MY FAVORITE STORM LORD BUILD (Sorcerer/Cleric) for Baldur's Gate 3

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Thor is the God of Thunder but today you get to  be a sorcerer God of okay well we'll be using   the storm sorcery subass in this Bui today and  I won't try to struggle through another bad joke   we'll be using sorcerer cleric and wizard to  really capitalize on maximizing your thunder   and lightning damage is a Caster character you can  build this out as a number of ways uh going with   higher cleric levels if you want to be more of a  melee hybrid class but we'll be focusing on more   of a spellcaster as I have very few spellcaster  Builds on the channel this is your first time on   my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting  the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if   it's the right one for you so with that being  said we'll be going with two levels of cleric   in the beginning in the Tempest domain which will  allow us to use Channel Divinity to max out our   lightning and thunder damage then nine levels into  sorcerer with storm sorcery and then lastly one   level into wizard just to give us a little bit of  cheese with ascribing more Spells at our disposal   that's really the gist of this entire video so  please feel free to shut it down if that's all   you wanted to know so you can get back to making  your storm Lord in bg3 and listening to me have   to deal with terrible allergies but before you  head out please don't forget to like comment or   subscribe each one of those things helps me out  in a huge way I currently have something like 89%   unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that's  a metric I'm trying to change this year so every   little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part  of the video that interest you the most using the   chapters and both the timeline and the description  and if you need help with any other subject in   bers skate 3 check out my playlist linked  below upper right hand corner and at the end   of the video Let's Get started here on our storm  lord lord of storms build in bers Gate 3 loading   into the game let's talk about character creation  and let's see how long until these antihistamines   completely kick me over because of my allergies  and I start saying weird stuff so for your Caster   you can really go with whatever you really want um  I'm always a really big fan of the mephistophiles   T flame they have really good access to a lot of  really fun canps through their leveling process   and they also get a resistance here to fire damage  which is really nice uh also a big fan of the Dr   uh they get access to to a Darkness can trip which  is always lovely and it's my favorite race in the   game so it's really easy talk about them U since  we are going with a Charisma based class with the   sorcerer um I wouldn't use the highelf because  it's the canant trip you get from this um I have   heard that they've patched this and whatever class  you select is the spellcasting ability of the cant   trip and since we'll be starting off as a this  isn't necessarily very helpful for us but again   it's just a can trip and we're going to have a  ton of can trips through all of our feet choices   so if you want to go with a high elf by all means  do so I just want to give you that heads up when   it comes to the elf options uh going with any of  the other ones like halfling and the light foot   halfling getting you access to Brave for Advantage  on saving throws when being frightened and lucky   so when you roll a one for an attack roll ability  Checker saving throw you can roll the die unless   you you roll um if you want to really lean into  being a uh what's this thing called a a a melee   hybrid character you can go with a gith definitely  I always like to go with the female one the non-   crackhead version and you have a lot of fun things  here you get the really cool leap that gths get   access to you get their special Mage hand and  honestly GI have access to a ton of very strong   armor that is actually really good for hybrid  melee and uh Caster classes so if you do want   to kind of go that route going with a gith is  pretty cool because you get a lot of armor in   the the mountain pass and you get a ton of armor  in the transitionary period between act two to   act three and in the very beginning of act three  there's tons of that stuff so between weapons and   armor there's tons of that's accessible by the GIF  and you as a race feature get access to light and   medium armor proficiency as well as short sword  long sword and great swword so you really can use   a wide gamut of things it's a very very fun slept  on race in my opinion um I'm also a big fan of   deep gnomes because they're fun for me I anything  that's in the underd dark is really cool for me   and another one on that same uh pedigree is the  dwar dwar are quite fun uh they get access to an   ability to shrink and or make themselves larger  and they can also get a darkness and invisibility   C trip as they level up as well they get advantage  on saving throws against charm and paralysis which   is very prevalent in this game and also they get  an advantage against poison and have resistance   to poison damage they take half damage to poison  I'd say poison is the second most prevalent style   of damage outside of um fire with lightning and or  thunder being third I think i' I rarely ever deal   with any kind of uh uh cold damage but the race  I recommend for this is a dragon born and it's   definitely a blue or a bronze dragon born because  they have lightning breath as of a patch I think   uh patch two or patch three the lightning  breath now scales with your level so this   will actually become even better and it's just a  cool way to really lean into the flavor of this I   unfortunately don't have a level 12 uh dragon born  to show off but you can see they can look so damn   awesome and subrace features here the blood of uh  of ancient dragons flows through your veins you   are resistant to lightning damage uh the bronze  one you can do as well it's the same exact thing   it's lightning keep in mind this is lightning it  is not Thunder both are it's two different damage   types in this game and there is no thunder dragon  Bor rather choose blue or uh bronze but I I just   think it's a very very cool way to lean into this  build since we're going to be really focused on   lightning and thunder and it just really makes a  lot of sense here now as far as our class options   go since we're taking Sorcerer And cleric and  wizard we're actually going to start with cleric   and the reason behind that is we just simply want  to get access to the channel o uh not not Channel   that's a PL Paladin uh the