Monster Factory: Second Life, Second Chances - Part One

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Literally cried at work I was laughing so hard watching this. Seeing the boys try to parse the barren wasteland that is Second Life made my day. I had totally lost faith that Second Life, Second Chances would ever get a full-season order, so bless you Totinos.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sombredolores πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

So, we're all going to make Second Life characters now, right? MaxFun Town here we come!!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SledgeHog πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome! I've been hoping they would return to Second Life ever since they put up the Boy Mayor episode

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sevendwarforgy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was with him except for the banning the sex clubs. All the old sl heads go to the sex clubs

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/danfseviltwin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Getting that pizza roll skrill.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ontopic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love McElroys in Second Life so much! It's such an amazing world to see through their eyes.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Atom_Lion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
he kind of looks like the mayor of Second Life it looks like so he got his face out of a magazine with different parts it is a human ransom note I don't want to do this anymore I'm gonna go get some figures you are attached to my neck Oh God whoa get life ruled this whole time how didn't nobody tell me how much second life rules can this be a new franchise what can we call it I think I'm live Monica Jason you just and what's happened to my kingdom what's happened to what's happened to my fiefdom this used to be a beautiful place a safe place for children to come play and grow up and get old and work and get older and now it's now my kingdom I leave it for a few months and it's all gone rotten it's all gone fallow it's ok my leash because I'm here to help you reclaim the land that was unlawfully stolen what do you have it here but there is what is this it's like the Large Hadron Collider went went all screwed mine became unstuck let me attempt to touch it don't touch it no please you're not wearing enough protection oh no I'm not going in there what have you lost the conflux hey how'd you get that body yeah this is uh let me see what the name of this one is again I got a lot of different bodies this one yeah it's called Ishmael okay it's more like yeah more like dish my Al this used to be a fertile land full of possibility and life and activity and culture music and art and love and lovemaking and that now it's just lovemaking cuz it's second life on that ceiling floor I still play secondly I want to renew this area a spirit of renewal I'm into that um but in order to how are you standing uh so I have a little lowered wake you feel bit more comfortable I appreciate that in order to do that I'm gonna have to run for re-election because I was in the off-season I've been playing second life this whole time since we last played second life oh sure like everybody um and I was in one of my adventures I was violently deposed in order to fund that campaign I'm gonna need well money and I think for this this sponsorship partner uh I think that maybe we should try and transfer your body Justin it's amazing I tell you this every day it's looking especially a you will see something weird though look at the back what's going on back there hello it's just cinnamon rolls back there hello that's weird well then then your body's not perfect I take it back and I think there's meaning much room for improvement and I think let's take this opportunity to goof up your frame and maybe goof it up in a very specific way to really again reflect the idea deals and policies of our honored sponsor this week I'm talking of course of to Tino's to Tino's I love their products I love to Tina's to Tina's they make to Tina's pizza rolls you know to Tina's pizza rolls what's even in there I love it that's the tagline make yourself beautiful for me come on that's what I look like right now yeah you you look very good I like I'm standing in the background just kind of judgmental yeah yes little little little you learn well here's the thing I don't want you to chomp on my flavor but I definitely don't want to be shown up on a campaign trail cuz let's not forget at the end of the day you may be fronting the [ __ ] money to Tino's but this is my campaign to win yeah uh what kind of squat body or do you think he's like to Tina's was to Tina's here's the thing about the Tino's it's a fresh energy it's a young brand it's a vibrant young fresh brand so the more I can make him look like a five-year-old probably the better I want a five-year-old body but I don't want to insinuate that this is if these are foodstuffs for children because I I'd say it's a it can also be a mature complex bite so he should hover just in the background I want to distract from things but yeah it's not distracting at all all right uh very deadly look at it um I've already got some things going pretty good on the head let's see what's going on my eyes eye spacing um this is good cuz I can see the whole field of the campaign this is