Baldur's Gate 3 The Final Netherstone Orin Pt. 34 (Evil Tactician Sorlock)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello happy Sunday today we shall continue our balers Gate 3 evil tactician run with part 3 before we'll be embarking on my personal favorite Quest the Temple of B what do you guys think of that dark legendary hello Richard RAR J Anonymous ler Odessa hny how you guys doing dark legendary thank you for the $5 Super Chat to start the stream the wolf's bear or wolf or spider or Raven go everybody having a good weekend might be doing a double stream today we'll see I'm going to do orin's Mission and I have some news to tell you all there's a chance that your boy wolfart FPS might be a gaming addict as I recently renewed My World of Warcraft subscription why I do that why did I do that why did I do that so don't expect any videos for the next 6 months I might even stop going live I'm just going to play World of Warcraft for 12 hours a day thanks dark Hardis we already knew you were an addict I started a hardcore character last night just running around teldr so I might stream that later tonight we'll see say goodbye we'll see him in eight years okay all right let me just get my chat set up here and we're going to jump right in last session I killed gorach in this session we're going to kill Orin CU unfortunately I don't think there's a way that was one of the one of the letdowns for me in terms of the story is you aren't actually able to really Ally with Orin cck or um gorach you can get different scenes with them but you can't actually everybody ends up in the same position after yeah one second folks do my weird setup here I have a really weird setup ever since I started multi streaming and it takes me a minute why does it do that twitch where's my twitch chat okay I figured it out sorry sorry about that okay I think we're good to go just lower the volume to minus5 the alert box is own all right let's begin L thank you for the five I just pre-ordered Everquest 2 wait pre-ordered EverQuest too I haven't heard the name EverQuest in like 10 years first of all that was a classic MMO there's another EverQuest coming out I'm so confused right now I thought Everquest 2 was already out okay here we go at least things have stayed interesting Carly Carly the Nicholas how are you smacky wow had a strangle hold on me back in the day yeah you and me you and me both brother I used to get home I used to take the school bus home I basically would Sprint from the school bus back to my mom's house just pit myself in this really small room with no windows in my mom's house where she kept the computer with Windows 98 on it all right let's go to I should probably buy a few things before we go to go to the sewers let's go to Rivington for a second H let me grab the dribbles the clown body part that I missed somebody was telling me last stream that it was at the circus call this I think today we're going to be able to turn in the dribbles of the clown Quest cuz if I remember correctly in the temple of ball there's a dribbles his head oh expansion okay all right that makes sense that's was pretty cool there's our favorite cheater right there and there it is right there the clown severed hand right behind our boy popper that's funny then I think I only need his head which like I said I believe is in the temple of ball keep your distance darling this way neither seen nor heard really aarion why'd you go that way that was pretty silly you walked all the way around the table just to pick up the hand all right is that flesh human fles we need just one final piece to complete dribbles it's a funny Quest isn't it we have his hand we have his leg we found half his corpse a foot pelvis arm and I think we just just need is head that's it no time to rest okay I'm going to stop at a few shops pick up a few potions hold on I don't think I talked to this guy over here the red cap where' that guy go there was a Red Cap walking around here oh there he is Paramus the janitorial assistant that's pretty funny Mr hag miss her stink that was a little weird all right let's go to the ocean chop maybe stop at the blacksmith too our favorite dragon born [Music] lady you know I was thinking of buying like some fantasy themed instrument over the next couple months and then trying to learn it I come from a pretty heavy music background um back in like Elementary and high school I was a trumpet player and then I was in a band for like 6 years and my mid to late 20s not playing trumpet in the band I was thinking of picking up a fantasy instrument I'm looking for something to challenge me that I can also maybe bring to the channel in some way shape or form so I've been looking into a few things Harps are super expensive they're also they're also pretty big too if you want a nice one I don't think I want to play a loot that's just a poser guitar player you know what I'm saying maybe I'll get one of those weird instruments you guys ever see like shorts of like somebody like using some weird mallets and hitting like this really weird looking like keyboard xylophone harp mixture instrument or something like that I also saw like this this dude hitting his hands on like there's like this little Dome this metal Dome with little indents and each indent makes a different sound that was pretty cool looking ahead [Music] mandelin yeah that's that's definitely a consideration hey sha the reward for dribbles is really good for casters okay all right back again want a dagger or a bow need more arrows um need a spear are you the one that sells the Smith's weapons yep that's me grumpy fell isn't he on the outside but he's a softi at Heart Like molten steel also he's a living legend do you know he's W best Smith in Rivington seven years in a row and and he says that if I move an off stock I might even get to have a go on the Anvil I think there's only one Smith in Rivington that we can interact with so uh yeah quite the accomplishment quite the little AR Slicker aren't you it's Gil Ang for God's sakes if you knew how good he was trust me you'd feel exactly the same way or a cowbell all right I will Aid your Ventures little one show me your wares oh yay speaking down to my own kind calling a dragon born little one all right we should probably get rid of a few quick things [Music] here let's do this the quick way going to save my bombs the Pearl we have volo's eye P shell Mena's underwear yeah we're going to sell those got to get a couple pennies out of them that's pretty funny damn I have a lot of potions it's crazy all right that's probably good what does she sell Arrow of aberration slain ARA of Dragon Slain Darkness construct slain Elemental slain I'm trying to think of the Orin fight and what we have coming our way because it can be a really easy fight or it can be an or it can be an insanely tough fight you don't have the right things okay do we have a targeta is looking pretty good in her inventory right now the F Alo one of the greatest swords in all of balers Gate 3 you guys agree dark jist your half PL I'll hang on to that cuz we might look at that later oh what I just sell want that back give that back to me amulet of restoration I didn't realize I had that when the creature deals damage to the wear that creature takes one to four acidic damage we'll hang on to that too needle of the outlaw Rogue I couldn't sell that that'll be a slap in the face to the Divinity series all my raw chicken eggs all these diamonds man I picked up half of these things from cazador's Mansion red dye I might try that in a seconds stuffed alar toy I'm still waiting for laran to sell those I would buy one in a heartbeat less than a heartbeat all right we're looking pretty good don't want to sell my shovel there's no time to waste and then Shadow heart okay that's probably good for now and this person doesn't sell any potions it's a blacksmith let's get out of here what now go to our next shop thank you for your third donation how is the lag for you in act three after patch four Cuts scenes in act three always lagging badly um I had some weird lag in combat whenever my character would gear up to use their action um that has since gone away so currently it's fine for me fascinating I also noticed that my GPU drivers were not updated and I think that helped Al bear plushies I know right you want to touch your face so badly but that'll probably be considered rude yeah I don't know if I would touch a dragon born's face without their permission but you always ask right Thunder arrows yeah those can be pretty good in the Orin fight you knock the chanters off of the map did she have thunder I don't think she did with my parents this guy is so funny the Stylin HED hello again sir everything alchemical from what you got my man we'll take a potion of invisibility absolutely Supreme healing sure we'll take all those might need [Music] them look have hell giant strength [Music] okay the haste spell or potions of speed can be super useful against Orin because when you get the chance to attack her after all of her conditions are taken away I forget what it's called what's that condition that she has on her you have to hit her a certain amount of times before she's able to take damage but once you get that off of her you just want to unload as much damage as you possibly can what do we got purple worm night Orchid Shadow heart my girl whis weed okay I throw holy water at [Music] Oren [Music] can't remember who sells the um the hyena ears I thought one of the vendors did we looked for it before fixure of heroism I really I really dislike how you can't see what the potion actually is don't you guys feel the same way like you're trying to make these potions maybe there's supposed to be like an element of mystery to it but like once you've created it one time you should be able to see what potion you're creating like I can't remember exactly off the top of my head what the elixir of heroism is I've had like 50 of them in my inventory am I the only one that feels that way it's like you click on this I don't remember what the elixir of vigilance is but I've already had it and I've already created it so it should just tell me okay you agree 100% you know what maybe I should ever do another like uh feedback video could include that in it I don't see any reason why it shouldn't tell you like maybe on the first Brew it shouldn't tell you you don't know what you're making yet or something like that but then like after that like tell me what the hell I'm making it's just an necessary step to have to go into your inventory and then look up the potion or whatever okay let's um I do have a tadpole power I think we're pretty much good to go to or this is going to be crazy this is my favorite quest in all of balers Gate 3 still alive not only from a narrative standpoint but also an environmental design standpoint let's stop at sorcerer sunders say hi to my boy looen hey stay foxy yes it is picking up ingredients I have three levels into warlock right now so I could get some of the subass features and I have eldrich blast I get three of them uh my sorlock currently isn't really that great to be honest with you it's good enough for me right now I really don't care um but it's not bad it's not bad I feel like the Spells I took as a sorcerer are kind of lackluster I would like to go back and Respec but that would require me to sit here and think for really long and you guys are just going to stare at me while I think and make fun of me okay elemy should have a rework I don't understand why the food that you pick up doesn't automatically get sent to the camp a lot of people have been requesting that as well well Tyrant slame Joy Freedom help me help you reciprocation Watchers ignore you found Unstoppable yes thank you that wased Witnesses eliminated you walk free you one TK kill Orin kill Orin kill Orin kill Orin Elder brain wants me to kill orm see what I want to do is team up with Orin take out the Elder brain and then submit myself to her physically mentally and sexually what is that blood no never mind Swift as my feet can carry me seriously I'm not joking seems like a good moment to talk welcome back to sorceress sundrees how can I help you um I know the tunic that you're talking about that adds to canant trip damage not exactly sure what you're talking about though hello eston what will it be okay what are you selling my boy hold monster would be really nice for the or fight as well super powerful spell fantasmal killer minor Elemental might not be bad to have one of those you know actually conjure spells could also probably be pretty damn good for the Orin fight CU they can all hit her and take one of her Unstoppable away I'm buying it and we also have condra elemental the more powerful form dominate person disintegrate is a really good spell why not buy it you know greater invisibility we'll buy one of those too this is going to be quite costly right now invisibility I'll buy that hold monster there it is let's go baby oh wait is it broken hold on Welcome Back Feast your eyes well that's weird look at hold monster must be a bug I never purchased it I lost gold though though it looked like you know another bug that I've been experiencing you guys notice my um check out my hot bar down here so on a Starion when we go to the all tabs the little red icon down here I have the red dividers but when we go to I've been dealing with this for a couple sessions it hasn't been a big deal but when I go to my character Menara there's no red dividers oh wanted they wanted to come out right there they're like stuck behind something they're not here in and Menara as well no red dividers they're there they're just like they're just gone but then I have it for shadow heart and staria all right hey RAB happy Sunday welcome back to how can I help you enjoy I your hold monster scroll I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to handle the dark urge playthrough yet Ellie I don't know if I want to dedicate another 100 hours to another live stream run maybe I will probably will I was also thinking about doing an offline run just taking my time over the next couple months and as I'm doing the offline run I can also be working on all the balers gate through videos that I wanted to do that I haven't done yet CU When I'm live streaming it's really hard to not only focus but it's