is choose the background that fits for  you and the character you have in mind my minmax   pick is almost always the insight and persuasion  skill gain from The Guild Artisan both of those   skills are really important you're going to make  a lot of those roles throughout your playthrough   of the game and if you kind of go with what I  have here I think this is a pretty okay setup   I'd probably go history and religion medicine is  really only important if you're making potions so   I'd have a dedicated character making that but if  you want to go with it by all means go ahead and   do so hision insight and persuasion is pretty good  especially if this is my main character as these   will have be the abilities I'll use or um talking  right persuasion and inside you use that a lot   when you're talking to people and as far as your  starting spells for this cleric I definitely went   with healing word so now we've got pretty much  all of our level one healing capabilities covered   with just this first level command is a nice one  to start with here because you can do a lot of   fun stuff like have people drop their weapons uh  go prone all sorts of fun things create water is   really good if you have a storm sorcerer or any  kind of lightning Caster or ice Caster planned   out for your party because you can now create a  water surface that makes people wet that you then   will do double damage with either ice lightning  or thunder I think it's only ice and lightning   spells um if you want you could swap this off for  guiding bolt if you want more damage or Shield of   faith B armor class uh protection from Good and  Evil is all very good and Sanctuary is great   too just kind of basically turn one character  into an unkillable moving little Target um if   they do damage they remove Sanctuary but it's a  nice thing to kind of cast on someone in a in an   oh [ __ ] kind of situation but now let's talk  about our ability scores so your ability scores   are going to be interesting right because we are  going with a cleric so we want to have wisdom and   we are going also with a Bard so we want to  have Charisma now you're probably thinking   to yourself well we're not really doing damage  with the cleric why go with the wisdom well stuff   like healing word is going to get a bonus to its  healing capabilities based off of your casting uh   spell casting ability score modifier so in the  case of that word of certain healing spells it   will use wisdom uh because it is a cleric spell  unless it's a unless it's a Bard spell that only   use whichever On's higher but that's another here  nor there that's a different discussion there's a   video up right for that so we've got both of those  set to 16 our intelligence is eight our strength   at eight our dexterity is only at 10 because we  are using um heavy armor now our constitution is   set to 15 because we will eventually take the feat  con uh resilient Constitution because this will   allow us to get 16 Constitution from it the feat  will give us one single ability point and it will   also give us a special bonus to Constitution sa  throws and the reason here is this will give us   more Health which is always good but the other the  big thing is that we're going to be doing a lot of   concentration roles which are Constitution saving  throws so having this have the highest modifier   possible along with our casting is absolutely  crucial remember you don't get a bonus to the   actual uh ability if it's an uneven number if it's  15 in this case it's only going to be two but if   this is 16 it's a plus three as you can see with  wisdom so we will get this to 16 in due time but   this is the ability scores I have set out for this  character let's go into the progression as far as   progression goes here now you can decide if you  want to do six levels into cleric or six levels   into Bard first it's entirely up to you depends  upon what else is in your party what Bard is   going to afford you is a lot more of CC capability  right crowd control so if I go ahead and do this   can trips we get here are like vicious mockery  where um the target has disadvantage on its next   attack role we can get friends online to give  us advantage on Charisma checks and help us out   with any kind of vendors if we're not playing  in tactician or honor mode or spell wise we   can get access to dissonant Whispers we can get  charm person we can get sleep we can get Tasha's   hideous laughter so just to kind of reinforce  however you want to split this character up is   dependent upon you and the character you have in  mind I'm going to go ahead and just stick with my   levels into uh cleric right now because I'm just  going to assume that this character is solely a   the Healer first and then all the other things  secondary if I was doing this in honor mode I   would probably stick with Bard just to turn on a  lot of that crowd control capability and a lot of   the other skill items that I get as a lore Bard  which is very very nice so starting here with   level two of cleric the big thing we get access  to is preserve life and also with a um this is a   cleric of life we get this disciple of Life your  devotion empowers your healing spells when casting   a