Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters (2016) Review

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I never bothered to see Jack and Jill. This left me unprepared for the trauma of Al Pacino's Chocolate Blendยฎ.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1084 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Century24 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I'll be honest, after learning the writers for this worked on Parks and Rec and the Office, I can kind of see some of the jokes they highlight as being bad (PT Barnum and the elephants, Kate McKinnon guessing low numbers, etc.) working better in a more low stakes sitcom setting. Like if Amy Poehler was delivering the elephant line on Parks and Rec (or even Zach Woods in Silicon Valley) it might work well, you could cut to your straight man/men's reaction or have the character delivering the line react in a funny way or something. It just completely falls flat in the context ot an establishing scene of a sci fi action comedy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 649 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/VolcelPriest ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He is right that this movie is just..busy. Both in visual form, due to awful use of contrast and audio, where no scene has any breathing room. Its an assault to your senses, it beats you down and never allows you to just soak anything in.

I mean that is true for alot of modern films, but Ghostbusters 2016 takes it to another level

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 486 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Adriatics ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Oh my god that McCarthy scream sequence gave me a headache

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 200 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TheRepenstein ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

In defense of Bill Murray, he didn't want to do GB3 for many years because the scripts Dan Aykroyd wrote were bat shit insane and for reference he wrote "Nothing But Trouble".

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 505 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ruinersclub ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

What the hell was with all of the footage where the special effects went into the black bars? Was that part of the movie? That looks godawful, why did they do that?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 339 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BionicTriforce ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fuck I forgot how much I hated effects and characters 'escaping' the aspect ratio, so needless and distracting.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 251 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sgthombre ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is this the first time that "tomorrow" turned out to be true?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 298 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Ser_Black_Phillip ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

14 minutes in I had to mute that cat is out of the bag adlib. Good god Ghostbusters must've been insufferable.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 101 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/turkeyinthestrawman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 09 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Ghostbusters 2016 is quite possibly the worst film ever made I know I say that a lot but this time I mean it at worst it's a horribly unfunny comedy that could possibly serve as entertainment if you were stranded on an airport runway for two hours at best it's you're getting a bar trivia answer right where the question is named two failed attempts by Sony to reboot franchises in the 2010s you got it you won or $20 bar tab where do I begin my friends it's amazing just how long this film is it's like putting a Jackson Pollock painting in an art gallery during a realism exhibit if that reference is too cerebral for you that's like saying pool is pee you're working for cerebral than I expected I need a multiphasic spectrometer to analyze this dumpster fire and let me get this right out of the way out of the bat to me this has nothing to do with nostalgia the original Ghostbusters film is a masterpiece of comedy that's correct - lightning in a bottle and as we all know that's something that's easy to recreate or reboot that'ss archives about I will attempt to explain what went wrong so badly to try to help them out you know for when they make that sequel to the way number one abric fail booth for me personally I was like I didn't know if I loved the idea of a sequel of all these years later where the old team is just handing the new team of the technology and all that well first off if you haven't seen this movie it's not a sequel despite what they may have led you to think with that terrible trailer it's really not even a soft reboot ie it exists in the Ghostbusters universe why these characters still exist and all these events happened nope they're sort of straight-up remake meaning they used all the same plot points and beats the original Ghostbusters but made it embarrassingly unfunny and terrible you fall down and go boom tree fall down and go boom - it's essentially a film that shares the same name ideas and structures the classic original film just with grow mobs acting like mentally handicapped people and embarrassing themselves and their audience speaking of embarrassing let's talk about our first two culprits I'm not ashamed of that trailer at all I actually thought number two the director and writer nobody knows he's a movie director the director of this film is a man by the name of Paul Feig he is a male typical man's man it was pretty deep in movie Jail at that point having into movies it had bombed he also co-wrote the film and I hear he's already on to his next writing project is suicide know they call out the film of the lady named Kate Dippold wrote a handful of episodes of Parks and Rec I cheer about the movie the heat