really hard to do content that I'm going to be able to turn into a video like gather all the lore and everything that I'm trying to do like those streams might be actually it might be fun if I do some streams like that but those streams require me to sit here go to my Google Documents pull things over really solidify knowledge in my head and I'm not doing any of that when I'm live streaming we're just kind of rolling with it all right um I wish I could buy a hold monster but it's it's like that's really what I need oh my God ises it really taking my money wait it's giving me money okay I bought my Rotten Tomato back let me buy one Arrow now hold person hold monster I'm not clicking it's just it's doing that on its own wish it would stop I'm not trying to glitch things not trying to cheese the game okay it stopped all right well that's an interesting little magical Discovery here in sorcerer Sundries the hold monster scroll actually gives you gold from the vendor okay I'll take it let's go ahead and buy some telekinesis I mean we got a lot of money now kind of bum that I can't get that spell though I really want that like that is like one of the greatest spells against Orin Scroll of blink that's kind of a cool spell too okay let's get out of here please come again soon stop breaking the game wasn't me it was a glitch in all honesty I don't really need money anymore we're going to do Orin then we're going to explore the rest of the buildings here I think there's maybe like one more side quest that I have to do and then we are done with the evil play through come on what's it now go on then got one potion of speed one potion of speed for the or fight let's do it no haste spell man look how sick my party is looking right now like I just adore everybody's armor set here whatever comes ready Menara looks a little wacky I don't really like the horns of the Berserker Helm the look of it that much but I like the uh conditions that it comes with we got Shadow heart over here posing as a flaming fist using the hell dusk Helm one of the coolest actually the coolest looking Helm in the game I think I found that in the House of Hope or House of grief excuse me wait hope or grief which one did I find it in it must have been hope CU it's hell dusk we got Leon wearing the armor of the weave then aarion also wearing some armor that I picked up in the House of Hope or pre House of Hope in the diab's shop you need my exper and I think we're good to get out of here yeah do I need a long rest doesn't look like get on with it why do the shields disappear when not in hands you know a lot of people are asking for larion to fix that but they never did it must be like some design challenge that they ran into or something okay let's go ahead and do our Buffs not as bad as I could have watch your back game is bugging out today like crazy let's get going got a long road ahead my faith will guide me no one back home will ever believe this who's next moving out I killed this guy over here searching oh I think I know what that head goes to that I just picked up it's a spot back in the sewers where there's a skeleton that's missing a head yeah it definitely is that's pretty cool we have a headless ghost here Leander to light Luna to guide kellor to judge passage provide a passage takes over adding to the common refrain a darker verse those who yet live unworthy in guilt no God's light shall find what hell they have built fresh orders hey Allan how you doing all my companions kisses got bugged after the latest patch oo all their kisses hello enaville everyone's favorite balers Gate 3 content creator SLB how are you sir let's move what path lies before me tardi okay so in my opinion this area right here is one of the greatest environmental designs I've ever seen in a crpg in my entire life one of the coolest looking parts of a game I've ever experienced can't give up now you got to be real careful though lots of Assassins down here I mean just look at this place isn't this incredible to be able to like the verticality of this I think is what really gives it depth and makes it so epic like you're just used to playing crpgs where you're just like on a flat ground looking from above you never really feel that like this is incredible reminds me of the under mountain and Return of the King the men of dun Hollow I think it's called well hello the murderers and traitors the gondorian soldiers of the past all right let's handle this the right way though Boulder J thank you so much for the five getting out of plane wish I could hang happy turkey day wolf pack safe travel Jay thank you wonder why I don't come to Wolf streams awaiting orders oh the ghost is following me wait a crap this means we have to go back we can't do that hold on we can't do this for your s we got to do something else first insist the hell's he doing that guy that's the only smart one in my party the dude's like I ain't going into the Temple of ball you're out of your damn mind that's curious anything fight was hard for no reason I think the reason why the fight that I was about to get into is so hard is cuz people don't the unknown behind it the mystery of not knowing why the hell you have these weird status effects if it is I didn't even notice the condition that that character put on me when I first came down here until one of my characters dropped dead something over there oh my God I didn't do any of this yet either there's still like this game is massive this is crazy this is where you initially rescue Minsk we're not going to do that today but I actually forgot about that rep playing bg3 for the 100th time this is only my second play here technically oh really now oh that's a problem wow okay I think the guy did tell me not to come back go for the throat okay well we got a little bit a little we're a little bit of a pickle here folks uh my team is all spread out everybody's standing on Grease right now that could be a major problem that could be a major major problem the question is do I go full out aggression right now or do I Retreat to set up a choke point could Retreat into this room right here feel like that's probably the play but that wouldn't be no fun would it I don't think that would be fun so let's uh let's go for it not enough movement damn dude difficult train takes always so much movement 64% % Target out of normal range you got to be me do I have to go back on the can't believe I just put myself in this situation this is this is horrible got Shadow heart back here by herself too all right this is what we're going to do Shadow heart start us off with a little spiritual Guardians please and I'm going to have you immediately come up this way damn dude this place is going to turn into fire too all these ghouls should take care of these guys in the back so let me help out up [Music] here the I like situations like this though cuz this makes you start to think instead of just coming into an encounter completely set up with all your Buffs and everything now it's like oh what do I do little bit of fire yeah true I'll clear that up and my own party too I'm a little bit nervous to set this on fire at the moment I could take some actually you know it' be really cool is if I every had everybody take a fire resistant potion right now and then I blew this son of a gun away you know what I'm saying all right looks like we got to go ahead and go with disadvantage so I'm afraid if I move onto the grease I'm going to slip and fall great shots not like the absolute up the absolutes ass did he just say I'm pretty sure that he said that that's great not a fan of that view that we're getting right there but okay good this guy's name is Alis s AAS playing bg3 makes me wish I could experience plcape torment all over again but with bg3 visuals what if larion went on a quest to remake every single crpg from the past pre-2010 how incredible would that be but they kept true to the mechanics of the original games probably should have counter spelled that that would have actually stopped that Sonic backlash with Menara didn't for what happens if you put cloud kill over fire damn these uh grease Elementals are immune have poison immunity wonder if the gods are watching my victims await we got to give Menara back my Dava mace when you kill an enemy allies with 30 feet gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier it's not even that good I wonder if that ghost is still with me or if he just died fire Vortex looks cool latest update went backwards in bugs yeah there was a lot of patch four bugs for sure fix new ones or fix old ones to get new ones the pits fight in Doss 2 yeah you remember that fight how could you not remember that fight in D too oh yeah Brian I'm seeing your comment right now preemptive F I think I got this fight on lock down it's just going to be a long fight couple AOE ought to take care of this Battleground that party is barely taking any damage at the fire explosion those little grease balls are kind of cute wouldn't mind a grease ball plushy you guys can have your little ow bear baby Al bear cub plushies I have a couple grease ball plushies GRE balls need love and too that fight took some years from my lifespan imagine this fight when larion didn't have the AI swarm mean implemented this playr has inspired me to make my own manthara female D oathbreaker call with Dava mases some people are saying that they're not able to get the D mases so just well I guess that's act three anyways so you end up not getting them you're just going to have to settle for something else might be a little close for comfort right there oh that was [Music] beautiful let's end this great turn out of aarion right there and I lost my concentration on Spirit Guardians so in that case I think it's going to be time to start dropping some call Lightnings never mind lightning resistance really aha these guys don't have lightning resistance though watch this got to be able to get an angle though oh that's perfect oh I don't even care if I take an opportunity attack oh that was so cool that was so cool with the spirit Guardians damn that is ultimate power right there I like how my ghouls are just having their own battles down here it's like a completely separate battle never underestimate the power of summons in this game including spiritual weapon even if they deal crap damage doesn't matter okay this guy's got 13 HP so let's do this one two three save those spell slots that's the greatest thing about the sorlock in my opinion is just having eldrich blast and hex and just being able to go through encounters and not even using spell slots and still being pretty damn powerful this fight is in the sewers Nick I think it's possible to miss this fight though depending on where you come into the sewers it is not um necessary content to progress the game unleash me it'll cost an action to switch the daa mace so we're going to not do that damn man I really do like this sword though too it's cool Commander strike direct an ally to strike a foe the Ally uses a reaction on their next turn to make a weapon attack should try using that sometime all right Menara can you move up here for me thank you I I should F5 hit F5 I would hate to have to do this fight again fights like these are like fun like once and then after that they're just annoying kind of like the goblin Fortress fight at the ruined Temple of saluna act one was so long ago I almost feel like it's a different game when you fight all of the Goblins at one time it's like a 4-Hour fight before they had swarm AI it was like a 2hour fight not four and then it turned into a fight that I had like no interest in ever doing again I wish there was a way like I don't know I don't know if this is a feature that larion should implement or not some games like have like a Time speed up in combat so boring fights will go like twice as fast there's a few games that do that out there like have the enemies take their turn and 2x the speed or something like that be nice if there was a little toggle for that even if it's only like available for certain fights when you're like fighting against a certain amount of opponents oh my God see we just got we got more people coming into the fight now it's going to take forever lock it in nice I respect that a grease ball using Dash that's kind of fun funny isn't it damn he just one shot my ghoul everybody's doing pretty good right now come on greasies on top of that like look at my companion's Health right now they've taken basically no damage which also makes this fight even more boring like it's taking forever and I've taken no damage so it's not even intense we're just kind of going through the motions here all right let's um let's help out manthara Teamwork Makes the Dream Work actually screw Menara let's do actually Menara would allow me to use sneak attack though okay we'll do Menara we'll take advantage of that damage sure why not focus no I can't get it without selecting my own character wait is that doing it no it's not should I call lightning myself I'm doing it let's do it why not be funny it was definitely worth it cuz I took a little bit of damage and those guys just got wrecked so yeah my uh World of Warcraft character is level seven on Hardcore I almost died at level four so in hardcore wow you can only die one time and then you have to start over part of the reason why so many people have come back just to try the new mode the benefit of that is MMOs can be really really boring the leveling process unless it's a new MMO and everybody's in the same area Etc it can usually be really boring you make it hardcore even like the stupid like fetch quests become like these highly intense moments where you're fully engaged with your character even walking like up a tree in teldr Cil to get to the top is like this activity that I have to pay attention to because if I fall off and die I have to start over and it's kind of funny when you reach max level 60 um it alerts the entire server that you made it to 60 so everybody on that server knows that you are you just made it to level 60 and when you die it also I think alerts everybody too and everybody in the chat just starts go typing rip and things like that it's a pretty big deal if you're like a level 50 something you put like or you're level 60 something you have 100 something hours in your character and then you die get the start