ULTIMATE THROWING Barbarian (Barb/Thief) Build in Baldur's Gate 3

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throwing barbarians are one of the most iconic  builds for the enraged battle Bros across all   three of the balers gate games in this video  today I want to go over my Spartan throwing   Barbarian Build leveraging The Extreme might of  the throne special attribute And discussing how   throwing weapons work so you can get the most out  of hurling a piece of furniture or bladed object   at your foes at first this can really seem like  a not so fun way to play the class but I promise   across the ridiculous Shenanigans one can pull  from throwing smaller creatures at other targets   or the absurd damage of throwing weapons in  general you'll see that this is indeed very   fun and this build can work with carlac the dwarf  hling or even your main character whatever you'd   like this is your first time on my channel the way  I do things is by up Runing the knowledge of my   videos so you can decide if it's the right one for  you so with that being said we'll be taking nine   levels into Barbarian with the subclass Berserker  then grabbing three levels into Rogue and taking   Thief for the extra bonus action basically we  use berserker's special enraged throw which will   enable us to use a a throwing weapon four times  in one round destroying most of the competition   we'll optimize this by using the tavern brawler  feet to maximize our strength modifier bonuses   and that's really the entire gist of the video  I'm going to go over how throwing weapon damage   actually works so I can show you a Nifty trick  with aldrid Knight but that's really the the   tldw of this build and that's all you wanted to  know please feel free to shut the video down and   get back to enjoying launching mud methods across  the map before you head out please don't forget to   like comment subscribe each one of those things  does help me out in a huge way I currently have   something like 89% unsubscribed viewership on  the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to   change this year so every little bit helps you can  jump ahead to any part of the video that interests   you the most using the chapter with the timeline  in the description and if you need help with any   other subject in B Gate 3 check out my playlist  linked below at the end of the video uper right   corner it's all over the place I promise let's  get started here on the ultimate Spartan throwing   Barbarian Build for bcap 3 so to start us off  we're actually going to take a look at the bg3   wiki that has a really great article on throw and  if you hover over throw in the game you'll get   this information right your strength affects how  much weight you can throw heavier items deal more   damage that last part is pretty pretty key so keep  that in mind because throwing damage is is pretty   straightforward you think you throw something that  does damage right but that heavier item thing is   what we're really going to be kind of hinging upon  when we use the eldrich Knight to bond a weapon or   yeah know bind a weapon bind a weapon so that we  can throw whatever weapon we want in the game but   doesn't necessarily mean that throwing any weapon  means it's going to do a lot of damage it's based   off of a lot of things so the damage comes from  the object itself and it does bludgeoning damage   so the real thing to know though is this bit  right here for weapon for weapons with the   thrown property the damage rooll and damage type  is the same as the weapon melee damage so if you   were to say throw a dagger or any of the three  dedicated like special throwing weapons in the   game um the dwarfen thrower the return Pike or  the N whatever it's legendary weapon you'll see   it later in the video it will use its actual  profile to do the damage if you were to throw a   two-handed sword that you've used bind weapon or  packed bind from warlock on then it will use the   weight of the weapon to do the damage and that  is what's absolutely crucial so you always want   to look at the weight of the weapon that you're  throwing if it does not have this thrown property   for objects and creatures d damage is determined  by the target's weight of the object being thrown   so light objects under 20 lbs one bludgeoning um  medum objects that are 20 to 100 it's 1 D4 and   objects that are pretty much over 100 PB it's 2 D4  blooding Jam damage and if the this is another big   crucial portion here too if the throne object or  creature is heavier than half the target's weight   the target will be knocked down so or knocked back  sorry knocked back back that's crucial because   the next part if the thrown object or creature  is heavier than the target's weight the target   will become prone without a saving throw so the  fact that you can just automatically get a prone   off of throwing things is very huge because then  your follow-up throws will all have Advantage the   rest of your team will have Advantage until that  character or creature start St back up so this is   what makes throw so powerful and important is that  it automatically can apply some sort of status   effect or move things right so I mean worse comes  to worse you're probably going to move them back   unless it's a very large creature then you're just  going to be doing that damage and the last little   