channel Divinity  capability that this subass gives us and we want   to get that as soon as possible that happens at  level two so by the time you get off of the gith   Yankee starter ship you'll be level two pretty  much you'll get your uh level here and then you'll   just pivot right into sorcerer so what you're  going to do here is you'll notice that you'll   get the subass feature as a reaction strike back  at an attacking creature dealing 2 to 16 lightning   or thunder damage the target takes half damage on  a successful saving throw so it's just a very nice   kind of reactive ability to just do a little bit  of damage here it's not the primary reason we're   choosing this it's still a cool though nonetheless  you do also get weapon or armor proficiency heavy   which is kind of cool so you can lean into that  uh I can't if you have a Proficiency in an armor   you can cast spells but heavy armor you cannot  take a look here wearing heavy armor will not   impose disadvantage your attack SP or prevent you  from casting spells but I believe it still does I   think it's the only one that that'll prevent you  from casting spells um in the Sorcerer And wizard   portions I think for cleric it's fine but uh from  what I understand I think you're limited actually   to only light and medium for the Sorcerer And  wizard level spells feel free to correct me on   that I might be totally wrong and if I am uh we'll  find out future in this in later in this video but   uh just kind of a heads up on that can trips here  I'm going to go with guidance and sacred flame   they're both very good you can go with something  like uh blade W which is very fun or thury here   getting advantage on intimidation and performance  checks if you want to go down that route I'll just   go with blade W because it'll be always applicable  to me as a Caster style of character DED I would   go with TS because that's the you know God of  Nature and thunder and lightning and all kind   of stuff I'm not good at the deity so that will  be one that I know you guys correct me on for   your background please choose what makes sense for  you and the roleplay for this character are you a   character who is a noble who has you know started  as a cleric and and and traversed into the the   wild ways their bloodline and and tapped into the  Sorceress abilities that has been held back from   them from their family are you a folk hero who has  again used their innate ability to tap into magic   to kind of help the the common man whatever it is  choose the background for the character you have   in mind don't give a crap about the skills have  fun this is a single player narrative game if you   want to choose a Min Maxi option Guild artism is  my always my go-to because it gives us insight and   persuasion two of the most prevalent checks in the  game which then brings us into our skill options   and go with whatever ones make sense for you I  already have insight and persuasion select on   this character so I'm pretty much good everything  else outside of that I guess I'd go history um and   religion because medicine really only helps you I  think it's like one or two checks in the game but   it helps you if you're doing any kind of herbalism  so if you want to make potions and stuff like that   this actually can help you because it can increase  the yield if you're not going to touch that little   mini game at all then don't even bother with  medicine that's your little breakdown right there   let's have a conversation now about your abilities  your ability scores can go a number of ways and   it's going to depend too on how you want to build  this character out but this is the character that   I'm making and that I'm going to focus on being  a Caster we've got 14 dexterity this is going to   give us two additional uh Armor class also it's  going to give us two two to our initiative over   here as you can see our constitution is at 14  this is also going to give us a two it's going   to help us out with hit points since we're going  to need those and also it's going to help us out   with any kind of concentration checks now since  we are mainly using our sorcerer capabilities our   Charisma is at 16 to give us the max here uh we're  going to get the feat improved ability score to   bring this up to 18 and there's plenty of ways to  increase your charisma through items in this game   I'd say probably more than most other ability  scores but intelligence and wisdom we're still   going to tap into just a little bit intelligence  is our casting ability if we are a wizard which   we will be a little bit of and wisdom is our  casting ability as a cleric now this also works as   a double prong situation here 12 wisdom will also  make it harder for us to be Charmed or frightened   any kind of like General status effect like that  it's usually a wisdom check and having six in   Charisma in general is going to make us very good  when it comes to conversation across the board if   you wanted this to be more of a Melee character  you could could choose intelligence or wisdom to   take down a little bit and invest more points  into what I would say is dexterity and go with   a finesse build rather than focusing on strength  you use finesse weapons which there are quite a   few quite a few really good ones too and you can  kind of strike a nice Middle Ground between both   of this uh of these worlds without having to jump  into a whole another stat in strength just keep   in mind too with low strength you will not have  the highest amount of carry capacity and things   will be able to shove you quite easily let's now  just into what the progression for this character   looks wait before we do that let's talk spells  um since we're starting as a cleric your spells   here can be really whatever you want if you're  starting the game out you can use Shadow heart   to do this but command is very good because you  can use this to have the uh tling General on the   ship drop his flaming sword which is a really  really really strong sword for anyone that's   not this character right if you want to give it to  carlac or Lazelle it's very good but for the start   I would just say you know choose something like  bless here you already got this spell online as   by choosing Tempest domain which is your Thunder  Wave ability so any spells in this region they're   just nice little nice to haves um Sanctuary is a  pretty good one it can be useful for not just you   but a lot of points in the game where you don't  want someone to die as part of a narrative maybe   someone gets attacked and you have to keep them  alive and it's an NPC having Sanctuary on call   is a very very good spell to have and the rest  of these two they're they're for the most part   more situational