THE BEST TEMPLAR (Cleric/Fighter) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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cleric is one of the most rewarding classes in the game delivering a ton of utility to so many different combinations but what if we supercharge the war domain with a strong melee fighter in this video today we're going to go over our templar build utilizing the war domain cleric with the amazing abilities of the Battlemaster fighter allowing us to become an absolute dreadn on the battlefield this is a pretty straightforward build but the beginning can be a little tricky so I'll step you through the character creation process then we'll go through what progression looks like for the setup this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so we'll be making a fighter that takes the Battle Master subass for all the awesome battle Maneuvers then go across to the war domain cleric to really weaponize our bonus Action For Tons of damage every round there's some Nuance to certain things here and there but that's really the entire breath of what we'll be talking about this is a straightforward build so I want to let you get back to and joy the game as fast as possible so feel free to head on out before you do head on out please don't forget to like comment and or subscribe each one of those things does help me out in a huge way I currently have 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that is a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that in you the most using the chat res with the timeline and the description and if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video let's get started here on our ultimate Templar melee build for balers Gate 3 now for your templar's char creation go with whatever race makes the most sense for you some really good ones of course are going to be things like the tling and going with the zarel tling just to give you access to both searing Smite and branding Smite two really great capabilities just to kind of have in your repertoire those are spells that you would typically get as a paladin but in this kind of combination it makes a lot of sense um other fun stuff that you can do is a gold dwarf now the reason I like the gold dwarf is because it's just a lot of hit points you'll be getting your hit point Max increases by one and increases by one every time you gain a level so this really ramps up that kind of durability that this class can really dive into and I col like that quite a bit since you are a melee class the half work is always fun being able to get Critical Hits and add a little bit more spice to them when you'll add a critical hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage excuse my what are these things called these things are called allergies I can't even think I'm loaded up on antihistamines so I apologize if I sound miserable if you reach zero hit points so you regain one hit point instead of becoming down which is also very nice as a half Ork and you can stick even with just a good old human uh getting that increased to your carry capacity is always nice you're going to have a ton of strength so I wouldn't really worry about it um my go-to pick right now is just going to be a uh dragon born because I just don't really play Dragon Born enough I think the dragon born unfortunately don't really get many things going for them uh they don't get any kind of racial specializations which kind of suck but they do have really cool things like their breath attacks which now scale with their level and they also get a uh resistance to said attack so if you take maybe a fire or a lightning based dragon born which is going to be something like a bronze or a gold then it's going to give you resistances to fire or lightning respectively which is actually quite good because it's probably the two most prevalent types of damage you'll be dealing with outside of like stuff like uh cold and acid which is not as common I would say I'm just going to choose this for the sake of the video our class is going to start off with a fighter now the reason behind that is and I don't know if it shows it anywhere I don't think yeah I don't think it shows it in here so the reason we're choosing a fighter to start with is that fighter unlike cleric gets us access to Constitution proficiency um and that's an actual different word I can't think of but like I said I'm hopped up on antihistamines what this means is whenever we have to make a constitution check which is a concentration check we would get our proficiency bonus added into that check this is huge this allows us to really keep all of our concentration spells online and that's what we're going to be focusing on as a cleric because with our cleric we're not going to be casting spells at things so much as using our capabilities to cast stuff like Crusader's mantle or uh this Beacon of Faith whatever one of the little guys float around you we'll see in a sec and it's nice to start with a fighter because that just that brings it to us immediately if we were to start as a uh cleric we get wisdom and I think it's Charisma or wisdom and something else for our uh proficiencies and we those aren't bad but we might as well take advantage of all the ones that we need with the fighter so that is what our Focus has been here with the fighter today fighting style is going to be up to you uh and how you want to kind of pivot this character do you want to go with kind of more of a two weapon hand fighting kind of heavy damage dealer variant of this build definitely go with that do you want to dual wield go with two weapon fighting whatever you really want to do for this character um I'm going to really kind of focus on sword and board or at least kind of like a moving tank style of character so