bit of information I wanted you to know um a lot  of this stuff too is that that's just prone but   a creature May throw items and other creatures  weighing up to2 times strength kg for example a   fighter with a strength score of 18 can throw  objects up to a weight of 130 lbs or 64 kilos   so just kind of know that if you really wanted  to but it this gives you an idea of what your   kind of cap is for what you can throw and also  a creature can only throw creatures of a smaller   size so if you're a gnome you're not going to even  if you had 23 strength you can't throw like a half   orc for example but if you're a half orc you can  punt those gnomes across the whole entire game   board um also too it's not notable that it does  trigger extra attack which we'll talk about when   we go into the whole build and everything but I  want you to know how throw damage works because   you might be saying to yourself why aren't you  binding this weapon and throwing that thing it   seems like it's going to do a lot of damage  in fact it won't because the weapon is just   so light so now you know the the kind of nuance  of all this let's get into the build starting us   off in character creation we can go through which  race to select now I'm going to go through some of   the things that are probably a little bit more Min  maxy in this build because this build is very much   a crunchy numbers type build but when it comes to  race please choose whatever you want even if it's   not dwarf and I'll just say outright dwarf is the  best one for this build because there is a weapon   called the dwarfen thrower that is really good it  does flat extra damage if you are a dwarf throwing   it and if you st attacking something that is large  or bigger it does even more damage so that's just   an upfront thing right there the dwarf is the  best throwing Barbarian because they get access   to the best throwing weapon in the game but every  other class or race is still very viable if you   want to stick with this kind of really cool um  Spartan theme that I've kind of ideated for this   in this build you can go with the half orc they  won't benefit from Savage attacks because is when   you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack  melee weapon attack being the CR critical portion   of this you deal extra dice you don't get that  but you do get Relentless endurance so if you   get down you get back up with one hit point so  this is kind of a cool um bit of uh uh of this   what am I trying to say this this theme you have  the halfling The Gnome I wouldn't recommend just   because you're not going to get the benefit of  being able to throw things uh throw creatures   that are that are for the most part a little bit  smaller than you cuz not many things are smaller   than you so even though the halfen gets really  cool stuff like lucky I just don't really find   it as viable as choosing a dwarf which gets access  to the best weapon but I like stuff like the half   work cuz again it's got those great capabilities  can throw most everything teelings are also a   really strong choice too um I wouldn't go with the  zarel tling because the two uh special spells you   get from them won't be applicable to this build  but the mephistophiles and modus teelings are   pretty cool because they get access to very fun um  I'm going to say cant trips but it's just a bound   spell that they get access to uh methos offies  get access to Darkness and fun stuff like that   D is also pretty cool for access to Darkness as  well so you can take advantage of all those things   so let's go ahead and just kind of Step ourselves  a little bit forward oh also the subrace I would   go with gold dwarf just to get access to more hit  points um The Shield dwarf here and the actually   you know what I totally forgot about the dwar  what a great video This is so far the dwar is   also a very good one because they get access to  enlarge and Shrink which can be beneficial for   you and you also get access to invisibility which  is nice just to kind of give you some mobility in   the sense that you can move around without being  deterred they also start start with a advantage on   saving throws against Illusions being Charmed or  paralyzed and they natively get that uh resistance   to poison because they are dwarfs dwars uh Dwarfs  with an FS is Warhammer so I'm sorry um so that   that is probably my hard pick as other gold dwarf  or dwar either more health or access to stuff and   like enlarge and Shrink class is obviously going  to be Barbarian keep in mind here we have Rage   which is going to allow us to do extra damage with  throwing weapons two extra damage with throwing   weapons and of course just keep in mind to you get  gain resistance to physical damage and advantage   on strength checks and saves but if you do not  do damage you lose being enraged keep that in   mind also with Constitution it is added to your  armor class so a higher Constitution gives you   further AC which is always good and keep in mind  too unarmored defense for barbarian is different   than the one for monk because monk will tell you  that you while while not wearing armor you'll   add your wisdom modifier to your armor class so  you cannot have any form of armor on period the   Barbarian can still use Shields so that is that is  worth noting here now for your background please   go with