over it's crazy that was me not why did I do that fresh orders just use the crossbow shot with my sorcerer cuz I was daydreaming of World of Warcraft World of Warcraft is already affecting my uh oh my God it's already affecting my my balers Gate 3 I'm already I'm getting addicted man this is not good teleport to an area and deal two to 16 fire damage where you land so this isn't going to really do much but I want to try it anyways just so we can see what it looks like I mean these creatures obviously don't care about fire damage but damn look how cool that is let's go right here that was awesome I'm not sure if they released the the challenges for season of Discovery I don't know never done hardcore before Tardis it's cool scary though I don't think patch 4 got rid of the Dava mases everybody just seems to have a different experience when they attempt to get them I made that video on the Dava meses after patch 4 so the Mesa still worked for me ttis is Odessa picking on you oh by the way for those of you guys that are confused I simcast to Twitch and YouTube at the same time now so I'm talking to somebody that's not in your chat that's why yeah we're just about done with this fight Starion is just sweeping yes sweeping the floor here [Music] probably could have got a triple there I just did it too fast um but yeah in terms of season of Discovery I think I'm going to play that too and that's non hardcore that's just classic wow with a level cap also some changes to it too so like when season of Discovery comes out on November 30th you can only get to level 25 for like the first month or two or something like that and then they raise the cap to 40 something and then they raise it to 60 the benefit of that is it's kind of like uh dad World of Warcraft that's the way uh somebody told me that and it's it's a good way to put it it's a World of Warcraft for dads or moms where you don't have to be like a hardcore player playing 12 hours a day cuz the level cap stops you until the next season opens up so it's a little bit more casual friendly for people that uh another fight don't have as much time but if I do that I'll definitely let the server know like uh or this channel no what server I'm playing on the problem is I have friends that are hoarde and I have friends that are Alliance and Alliance to me is where all the Nostalgia is but a lot of my friends are hoarde um let's just fly over there why not but like me playing horde like doesn't even sound fun to me because like the main reason why I'm coming back to World of Warcraft is for the Nostalgia I'll let you guys know what server and if any of you guys want to come on that server you're more than welcome okay let's um we have a couple left so let's fly down where are these guys oh they're over here hey shy again happy been trapped in Wolf's chat for 37 months anniversary that's crazy shy I owe you my life try Violet FPS CH has been posting some Bonkers Twitter Clips lately of her in Apex Legends she's a damn near professional hope you guys know that just accept it CH rogus says I have to give my Prime twitch sub to you I've been lurking your channel for years as you are my source for bg3 news thank you very much I appreciate that I'll just take care of this guy real fast and then we're going to fly I wonder if I can shoot down there probably not so let's fly to over here do I have a teleport ability on aarion right now I don't really now really now got to keep fighting oh I should have used Dash oh my God I'm so silly I wasn't thinking I'm a I'm a thief Rogue in a fighter I could have used Dash and then I could have used Dash as a bonus action as well oh well happened this will probably take care of it anyways see you light on my all right everybody get together so that ghost oh the ghost is still here this is pretty cool so I think I'm going to complete this Quest now we have the Headless ghost and we have the skeleton here sarin skeleton let's click on sarin skeleton who did I pick it up with I hope this is important there it is for your sake let's combine that I like little side quests like this we La the thankful ghost to rest by combining its skull and skeleton you receive magic amulet once per long rest you can use a reaction to make an attack roll or saving throw with Advantage it's actually pretty damn good if you don't have anything that's better of course that could really come into like a a clutch moment where you need to get like the killing blow or something to have that available i' I'd put that like mid to high tier for sure let's see who I want to put that on though has the greater Ament of Health Shadow heart has plus two my character has spell slot restoration which I always forget to use anyways maybe I'll put it on him naron has face semblance you have advantage on intelligence wisdom we's put on a staron or should I an additional level two spell slot sure we put out aarion why not what to do even though technically you need my expertise he has weaker one-handed weapons that's fine all right let's put the Dava mace back on I really do like uh Duke Raven guard's long sword I like the style of it I'd like to have that made for me one day we go then how delicious I'm kind of curious what would have happened if I went to orin's Quest with the ghost and then came back here if the ghost still would have been with me Scroll of disintegrate nice that's probably like A500 gold scroll right there from sorcerer sunre a barely legible journal the page is marred by Scorch marks and blood latest score belonged to Enver Gort tried to lay low with sorel's crew but he lost it lumped in with his cult okay I'm not reading too good today so we're going to stop right there we're going to take a break from the whole reading thing some days you have it some days you don't today is not one of those days isn't it funny how your brain functions differently like there'll be some days where like I'll be reading through those books in this game and I'll be reading so fluently never miss a word just a Perfection and other days I can't read like three words without getting my words caught up cre the damages the wear within 7t receives burning oh there's the key to get into that place would have been no fun using a key though you know already did the weapon swoopy my man is the big sister we don't deserve true hello fate how are you I'll just help myself I apologize to all of my European viewers as you guys have probably will be noticed over the past like 3 months kind of stopped streaming in the day with Sunday being an exception here one of the reasons why I've done that least is just because I've been a little bit more busy these past couple months than normal although this last month hasn't been too bad another reason why I sto streaming in the daytime even though I might bring back one of the day streams because after I stream I'm usually like exhausted I don't want to talk I don't want to record it puts me in like a weird mental state not a bad mental state I'm usually just tired like I don't want to do anything so I noticed when I was streaming in the daytime when I would finish streaming getting video work done after that was almost impossible let's move when I stream at night time and I stream until 11: or midnight after that brush my teeth eat some food watch some YouTube videos and go to bed no never mind just trying to optimize my workflow a little bit you know all right folks we have returned to the Temple of ball hello Island cat chai says big sister I'm younger than most of YouTube you trying to call all of us old chai you little J zir let's get going not a big fan of those gen zers shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times okay um let's call back in the ghouls oh I can't that's once prong rest okay we got my imp um make sure I get my auras here have a Target do we have a Target oh that Ora Warden of Vitality on it is a 10 turn Okay so there's a difference between Aura Ora of hate and Ora of protection if it is for the best yeah we got to be real careful here advance we got to be real careful here don't you guys agree that this is one of the coolest looking areas in all of Gaming unseen I shall strike this is how you do it if you already know what to do this is not something anybody would ever do if you didn't already play this fight although going ahead invisible to scout ahead a little bit would probably be a good idea cuz this just kind of looks like it's set up for an ambush no one stopped me yet all right so let's take don't know who's coming here let me take let's see everybody can fly that's the good thing the element of surprise we don't know how to activate this fight what's next I wonder the mission has to come first out of sight out of mind let's have some fun I'm ready None Shall see me nice and quiet now light on my feet hello you secrecy above all on God this game is so cool just just look in the top left corner of my screen right now just be able to set up like this with your party in a crpg and thara hiding in the shadows over here like oh stop Mana I don't know where the guy is here he's around here somewhere I don't remember this to a te but uh ready unnoticed good um hold on hold on hold on I'm thinking about Let's uh let's just walk out let's see what happens ready let's try this way there we go speak quickly think he has Unstoppable though he does cannot be moved by force wow okay damn this guy is so cool though isn't he survival is all that matters okay so all of us are marked right now we have five turns I thought I could have sworn it was three first time I came here maybe not the far Slayer can cast balls power word kill with a range of 183 ft that's crazy where is his agents they're here they must be all invisible right now all right so let's um bar Slayer has to go down first let's come over here might be a little risky considering they're all over here yep I'm in the aura of murder right now this is crazy oh these guys have Sanctuary on them you little bastards I can kill with a whisper yeah we still got two Unstoppable still breathing despite everything I've missed this I think this guy's going to actually teleport somewhere so I'm actually going to just attack him with Menara as well hush now okay he no longer has Unstoppable wonder if he gets that every round I'm not sure we're going to find out really hope he doesn't have it again okay this is a really cool fight isn't it didn't think that went through oh crap okay forgot about the other assassins here that's crazy oh we're in big trouble we're in big trouble right now folks okay oh my God can't slow down oh stop dude stop moving oh my God that is not the strategy definitely don't want to come down this way to get over there you definitely want to take The High Ground over here to the right if you can with Misty step or something holy crap we got a bit of a problem here you know what I'm saying God I wish I could get somewhere I do got to get out of here so let's go ahead and Misty step let's Misty step to right here right next to these guys still have four turns right now before we get the power word do I have another Thunder Wave I don't think I do what about gust of wind um huh oh does that not oh it did work okay oh my God smacked his head on the stone down there that's great okay all right really hope Unstoppable doesn't come back here but it might we're going to find out ohol they're too far away they can't do anything okay I take it back uhoh please don't be an arrow of Thunder this is so badass got a monk right here I'm entertained it'll be fine yeah everything's going to be fine is a great time great fight the first time you play it but after that it gets trivial I can understand that and the first time experience with a lot of these fights in this game is so much more fun when you just don't know what's going on play annoyed me hey T Marine hope my power comes back congrats on finishing your internship fate I used arabella's ghost and Tangle spell and that messed him up teleported away and never cast his death spell epic okay he doesn't have okay so I think we're going to be able to take him out now he is the first primary Target for the most part I'm a little bit worried if I teleport down here that I won't have a shot so we're going to take it from up here with disadvantage damn that is a really cool hand crossbow shot from up here this is some legal satisfying oh I didn't turn on Sharpshooter aha Reaper of ball flow flow try to get some cover from all these guys that are behind me so let's go to right here and you guys know what time it is really only seven damage probably should have looked at that first it crossed my mind and then I was like nope I don't feel like taking the time to press T over my enemy got spiritual weapon that's fine terrifying I wish like the Temple of ball would be more friendly to you as the Unholy assassin nothing with Force damage that's why Force damage is so good in this game sure okay we are now safe from instant death but we're not safe from Death there's a lot of Assassins is coming after me right now a lot of Assassins so let's see where we want to make our stand here I have my entire party over here which is good so I think I probably want to fight up here actually this is probably a good area to be in so let's go ahead and fly down we'll take care of this guy right in the front our Barbarian who's got frenzy attack and then we're going to have Shadow heart when it comes to her turn oh she is going to lightning bolt the crap out of these dudes I thirst for combat time to bleed honestly I should probably no let's stick together no let's not stick together let's go oh I don't have enough resources are you kidding me I have to go all the way around to make that I want to block off this entrance right here so I can do a bunch of AOE spells really can't just lob myself down here look at that flight path that it's trying to give me I mean I think I should nope not enough movement okay well that was beautiful that was beautiful [Music] those guys aren't even a threat to my party are you kidding me not even a threat this guy is still alive back here wonder if he'll come back up this way need to act fast let's do [Music] this that's so much damage what are you going to do about it buddy nothing oh interesting interesting still alive so that's progress can't risk being an open view