how figures a similar list of pathetic non achievements like writing and directing the movie spy correcting bridesmaids grading freaks and geeks shrill it's boring and socks it's so funny good it's worth it hey directed a couple episodes of the office which is why we see Gabe Kevin and Dwight's brand in this movie is it called ghostbusters actor Oh No and hey look who it is why it's Coco the cat Coco the car is actually in a lot of movies and TV shows what a big lovable [ __ ] out of all the talent in the world why did Sony select these two hacks to write and helm the first film of this new Ghostbusters franchise or extended universe or whatever the [ __ ] they're planning to do with it [ __ ] if I know when we say ghostbusters it's not just ghostbusters it's ghostbusters maybe it was this amazing pitch letter they sent to Amy Pascal you know lady who apparently had her head so far up her own ass that her fecal matter was making decisions it ain't I hear got to take it's like oh god well I mean yeah that I just kind of came up with I don't know if it's right wow that sounds great let's go with that idea why not today I won't even see the first Ghostbusters Ghostbusters is about finely crafted dialogue well time delivery I think we better split up good idea yeah we can do more damage that way likeable and not annoying characters and dry sarcastic humor mixed with oddly believable science villains and threats while I'm not advocating for a remake that's the same film because that's boring and pointless what ghostbusters should never be is filled with embarrassing and childish ad-libs we're going to sign to us hilarious and cause we're gonna get my monster posted fart joke is it more or less disgusting if I tell you it came from the front babbling characters who think their ad libbing babblings funny and terribly dated humor you gonna call and you're gonna go bears dude gonna talk do you remember you get a car from Oprah [Applause] remember crowd-surfing remember 1997 I'm not quite sure what Paul figs talent really is mean he's famed for directing bridesmaids but really that was a film with the great script written by Kristen Wiig and Annie memorial Moo mole I think law really just hit required on the camera where Guillermo were nominated for an Academy Award and they won a whole shitload of other awards or Awards at Paul Feig win the golden turkey a golden shower you know the director he spent too much on it he didn't shoot scenes we suggested to him at several scenes that were going to be needed and he said God we don't need them and then we tested the movie and they needed them and he out of the back a 30 to 40 million and reshoot so yeah so he will not be back on the Sony line any time so I got a lady who wrote a script for bridesmaids yet so many thinks they should write ghostbusters that brings me to my next point are you ready if you have a heart condition please hold on to the handrails wait that makes a little sense there are no handrails get ready here we go gargoyle number three Sony Pictures is a giant dumpster fire with subjects like pixels paul blart mall cop smurfs black Annie sex tape failed spider-man reboots after earth that's my boy and so on it's unsurprising that there is a rumor Sony was shutting down its film production not sure if it's going to happen or if that was even true but I mean I wouldn't get all misty-eyed while some good stuff does slip through the cracks yeah that's tough one everywhere by the way in every crack I was surprised the Ghostbusters fell into a lot of the same traps that your typical sleazy Sony movie falls into dunkaccino don't mind if I do and no I'm not talking about the pool in fart jokes because as some of you will no doubt point out I'm a big fan of such things if they're in the proper context cool jokes funny ghostbusters isn't the best place for a queef alok I can do it live if you want what's next you're gonna give me a wedgie for the last I am talking about sleazy product placement I mean we all know about Sony and Coke seeing coke logos everywhere shouldn't be a surprise especially when the ending of your film takes place in Times Square there is a product placement to me is always downright annoying but it's a very Sony thing to do oh what's my name dr. Gina it's a whole new game star Cuttino you want creamy goodness I'm your friend say hello to my chocolate Glen some things in ghostbusters seemed like possible product placements but they may have been jokes I'm not sure I'm not sure what was a joke or what wasn't and then there are the truly shameful product placements the ones that make you feel like you want to take a shower well the whole world uses cameras on their [ __ ] iPhones the Ghostbusters gals were of course using a sony handycam what is this 2006 don't you pop they claim the Pringles wasn't a real product placement on the commentary track they just wanted to have her eating something here's a fun fact everyone always thinks the Pringles was just a product placement thing but that we had that forever that's just just eating dirt exactly Soph wrinkles gets a free what I mean like you know you don't just take a product and put it your film you got to clear it with Pringles they got teams of legal people that do all sorts of this [ __ ] you're on setting your cam mackinnon hold up this bottle of Pringles there's some guy in a suit who comes into the hall oh wait a minute wait a minute we shouldn't shoot with that because Pringles is going to get angry because the movie sucks I guess like CGI artists could always like change the label on the Pringles can but I mean that gets added to the budget I just don't buy it it was only because I knew these girls were funny it's why is its corporate lies and I don't forget a hostess Twinkies check it out everybody hostess Twinkies the first Twinkie reference was just a [ __ ] joke now it's getting old now let's also enjoy some delicious Papa John's Pizza you're not a disgusting slop that gives you gas let's go eat some of that Hey look there's a location that's convenient for all of us let's go to Papa John's Pizza once we finish defeating the ghost hey wait shouldn't these be Coca Cola's who's doing the