Star Trek Discovery Season 2 - re:View

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Haven't watched the video yet but that is quite possibly the best thumbnail on YouTube.

👍︎︎ 421 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

RedLetterMedia: Hits one million subscribers.

Mike: Better make a Star Trek video.

👍︎︎ 412 👤︎︎ u/Caps4NukaCola 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

i can't believe the science and math lines were actually on the show... oh god

👍︎︎ 378 👤︎︎ u/gan640 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

In a fictional world where society, culture, and politics are inseparable from the technology, and where that technology often plays important roles in the story, you can't just make shit up. You at least have to do what the old series did and get people to consult the writers so that the physics were plausible, if outlandish. The entirety of Star Trek exists because some guy invented a machine and made aliens interested in Earth.

But Star Trek is dead, so it doesn't matter.

👍︎︎ 113 👤︎︎ u/GrandMoffMerkin 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

So you remember when the future cavemen learned how to fly fighters at the end of Battlefield Earth and it was possibly the dumbest thing anyone could come up with?


👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/Firsty_Blood 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Mike talking about Star Trek!? I would watch 200 episodes of those.

👍︎︎ 142 👤︎︎ u/LeatherSeason 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Just imagine Leonard Nimoy as Spock saying "I like science". I don't think he'd even be able to keep a straight face.

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/Motherdragon64 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

The female alien Mike thought was like a Benzite is actually a Barzan, a race from the TNG episode featuring the park ranger from Little Bigfoot.

I hope Mike was fired for not knowing this.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/ParlHillAddict 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm going to make a wild guess from that thumbnail that Rich Evans didnt like it.