uh but I definitely think these  two are going to serve you a lot throughout your   campaign just playing with this character all  right now progression back to my wood elf let's   have some fun let's set this guy up so once we  got into level two we're sticking with cleric   because this is the main reason we've gone with  cleric destructive wrath when you roll thunder or   lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity  to deal maximum damage dead now you can just stick   entirely with cleric I mean you can go deeper  into cleric and go like six levels into this   and go with Tempest and that's going to get well  I'm sorry yeah yeah six levels that's going to   get you like Thunderbolt strike so when you deal  thunder or lightning damage to a creature that is   large or smaller you also push it or level eight  get you divine strike where you once per turn   you deal 1 d8 Thunder damage in addition to your  weapons uh weapon damage and you'll get access to   stuff like gust of wind shatter call lightning  and sleet storm as a result of going that high   again I have not done that here today because the  focus is to make more of a Caster less of that   kind of M hybrid but I just wanted to bring that  up it is an option you can do as you see fit and   we'll just kind of do what I was talking about  probably do probably do something like this um   keep in mind concentration concentration so keep  in mind you have concentration ation spells always   be mindful of which ones you've got cuz you cannot  cast multiple of one concentration uh spell only   one concentration spell can be active at a time so  either bless or Bane for example we'll accept that   and we'll jump God look at the technical or dream  code I died out of this character wild right so we   get into level three we split off from cleric and  we go into Sorcerer And we have another follow-up   conversation let's go ahead and clear all that  we already have blade War so we can skip this   and we're going to pick up shocking grasp because  it just does lightning damage uh it's a go-to for   me I like friends because we can also use that  in accordance with guidance whichever one we want   to use or if you already have another cleric or  another Caster in mind that you someone is going   to take friends or guidance have that character  do it it's entirely up to you now another thing   too is you can use the disguise abilities which is  not a can trip but still you can use the disguise   abilities to get access to any of the GI Yankee  items just another heads up so let's just go   with I I really like Ray Frost it is it is bueno  um acid Splash is nice because there's a lot of   items that can really key off of it in the very  beginning of the game so we'll go with something   like that and then for our spells we already have  Thunder Wave taken care of which is cool right and   fog is taken care of as well here so you can pick  up magic Missile right now if you want or you can   pick up which bolt whichever you'd like to do um  I'm a really a big fan of chromatic orb because   I can have it do lightning or thunder damage and  then any other element outside of that big big big   fan of it here's that disguise stff I was talking  about earlier but stuff like sleep falls off very   quickly in the game so I don't really use it same  thing with like color spray look at this uh blank   creatures up to a combined 33 hit points so once  things start to have more than that you need to   use more spell levels it just doesn't necessarily  overall it's not overall worth it magic Missile   is one of my favorite spells in the game so if  you take this I don't blame you I'm just going   to choose which bolt for the the theme of the  character right now now for the subass we are   going to focus on storm sorcery because the subass  feature here after you cast a level one spell or   higher you can fly as a bonus action until the end  of your turn without receiving opportunity attacks   which is really cool allows you to displace move  around flying is a very strong capability I just   want to bring up it's not what we're going to do  today but it's I'm going to bring up the draconic   bloodline because there are a number of things  that are very good about it a draconic resilience   so when you aren't wearing armor you're base  Armor class is 13 so if you just want to stick   with clothing you get a base armor class of 13  plus the two from decks we have 15 armor class   which is nice and we get more hit points and  then we have our Dragon ancestor for our Dragon   ancestor I would choose blue because that gives us  witch bolt uh the other lightning one bronze gives   me fog Cloud which we've already gotten from our  cleric domain so I'm not going to go with it the   reason you could go with draconic ancestry is as  you you hit Level six or seven I think it's six   it's six uh your draconic ancestry kicks in and  you get resistance to the lightning capability   and you then can add your charisma modifier to  anytime you do lightning specifically damage   you can't add it to thunder only to lightning  that is a very strong capability I don't want   to cheat it it's a very good route for this build  you can definitely take it I've just chosen to go   with storm sour because I think it's probably the  least popular of the sub classes of Sorcerer And   I do want to showcase it it's why I've made that  decision definitely definitely applicable to go   with uh uh draconic ancestry if you want to so if  you want to go with the bloodline please by all   means do it we're going storm sorcery here today  go ahead and press accept that's going to push   us into level two and we'll just take more spells  here get magic Missile online and now we have our   passives right so we get men magic as a forer  and these are quite good allies automatically   succeed saving throws increase the range of spells  like Melee one so your shock your your grasp you   can now make it have a 30 foot range uh extended  spell I really like twin spell here so spells that   only target one creature can Target an additional  creature um an extended spell is nice for double   duration or careful spell uh just go with whatever  you are you going to be more of a Melee character   you know whatever you want to go with uh we do  deal quite a bit of AOE I'll go careful spell just   because that's what I want probably extended  spells the better one double the duration of   condition summons and services caused by spells  uh or maybe even actually distant you know what   we'll go distant crazy logo and another spell here  into level two so just be mindful of your spells   right look for and hunt down your thunder spells  your lightning spells you want to pick those up   because