I'm going to go with dueling and this is going to give me two more damage with a weapon if I'm only using one weapon a shield in my off hand still helps me out here you can go with something protection though if you want to get a reaction going here or defense just to kind of get a base plus one bonus to Armor class while wearing armor regardless background of course go with what everything makes the most sense for you and your character please build out a roleplay for this character don't just go with what I say because it sounds good maybe you are a former soldier who is kind of turned away from war towards more of like a monastic type of style or maybe this is uh your Templars is envisioned as some sort of military order the way that they were visually envisioned uh during the Crusades whatever kind of stance you want to take with this are you a reformed criminal are you a folk hero who has really kind of stepped up are you an acolyte who has taken in some uh uh teachings of War whatever it is he read sunu whatever it is have fun with it choose whatever you want I my minmax option is always Guild Artisan because it gives us insight and persuasion two of the probably the most prevalent checks that you'll be making in the game as the main character and then the same thing here goes with our skills uh I would just choose whatever thing makes the most sense I intimidation works but I'd probably choose perception here like this uh plus three to Athletics already that's fine Athletics checkers going to be when you're shove when you are shoving or being shoved and that is a pretty common thing to do especially like hey you know what I did my damage I can shove something maybe shove them over a ledge prist as a were whatever it is uh but this is probably how I would do things here initially so when it comes to the ability points for your Templar let's take some things into consideration I'm going to be going with a heavy armor character as you can see here so my dexterity is going to be at 10 our wisdom is not as crucial because our wisdom is how we'll be doing auth defensive magic if we're going to be doing that but we're not really going to be doing that we'll be using our cleric spells to buff ourselves or use some kind of reactive magic whatever it is we're not necessarily going to be using it to fling spells down range but it is crucial to have it to at least a palatable amount because we want this to be active for our uh spells right if it's too low if it's just at 10 we'll only be able to have one spell so we want to be able to scale this properly with ourselves uh so I'm going to go with 14 right here you can bring this down to increase your charisma if you so wish but there's lots of ways that you can get bonuses to your charisma when it comes to your roles as your character you could bring your Constitution down a little bit here and do that if you so wish you know whatever kind of makes sense for you we do something like that and I don't know whatever you want but the reason my Constitution here is at 16 is because we're going to be doing lots of concentration checks as this subclass combination and having our constitution up as high as possible is really going to help us out from a hit point standpoint and succeeding those Constitution checks with the concentration roles so this is what we're going to stick with here before we jump into our character progression and what this looks like the progression for this character is somewhat pretty linear we're just going to be choosing fighter and cleric and fighter and cleric and fighter and cleric type stuff so right here at level two you can just go to fighter to level five to get your extra attack unlocked do a little bit of damage come back to fighter after we get our cleric up to level five and have it be seven fighter five cleric you can do it that way if you wish I like to actually do cleric right out the gate with just one level into it into war domain because then this gives us our war priest charges this allows us to take our uh bonus action and weaponize them make it so that we can do bonus damage with our bonus attack right out the gate then when we get Five Fighter we have our extra attack which is going to trigger on our primary action and our bonus action can do its attack with war priest charges so we get a lot going for it we'll just choose whatever we want cantrips here too that's nice going to be nice in the beginning because remember cantrips are Level zero spells you can cast these infinitely go with like blade Ward like guidance my allergies are slowly killing me uh thury gain advantage on intimidation performance checks if you want to do that uh you can go with guide sacred flame if you want to get a little bit of a range thing going whatever makes sense then prepared spells we can get something like bless so we can keep ourselves up with 1 D4 bonus to attack R and saving throws we can get like a healing word if we wanted a little bit of healing going on here uh we could put in something like guing bull if we want to range thing or bane just to uh bring down something's capability uh because it's basically the opposite right minus one D4 to penalty to attack R and saving throws for an enemy but really good one here is sanctuary as well you can use it on a character that maybe doesn't you don't want to take damage that round or even protection from evil and good because you will be dealing with lots of aberration celestials Elementals FAS fiends and Undead especially even in act one so uh go whatever makes sense for you command is very good too it's a nice little uh way to control things in the beginning whatever kind of makes sense so we'll do that and you're just going to lock into those abilities you can swap those out because you are a cleric