healing spell the Target regains additional hit  points equal to two plus that spells level so one   of our best spells we're going to cast is Warden  of Vitality that's a level three spell so it will   always give us a flat five additional hit points  which is really really cool and also like I said   now we get preserved life as far as a Chanel a  channel Divinity spell goes which will be based   off of our character level so as we level up this  will get even stronger and channel Divinity here   will be replenished on on a short rest eventually  so for our spells we're just going to stick with   what we've got you know just kind of swap out  what you kind of need uh putting Sanctuary into   this list is not a bad idea Bane is okay to  have but we're not focusing on that but maybe   going something like this just gives us a lot of  healing and utility we already have um The Cure   and bless from our domain so we'll stick with that  and go ahead and move forward now for more spells   we get into level two we kind of want to stick  with that St that same stick you can go Prayer   of Healing here but remember this is only out  of combat and since we're going to be picking   a Bard we'll have access to song of rest which  you can think of this is you can use Prayer of   Healing and then you can use song of rest the nice  thing is you just have a lot of ways to keep your   party's Health up a lot of the time but using hold  person is a really good little bit of utility that   gives you access to some fun spells um some fun  uh um CC early in the game which is really nice   also worth noting too that some of these spells  will overlap with The Bard but you as a cleric   can swap them on and off as you see fit which is  very very nice whereas The Bard cannot do that   so this is a really good probably setup here we  could probably do something like this this helps   us out blindness is really strong too for a lot  of CC level two spells aren't too crazy when it   comes to adding any kind of healing because our  domain spells of Aid and lesser restoration we   just automatically get which is really good so  now we can help out with status effects with ler   restoration and increase Max hit points with Aid  it's a really nice way to just kind of help people   out the nice thing about this too is it lasts  until a long rest but it is not a ritual spell   so it will cost you a spell slot keep that in mind  go ahead and keep this romp going here into level   four where we get another cant trip so you can put  light on your character if you want you can pick   up thery if you didn't before uh sacred flame  if you really want to see your character miss   a lot whatever it is and for more spells you just  kind of put in whatever makes sense uh spiritual   weapon is really good just to add another body  under the field that the enemy has to kill it's   a really nice way to kind of distract things but  level four we get access to our first C trip I'm   sorry no no no not our first canri our first feat  so let's talk about them feetsies and with Feats   we have some decent options a lot of the other  ones aren't going to be too amazing because we   only have two Feats to choose from if you do want  to get you know a little bit more tanky you can go   with heavy armor Master if you want but I think  the two Feats we're going to really focus on I   mean and also to get something like spell sniper  it's going to help you with crit strikes on your   can trips um and your spells but I I just think  that what we want to really do here is focus on   being a support character so you can get something  like ritual caster which which adds these spells   into your repertoire as ritual spells so you can  get like long Strider turned on and speak with   animals and just have them always set for yourself  that is a really cool thing I think this is a   nice to have not a compulsory I think the two big  Feats you want to focus on are ability Improvement   to put into either Charisma or wisdom depending  upon what you want to focus on do you want your   cleric spells to be better go with wisdom do you  want your CC and crowd control abilities as a um   Bard to be better then go with Charisma also worth  noting too this is also going to affect whenever   you're doing any kind of conversations right so  Charisma can help out in a lot of different ways   outside of just strictly spellcasting but I think  outside of that the big we want one we want to   focus on is resilient Constitution so you increase  an ability by one so now our Constitution's at   16 to a Max of 20 and you gain Proficiency in  that abilities saving throw meaning that now we   add two three or four if we're are level five or  level one five or nine to our constitution checks   concentration checks are all Constitution saving  throws this is a very huge capability and if you   don't know how you want to put the character at  level four you're like ah I don't really know   where I want to go right yet just go with this  it's a real safe bet then as you get to uh level   four on The Bard then you can choose which ability  Improvement to increase so I'll go with this it's   kind of a little bit of a safer bet and then as  we're coming through the game