👍︎︎ 171 👤︎︎ u/BattleUpSaber 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
why did we watch season 2 star trek discovery what what is it with you why are you such a madman I wasn't going to touch the show again and then you send me a text he called me because it's getting better it says for a while until it didn't [Music] and I wanted to get something right out of the way out of the bat we we did our little video making fun of a scene from Star Trek discovery season 2 and the point of it was not to parody all the elements of the season which people were like you should do more camerawork you should have this kind of thing now we were just making fun of a very specific element which I wanted to talk about in this review which was the terrible writing uh-huh yeah perfect now we just have to build the problem of the Klingon time crystals being out of phase with our universes quantum resonance no problem I like science to suffer your mother from her space time requires the energy equivalent of a supernova the dark matter particles we may be able to modify a transporter enhancer with dark matter yes to pierce the time stream long enough to lock on dr. Burnham and aim her into our space-time I like science and everybody coming up with these outlandish nonsensical we're gonna shoot through a black hole we're gonna throw a black hole at a planet and have a supernova occur and it's sucking the power of a supernova and then it's like the writers are patting themselves on the back they're paying lip service to the concept of science but they don't care or understand I'm gonna say that Star Trek discovery is the dumbest written show on television and that in the twilight zone it'll only take about five minutes now this is the power of math but I wanted to bring that up because that was the point of our little thing we do so one thing led to another it's like I was gonna just read my sample script here and then I was like well why don't we shoot something you know Jay and I did something similar for half of the bag when we reviewed the mummy where there was like a kind of a cliche thing that kept happening yeah in that movie in those kinds of movies and we shot a little quick recreation hey you know this area's off-limits talk to the judge this is my crimes so I was like okay I have the script why don't we do a recreation why don't we build a set and I why don't we get some Star Trek discovery uniforms so we weren't trying to parody the entire season or every element of Star Trek discovery very specifically the stupid dialogue the stupidly written techno battle followed by the writers going science [ __ ] yeah like it's literally makes my skin crawl what I paid attention in science school now this is the power of math your layman is gonna look at this and say but they had technobabble on TNG within each disturbance it appears the time is moving at a different rate it sounds as if something has shattered the space-time continuum here's the thing start like it's not just Star Trek either I think it's like science fiction in general lately but like it used to be the domain of nerds people who actually loved science and science fiction and now nerd culture has kind of been taken over by the jocks is it's it's like in like Star Trek 2009 when Spock sees the planet blow-up from an entirely different planet and it's like whoever wrote that didn't give a [ __ ] that it's complete nonsense that you should be able to see another planet think it's right there what okay no more like like in Discovery season two what the [ __ ] is Lightspeed they're seeing these signals from the other side of the [ __ ] galaxy instantly transmission is to face determine the exact coordinates yes they ignore light light speed and if your nerd that's a basic [ __ ] fundamental thing of physics if you want to get around light speed you need to pull something out of your ass subspace or warp in in Discovery just not so they turn the light on the other side of the galaxy I can see it there it is they just turned it on right instantaneous it's also what angers me and this got started by JJ Abrams Kurtzman Abrams & Co they warp right into whatever the [ __ ] is going on with no like time to react you know I mean it's like well we're going to this area where there's a battle okay here's a battle oh my god can you stop a couple of thousand hundred thousand kilometers away it kind of assess the situation and then move in you have to stop on a dime in the middle of the battle or debris that's flying in your face you know what I mean yes it's it's more exciting but it's more stupid look Mike we could talk about thoughtful interesting science fiction all day but we have to talk about Star Trek discovery which is about a time-traveling AI that wants the magic information from a giant ball so it can destroy all life in the universe I I think the number of people who want science fiction to be dumb explosions in space vastly outnumber the number of people who like classic Star Trek why did the JJ Abrams movies fizzle out and why did they cancel four if you go balls in with big explosions big concepts big things too fast you burn it out too quickly I've always maintained that and that's exactly what happened with the JJ Abrams movies they just went just blowing planets up yeah like just the craziest like villain of the week this is good this thing is gonna you know what was what was a Idris Elba's plan and the third one do you even remember [Music] stuff like that those kind of stories when they're so epic and scale burn out too quickly [Music] that's Star Trek discovery in a nutshell I don't see it going past season three I'm surprised it's going past season two you don't have that longevity invested in your audience it's going to go away they're going to turn to something else quickly do you expect classic Star Trek to ever come back no or once the dumb people go away do you think the bean counters just gonna say uh I don't know see for a second I was like kind of interested in the Picard series because I was I was not and I never was because Alex Kurtzman is in charge the man who wrote the amazing