product placement in this film they should be fired oh wait I know why they aren't cokes it's because Papa John sells Pepsi products having them drink cokes in the scene would be a conflict of corporate interest aren't movies magical kids Papa John even the [ __ ] blu-ray is stuffed with ad get hired to work if the Ghostbusters virtual reality experience what something about chips they're dollar off chips coupons for balance bars watch I guess that's for ladies the Ghostbusters videogame okay on these other great Sony titles like pixels and goosebumps grata free mug from Shutterfly when your upload your photo shop for your Halloween costume at the dirty used clothing store Goodwill ill gross even I won't go there and I sleep on a pile of dirty laundry and of course for the mail fatso fans get a free cheesy burger coupon even I wouldn't sink that low you know somebody did somebody took this coupon from their Ghostbusters blue rain we deemed it the one free cheesy burger the burger so cheesy extra even to try the ghost plus B burgers simplified milkshake and back and cheese book and that person took their burger in aided in their dumpy apartment all alone and then cried I love Ghostbusters Ghostbusters a flurry of video to roulette combo for 2016 vs. 1984 it's hard to talk about this film without comparing it to the original it's basically impossible because it's a remake mass hysteria that's Asteria but the thing is I'm not sure what the point of this movie was other than obviously being sony's attempt to establish a Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe which ended about as well as a Sonny Bono ski trip what we're supposed to get out of this was this movie supposed to be a laugh a minute romp but my concern is I feel like the cat is sort of already kind of out of the bag what they're saying the cat is out of that mother of solo act in time and I'm gonna scream anything you can already out so it's hard to put the cat fashion so Larry on account of out of the bag we just want to shove that damn cat back in the bag we're supposed to be laughing so hard we couldn't catch our breath we had to pee in our pants were the quips and ad-libs and comments that everyone was making supposed to be so funny we couldn't stop laughing maybe we're supposed to be laughing at all the mistakes in the movie like this okay I don't know if it was a race thing or a lady thing but I'm mad as hell extra still tapping his or her foot to the beat even after the music is stopped hey why isn't this scene at night why is this concert going on in the daytime apparently Ozzy's right there and it's like getting ready to go on stage well why the [ __ ] is a headliner going on in the daytime I know a way we could get some comedy out of the movie maybe we can over saturate all the colors that'll make it funny right you know it's probably some suit at Sony the thought of that in fact I have footage yeah hey Paul I've been checking out those dailies and it looks great it does not look like barf but have a second maybe we can make the movie look more like barf yeah I just want to you know not the saturation levels up just just a little bit so it looks like everybody a high blood pressure or maybe the ring you know way too much makeup yeah my grand vision is like all right Willy Wonka throwing up in a skittles Factory yeah yeah I know to look like hot garbage but this movie's giant turd and you know maybe it was more colorful the movie will be funny oh my God look the soup only has one want honor that's hilarious [ __ ] you fatso maybe that delivery guys trying to give her a hand you know like you got to lose some weight or if the job that the Chinese restaurant provides low quality food if so that Chinese restaurant is bad well I mean the ladies took out more one times the movies fatal flaw is that it's an overstuffed turkey you can overstuff a Judd Apatow style ad-lib comedy but a science fiction based comedy needs to be precise just like science well I wanted it based on kind of real science as much as possible since a lot of nuclear you know engineering and physics and all that we hired a nuclear physicist out of MIT our will do my very best to avoid singing the praises of the original film you know to avoid sounding bias we all know what they are we all know it's one of the best movies ever made some of the best performances and characters we all know that it didn't need to be remade hell no it was only because I knew these girls were funny so I'll avoid saying how great it is and how perfect we came we saw we kicked its ass just how absolutely perfect it is I won't talk about how almost every line of dialogue is expertly written and delivered what's so kind to take care of that man you know you were real humanitarian I don't think he's human and I certainly won't mention how unique and awesome it was everybody getting this so far how perfect the villains were and how great and well developed each character was I will do my very best not to mention those things Ghostbusters 2016 tries way too hard to be liked it stinks our desperation in almost every sense while the original movie pulled it off flawlessly with style and grace it's just occurred to me we really haven't had a completely successful test of this equipment I blame myself a lot Ghostbusters 2016 it's like a little kid in the back seat of your car yelling for your attention I could that you just might forget is in your back seat when you go to work on a hot day for the autumn saying what number five too much dancing and pointless movie references too much dancing stop dancing this was the most dancing they did in the original film hey remember Patrick Swayze moving you mean like Patrick Swayze but you shouldn't behind you making pottery lumber dirty girl ring and then we sat down and he was behind me and we made a bake oh you're combining to combine your apples Oh Dino will fit one grow house I remember world how phrase it people sweet the ring on at the end of the big way so it's in that now drop different top dancing remember jog please don't be like the mayor in job you remember job and never go very good done yeah never remember jaws remember Scarface remember scarface