Half in the Bag Episode 112: Ghostbusters (2016)

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Die Hard insert picture of David Carradine

👍︎︎ 160 👤︎︎ u/Sanjayy3 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's finally arrived. The most politically divisive film of the year. A fucking Ghostbusters remake. Guess that's where we're at.

👍︎︎ 836 👤︎︎ u/notathrowaway75 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

"Do you think the editor of the trailer had some kind of beef with Sony?"

I'm in stitches.

👍︎︎ 418 👤︎︎ u/lazerbuttsguy 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit. That Die Hard joke was fucking great.

👍︎︎ 187 👤︎︎ u/TheSeaDevil 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Whenever Mike gets into the hard liquor, it's always a great episode.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/Lonestarr1337 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

Oh man, I lost it at Mike talking about the Chinese government saying the movie is witchcraft oh man

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 19 2016 🗫︎ replies

I can't tell if their enjoyment of the Dan Aykroyd crystal skull vodka is legitimate or not.

👍︎︎ 232 👤︎︎ u/Konet 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

The moment Mike said "I fucking loved it-!" I cracked up. Holy shit that was good. I honestly expected him to be serious about that.

👍︎︎ 176 👤︎︎ u/TLKv3 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

I love RLM and I was anticipating this review all week. And man it was great. Mike got pretty damn serious toward the end there and rightfully so. Maybe we can someday get a Mr. Plinkett Ghostbusters 2016?