spider-man 2 is in charge so they say the new Picard show is not going to be about action and exploding planets it's don't believe them oh that's an interesting take on it if it's not about blowing up planets then it's gonna be about some kind of soap opera melodrama you are my family I was like okay if they if they take the card and they kind of do this like small you know well-written drama about kind of his end of his life and career and maybe finding purpose and all this all these kind of themes that you would do with a 97 year old man it might be good I'd be okay with no explosions you're right it's either going to go oh god the first two episodes nobody likes them pull him out into space he's got to command a battle fleet the Borg are coming back Muse back you know they'll just bring it all back bring it all back and that was happened that's happened with discovery remember I said they're gonna pull out Spock bring out Spock I'm sorry this is my son Spock how does Spock get along with his adopted sister they're gonna pull out all the cards for Picard send him off of the Borg who wants revenge on the Borg and he's gonna have to fight 50 Borg cubes Oh what was her idea where he had spaceship hands yeah spaceship hands where he's out in space in a spacesuit and there's like there's like Borg ships eyes like spaceships that are in the shape of fists they have like thousands of little windows on them and stuff and there there's a tiny little little hole and the back for him to put his hands it goes like this any aspasie pans I think no and he goes like this what up speed any punches board cubes at warp speed with spaceship hands I think he's gonna be floating out there in space the space shoot and then the Borg ships are gonna show up and then he's just gonna say reconfigure and then like the Star Trek Enterprise is gonna like form around him into the shape of a giant robot and then he's gonna just start punching Borg dudes okay that's right that's a little little that's a little boring for audiences can we make it more exciting can he throw a Sun at them yes but yeah in the trailer yeah you have not seen the trailer no I haven't have you heard anything about it I heard it exists but I don't have any faith that the show is going to be good so I haven't even bothered objectors guess where they primarily shoot and show images images from in the trailer where the Picard vineyard yeah okay so I mean everyone on the internet was like oh you guys predicted the future is like suck now that's the is this some obvious things you can do and we picked up on some of that that's the obvious place you've started we're not taking credit for that you stole our idea we're not psychics whatever it's it's not the last time we saw up a card it's the last time we saw Picard I don't consider any of the films canon Star Trek nemesis was not the last time we saw the card it was it was all good things you think was bad wait wait until the the Borg cube carrying the formula that will allow you to take over the universe crashes on a Sun so Picard has to lead an away team down on the Sun to find the wreckage of the ship but before the five minutes before they land on the Sun they have to build solar proof suits yes to withstand temperatures of 10,000 degrees nobody will even mention gravity all right the Sun once they're on the surface of the Sun in their their Sun proof suits it'll just be ignored the fact that the gravity would crush them yeah we're getting too close to that would just crush them or kill them radiation in there India but they have magic suits and there probably is no surface of a Sun to walk on it's just a giant explosion that just keeps happening that's basically what's a Sutton is so that it's a semi-permanent explosion but Picard is gonna land a shuttle on it and get out and then figure out a way to throw it at a board cube I think we've gone off topic we're supposed to be talking about Star Trek discovery [Music] so let's talk about Star Trek discovery season two let's do that where do you want out where do you want to start well we all remember season 1 ended when the Star Trek discovery was meeting up with the enterprise yeah it's registry number is NCC I get it and Captain Pike is is commanding because this takes place 10 years before the original series currently commanding the enterprise his number 1 formerly played by Michelle Barret the ship's most experienced officer here covering us of course now played by Rebecca romaine yeah famously played the blue lady from the x-men and the original x-men films she's good I wanted to see more number one she's in like 5 seconds of this show I'm glad you came sorry can't stand instead we get the lady with the headgear on yeah YUM mrs. yum-yum kind of like an AI sausage ooh you know what was she what was she a Benz 8 or what well they they looked much different though I just wanted to know if you knew what I was talking I know what you're talking about your credentials are intact there is a Benz ID in his training at the Starfleet Academy yeah but was they had to go through the fake scenario when he thought he was rescuing people from an explosion it was just a test several seasons later but Wesley runs into insight you are so desperate to not talk I know you're stalling Mike I want to say his name was Mourdock Murdock what are you doing here you couldn't have graduated the Academy already I'm gonna pull clips here because more dock and then more dock was the name that of the guy who he was in school with in the advanced bike Academy class yeah and then he goes Mourdock no I'm I'm I'm endar I am NOT Murdock I amend on and he's like you all you people look the same to me wasn't the other episode the one where Ryker was in the exchange program for the Klingons and he analyzed the the bacteria on the ship but he didn't say anything because it wasn't in his his cultures policy to do that there was a microbe eating away the hull of the Klingon bird-of-prey can I say this Pike is delightful he is cuz cuz and I feel you know what sad that I have to feel bad that he's a delightful character but he's got it so star he's a Star