scarface remember Scarface say hello to my chocolate bleh enough with the dancing remember The Exorcist stop dancing stop dancing stop Jackson remember Scarface enough with the dancing stop dancing remember Scarface dampering remember scarf a pop dancing that was great is really good number six the plot all I can ask is please just just judge the movie on its own marriage don't judge it off of a trailer you know in obviously let's break this [ __ ] down like a cardboard box you would turn to place and your recycling bin it's no secret that this piece of trash is a remake if I was the same structure as the first film but just with some cosmetic changes first Aaron Gilbert is the closest character to Peter Venkman just much less interesting or funny I feel so funky the Ivy League intellectual who doesn't really do the hard science stuff and borders on being a fraud I see Abby Yates as a ray Stantz technically minded but still somewhat relatable you know the everyday guy and she's fat - Gillian Holtzman is clearly the Egon of the group scientifically genius and socially awkward and of course patty is Louis Tully I actually probably be a little more forgiving of this movie if it had some kind of crazy different plot why don't you go back to your mother's basement where you live but it didn't so I'm going to [ __ ] it right up the ass with this friend over bend over let play Kirk remove ghostbusters of course opens in the basement of the New York Public Library old librarian lady is spooked by something whoa roll the credits two minutes in one and done as they say no need to dwell on this scene for too long home in New York City preserved both inside and out now here we have Gabe from the office giving a tour the Eldridge mansion makes a racist joke about how clock was given preference in a Titanic lifeboat over a Romanian woman and her child Romanian woman and her child were forced to leave the lifeboat to make room the death of some foreign woman is funny the death of her child is even funnier tiny mumble something about PT Barnum coming up with the idea to enslave elephants in the house PT Barnum first had the idea to enslave elephants hilarious now I heard a long story about how the Eldridge daughter was a murderer or something and then family locked her in the basement and blah blah blah and that one set up the gave as a trick candle holder I guess that was to show that he's a skeptic or some kind of huckster but who cares if he was or wasn't what did it really matter point is it takes us nearly five and a half minutes to get to this the opening [ __ ] title now we know so much about this mansion the family history the daughter her past how and why she was locked in the basement doesn't come up again later no I mean she shows up at the end but so what was all this essential to the plot nope all we really needed to see was Gabe locking up the mansion at the end of the last tour you show that sparking ghost summoning device thing under the table and then BAM title to write their kids the opening [ __ ] scene are two great side-by-side examples of what works and what doesn't you got slim neat and to the point next to overly long unfunny bloated and filled with pointless information you cast Zach who is one of the funniest people in the entire world oh my god literally the best I think the best improviser I've ever worked with it said that in this very room PT Barnum first had the idea to enslave elephants another thing to mention is that your first scene sets the tone but the original Ghostbusters the opening scene has no jokes it's played a hundred percent straight and is actually kind of scary it tells us take the ghosts and all this [ __ ] kiya seriously this tells me oh no there's going to be two more hours of this [ __ ] remaining woman and her child he keeps raising hell yeah you can play Mellencamp and drunk [Applause] women that's the way to also take it away from just kind of direct comparisons in a weird way because you're not going to go well who's a female Venkman or hope you hopefully wouldn't max we introduce the female Venkman meet our new Egon and raise and finally get to our preliminary ghosts in Bunch condition now I can compare every scene side-by-side and explain in painful detail how tightly crafted and great the first Ghostbusters is and compare each scene to their much longer unfunny babbling counterparts with way too many pointless lines and actions you have any idea how many federal regulation shipbreaking on a daily basis one okay no one just sits quietly but I'll be here all day and this video would be so long and scary the government would classify it as terrorism so I'm just going to bullet point all the plot [ __ ] in case you were too dense to see how this is a total [ __ ] straight-up ripoff con job waiting if I could reboot it and just kind of do our whole new origin story taking this amazing idea of funding people fighting paranormal with technology that's interesting to me and that I don't think I know how to do rail ghost encounter opening failed first ghost encounter kicked out of university get idea to become ghostbusters looking for a place to set up shop overly long and pointless scene to explain how they got their logo away getting the Ghostbusters car first official job catching of ghosts this one is 57 minutes into the film versus the 30 minute mark which is perfect meeting with the mayor a scene looking at a map or a blueprint being looked at is part of the problem ghosts are unleashed on the city military and police are all over the place ghosts attacking the city montage sequence confronting the bad guy being pushed backwards choose the form of your destructor my god what corn would you prefer I ain't shooting a big thing closing a portal to save the day while the major beets are in place the tone and angle of each movie is very different and the original Ghostbusters you have Venkman was a con artist he's a sleaze who was out to sleep with women I'll take miss Barrett back to her apartment to check her up and do as little work as possible when him Egon and Ray are kicked out of the University it's Venkman who wants to start the Ghostbusters business to go into business for