the background that makes sense for you  and the roleplay you've created for your character   I always recommend really leaning on this because  it's going to really dictate how you go about the   game and how you get a lot of enjoyment right are  you some sort of Berserk soldier that is now some   mercenary or or Soldier for high right are you  a folk hero stalking through the mountains en   rag without a shirt and a shiny nipple to show  everyone that you mean business my if you want   like a min max pick my go-to is Guild Artisan  but I always say like I like I just said go   with something that's going to make sense for the  character you want to build in this game Guild   Artisan though gives us access to both insight  and persuasion so if this is my main character   what I like about that is it automatically turns  those proficiencies on so I get those bonuses   throughout the entire game and I don't have to  worry about me being a barbarian not having access   to persuasion as far as my skills go which brings  us to that subject you don't have many skills to   access as a barbarian you have a high Health pool  you do a lot of damage but you're not you know a   cunning linguist so keep those things in mind  persuasion here this being the character that   would be my main character is pretty nice just  to kind of have that already in you're not going   to get anything else go intimidation here which  is good this should say plus two because we have   persuasion inherited from background it's  just kind of a weird bug uh that exists on   this screen but Insight should say plus three  and persuasion should say plus two in this in   this instance but I would go with something like  intimidation so that I do have another skill to   fall back on and there are a ton of really cool  flavorful Barbarian dialogue options that are   just really cool Athletics is another good one too  for shoving things to get some distance before you   actually throw uh this is cool too because you'll  have plenty of bonus actions to do that with uh   nature can be nice here uh I would steer clear  from animal animal handling I would just simply   use a potion of speak with animals uh basically  if you have speak with animals up you will not   use animal handling if you do not animal handling  is basically a conversational skill in the same   way that persuasion is that allows you to talk  to animals perception is also quite good um if   you want to go with that instead of Athletics this  is going to be good to to spot things in the wild   now now let's talk about our ability scores the  ability scores are going to be a little tricky   here it's going to depend upon a is this character  your main character or are we building out carlac   if we're building out carlac just don't you can  swap out the Charisma here and put it into wisdom   because I like not having any penalties on my  wisdom checks this is going to include stuff like   charm person anything like I think hold person  is also the wisdom checks pretty much a lot of   the CC's or crowd controls in the game are done as  wisdom checks so I want to make sure I don't have   that innate penalty that an eight would give us  so with this stat set up we're going to use Tavern   brother when we selected at level four to put us  at 18 strength we've got 14 dexterity and we've   got 16 Constitution these two numbers are going  to add into our Armor class to give us five more   AC which is really lovely now I said there's two  ways to do this you can go about a bit more of a   gamey setup and what a lot of people will tell you  is just to bring your strength down to like 10 you   could even go all the way down to eight if you  wanted to and use elixir of Hill giant strength   you'd buy them from anti-l in the Emerald Cove or  later in the game or you make them eventually and   use like say a transmutation wizard at your Camp  it's it there's a lot of processes if you don't   want to do that if you're like you know what dude  that I'm I'm brand new to this game I don't even   know what the hell you're talking about you're  fine just doing this just ignore the people that   talk on the internet about the min max you got to  bring it down to eight and just use the elixir of   Hill giant strength I'm doing that in my honor  playthrough you don't need to do that just sit   here you'll be totally fine if you do want to  min max this though bring that to like 10 you   can bring up your dexterity here to 16 and we  can put a little bit into wisdom and probably   bring our Charisma up for a conversation if this  is our main character that's what you can really   do if you want to super game this up but in fact  uh fact even you could probably actually do this you with uh what's it called Tavern brawler  it's going to give us a point another strength   or Constitution you would just simply put it  in Constitution rather than strength but my   personal choice for you if you're brand new  just go with the 17 strength it's the easiest   way to kind of just jump into this build without  worrying about too much here so you bu something   like this if it's your main character this if  it's carlac the progression for this build is   super straightforward we're taking nine levels  in Barbarian there's no no crazy things to do   and then we're going to do three levels into  Rogue once we get to nine Barbarian I'll