we can decide how   we're doing this so at this point you're probably  around the halfway point of act one so this is a   good point to um uh pick this up and get a little  bonus to anytime you have to do any concentration   checks marching on to level five with our cleric  though our last two levels we get T destroy Undead   we get our level three spells with Beacon of  Hope which is cool so your allies will regain   the max hit points possible when healed they also  gain advantage on wisdom saving throws and death   saving throws which is pretty nifty and you get  revivify so now you can just get people up you   can resurrect them for free and it's not going  to cost you one of your prepared spell slots   it's always known now outside of this you might  think to go with something like Spirit Guardians   cuz it is a really cool ability but I don't want  this char character to necessarily be up close and   personal doing damage it's a really it's one of  my favorite cleric spells but it doesn't fit the   kind of role I have here uh Glyph of warding is  a nice offensive spell here because it gives us   the ability to use the glyph that can push things  away or any of the Elementals attached to it also   a nice option but I think the big Focus I'm going  to go with is mass healing word because this is   healing word but now as a bonus action and it  affects all my allies so it's even better now   we are going to use an amlet that amulet that can  give us that but the nice thing is we'll just have   that amulet as a free form of masculine word  and this as a spell form other ones though you   want to get eventually a remove curse but this is  situational and I would simply just remove this on   and off my prepared spell list as needed and we'll  take our last level into cleric here the reason we   went with level six cleric though is to get this  specifically blessed healer healing others heals   you as well when you cast a spell when you cast  a healing spell of level one or higher on another   creature you would gain hit points to two plus  the Spells level so now you don't need to worry   so much about topping yourself off because you  constantly have healing coming out whenever you   heal someone that comes to you and to them at the  same exact bonus right this was that same bonus   that whenever we heal a Target we get two plus  the Spells level well now that reactively goes   to us as well it's a very very good capability  and we get another Channel Divinity charge that's   huge so we get a lot of utility there and we can  go ahead and put in another spell you know what   uh protection from energy is really good for some  resistance bonus in a fight you know you're going   to deal with a specific resistance I actually  really like this one too um but if you want to   put in a little bit more utility you can go with  silence warding bond is good too uh there's a lot   of different ones here enhance ability is amazing  to use in fact I'm going to go with that because   you can use it during con um conversations which  is Lovel it let's go ahead and accept that level   and as we come into level seven cleric we pivot  and go to Bard where we select our cantrips we   already have blade Ward and we're going to get  it from a ton of different sources so we'll go   with something like this spells now you can  see anything with this gold border around it   we already have it from another um spell right  we already have it from another uh uh class so   we're going to pick up stuff like charm person  we're going to get tsh's hideous laughter we're   going to get dissonant Whispers I would steer  clear of sleep at this point in the game if you   went with six cleric then into bard sleep is only  really effective in the very beginning portions   of the game and then falls off of its usefulness  quite quickly I would pick long Strider if I did   not have a wizard or a ranger that already had  long Strider or I didn't choose the uh the the   feet for it long Strider is great because it is  a ritual spell meaning when you cast it it will   a long until last until long rest and B it will  not use a spell slot uh that's confusing ritual   spells don't use spell slots that's what a ritual  spell does but as far as offensive capabilities   Thunder Wave is great so when something gets close  to you you can actually clear them out really well   with Thunder Wave this is a really nice little  setup here but you can even go with fairy fire   if you want you just got to be mindful when you  cast fairy fire if you cast it on a whole group   this will apply the advantage to attack rules to  your party if if you did that so just be careful   if you use fairy fire we'll go with this and  abilities you can just choose whatever ones you   want here uh of course go with whatever makes  sense for the character your play through all   those fun things you can now go into everything  so if you really want to focus on uh you don't   hey we don't actually have a rogue character well  now I now I can actually do those slight of hand   checks with this character uh because eventually  you'll get a proficiency you'll get an expertise   in that specific one but I'll choose persuasion  down here because you know what