👍︎︎ 262 👤︎︎ u/MLCMovies 📅︎︎ Jul 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
half in the bag good [ __ ] get closer oh hey my Oh new chairs yes there are different chairs so not the old chairs no no they are new chairs will things be the same or different things will be the same so just new chairs yes we will be sitting in new chairs you and I will be the same our movie review discussions will be the same just with new chairs yes new chairs new ghostbusters nope hello and welcome to half in the bag I'm Mike and I'm Jay and we just got back from seeing the new Ghostbusters movie oh hey new chairs those are nice hey it's that rich guy yeah [ __ ] I thought he was dead hey didn't you died almost you see I was floating on that giant bouncy castle way up high in the sky and there I was riddled with bullets my body was slowly bleeding to death and I was about to breathe my last breath when suddenly whatever he says it's gonna be really stupid my floating bouncy castle bumped into a UFO what he said was really stupid that's just terrible writing and the aliens took me aboard their ship they patched up all my wounds they even made me immortal they showed me a cool new way to drink beer or something with sparklers it wasn't for me well shut up did you say that you were made immortal yeah yeah I'm basically impervious to all harm now especially bullets Jay how do you kill an immortal I don't know do you think he's a vampire well he's certainly pale enough to be one mm-hmm he's just not sexy at all oh god no I can hear every word you're saying they have super hearing vampires holy [ __ ] I've reassessed my thoughts on this well if we can't kill him maybe we can make him want to die hey rich do you want to talk endlessly about the new Ghostbusters it's finally arrived the most politically divisive film of the year a [ __ ] Ghostbusters remake guess that's where we're at Mike what did you think of Ghostbusters 2016 well you guys are gonna hate me again but I loved it no I'm just [ __ ] with you it was the biggest piece I have ever seen well that's it's a bit hyperbolic Mike it's not a piece of [ __ ] it's it's a giant [ __ ] pile of garbage oh I I would say it was better than the first pixels what do we think of these ghostbusters are they to be taken seriously it is a remake almost yeah beat for me Paul Feig did not want a third one he did not want it to exist in the universe you could very easily have made this a soft reboot yeah you know Bill Murray's doing his thing you know whoever's doing characters from the original movies are still around you guys want our old equipment it's in storage it's all dusty you know it wouldn't make any difference here's this existing property and yet at the same time now we can make it our own and Katie Dippold and I were allowed to then create a new origin story for it and find the new seeds of where the various iconic things like the the ecto-1 and the proton packs on the logo and all that come from that was really fun do you think of this movie went into production after the force awakens came out and was a huge success they would have approached it differently because that's one where it's it has the same characters from the original it's sort of a passing of the baton thing and that was you know went over pretty well with people I'm wondering if if this movie just came out a look if they went into production a little bit later if they would have maybe gone that route because it was so successful with force awakens yes to answer your question yes the force awakens was masterfully done in soft rebooting a series and respecting the fans you know everyone could say man babies you know basement dwellers man shrill children whatever you want to call them but people are big fans of stuff and JJ Abrams and the crew behind making that movie knew not to [ __ ] with the fans and don't make a big pile of [ __ ] yeah or call the fans [ __ ] and [ __ ] when when they call you out on disrespecting the property JJ Abrams didn't have a vision of Star Wars that was [ __ ] terrible aside from Leslie Jones the other three actresses in the movie I think have done quality work in the past's Paul Feig has done quality work in the past's and and this doesn't this feels like pixels it feels like generic comedy made by no name director with actors just doing whatever they want but we laugh a lot and I'm sort of the worst perpetrator of ruining takes because they'll be in the middle of something and I'll burst out laughing and is ruin everything so I was a always movie further and further away from this ahead they're supposed to be scientists and yet it's when they're doing something scientific they're making goofy observations or like eating Pringles and saying stupid things and the biggest shock to me was that the most consistent performance in the movie was Leslie Jones she felt like a real person when she wasn't screaming which which was the worst stuff in the trailer is her and I was like oh [ __ ] but in the movie she's the best one she's the most likable yeah she feels like a real person most of the time this is this is why it doesn't matter if you pass the torch or not it doesn't matter what the continuity is with the old Ghostbusters these these characters don't work together and very quickly said okay these people have four very distinct comedic voices and I think these will all mesh together and then we brought them together the chemistry was just insanely good well and ultimately we don't do a lot of just straight-up comedies on half in the bag because there's only so many ways you can say it just wasn't funny but this movie it just wasn't funny let's go let's go oh sorry so I'll let you let's they dry no they pointed a camera and Paul Feig said improvise and then the cobbled scenes together there's a lot of just bad jokes well let me stop you there rich there are not jokes I mean fun it's it's very like surface-level funny it's very like okay you know isn't it I was thinking of a scene and it's Melissa McCarthy walking around and and somebody's