you got Sanctuary on him huh okay sure sure thing buddy how's that Sanctuary treating you oh what why did that why did that one not work breathe deep and move oh what the hell okay might as well go down and check it out right right should my step done I can't wait to sleep wonder if the Gods are watching me not sure yet spooky possibly in your name at your bidding awaiting orders come out come out wherever you are are they all dead knock knock knock I just want to be in an adventuring party IRL you know what I mean making a campfire deep down in a dark cave a temple of ball yes that's what I dream of you guys dream of that too are you guys physically ready for that or no are you guys gamers are any of you guys willing to go on that adventure with me or or what hey gold did Wolf dyee his hair a little bit wouldn't even know where to begin dyeing hair if my hair changes color it's because of the camera lighting and the webcam keeping my head down I barely know how to brush my hair hey Terry how are you physically no mentally yes okay you're hired that's all I needed he let's take hello I do see a lot of Grays popping up in my hair and in my beard so that day might come one day or I'll just embrace it what to do I'll probably embrace it because I don't want to spend money on die I don't want to spend time dying things and my total time spent in front of the mirror every day is about 2 seconds to make sure I don't have a booger hanging out of my nose before I go live and the bats are such a nice touchdown here what path lies before me hey wolf I saw you at the gym the other day and you had your shirt off in public you're standing in front of the mirror taking s yeah Mario Kart was a was a great game growing up if not over then through never a dull moment hey Sovereign we can see what's behind agar fall balls true I always check behind the water fall right wit and Blades always Shar got to keep moving oh no no no Shadow heart stop stay down there no one back home will ever believe this the character selection in this game is atrocious does that happen to you guys too like you try to double click on a portrait and it like just doesn't select the party member like I don't know what I'm doing or if it's like something that's just not right or if it's completely my fault but it happens multiple times every single session you think you've selected a companion but you haven't yes okay good and thank God I'm not alone many times all right okay good that's a good uh that's a good point point of uh feedback to give larion for their future game or they could probably fix it in this game too it's not like a lot of us have advocated for more than just the chain link system already um but clearly larion loves their chain link system so but if they could just touch it up then I think I'd be happy wow a stained record that alternates between two different handwritings one thick and measur the other slanted in erratic I did it again didn't I struck Keen didn't I picture it Helm and cloak in patriarch stumbles to the latrine bends over the bowl vomits everywhere all I need to do is drop a brick from behind he's done most glorious most Keen kill my friend but it shutters in comparison to my recent escap it poison was the key escapate excuse me poison was the key and it was I poison was the key and it was on the key the poor creature reached for the key to lock her Homestead secure herself and sealed her fate we talking poison are we my last one was cooking a stew smelled bloody Lush too plenty of meat lamb I think reckon it was for a big celebration enough to feed a family maybe even a whole street it was missing only one ingredient to my estimation had it in his cupboards too right there lie plenty of lie the hell is lie oh and how they gurgled my friend a wonderful chorus dropped a thin Barb of Steel into soup she slurped it lodged straight into the back of the gullet choked to death on the soup in blood found a lonely Chef bent over a bubbling vat of broth it was simple easy just pushed and held his head felt like barely a moment pass before he did well that was a waste of time reading that the thrill of fear tingles your spine as you realize that a single mistake WIll mean that you end up as a hanging Target for baress daggers this is just disgusting isn't it look at this what a gruesome scene you got to be one messed up mofo to join the ball assassins that's for sure what am I to do then all right what now moving ahead I'm ready whatever it takes [Music] no time to rest can't slow down I remember when I progressed past this area on my first run I was so nervous about what I was walking into in this place it was so intense keep your distance darling still breathing despite everything by my oath proceeding lead with Menara hey falcon well great happy to provide two places for you to hang out I can dissolve bodies if I remember how do you know that Carly Island cat thank you so much for the twitch Prime I appreciate it all of you twitch viewers I also apologize that I don't have like an emote system or any of that figured out right now simply because I don't understand twitch I don't know what I don't know what's expected of me or how all that works so of murder Shall Perish YouTube chat average age is like 6765 they don't they don't even know how to use like emotes and stuff like that so I guess I got to figure that out for all you gen zeros over on Twitch damn dude this is just this is so epic shouldn't have wished to live in more interest I wish was more going on in this area though cuz there's really nothing one day I'll catch a break I wish there was like a couple NPCs or something if I remember correctly there's literally nothing in this area except some lore drops which are nice and also the Waypoint is down here but I think I snuck through this entire area thinking that like assassins were going to come out at any at any time okay everybody use your ears we got some bg1 lore going on here oh I thought it I thought you get lore every time you light up the brazer let's move what is an emoji hey modifi Doss 2 engine yes it is yep no time to rest they need to come out with a new updated engine uh possibly for their next game but clearly uh they didn't need to for this game considering how successful of us a SC of mortal progeny the prophecy of ball and the ball spawn still bring despite everything let's get going God the music in here too it's like the greatest Ambient sound track I've ever heard in my entire life always room for more oh my God I have boo I have dead boo in my inventory right now that's funny you guys think that's funny am I the only one although we do have a little combat encounter down here actually now that I think of it we're getting very close to where the end of the game is have a look I think I'm going to save the final session for those of you guys that want to watch the final session of my evil run I think I'm going to say save it for next Sunday wait what's next Sunday yeah I think I'm going to save it for next Sunday Sunday is usually the highest uh day for viewers while you're live streaming and it's usually a day that people have off so if you guys want to watch that I guess next Sunday afternoon unless something comes up family or friend wise I think we're going to plan for that so maybe like during this week I'm going to do finish all the other side quests check all the houses murder jir is family um you know things like that and then when the weekend comes around we'll do the final session next Sunday next Sunday afternoon eastern time what to do and then we're probably going to take a little break from bg3 or I start playing the dark Ur I don't know play Nation thank you for the two pound super chat you get mentho without killing the Grove yeah there's a couple ways that you can do it we must be close to its hiding place a craz Mike sent me a message the other day showing the steps for how for how to do that is that blood no never mind my face protects me onward ever onward I forget how these rats go hostile there's the answer to that dead boo close to finishing my first playr and I'm torn between break or starting that drought dark urge loaden I think I'm going to do a Dr dark urge too I'm thinking about doing a female Dr dark urge run a lot of good dialogue opportunities first of all the Dr race is already kind of feared on the surface World on top of that you're the dark urge and on top of that I'm going to do a dark urge Redemption run so we're going to be breaking the Dr and dark urge stereotypes and trying to be a very good citizen [Music] of spirit Guardians is like a cheat code for dealing with rats man that camera bug is just a lot today isn't it severed legs not dribbles though and I could I could click on the boat right now and we could just go beat the game wait can you do that without taking orin's nether Stone let me hit F5 real fast I think I need to gather my party though you are not ready you need all the stones before we can proceed there you go there's the answer hello pilot is Saturday possible possible but not probable Redemption r as well for my drow dark urge seems you miss out on a lot for a pure evil playthrough yeah that's true for sure you know the cool thing is even though you do miss out on a decent amount when you are when you're playing an evil run like if you kill all your companions and everything you miss out on a lot of content but like the game is still massive overall good job shadow heart better fetch that the whole team just stood back and watched Shadow heart decimate 10,000 rats looking ahead moving in favorite act act three definitely although I always say I played act one so many times that I can't remember I don't know act one would be good competition with act three probably if my first playthrough of baldder Gate 3 was the full game I didn't play act one over and over again in Early Access so many times everyone will be recovering from Turkey overdosing yeah for sure rogish Harry says act three yeah act three is just even though it's like the least complete in terms of bugs in like some of the quests feeling like you want more some of the individual content pieces offered in act three is just it's some of my favorite quests of all time like rescuing Minsk the Temple of ball sorcerer sundrees like those individual areas and quests really stand out not to mention just being able to visit the city probably means more to me than someone who doesn't know D and lore but being able to visit balers gate in in a 2023 video game is a special experience in act one really isn't set in any area that has any like nostalgic ties to it or anything like that chaos will be swn from their passage and I wonder what it's like playing as the dark Verge coming down here just got to have like some crazy dialogue with it our enemies still draw breath corse and the Lord of murder the perfect match really the wise Z say the wi alond even if you didn't even play like balers gate one and two but you played dark Alliance balers gate what now so it'll probably be a pretty cool experience going to the city of balers gate the balers gate series and the dark Alliance series all took place before 2004 hey I found dri I think this is driel's head the Clown's head finally a joke all right we'll probably go finish that Quest before we meet Orin we nearly have an entire clown just one piece left I hope wait it already said there was one piece left is that broken we found dribbble's head we just need one final piece what am I missing it said I it said I only needed one final piece before didn't it I'm missing the other half of his torso perhaps a dead dragon born right here that's pretty cool I shall investigate a freaking big dude right there holy crap why is that dude so big Barbarian human our enemies are everywhere I was 100% convinced that I was going to get a combat encounter in this area on my first run larion wanted to be more focused on the atmosphere and less on combat which is cool but I would have liked like a couple NPCs to talk to oh you need to equip all items so Quest pops oh like I maybe I have some parts back at his camp or back at Camp whatever I'll figure it out anara is Savage through at your command never wanted the easy path no one back home will ever believe this but arond did not see he did not know he did not Revel in the glory of what is to come can't give up now so say if the wi Al I remember I went as far as posting up one of my companions up here just to be able to shoot down on the bridge feel like a bog is going to come out or something yes on the moon what's next no time to waste hello Shinobi okay so we're definitely going to be taking a long rest before we confront on my way but let me explore the rest of this room he did not know he did not reel in the glory of what is to come imagine being that guy right there I hope this is important for your sake so the cool thing is I think Orin is going to have yenna as her hostage right now and my character doesn't give two shits about yenna he actually finds yen to be quite annoying this will be my first time confronting Orin as the Unholy assassin I also have gort's hand so she should be proud of me for that but did not see he did not know he did not Revel in the glory of what is to come in your name have 600 hours I've been to act two twice over on 450 hours in balers Gate 3 still haven't gotten through moonrise Towers says a lot about the game though doesn't it back to the safety of the elf song Tavern still alive so that's progress with haste honestly thinking about respecing Gail right now and giving him the alert feet because highle magic Missile is the key to the Orin fight but if you don't get gal early on in the order of turns can be real tough I think I also have some potions that give me a plus five to initiative so perhaps I'll just use those glad to have an ally what can I do for you my friend who founded Balter G oh even the intervention of their gods can't save am I getting age restricted for that I don't know she doesn't really look like she had nipples careful keep seeking me out like this and people may think we're rekindling [Music] [Music] things vigilance Elixir what does that do 549 hours and I've only been to act three once and haven't made it into the city as long as you're still interested in the game that's amazing even if you lost interest that's