which is nice but we're going to bring ourselves back into fighter giving us action surge at level two which is crucial and then we're going to choose our subass Battlemaster is the subass we're going with cuz we want our combat Maneuvers these things are absolutely crucial to this class it's going to make it really fun the very first we're going to choose though is repost because this weaponizes our reaction as well so when a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack well weaponizes your misses um or their misses expend a superiority die to retaliate with a powerful strike that deals an additional 1d8 damage so what you're getting here is just another form of of of attack in a round and that's an additional 1d8 on that attack so you can do quite a bit of damage here but some of good ones as well are pushing attack cuz this allows you to displace things and do some damage to them sweeping attack is a little bit kind of I'm sorry not sweeping attack trick attack trip attack I would use either trip attack or pushing attack one or the other they're both quite good and then fainting attack is really nice you can use your action and bonus action on a turn to attack a target with advantage and deal 1d8 uh goting attack is nice deal an additional 1d8 and attempt to go the target into attacking you if you want to kind of be that kind of um uh hold hold the line disarming attack is very strong uh spend a superiority di to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 damage and possibly forces the target to drop the weapon they're holding so why I like disarming strike here or attack here is it does a bonus damage it's still only a attack though I'm sorry an action though versus like you look at like fainting use your both your action and bonus action so I would try to St steer clear of stuff that uses both um Precision attack is also one of my favorites you'd spend a superiority die to add to the result uh to an attack roll so I would choose probably these three to begin with if I wanted something to displace people I would swap out disarming for pushing but I think repost and precision are kind of are Auto picks in my opinion then the rest can kind of be dep uh uh uh depend more on you and your play style uh but a lot of these are are all very good you really can't go that wrong rally is not that great because it gives you temp hit points and temp hit points you can only get from one resource so if you are have if you have maybe a a cleric in your party well a cleric and and or a warlock really is what I meant as Warlock and they are a fiend warlock you shut off their ability to get the temp hit points from killing things so just be careful here right rally can actually be a double-edged sword if you have lots of temp hit points that your characters can get from other sources so that's the only one I really kind of want to give you a little bit of caution on but we'll accept that here and push it to level four where we can have a conversation about our feet options which there are quite a few so let's have a conversation here on that the Feats for our Templar are far and wide you can go simply with ability Improvement just pop that in there if you so wish uh keep in mind there's lots of ways to improve just it's called a half feet when you choose something like athlete here which gives you an ability and then one ability Point into one or the other an ability point to anything that's considered a half feet so athlete here is an example that gives us one point in dist strength so you can actually get quite a bit going here if you want to get a lot of the early things that give you bonuses to abilities permanently like The Hags hair in act one you can use that on Constitution then get durable and now you've got 18 Constitution or or get it on uh strength and choose athlete and now you've got 17 or 18 strength there's lots of different ways that you can actually supplement in your capabilities so choose those if you wish to kind of go that route now depending upon what you choose weapon wise you do have some different feed options as well you go in with two weapons just pick up dual wheeler gives you an extra Armor class and you can use weapons that are not light in your off hand which is actually pretty nice uh it's very very crucial actually so I would definitely go that if I'm going dual wiing if I'm using great weapons go great weapon Master it's again absolutely crucial for you another big one is the polearm combination of both Sentinel and whole arm Master for this video that's what I'm going to do because I'm going to exemplify using a a spear which counts as a polearm PO AR Master when attacking with a glaive halir Quarter Staff or spear you can use a bonus action to attack with the butt of your weapon so this allows your bonus action to do a little bit more damage well to do some damage rather than using your War priest charge if you don't really want to do that in a given round also here it is right here uh oh no here it is right here also so you can also make an opportunity attack when a target comes within range which couples very well with Sentinel when an enemy Within melee range attacks an ally you use a reaction to make a weapon attack against them making you again very uh defensive oriented but you gain advantage on opportunity attacks which opportunity attacks P arm Master you're doing lots of them now and when you hit a creature with an opportunity attack it can no longer move for the rest of its turn and pull arms have a longer reach so you'll be able to have a longer opportunity attack they work so well together other really good combinations here are shield Master making it really good if you're using Shields a heavy armor Master if you really want to just lean very hard into being that