at the door and it's the ghost trying to get in right yeah and just they're constantly talking and I was thinking of that scene when when they drop off Louis Tully at the Ghostbusters thing I have two ghostbusters firehouse right and it would be like cutting to Egon walking up to the door oh are you bringing my pizza Oh hurry up last time you brought my pizza you put too much anchovies on it made me gassy Oh oh it's the police yeah what do you got to say anything it's like they feel like they need to constantly beat at emptied essays yeah yeah and that would be okay Melissa walk up to the door but say something funny will you walk up to the door yeah get new shoes oh my bunions oh that's funny everyone sets laughing let's leave it in yeah dropping off of picking up dropping off just a moment dropping off or picking up funny that's funny it's routine they bring crazies to the Ghostbusters house we got it we don't need them just to make jokes about farting or poo and there's like they're both in the first five minutes of this there's so much poop and fart jokes in the first five minutes and it's like we don't have we are not writing comedy lines we are not writing good jokes we are not even staging the humor that line dropping off or picking up is funnier than 15 minutes of talking about pooping and farting oh and and it's it's that it's that like about fighting they're talking about queefing not sure there's a big anatomical difference seeing when it was just farts it wasn't funny but then they said it came out the front and that's when you start laughing there there was scenes that that Paul fig pointed a camera at them and said say stuff the worst example of that was Kate McKinnon I think she's a good performer and here it's like she's just unleashed Paul figs and do whatever you wants so there's no character she's just weird and mugs a lot she's doing her best fire marshal bill impression so you mentioned when you're talking about the the beats of the original movie and now this one repeats and you mentioned there's the the part of the movie where they get popular and y'all known that doesn't really happen in this movie no they go to a rock concert and then there's no escalation of them catching more ghosts anywhere else they just do that and then they're in the mayor's office this seems like you guys got to stop being so well-known it's like they made one appearance one place you have to show that you got to show these things you need them being on Larry King Live talking about Elvis speaking of Larry King Live we have here in front of us a bottle of Cristal head vodka produced by dan Aykroyd it's the best thing Dan Aykroyd's produced in 20 years disclosure we were not paid to endorse this product by Dan Aykroyd unlike all the products in the new Ghostbusters movie we'll be ordering Papa John's Pizza later Papa are you crazy he's my best customer eating Pringles and eating Pringles now this is this crystal had it's very nice apparently it's very very high-quality vodka according to dan Aykroyd okay very good well this is this is you like this is clean vodka this has no glycol a lot of lesser vodkas have IOD freeze glycol in and they put him in there for smoothness he was on Larry King Live Hawking his his uh his vodka him and Larry had a shot very nice I think it almost killed Larry King oh boy start of the ruination mm-hmm but we're gonna sample this now now we're gonna drink to Harold Ramis Harold Ramos rests in peace Harold Ramos that is a smooth vodka that is a good vodka very nice yeah yeah you know what we should do we should mix the Dan Akroyd vodka with the Ghostbusters ecto cooler all right now think tank what's the name of the drink has someone done this already I'm sure somebody has to have thought of this right if not we're coining it it's why mother Slimer that's pretty simple unfortunately we cannot find the cans so we have these tiny tiny the ghost bender okay that's pretty good one shots worth of Dan Aykroyd's crystal skull vodka and I guess one container of ecto cooler and for those of you in China you probably will not feel the urge to drink heavily after ghostbusters because you probably aren't going to be able to see it yes your communist government thinks the movies witchcraft this was the amount of [ __ ] in the originals the new Ghostbusters imagine a Twinkie 15 miles long weighing 35,000 tons that's a big flop was there anything you liked about the film let's start let's start with the silver lining here over over our our thundercloud I I liked kind of like the first Iron Man movie where there was a lot more of the the evolution of their tech than in the original movie I think I would agree with you there that I think that was the only stuff I liked it was kind of dull oh I've never I've never been so bored watching people develop ghost hunting equipment when I but they saw me put out a phony story where there were actual scientists involved in the science of Ghostbusters can we talk about Sony now they're the worst I think I think I'm starting to hate them between this and the spider-man movie and pixels and all those Adam Sandler movie the [ __ ] product placement and they're they're desperate for a hits rich rich and I were talking about this before the movie the only division of Sony that is successful right now at all is their video game stuff is the PlayStation and everything else they're just like scrambling like they wanted to make a cinematic universe out of the amazing spider-man they want to make a cinematic universe out of [ __ ] ghostbusters and everything they try just comes across as desperate the most pathetic thing was at the the post-credits scene and spoilers if you very excited about watching the post-credits scene total ripoff of the Marvel stuff yes host credit and they introduced rules even though this is a completely new universe disconnected from the first one I remember zuo lor desperate those Gosar's ol was just one of the dogs oh sure but I mean the whole goes are if that whole plot it was unimportant well you