ourselves which of course leads to wonderful moments like this you're not going to lose the house everybody has three mortgages nowadays but at 19 percent you didn't even bargain with the guy ray for your information the interest rate alone for the first five years comes to $95,000 in this film the motivation seems to be two things for Aaron Gilbert to regain respect by proving that ghosts are real we can become the first scientist to prove the existence of the paranormal all we have to do is fly an entity and to help people oh god this woman is describing a class-3 haunting in her house she can't just move she called the police on that first point Kristen Wiig really needed to be the quote straight man whoops sorry Paul Feig I meant straight woman Aram audibly sexist goodbye oh god Stacy just being beautiful dummy she should have actually been respected at Columbia and studs just trying to get tenure I was excited about lecturing in the big hall just like an amateur hack and she's acting like an idiot Oh weird and awkward around everyone she has a conversation with some snobby lady that just proves how unaccepted she is already if you had a real career and something to actually risk by joining the Ghostbusters to take on a realistic tone again someone said the Kristen Wiig say funny and weird things instead of using restraint making her character the stable and grounded one is it needed to be Abby and Holtzman just have a general passion for the paranoid stuff but no real gold you know except for helping a youtube commenter research go upstairs and ask for more money done the only mention of money is that they can't afford the old Ghostbusters firehouse and have to work above a Chinese restaurant hey wait the fact that there are above a Chinese restaurant that a reference to the first film you know where the Ghostbusters are eating takeout Chinese when they say that's the last of the petty cash ah [ __ ] it this movie ain't that clever I think it's going to satisfy the taste buds of the people who love the original and then they'll love this one too because he's different wait I guess a B attempted to make a flyer and then had Kevin make a logo but [ __ ] you gals are going to be out of business in a week at this rate especially with Bush in the White House there is no Venkman character negotiating for more money and pushing to keep things afloat for his own selfish personal reasons you see Ghostbusters is essentially a film about the spirit no pun intended of entrepreneurship I've worked in the private sector they expect results a franchise right alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dream three guys struggling to start and run a business then hiring an employee because they become too busy they just happen to save the world in the process Franklin could care less Bray is filled with a childlike fascination with ghosts Egon is a technical genius and of course is terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought and Winston if there's a steady paycheck in it I'll believe anything you see why you don't care that's what makes the movie great is its moral ambiguity and it's grounding in reality the Ghostbusters are schlubby exterminators they are role models they aren't action stars they certainly aren't heroes to find anything they're anti-heroes or accidental heroes especially Venkman go get array the contradiction is best exemplified by this good old-fashioned hard edit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you get it now do you get it path week number seven gassing and improv when you get four people in those lead roles like that who are so not only funny but sweet wonderful you just laugh [Applause] the casting of this movie isn't the problem only in rare cases is the casting of a movie so bad that it ruins the whole film a good script and a good director could make anything work who would have thought that mr. mom could be Batman for that Charlton Heston could play a Mexican or that Lindsay Lohan could play a drug-addled stripper kate mckinnon and Leslie Jones are talented people and very funny on Saturday Night Live Melissa McCarthy while sometimes can be a bit too much for some people has done some funny roles it has good comedic timing I could actually enjoy spy I didn't see the heat though I thought it was another film trying to sell me a convection of them woo mmm this is delicious not tastebuds is going Wow I got to magnet convection ovens stop trying to tell me a convection oven are you too busy to cook a wholesome meal for the family I don't got a handle I'm waiting for your food at all no food become a regular on your family's dinner table I love you conservative on gaining weight and high cholesterol darling healthy eating habits hello I'm just a tired join or you Christie please shilling for cashflow dollar I my eyes deceiving me why am I looking at the frozen food section at the supermarket what's the world come to the 18 was just on TV you joking right oh sorry about that talking about the heat made me think of all those convection ovens I have sitting in my basement collecting dust oh sorry back to my review kristen wiig see it's just a terrific comedian as well as a great dramatic actress and writer too so they took these four actresses and put them in a movie that just didn't work for them that's all 94.6% of this film relied upon improvisation and you cannot improvise clever well-constructed science jokes what you can improv is day-to-day stuff in life for example the scene when they interview Kevin they ask him questions make fun of them Kristen Wiig salivates over a store like handsomeness cetera Kevin is a dummy and so silly things in fact Chris finds worth is rather funny at improv that seems sort of worked if this were a rom-com about women starting a business apparently there is a 45 minute long edit of this scene we do 40 minute types with living just let the camera roll we'll be sure to be improvising it was unique personal done before so he has attorneys I don't know this was this was five hours of improv please stop ad libbing stop it I did tough with him not oh my god they caught already the fact that Paul Feig had any footage to actually