Trek yeah but you know what too though when Burnham is with Pike they kind of fall into the Kirk Spock relationship mhm and and Burnham works better with Pike Burnham is not insufferable in this season right and I don't know if it's because of her contrasting with Pike or just because we've got enough distance from her absolute disastrous first impressions yes she's got the Worf backstory basically yes Noland right from Worf Worf was a war orphan whose parents were killed and he was adopted by elderly Russian people yes so he was raised by a different culture Burnham same thing and so Worf has that dynamic when they tried to do that with Burnham it didn't quite work Worf Worf comes from a warrior race but he's with these these cushy humans who have this comfortable starship and they don't like to murder each other Burnham is the same thing but essentially that's kind of what Spock was so it's like why are you doing that again well part of the problem too is just Vulcans as characters tend to come off as smug a somewhat unprofessional attitude however I've come to expect a lack of professionalism and efficiency on star bases run by human officers and they're naturally unlikable and I don't know why you'd saddled your new protagonist with that character trait which is why she does not work as the lead she works as more as a secondary yeah her and pike complement each other in the same way kirk and spock complemented each other and so they had a great dynamic yeah three of them did and that's what made those characters work so spark as a protagonist would not have worked exactly yeah that's why Burnham didn't work as the lead yeah you had you had Lorca in season one who was you know he was cold and weird and an odd but he's not clearly not your protagonist clearly there's something wrong with he was ominous ominous yes he wasn't likeable so yeah they were hinging everything and burned him being likeable and she wasn't likeable the very nature of her character was unlikable so the show kicks off Pike takes over they say seven red signals appeared in the galaxy at one time which never they never explained that they never explained that why that happened it was just so they could all have a number seven we have like a sloppy writing account on the screen because the theme of Star Trek discovery season two is sloppy writing where the writers introduce something and then it never pays off ever what's very apparent that they came up with this idea of seven red signals and then kind of started writing the show and then I forgot about it my assumption is there was like three different show runners this season well yeah yeah there was a lot of shake-up behind the scenes I just assume that somebody at some point had some idea what they were doing and then somebody else took over and didn't know what the plan was and just dropped the ball probably not you know the phrase too many cooks yeah we we actually recorded ourselves watching this two-parter you me and Jay and I've always joked off-camera that Star Trek discoveries the producer show because when you watch the intro you know you rifle through the cast real quick and then 80% of the the intros producer names yeah here there were I think 21 producer credits there's a lot one two three four five six seven eight [Music] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh my god so the seven red signals they show up and they vanish for one second and that's never explained Starfleet thinks this is the most important thing that they can focus on I don't know why getting to the bottom of these signals is of utmost importance to the Federation oh I know why why because it was never explained cuz it was never explained okay so the enterprise as they're investigating the red signals it gets damaged like severely it suffers a catastrophic failure we don't know why it's suffered a catastrophic failure we don't know what the catastrophic failure was we don't know who did it we we don't know precisely winner we don't have any of the questions it has never addressed what the [ __ ] happened to the enterprise it seemed like a thing to get Pike on board discovery but it also seemed somewhat important it wasn't just like the enterprise is going into dock to get some repair work done I've been called away to command the ship because I'm the guy who in the area has the most experience I'm gonna take over and you guys don't have a captain because your last captain was a secret [ __ ] that's all they had to do yeah but but it seemed I agree with you it seemed like it had a major plot thread being development should have if you say the most advanced [ __ ] ship we have was taken out while investigating the seven red signals and once you get to the finale that makes no sense because we know Michael Burnham is responsible for the seven red signals what did she take out the [ __ ] other prize maybe she did in order to get Pike on board so that Pike could touch the magic time crystal and bring it to the discovery so that they could build the time suit to repeat the causality loop so that they could escape the battle into the future even though while they are about to enter the vortex of the future they defeat the primary bad guy and could easily abort the mission so we are literally two minutes into season two and nothing makes any [ __ ] sense and it never will make since they do a full-on like Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure of kinda I got to go back in time and and place things around in order to make the story work at the end but what what they did was it I mean it was just so like unimaginably bad because okay we'll talk about the the handful of episodes early on in the seat in the season that felt like Star Trek um yes there's the open air which did not wear the first red signal was the Dark Matter asteroid which was like okay they find Jett Reno played by TIG Notaro on a spaceship and they bring her on board and they get a piece of a Dark Matter asteroid which does not obey the laws of physics and they have it then that episode adds the the next signal brings them we introduced like a big part of that first