know they got that wrong and the very first thing they got on the movie wrong was the EVP it's a set for electro voice phenomenon it stands for electronic never once have I heard anyone on the planet earth say electro well you would be the expert in this you know it you know what they set up early on in this that I thought they would pay off kind of related is they're watching on TV there's like a ghost Bros type show like what is that ghost adventures with zak bagans but they they show on a TV screen there's one of those type of shows and Kristen Wiig is like these give you know paranormal investigators a bad name I thought maybe they would bring that in later and that would be an element of it like they're constantly dueling with these these ghosts bro guys it's like I would have been kind of fun to have like like phonies and I'm the real scientist having the ghost bro guys show up and get their asses kicked yeah but then the problem is that the real scientists don't act like real scientists they see ghosts and they're eating Pringles and making jokes and acting like idiots Oh what they act like characters on Nickelodeon children's science program that are wacky where the wacky scientific like the stereotypical scientist guy in a lab coat with the crazy white hair and the big glasses with the tape in the middle that's Kate McKinnon performance I just [ __ ] Harold Ramis as Egon Spengler I don't mean to keep going back to the fair because it's a Ghostbusters movie holy [ __ ] we're off the rails again we are we are not being spun we are not sponsored by Dan Aykroyd in any way but we really like this vodka mr. Aykroyd um it is very good it is good very nice yeah Bill Murray isn't it briefly he looks like he could not give a [ __ ] and he acts opposite Kristen Wiig who also looks like she could not give a [ __ ] Bill Murray comes in the room and immediately sits in a chair for the rest of his scene and I'm just thinking like that's all he wanted to do is the only way they got him to said I thought I thought initially that first the first cameo we see by Bill Murray he's on a TV program and I thought that was it I know that was gonna be I thought that was gonna be like I thought that was like a green screen in his living room they just wheeled it in Bill Murray plays a guy who wears a weird hat and has a cane who's the D bunker of paranormal stuff he's essentially the Walter Peck character who just comes around and says what are you doing I don't like you except for the Walter Peck character had major consequences he had a purpose in the story he had a purpose in the memories and he was he was right he was right he was right to want to investigate this completely you know unmonitored scientific equipment he was just doing his job working for the EPA but so yeah bill murray is that guy he's that guy but they don't he doesn't have enough scenes to complete that character now he just shows up at there they have their Ghostbusters headquarters is above Chinese restaurant bill murray shows up he's like why are you pretending to catch ghosts I guess sit down he does not try to even say anything funny he could careless I did like in that scene there backstage at the concert they're looking around for the ghosts and there's mannequins and then the mannequins start to move and Leslie Jones reacts to it as if she's scared and she's the only one in the movie to do so to ever act like these things are spectacular or amazing or scary Leslie Jones stole the movie Leslie Jones stole the movie which is the most shocking thing because she was the worst part of the trailer right she's screaming and the stuff that's in the trailer that sucks also sucks in the movie you think the editor of the trailer had some kind of beef explanation for it yeah you know quickly I saw the the disliked numbers were going up very fast and it was this thing you like I mean you know look people plenty people I'm sure didn't like it and I completely get that you can we talk about how this film started it's so bad it starts off with Gabe from the office yes and Gabe is giving a tour of a haunted mansion and a the scene is approximately 40 minutes long around and he's basically setting up this long story about how a ghost lady who stabbed people in the eighteen hundreds of locked in a basement it's a really elaborate backstory it's a very elaborate backstory which has no purpose right whatsoever he also he also started he also in the original you started subtle it was it was books flying around behind somebody yeah you don't even see the ghost in that scene you see her yelling to the camera yeah yeah and in this one it's like the floor is exploding and chairs are flying and stopping in midair they're landing in the walls oh my god no no build-up to to the ghost activity and again I keep trying to look at this as its own movie without comparing it to the original and that still fails as a scene even is separate from the original movie because of that because there's no build-up it's just slimes bubbling up from the ground the stairs are collapsing and there's no tension because we don't know who this guy is or what's happening the bad guy of this movie who by the way is a thinly veiled Ghostbusters fan is it like he's a thinly veiled fanboy yeah and shows you how much this movie absolutely hates its core audience yeah you could see it after the fact like after the trailer comes out and gets all these like horrible negative comments but while they were making the movie they weren't awright of that so it's weird to have such a yeah this is sort of undercurrent of I think they just anticipated it they just expected it everyone's gonna hate us so [ __ ] them I do want to talk about how we talk about the bad guy with his ghost devices yes this is just this is just mean one of the things I like about the Ghostbusters and I touched on this when we did the review it's it's science kind of conquering superstition it puts science up at a pedis went away your science is the villain nerds are the villain science and nerds can