still pretty amazing spend 500 hours playing it having a good time obviously think if you're that invested though you're probably still interested all right you folks ready wonder if I should stop never thought about the song in The Tavern when I played it yeah it's a lovely song that's things about basically your character hope bg3 clears up the game awards me too you guys want to watch it live with this community just come back on December 7th and I'll be live probably a half an hour before it starts so maybe 7 p.m. Eastern going you've been pulling night to keep I know you have I don't wolf will get age restricted for showing nipples yeah it might out [Music] don't sorry y'all one second I'm just making sure that uh the stream is up and running sometimes I check on my mobile device back again oh yay I was looking for an arrow of thunder and I don't see one Arrow of many targets that might not be too bad actually oh I have one Arrow of roaring oh should I have six of them let's go baby let's go okay let's go confront Orin let me think what I can do here you know it be really cool can I go back to Rafael's House of Hope is there a way point to there kind of curious right now let me go back to the Diablo shop I wonder if you can go to the fountain in the House of Hope cast all your spells use the fountain then come back out and then every hard combat encounter in the game you go to the Fountain first ever Romance the other NPCs at chess's Crest besides the Dr twins no I haven't there's some books with the lyrics and some containers in that room they swept the golden joysticks I know I love to see it oh well it probably was in there and I just missed it but I have six of them so we're all good you can't okay all right damn what's up with the load times today you know what I'm saying I've never had this many hours in the single player game and not be burnt out breathe deep and move I want to see um I'm assuming the ritual just can't be performed again and it has ended but let me just go up there and check I can see with my own two eyes I'll give it a shot and this my friends is why I like to see things with my own two eyes looks like I can unless there's some restriction that's not going to let me do it and to clean up that SSD all right here we go so let's do our routine so so the first thing is calling all of our ghoul friends um I should have raised Undead no there's no bodies in here that I can everything's charred or not alive okay so we're not going to be able to raise any Undead that's okay let's go ahead and let's do call in my oh wait I don't know if all these guys are going to whatever let's let's see what happens time to D I'll have to try this later I'll have to try this later maybe not the right time okay I'll have to try this later we can't use the Fountain anymore maybe that's what Sam was saying in the chat enemies are everywhere not now so they let you come to the house of hope you just can't use the fountain awaiting yes laran my friends they think of it all well in that case we're just going to use our stuff anyways let me double check that with a different companion subtle steps thank you gry for the tier 2 Sub I appreciate that that did nothing who's next the fountain has been disabled I seen luality solo tactician run uh yes I know luality personally she's a wonderful streamer and very talented at bers Gate 3 and I met her over in Belgium I think she's doing several solo tactician runs all right let's go to the morphic wait no Temple of ball here we go after you defeat Raphael you can't I just Spam The Fountain after every battle in the House of Hope me too my friend me too okay well that's okay I think that's good that laran doesn't let you do that let's go ahead and do a custom save let's call this Orin and you all wish me luck I am listening I remember traps being on this bridge what a death nothing went off though that's funny okay really watch the Shadows oh that's what went off okay oh dear someone's left a trap out for us never a dull moment best be on my way well at this point it doesn't even matter he just walk over it oh let avoid that trap puts Blood on the ground doesn't seem too bad at your command I have a lot on my mind and well in it Stone seals this Chamber against the world the B amulet trembles in frightened awe obviously we're supposed to to press the amulet against the door but let's do a religion check examine the door you do not discover truth in these symbols you see only death or an abducted the young gal from the Rivington District in my run I didn't have any really companions for her to abduct They're All Dead will you return once you cross this threshold okay so everybody in here is non hostile at the start here let's move another step forward and I do recall several people even to this day people still ask me why do you why do you stealth around yellow characters that are non hostile the reason for that is because you're trying to avoid a cut scene from proing which can then turn into combat so I still think it's pretty reasonable to stealth in areas where you have NPCs that are showing yellow you're trying to avoid a potential cut scene especially on your first run all right here we go but right now since I've already played this I'm pretty sure we can walk right in here the cut scene doesn't start until we make it down to the bottom I should speak up oh darkness and anger gripping the skull and Hammer Hammer Hammer hey mer Gore on the wall pulp on the hands head all gone yes yes I killed him I killed them all Sil is good no screaming no crying noing no air escapes when squeeze I make sure they're quiet I made them all quiet now what's hiding here Mar's wedding vows offer up your belly of Flesh that I may Rend it you're a sight for Sor eyes even now a Shadow Hearts Don't make me blush in the temple of Ball come on babe that was not the time time for that never a dull moment damn man this was a very very very emotional moment on my first run cuz Orin had lazel hostage and I had an interesting relationship with LEL in my first good run welcome Unholy assassin please Step Closer take a look we have much to learn from orin's techniques about time somebody recognized to me so you too passed saravo tribunal make sure your standards do not slip we have a reputation to maintain what's in here okay so I would like to try something before we come down here borrowed Scrolls must be returned within a 10 day it seems the temple to murder has a lending library pretty sure we should be be good walking over here with don't think it will proc the cut scene oh what the hell is this oh well this makes my job a little bit easier I was going to try to invis go invisible and sneak past orm to go down in here I didn't realize there's actually a back entrance that's awesome I wonder if it's easier to fight her down here and come up from this way from the Eastern entrance probably not cuz I don't think all of these assassins up here on the top go hostile towards you when you're fighting her I've got a long road ahead but this is new to me back here I've been down in the bottom part but I didn't know there was a little side entrance think the normal way is still better cuz otherwise she and the others have high ground yeah unless I go to the back of the room and they have to actually come all the way in the chosen room so it looks like I'm good to come down here I don't know how my ghouls are going to get down though hold on maybe I should just have one character come down oh this is actually a nice little platform right here to shoot off of Cu you're actually pretty close and up here too prob oh my God I don't know where I want to do this I don't know what I'm going to do here [Music] folks now at once the Unholy assassin may walk freely in the temple of ball the death's head stares at you eyes full of anticipation not what I saw lady Orin awaits you at the altar make haste okay we're going to do something up here involving the speak with dead amulet lady Orin awaits you yes pretty sure you can do this dude look at this Fallen ball spawn whoever they were Orin enjoyed their suffering right what now let me at F5 just in case the ghouls end up like rocking a cut scene or something yeah look at they're going all the way around this should be interesting are they going all the way around they are oh they can't the ghouls can't get through this actually they're stuck up there my imp is going to go right past Orin the brave imp right there still alive so that's progress Fallen ball spawn that's incredible the corpse does not respond a really time to press ahead orin's mother Helena Manifesto 13 octar 1482 about 10 years before balers Gate 3 I Orin called the Red by shalar Daughter of Helena granddaughter of sraak do vow in the name of ball my lord of murder to serve his Unholy will I shall become an incarnation of Slaughter and the pain and humiliation inflicted upon his Temple by the ignorant masses of balder's gate shall be repaid a thousand F do this I swear and ATT test with my own heart's blood something good here I hope this is like some of the coolest lore concerning or in the red I bet you uh you guys remember harbs NBS he hasn't posted in a very long time but I bet you he had a field day down here little sister whatever in the gray waist are we going to do with you ball will never care that you waste your time posing your corpse stes ball doesn't care whether you give him the corpse of a popper or a king at the end of the day all father wants is death and droves death and numbers to sap away the life of this dull world as swiftly and wildly as we can you plan you plot prevaricate to be a hedge fence chil sh oh that's a great definition pricate means shil sh to be evasive speaking an evasive way you plan you plot you prevaricate and you waste his time ball doesn't need us to think he needs us to kill you kill beautifully and have talents in your shapes Magics that I will never will but you do not understand Lord ball Perhaps it is a failing of your diluted blood as a mere grandchild I am a soul living pure blood I will accept no Challenge from you until you show some damned respect ladies and gentlemen the bloodline of sraak from balers Gate 1 orin's mother Helena the corpse regards you lifelessly why were you put on display like this the corpse remains silent oh what a waste of a question who are you Helena an daughter of sok mother of Orin why did you try to kill your own daughter I wanted to be FAL chosen sok told me she must be my offering I was close my hand around her throat I failed would you guys like if I did like kind of like a lore series on different characters I was thinking about starting like a a series of videos like this they're going to take a while to put together but where I gather like all of the information on Orin and Helena and then do a video on that or gather all the information on cck thorm and tell like the tragic story of cck thorm or something like that I was thinking about doing videos like that like maybe late December into January and Fe February if people want to see him no she worshiped him loved him so did I now we know that Orin killed her but God I want to I want to ask all these questions let's let's start with where are you from Alters gate friend yes okay the Spells power wains you can ask no more questions damn man I would like to go back and ask all those questions but that's something that I would do in like a future lore video like I'd create a save point I pick up all the books in the room exhaust all the possible dialogue options and then just compile that all into one video oh my God can I raise hold on this would be this will be pretty badass there can be no rest bite can I raise Helena from the dead or she been dead too long no it's not even letting me Target her out of my way okay it is now Orin time and I think I'd prefer to come from The High Ground actually but maybe actually hold on wait we got what do we got here Reaper of ball got Orin what's next I let me send Shadow heart I'll take this way back this way let's scope out the battlefield a little bit do I have any Scrolls of magic Missile I don't damn really got to get my sorcerer earlier on in the order of turns and I think I know exactly the potion for that right there drink to gain a plus five bonus to initiative in addition you can't be surprised I'm assuming that this lasts until a long rest I have two to test it out so yes it does perfect okay so if we do that with him that'll give us a highle magic Missile and I also want to do it with a Starion because a Starion has up four to seven or eight shots per round depending on what I use so him going earlier in the order of turns would also help greatly with the Unstoppable conditions so let's drink that with him keep a blade close nice that's great okay perfect now what other potions could I take here let's see our enemies still dra probably should uh maybe some of them last for 10 turns as I learned in the House of Hope I took a bunch of potions didn't realize it was only one minute of ingame time by the time I arrived at Raphael the potions were gone Arcane cultivation actually hold on Shadow heart has we're missing a level four spell slot with her oh we could just drink to fall into a two- turn Slumber and gain the benefits of a long rest right now and get all my spell slots back with Shadow get back my level six spell slot or I could save that for late no let's just do it screw it all right so we're going to have all spell slots back with her psychic resistance I don't think that's going to help us here we could use some poison on aion's weapons those only last for three to five turns though nice dude that's sick okay that's basically like having the fountain all right we got Feast up we got Aid damn I should have C I should have cast higher level aid before I did that all right damn I have too many I have too many potions here stressing me out universal resistance okay so I might give that to Menara and we might pop that and have her wait down here at the bottom and then sneak up on yeah okay all right I got a plan reporting Menara I'm going to need you to oh the problem is are these guys going to go all off on me I'm not entirely sure darken this room up a little bit this could be really bad Menara gets caught in combat down here gaining ground I do have invisibility though but