talk   about some different multiclass options if you  don't want to take the extra bonus actions but   level two brings us danger sense advantage on  dexterity saving throws against trap spells and   surfaces and then Reckless attack which is always  quite fun going to bring that up here and brings   us into level three where we get our subass you  can go wild heart I think honestly it's the best   Barbarian subass but since we're strictly looking  at throwing Berserker is the best way to go here   because of enraged throw pick an item or creature  and throw it at a Target dealing additional damage   and knocking it prone your strength affects how  much weight you can throw heavier items we talked   about that the damage of throwing weapons is the  same as the weapons melee you also deal additional   damage based on your strength all the stuff  we know before now there was a patch that was   supposed to have fixed this to make it so that  it only happens once a turn as of the making of   this video patch 5 did not fix that so you still  can throw en rage throw as many times as you you   want as long as you have the bonus actions and of  course we get frenzy which is different than rage   so you gain frenzy strike and rage throw you can  also make an improvised weapon attack you gain   resistance to physical damage and advantage on  strength checks last 10 turns so you've got that   little bad boy there again we're just going to  kind of haul through this until we get to level   four where we choose our Feats now there's only  real two big Feats that are very straightforward   here and it is your Tavern brawler feet which  is when you make an unarmored attack use an   improvised weapon or throw something your strength  modifier is added twice to the damage in attack   roles rather than just once so basically it takes  this number of 13 well this now new number of four   and doubles it right so it's going to be rather  than four eight to everything it is absolutely   juicy as far as some other options you can go with  um the big one of course is going to be an ability   Improvement after that we're just going to put two  points into strength to give us 20 base strength   there are gloves in the game that will set your  strength to 23 but we don't want to use them we   want to use the ones that increase our throwing  damage that's going to be pretty crucial for us um   outside of that there's not really many different  ways you can go with this great weapon Master does   not apply to your throwing weapon even though  we will be using a technically a great weapon   to throw also Savage attacker um as of again the  making of this video I went and tested this this   does not apply to your throwing weapon um it  will show you when you attack with your weapon   it'll show you 2d6 rather than 1d6 uh or like 1D  2D 2 d8 rather than 1d8 for example the weapon   I've got on uh it did for a melee attack it did  not for a ranged attack so that is worth noting   there um I guess some other ones though you can  take are mobile to help out with uh increased   Mobility across the board alert is really good  though so you're get a bonus to your initiative   and you can't be surprised you already won't  be surprised because you're a barbarian but   the bonus year initiative is quite cool uh but  those I'd say are really just kind of lackluster   based off of just the fact that you want as much  strength as possible and this is how we're going   to get it going between Tavern brawler and ability  Improvement on to level five though we just pick   up another point with Barbarian giving us extra  attack which will apply to our throwing weapon   and fast movement giving us an additional 10 ft  of movement while not wearing heavy armor you can   wear other armor but it's not heavy we're going  to go ahead and accept that push forward here into   level six which is going to give us mindless rage  while frenzied you can't be Charmed or frightened   and calm emotions no longer ends your rage which  is really really really good this helps you kind   of Dodge a lot of the issues you might have with  your low wisdom score and a lot of those crowd   control things and you're going to start getting  a lot more um rage charges coming into level seven   though we'll get barel Instinct you gain plus  three bonus to initiative and can't be surprised   so it's basically like alert but rather than plus  five you get plus three so that's why I said like   alert you just kind of already built into the  class which is really cool further onward we get   access to another fee and again we're just going  to go with the ability Improvement here to bring   us up to 20 strength this is a little bit more of  a straightforward build usually I have more to say   but this is was pretty cut and dry brutal critical  is really nice here though so when you land a   critical hit you roll an extra damage die as well  as a or as the normal additional critical dice so   it's a whole lot more damage when you throw and  crit something it's quite juicy so let's go ahead   here and accept and let's start just go through  all right click let's start a conversation now   about multiclass so multiclassing for this build  we're going to focus on Rogue we're going to get   to thief and that's going to give us an additional  bonus action if you don't want to do that or you   know you've