Juggernaut that tank this also gives you plus one strength but another one we're going to go with here CU you're going to get three Feats in this build Marshall Adept the reason I want Marshall Adept is because I'm it's adding more to what I already do you you learn two more Maneuvers from the Battle Master subass and gain an additional superiority die to fuel them you regain exper blah blah blah blah that's the same thing as always so remember we were talking a little bit about like painting attack well I can pick it up now right or I can get maneuvering attack if I want people to have the ability to move around when I do things spe to make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 on hit select which friendly creature will gain half its movement speed it will not provoke attacks of opportunity so lots of really great things here so let's go with pushing attack uh distract Target giving your allies advantage on their next tackle is actually very nice as well I always forget about this one uh let's just go with where was it attack just to kind of have it so I'm going to do that one first but you'll have two more you can choose I'm going to then choose Sentinel and P AR Master for this build but do whatever you're making sense for the weapon choice you have in mind for your Templar on to level five though let's just keep going down this Rampage so I'm going to stop here um at level five because this just gives us access to our extra attack the final two levels of fighter one is going to give us an extra feed at level six and then the last level is going to give us more battle Maneuvers because at level seven we're going to get two more so you pretty much get almost the entire kit from Battlemaster which is quite good and you get I think you get more superiority die as well so we'll get level five getes us extra attack now our action does an additional bit of damage for us well it does a whole extra attack for us and see rather than choosing our new feet we're actually going to spice back into our cleric and just kind of keep running up this Rampage here what did this happen here but I wouldn't even choose those spells who chose those spells not me certainly not me and we get our two domain spells magic weapon which is nice because it's just going to give us bonus to attack and damage rols keep in mind this is an example of something that has concentration and why we want that high Constitution because concentration is going to be you only have one concentration spell up at a time so and until we get to the real focal point one which we're going to get to very soon it's nice to have the ability to kind of have that that concentration used for something like that but enhance ability here you can use this if you're in conversations uh wording Bond can actually be good if you have another Frontline character with you hold person's always very strong silence plenty of options here plenty of options you can have a lot of fun with with this build let's this and I'll just choose like person and now we get a cantrip uh just use that and we get another feet so we chosen our Marshall Adept I'm going to go right now with polar AR Master that's going to be our juicy feet for this character and our cleric is good to keep going and at level five we stop we're done with cleric now this gives us access to destroy Undead which is cool but the big thing we wanted here at this spell level is spell level three and we get access to Crusader's mantle which is cool but this is the big one Spirit Guardians I said this earlier in the video I messed it up it's like like guardians of Faith or some crap but this is the big one because it's going to do either necrotic or radiant damage around us and we just have it on all the time we walk around and it just zaps things and you can walk in and out of D you can you can really cheese things with this but it's it's probably the best thing that you can have going here for you uh you can use Beacon of Hope if you want here you've got uh remove curse which is actually it's actually quite nice um oh there we go uh anime dead oh there is revivify so you can revive a companion if you don't have any Scrolls on you I actually quite like Mass healing word that's another very good one you can use daylight can be used quite well in the second act so this is where our casting really stops we're not focusing on all these capabilities to do all this crazy damage we're really using Spirit Guardians and our ability as a uh War domain cleric to use those priest charges so we'll accept this and we'll get our last level here into fighter and then we're going to pill up pick up Sentinel so that's how I'm doing this build you don't need to do that if you don't want Polar Master could be swapped out for great weapon Master dual wield whatever it is however you want to spice this character up so now that we've talked about all of this we we get one last level into fighter and we would choose whatever uh Battle Master traits we want let's talk about our gear so for weapons you have a ton of options just choose a one-handed weapon that really is strong for you and use that in this case you're going to get access to to a really good well a decent spear at the very beginning of the game you can use that all the way up until act two when you do the Quest for uh Shadow heart to then get this Saloon salonas Spear of KN you gain advantage on wisdom saving throws and perception checks perception checks is quite nice you gain dark vision weapon enchantment plus three and you get moon beam very good here it's going to be great for you you just simply will use this there are definitely other weapons you can get access to um and I've saved them for a spoiler section at the end of all this but this is what I'd probably use to the