say it's the Ghostbusters reboot I think any comparisons to the original are completely fair yeah well I think I think we as we mentioned earlier Star Wars got it right some people don't like it but as far as bringing in new elements but still you know keeping the elements that will will ease people in from the original like that's how you do it if you have to milk these franchises which they do that's how you do it no I'm tired no no just gonna go ahead and take off how about that going to take off don't piss off the ghosts really you have a Ghostbusters it's it's it's a thing the original 1984 Ghostbusters you have your bad guys you have your ghosts yeah if your your your characters and things they say and they took it and they made like a negative bottom out of it like a film negative where it inverted everything all the way yeah the genders except for there weren't three black ladies and a white lady can't go that far it inverted inverted the genders and inverted except for Jeanine wasn't a bumbling brain-dead [ __ ] that is something I wanted to bring a sassy smart lady who didn't take [ __ ] quick better jobs than this Ghostbusters what do you want well what about this one I think you might have made a mistake I don't think that one's for us no no that's that's for you you know I just thought the floating hotdogs implies that a ghost is home your work gets more cerebral than I expected sumo and Winston Winston zetas Moore was not a sassy back talking black guy that knows the street sight knows the street was not a stereotype the fact that Winston was black was incidental yeah this whole movie is like right now we have a news our series going on that's gots you know different genders different races all working together it's not made a big deal of The Fast and the Furious movies different genders different races all working together not made a big deal of this movie they seem to be really pushing that angle the the women power thing and because they flip it in the most simplistic and dumb way it comes across as really reductive and stupid they didn't take the Leslie Jones character to the nth degree like I thought they would not based based on the trailer I was like oh no but then she turns out to be the most grounded relatable character in the film but also related to don't know why she quit her job just to randomly join the Ghostbusters though because they needed to have that beat from the original movie bad scream but but related to that that ghostly voice oh my god let's listen to see if we caught an electro voice phenomenon oh my god that's racist I can't believe they said that that's amazing there are spirits among us well what I keep saying is if you want to have people rally behind something and people are really getting behind this some people are really getting behind this as some sort of you know feminist thing why this movie this is like a corporate product that exists to sell Twinkies we got to put a lesbian feminist twist on this that's another thing Kate MacKinnon's characters she's well she's a lesbian in real life came together sure but she's officially supposed to be a lesbian Ghostbuster because she makes several passes at Kristen Wiig in the film Paul Feig said I want Kate McKinnon to be a lesbian Ghostbuster and Sony said you know why does Sony sound just like George Takei No oh yeah it's smooth that's good vodka yeah vodka people are totally gonna think respond surd bites no no no full disclosure we are not I repeat not endorsed by this product well Dana Aykroyd has a financial investment in this new Ghostbusters and we're ripping it apart so I think we're saved that's proof enough that we're not 80 proof hey guys check it out I was born to be a good buster oh good but then the bad guy ghosts he possesses Chris Hemsworth yeah and then I just need to stop you you you consistently I'll always say Chris Hemsworth Hemsworth sounds worth I'm sorry you should apologize I'm sorry Chris Hemsworth apologize to the guy named Chris Hemsworth who constantly thinks you're talking about them why is which I've been talking about me does he have mental problems is that why he's so confused about it he just drank a whole bunch damn Shepard's keep talking about me on that anything that program in the film it's a very awkward scene where possessed Chris Hemsworth is he thank you he's by the building with the ghost machine and the army comes to stop him and then I guess he's just one ghost but he possesses the entire army himself he's the power to do anything and then he makes them do this and you're waiting for the dance number to start out once all of the army and the police force are just saying this like pose like this and it never happens and it's so weird that everyone just stops to do this and they're frozen like that for the rest of the the scene which got the one laugh out of me and the whole movie is all the Army is frozen like this and then the Ghostbusters show up and they're walking through this crowd of frozen army guys like this and Leslie Jones goes why are they all like this and that made me laugh oh well that was just some mundane line of Bal I know and it made me laugh cuz it was a mundane line of dialogue you know never made me think of the original movie but I chuckled one time in the film and it was when Chris Hemsworth said can I bring the cat to work MMH and which led to some really awkward improv yeah and then ya know it was it was that what made you laugh that whole improv scene that whole exchange or he has a dog but the dog's name is Mike hats my cat so they thought he was talking about my cat but he meant my dog whose name is Mike it was so bad it was straight out of space cuz it's not just Mike had because at first he says my cat yeah right then oh he's bringing a cat no it's a dog oh it's a dog named my cat but he says no the dog's name is Mike Mike hat that's where you can see the wheel spinning from behind the camera and Paul Feig yelling no say this now but then they tied it up with a nice comedy bow when they said no the cats