read the you're watching this after  another patch went out and it indeed ended the   bonus actions being used for enrage throw you  can definitely go with fighter here and with   Fighter fighting style I would go with defense um  oh actually I would not I forgot because we're not   uh you can actually you can go with protection cuz  we are going to use a shield that's part of like   the theme for this build uh everything else won't  really affect you this great weapon fighting uh   so when you roll one or two on a damage D for an  attack with a two-handed melee weapon that is that   ders rolled once so this will not apply because  it has to be in melee combat again protection is   the only one unless we go with defense but again  you're not going to probably be using armor so you   would go fighter here and then you would choose  either Champion to just get a raw increased to   your crit damage because it makes it that you  crit with by rather than rolling a 20 you can   roll a 19 to crit that's Champion cut and dry you  can go Battle Master for some added utility to the   entire Party by using all the battle Maneuvers if  I didn't go Rogue I would go Battle Master because   I feel like that fits to like the whole SP Spartan  theme I've created in my head for this character   um and lastly you can go with eldrich Knight but  eldrich Knight it's it's fun it does add a little   bit of spell casting but it's only three spells  you can bind a weapon rather than doing it from   the cool little exploit I'm about to show you  which which could be patched soon um but still   I think that it's really between uh Battlemaster  and Champion if you don't go with a rogue Thief   um in this case though we're going to go Rogue not  to say like we're going to go like off somewhere   we're choosing Rogue we get to choose some new  abilities too as well as some profic or expertise   so choose these based off of you know what kind  of character you're going with right um is this   carlac okay cool well then I probably don't need  side of hand because I probably have a rogue so   let me increase some like investigation so  those passive roles that I'm going to make   like or perception or survival something that  I'm already going to kind of just deal with in   the game World let me just have her kind of help  me out with that is this my main character well   you know what I had persuasion at the start  well let me drop an expertise Point into it   so at least I get a plus five or maybe we do the  same thing for intimidation you can kind of have   some fun with this depending upon the character  or what kind of holes are in your party you can   use these three well one skill proficiency and  two skill expertise to kind of patch those holes   up right so do that that and this and now she's  way better at just kind of identifying things in   the world as we walk around we'll push into level  two get our cool little bonus action stuff like   counting High Dash and disengage and then our last  level here to get Thief which just outright grants   us an additional bonus action so let's now talk  about that exploit I went over and then go into   some gear discussion here's the little trick now  again please keep in mind this could possibly be   patched but we go to Withers we talk to him and we  go to I would like to about hings you don't even   need to use a hling for it but just me liking to  stick with the characters and how they are blah   blah blah blah so we're going to choose a hling  you you have two Barbarians in here uh dagar and a   gold dwarf but it doesn't matter for this exploit  choose whoever you want it's not going to it's not   going to matter at all we'll Venture forth we  will select this character I suppose we could   have started with a fighter to make this easier  I have to do this we want to change our class   of this character to a fighter simple and easy  doesn't matter about any stats options anything   like that we're going to level this character up  to level three except doesn't matter and then we   choose alrich Knight doesn't matter what we choose  for spells or anything just choose whatever cuz   what we're going with is this little guy weapon  bond orally buying the weapon in your main hand   the weapon can't be knocked out of your hand and  it automatically returns to you when thrown this   does not make it a throne weapon though and we'll  talk about that once we talk about gear so we'll   exit out of here we don't need to level all the  way up oh my God two weapons in your back you're   crazy lady um and we'll go ahead and pull this  really cool sword right put it on the character   and we'll press weapon bond cck myself and now the  weapon says bound so if I throw it what watch out   watch out good Lord dog comes right back to me  and you're like okay well cool it's on her it's   not on the character I want it to be on well let's  go ahead and just Swap this on to carlac let's use   my main character can't give up now talk to her  where did she go this vessel is at thy disposal   they wait for me in my Camp that's crucial the  the one dismisses her th she's no longer in the   party carlac has that sword equipped the sword  still says bound weapon and if we press throw still comes right back to her so this is how you  can abuse or kind of exploit this but just like   I said many times before keep in mind this is  