episodes introducing Jed Reno she doesn't show up again for like four more episodes right like I was shocked she was still around TIG Notaro probably like Star Trek and wanted to be on the show if you make a big deal out of introducing her you think she should be in some of the episodes right after that rather than having her just vanish for half the season something there's four or five episodes I think we both agree New Eden and the sounds of thunder felt very Star Trek II yeah New Eden was a red signal of course takes us to this planet what's on the planet zoom in oh gosh there's a church and people farming and and for the most part like all the original series episodes when they go down to a planet there's like Old West town every episode of somehow looks like earth of the 20th century that's why I felt so throwback II was like oh we're gonna go down to this planet there's people farming there's a church the agriculture it's at Oh what are you guys doing here and then Oh prime directive is brought up you know that sort of stuff and it's a classic prime directive episode where there's a issue and two characters are on either side of what to do about it and they they debate with one another and then something happens and there's mmm yeah same with the sound of thunder which is the caminar episode when they go back to Cyril Cyril I will say I plan to say Sybok which which that episode is just a perfect example of why the prime directive is a thing because they almost accidentally commit genocide but that they go back to the Sorrows planet and they realized that sorrows race is basically being I don't know and I not enslave cold yeah something something but by a super technologically advanced part of their society and then they go through the history which was like hey this is Star Trek II yeah Oh Oh God a thousand ten thousand years ago sorrows race was the dominant one that oh god it's been going back and forth for millennia okay all right Shyne I still your tongue some of you are the Federation's puppet there suck a lot of leftover stuff from season one they had to deal with the Klingons stuff I wish was it's tied in with ash Tyler - Tyler I I thought it was gonna go off with the section 31 people and just they're gonna do their show but apparently they all come back in this but it's like they deal with larell the Klingon Chancellor who became the Klingon Chancellor because she had the iPad that controlled the bomb that would blow up the Klingon homeworld that's how she was the Chancellor do you remember this yeah ash Tyler is her lover who's on the Klingon homeworld and then her brother-in-law discovers she had a secret love child with Volk whoa the albino Klingon who was merged into ash Tyler or was never clear on this can you can you clear this up for sure was ash Tyler that he exists before vote where they two people merged into one or was vote just transformed and ash Tyler is a complete fiction vote yes the latter Alkesh I think vote was put into a hospital and they ripped all the skin off and they shaved his bones down and yeah they did all sorts of like virtually impossible even in science fiction surgeries to make him look like a human [Applause] and then they brainwashed him into thinking he was a human yes almost like what does it call to any of a spy that's Oh God a sleeper agent yes sleeper agent yeah to where it's like this trigger word yeah brainwash to the point where a trigger word will what kind of like that episode where Geordi LaForge it is corrupted by the Romulans what he when he's on a shark raft by himself going to uh was it Raisa for a conventional I don't remember something hey what's the weather like on rising and he's just playing games with the computer and a Romulan warbird appears and they take him and they brainwash him to to commit an assassination on a Klingon to in order to you know Romulan plotting yeah and and he's walking around and then when that that trigger happens I'm [ __ ] Geordi LaForge DSS and I don't know what I'm doing then they figure it out the last minute Picard grabs the space and it shoots up in the ceiling like stop having fun we had talked about Tyler I'm gonna I'm gonna nitpick here does the this is the timeline here make any sense no cuz discovery season two picks up right or season one left off they just got out of there their little Klingon homeworld adventure and now we're gonna get our new captain and it seems like two or three years have gone by in this Klingon episode what it can't be any more than a week it's like the hair is all three feet long now and this political situation seems like something that's been happening you're right yes it does feel like the next year yeah much like a season of a regular TV show was it thought-out no because the season specifically starts off literally right we're season 1 ended yeah they even have time to design and present the new d7 battle cruiser they have something much better which is a ship 500 times larell is in charge of the empire with her ipad finger on the ipad you got a dead man's trigger on an ipad that will blow up a bomb inside the Klingon homeworld that the federation planted all the Klingons are okay with this except for old man who's her second cousin who says I know you had a lovechild with Volk and I'm keeping the lovechild in this little room and I'm holding it as a hostage or as ransom kind of like you better do what I say or I'm gonna kill this baby I think that's what happened and then I'm gonna if you don't if you don't like step down as the Empress and so then she stands in front of all the Klingons and has a like a rubber head of the ash Tyler and a baby head and says [ __ ] both of these people you could call me mother I'm the head of the Klingon Empire end of episode yeah the red signal appeared right did it appear there yes I don't remember well it appears so that they could go to the klingon moon that has the klingon time crystals and then the rels there and the rels influence get spike to go down there okay so that is is why that red signal happened there so that they could get the but in later episodes wasn't the