that lasts for one turn all right so this is what we're going to do we're going to put Nara up here fly her up here I'm going to leave her right here death comes quietly take my Sor lock bring him up here amulet hey Randy what's up what are you what are you talking about with amulet amulet what all elixir are until long rest okay I don't know if I believe you I half believe you right now may okay you might be correct but I feel like I took this in the House of Hope maybe I took a it wasn't an Elixir maybe it was something else and they only last for 10 turns we'll we'll test it out here soon if I can remember to pop that potion when I'm in combat I'm pretty sure that one only lasts for 10 turns the universal resistance ones and the other ones might last until a long rest but I only say that with like 60% certainty and I think it's because that particular elixon yeah yeah okay I think I'm right I say it with 80% certainty now that particular Elixir is just so powerful all right aarion you go right there ends not as bad as it could fixer resistance is only 10 turns yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz that's the one that I messed up with in the House of Hope you guys remember all right so I'm thinking we send down H do we send down my main character oh this is tough who do I send down oh my main character is the one that okay we got the vigilance bonus whisper I'm wondering where I can get a magic I can get a magic Missile off from anywhere with him actually cuz he is we have distance spell as a sorlock you know what sucks though is I can't move these ghouls around okay so if I fight from right here Menara comes up here I want to focus all my combat in this little area right here we definitely want a Starion up top too I'm thinking actually I'm thinking actually I put a Starion right here maybe both of them right here actually and then we take to the I don't know who I want to go down and talk with I might be talking with Shadow har I can't do nothing with these ghouls I can't be subtle sometimes okay all right we're going to talk with my main character with the ghouls and then I'm just going to fly back up here or something like that oh no best be on my way I wonder what the next move is and Shadow heart let's see what am I going to have you do my friend could push somebody off here we got Reaper where are the chanters the invokers HM it's like I want to start off by shoving some people into the chasm pretty sure you can telekinesis or into the chasm too but that wouldn't be no fun would it but I also don't want combat to initiate right away I'd rather watch this cut scene because it's pretty epic so we're going to walk down don't want to think about why my eye is itching let's see Shadow heart's got all that yeah let's go I am ready Hall lightning would be pretty good I must keep going have to keep low maybe I should stay crouched forever breathe deep you guys ready for this here we go find a way forward doing too much thinking let's just get it done and go for it I never dare compare Orin has the little girl that you meet in Rivington as her capture right now as her prisoner have a lot on my mind and man where's my I'm missing a ghoul who am I missing right now wait no I'm not okay oh man here we go this is going to be crazy I think I'm set up pretty good though maybe you never know plans never go as planned in Ballers Gate 3 okay I have the Elixir for vigilance perfect no time to rest um Shadow heart's fine right now yeah let's go blood no never mind that would make sense Mo my way I smell it gash's corpse stain his killer approaches you knew the murder Lord could not be denied his meat I left the blood inside the Pelt unskinned rcky Bobby oh but I had such plans for this one and the blade was made to slice this isn't the end of the game this is the end of one of the three main antagonists go ahead I won't stop you damn it hits hard harder when it's a little girl that's freaking brutal oh my God larion doesn't let you kill kids in the game but they allow for this cut scene you will be next they don't show it your blood will clot the gutters of this place your flesh will rot on the slab a worthy offering lost all the lordlings pretty plans bleeding out in the gutters and soon your Crimson will join his I will finish what my grandfather started sok brought this city to its knees but I will be the one to Slit its throat I am Ball's frosen yeah so that was interesting so on my first run Lael was the prisoner of Orin and it showed the entire Scene It showed Orin shoving that dagger right into both of her eyes and it was emotional there was no way for me to avoid it I think the only way to avoid that is to initiate combat without talking to her but for the yenna scene they didn't show it cuz Jen is a child interesting move on Lan's part right there didn't know Yana could be kidnapped I think the reason why Yana was kidnapped is because I don't have hardly any companions in my run most of them are dead so instead of taking like aarion or Shadow heart or manthara from me and leaving me with a Party of Three I think they go for yenna balers gate deserves such a fate your vision is exquisite and your Crimson will be the first to bless it Stones trying to be on your side Orin when I set my blades to your neck the merger Lord will taste my domination his true chosen born of Butchery one fit to control the crown come to me Father set my flesh to your Unholy freaking crazy man it's the Slayer form absolutely terrifying I stand corrected uh Tardis says you can avoid her killing her prisoner you do have to kill Gort and then listen to her so don't choose the dialogue options that I chose I just don't really care about Yen on this round run all right here we go folks the only person in combat is aarion and also my character and Orin is fourth in the order of turns what do we got death's head of ball used throw on Leon oh okay so we have these guys that are the chanters all right so now we have some decisions to make no the game's not letting me examine really the one fight where examining your enemy is like of utmost important I importance it won't examine right now let's turn someone inside I hit t i right clicked and I right click on the portrait it doesn't do anything all right um it's a bug that the game has been experiencing good thing I've played this fight before otherwise I'd be screwed I already tried T I knew you guys were going to say that what do you guys think this is balers gate 101 all right so let's go ahead and start off with a very very highle magic Missile I'm actually tempted to use a potion of speed right now um Unstoppable 12 on tactician whoa all right so let's pop a potion of speed this is a little bit dangerous cuz I also kind of need to get away here and let's do a level five magic magic Missile we still have Menara too and Shadow heart oh that freaking beautiful wait unst why is unstop okay yeah yeah we got to do it again we got to do it again so now let's do I guess my strategy right now is to go after her as opposed to these guys okay Unstoppable is now gone so now let's take aarion for the slaughter damn I'm a little bit a little bit out of range here going to be shooting with disadvantage [Music] no is it worth moving down there probably not but I seriously might do that so we we have disadvantage but I do have a plus two from high ground and I'm safe up here 90% god dude what is going on you serious right now game I won't give in yeah we can't examine I don't know what what um what resistances Orin has right now I'm ready whatever it takes a bit of a guessing game perfectly hidden might as well help myself need to press onward who shall I silence you need my expertise quick [Music] March I guess the plan actually worked this time consult the Oracle Google how do you know the order of turns yeah up on top here okay let some well I like the setup that I have going here now we got to kill 1,700 ball assassins had dialogued a prompter to attack me but as part of the combat hostage died did you save Gort nus [Music] sorry I'm looking at the wiki right now Sharp Shooting arranged weapon attacks do not receive penalties from High Ground rules ranged weapon attacks with weapons you roll are proficient with I don't see anything about Sharpshooter doing anything with the range you just don't receive penalties from The High Ground rules you don't get a minus two if you're on the low ground or whatever the Sharpshooter doesn't do what you said it does I had to double check that before I said something all right let's go I have a bonus action right now really can't do anything with it oh I could could do branding smites let's just move up into the face of these guys hey Andrew Diego hello oh yeah I am the world's worst F familiar player I just leave my familiars in stealth and then never bring them into the fight ever all these guys all have Sanctuary so I can't attack them right now hold on is there anybody that I can attack oh this guy hey EP hope your day gets better yeah I'm going to start dropping some AOE right now uh call lightning should also work too probably better than Spirit Guardians in this case okay do these guys have Sanctuary they do can you shove Sanctuary enemies you [Music] can see what spells do I have her cloud of daggers Fireball I'm going to do it to my own imp you think I care about my own imp oh they don't take much damage from that I can't inspect or anything though so I guess we don't want to do that um I'll tell you what we're going to do here watch this you guys ready for this this is going to blow your mind the fing Queen the of murder take our strength Pro plays the attack that shadow heart used guiding Bolt the one that I made earlier let me try let me try call lightning okay that one's fine I guess Fireball is just not good they must have like fire resistance or something inspect Moon Lantern no we not doing that I have the moon Lantern out right now it's funny oh the hell okay imp casting slow not today my fine feathered friend right away toodles why are my ghouls now oh they are showing up okay on oh where the hell did that guy come from very nice Wolf the world's number one bg3 taction thank you Tardis appreciate it thank you MZ appreciate SC hostage can die during combat mine died to an unfortunate instance of Friendly Fire did you save scum sounds like you didn't respect oh I better like we just wrecked Orin but now I'm starting to get a little lazy here we got to get serious can't examine anybody um let's go ahead and I got a great idea I got a great idea right now are you folks ready for this I don't think you are these guys don't have Unstoppable on them so I could just wreck them damn dude that's so sick this this Assassin's just watching right now it's funny guiding bolt such a good spell telling you guys I like the moon Lantern Aura I have three levels of warlock right now just for the sub class okay we have a couple more hidden in the shadows somewhere I have no idea where this guy is he's around here somewhere [Music] I seek an advantage hey there he is how you doing buddy guy really wants a Starion dead doesn't he a metallic Tang fills the air as the slayer's forms drained ofous toes blood to blood the child did not survive to witness your Triumph all life within her was extinguished by Orin blades but you still live you have robbed another God of his chosen damn hey Jessica hard to stop crying so we have the final Stone I need to see it for myself there it is so innocent but such potential you have done very well indeed the nether Stones pulse with psionic energy permeating you pulling you in line with their Rhythm the throne quickens Rising cresting on a single feeling a location a morphic pool beneath the city itself so that's where the chosen imprisoned the brain why would they put it there to conceal it one would imagine and to maintain the illusion of their own control above ground do you think we're ready to face the Elder brain with the stones in hand and the chosen Dead We Stand as good a chance as we ever will as to how good a chance that is I cannot say but I have hope we should go back to the under City docks when we reach the poon we will find the brain and we will end this in death throm or freedom but a word of caution once we cross into the Elder brains domain there will be no turning back finish your business here before you proceed the brain will be waiting for us I don't like that guy hon was helson was Prisoner a you guys that's pretty can't give up he's a pretty cool character kind of shrimpy though you know what I mean stay interesting hard to believe she is dead after all that she did to me I do not often doubt myself but surviving Orin took courage and strength I was not sure I had I could not have faced her without you you have your Vengeance how does it feel like a dream half realized our fight is not done while the brain is still free and we are still infected we will never be safe but we can talk of this later for now let us be glad that we still draw breath and that our in does not I hate to rest while our enemies still draw breath how much farther can I go what's inside orin's Gore pile studded leather armor plus two you take one less bludgeoning damage gain a plus one bonus to initiative roles Crimson Mischief 7 to 18 damage pre upon the weak this weapon deals an additional 1 to four piercing damage against targets with 50% of their hit points or fewer when you make an attack with Advantage the target takes an additional seven piercing damage damage I can't examine anything right now the G it's glitched out otherwise I would take a closer look at the weapon design alter key a y had her stuffed bear on her an unnatural death there's no coming back from that I knew that was going to happen when Orin killed Lazelle on my first run I knew it how's that more unnatural than any other way that you die though the corpse regards you lifelessly yeah know oh this is interesting this doesn't really fit the the RP of my character but let's go through some of these dialogue choices why did this happen the corpse remains silent it does not the corpse doesn't speak who can I inform of your death this is the dialogue this is the speak with dead scene that you get I think regardless of who kills Yana what did you want to be when you grew up a cook like Mommy and where are you from City