maybe this is my   main character I'll go ahead and press accept  and we will go to level two choose more spells   and again just kind of apply the ones that fit for  some for what you have in mind heroism is actually   not a bad one it does fall off in the later  game game because you can only get temporary   hit points from one source so if you have getting  if you're getting temporary hit points from say a   um item then they can override each other now for  our subass we're going with the lore which will   give us cutting words use your wi to distract  a creature and sap its confidence mainly what   we want here is the level six capability that  Lard has called magical Secrets will allow us   to choose a spell from pretty much everything um  well up to a certain point now we have to choose   even more spells you can see that we have tons of  these little gold boxes so a lot of the there's   a lot of existing overlap which is actually nice  we don't need to kind of split our attention onto   some of these other abilities heat metal is very  good to just getting people to drop items whatever   you want to kind of do with that there's a lot of  fun stuff and remember we are a Bard oh we're lore   Bard so we get to choose more skills like I said  we get these expertise so let's go like persuasion   and intimidation right so now we're really good  when it comes to conversation or perception so   we're really really good with that check or maybe  Insight whatever one that makes sense for you in   the character and your party and all that jazz  remember we are a Bard oh what did I not do what   did I not do oh uh boom bang boom whatever you  want to go with there we are a Bard so when we   want to swap out an ability we have to use replace  spell so let's go ahead and swap out heroism with   another level two spell um hold person was a  really good one we took a look at earlier well   we can just swap that into our Spellbook from  cleric so let's ignore that one here um enhance   ability we can get that from cleric very easily so  we might as well choose things that are a little   bit more exclusive to this character as a Bard  remember we saw blindness on our on our cleric   list as well right so stuff like enthrall  or where is it where is it fantasmal Force   I thought fantasmal force was Crow of Madness  Crow of Madness is actually very good here if   you want an offensive spell cloud of daggers is  very good also shatter is great spell as well   cuz basic you're you're casting a you're casting  Thunder Wave but at a location and it's not moving   anyone back but still let's go with just crown  of Madness kind of like that sounds fun we'll go   ahead and push forward to get to level four Bard  which will give us another can trip just again go   with whatever makes sense for you minor illusion  can be fun you can cast that down and they have to   go deal with it um let's go with see invisibility  is always really good I like shatter get a little   give a little aggression to the character um we  have so many other spells to really kind of that   are overlapped which is don't feel like that's a  bad thing it's a good thing because now we don't   we can really specifically choose what we want  now for our ability Improvement I'm going to put   more points into wisdom here personally because  I want this character to heal better and wisdom   is going to help affect how much healing we're  getting out of the character we're going to get   more levels here um and now we're going to get to  level three so stuff like hypnotic pattern is very   good hypnotized creatures that can see the pattern  they cannot attack you they cannot move or act the   spell can be cast while you're silenced which is  just a really nice ability fear is a really really   good ability overall right disadvantage ability  checks attack roles um sing cloud is kind of fun   but let's go with hypnotic pattern you know what  let's replace another spell let's get rid of charm   person it's just I feel like it kind of falls off  in its usefulness later into the game and let's   pick up that fear capability right so now we have  a lot of really good crowd control capabilities   on top of being a very good healer because of all  of our cleric stuff right and our final level into   this action um let's go with uh th and our final  level two gets us this action counter charm you   and allies within 30 ft have advantage on saving  throws against being Charmed or frightened which   is so good now for Magical secrets we have a  ton of things to choose from we pretty much have   access to all these level three two and one spells  that we wouldn't have access to as this character   class and the big one we're going to get right  here is Warden of Vitality while this Aura lasts   you can restore Vitality as a bonus action to heal  yourself or nearby allies and in addition to that   we're going to pick up counter spell counter  spell is just so strong and it happens a lot in   the latter portions of the game you will get your  spells countered if you don't want to go with the   healing portion you can pick up haste if you don't  want to go with counter spell because maybe you   got it from a different character go with haste  those