Mr. Plinkett's Star Trek: Generations Review - HD Remaster

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The tale of two Picards. Will never be able to unsee that.

Wonder what /r/RedLetterMedia would think of this.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AReaver 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I never could watch Mr Plinkett videos, the voice is too annoying

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

This ain't Red Letter Media's channel...They ain't gonna get no revenue from this.

Stop ripping them off, leech!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TheGhostofCoffee 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
"Star Trek: Generations" is the stupidest movie ever made. It ruined everything and not just Star Trek movies but everything. Why make a video review of this movie after it's been out for like 14 years? Well, the truth is I've got nothing better to do But I've always wanted to articulate all the little points about what I hate about this movie. So let's begin, shall we? The Transition Kirk: "Once again, we've saved civilization as we know it." McCoy: "And the good news is they're not going to prosecute." So Star Trek 6 concluded the movies of the original cast pretty well, I think. Kirk and the crew they...they saved the President of the Federation. Scotty killed the bad guy. Bad Guy: "Ahhhhh!" And then they solved the mystery that Scooby-Doo couldn't solve. And in the end they all gathered around and posed for a picture that nobody took. And then the Enterprise had sailed off into the sunset. Kirk: "Second star to the right... and straight on till morning." And they were hanging their hats up, their space hats. Moving on to retirement, but no they couldn't leave well enough alone. So then it came time for The Next Generation Movie. And what I'm guessing happened was that people in the studio were probably a little scared about making a Star Trek movie without the original crew members. So in true stupidity, they uhh... they added a couple and..and made it kind of a combination movie. Which was stupid. So instead of making a really great Next Generation movie with a really good story, really good action. They had to squeeze in Kirk and a couple other characters. Whoever else wanted to be in it. Walter Koenig: "The story certainly isn't about Chekov nor is any one page about Chekov..." "Uh, Still I feel that I've been given the opportunity..." "to invest some character into the... into the dialog." Sulu: "Nice to see you in action one more time, Captain Kirk." Sulu had his own command They forgot to ask Nichelle Nichols. And they asked Spock but he said uh... he said "No" because the script sucked. Spock: "Go to hell" So then there you are, they're launching the Enterprise B and you have an awkward partial first original cast. Only ones who are lame enough to show up showed up. The other ones didn't show up because they had better things to do. So that made it weird. That made it weird from the beginning. Number 2. Things don't make sense! So the script for Generations reads like my dead wife wrote it and my dead wife didn't know much about Star Trek. Now she don't know much about anything. So in the beginning the captain of the Enterprise B says... Captain: "Ladies and gentlemen, we've just cleared the asteroid belt." "Our course today will take us out beyond Pluto and then back to spacedock." "Just a quick run around the block." Then of course they get a distress call. "We're picking up a distress call, Captain." Then like in a true Star Trek thing, they're the only ship in range. "The ships are bearing at 3-1-0 mark 2-1-5. Distance, three light-years." "Signal the closest star ship. We're in no condition to mount a rescue." "We're the only one in range, sir." Now that's okay because that makes it kind of exciting if they're the only ship that can be there. But if you'll recall they were gonna sail around Pluto. "Our course today will take us out beyond Pluto..." Which puts them just inside the earth solar system. So they're near earth in the heart of the Federation and they're the only ship in range?!? Earth is the headquarters of the Federation. There should be like hundreds of ships all over the place flying around. They got the the shipyards near Mars. They got probably tens of ships floating around here or there and they could zip around at the Warp speed. So I don't understand. Then you got a gigantic space ribbon that's flying around heading towards Earth and it's three light-years away. Shouldn't somebody have sounded an alarm? There's a thing coming at us! There's a thing coming at us!! Number 3. Not everybody got the memo about the uniforms So now you got half the original crew and half the uniforms from the Deep Space Nine. I don't understand this. Starfleet is like a military organization. You know. So they say look we got new uniforms Everyone put em on the first the next month. Instead they kind of said "Uhhhhh... Put em on whenever you want to. It's just a fucking uniform. So if you run into an alien species that wants to join the Federation And they're all like "What's going on with the uniforms?" "We don't know