borders gate the Spells power wains you can ask no more questions sexy Squidward you guys remember the scene with the Mind flare with it shirt off and how it uh it's quite the moment hold on I use the alter key am I able to do something I can't remember did I miss out on something here I just used the alter key but I can't do anything what today let's uh let's watch something real fast stay with me stay with me folks meet your next pillow God I hate YouTubers that have ads on in their channel so greedy why do we make our pillow in the shape of a cube I'll tell you he probably has more than one ad too they probably throughout the video unbelievable oh did it think it could protect did it think it could save only the quiet is the grave you rot it I might start streaming just playing my let's play series act like I'm playing but just be on my phone over here to the right can't miss out on this good cut scenes hush I hear footsteps trip trapping on the murder Lord's Stone it refused the murder Lord's command and comes crawling into his sanctum with the Tyrant un pulped I Know What You Did spilled my grandfather's Crimson he was mine he showed me how to slice and slit he guides my dagger still oh did think it could protect did it think it could save only the blades can offer salvation my boy there's really like no good choice her interesting Gort is dead I left him riding on the roof of his Fortress Yeah that was stupid 5% chance came pretty close though we'll use one Inspiration Point but for 5% chance I don't know this YouTuber is an idiot was worth a try liar liar he still sucks air in his this rock rotten Fortress you disobeyed the murder Lord he will be compensated no what when you don't save scum these moments are really intense knowing that she actually died not good enough no gristle no meat poor clay for sculping an atrocity all right so then we end up duking it out for me to kill I use curriculum Artistry of War on Orin in this fight yeah it still tough though Stone wants to fight for LEL okay never watching that YouTuber again as you can see I'm not subscribed and definitely not hitting the thumbs up button no one back home will ever believe this from BS free no more slave liberators saviors pupes fools released useful Ed Target killed dead onor avoidable okay so this is what we're going to do um yeah if you spoke with orang Mom's corpse you can say to her that Sak ordered the assassination let's test that out real fast I'm sticking with the results that we have right here let's call this Tardis CU he's such a great guy and then let me reload real fast to let's just see let's reload to the orange fight and instead of saying that we don't care about Yen's corpse let's see if we can explore the dialogue a little bit more think I'm subscribed to that YouTube youb I have to unsubscribe yeah don't support that channel been on this planet for 33 years now and I still haven't understood what the big deal about gluten is and at this point I'm even afraid to ask how do we start talking about gluten funny as if it were my well have to keep going you D she has a lot of Reapers here I left the blood inside the Bel unskinned oh but I had such plans for this one and the blade was made to slice all right let's start off with number one let's see what happens we had a deal I killed Gort so let yenna go yes yes we did we made a pack sealed in Father's sight I think it worked you are the one V craves yours is the Crimson that should clot my altar all the lordlings pretty plans bleeding out in the gutters and soon I will finish what my grandfather started sarok brought this city to its knees but I will be the one to Slit its throat I am Ball's chosen saravak ordered your mother to kill you why follow his path no no no no no he didn't he didn't filthy Big Mouth Little Liar grandfather loves me he worships me how dare you smear his name it will not save you Sak told me the truth himself or he was laughing at you damn no not him not him I did all this for him everything everything no Orin who you did this for me B father they lied to me they lie hush child no more doubts no more fears no more Orin become murder damn to think like most players probably miss out on that dialogue that's that's the best way right there to have Orin turn into the Slayer I feel like that dialogue should be like in everybody's play through we just talk to ball Ball's Avatar ball himself basically that's crazy okay I'm done playing around orin's kind of bad no not at all anything I would call her neutral good probably yeah Yana was still alive in that run you just got to be careful that you don't have her be killed in combat I'm imagining that you can just save her by winning that combat encounter thanks turis just yeah she's just a little mad doesn't have great anger control sometimes or I don't know my not that bad still f everything all right well I might go murder jira's family now that's what I was thinking what do you guys think is that a good rumor is that jira's family resides in the beautiful city of balers gate and uh as someone who doesn't really like the legends of balers Gate 1 and two as a dragon born who wants his story to be told for generations to become and not to be overshadowed by a bald man and an old woman we're going to wipe that family bloodline off the face of fyon yeah the the Fallen ball spawn is in her bedroom we walked up to it earlier it's pretty cool so curious how this all plays out is it quite different when you do dark urge without giving away like any Major Spoilers you don't have to kill everyone to be evil true but you should definitely kill um you should wipe out Bloodlines that are taking you know taking the spotlight I mean obviously I'm not killing everyone look at the streets of B gate a lot going on I hate all right let's take a little little Adventure I think I recall where jiro's house is very different as dark urge okay all right very different YouTube and twitch chat both agreeing for once wow not very but different dialogues and extra lore more you choose to be good there's a great scene okay dark Ur has a completely different scene with Orin logic is sound thanks Mike we still have a lot of houses that I have to explore in the city we're underneath a blushing mermaid right now you know larion could have done the entire city of balers gate the entire game could have just been the city of balers gate if they did the outer city districts and the upper City and it still would have been massive hell is this guy doing up here the oh my God the Society of Brilliance no one's sto me yet bro how do I get up there wait wait wait better not be cursed Lodge of The Society of Brilliance oh my God Society of Brilliance is kind of unexplored territory in D and D lore it's much newer let's get going we are pleased to inform you that your the thesis on the study on the representation of deep gnomes in mid-century Dr literature has been approved for publication pending the below changes Society of Brilliance I don't know what you think gives you the right to set up shop in our fine City but balers gate doesn't you here go back to the underd dark or the absolute or whoever it is or wherever it is you come from and stop bringing your mind flare nonsense into our city this is about to be freaking badass all well that ends not as bad as it could have well met I am the society's leading expert on myid sport telepathy but I I've had to delay my experiments run out of spores you see I miss them those miconic spes don't feel quite right without them probably shouldn't have inhaled them all so quickly aren't they the ones that wanted the gith Yan yag is that the Society of Brilliance I don't remember uh that chick who wants to get the Yankee egg the society Brilliance you meet in the underdark near the mikid village blur and omum I'm compiling a translation dictionary AR so Waring species of the underdog can understand each other it's an essential step forward ah a surface dweller you find yourself in the of all knowledge relating to the underd dark the Society of Brilliance feel like laryan could do an entire game based around the Society of Brilliance what can the society do for you oh okay yeah so oh wow oh my God this is the Turnin for my gith Yankee egg Quest holy crap we have so much dialogue here let's start off with I met one of your researchers in the underdark his name was blur you don't say blur happens to be upstairs preparing a most unusual paper I'm sure he'll be pleased to see a friendly face I think the egg lady is dead but I think I have the egg the Society of Brilliance looks like a library to me I assure you we are as well provisioned an institution as any other you'll find in this city we simply prefer to keep our wealth away from areas of study one must stay humble in order to achieve true academic rigor I carry an unhatched to gith Yan egg would you be interested in studying it a gith Yan egg what if a Tous turn events I've been attempting to get my hands on one for some time now would you consider parting with it the society's coffers are deep enough to cover any expenses acred in its retrieval of course and what are you going to do with it study it of course the githyanki have been a source of great debate in the society's circles in recent months you are no doubt aware that citizens of the underd dark are held in great suspicion by those who live above ground many believe us to be evil the githyanki face similar Prejudice but I believe if hatched in a less violent more intellectually stimulating environment the child can overcome its evil predispositions we're trying to raise a gith Yankee to not be evil and what does this intellectually stimulating upbringing look like sir in the literal sense I will need to induce the egg to hatch via the application of certain currents to the creature inside once out of the shell I plan to take a two-fold approach the enforced repetition of sound moral principle from the petarian code alongside a series of psionic pulses administered to the cerebral tissue assuming I can accelerate its growth I should have conclusive findings within a year or two at the most sounds legit to me are the GI really evil well overall they are a highly xenophobic race so doesn't mean that some of them can't step out of that culture but yes they're raised in a rather evil environment which is why gith Yan are feared on the surface world because when you see one it makes you think that you're going to get raided like the Vikings used to the gith Yan are kind of similar to like Viking culture why follow the dogma of a draconic God in my years of study they're the closest I found to moral perfection only under such rigorous goodness will the subject stand a chance of being cured my findings could change the perception of githyanki and the peoples of the underd dark for generations to come sounds pointless public opinion will hardly be swayed by such a small experiment not at first but if the experiment proves successful it must be repeated only then will we know if the findings are to be trusted now I'm eager to get started so will you sell me the egg so he's kind of doing essentially what you experience in the legend of drist book series drist is a Dr elf from the underd dark from the city of menzo bronan and at large the Dr race is definitely overall probably an evil race um the culture that they're brought up in ETC and drist Erin comes to the surface world and everybody fears him but he is a morally good Dr and he starts to change the stereotypes and prejudice against his race although it's very very difficult and not always successful that's a huge part of the beauty of the legend of dris book is watching DRFT go through that struggle and trying to change the opinions of people on the surface world I'm selling the egg wonderful I'll begin making preliminary notes at once you've provided me with a fine specimen I'll be sure to mention your name in the footnotes we'll sacrifice a GI Yankee baby for the greater good can't give up now ications of my theory are significant oh my God this is such a cool little Lodge right here I definitely want to join the Society of Brilliance a collection of under dark Delicacies a s for the homesick and food for the intellectually curious killed and stuffed before it teeth were fully grown the Society of Brilliance is definitely morally questionable in some regards that's for sure my thanks again for retrieving the specimen it really is a perfect sample yeah let's go upstairs this is a really cool little wait did I talk to this guy think I did [Music] I miss my SW did I fail a perception check over here hold on is there like a hatch or something we have notes right here let me take a look at those all of my hypotheses are just that theories and no more unless I can test them under controlled conditions I need a viable get Yankey egg I must acquire one somehow or half clag is not a serious research or just a mere intellectual whatever the hell word that was after that fing next I just need to interview somebody who speaks classical meok so you encounter some mean loocks in the temple of Le thander in act two so much under dark Strife comes from buying for scarce minerals I seek to invent new easier ways to find such ORS from Plenty comes peace in the mind flare Ellum um oh we have blur right here so we're going to talk to blur really cool seeing characters from act one show up in act three unfortunately on both of my runs all the T died so I don't get to experience any of the T content but in the dark urge Redemption run I'll definitely do that once I publish my paper proving that it's just hyena might infections that make nulls so angry I'll be [Music] famous my Surface dwelling friend I take it you were curious to see the Society of Brilliance for yourself The Lure of knowledge is a hard one to resist even where it requires us to endure discomfort for example it is quite bright up here I had forgotten about the malady known as sunburn I hear there's an uent learning a lot of words today uent uent uent I said it right a soft greasy or vicious substance used as an ointment for lubrication some of you guys know what that is don't you I hear there's an uent that protects against the sun's Powers a field of research I am glad exists it be of immense value for those exposed to it on a more regular basis as for me I'll remain