at my mom's house and I was like soul I don't know if that was Chris Hemsworth's brilliant brilliant [ __ ] you and some he's just started improvising jokes and the ladies looked at me like did you write that for him was like I he's off book he's going for it and who knew that he could be that funny I knew he'd be funny I didn't think it could be all areas and it was so disconnected from everything else in the film well that's how you know when the improv is happening is when the characters stop acting like the characters as written like a Kristen Wiig she's like a wet blanket through this whole movie but then there'll be a couple of exchanges between her and Melissa McCarthy where you're like okay they're just they're just you know riffing off of each other and it feels completely out of character from what the character is supposed to be or it's just it just feels like everybody doing whatever they wants will cobble something together and editing and then that's it that's just because you hate women well of course I never felt like a threat in this movie there isn't what are you talking about the entire city of New York is under attack the entire the entire threat the villain is just an excuse to [ __ ] on nerds mouth-breathing nerds that that that are the people who normally consume your product what doesn't say that they're fighting be ghostbusters logo at the end why does this movie why does this movie actually hate the Ghostbusters so much that the main villain has to be the people are pointing out specifically the moment at the end where they shoot it in the dick is like some declarative thing I anti-men thing but more so than that it is the fact that they are fighting the Ghostbusters logo but when was Ghostbusters like a testosterone-driven male thing we're not never was weird is that this turns into an action movie at the end when that's never what Ghostbusters was a bomb no it was about them like like I don't know what we're gonna do she's making it up as they go along and using some kind of science at the end to figure it out if you wanted to take a show manly-man movie and flip it Ghostbusters is not the franchise to do that right you take a Roadhouse yeah or something like that Top Gun Top Gun die hard die hard yes yeah not a movie about a bunch of schlubby exterminators that are losers right Ghostbusters doesn't end with them being awesome action stars it ends with Egon being terrified beyond the capacity for retinol what exactly Bill Murray doesn't care you gun doesn't know what to do no one else what's going on grave [ __ ] up ray [ __ ] up they're not like popped in there yeah not like doing ninja flips and whipping ghosts around with their proton packs probably this movie has no idea what it's doing well that's the thing what that's the big question if they're they're the big like push is girls should feel empowered by watching this movie if you don't like this movie you don't like females and movies as leads and all the nonsense that comes with all that but what is the ultimate point like what what are they trying to say do you not I mean the point is they're trying to sell Papa John's pizzas bus to Papa are you crazy he's my best customer I think the point is that women can be the leads of shitty comedies too but they can have the female equivalent of an Adam Sandler movie this female protagonist male protagonist I don't care as long as the movies funny I've watched many film especially science fiction films with a female protagonist alien 1979 terminator terminator ii er captain Kathryn Janeway who's now an orange is the new black she's great on that show yo [ __ ] bill the bride is [ __ ] awesome yes she is it's not break the first went down the grounding the actual framework is starting and growing a business is very much what it's about this one is there even is there even a scene where they they have the brilliant idea to start a business or is it just I mean is there something I'm forgetting they just kind of get kicked out of the college and it's like oh well I guess we're ghostbusters now for whatever reason this way call it a let's call it call it karma I believe that everything happens for a reason I believe that we were destined to get thrown out of his thumb for what purpose to go into business for ourselves there's nothing there's not that scene where the here's the idea here's our fate it's just I'm sorry my uncle owns a funeral home not an enterprise rent-a-car check to see there wasn't a body in the back that was more important so there is body protect she watched that type of stuff yeah I can think of seven good uses of the cadaver today no dr. Frankenstein we got to turn in the body if there's one in there well we're good this the thing we have to do now because this is a Ghostbusters movie and we need to you don't seem to have any sort of goal like in the original movie they have a goal and it's different for the different characters like with Egon it's very much about the science and expanding on you know yeah you know the science for Bill Murray it's about making a bunch of money because he's a scam artist and this woman and or sleeping with you know getting a chance to meet women through his company in this movie what is their goal to catch ghosts because it's called Ghostbuster I like ghosts okay to be fair Kristen Wiig wants Redemption our she wants her reputation show to be proved right she was trying to become a tenured professor and that her ghost past that seems to fall to the wayside I believe but but she's she loses that and she wants to yeah show them that there's an early in the movie that her and Melissa McCarthy have had kind of a falling out and so you think like oh that's gonna be the movie is them sort of learning to work together again or be you know mend their friendship that happens in the first 10 minutes and then it's completely ignored until the last 10 minutes when they bring it back that she goes to a stupid scene yeah because women have emotions where's that look the business growing where's that