not a throne weapon so it will use its weight   you're going to have to find a weapon that has a  very very high weight there's one called like the   very heavy great Axe and it has something like  like it's like a 50 pounder axe it's super heavy   so that thing works but unless a weapon doesn't  have Throne you got to look at its weight which   is of course right here so that's our item weight  there so just keep that in mind it's a cool little   workaround thing you can do but you're going to  do it and go why does this not do all this ton   of damage it'll have all the effects that it has  it does all the things that it does but it won't   do as much damage it's just a pure Throne weapon  so let's go into equipment and talk about Throne   weapons gear choices for this character are pretty  straightforward but there are a few weapons that I   or items even that I don't have so I'm going to  show those first the first one that we're going   to want to definitely get access to is the ring  of flinging you're going to get access to this   in the goblin camp and act one the wearer gains  a 1D for bonus to throw damage absolutely crucial   for this build and you get it very very early on  in the same spot you're also going to get access   to the returning Pike which allows this weapon to  return to its owner um and this is just going to   be massive for you because you're going to get  access to this the W the the build is going to   come online right at that point just keep in mind  though with the return turning Pike it's a little   funky so if you use this out of combat to start  combat it will sometimes not return to you and in   general sometimes it won't return to you so just  in those instances know that any character that's   next to the pike can pick it up and then you can  equip it through the inventory back onto carlac so   don't really oh man it's it's on the ground next  to one of my other characters just have them pick   it up you will waste an action equipping it but  not picking it up so just worthy that is worth   note and the last thing here that I don't have  which is the best throwing weapon in the game   is the Dwarven thrower here this weapon will um  again return to its owner when thrown and a dwarf   throwing this Warhammer deals an extra one to8  bludgeoning damage on top of its existing profile   so that's why it's so good now if the target is a  large huge or gargantuan creature the strike deals   an additional 2 to6 so basically rather than a one  uh a 1d8 it does like a that's actually not true   it just does two to 16 more damage and I can't  get fancy with that so it has a lot of really   good things going for it and it is why dwarf is  the best throwing Barbarian now as far as other   gear goes here we've go um now I had originally  envisioned this to be a Spartan themed character   and it's really just not it's not a good idea  and the reason behind that is stuff like the   returning Pike and this weapon near Luna which is  the best weapon aside from the Dwarven thrower um   they are versatile weapons meaning you can use  them either one-handed or two-handed and if you   use it one-handed you can see right here that  it has either a 1d8 then parenthetical notation   1d6 so right now you can see that this is a 1d6  and that's a 1d6 for the Thunder damage so this   is telling me the game is going to do this Dice  and this dice whenever I use it because I have a   shield on so we lose the shield because even  though that fits the theme I want it doesn't   really fit the damage because now the game's  telling me I'm going to use this 1d8 so it's   going to just do more damage so is it is it an  astronomical amount of damage no it's not right   you're looking at 10 to 20 or 10 to 22 so if you  want to stick with the Spartan theme just use a   shield you'll lose a little bit more damage here  and there but it's really probably a negligible   amount and the nice thing too is you'll still get  the AC bonus from The Shield regardless of your um   un armored defense it's always going to apply so  the cool thing is it just gives you two more AC   for whatever Shield you want to use so the really  it's up to you do you want to use a shield and get   two AC or do you want to not use a shield and get  two more damage really again it's up to you and   I had this helmet on because it's very you know  Corinthian style helmet Spartan Spartan esque but   outside of that that's really kind of like as long  as you've got this weapon or the returning Pike or   the dwarfen thrower your build's online uh but  let's make this build even better and the first   thing that kind of we do is look at our gloves  with the gloves of uninhibited cigo the wearer   deals an additional 1 D4 with throw attacks and  attacks me with improvised weapons so now between   this and the ring we get an additional 1 D4 each  to our throwing it's a massive increase to the   damage because it's just a flat damage increase  right so that's a nice nice bit of damage boost   and in addition to that did I put it not in my  inventory no it's over here we would use the   costic ring your weapon attacks also deal two acid  damage so unless something's completely immune to   acid damage you just get two more flat damage  added in I really really love all these items   working in conjunction the Ring of flinging um the  uh the gloves here and this so all