enterprise waiting for that signal to show up yet I don't know if your if you're going to go with the logic of the season that Michael Burnham used the time suit to fly around and place red signals so that all these events kind of unfold the event is that I guess they could get the time crystals so that she could eventually build her own time travel suit but also so that larell will somehow know to show up at the final battle with a gigantic Klingon ship even though no one ever told her to do that that's the Michael Burnham went and and let the red single every no oh god the whole that last episode is just nobody put any thought into the season and we have to pull up any flimsy excuse we can think of to tie this all together because the only purpose of the red signal / sorrows homeworld is so that these farmers who've never seen a spaceship before can show up in the spaceships to fight the enemy even though they have a hundred thousand shuttlecraft somehow about that battle a stupid mic we haven't even talked about Spock yet it's true we haven't even gotten to Spock and you want to talk about the final [ __ ] well I'm it's it's a very very impossible puzzle to make sense of and I think that's the point that we're trying to make here people of I would say moderate to average intelligence you and I we watch something like this and we go what and then there are people down the IQ scale who watch this who don't retain information who just absorb oh look at that shot so dramatic so Germany love each other oh gosh there oh it's so emotional throw the word faith what did that costume you think Spock discovers what his faith is your faith in us when we say faith we're not necessarily talking about God your faith in yourself [Music] faith oh gosh it's so heavy it's so thoughtful it's so emotional and it's not you specifically in a religious sense it is for pike and and certain characters but in other ways it's like I have faith in you yeah Burnham and Spock and they trust and and and it it's all like it's all the [ __ ] surface level the ship that floats up to the surface it's all gloss it's all glitz and it's no depth yeah it's a soap opera of garbage and and there are people out there that will will eat that up and not really understand why when you what we're trying to do is essentially grasping at straws the first meeting I give so much credit and respect to the writers because I love what they did with this story Spock being framed for no reason section 31 framed him for white because they wanted him to be locked into a mental institution so that they could kidnap him because rumor he escaped from them do they really need to frame him for murder to do that no it was just plot device early on that was forgotten exactly yes like like Leland is the one who has him framed for murder right but Leland hasn't been infected by the evil AI from the future yet so he just randomly decided to do an evil thing to be evil it was mysterious wise Spock in a mental institution why is he framed for murder but if you're going to introduce a mystery it should have a satisfying payoff and not hey why don't we just introduce a mystery what am I talking what's the solution of the mystery I don't know just introduce a mystery that'd be fun um they go back to Talos for and the televisions are there and the ladies there and all that stuff they have to physically play clips from the cage look is there current people who like discovery don't know they've never [ __ ] seen Lee I get it I get it um so that they do that and the two lotions are the ones that can magically cure spock's scrambled brain Spock's Spock's gone Loco he's all he's all scrambled up in the brain because the Red Angel goes back and well the Red Angel had gave Spock the visions I think was Fox Burnham's mother oh she yes you're right she chose Spock because Spock is both intelligent from being Vulcan and half-human and has that emotional side but is also so smart he could decipher the signals and also was dyslexic that played into it somehow to it be cool if this happened and they don't know what they don't know where they're going with it that's that's the season in a [ __ ] nutshell this would be cool well how's it play out I don't know he could get put into a frame for murder but by Holograms by a by a fraudulent security camera image of Holograms of Spock committing murder by section 31 so that section 31 could then make it look like Spock had escaped the mental institution but really they stole him Oh cuz they remember they had him in a chair and they're like we're gonna get into your brain and drill into your brain and find out all the secrets about the red signals I think that the the real simple explanation was that section 31 was also investigating the red signals as at the same time but why frame Spock for murder after he already escaped and make these people who are just unconscious dead why do that well he wanted he went to his mother's on Vulcan with Michael Burnham and them the mother took him into a secret cave yeah where they communicated with the co cave with the anti-mind-reading crystals when you say it it is so believable it's not so credible that's right under Spock's house the anti-mind-reading crystal cave I'm Sarah come son what are you i what are you doing what is I said remember when ash Tyler had a secret recording device planted in his face paint oh yeah so Mike Michael Burnham she she sends out the the red signals to stop the evil AI from the future from getting the information to turn itself into the evil AI from the future right yes the data ok the sphere the reason the evil AI from the future gets into the past is because it followed its way through one of the red signals light and shadows discovery is confronted by a time anomaly while researching the red angel signal over caminar Pike and Tyler investigate the anomaly in a shuttlecraft sending a probe into it there soon attacked by that same probe now upgraded with future technology which uses their their shuttles computer system to secretly infect areum which is the robot lady but the time when I'm so the time anomaly wasn't created by the