cobble together a film is shocking yeah probably bears it's real sex ah you know fans like it's just a whined I don't I don't think his hips move at all I think there's a scene where a B and Patti are mocking how they think Erin's boyfriend might dance it's mildly amusing and also very clearly improv although I think this might be an extended scene not really sure VHS tape of this movie I got is the one with the extra footage so I don't remember what was in the original film so I only saw it once I slept to an Apple here v-neck off and he kisses fit and you've got he trips that v-neck off you've got another v-neck problem is Ghostbusters isn't a movie where you point your camera at your actors and you know save funny things those are called Judd Apatow movies and usually they're about people sex relationships virginity farts [ __ ] lesbians [ __ ] hookers drinking booze swearing [ __ ] dude bros smoking pot video games taking dumps tits and so on where they're ad libs in the original Ghostbusters film probably yes I guess I don't know I'm too lazy to look into it but at some point you have to say no like this guy for example get your candy asses up on out of this piece and don't let the door hit your the is that on your way is out apparently this guy's big stand up bit in the 1980s was this stuff where he'd flip you the middle finger in many different ways go on for 15 minutes I think might be ghost oh no it's not just a bird by there's the door later days can you hear this let me turn it up but that was funny 38 years ago hey maybe this guy's gimmick was blackface in 1952 but for [ __ ] sake leave it out of the movie their part in the movie is to kick the go Buster's out of the school not indulge in some cheap pathetic and embarrassing humor sometimes an ad-lib here there is fine but not everywhere maybe I should come out adult chemistry I can come out with my own hair dye but not everywhere this Hollywood geniuses couldn't see that a square peg doesn't fit in a hole I will now go frame by frame through this is a brooder film and tell you everything and I mean everything that was done wrong number eight I ain't afraid of no joke so now we hate our characters and find them annoying and mostly aimless with the exception of Patty her character comes the closest to matching the spirit of the original Ghostbusters she has no idea what she's doing kind of wants to do the right thing but it's just along for the ride blush is the most laid-back and the funniest you are just a bundle of joy ancient you have a good day which Oh crazy ass her acting in this scene is quite good she actually looks scared and Leslie Jones is taking the tone of the scene seriously she doesn't have that ass-licking smirk on her face like everyone else wipe the [ __ ] smirk off your face this movie lacks so much confidence in itself that even the jokes it does have it ruins let me give you an example there's a joke in here that I love it's when Aaron Gilbert tells Gabe that Ed Mulgrave came to see her and then Gabe tells her that he's been dead for 15 years ed will give died 15 years ago ed Mulgrave jr. then walks into frame and the mishap is explained but that's it Sonny and jr. that's obviously what high trauma mirrors that the timing is all along it's all just way too fast and the editor needed to let it breathe a little it won't have died 15 years ago that's awesome differences what you needed was a little music sting and Mulgrave yes ed McGriff died 15 years ago a beat wherever one is silent and frightened and then paired off services but that's it son and jr. that's obviously what I well we got is abnormal entities I mean in Octavian roaming all the joking fine Jaret here saw it on Tuesday I believe it made them soil themselves huh Wow toilet I put that in a tea tree before if it was poop only he did he called me sobbing saying oh my god my pants your toes you having to keep a sample through the soiling well Laurie feels the need to fill each scene with constant comments and clips even when the characters are off-screen ADR lines are inserted to say something stupid all right ladies we got a limited window for when the next train arrives I'm telling you and don't touch the third well unless y'all little dainty ass can handle 750 votes you don't you don't usually think about the amount of urine smell that's pretty much how it's gonna be - not gonna freshen up at all [Applause] definitely got something over here isn't wood instead of burn alright at least we got a limited window for when they're not wearing right now I'm suddenly felt somehow [Music] [Music] right if his virginity was in the lost-and-found well that would mean that he lost it right like things in a lost-and-found or things that people have lost he wanted to get it out of the lost and found that would mean he wanted it back I don't think you didn't get back your virginity you're gone or it's gone it doesn't really make a lot of sense you didn't think her ad-libbed through and blurted it out and they just kept it in the movie because nobody noticed that's why I add living isn't always great do you got that bow fake action he's doing great it's like a guy from Sony in a suit is looking over the shoulders of the people making the movie and saying no one's talking no one's laughing Paul if nobody's talking nobody's laughing yeah ladies let's keep up the improv did I start saying anything regardless of context the equivalent of you've got time to lean you've got time to clean completely and totally misunderstanding the power of a well-crafted well-executed comedy another quality example or comparison is the first time each Ghostbuster team fires their proton packs in both cases they look like unprepared amateurs in the first film the Ghostbusters accidentally fire their proton throwers at a maid's cart it's funny one instead of screaming or yelling or flying against the wall or smashing things or whatever she simply says how are you doing what's even funnier are the guys responses sorry sorry I'm sorry we thought you were someone else then we're allowed to breathe and kind of soak in what just happened the concept of the proton stream being weak and pathetic and untested is