that stuff is   all quote unquote best in slot outside of that  though we can just have fun with the gear that's   kind of presented to us for helmets we have a  lot of different helmets you can you can jump   into pretty much any of the Barbarian helmets  are going to work here right the fist breaker   helmet is going to give you a bonus to spell save  DC but really you want the gain plus one bonus to   initiative that's going to be nice you'll get that  here in act two then uh at the very beginning of   act three you get the horns of of the Berserker  the bloodthirst ability is not going to apply   to us cuz we're not doing unarmed oralia attacks  but you get a plus two bonus to attack rols when   attacking creatures that have already taken  damage so it you makes you a little bit more   accurate right we have the mask of Soul perception  gain plus two bonus to attack roles initial roles   and per ction checks which is always really great  just a flat bonus there for you the hell dusk mask   which is or helmet which is nice cuz it's not an  actual piece of armor um and it will give us that   no one can land a critical hit on me the wielder  has a plus two bonus to saving throws against   spells and I can see in magical and ordinary  Darkness up to 40 ft so it just can't be blinded   so M any magical Darkness does no no longer  affects this character which is really really   really cool now in act o yeah and one the mid  Colony you can get mikid colony you can get the   circlet of hunting you gain a plus one D4 bonus to  attack rolles against creatures marked by Hunter   Mark which you can get from our um returning Pike  right it gives us that Hunters Mark true strike   fairy fire or gutting bolt and a lot of things  can give you fairy fire or guiding bolt I would   never use true strike because it costs an action  it's just kind of janky but you can use this setup   for a long time in the game as far as your cloaks  go I would go with the cloak of protection just   for increased Armor class and saving throw but if  you want to further just have some more reactive   damage the flesh melter cloak is really good  whenever a creature deals melee damage to the   wearer that creature takes one to four acid just  kind of adds into that acid damage we're already   doing for a necklace I've got this you have  advantage on intelligence wisdom and Charisma   saving throws all three of the stats you've got  the lowest of so at least it gives you a leg up in   those but I would if I didn't use this you could  use the Misty step necklace anything that gives   you a little bit more mobility and if you looking  at this build and you you didn't get the ring of   flinging well you can still use something like  this the Ring of freeaction you ignore the effects   of difficult terrain and cannot be PA paralyzed  or restrained or this guy right here killer   sweetheart when you kill a creature your next  tackle will be a critical hit so basically you   bake in Auto crits into this build so it's very  very fun and you as a barbarian do more damage   with your crit hit so it's cool so me for example  I don't have the ring of flinging so this one   works pretty well for me Crusher ring is always  really nice in the very beginning when you clear   the goblin Camp you get crusher's ring it gives  you 10 more movement speed now as far as your   armor goes or well boots and armor boots use any  Boots the there's two or three different Barbarian   boots you can just use those uh this makes a jump  distance is increased by 5 feet and brutal leap   allows me to knock things down you have a plus  one bonus to Armor class and saving throws as long   as you are not wearing armor or holding a shield  guess what we're using a shield so if I take the   shield off my AC goes up then back down because  we get invasive intent but we uh don't have a   shield so it kind of washes itself out depending  upon what you're doing so use that as you wish in   addition though you can use any of the movement  boots that like give you click your heels or give   you Misty step pretty much anything that helps  with your mobility and when it comes to armor the   best armor you can get is the mighty cloth until  you get the bone Spike GARP but there's kind of   a way to look at this so mighty cloth you gain  Bull's strength and increase your strength score   by two to a Max of 20 you cannot be pushed against  your will and you have an advantage on the saving   throws against being restrained so when you get  access to this it's right at the very beginning   of act two if you are not level eight the mighty  cloth is good because it will set your strength   to 20 right because level four we picked up our  Tavern brawler put us to 18 strength this is going   to give us 20 strength to a Max of 20 strength  what I mean by that is I'm going to put on these   gauntlets of Hill giant strength it's going to set  my my strength tolac it's going to set my strength   to 23 um now if I put on the mighty cloth it's not  going to further increase my strength if I take   these off it's not going to further increase  my strength right cuz my strength is already   20 because of my level 8 feet of improved ability  score but this will work up until then and on top   of it bull strength doubles your carrier capacity  so it's kind of a nice thing to have until you   get this right at the beginning