we're not getting any calls oh we're starting we're starting to run out of the cash okay this is the last of the petty cash from the last of the cash they use it in this movie to buy Papa John's papajohns.com they did focus more on like we're building this this the the Kate McKinnon character is like I'm working on this but every time her character was on screen I just wanted to kill myself because she was so so cliched as this really side she's lacking yeah we're good stuff you got Spangler and once they get the firehouse and money from selling Ray's parents house taking out a third mortgage on it all of a sudden they have proton packs and they don't show how they build them or anything they just have them I'm okay with that but if you're gonna approach a remake or reboot whatever from a different angle the tech is a good angle to take and they do a little bit of that but it's not when not when you don't believe that the characters can make the tech oh sure sure I'm just saying like if that's what they were going for that's a good angle to take sure they just failed at it yeah it's sort of like this like cruddy junky steampunky tech yeah and and it's like it's like okay I could kind of believe it but it has this this unbelievable fantastical element his head was in the clouds see he he was so focused on his science that he couldn't deal with people like people yeah that's why you believe that Egon could build a proton pod don't forget they slapped on the scene at the very end of the film where Kate McKinnon attempts to give a heartfelt toast and it's very awkward oh yeah oh yeah that was horrible that's you to come wait I hear an EVP an electro voice phenomenon it should have come did y'all hear that ghostly voice you know you know what's funny they couldn't catch one [ __ ] ghost they're the Ghostbusters and they don't manage to successfully hold on to one [ __ ] ghost in the entire film well they hold on to those they it escapes yeah the dragon goes escapes no no Kristen way let's it out well George to prove to Bill Murray that she's not a [ __ ] fraud because they said she had to prove that she was a [ __ ] idiot all women are idiots I mean she cake she proves she wanted to prove that she was not a fraud to Bill Murray because that was her care for her she's a tenure she would be tenured professor in physics she had to prove that to a man who did not want to be there yeah or a man who she could care less about em friends friends here's what should have happened put Bill Murray in a different role have Charles dance come in place of the Bill Murray character this is an order that's been established earlier in the film that that comes back and then gets his comeuppance except hurrying over Kristen Wiig Kristen Wiig I am here to tell you that officially we are firing you from your position we took a leave of absence but we are firing you because of your kooky beliefs and ghosts [ __ ] you ghost boom out the window yeah comeuppance although technically that would make our character setup Pacey would be in like a killer there would be it maybe it was an accident oh she thought it was just gonna spook him and then it pushed him out the window or plebian your he says there is no ghost in that trap Friday Kristen Wiig you're crazy you know there's no ghost in that trip you're a fraud no no Charles dance don't hit it don't hit it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait I think there's an electronic voice electro electro voice phenomenon coming on do you guys hear it let's listen to the audio tape what an odd product placement of Pringles I guess they needed it no one's thought of Pringles in like 20 years yeah now they picked they picked Pringles because it's a it's the most feminine product because it very vitiate very SH the shape of it simulates a maxi pad and Paul Feig said that's a product for women that's a chip for women so Mike would you recommend Ghostbusters well Jay and rich I would say stay far away from this film it's not funny which is its biggest detriment you think everyone was touting the comedic talents of Kate McKinnon Kristen Wiig Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy but when put in this theatrical disaster are horribly unfunny it's juvenile it's tasteless it's dumb it's forced it's disgusting and most of all it's pathetic and desperate and that's they feel bad I would say you should not feel bad for not liking this movie for not wanting to see this movie you have nothing to feel bad about it's a shitty comedy given four months and Ghostbusters will now only refer to the 1984 Ghostbusters you're not gonna have to distinguish I would agree with you if it wasn't for all the controversy that's the only thing separating and that's the thing too is like months and months of people arguing online back and forth about this movie was all in service of a completely forgettable Bland's remake congratulations Internet you wasted your time is this a remake of the old Ghostbusters with the monkey in it it took you this long to get there well guys I think we should get back to work how about some sandwiches you buy I'll fly yeah fly off a bridge hopefully oh that's a [ __ ] great one sure why not I'm immortal [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't wait to outlive you guys so I can take over this business you know according to this magazine the VCR industry is about to boom baby richer magazines from 1982 what who's the idiot now yeah oh [ __ ] hey J you know what I hated most about the new Ghostbusters movie is the fact that there were all women
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 4,390,352
Rating: 4.9052329 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, half in the bag, plinkett, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, ghostbusters, paul feig, melissa mccarthy, kristin wiig, kate mckinnon, leslie jones, bill murray, dan aykroyd, harold ramis, ernie hudson
Id: HUEKreyTkvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2016
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