are really good abilities that you can go   into if you want to supplement more damage into  the build Fireball or a lightning Boler really   is really good hunger of Hadar is great but these  are all really good abilities you can use in level   three section of this that you really just can't  go wrong with almost any of the ones you pick and   again too look at all these gold boxes so it kind  of really helps limit or not limit but help make   it easier for us to choose specific spells for  our Bard so let's put all this together and take   a look at what it looks like now with everything  put together on this character we have tons of   options for things to do you can see my spell  bar is massive right and we get all the way up to   level six spells because Bard and cleric are both  casting um classes so we have a ton of spell slots   to take advantage of and we can upcast a lot of  these really good spells so if I click this we can   take a look at all these abilities we can upcast  here to level six and by doing that remember   we're going to we're going to sneak in place in  the middle of the video like I didn't want to   do because I'm not the smartest person the world  we're going to take advantage of disciple of Life   two plus the Spells level so if I take advantage  of say level six spell slot and I were to cast um cure wounds right it's going to be two plus  that six is eight so this now rather than doing   5 to 12 healing is going to do 13 to 20 healing  base because that is that plus eight already added   into it and and that healing is going to heal me  as well so a lot of this stuff is going to come   together in a really fun way and we can also take  advantage of you know hey you know what we got all   this really great healing but in this exact moment  I just need a really big damage spell let's upcast   this shatter to do 7 to 56 damage or you know what  um let's go ahead I'm not going toast guiding bu   that's crazy 9 to 58 54 damage you can see some  of the damage values that are coming out of this   if we had taken from M uh uh magical Secrets  any of those capabilities we'd have some really   fun abilities that would be doing a lot of damage  here too right but this character is not focused   on that it's really focus more on taking advantage  of healing and crowd controlling two of the really   important things that I think that a support  character or healer should really do is Not Just   Pure Healing but locking other things down to make  it so that your other characters can do majority   of their damage gear wise this class gets off the  ground very quickly which is actually really nice   but by the like midpoint of act one you have the  majority of uh the items for this build there's   two items though I don't have in this playthrough  so let me go through those first the first one is   the blood of Leander you're going to get this  in the mountain pass by doing the Leander Quest   um once per long rest when your hit points are  reduced to zero you regain two to 12 hit points   allies within also regain hit points so that's  a nice little way to just kind of get some flat   healing on yourself if you get down but sheds Holy  Light in a 6m radius in combat fiends and Undead   standing in the light are blinded unless they  succeed a constitution saving throw you get a free   cast of Sunbeam so it very it very much fits the  overall scope of this character and it's a really   good early weapon that you're going to use the  entirety of the game with this build another good   set or another good piece is the Hell Riders Pride  you'll get these from zevar and the emerald Grove   however you get them from zor do you help out the  the emerald Grove do you punish the emerald Grove   and kill it all whatever it is um if you show if  you um do the thing where you reveal kaga as her   situation uh the hell Rider's pride is your gift  as that but whenever you heal another creature it   gains resistance against bludgeoning piercing  and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks   which is basically a free cast of Blade Ward on  anything you heal so this is a really amazing set   of gloves and you'll use these the entirety of  the playthrough up until you get the ones that   we're going to Showcase later but outside of that  everything else is very straightforward um what   I'm wearing is pretty much the best items you want  to get when it comes to the first four we're going   to talk about so the whispering promise when  you heal a creature it gains plus one D4 bonus   to attack rolls and saving throws for two turns  basically it's a free bless you'll get this from   Volo um in the emal Grove the first time you meet  him just press in the lower left button lower left   side of the screen you'll see a little trade  button press that and you'll be able to to buy   this from him there's also the Ring of solving  you restore an additional two hit points every   time you heal another creature so two more flat  healing is done with these two items working in   conjunction and that's huge right on top of all  the stuff that you're that you're going to be   giving bonuses to uh with your cleric class this  you'll get from Ellum in the under underd dark   in the