they're going to be particularly good we  get Thunder Wave already but shatter is quite good   so so we don't want to pick that stff as own  try that's what that yellow box means it says   right here you already know the spell don't do  it um gust of wind is not a thunder or lightning   ability but it kind of falls into that purview  it's usually associated with it uh as far as like   items go and stuff like that but you can you don't  necessarily need to go a shatter if you don't want   if you want you can go cloak of daggers it's not  lightning or thunder but please I'm just trying to   encourage play the game how you want don't play  how I'm telling you uh but also too Missy step   is a very good one from level two plenty of fun  options remember you are a sorcerer so the only   way to swap these spells off is by leveling up  so you would need to to Respec your character if   you want to do a bunch of swapping things out for  other class passes we get a lot of really fun ones   here we get subtle spell you can cast spells while  silence which is very strong Quicken spell spells   that cost an action cost a bonus action instead  we're going to go with that one because it's very   good um and heighten spell targets of spells that  require saving throws have disadvantage on their   saving thr uh quick and spell is just so damn  good though we'll accept that we'll jump into   level four we'll choose our cantrips here uh we'll  go with and spells we'll go with that Misty step   just to give us even more Mobility or you know  what no we have the fly capability um darkness   is always very good we'll stick with enhan ability  is good but you probably get that on a cleric in   your party too I I'll just choose Darkness because  it's a very fun spe really you can really couple   very well with a lot of characters in your party  here but now we get to talk about Feats the feed   options for this character I'm going to go kind  of boring we only get two Feats here to choose   from so ability Improvement is a really big one  getting that two extra points into Charisma is   absolutely crucial and like I said there's a lot  of ways to increase our Charisma in this game so   I'm going to go with this one for this character  at this moment but let's talk about the other ones   the other big one here is Elemental Adept you  can split this into either lightning or thunder   or for your both your um Feats that you're going  to get as a part of this build you can get both   of them if you but take a look at this spells  you cast ignore resistance to lightning damage   in addition when you deal lightning damage with a  spell you cannot roll a one meaning you can never   just outright fail which is nice so if you want  you can spend one feed here then the next one onto   thunder you can do that if you want uh ability  Improvement is another really good one like I said   and then the other one that's kind of like the one  I'm thinking of for this build is spell sniper you   learn an additional cant trip and the number you  need to roll a critical hit with spells is reduced   by one this effect can stack uh important thing to  know any feat that gives you a canant trip it will   be it will use whatever character class is getting  that feat's casting ability what that means is I   am choosing spell sniper as a sorcerer who uses  Charisma meaning the can trips that I get get   regardless of what can trips they are will be of  the Charisma uh spellcasting ability that's worth   noting it's it's a super like in-depth thing if  you're not really like I don't know what the hell   that means guy then don't even worry about it  I'll pick Elder bolt in this case if I wanted   to go with it but the big thing here is it allows  us to critical hit on a 19 or a 20 rather than   just simply a 20 so it works very well with this  um other things you can go with uh lucky is always   very good get three luck points you can kind of  force the roll on uh big hits towards you or get   Advantage here on attack rolls ability checks or  saving throws which is always very fun I would say   something like War Caster is good the only thing  that's nice about it is you gain advantage on   saving throws to maintain concentration on spells  uh you also have a reaction to uh to cast shocking   grasp you already have a weaponized reaction as a  tempest do domain cleric so it's not necessarily   very good here um I would pretty much probably  avoid this one uh some other things you can go   with though are resilient for constitution to get  kind of the same benefit of of what we just talked   about with warcaster and you also get one point  into Constitution just keep in mind though any odd   number here does not get you any benefit so unless  you have a way to increase Constitution this won't   directly uh benefit you you can also go with any  of the magic initiate things to get uh another set   of spells and cantrips from them if you wish  but I think again the simple ones are ability   Improvement Elemental Adept and spell Sniper I'm  going to go ahead and choose this push on with   our progression now into level five we are going  to pick one more level and then we're going to   move into Wizard and I'll show you why after we go  through this progression so level three here uh or   this level here what what five or five I'm going  to go with lightning bolt but I'm going to tell   you counter spell is a very very strong ability  and you should make sure someone in your party has   it cuz it's a reaction right try to stop a spell  being cast if it is higher level than the spell   slot you use to counter spell you must make a  check using your spell casting ability to prevent   it the checks difficulty is equal to 10 plus the  level of the spell you are trying to counter so if   it's a level four spell it the difficulty would  be 14 um I'm just going with lighting it's a   very very strong ability too so I like lightning  bolt we're going to be having a lot of fun with   it too right so I'm sticking with that we're  sticking with the the the cut of the character   we're going to put One More Level now to get up  to level six and we will get more of those metam   magic abilities but not just yet uh we'll have to  wait a little bit more here uh you know what I'll   pick up counter spell because I talked about how  good it is but other fun things are haste very   very good ability here uh so don't don't kind  of J out on that we're going to press accept here and now we're going to put one level to  wizard can trips choose whatever ones you don't   have right so we'll choose that we'll choose this  and no uh we probably are going to get one of   these from one of the CL the character classes you  play so just choose whatever one you don't have I   