what's going on." Number 4. Different Lighting While it's painfully obvious, They shot parts of Star Trek six on Next Generation sets They carefully covered up parts where you can tell this by putting random crew members in the way just kind of staring. But what's weird to me is that the Enterprise-D suddenly looked different. For seven years on the show we were used to seeing look one way Nice even TV lighting but since it's a Movie they had to get fancy. So it's just weird cuz it's different now and I don't like things that are different. Let's take a look at Data's quarters. Before. And now after. See...see what I'm talking about. It got darker or something and I don't like things that are different. Number 5. Picard's Stupid Photo Album So Picard learns that his family died in a fire. He takes a moment out of his busy day to kind of look at some photos. Reminisce a bit. Looking at pictures of his family on like a computer screen or his little laptop wouldn't have been as emotional. So Picard's an old-fashioned guy. He likes books and Shakespeare, Archaeology and old pots. So it makes sense that he'd have a photo album. But because this movie sucks they had to ruin the photo album too by putting this dumb little holographic border around the picture. Did they really need to have a space photo album? Now what purpose does the little reflective hologram borders around the picture serve? Other than to distract you from the picture. Why did they put that on... Number 6. Data's Emotions Chip is different looking. Yeah. I'm complaining about this. See the thing is they made it look like a giant computer processor. That's so people in the audience that don't know about Star Trek know what the hell's going on. I guess that's all right, but it just looks so different from what it looked like before. They made this movie for people that like Star Trek, right? So when Data was gonna blast it with a phaser completely disregarding any kind of safety hazards. He takes a look at the chip, ya know, and he's like "Maybe someday, Geordi..." "Maybe someday I'll put this chip in my head and laugh at your jokes." So then that day finally comes after he pushed Doctor Crusher in the water. And he says "Geordi, I want to put the emotions chip in my brain." And it's like five hundred times bigger and it looks different. But Data doesn't say anything about it cuz he didn't remember what it looked like. And Geordi didn't know what it looked like either. So they...they stick it in his brain. Number 7. Sauron's Space Rocket and a bunch of others shit that doesn't make sense. Soran: "Yes, Captain, thank you for coming." Malcolm MacDonald plays a villain named Sss...Sauron He wants to extinguish a Sun to make a giant space ribbon pass over a planet and pick him up. He'll do this by firing a rocket into the Sun. WHAT?!? First off Picard and the crew know about his plan. Him and Data figure it out in the room with the map. Picard: "That's where he's going." So then they go to the planet to try and stop Sauron. When they get to the planet though they run into a Klingon ship that has Geordi kidnapped. They offer a prisoner exchange that makes no sense. Picard: "Then I will beam to his location." "Then I will beam to your ship and you can transport me to Soran" "I will be your prisoner." "But first, you must beam me to the surface so that I can speak with Soran." So when they get Geordi back and they beam Picard down Everyone kind of goes about their normal business. "I'd like to run a level 3 diagnostic on the port plasma relays." And they forget about what's happening. Why didn't they just like beam down hundreds of security guards to go shoot Sauron? Or send down some shuttles. Or fire a shot at the Klingon ship and disable its weapons I could have just beamed Picard right back up after they got Geordi and said "Suckers!" And started firing photon phasers all over the planets. Shatner "This was once a sea. So we're on the seabed of an ancient sea." But since they didn't do that, we got to talk about this fucking rocket. Now I'm not a man of science I'm a simple man. I'm an old man So assuming this is a Class-M planet, I'd say their Sun is about as far away from us as our Sun is. Right? Worf: "According to my calculations a solar probe launched from either the Klingon ship" "or the planet's surface will take 11 Seconds to reach the Sun." So how in the hell is Soran's rocket gonna make it that far in 11 seconds? Worf: "It will take us between 8 and 15 seconds to lock our weapons onto it." Light takes 8 minutes to reach Earth from the Sun And that's Warp 1. Saurons rocket doesn't look like it has a Warp drive on it. Even if it did, Worf would still have eight minutes to shoot it down. Unless it could go like Warp 9. I don't know about that though. If it was just a normal rocket it'd probably take like a month to reach the Sun But then a blasts off, It escapes the gravitational pull of the planet and hits the Sun in like 5 seconds. Now what is this kinda Wile E. Coyote logic? Do they expect us to believe this is bullshit? Again, not an expert in science but I'm pretty sure that if the Sun turned off they'd freeze to death in like one trillionth