indoors the society's Library will keep me quite busy until I return to my my research in the underdark I did Zeta we messed around with that scene when I was there and why did you leave the underdark we are required to attend the lodge from time to time in order to present our findings to the society's members my research partner prefers to avoid crowds and so has remained in the underd dark to monitor our zerk wood samples I am eager to return myself but I must prepare my treaties before I depart sharing knowledge is one of the society's most important tenants so blur's partner is uum who's that mind flare in the underd dark who's trying to find a way for the Mind flare race to be able to survive without having to kill sentient creatures for their brains and what's the subject of your treaties the underused underd dark applications for Zer wood in unlocking the future future of subterranean civilizations I may be indulging myself somewhat with its title but I do believe our research Harbors such potential I only hope the society's members agree speaking of which I should get back to annotating my references is there anything else I could do for you of course I always carry samples in case there are inquiring minds the we gains lightning charges they also gain three temp hit points movement speed is unimpeded by difficult terrain whenever you burn an enemy gain two turns of heat really doesn't have that good stuff take a mirror image scroll it's one of the best Scrolls in the game actually let me buy all these I think I don't have any or I have very few anesis dimension door screw why not it's really cool I didn't realize that the Society of Brilliance was actually in the city cuz I never really noticed this place still can't get used to that I would join the society still alive so that's perfect 100% wonder if they have a basement oh they have an attic here that we're definitely going to check out on I wonder if you walked if you did the entire game with C invisibility active how much you would actually discover more so than somebody who doesn't have it of course C invisibility helps in sorcerous Sundries but does it help in a lot of other places that we don't know of you were seen stealing resolving this peacefully will require more caution than [Music] don't guess I'm not joining the society oh no what should I do heading there [Music] after a long rest you can see if they hatch the egg wait is that actually an outcome I don't think that's happening now if that's content then I definitely want to go back and check that out at some point oh yeah the magic Missile necklace yeah that thing used to be so op but laran nerfed it a little bit unfortunately I have to kill blur it is content okay cool well um okay then we'll go back oh my God I didn't do a save point do I need a save point though not really we didn't do anything except come to the society don't worry blur's not going to die everybody has a hissy fit because I broke a chest speaking about the dress books you're not a fan of RA salvator Terry Reams and twitch says wait the egg can hatch that's what we're trying to find out somebody in the chat said it can so we're definitely going to check that out um yes hold on let's look at the dark urge that's super cool it is the white dragon born I love it that's why everybody thinks I'm playing Dark herge when I'm not all right what now I think the Robes of the weave in the weave armor set cloth set might be one of my favorite designs in this game that pretty skin of orang all melted I blew up the underwater prison without going there everybody died I don't think I can go there on this run I did the steel watch Foundry first I could try to go there okay so let's go to what's the quickest way we're going to turn in that egg take a long rest and then see if the giank is hatched or maybe it takes more than one long rest not entirely sure that's where we're trying to go map is so much better than the Dos 2 map think it could still use improvements it's not really nice to look at but like when you zoom in I like it like that a lot when you're zoomed out it looks like crap feel better than before I really like the look of this map though when you're Zoomed In Like This good time for a chat no time to D have to keep pushing you wish to consult me what part lies before me yeah I definitely should have used the Waypoint up here okay let's hit F5 so I don't ever have to do that again what up for discussion everywhere ah you find yourself tell me what can the society do for you would you consider parting with it that's wonderful you okay I've given him the egg I don't see a hatch in here to get lower but there is a building below it oh interesting I wonder if you can even get in there you see a hatch in here to get lower I don't I don't see anything yeah let's go to jira's house actually let's just take a long rest right now I could use it after that fight oh really hey J you try reloading yeah larion updated it so your summons don't make everybody run from you I think it was probably for the better because it was really annoying playing any type of class that had summons so if you're playing as a necromancer like act three isn't even fun cuz you literally can't interact with anybody everybody's just sprinting away from you even that makes sense realistically I think they made the right call with that down down down by the river robes your personal favorite I haven't had another opportunity to romance Menara but then again I'm not an expert in that category on this game many failed romances in Boulders Gate 3 a we wanted to go to the other one which one is it B skate transform but was it deliberate or accidental got a couple squiddies couple naked squiddies little squid butt cheeks you running any mods AJ or in any other game Miss shot no way to run a bus ier oh that was a nice nice and snaring strike right [Music] there another step forward I don't know if you need all three for the mind flares to spawn but when you hit a certain point in the story yes they do business I say can't even browse while he's with a client damn I shredded that much skipping my 's turn I will not fail the brain is Breaking Free we must discover where it is hidden before that happens no way to run a business I say can't even browse while he's with a [Music] client I want to have a word my thanks again for retrieving this I don't see no GI Yankee Wonder like are you guys trolling me with that content that there's an actually GI Yankee that spawns at least things have stayed interesting you guys trolling me no time to rest no one back home will ever believe this you have to give the egg to the lady for the gift okay you give the lady the egg Harper reports no leads that wouldn't be too smart to put Harper reports in the mailbox hi Harper I'm sorry to report that we've no leads on the boy's parents if they were indeed among the first taken by the cult then their Trail has long gone cold it's a grim thought but perhaps they were deemed Unworthy of ascending and sent to serve the cult's purpose in some other way hope he's settling in there it may well be he has nowhere else to go trust no one should be easy a letter stamped of the Harper seal Rion we have also had no further word from the high Harper since she gathered her forces and struck out east while her sending to you is certainly concerning she made no such contact with us and I cannot believe that jira we we know would fail to pass and all she knew if she truly believed the end was at hand your mother will be fine she always is hi Harper of the cloak wood chapter yeah jir is doing just just fine right now everything's going to be okay kids something over there a short note marked up as a professional sending a magical message of up to 25 words intended to find the recipient wherever they might be this copy was never given over to a cleric for deliver no I don't know what to do so come back and tell me or I'll come find you death will not protect you idiot o we got some te lore here the moonay Isles the islands to the east or the west of balder's gate oh want to send that to Camp our children aren't here right now which is interesting back door key wonder if any of them are upstairs this is such a cool home in the city knock knock knock Leon the babysitter is [Music] here the Forgotten Forest a dark children's picture book featuring a host of animal friends helping one another survive a Forbidden Forest at just the moments where it seems the villains have the advantage a childish hand has drawn a cranky old Elven woman beating them about the head with a stick thanks nelf yeah we're going to have to test it out sometime or I'll just look up YouTube scenes because I'm kind of curious about that GI Yankee fun content yeah the children aren't here actually what have we here see if I can remember how to get into the basement pretty sure we have to pass a perception check somewhere such a Cozy home this is all I want in life this is it just like a house that looks like this and I love how you can see into like the oh this isn't the kitchen this is like the study actually I love like windows with in houses it's kind of cool okay oh we need the pin that might Beth I forgot about that where do you get the pin I'm pretty sure I got it from one of Prett sure I got it from one of jira's kids when I was playing forgot we need the Harper's pin hi Harper it seems our last reports were over hasty our investigators into the recent fate of disappearances across the city have led to the reemergence of the subjects in almost every case I don't know if I can get the pen cuz jiro's kids aren't here does anybody know if you can get it beloved Ranger Bewitched is this content completely blocked off from you if you killed jira I picked it up from the cupboard for I don't think I did aha I thought it was close cool using the same characters too nice I love little secrets like this in a game top floor you know one day when I'm fat rich and wealthy yes I'm going to be rich and wealthy at the same time they both have different meanings okay I'm going to have a little little basement that looks like this and I'm going to have cameras set up everywhere and I'm going to still stream so you guys can see me hang out down here and down here is going to be like the land Center you guys can even come over I shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times okay but now we have to deal with these traps which is interesting cuz I don't remember what I did on my first run jira just let us in whatever comes I'm ready this should be interesting [Music] something in this room that I pick up something all right let's send aarion out he's going to be our test subject a glowing orb but its purpose is unclear that's it that's the trap a glowing orb but its purpose is unclear oh it keeps coming okay so hold on let's see if we can do something to these out of curiosity don't touch me have a lot on my mind and well in it okay that's how you solve it very well let's get on with it time to meet your end I'll go this way or you know how you can solve these traps like this alista thank you so much for the twitch Prime I appreciate that 101 subs and primes thank you guys even in the YouTube chat says Hey using oh I already read that comment Move the Box near the entrance there's a pressure plate oh okay guess I figured it out without the pressure plate J hero disables them if you're Allied yeah that's what happened to me on my first run which is why I didn't know what to do should mind my step such a beautiful little place right here I mean realistically this is all I want in life you know this isn't even really realistic to have a house like up against like an actual beautiful body of water is insanely expensive is that blood no never mind traps hell consider it but I'll get it one day and you guys can come over okay be careful there are traps about the ball spawns Saga we already picked up that I don't even remember what these traps do little love nest with jira I would love jira to be my grandmother let's go we have some classic weapons here BM man that's so sick and staff of the ram once per turn the blow possibly knocks a faux back 7 ft and stuns them oops I picked it up with Menara a confused spread of cryptic symbols cobbled together by the same hand seemingly over the years neat notations impose order on the chaotic sketches describing some manner of dtic ritual its purpose unclear and its practice incomplete and then we have ked's gift for those of you guys that played the original balers gate games khed dies in the beginning of balers gate 2 he gets murdered by John irenicus while wearing ked's gift jira cannot be cursed and you get the aid spell some classic weapons a classic amulet reminding us of our boy khed never a dull moment khed and Jiro rip to both of them and I think that's it for down [Music] here but I think uh I'm going to call it a day for the balers Gate 3 stream we completed the Orin quest part 34 is done and I only have a few more things that we have to do before we enter the final session and take on the Elder brain which as of now I'm planning for next Sunday TBD though how do you guys feel about that and it might be back on later tonight might play some hardcore World of Warcraft so the streams are going to be pretty boring but they're probably also going to be pretty chill we'll see Queen Tiamat hello hello hello and goodbye hope you guys had a good time today and I will catch you all on the next [Music] one thanks Carly when you have both jira and Minsk is great especially when you give the spell on the table volage a hero thanks Thomas bye elf rogue agent thank [Music] you mer Terry cutcha and thank you guys for all the twitch viewers
Channel: WolfheartFPS
Views: 43,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs, gate, bg3, baldurs gate 3 live, baldurs gate 3 livestream, livestream, baldurs gate 3 full game, baldurs gate 3 lets play, baldurs gate 3 classes, beginners guide, bg3 live, baldurs gate 3 rpg, rpg 2023, crpg, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, gameplay, tactician mode baldurs gate 3, wolfheartfps, wolfheart fps, larian studios, house of hope
Id: 6DYjtwHi6qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 52sec (14032 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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