suppose and then spells here these are just spells  that you're going to know uh the overlap will   exist so we'll choose like long Strider which is  I believe a ritual spell once we actually get into   the game uh person Tasha idious laughter weather  Fall is always nice Mage Armor is always great and   then we prepare spells well yeah actually I kind  of like you dsh laughter is always a really good   one so it's not so crucial what we're doing with  wizard yeah we're going to get into that don't   worry about it and now we go back into sorcerer  this is probably the most comut of the build of   usually my builds are very just like yeah we'll  do this oh Waits there we so back into sorcerer   get more spells we're in level four now right  think there's ever level lightning one Thunder damage nope there's not um but you can still  have fun with ice storm keep in mind too stuff   even like Stone skin is going to be really  good here uh wall of fire is very good even   though we're not focusing on fire it's just  a generally very good capability so feel free   to jump into other elements when you're like  okay well I kind of have all those elements   stacked up let's move into something more fun  by all means go ahead do it don't feel locked   into only choosing lightning and what have you  I'm just doing it from a narrative standpoint   for the creation of this video you know what  though let's go oh I didn't choose counter spell level eight and this is where we will  stop because why would I ever have a level   12 character I swear to God I'm so close to 12 I  started playing again and pushing through it not   videos um but I'll go with ice storm because  it's a fun capability there's plenty of other here was don't have a summon here huh now for  our last feat I'm just going to go something   simple like spell sniper it's like the only other  can trip I don't have and that will conclude the   progression here we would get one more level in  Sorcerer And you would pick up one more meta magic   capability um I believe do we get one more metam  magic I'm pretty sure we do we do not I lied to   you that's at level 10 so no more metam magic  this is it we're completed with this character   let's now talk about why we chose wizard before we  talk about the wizard stuff there are two things   I forgot to talk about when it comes to being  a sorcerer we're at level six well we're now   past level six but the thing that we got at level  six was heart of the storm when you cast a spell   of level one or higher that deals lightning or  thunder damage you cause a small local storm all   enemies within 20 ft take four lightning damage or  four Thunder damage that number is your sorcerer   level divided by two so we're level eight so we  take four damage part of the storm resistance   you are resistant to lightning and thunder  damage outright done and we have fun things   that we can do with this through our reactions  now so if I jump over to our reactions we have   that wrath of the storm if a nearby enemy attacks  you you can retaliate with a strike of lightning   that deals 2 to 16 lightning damage this is from  our cleric right and they have the same one for   Thunder then we we have that heart of lightning  uh for Thunder or uh uh for lightning or thunder   that we just talked about a second ago you can  turn those on don't know why that's not on and   ignore all that shield and counter spell stuff  we also now have to destructive wrath so we don't   have to use destructive wrath on our own we don't  have to click the button we can have it set here   to a reaction so that when you roll a thunder  or lightning damage you can use your channel   Divinity to deal Max damage de so maybe you it  it'll tell you it'll it'll read out and say hey   this is going to be a critical strike let it  do its thing or hey you know what here's the   damage roll let it do its thing like you can kind  of really pick and choose when this destructive   wrath comes down now keep in mind too just because  of the level setup we've got we only really have   one channel Divinity role that we can do so it's  not like we can really really really abuse this   and another big thing of being a sorcerer is our  create spell slot so you can spend sorcery points   to unlock a spell slot and these sorcery points  are one to one with your sorcerer level so level   eight sorcerer we have eight sorcery points and we  can use all of our meta magic over here to create   spell slots to create sorcery SP SPS points to use  our meta magic So Meta magic quick and spell does   it costant Action Now cost a bonus action instead  so we can have a lot of fun here with ignore that   have a lot of fun with this right and from there  here's this other one spend spell slots to gain   sorcery points and we have a very huge abundance  of spell slot we're going to go through how you   can replenish some of them outside of this because  we also have uh Arcane recovery charge which is   part of our our wizard conversation so let's now  talk about being a wizard all right Harold Harold   Potter your Wizardry is part of why we it gives us  a little bit of cheese and this is not something   in tabletop and it might even be patched out in  the future but as a as a cleric you have access   to your cleric spells your level two cleric this  is all your cleric spells my sorcerer has access   to all of these spells you know whatever they are  uh it is worth noting to you I had certain spells   that I got as just simply being a storm sorcery  uh so call lightning gust of wind daylight those   were all part of just being a storm sorcerer uh  crate or destroy water another example now let's   go over to wizard wizard I only have these level  one spells but I can scribe spells and I can cast   up to level six spells as a sorcerer so let's  go ahead and press this button these are all   the Spells I have in my bag right now I can go  all the way up to level four I I I can go up to   level six I just don't have any level six spells  in my backpack so what this allows you to do yeah   sure you only have two spell slots but let's just  go ahead and learn all the well now I am only a   level one wizard but I can still cast those two  spells and I can swap those spells out and have   a little bit of fun with those spells this would  maybe be the only reason would that would maybe   encourage you to have a higher intelligence than  a wisdom score maybe this gives you more spell   slots to tap into but now you can tap into your  already existant sorcerer spell slots and simply   just put wizard spells into this this doesn't  require you to put anything investment into any   investure into wizard aside from this one level  so you go get all the really fun level six wizard   spells