red angel suit no the red signal does not create the time anomaly that's a different time anomaly that coincidentally quits identity occurred over the same planet where they just had their adventure yes because remember there's all that there's all the the asteroids floating around okay and they used the dark matter asteroid - the dark matter asteroid that they only had because Michael Burnham sent out the red signal so that they get the star asteroid so they could use the asteroid to save sparrows people so that sorrows' people could show up with spaceships farmers with spaceships so they could make no difference in the final battle right you fight alone we were on our way when one of your crew hailed us to unify our efforts but but here's the thing they went to caminar because it shows so [ __ ] much they went to caminar because of the red signal where they encountered the time anomaly that they investigated with a probe that went into the timeout and anomaly and came back out with the evil AI so you're right if Burnham didn't send them to caminar the entire cycle would have wouldn't have happened well the it's it's just something that they forgot about their everything forgot about everything one important thing to mention is New Eden the New Eden storyline which is like the second or third episode remember the Red Angel for some reason went back to World War 3 and saved a bunch of people in a church and brought them to a remote planet on the other side of the galaxy it was so those are so they would have a base to stay on when they go to the future permanently yeah yeah but is the Church and all those people still gonna be there nine hundred years from now or is it maybe it'll be an advanced city and they could just live in that city but really if you're gonna go why did the enterprise why did the discovery have to go there with the red signal what did that have to do I go back to the world war 3 and save a bunch of people in a church as the Red Angel no reason because they wrote that episode and it didn't make sense at the end so they just said forget it they went they went and what could wouldn't any m-class planet do as setting up a base why that specific one wouldn't that be a red flag like that was war one of the red signals was AI maybe they're there why not go to just some [ __ ] random m-class planet in the galaxy and set up base there and why do they even need to set up a base if Philippa Giorgio's killed the AI by magnetizing it to the floor yum yum they're hoping that when you watch an episode by the time you watch the next episode you don't remember anything about what happened before but here's the thing you've got 14 episodes plan out your season mm-hmm how hard is that don't wing it don't [ __ ] wing it and have no idea what you're doing or where you're going with your season long arc especially when you set up a complicated mystery from the beginning you need to know what the end of that mystery is before you start filming your show not plant like I don't think you could say this was planned out at all it doesn't seem that way the way everything is so [ __ ] slapped together at the end it's and it's glossed over with with big bombastic scenes of action and music and drama in there I love you and Spock don't leave me you're my best friend there's nonsense by that person who seems farthest from you they reach for them each of them guide you and we want to have a big battle so now the enterprise apparently has 1,000 fighter craft stationed aboard it somehow they have it's like TNG sized like shuttlecraft and each ship has 10,000 of them I like laughed out loud then enterprise-d had like like eight shuttlecraft you know what I mean and somehow discovery and enterprise have have like a thousand shuttlecraft which which is more mass than the ship itself ah jesus [ __ ] christ that [ __ ] door had [ __ ] close the blast door it's gonna close the blast door manually because they didn't think to put a handle on the other side of the [ __ ] blast door what if we transfer the antimatter to antimatter pause too risky you sure you can't reprogram the guidance system they couldn't [ __ ] Beamer out and what is it with a blast door all the ships have force fields that that how the [ __ ] is that blast door gonna stop the [ __ ] rest of the ship from blowing up it's a [ __ ] door and giant [ __ ] torpedo that that that particular scene encapsulate s-- Star Trek both Star Trek knowledge and dumb action movie it's as the perfect merging of both the scene is this for some reason and this happened in Star Trek Voyager by the way and undetonated torpedo lodged itself into a ship into the Voyager and oh that's how to vote got blinded this is in year of Hell okay okay you remember that great two-parter there's also a time-travel episode but the the the this happens torpedo lens in the enterprise's Hall right and kind of front part and they say if it blows up it's gonna blow up the entire bridge saucer section most of it but if they close a blast door right right next to it it will not do that close the [ __ ] door or close the blast or the close the blast it's basically I think a wait for that actress to get the [ __ ] off the show I've only sided for two seasons I'm out okay well we got to kill you how about a control panel blows up in her face and she dies not dramatic enough she's got a self sacrifice herself long the can she just not be in season three so they closed the blast door and Pikes are standing there looking through glass that transparent aluminum held back that [ __ ] antimatter torpedo right I'm just gonna stare with with my naked eyes at a matter antimatter explosion at least two of Ocwen [ __ ] blind from it probably what would happen but Mike it's so emotional sure it's so much that was self-sacrifice self-sacrifice is always emotional she threw herself from the proverbial grenade essentially and that's the end of Cornwall so now discovery even though they were flying and that was the thing we were screaming at this at the screen was they've defeated the evil AI transmitted a signal that they don't have to go into the vortex then why're