of a second. But I'm not an expert in this. I just know it gets cold in my shed. Number 8. Riker's Command Incompetence. The way Riker commanded the Enterprise in her final moments is actually shocking. My dead wife could have done a better job and she's dead. So the Klingons uses Geordi sunglasses to catch a glimpse at the Enterprise shield frequency. Lursa: "That's it! Replay from time index 924." They set their weapons to match the frequency and they're able to hit the Enterprise. Their weapons just go right through the shields. Worf: "They have found a way to penetrate our shields." What would have corrected this problem? I knew. I was screaming it at the screen in the theater and the manager told me to leave. But I knew what to do. You change the shield frequency, stupid. Ever since the Borg it's become a common procedure. Even Commander Tuvok knew how to do it in Voyager. "How'd they get through our shields?" "I've been rotating the shield frequency every 10 seconds." Instead Riker started babbling about a plasma coil. "Plasma coils? Is there any way we can use that to our advantage?" Worf: "Plasma coils! Plasma coils! Plasma coils!" Riker: "Plasma coils!" Worf: "Plasma coils!" Riker: "Plasma coils!" Worf: "Plasma coils!" Riker: "Plasma coils!" Data: "No Problem!" So instead of saying like fire all weapons. Fire all weapons repeatedly over and over again until they blow up. Keep firing photon torpedoes non-stop. Ya know, He could've done that. He tried to hatch some kinda brilliant plan. When really they could have overpowered that little ship in a second. Shields or no shields. Then to make matters worse Riker orders that dumb broad to pilot the ship. Riker: "Deanna, take the helm. Get us out of orbit!" Marina: "I get to do something I've never done before which is drive the ship." [EXPLOSION] "We've given the keys to like the blind dude." [LOUD NOISES] "Ya know, the kid." [DRAMATIC MUSIC] "The teenager had the keys." [SMASH] "We threw the keys anyone in red who happened to be passing that day." "Ya know and then finally, ya know." [CRASH] I realize he's like the captain or according to everybody Rikers the best pilot. Geordi: "You're gonna need one heck of a pilot to pull that off." Jellico: "Is that you?" "I could do it." "But truthfully..." "...the man you want is commander Riker." "And I don't think you're particularly good first officer." "But you are also the best pilot on the ship." Number 9. Saucer Landing. Troi: "Engaging impulse engines." So that...that Troi... She's too slow on the controls and She can't hit the buttons fast enough to make the saucer part fly away from the part that's gonna blow up. Her general incompetence leads everybody to their doom. So sh...she crashes the hull of the Federation flagship in a forest. I once crashed my Cadillac into the forest. That's what killed my wife. There's a bunch of smashing and crashing. People flying about. Even the furniture comes off and slides around. And then Worf takes out a little flashlight. Why does he take out a little flashlight? What's he gonna do with that? He's gonna shine it on someone? He's gonna shine a light showing somebody where they're gonna smash their face. What's he shining that light on? So then the dumbest thing happens, right, and it's very quick, very subtle. So they actually show the windows of the Enterprise break. Like smash like a... like a glass window. They probably said "Hey the ship's sliding around. Why don't the windows break? That'll make it exciting." With all the stresses that a star ship must endure. Do they really think the windows are made of glass? "So what are the windows made of?", you ask. I'll tell you. "Transparent aluminum!" Scotty: "That's the ticket, Laddie." That's right. It's the same shit that Scotty used to build the whale tank out of. Scotty: "Admiral, there be whales here." In fact Data even confirms this in an episode. "The transparent aluminum alloy of this window is exhibiting a pattern of transient electrical currents." This movie just kind of throws any kind of scientific logic out the window. "Out the window." Get it? Ha ha ha. Number 10. The Stupid Nexus. Now people like to bitch about the way Kirk died. He fell off a bridge and then the bridge fell on him. He was trying to save a pre-industrial civilization that we never saw or we care anything about. But that's not really a plot hole. It's kind of like uhh... just something that's stupid. So Picard ends up in the Nexus in the middle of A Christmas Carol or something. Tiny Tim is there and his Christmas tree. He realizes eventually this is all some kind of weird acid trip. Picard: "This can't be real." And then he finds Guinan in his house. "Guinan." But Guinan was just on the Enterprise. "I thought you were on board the Enterprise." "I am. I'm also here." "Think of me as an echo of the person you know." Oh, I guess it's Guinan's ghost or part of Guinan. Something? "So, if you leave, you can go anywhere, any time." "All right, I know exactly where I want to go." "To the mountaintop on Veridian 3 just before Soran destroyed the star." "I have to stop him." So instead of saying like let's go back a couple days and then I could punch