you can't cast as a sorcerer pop into your  character this way it is cheesy it is gamey and   I understand that I just kind of wanted to show  off one of the one build like this because I just   don't typically do this style and I think it's  really cool it's a cool way to pull more of the   lightning and thunder damage spells into your  build that you otherwise wouldn't have access   to so this is me just kind of really trying to  lean into that flavor unfortunately don't have   any those spells but still nonetheless uh this is  a really great way to kind of like have fun with   them right like we didn't get Missy step but  we got it as a spell as a sorcerer so here we   go you know what I don't have greater visibility  now I have it because I a wizard so you can have   some fun with that and lastly too is our Arcane  recovery charge this is only going to recover one   spell slot replenish the spell slot while out of  combat you cannot restore spell slots blah blah   blah blah so this is only going to cover a level  one spell slot but conversely that's basically a   free sorcery point for us right then spell slots  to gain a sorcery point you just it's a one to   one so one spell slot is going to give us one uh  sorcery point so basically this is think of it as   actually having nine sorcery points CU this gives  you a means to recover that level one slot or you   can just simply use it spell but that is why we've  chosen Wizard and what makes it so strong in this   build your gear options for this character are  going to be interesting but also can be a lot   of fun so let's have a conversation about that to  start us off your weapon choice is probably going   to come down to one of two items the very first  one you're going to get access to is the spell   sparkler uh when the wielder deals damage with a  spell or can trip they gain to lightning charges   this is only really good for portions of the game  in which you use use the Lightning Charge items   and this really couples very well with another  item the the protect Sparks wall High spell   casting you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC  and Sparks wall armor the wear has plus one bonus   to Armor class and saving throws as long as they  have lightning charges so basically every time you   cast a spell and since you can use your action and  bonus action to cast spells because of their metam   magic you can basically get a a lot of armor class  and saving throw going with this it's a very kind   of fun early game stuff because the Sparks wall uh  I'm sorry the what's it called the spell sparkler   you're going to get that from walking's rest in  act one uh if it's in the northeast corner of   act one you could miss it that's why I say that  uh you go ahead and do that whole situation and   you'll have an option between the spell sparkler  and two other uh Lightning Charge weapons you'd go   with this one and then that robe uh you'll get it  in Grim Forge which is the end of act one so you   you really you can't miss the robe it's in a chest  somewhere towards the end of act one and that'll   pretty much carry you all the way towards the end  of the game when you going to unlock or get this   uh staff which is just always really good uh  you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and   spell attack slots Arcane battery alleviate the  Arcane burden of spell casting with the power of   the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost  a spell slot which lovely and with it too you   can uh there's this little guy right here you  can press this button and then you can use bolt   of Doom Embrace Cara's lightning bolts to gain  resistance to lightning damage your lightning   spells deal additional lightning damage equal to  your proficiency bonus by the time you get this   that's either going to be three or four and when  you deal spell damage gain one Lightning Charge   while attuned to cresus bolt you can cast chain  lightning and lightning bolt it is very very very   good for this build it's really nice it's just  going to last until long rest so you constantly   have a free three or four bonus to all of your  lightning spells it is right on target you have   a thunder option you can do instead that will give  you shatter and destructive wave destructive wave   is very good as well too um so go with whichever  one you want you'd get reverber oops sorry you   get reverberation rather than lightning charges  if you go with the bone shaking thunder so it's   really going to be up to you and your decision  right there uh but that is the weapon choices   here let's now go into what the armor and gear  choices could be for this class and you can really   keep those robes on that we talked about for a  long portion of the game until you get access   to any number of the robes we talked about and  we did also talk about heavy armor I just want   to show you you can use heavy armor and cast  uh I was under the impression that this game   you couldn't I think it's only in tabletop  that it's like that but I can still go ahead   and press this button and cast the spell so if I  want it to look just like this I I can more than   more than take advantage of it also because you  have Proficiency in Shields and we're using uh   quarter staffs they're all versatile so we can use  Shields so taking advantage of stuff like Shield   of devotion here there is a shield that you'll get  in act one that will give you a a lightning Ora   explosion if you have lightning charges although  I'd keep those lightning charges for the AC the   aura EXP explosion is not worth it you have plenty  of other ways to deal damage like but you can see   here Shield of devotion here is going to give  us a level one spell slot so there are a lot of   shields that Grant you spell slots take advantage  of them with this build because you can definitely   go to town with them now outside of that let's  talk about our armor um oops you can really use   those robes I was talking about for a long period  of time you can switch into the robe of the weave   you gain plus one bonus of spell save and spell  attack roles whenever the wear succeed the saving   throw against a spell they regain one to six hit  points and two AC that's really not I wanted just   to wear these robes because I think the auto pick  is this so the potent robe you get this at the end   of act two your cantrips deal additional damage  equal to your charisma modifier and we're really   leaning on that right now so right our plus4 added  to all of our cantrip damage well-liked and well   fortified at the beginning of the wearer's turn  the robe activates gring them temporary hit points   equal to their Charisma modifier remember you can  only have temp hit points from one Source