Baldur's Gate 3 Build Guide | Storm Sorcerer | Best AOE Caster

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C hello and welcome back to another balers Gate 3 build video this video I'll be going over my storm sorcerer this is a versatile AOE Caster build that focuses on dealing lightning and thunder damage while keeping light on its toes throughout combat so without further Ado as always first I'll go over the class levels and then I'll follow that up with all the items to look out for throughout the game also sorry if I sound a little different in this video I'm still a little sick and so my voice is probably going to sound a little different so normally I start out with character race recommendations but this time around I don't really have any since none of the races have any relevant advantages for this build so moving directly on to the build and its ability scores I've opted for this ability score spread but of course feel free to change it as you see fit this spread gives me good Charisma and Constitution while still giving me decent dexterity for my initiative roles and decent intelligence for the wizard levels we acquire later down the line in the early game before we acquire those wizard levels you may want to swap the intelligence and wisdom scores to make more efficient use of your stats but it's up to you at level one we start as a tempest domain cleric this grants us the Wrath of the storm passive allowing us to retaliate with lightning or thunder damage on attackers additionally this class gets us heavy armor and martial weapon proficiencies ensuring that we can use all gear that we have come across at level two we start multiclassing into storm sorcery this gets us the tempestuous magic passive which allows us to constantly reposition and stay L on our feet in combat at levels three and four we gain our sorcerer metam magic of which I got the most use out of twin spell distant spell and Quicken spell but these are mostly at your discretion so pick the ones you think are most [Music] useful at level five we gain our first feet for our Feats I recommend the following options starting off with the ASI for the plus two to Charisma this is always never a bad choice alternatively instead of using a shield you could opt to take the Dual wielder feet in order to make use of dual wield weapons for their passive bonuses Elemental Adept lightning lightning is decent in theory but in practice I find that not many enemies are just resistant to lightning damage instead tend to be either fully immune or not resistant at all and finally War Caster is always a decent choice to help maintain concentration on our spells moving forward to level seven we gain our heart of the storm passive this makes us resistant to both lightning and thunder damage while also increasing our lightning and thunder damage output in addition we gain some new spells including one of our most important spells call lightning call lightning allows us to keep up our damage output while conserving spell slots in combat thanks to its recast [Music] feature at level eight we Circle back to claric this gets us our Channel Divinity destructive wrath this allows us to spend our Divinity charges to maximize our lightning or thunder damage at level 9 we multiclass into wizard this gives us spell scribing allowing us to learn spells from Scrolls permanently I would also like to note here that I recommend it doing a quick Respec as we want to Respec and take our cleric and wizard levels before we take any levels in sorcerer this is because we want our most recent new class to be sorcerer so that our item spells use our Charisma stat rather than our intelligence at level 10 we can either take the evocation or divination schools of wizard evocation Wizards gain sculpt spells which allows them to avoid damaging allies with their evocation spells alternatively if you're playing solo without any allies to hit or you don't mind casting around your allies we can go the Divination school this grants us two ort D to alter enemy and Alli dice rolles with these D can allow us to force enemies to fail saving throws against our spells thus increasing our damage output especially against enemies who might have have otherwise saved our spells and finally to cap off the build we go two more points in sorcerer this grants us another feat for which my recommendations are the same as earlier and that's all for the levels I'll now be moving on to the items you want to look out for throughout the game there will be minor spoilers about the item locations so if you don't want to be spoiled you've been warned so starting out my assistant 3 has the items from Act One beginning with the weapons the spell sparkler makes magic Missile and extremely threatening high damage spell in the early game additionally if you take the Dual wielder feet you can use failer Alo for a triak ability to increase your damage further the Warped headband of intellect will not be useful right now but can allow for stat redistribution later on when we start multiclassing into wizard the protect the Sparks swall is decent if you want to opt for using clothing and Mage Armor rather than heavy armor alternatively for heavy armor the adamantine splint mail can help make you very tanky despite the fact that we are a Caster build the gloves of belligerent Skies can combo well with the spell sparkler magic Missile combo to help deal even more damage and PR enemies to amp the reverberation even further the boots of Stormy Climer also add to the previous synergies the Callis glow ring can add additional radiant damage to our magic missiles if the enemies are lit up for amulets the pearl of power amulet can help with spell slot management the psychic spark can further amp our magic Missile synergies and finally the necklace of Elemental augmentation can amp our canri damage it is important to note that at the time of recording this the recast of call lightning is treated as a canant trip and thus receives the cantrip only benefits from certain items like this one now on to act two helping out for act two we have returning assistant Quincy starting out with the weapons The Infernal Rapier increases our spell save DC and gives us a decent melee option if we find ourselves in melee range the dark fire short bow grants us some additional resistances as well as access to the Hast spell for free the Sentinal Shield can help us raise our initiative significantly the fist breaker Helm increases our spell save DC by one the cloak of protection increases our C each Dwarven splint maale raises our constitution thus giving us better concentration saving throws the evasive shoes raise our AC the spell C amulet helps out with spell slot management and finally The Amulet of the Harpers is always a decent defensive option now moving on we have one with the items for act three starting with the weapons the staff with the name I will not even bother trying to say is the best staff as in addition to its other great effects it allows us to utilize chain lightning once per short rest for free which is very crucial considering we can't learn chain lightning with our sorcerer levels or secondaries if you took the Dual wielder feet rap city gives us a plus three to spell save DC once fully stacked you can't stack this on inanimate objects anymore but do remember there are an infinite number of refugees walking around to utilize for stacking the weapon uh no one is allowed to take that sentence out of context for Shields Von's walking Fortress has the best defensive stats in the game or helmets the birthright increases our Charisma by two or alternatively the hood of the weave which increases our spell save dayc by two the cloak of the weave further increases our spell saves making it the best option for us if you choose to use clothing and Mage Armor then the robe of the weave is the choice for you alternatively if you choose to use heavy armor like I do the armor persistence will give you the best defensive stats he held us gloves increase our spell save DC even if we can't make use of its other effects The Amulet of Greater Health greatly raises our Constitution and gives us advantage on Constitution saving throws making it great for maintaining concentration while spellcasting the amulet devout both raises our spell save DC by two and grants us an additional Channel Divinity charge to utilize destructive with and finally the Ring of fa wild Sparks while it doesn't look like it would be useful on paper it actually has a hidden secondary effect of raising our spell save DC by one thus making it very useful to our build and that's everything thank you guys for watching Remember to like comment and subscribe if you enjoyed the video and want more content like this I release build videos every Friday except for when I don't and I'll see you guys next time bye oh
Channel: Stealth
Views: 129,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: balder's gate 3, bg3, bg3 build, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, balders gate 3, build, guide, op, multiclass, OP, sorcerer, storm sorcery, storm, cleric, tempest, tempest domain, wizard, evocation, school, divination
Id: HG51lS95Jxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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