we still flop what why the evil AI at this particular moment in time is no longer going to pursue that data there is now no reason for them to strand themselves nine hundred years in the future yes they do not have to do that anymore the day has been won Michael Burnham can flip the off switch on her red angel suit I mean they could have thrown a line in there that says the process has been started the gravitational pull is too strong were stuck well no because you need the heroic shot of them sacrificing themselves when there's no need to sacrifice themselves well what are their numbers what does their ratings and you know you can't trust TV reviews either because a lot of times television reviews don't review the entire season they watch a handful of episodes upfront yeah and then kind of write a review it's like The Twilight Zone we watched that you watched the whole season as did i with twilight zone they front-loaded the season with the better episodes then it just [ __ ] dropped like a rock the the quality yeah and you know you your reviews are basically like well episode one two and three this this and this and this has potential it's pretty good yeah and then you know you you don't see a season review like same with Star Trek discovery the first couple episodes very action-packed you know exciting they're flying around the things yeah take the tarot shows up everybody loves taking the Tarot and okay yeah this is this isn't too bad certified fresh' you know walk further down the hallway to where the building starts falling apart and so so yeah there's that and so like I'm what I'm what I'm trying to say is does the the positive you know surface level it's positive Oh reviewers say it's good there's Twitter feeds every but says it's emotional does that reflect hard numbers and subscribers view counts you know is it making money is it is the expense of the show out weighing how much money it's bringing in from subscriptions so CBS all access and all that so I don't know right right that all that information is a private so you never know and if it's if they're going with if they're bleeding money they might be and they're saying well we're going into production of season three even though we're bleeding money because we don't want to raise red flags for these five other series that we've started and we think that those will be better we think Picard will do better we think lower decks will do better you know we think these these different properties will do better but we don't want to cancel season three or discovery because that'll raise red flags right so we're bleeding money over here in the hopes that we can recoup money over here who knows is I really possible I can't watch any more of this minh thats a shame too because I like the cast the actors you can't blame them and then you look at these sets and the visual effects and the production quality and you just noticed hundreds of thousands of man-hours of building sets computer animation the ships look great the visual effects that [ __ ] great show looks like a movie the heart of the show the brains the core of the show is the writing and is the story all the other elements are there but you have Alex Kurtzman like marching it into a grave you have scatterbrains and and no one behind the wheel of plotting out this season you just throw just throwing out ideas with no thought just ah what about this and I'm not gonna think through what not this I'm not gonna think it's Ravis be meat yeah you could throw out crazy ideas left and right before you start writing they threw out crazy ideas and just wrote them into script yes started filming yes and then they get to the end and they're like we have seven web signals we've only done three of them what do we do Michael Burnham flies around and does them all but hello how do we work in the Saru planet why was that writing a door they need fighter planes show up let his short ribs to start shooting at things if they didn't have any shuttlecrafts and then the caminar showed up like having co-opted the technology of the evil aliens that suppressed them and and they fought the battle they would have made some sense yeah like oh god we've our phaser phasers twos down phased it through but folks we're out of photon torpedoes what are we doing on oh no here comes caman ours Saru taught his sister and all of her friends how to learn this alien technology this super advanced to our own they're gonna help in the battle yeah but she shows us that they've 40,000 fighter crafts and she shows up at six and he's fine I'm gonna help at what what it's like like what the you can't think about anything there's so much I know I know it's it's really hard because you and I analyze things we overanalyze stuff we look at stuff it's literally like smoke should be coming out of my ears and then trying to explain this and break it down so it makes sense to people I mean I hope that god someone who's watching this video has watched the season uh-huh it could kind of understand what we're talking about or else this is just gibberish gibberish because let's show ya the show was literally gibberish and nothing really makes a lot of sense it's it's it's emotional gloss over nonsense yes yes and then and I think that's where we're at is summarizing it's a guy driving a motorcycle and revving the engine you know I mean showing off what you can do with your budget money I don't know I really don't get what the point of all this was anyways that's our discussion of Star Trek discovery season 2 we finally did it we talked about it for a very long time love talking Star Trek with you rich I miss Star Trek I can't say we talk Star Trek I really can't [Music] [Music]
Channel: RedLetterMedia
Views: 2,302,221
Rating: 4.9097505 out of 5
Keywords: redlettermedia, red letter media, red, letter, media, plinkett, half in the bag, mike stoklasa, jay bauman, rich evans, star trek, star trek discovery, alex kurtzman
Id: 5SHhySoXDcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 31sec (3091 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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