um uh M Colony the person I don't want  to spoil but yeah you you'll find him there um   also the boots of Aid and comfort when the wearer  heals a Target it gains an additional three temp   hit points these will become obsolete um until  you can find other forms of temp hit points   for your characters but in the meantime it's a  great way just to kind of pour temp hit points   onto them and then lastly these the best gloves  that will replace the hell Rider's Pride when you   heal a creature it gains the effect of Blade Ward  when you revive a creature it gains the effect of   death Ward and this gives you a free cast of rify  so these are going to be the best gloves they fit   the overall look of the character um they're going  to be awesome you buy these in the lower City in   balder's gate at the uh storm something whatever  Tabernacle from the vicer there so those are like   your four best items for this build really that  you they really kind of H upon them and again   these gloves will be the hell Rider's Pride um if  you didn't if you don't buy these and all four of   those items you're going to get very quickly in  the game now when it comes to your weapon we if   you didn't you get the blood of Leander you can  get the staff of Arcane blessing bless grants an   additional 1 D4 to saving throws and weapon  attacks and an addition 2 D4 to spell attack   roles and you get a free bless built into this  weapon so it's a really cool one here of course   you're not doing damage with that but that's not  the big Focus here it's just giving it's just kind   of supercharging bless for you also you can use  one of the other like legendary staves that you   can get like this or like the staff of the weave  that basically give you Arcane battery well not   basically they do give you Arcane battery um and  also you gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC   and spell attack roles which is nice for any kind  of offensive capabilities but I would just give   this to a offensive spellcaster instead of a  support character I just wanted to highlight   it because it can give you Arcane battery even  something like this right game plus one uh bonus   to spell save DC and spell attack roles just  to kind of showcase those things those can help   you in this case now outside of all that with  your armor I'm wearing just chain mail because   it looked really cool but um really you can use  whatever you want uh probably one of the better   ones is going to be the dark juser half plate  this is medium armor not heavy armor but Advan   AG on Constitution saving throw checks that's the  big thing so with that resilient feet and the dark   justic Cur plate we have both the proficiency  and an advantage on Constitution saving throws   that's very very good but if you want to go wear  something like this the dwarfen split mail it's   sick you take one less piercing damage you gain  a bonus of strength throws and checks but you   get plus two to Constitution which is overall just  going to help you outright with your Constitution   saving throws keep in mind this is to a Max of  20 so if if you have ability improvements that   are already bring you up to 20 this is not going  to bring you beyond that number so just keep that   in mind but again I'm just kind of showcasing I  I put half blade on the character whatever heavy   armor you want to wear this is medium armor I'm  stupid whatever heavy armor you want to wear you   can use the adamantine armor you can use the armor  you get from Krick whatever you'd like that you're   not using on another character go ahead and use  it for your cloaks you can go with like vivacious   cloak you gain eight 10 hit points after casting  a spell in melee but I like cloak of displacement   so at the beginning of the wearer's turn the cloak  activates graning enemies disadvantage on attack   roles that Target the wearer so this makes your  character kind of inadvertently T tanky right it's   harder for people to Target this character and I  really really like that makes it a little easier   for this one to stay alive and you can already  heal yourself so much anyway that it won't really   matter if you do take damage for helmets you have  an ungodly amount of options so I'm wearing the   Helm of baleron because I like it because it just  gives us I can't be crit hit and I just get two   hit points every single turn um you have a bonus  to Armor class and saving throws as well which is   cool just really high tanky AC but you can wear  something like the flawed hell dust helmet which   gives you Constitution saving throws plus one you  can use the gibbus of worshipful servant uh of   the worshipful servant with the the first portion  is not too great on momentum on Charisma modifier   but you gain advantage on concentrating saving  throws which you want to have those as much as   possible uh wo's Crown you'll get in act one  when healing another wearer G regain one to   six hit points so just more hit points that come  your way circlet of mental anguish when an enemy   fails Charisma intelligence or wisdom saving  throw against one of your spells you regain   hit points uh the birthright is great because it  just gives you more Charisma which you can