majority of act three until I got a lot of the the bigger cooler different items um and again it's a pull arm so this is the big Focus here is this is a pull arm I can use with a shield and it's why I've taken this route you can see I'm doing 7 to 12 damage and we can modify this with other spells so that is a really good weapon to use but in the very beginning too if you don't want to use that Faith breaker is really strong you're G to get this right at the goblin camp and it has this capability which is just a face melter absolute power does a ton of damage use it have a lot of fun with it and I actually really like maces because they have a lot of persistent damage you can use stuff like the sword of Life stealing which you'll get an act two uh as long as you didn't destroy the the emerald Grove uh the farar aluve which will get an act one when you go into the underd dark at the very beginning uh Bellum which you'll get an act three krick's Warhammer which is also what you'll get at the end of act two just a solid weapon that's why I've selected there's nothing particularly good about this I like Bell because it gives me the ability to do a little AOE damage and I can use perfectly balanced strike to get a little bit more damage out of my bonus action and this is a per turn not per long rest so I like Bellum quite a bit here as well uh also I didn't even mention foral aluve is the melody that you can either sing or shriek to either buff or debuff people around you it's very very strong um this is a finesse weapon but it doesn't matter it just uses your decks if your strength is not higher so you can use this with a strength character don't worry it's a long sword so it looks cool too anyway right like that damn thing looks sick as um and corpse grinder it's great it's a two-handed weapon though and I just wanted to Showcase some two-handed weapons I do have another two-handed weapon in this in the spoiler portion of this section uh but this is just an example of of a very good two-handed sword that or uh uh mace that you can get Grand Slam is is very good not to be confused with Denny's Grand Slam which is probably one of my favorite items on the menu but those are some of the really good weapons you can get for this build I really like the Spear of Knight but use whatever Spears makes it sense for you especially if you're going with a dragon born there's a very good glaive that you can get in the moonrise towers that actually Buffs up and helps out your breath attack so have a lot of fun with that let's jump now oh oh oh oh oh oh before we jump before we jump I forgot about the one weapon I don't have I wanted to talk about is the blood of Leander so this is a mace you can get in act one and you'll get this blessing once per long rest when your hit points are reduced to zero you regain 2 to 12 hit points allies within 9 meters regain 1 to six hit points always great lender's light sheds Holy Light in the 6m radius in combat fiends and Undead sing the light are blinded unless they succeed as Constitution saving throw which is very good and then you get a level six spell Sunbeam it's just a ton of damage you can get very early in the game it's a great little power Spike to last you long route if you're not going with a sentinel kind of Route if you're just kind of going with a sword and board you've got that uh at your disposal let's now talk about some other things and equipment for this character have fun I think the two items that I that are no better is the armor persistence here you can see magical plate all incoming damage is reduced by two you couple this with the feet that you get the uh heavy armor feet and that's minus five damage it's really nice and legendary persistence you gain resistance and blade Ward so you just take no goddamn damage it's such a good suit of armor it's probably the best um heavy armor that you can just get in the game there is another piece of armor that is a legendary but this one as far as like just being able to buy it from a merchant is what I meant and not being necessarily gated by getting it like there are a lot of legendary items you can't get access to if you don't do certain things all you have to do for the armor persistence is not destroy the emerald Grove then also you get some boots that match this the boots of persistence you gain freedom of movement and long Strider with deck saving throws plus one that's probably the no-brainer as far as uh the best boots and chest for this character let's talk take a look at some of the other ones I'm just wearing this half plate armor because it looks cool for the for the contents of the video I don't think it's a particular particularly good one but you can use it if you so wish some of the other things here we do have krix armor Reapers and Brace all incoming damage reduced by two when activated you can't or a Reaper's rigidity you can't be moved against your will by any spell or action but have disadvantage on Deck saving throws and you have this cool ability called how of the Dead let out a bone chilling howl that numbs all enemy creatures all nearby creatures sorry their movement speed is have the spellcaster advantage on tacks against the affected entity so this can allow you to kind of drop an AOE bomb around then you have you have Advantage when you're trying to rip through them with your melee it's a really really cool piece of armor here Rippling Force male is also very cool and thematic as well gain Force conduit when taking slashing piercing or bludgeoning damage and this will stack up here so once uh if the entity takes damage while it has five or more turns remaining it deals 1 to four Force damage in a 20 foot radius basically allows you to blow up um after you take a certain amount of damage which is really really cool