of act three you  gain 15 temp hit points whenever you Rage which   is going to be always and you reduce all incoming  damage by two when the wear is struck by a melee   attack the attacker takes three piercing  damage so those are all of your items it's   pretty straightforward you don't really have to  worry about much let's now put this bad boy into   action and see how this all comes together jumping  into combat let's put this all together like I was   saying so just to kind of reinforce this one more  time we'll be using this weapon because it has the   throne weapon attribute meaning it will do all  sorts of damage now the dwarfen thrower that we   looked at earlier it's a Warhammer but it also has  that Throne attribute and I just to kind of beat a   dead horse here you know this weapon right here  does not say thr so just be mindful of it we're   focusing on those weapons because that's what  does the most damage if you do not have any   of the weapons we've talked about using javelins  are Throne weapons or daggers a lot of those are   Throne weapons just as long as it has this right  at the bottom so we've already kind of started   this combat off I've popped a a potion of haste to  give us an extra action let's go ahead now and use   frenzy this is going to put us into our Berserker  Barbarian State and we're going to use throw then   we're going to click on our equi weapon you can  throw anything else in your inventory but this is   what we're going to be doing so just to kind of  show off what we're to do here we'll throw that   one weapon and we did quite a bit so with this  weapon in specific this has Zephyr connection so   you cannot be forced to drop the tridon but when  thrown the weapon creates an explosion that deals   3 to 12 Thunder damage in a 20ft blast centered  on the target so just be mindful of that I did   want to just kind of show that off but we did to  that guy the piercing damage the acid damage five   damage from Tavern brawler and then more blood  bludgeoning damage so we also can do it again and   kill Mr jeffson here and that was all right here  again 18 2 5 six and then the Thunder damage but   we did have that extra action because I Ed that  potion well we're going to go ahead and throw this again and we're going to go  ahead and throw this again it's disgusting hey you know what we still have  one bonus action because I did frenzy here we   used up one of our bonus actions so let's throw  again pick this weapon and we will launch this   one again I mean look at that that one was pretty  juicy 20 2 5 six 10 so you can see how this really   comes together and equals a lot of extra damage  so in total right that's um 20 or 30 35 37 plus   uh so 44 total damage cripplingly fast math math  right there um I'm going to go ahead and end turn   here and we'll go and just kind of give you my  closing thoughts just to kind of show off that   you can use that strike twice in one turn um  because like I said was supposed to have been   patched but it apparently wasn't so I wanted to  show that off really quick but I think this is   obviously yes this is the most disgusting really  strong melt yourf face kind of build and it's also   really godamn fun it's probably the best Barbarian  that you can use for uh honor mode because of the   disgusting amount of damage you can do with  a potion of haste you're looking at a total   oh oh don't don't move you're going to get hit uh  you're looking at a total of 1 2 3 4 5 six throws   in a single turn it's disgusting right so we will  enrage throw just to kind of show you that this   exists do that damage critical Miss but whatever  we still did damage um and we're going to throw again so you can you can get all this damage  out of this character it is absolutely absurd   it's absurd too to think of a uh a barbarian  as a range class but this is really one that   just goes so well together and does a disgusting  amount of damage and allows you to really melt   your way through any Target I'm using this in  my honor mode that I've been streaming you'll   see I'm streaming Saturday and Sunday if you want  to jump on in and watch but between having carlac   as my throwing Barbarian and having lasel as a  Tavern brother monk it's just nothing can really   last when it's their turn so this is a very  strong build hope you have a lot of fun with   it if you have different ways you'd approach  this hey you know what the champion actually   works better here or the or go with the Battle  Master and talk to me why you really like that   one over this one I'm always open to hearing your  guys suggestions for different ways to approach   these builds but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 97,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE THROWING Barbarian (Barb/Thief) Build in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best barbarian build, baldurs gate 3 barbarian build, baldurs gate barbarian build, baldurs gate best barbarian build, bg3 barbarian build, bg3 throwing build, baldurs gate 3 throwing build, returning pike, baldurs gate 3 barbarian, barbarian build baldurs gate 3, bg3 throwing barbarian build, bg3 throwing barb minsc, bg3 dwarvern thrower, bg3 throwing weapons, bg3 throwing tavern brawler build
Id: lsQ75dZsydo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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