use   for all of your bar spells or the cap of curing  which you'll get an act one as well when you   inspire an ally using baric inspiration they also  regain one to six hit points which is something   I totally forgot to talk about we'll talk about  that in a little bit um but you just regain more   hit points so just choose whatever helmet makes  sense for you uh boots if if you're not going to   use the boots of Aid and comfort just use Mobility  boots something like the dis disintegrating night   Walkers that you can't be in webbed entangled or  in snared you get Missy step for free speaking of   when it comes to necklaces The Amulet of Missy  step is great uh The Amulet of the Harpers is   great for Advantage on wisdom and shield the spell  Crux amulet is great for spell slot restoration um   I'm a big fan of the Moon drop amulet when wear  has 50% hit points are less they don't provoke   opportunity attack so you can move around a lot  a really good one you're going to get early in   about uh beginning pors of act two is the am  of restoration so this gives you a free cast   of healing world word and mass healing word so I  would use this up until the point you get Amulet   of Greater health so this gives you advantage on  Constitution saving throws the same thing that   this plate gives you right and it gives you 23  Constitution so it sets your Constitution all the   way up you don't need to worry about advantage on  anything advantage on Constitution saving throws   from everything else this is all taken care of  with this amulet so you really are not going to   be breaking concentration anytime soon well you  probably will but still nonetheless um oh those   gloves I forgot there's another one you can get is  the herbalist gloves if the wearer heals a poison   creature it is no longer poison so you don't have  to actually uh cure anyone you can just heal them   and as far as Shields go our last item here Bonia  walking Fortress is probably the best because you   gain advantage on on saving throws against spells  spell attack rolls against you have disadvantage   and it's just a lot of um Armor class there's  there's reactives in this there's warning Bond   there's reflective shell tons of cool stuff but  if you want just more spell slots Shield devot is   definitely the way to go and it gives you Shield  devotion Aid this is probably the better one to   use if I just wanted just more outright uh utility  Krick Shield is nice to get in the meantime for uh   bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles  but this is definitely how I would build out   this character gear wise I'm not going to jump us  into combat because it's not necessarily going to   Showcase all of what we can do but instead what  I'm going to do is just show how we can heal with   this character so healing can be done a number of  ways with this guy right right I just have access   to so many capabilities and also we have so many  ways to buff too like with Bic inspiration which   we kind of loosely talked about before but now um  this little bad boy will replenish on short rest   and so will our Channel Divinity which is really  nice here we get a lot of utility out of these so   I can go ahead and do a little buff in here if  I have any of my healing capabilities that give   me um heals you on baric inspiration I can kind  of get a little bit of a Wombo there and we have   carlac kind of Burton down here to 14 some OD  health so I can go ahead and use preserve life   evoke a healing energy that restores your allies  and it does it in this big old circle around   me and this is also going to heal me so let's go  ahead and do this you can see that did quite a bit   more healing there right and let's go ahead and  stop that that did temp hit points bless and blade   Ward for all the characters that this applied to  jira as well so we take a look at this make this   larger um he'll self for 36 hit points he'll self  for two more hit points and another two more hit   points so out of that one spell because that's  not going to take advantage of being um cast   by a specific spell level uh we're going to get  even more hit points don't worry that still did   a juicy 40 hit points and that was in a big AOE  heal which I really really like so let's go ahead   and again too we also have bless that was turned  on and we have blade war that was turned on which   is is great right and I can make our bless even  better let's go ahead and just use our bound bless ability not no target that'll not do go and  boom and boom and just whatever not bless   buess anything else anything else anything  else what a great instructional video from   a great instructional person that makes great  instructional [ __ ] here we'll come over here   we'll bust these guys what a great video this  is there we go and there we go and there we   go so our bless has been buffed up right so  additional 1 D4 to saving throws and weapon   attack rolles and an additional 2 D4 to spell  attack roles because of the specific bless we   get from this staff which is really cool um  well that's just any time we cast bless now   let's take a look at an actual dedicated heal  I've been talking up this stupid spell Warden   of vital Vitality