and it reduces that Dam the budgeting piercing and slashing damage against the an infected entity is reduced by one per turn remaining so if you get hit a bunch of times this will stack up until it gets to five and it blows up so it's a really really cool piece of armor black guards plate is also very cool all incoming damage reduced by one and advantage on wisdom saving throw checks so any kind of charming anything like that thrown your way you can at least kind of help mitigate that by having an advantage on it because you'll already have a Proficiency in wisdom saving as a result of being a cleric which is very very very cool outside of the armor though let's talk about our our other pieces we have these gauntlets of surging accuracy when you use action surge gain 1 D4 bonus to to attack rules for the rest of your turn so how you'd use this scly is to cast action Surge and then do all of your attacks and everything like that and this is nice if you couple this with a potion of quickness where you're just going to have tons of actions in a given round which you'll be doing extra attack on then you use your warp PRI charges to do even more attacks so very good piece of armor right here um another one you'll get in act three is legacy of the Masters gain plus two bonus to attack and damage rols with weapons it's quite nice so you can really kind of split the hair on this whichever one you want um I like this because it's plus two bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons period not it's not circumstantial right you'll get the gauntlets of surging accuracy first in the campaign though so you just kind of choose whichever one works and in the meantime just choose just choose those items that help out with hey if you do melee damage or anything like that then just go with those like there's there's not going to be any kind of gloves that make the early game particularly easy for you or anything like that far as jewelry goes a lot of this stuff is just kind of hey I've chosen ones that kind of work with the character the ones I'm wearing ring of generation so every time it's your turn you replenish one to four hit points and this one you just get a guaranteed critical hit when you do the right thing uh but outside of that you get Whispers promise when you heal a creature it gains one to four uh it gains one D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving thrs for two turns so you basically bless someone if you heal them you are a cleric you can heal if you're not going to heal then don't worry about it but if you use this with a ring of conjunction in conjunction with the Ring of regeneration you've healed a creature so it will trigger for you if you so wish uh Crusher ring is good because it just gives you flat 10 increase to your movement speed uh spurred ban during combat when the wearer starts to turn with 50% less hit points they gain momentum just to give you a little bit more movement snow burst out that's not what I meant to have over here that's different video uh Amulet of misy step is uh just straight up giving you misy step if you need an amulet that that just want to take its place you get this very early in the game but later you'll get the Amulet of the Harpers which is nice because gives you advantage on wisdom and saving throws which is lovely but Shield so it's just a reaction gives you five free Armor class nice to have expire it takes a long rest to get back online but I really like it regardless um as far as our Shields go I am using the shield of devotion this gives me Aid which is lovely and I get one level one spell slot which is always cool but adamantine Shield you'll get very early in the game at add of Act One it sends targets reeling and you can't be crit hit which is lovely and you get your Shield bash and cth shield it gain a plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack roles so just use whatever you want I kind of like the actual spell slot from this there's one more Shield that'll be on the spoiler section but uh I I think that all three of these are are all great Shields just depends on when you get them in your campaign and use them as you fit as far as our back items go we have the cloak of protection just Good Old Faithful and we have the vivacious cloak so you gain eight temp hit points after casting a spell while in melee which you'll be doing quite a bit and since you don't have a ton of sources of 10 pit points it's just a nice one to have so have at it uh then we also have the cloak of Elemental absorption which I really like absorb Elemental damage once per short rest take half damage from that next Elemental damage and deal that damage as well so it's it's very nice here right um I like like it there's a lot of ways you can have a lot of fun with this especially if you take necrotic damage then you cast your spirit Guardians it can be really fun um helmets I'm using the flawed DUS helmet the wielder has plus two bonus of saving throws against spells the helmet I would prefer is in the spoiler section so coming up here uh lastly our boots using The Black Guard Greaves to give us long strer always a good movement bonus but you can also use boots ofad and comfort very early in the game when the wearer heals a Target it gains an additional three temp hit points so you can use these two uh uh these two temp hit point items just based off of however you're kind of approaching the character right are you healing a lot then use these if not then don't use them uh this one you're going to be casting in melee regardless so use it uh alternative boots are just any ones that would give you uh Misty step or like the ones that allow you to Sprint stuff like that so those are your items here pretty much it's pretty much up to you depending on how you make