pretty good it's not great but it's good Holtzman's blah blah is funny but let's see how long they give us the dwell on it a little underwhelming camp pause for a joke got to keep things moving sorry sorry I'm sorry or another good example is when paddy shows up with ecto-1 they asked her did you even check to see if there was a body in the back paddy could have just looked at the car like the thought never popped in her head okay check see there wasn't a body in the back and they all kind of stare at her and then the cut instead we get best pokey check see there wasn't a body in the back oh I don't think so I don't really know you get your shocking I mean I was in a hurry I checked the season that gas that was more important I'm told there anybody that holds me sexy like that I'm talking I can think of that oughta do specific endeavors today no longer God stop talking in the body if there's one in it hey stop dogging in this movie more is more louder and bigger is better when it's been proven that less is more and smarter and subtler is fatter do you want some coffee mr. Tully do I yes have some yes have some number nine action because there's nothing left with what little humor we had finally spent and no characters to care about the movies final desperate attempt to make us enjoy it as an over bloated and pointless action scene huh I wish I had a dime for every time I've said that you can't get swallowed up by all the technology and all that stuff you have to put that all in service of these characters so weirdly almost face it like a small movie and then just augment it with all these amazing effects oh wait I guess we're supposed to care about Kevin Kevin come inside haven't we like them nobody has Kevin man nobody ridiculous get Kevin a character they basically said was a [ __ ] Gordon louder where's Janine whereas Lewis Tully the most importantly where's Dana Barrett the Peter Venkman Dana Barrett Ark was absolutely critical in ghostbusters it added emotion and humanity and something to care about [Music] these ladies just want to save Kevin like they'd want to save their dog oh she's a dog why can't one of them have a male love interest that's not sexist and it's not like Dana Barrett was just some bimbo and distressed she applied in the [ __ ] symphony it was a totally independent and wealthy woman who lived on Central Park West so all I got here at the end of the film is that a man who was possibly [ __ ] might be in danger that there are ghosts attacking New York City our city filled with dim-witted FBI agents lazy take out guys a mayor who doesn't give a [ __ ] his kunti lying assistant Erin's colleague or boyfriend that is embarrassed by her a middle finger flipping dickwad Dean a snarky crippled skeptic through disbelieving YouTube commenters people giving dirty looks and a disobedient tagger Wow a cast of annoying cartoonish stupid people yes please save the city from the literal basement-dwelling misanthrope even the guy he works for is an [ __ ] whatever freak show just do it the script is dumber than Kevin could in the movie I've shown just a little bit of restraint you know I had a mayor that was just a mayor concerned about the danger why did he have to be a dumb ass too you know it's just a magic trick he didn't actually cut her in half no no I was there she was cutting mastic you win yeah I saw it too [ __ ] you know what it's clear that Holtzman is a lesbian let's have how about this lady the mayor's assistant instead of her being a mean [ __ ] how much is just a new assistant to the mayor she's in over her head so first day on the job or like her first week on the job or whatever her hopes been kind of hit it off in the mayor's office scene done at the end the assistant and the mayor are threatened by the ghosts doomsday plot or whatever and then maybe Holt's woman saves her I don't know give me something movie let's go now let's talk about the boring action wait before we talk about all the boring action let's talk about the TUC so I wanted it based on human real science as much as possible since I'll [ __ ] you and [ __ ] off with your real science AllShare degree that's just a bunch of crap now because this movie isn't about starting a business or has characters that we actually like there is nothing to do for two hours but to introduce us to pointless new technology that can be used plant lessly at the end to solve a pointless problem that we don't care about and the original Ghostbusters the technology was a tool Egon had a few throwaway lines about the gear but really it just sort of appeared they just made it at some point talking about it too much wasn't really necessary this movie had nothing else to do so they talked about it a lot I got some pretty cool stuff cooking up over here if you want you build with your friends and I guess in place of the traditional 1980s montage sequence of busting ghosts making money and gaining experience this movie replaces that with scenes of testing the gear in a back alley guess it's all supposed to be funny should I be laughing now mommy just got a letter ride down happy I'll bake so much judgment it's exciting a gainer look there blowed up a dirt bike and the fat one is flying tell me why I should be laughing mommy the proton pack is very similar to the lightsaber learn it's a tool to be used in service of the story not a story element unto itself essentially a joke the Ghostbusters don't know what they're doing or didn't know what they were capable of creating the very first time they use their weapons for ghost-catching equipment it's used as a point of humor the Ghostbusters rarely used their proton throwers on screen because Ghostbusters was in an action movie it was a gag film about guys who start a ghost extermination business do these guys look like action heroes to you so now at the aid of modern moviemaking magic we can watch the new Ghostbusters of action fights with ghosts or something nothing clever like choose the form of your destructor which causes ready to think of a marshmallow mascot advertisement there's something you don't see every day or interdimensional gaming dogs that disrupt a cocktail party nothing like that okay we