the whole entire video so how  does it really work so while this Aura lasts you   can restore Vitality as a bonus action to heal  yourself or nearby allies so here's the AOE got   to got her outside of it let's go ahead and cast  it the Warner Vitality is up I can just press this and I'm giving those hit those hit points  across right go ahead and do this giving those   hit points across that goes back to me a little  bit do it again so with this going to do this just   to kind of lock things down for a little bit so I  can show it off um use restore Vitality I healed   for nine five and five on myself whatever but we  restored will for 12 2 five yeah 12 2 five and   then I got five of those hit points so we just  have a lot of really reactive Fun hit points   that are that are kicking off all over the place  and this is just active here for 10 turns that's   how Warden of Vitality Works 10 turns it's just  up you know what I don't really have anything   to do in this this turn for a bonus action I'll  go ahead and use restore Vitality because it's a   bonus action to actually take advantage of this  or you know what let's go ahead and get like   let's let's do a Wombo Combo heal here let's go  we'll go over here we're going to heal him with   cure wounds no let's let's just Jack this this  cure wounds all the way up to level six so our   10 to 52 boom that heals him for 30 plus 8 plus  two that's a 40 Point heal I got eight of those   hit points and you know what he's he's topped off  but I'm not I'm going now use my bonus action to   restore Vitality to give myself 10 more hit points  so just to kind of show that we can really layer a   lot of this healing onto the characters or you  know what let's go over here let's try and get   Mass healing word out I don't think this increases  the the radius we can do like a healing word and   that's is going to get S to 16 in a radius  and that just healed everyone around me and   it turned on blade Ward and it turned on bless  for all of them so you see how much utility were   getting out of this and I haven't even gone into  stuff like being able to Blind these things that   are around me or I haven't gone into stuff like  not mockery where is it Tosh's hideous laughter   we could have been using here um doesn't matter if  we go up to a higher level but we could we could   use a hypnotic pattern to have some fun we have  a lot of ways we can control the battlefield if   we don't have any healing actions and if we do  have a ways we want to control the battlefield   with Varden of Vitality I can still use my bonus  action to be a very strong potent 30 foot heel   that does not cast does not cost a spell slot  because you could tell you could just be saying   to me well why don't I just simply use a healing  word well a this heals for more and B this costs   a spell slot so you just get a lot of roving  um utility out of this and furthermore too I   I kind of loosely talked about this but we have  song of rest that we can be using outside of all   this exit this you know what I'm not going to use  a short rest we'll use song of rest and that will   grant everyone the blade Wards and all that kind  of fun action if I wanted to we could be putting   in Prayer of Healing and use this to rather than  a um you can see all that kind of look at that   that Wombo Combo heals all over the place there's  just so much but I don't think I've impressed upon   it enough so I'm going to do it one more time you  just get so much goddamn utility and I think that   uh playing a Healer in your in your party is  just fine I I know that it's kind of like the   Min maxi meta way to play is not with a Healer  and just having more damage in my personal honor   playthrough I don't have a Healer and that's just  fine you don't need to have one if you don't want   one and if you do want one then [ __ ] it just do  it it's a lot of fun to have a character like this   that's just pumping out heels especially because  those heels are reactively going back TOS making   it so that taking their action and bonus action  and turning them into a lot of really crunchy   heels healing himself keeps him in the fight for  a long time especially with heavy armor adding a   ton of insulation so hopefully this helps  you out in creating your healer in balers   Gate 3 if you have any other recommendations or  items or or class splits you'd go with go ahead   and let me know in the comments section below  always down for fun ways to approach different   characters but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 88,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE BEST HEALER (Cleric/Bard) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3 cleric build, bg3 best healer build, bg3 best healing, bg3 best healer, bg3 best healing multiclass, bg3 healer build, bg3 healer cleric build, bg3 life domain cleric build, bg3 cleric bard support build, bg3 best support build, bg3 best support bard, bg3 best support cleric, bg3 support cleric, bg3 life domain cleric, bg3 life cleric healing, life domain, cleric subclass, lore bard, lore bard build, cleric, bg3
Id: UqF_B2t0YQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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