your character as far as their weapon selection how you divvy up what their melee is and what not and what have you you so have at it so the next portion we're going to go into is more equipment but it is spoiler oriented if you've not gotten far into act three or you don't want any spoilers about characters that you're going to meet in act 3 anything like that please don't go forward just go ahead and skip over that and go to the gameplay showcase I don't want to spoil it for you because when I first experienced it I was like so I want to I want to preserve that for you let's jump down to those spoilers all right just in case you jumped to this section from of previous portion of the video this is a spoiler portion if you have not completed act three or you've never played a character in act three and you want to preserve any characters that you're going to meet don't go further but for those that are courageous let's go ahead so the charact the items that I really like for this character are sarahx horn helmet it's just so damn good because the number you need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced by one and this effect can stack you can stack this with other items that do the exact same and you can't be frightened frightened is really terrible to deal with so you don't have to deal with it so it's quite nice here if you're going to go with a two-handed weapon definitely go with the sort of chaos it's just free healing and it does necrotic damage as well it's just kind of slicing and dicing things I just wanted to Showcase this in the section uh I'm not doing that so it doesn't matter for me I would be using this Shield but I'm trying not to present any spoilers to anyone this is The Shield I definitely recommend because look at rebuke of the mighty when a foe hits you with a melee attack you can use your reaction to deal it two to8 Force damage and not get prone unless it's exceeded ding saving throw so it's a shield bash that does force damage and also you gain advantage on saving on saving throws against spells spell attack rolls against you have disadvantage and then you get two spells off of this warding bond which you can use with any of your uh Frontline Bros and reflective shell a protective shell envelops you it reflects any projectile uh projectiles targeted at you back to their target of origin so you can use this for a particularly nasty spell then a really good mace here is the hand maiden's mace set your wearer strength to 18 the enchantment has no effect if the strength score is higher without it so the reason I'm showcasing this is it's pretty good if you went with more of a dexterity based build here hey I'm going to use finesse weapons my Ranger uses finesse weapons but I switched over to using this because now I can take advantage of it because I'm not finessed but it sets my strength to 18 so I get all the advantages of it and I can have all those carrying advant like I can carry things um a lot easier so these these two items are probably the more compulsory for this build these are just kind of like circumstantial depending on how you're going about things but as wanted to Showcase those in this section into our gameplay showcase here but two things I forgot to bring up are your reaction screen so go ahead and click these little guys down here and this will bring this up and just make sure you have repost set to ask otherwise it'll be just set like this so it'll just kind of go a Hog Wild so make sure you set that like that and also I did not bring this up in the leveling progression system but guided strike is a big portion of this build here too so you can gain a plus 10 bonus to your attack roll on really hard to hit or really like spicy targets where you really want to help bring them down let's now jump into what this combat looks like so without being able to actually show my character's combat I wanted to show some of the reactions of how this works so jumping into the combat my character Will's been hit and I can immediately counter with Sentinel when an ally is attacked by a nearby creature you may strike the attacker just remember that this is a reaction and we're only allowed to do those once a turn so I'm just going to not react here cuz I want to show off some other things here in case it happens and we have it again just going to press not react react I'm basically I want to see if someone attacks me and and they miss but this Jepson is just going to take his precious time as the game bugs out slowly to this and then it goes to fena and I'm outside of range so I cannot attack unfortunately and it's funny thing is like the game recognized that I have Sentinel so they leapt over me to do this attack which is pretty interesting but we have Shield here that we can use I'm going to just not react and then I got Shield blow we can use for my shield not react I was hoping to get a miss here don't react don't react damn I got I was hoping to get a Miss to show off that result there that a great headline and fist kepo is going to bug out just slightly here before we take our turn to show off some of the damage capability that we can now deliver as this Templar class and honestly I'd say like as far as fighting character goes it's probably one of my more favorite ones so someone moved into range and I I messed up here because I have I took a potion of quickness or speed to show off some stuff but before I reset everything here to show off more combat P arm Master allows me to use that opportunity attack right she moved within range now I can just go ahead and do this and I can go ahead and swipe her and she has to stop cuz she got hit so that's kind of something I wanted to show off but unfortunately didn't get a chance to right there in that that uh scenario but uh let's go