but the   armor class on this is only a plus one so just  keep that in mind it's a little bit different   the on the AC value here but we're still plenty  defensive regardless of choose those are your   big three robes you kind of cycle through to  whichever one you want uh for our cloaks we   have quite a lot of options um I like the CL of  Elemental absorption because it allows me to take   damage and then I get to deal additional 1d6 of  that element type of your next attack so if I take   lightning or thunder damage I can use this to kind  of superficially supercharge my items or my spells   cloak of protection is always just a solid one  for Armor class and saving throw the Thunder skin   cloak is one you'll be able to buy in act one from  the College of super Extraordinary Gentlemen or   whatever in the Mite Colony uh but when a creature  with reverberation deals damage to the wearer the   creature needs to make a constitution saving thr  or become dazed so there are a ton of Lightning   Charge items in the game and there are a ton of  re rever reverberation items in the game game if   you find one that you want to go with and you want  to stick to try to kind of couple them together by   all means do it they they fall off and they're  usefulness very quick in the game unfortunately   because you just get access to disgustingly good  items in act three but if you find other Reverb   items you can have fun here uh Reverb is kind of  fun it's just it's the Thunder equivalent of a   Lightning Charge affected entity has a minus one  penalty to strength decks and contitution saving   throws per remaining turn and when they accumulate  five they take one to four Thunder damage and   they can possibly become prone so you see how  that works C of displacement is also very nice   here because it just means that the enemies have  disadvantage on attack roles that uh Target the   wearer so this immediately gives me oh my God I'm  dying immediately gives me a uh uh like a mirror   image short break had to quickly uh rehydrate my  throat now for our hat you get the Hat of stormson   power again in Act One M Colony same place when  the wearer deals Thunder damage they gain Arcane   acuity which is a nice fun ability here plus one  bonus to spell attack roles and spell difficulty   class per turn remaining so it's nice here because  with this hat and with that robe and with that   staff we've just talked about all in act one you  have this really cool fun stacking bonuses that   are going to happen for you throughout your  early playthrough of the game so this feels   like it's a very it feels like that it's it's a  it's a build that has a lot of motion to it it's   going to have a lot of fun things trick tripping  off every time you cast spells that's I think a   very fun thing to a build so you don't feel like  oh I got to wait till level 12 for this thing to   really pop off no you're going to have fun in act  one brother you're going to have a great time the   kind of uh ultimate hat would probably be the  birth right here it's going to give us two more   Charisma bringing us up to an even 20 which is  very very nice and there are ways to increase   your uh ability stats in the game you'd be able  to do them if you did Shadow heart's Quest the end   of her Quest is going to give you an ability  to give two get two to any ability score you   could throw it into Charisma here and you maxed  out at 22 that's your cap if you get the uh hag   hair that's another way to get another one there's  plenty of ways to increase this to get those last   two points but now we are into our jewelry which  we have tons of different options for uh there are   thunder charge jewelry there there's spark wall  jewelry there's there's reverberation jewelry I   didn't I don't have it I don't really want to go  down that rabbit hole because I don't want you to   spend the mid late game trying to hunt them down  because you they fall off in you so quick ring   of regeneration is very nice cuz it's just one to  four hit points every turn the killer sweetheart   is an auto guaranteed crit hit so you just you  have this online for yourself spurred band during   combat when the wearer starts their turn with 50%  hit points are less they gain momentum to give   mobility and also ring of mental inhibition when  a fox fails a saving throw against one of your   spells or actions they gain mental fatigue which  is nice because if you're casting a lot of AOE   which you will everything around you is going to  have minus one penalty to wisdom intelligence and   Charisma saving throws for every turn remaining  so it's a great way to really wrap up a lot of   uh penalties on and also ring of free action is  a good one you ignore the effects of difficult   terrain and cannot be paralyzed or restrained  very very very good as far as amulets go uh   there is one that's ultimately the best but this  is a very good early one the necklace of Elemental   augmentation when one of your cantrips deals  acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage add   your spell casting modifier to the damage dealt so  for us that's going to be right now it's at five   right but at the beginning of the game it's three  then four then five so it's a nice way to just   supercharge your canant trips even more on top of  what we can already do with cantrip bonuses Moon   drop pendant when the wear has 50% hit point less  hit points they don't provoke opportunity attacks   you already can do this with your fly but it's  just a nice way to kind of um ramp that up this   one here gives you free shield and advantage on  wisdom saving throws which you'll have as a cleric   but still The Shield is nice free shield and then  lastly the spell Crux amulet you get this and in   the underd dark I want to say this is probably  the single best thing for you because it gives   you spell slot restoration here ex replenish an  expended spell slot of any level long rest so you   can just turn your level six spell slot online by  pressing that button or you use this and you don't   even use your level six spell slot so you can  actually you theoretically have three castings   of a level six spell slot if you've just come out  of a long rest so you can have a lot of fun with   those two working in conjunction with but that  is your gear that is your weapons that is your   armor let's go into some combat wait before we do  your gloves whatever gloves you find there's not   there there are some Lightning Charge gloves but  they're more for unarmed damage stuff like that   and your boots just any kind of Mobility boots  these ones right here click heals are pretty nice   because they allow us to use essentially a bonus  action to double our movement speed enemies have   