Sauron in the in the 10-Forward lounge. Or let's go back a week and uh... and never meet Sauron. He doesn't do that. "You can go anywhere, any time." "All right, I know exactly where I want to go." "To the mountaintop on Veridian 3 just before Soran destroyed the star." "I have to stop him, but I need help." Picard: "James T. Kirk" [CHOPPING WOOD] So Picard's like "Come back with me." "I need your help." "We have to go back to a planet, Veridian 3." "Come back with me." "Millions of lives are at stake." "Help me stop Soran." Come back with me and help me punch Sauron. "I want you to leave the Nexus with me." "We have to stop a man called Soran from destroying a star." But Kirk's like "Can I go back to the Enterprise B and not get killed?" And Picards like "No, I need someone else to help me punch Soran." LETS GO! Maybe Picard wanted to go back just a little bit. Cuz he couldn't find where he put his favorite sunglasses. Soran: "No!" The Final Insult. How cheap can you be to reuse a special effect? Especially one that was the finale of the fucking previous movie. Come on! Spend the extra $60 and blow up another Klingon ship. For fuck's sake we're not watching this stinker for the plot. Just to be absolutely certain we're gonna compare these two shots, okay. Maybe these two ships blew up the same way. I guess it's possible. Anything's possible in Star Trek. But you know what I think? I think they were being fuckin cheap. Cheap like my wife. That's why I killed her in that fake car accident. I mean... Captain Kirk's role at the end. Captain Kirk is probably the best captain in all a Starfleet history. But his function at the end of Generations is not to put all of his years of experience to work. While him and Picard do some kind of awesome Star Trek thing. But it's mainly just to help Picard punch the bad guy. Soran: "Just who the hell are you?" Picard: "He's James T. Kirk." All Picard really needed was just an extra hand. In fact moments earlier he asked Guinan to come back and help him. Picard: "I need help. Now, if you were to come back with me, together..." Guinan: "I can't leave." So James T. Kirk is a replacement for Guinan. Can you imagine Guinan running around on the bridge punching Malcolm MacDonald? But anyway Guinans like "I'm a ghost I can't help but I know someone who can his name's, Kirk." So you got James T. Kirk in here, huh? Gee, I wish I had something more exciting for him to do. Other than punch an old guy. You got any other people you know in here. Is there a Home Depot in here? I can get me a handful of day laborers to help hold down Soren while I shut his rocket up. Why did Sauron kidnap Geordi? The only reason I could see why Sauron kidnapped Geordi was that he had some kind of passing interest in his visor. He couldn't have possibly been thinking about putting a camera on the visor and seeing the Enterprise's shield frequencies so that the Klingons could shoot down the ship eventually. In fact, they weren't even expecting the Enterprise to find them cuz they were cloaked. The only other reason why he kidnaped Geordi was maybe he wanted to help him get back to his Roots. Ha Ha Ha. But seriously in the scene he comes into the room He's got Geordi shirt off, for some reason, then he asks him to tell him about trilithium "I want to listen to everything, you know about trilithium." What else could Soran need to know about trilithium? He's already built his rocket. It's on the planet waiting to be used. He already blew up the one Sun. Currently he already knows about trilithium and what does Geordi have to tell him more about trilithium that he doesn't already know. Maybe he wanted to know what they knew about his experiments. Worf already knew what trilithium was. "They were scanning for signature particles of a compound called trilithium." "Trilithium?" "Yes, an experimental compound the Romulans have been working on." "Trilithium is a nuclear inhibitor." It seemed pretty common knowledge. And Sauron saw Guinan in the lounge. And she knew about the Nexus. So it was kind of a question of if they were gonna put 2 and 2 together. Not really how much Geordi knew. And another thing too. Kidnapping the chief engineer on a starship is uh, not a good idea. It's just gonna guarantee that they're gonna come after you. Why can't they scan Veridian 3? What kind of stupid shit is this? - "Any luck, Mr. Worf?" - "No, sir. I still cannot locate the captain." The lame-o excuse they use for not being able to locate where Picard beamed down to is this... "The sensors can't penetrate the planet's ionosphere. There's too much interference." What is an ionosphere? I mean, sometimes they have trouble scanning planets that have crazy thunderstorm atmospheres. But this is a Class M planet with clear skies. How come the scanners don't work? Maybe then you send down a couple of shuttles through the ionosphere and you scan around. Their fucking Captain is down on the planet with a crazy person. You'd think they'd try some things to find him. Kirk gets buried under rocks. Moments before Picard is rescued he buries Kirk's body under rocks. He could have said "I got the body of James T Kirk here." "You should be him up too, and