ahead and Skip back around to my character's turn to show off my climbat capability okay now let's see what we can do to open us up we can just go ahead and cast Spirit Guardian it will cost us an action we'll be able to do damage everything around us um I can use my potion of speed here to allow me to have to action to show off some of my stuff but what I also want to show here is that war priest charge right we can use that War priest charge to do a bonus action's damage so I can press bonus action and press uh fing attack here uh do whatever I want to kind of use my bonus action but we can also use all of our Battle Master capabilities here I can use Precision attack which in and of itself is not an attack this does not use an action this simply turns on so that your next weapon attack gets an attack roll bonus equal to your superiority die and out of combat I could have used magic weapon to make me a little bit stronger so we have a lot of different ways we can approach this so let me do this I'm going to save right here and we're going to come back to this but I'm going to show you what it's like if I go ahead and use a Precision attack that's going to buff me up and then I'm going to use let's go ahead and go with did I get the no I did not get the sweeping pack that shoots around me way uh let's go ahead and use just good old army attack that hits him and I still have my attack to hit him again and I have my pull arm clout that I can use with my bonus action now I've got my actual extra attack I can do damage with let's go ahead and do arming attack again if I want just to kind of show and now I can use guided strike here so I can use that capability to really push this on still saved no big deal I've got that extra attack I'm just going to mix up a different Target here from my warp priest charge uh so I've now used my action and my bonus action but you know what let's action search and we can really just keep driving this whole entire thing home had I used had I had my bonus action up I could have used a potion speed and had three actions in this turn we can go ahead now and use Spirit Guardians to show off what we can do in this situation so now these guys are all taking damage and all I need to do is simply move around they can take more and more and more and more damage so I thought I was going to reload and show off more stuff but I'm not uh this just gives you an idea of how completely ridiculous this character can really be and I put myself in a really bad situation here to try to exemplify this as best as possible obviously you wouldn't just be throwing yourself in the middle of The Fray to show off abilities here but this character has quite a lot of ways to answer a lot of different situations and that's what I think really intrigues me and what I really like about this I think of all the subclass characters I've covered this is one of my favorite ones because it fits thematically how I would like to play you don't need to go with fighter you could go with a ancients Paladin and if you go with an ancients Paladin you have an AOE heal on top of your War cleric cap abilities you go with a devotion Paladin a Vengeance Paladin all those are really great capabilities you just need to remember that you're not going to be focusing as much into strength you do have to put some into Charisma and my problem too with that is if you're not going to go warlock you have to focus on strength Charisma and wisdom to get the spell slots to get your charisma damage and to get your strength damage so I think that's kind of why I didn't go that route I think it's more of an advanced class that I think it it takes a little bit more I think this is something that anyone could approach it's very easy there's no one set item that kind of makes this build work like say the uh the special helmet for the the Death Knight build or for the uh The Necromancer build this character just simply needs to have a pole arm if you go with my pole arm route or just needs to have just decent enough armor so there's a lot of ways you can approach this and I hope that you get a better idea now of how to play this really cool Templar character that is kind of like a paladin right you are a fighter you can cast spells but maybe less on the Vine Smite kind of role and the channel e role and more of this the general kind of fighter role getting up close and personal magnifying the war domain capabilities with the raw capabilities of the fighter and using all these really cool Battle Master capabilities I I'm have I have two less than I should because this character is not level 12 if I was level 12 I would get two more of these Maneuvers to have even more capabilities so there's a lot of really fun that you can have a lot of fun that you can have with this class and hopefully you and enjoy it if you have any other suggestions or ways that you could probably change this class go ahead and let me know in the comment section below hey you know what I use this item this weapon this armor whatever it is and it really really allowed this combination to pop off but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 43,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, THE BEST TEMPLAR (Cleric/Fighter) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, bg3 templar build, bg3 templar, bg3 war cleric build, bg3 war domain clericc, bg3 war domain cleric build, bg3 war domain multiclass, bg3 war cleric vs paladin, bg3 war cleric fighter build, bg3 best cleric build, bg3 best cleric subclass, bg3 best cleric multiclass, bg3 melee cleric build, bg3 melee cleric war, domain of war, bg3 battlemaster maneuvers, bg3 fighter battlemaster build
Id: m9Rt7930LGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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