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welcome back guys to a brand new power world update video today another new patch has gone live for the game obviously the other day we did get one and another one has just come through at 1:30 in the morning for me uh just was managed to catch it before I was heading to sleep which is really cool and it is steam patch version 0.1.5 point1 and exactly the same version for Xbox now as always the steam version has been released and the Xbox version will be released as soon is as is ready um this always happens um when um you know obviously the game uh um you know usually happens like a couple of hours for Xbox and uh and or I know last time it was a just close to a day but they're pretty good with it now if you guys do enjoy today's video make sure to smash that like button subscribe if you're new to the channel as we on the road to 250,000 subscribers and if you want to come and join our new Discord which we're closing in on of 500 members the link is in the description if you want to come and meet some new friends playing your favorite games so anyway let's get in with the patch um it's it's nowhere near as big as the last patch um it's like it's a pretty there's some there's some decent things in here um looks like there some balanced fixes so so anyway major fixes fixed various game crashes hopefully this will help out a lot of you guys that have experienced this balance adjustment fix the bug where breeding power always had fixed passives okay that's cool um fixed an issue where the increase in condensation progress was incorrect when using pal of rank two or higher as a condensation material it will increase by the number of Pals used in previous condensation dungeon issues okay fixed an issue where the inner most door would not open after defeating the boss of a random dungeon um so I want to know like cuz I I did see in my comment section A couple of you console players uh was oh look at me it was very late um I did see a lot of uh you uh console players saying that obviously dungeons some people are saying they've managed to do dungeons fine some people haven't so please let me know what it's like at this moment in time and I you know this this doesn't seem to be the thing that's going to save uh the dungeons on the X Box but I'm kind of hoping there's maybe something here that might do it um Pals so fixed an issue where the name of a power would not change even after renaming them so am I right to say that on console on Xbox you can't change the name of Pals um because I was confused for a second I know apparently you can do it on the PC I haven't even named any of my pals yet I don't know why I haven't done that but apparently on the console you can't um um next up is server issues so fix an issue where it was not possible to search for spaces or japanesechinese characters werein the server list oh okay um fixed uh fixed so that if the server is no longer registered on the server list it will be re-registered without needing to restart the server fixed an issue where the settings to enable Aron were not loaded from the configuration file and again they said we are currently working on an issue where auto save fails on the Xbox and Xbox game pass versions we expect this to be resolved in an upcoming update we will continue to uh develop well we continue development placing top priority on Ming uh on fixing major problems and issues thank you for your continued support of power world so I mean it's a fairly like fairly nice patch there's some things in there like sort of it was all quality of life kind of stuff to get um the game into a better state but I think where I am right now with power world is I have been smashing out my single player I'm still um like and that's I think on my single player I'm like getting close I'm into the 40s now um on my server my friends I'm still only like 26 but I am getting to a kind of point where I am excited to see what can come next with new content now I will be doing a video tomorrow talking about the content cuz there's been some information from the devs recently talking about um content and the future updates and stuff so I will be covering a video on that um but I just kind of wanted to talk with you guys before we ended this video to see what sort of stuff are you hoping and expecting next for the game because apparently content is cooking uh this is in their own words and it's and it's on its way um again I'll talk more about it in my future video but what really would make you happy as a power world player right now cuz can't hide the fact that obviously you know they're losing players every day and again I'm not going to be one of those media Outlets that said it's the end of power world already before it's even started um because obviously it's a really really fun game um but I guess I have obviously I've seen it you know right now um at different times of the day right now it's on about 110,000 players or something and I think its peak is about 238,000 so it's definitely get kind of getting to that point where um you know they were at 2 million then dropped to a million now it's kind of getting to that lower stage and it's it's always expected you know it's always expected and I I feel like I really hope pocket pair take it on you know I mean there's just one thing I want to say before I go into the content and what I want them to do with it is still the numbers they're hitting as I said they didn't even think they were going to get 50,000 players you know and uh they're still hitting great numbers and and they're still smashing it and Hell divers 2 is really taking over but they're just completely different games and you know what I was going to say as I want you know as I look forward to the future I really hope they're doing a massive announcement trailer or a massive release trailer for the first content update with you know to really bring players back get some hype behind it and uh I hope that they I I think for me it'd be cool to maybe I feel like there needs to be something big and I know I can't ask and demand things like that cuz it's still only been like you know a like a month and a bit since the game came out um which still shocks me even saying I think it's been a month and 10 days since the game came out um but I really feel like it' be cool to get this end game Boss um update out cuz I think that that would be huge for players that are like level 50 and ready to take on some endgame raid bosses I think that could be huge but to be honest I just don't know where they are in their development like I would absolutely love to have an insight into where they are and and just sort of talk um to the devs a little bit about you know how far away is the content and I really obviously they seem to think they seem to have said like I said that the content is cooking and it's on its way but how long's that going to be and I'm not putting the stress on it but I definitely would love to see something massive in that content patch new Pals and stuff I feel like you can kind of wait for that um I mean if they release new p i don't I I think I think it's hard what I'm saying is I don't know how much time they have to get the content patch out and what they're going to be releasing with it are they just going to be like oh here's some brand new powers added to the game or are they going to go for the first content patch and go crazy and huge with maybe the how Arena PVP or something like that I think that's just something we all want to know let me know what you think in the comment section down below I hope this new update has helped many of you guys out and uh I'm going to go and download the update now myself and then I'm off to bed cuz it is very late and uh I've been getting quite tired recently in the evenings um which is a very I'm always on my grind on YouTube so sorry for the yawning much love to you all leave a like subscribe come and join the Discord Link in the description and I'll see you guys in my next video
Channel: LoadedCrysis
Views: 18,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palword, Palworld, PocketPair, Creature Taming, Pokemon With Guns Game, Palworld Game, Best Upcoming Survival Game, pokemon, palworld release date, palworld update, new update, palworld info, palworld pokemon, palworld online, palworld channel, palworld review, palworld best pals, palworld new update, palworld roadmap, roadmap, 2024, palworld pvp, palworld new, palworld new content, palworld ceo, dev, palworld new patch, Another NEW UPDATE For PALWORLD IS HERE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 29 2024
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