brought the dog asking two writers who even have the smallest understanding of comedy not get why ghostbusters worked so well in the first place of these people ever seen movies over there that Jo cost uh several thousand dollars that's a federal song yeah that's rum is it front wait what's it probably throw some a Disney movie okay yeah I'm kind of a little obscure movie called The Wizard of Oz are you on the most famous movie ever made you know that's in your movie now right and you don't even know what it's from [Applause] we've kind cameos and fanservice this is a double-edged sword as we say in the underground serial killers industry the movie wanted to do its own thing but at the same time you've got to satisfy all the fans sound familiar not sure whose idea was to do all this [ __ ] what would I be bummed if I didn't see and I said going like hey you're right you know let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater what do we love and we kind of list it out we love the ecto-1 we love the logo we love the proton packs and the ghost trapped in the slime and the climber is great you know that kind of thing so then you kind of go well here's all the things that be fun to see but then we want our own original story with our original characters but what what can we do with these to kind of make them work in our origin story then cameos of the original cast are sprinkled throughout the film as if to remind you that you're not watching the first Ghostbusters movie it is also a sad reminder that the original cast will never reunite oh the only person who was right the whole time during any of this was there any Hudson when I was an yeah what I thought of the idea those before it was a done deal and I said I'm just in cannot agree with what the saying we're looking for we brought the original cast come up with your own new original [ __ ] oh maybe you did lady Eldred wow that's awesome the one who looks the most miserable is Bill Murray he wanted to hold the cane so that he had an excuse to sit down this whole scene he's got a seat everyone thinks Bill Murray is so cool well kids guess what he's not he was the only holdout of never making a third Ghostbusters movie he understood the movies the least but he held out on making a new one because of a contractual thing that allowed him to do that now this is the result it's all his fault come alone I hope you're happy stop celebrating Bill Murray he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] another Harold Ramos is dead it's all over Thanks don't even go pointing to this movie when discussing Ghostbusters three unlike Indiana Jones where you need to be young suave handsome dashing and not elderly the more pathetic old fat or crazy the ghostbusters were would make the movie even better like in the catch guys were the Ghostbusters because it's not about this it's about this trust me I'm an expert so you did it bill everyone's favorite Ghostbuster ruined Ghostbusters more than this guy I'm glad you spent all those precious years of your life while Harold Ramis was still alive voicing Garfield movies [ __ ] you it was only because I knew these girls were funny I know it's cold but it's true you know big fat blanket is right and pull down your pants [Music] number eleven the autopsy results so after nitpicking this movie apart from my comfortable internet armchair I've come to this conclusion it sucks I think the main reason was one there was an appropriate material for the specific director and to the actors took over the project what I knew I had to do was I had to allow my casts take control of the film hey we can ask for the firehouse all right well it's a great idea we don't cut right now can I offer you a Lorna Doone can I offer you a chocolate milk I didn't know they still made banana clips hey you big dummy looks ridiculous running around here you can't even change a bunch of girl there's nothing I had to allow my caste take control you know what we're all losers you'd be out trying in the world over I had to allow my caste take control I learned quite a bit listening to the commentary track I learned that screenwriter Katie Dippold seen here as the real estate agent seemed to have a slightly different vision of the final film something maybe more darker and closer and tone to the first one I also learned that Paul Feig is probably a pretty nice guy too nice in fact he kept singing the praises of everyone involved in the film and how awestruck he was and humbled by everything everywhere Bryan lourd great so I keep only by the amazing good everybody work that is amazing so there you go so you should still feel honored than the music only person I don't refer to amazing as myself yo yeah meaning yeah everything we touch is amazing isn't it he didn't seem to be like the guy who said this is how it's got to go nope can't do it like that I want it like this here is kind of like a grade school teacher in charge of a children's play they're going to cue it that the show is gone amok and that the little kids are doing whatever the [ __ ] they want that because you were pretty y-yeah ghostbusters shouldn't be a grade school play filled with adults making jokes about poo Hill and on top of that shameless product placement idiotic side characters annoying ad-libs distracting references to a better movie and generally dumb things the only thing that worked in this movie was the crew he's glad to be working they're glad to be working these people are glad to be working well maybe she isn't glad to be working you just know that these guys are thinking the same exact thing what that thing is I just can't say it be inappropriate well okay I'll just say it they're thinking this slime effect is going to look great what what were you thinking it was only because I knew these girls were fun [Applause] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 4,889,130
Rating: 4.8754058 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, best of the worst, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, Ghostbusters, Ghostbusters (2016), Plinkett review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2017
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