we could give him a proper burial." Instead he's buried above ground under a pile of rocks. It's only a matter of time before the animals get to him. Picard finds his photo album. Now we all hate Picard's photo album. Last time we saw it he was in his quarters with Troi and then the Sun exploded. However, at the end of the movie Picard finds his photo album in the rubble of his ready room. That must have been some crash. So at what point did Picard take this photo album up to the bridge and then bring it inside this ready room? He never kept personal shit in there. Oh a book here or there. But he just had his fish, a little model of the Stargazer, and his laptop. He also had an orange plastic thing. But I know why it was there. It was so that he could find it and walk out on the bridge with Riker in the same scene. You know what that spells? LAZY! Picard's Priceless Ceramic Thing. Another thing worth noting in this same scene is that Picard picks up an object that ends up on the floor of his ready room as well. This was something called a Kurlan naiskos. "Oh my god." It was given to Picard by a guy named Professor Galen. Who was Picard's favorite Archaeology teacher. At the time Picard seemed to think this Kurlan naiskos was the greatest thing since sliced bread. "From the workshop of the master of Tarquin Hill!" It's ancient. "This object is... over 12,000 years old." [SMASH] And very, very rare. "You mean it's complete?" [PICARD MOANS] [SMASH] Never before in Star Trek has Picard reacted so amazed by an artifact. [SMASH] "Professor, this is an incredible find." Shhii... who needs this? He just could not say enough good things about this...dis thing. In fact, it looked like he was gonna... ...gonna make an artifact in his pants. And professor Galen even said, it's yours Picard and Picard was like.. "No. How can I accept this?" Pshh. Whatever. [SMASH] Anyhoo, so he didn't bother to take it with them and he beams up. But would he really leave the Kurlan naiskos just lying on the ground amongst all the other junk. Now what about his little flute that he played in that one episode where he... ...he lived a whole life as an old man. He didn't bother to fucking find that. I think they found this prop and they said he's got to pick up something. And then they found the prop and they're like, let's use this. What is it? I don't know. Picard comes out the wrong door. So after their party for Worf on the holodeck... Everyone comes out to the bridge to check out what's going on that the Amorosa Conservatory. The crew comes in from the right then they pan and Picard comes in from the left. Made for a nice shot. But what they forgot to tell the director was that door in the back leads to the conference room. Data: "Sir, I have completed level 1 computer diagnostics." There's no turbolift back there and there never was. Maybe Picard was sitting in a conference room by himself, just thinking about things. Or maybe he was expecting everybody to meet him there. But then was a little embarrassed when they didn't so he comes out pretending like, ya know, he was all business. I do know that around the corner to the left they got a little bathroom. It's only on the blueprints. So maybe Picard was making a Captain's Log. Ha Ha Ha. But seriously folks there are three turbolifts on the bridge of the Enterprise. There's the normal one in the back. Picard: "I want some answers!" There's one next to Picard's ready room. Then there's another one on the left. They never use that one though. It's like an emergency one. I think it goes straight to the battle bridge. So why does Picard come out of the door of the conference room? Data: "I hate this!" Then there's another shot they took from Star Trek 6 too. Right here. "Ewwww, Yes!" And they also reused this prop. They do that a lot though. "It is revolting!" Data's Emotion Chip Subplot. A subplot generally ties into a movie somehow. However, after examining Generations with a team of scientists The only purpose we could uncover for Datas emotions chips subplot Was that so it could be parallelled to Picard and Picard's challenge of doing Star Trek stuff while dealing with some pretty heavy emotions. "Part of having feelings is learning to integrate them into your life, Data." "Sir, I no longer want these emotions!" Data had no real reason to put in the emotions chip. And he never really used the emotions at the end of the movie to figure something out or Do some key plot thing or something like that. Really didn't have any kind of point. "Yes!" [GRUNTS] He just played a song on the computer. "You tiny little life-forms." And he swore. "Oh, shit!" I think the real reason for the subplot was because it was a feature-length movie and Brent Spiner wanted to do some real acting. And they needed some kind of comic relief, I guess. To me Data is always best when he's Data. "HAHAHA!" Not some kind of asshole clown. "I am looking forward to it. Yea, I hope it's gonna be a great, great movie." [RECORD SCRATCH] [SMASH]
Channel: Blue Copter
Views: 114,421
Rating: 4.7956333 out of 5
Id: 3xhslseNBOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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