disadvantage on opportunity attacks it allows you  to kind of get out of a a sticky situation you can   have ones that give you Misty step there's all  sorts of Mobility boots go ahead and just simply   use those and again for our gloves that we're  using right now though can trips that cost an   action cost a bonus action Instead This effect  can be used once per short rest but this allows   you to kind of have a little bit more punch with  your with your bonus action if you really need to   in certain situations so you'll get these in act  three they're like 300 gold they're definitely a   must buy all right loading into combat let's have  some fun so I used this ability crackling with   kca's lightning to turn me into a Super Saiyan  basically right just jolting with lightning and   of course I've been ins snared so this would  make this entire situation way more fun but   we can do plenty right here right we get the two  spells that we got from that uh ability we have   chain lightning right here so I can kind of go  to town on someone uh we have our lightning bolt   we can choose I can metamagic a twin spell here  we can use that on the abilities that are given   to us from chain lightning so we can really just  get some juicy stuff going now this is an action   right but it won't cost us an actual spell slot so  I'm going to just show that off real quick chain lightning and I'm going to use destructive  wrath just to kind of show you because cash   on two Targets go ahead and you can see  what we just did we just Sith sorcerer   our way through this game like this was  nights little Republic 2 and I still   have an extra action because I've done  my thing here so I'm actually going to use damn well guess what we can do so this will  cost us a bonus out I was going to say I can just   do this I guess I'm not so cool anymore um but  we can go ahead and and use our Arcane battery   to still cast one of our level six capabilities  here so we can have more fun with this we can   upcast any of our just generic spells right  so no call lightning we we'll go ahead and   do this and we'll do got to press that button  then press call lightning and then upcast that   bad boy and we'll just go ahead and shoot  it here Sor right carlac this is the way is oh oh oh there it is sorry carlac and we're going  to go hard the storm here now unfortunately we've   used our Channel Divinity right so we can't  unfortunately maximize the damage but what   I wanted you to see there from Channel Divinity  was it didn't maximize the damage on one of the   casts from the Twin spells it maximize the cast  of The spell then the meta magic kicks in and   splits that spell SP so it would be the same thing  here we would do the Divine uh the CH Divinity   and it would Max damage to all three Targets  this is why this is a very fun build let's go ahead and we still have some fun we could do I  could pop into Quick spell finger here we can   use our tempestuous magic to fly away fly to a  nearby spot without receiving opportunity attacks   um we can create spell slots too so keep that  in mind we have our spell slot restoration we   have a lot of stuff we can do in this situation  or we can just simply cast any of that stuff but   you know what we we unfortunately don't have the  the the quick and spell stuff here I didn't set   up enough uh sorcery points it would cost us  a bonus action let's go ahead and just press   quick spell finger well now we can cast any of  these and I could go ahead and do this guy I'm   in snare don't I all right go do that try me that  [ __ ] just to show you how much destruction this   class can really really do it's a very very fun  one it's probably one of the more fun unique but   complex things that I've showed off as far as  the builds go and you really can dish out a ton   of damage and like I said though don't feel like  you have to wait until I'm going to press this   button you have to wait until Level 12 to do this  you really are going to see yourself come online   with this at level four five six once you start  to get those spell charges online I'm sorry all   those uh those those uh uh abilities that you  get from all of the items online and keep in   mind too every single character you play starts  to get a power Spike at level five you will feel   very weak in this game no matter what at levels  one two three sometimes four into five five all   your melee classes get your extra attack it's  a big Power Spike you get an upgrade to another   uh spell level for most of your casters so so  that's just the kind of way that this game is   and I hopefully you see that this can be a lot  of fun and you can really just dish out a ton   of damage in one instance or consistently do a lot  of damage in a lot of other instances it's a very   fun build and I really encourage you to try this  out if you're maybe want to do this on your main   character or use it for Gale or maybe you want to  turn a Starion into a Caster whatever it is make   your storm Lord make your master of lightning  your your Thor Thunder build whatever you want   to call this thing and have a ton of fun if you  have any suggestions or things that you've done   for your build that's similar to this or different  from this by all means let me know in the comments   section below maybe you said hey you know what  I actually went with draconic ancestry and I and   I'm liking it way more we basically kind of get  draconic ancestry through this draconic ancestry   would add our Charisma modifier to the specific  um element this adds our proficiency bonus which   at this point four so this adds four flat damage  to all of our abilities anyway so and remember   it lasts until long rest so this is just on it  it's not going to turn off unless I go do a long   rest and I just turn right back on it is a very  very powerful ability and hey if you don't want   to go lightning you can switch to any other  element if you want to make a a build that's   off of that but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 84,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: STORM LORD BUILD (Sorcerer/Cleric) for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, storm sorcerer tempest cleric, bg3 tempest cleric storm sorcerer, bg3 storm sorcery build, bg3 storm sorcery tempest cleric build, bg3 tempest cleric build, bg3 tempest cleric storm sorcerer build, bg3 tempest cleric sorcerer build, bg3 best sorcerer build, bg3 best tempest cleric build, bg3 tempest, bg3 tempest domain cleric, bg3 storm sorcerery guide, storm sorcerer, storm sorcerery
Id: QmOjvzbiXeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 38sec (2978 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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