good cuz I can pay attention to individual voters yeah I kind of want you to be focused in our bags yeah it's been a hard trip it's been a hard trail where do we have a opponent um I guess just like your dad I feel like right now it's like on UE you can't enemy yes you're not okay so I think we need to address the nose I think we need to address a few things yeah there's a few issues need to be resolved you just gotta get in the shot huh got it this bad crew I want I'm excited about you taking on the direction of what's going to be the best for my campaign manager but I also do want you to sort of in in in spirit the spirit of Totino's products sure this well I've made the nose extra bulbous because when those pizza rolls are piping hot coming out of the oven you want to smell yeah exactly the entire smell molecule there's different places that your mouth can be I think higher up then the pizza rolls are closer to that goods that good smell knows uh yeah as you go and then of course you've got to be smiling daughter a stylin no mmm whoa what happened the Sun came out oh man that's a black that's a blessing from Linda from Lyndon himself uh chin Nick I don't know why that's a slider but okay Oh dope dude you your own pizza roll plate let me really get in there and inspect like am I gonna funky out on your right work oh man why do they even let you do that yeah there you go okay oh sorry wasting about this what's your tie here um here's the thing I think now why would you super super wide legs benefits you on the campaign trail first of all I think what you've created there is a perfect little gap for the boy mayor of Second Life to really set in - perfect so right now I feel like you look like a cool campaign manager I'm not getting to tina's from you at all okay do me a favor okay okay and I mean this literally close your eyes I'm like I love my end I'll look down this is more nerve-wracking than the first time that I saw my wife at our wedding a spicy meatball how did you get so good in second life all right Justin we're down 30 points the elections in three weeks yeah we want to tell the people something that they want to hear that's the number one thing they don't think the boy mayor second-life shares our values Lily no I got a secret weapon hanging out in the quiver I'm all about hope change is s teenis by the way holy [ __ ] can I ride in that with you no I don't think it's practical I think oh my god Justin this is the stage upon which I'll deliver all my stump speeches I have one quite I trust you I trust you with everything I trust you with my campaign just one question with the [ __ ] on your back uh yeah I think it's like a pizza caddy I think are you ready also adult content ahoy just let it right now there's a second life there could be adult content at any moment are we going on Whistlestop tour of sex dungeon system to desolate eyes the message of the boy mayor of Second Life by way of to Tina's yes yes yes mr. mayor welcome to strippers nightclub that's kind of an on the nose name for an establishment why have you brought me here to Tino's well I thought that this would be a good place to start because it lets you people see your common you're one of the common people I've loaded up some sort of user interface here with a knockin on it that says system's six oh my god uh choose your play and sit on Poe's balls don't want meth meth meth mmm gangbang stop or back I think I'm gonna choose stop I just in that first place was a complete disaster yeah there were no constituents there which is like the best ever one here that's number one for sure for sure um so this is called this great spatulas Church of Second Life now what makes you think that this is gonna go good what is more important I'm getting whip I'm getting whiplash conceptual whiplash what's more important to voters than a strong religious family and the answer is nothing somebody's singing now oh really that's not happening on my screen I gotta get out of here I think I'm hearing some mercy me just lower connector on the radio for subversive me no time technicians looking out of here and there's no voter in your face well this one has an adult tag are you sure you want me to come to this again um I'm pretty sure I already on your way yeah I mean there's some people here excuse me sir I'd like to introduce you to somebody hello hello constituent hello constituent oh he's gone oh okay Jeff okay Jeff we got here he's a little sitting on purple blast I find that listen I've been a heart campaign trail I found a porno theater y'all excited but the flash blocking crash well let's say let's say that one thing you definitely need if you're running the campaign is a celebrity endorsement right right well we're better to get that then the ddu otherwise no this is the Duran Duran universe just a second life world owned by the band Duran Duran that's my that's I think that might be my political rival oh really ran Duran might be who the boy mayor of Second Life is running against that makes perfect sense because they're so hot is this a Duran Duran Church this is a Duran Duran Bank there's a corpse outside of it just in yes I found a murder scene wait what really there was a murder in Duran Duran world now what makes me excited about this place is it doesn't have the adult tag yeah holy [ __ ] yeah I think it's on fire oh yeah this place is definitely on fire Jesus Justin is this some sort of trap I just I just logged back in oh you just disappeared and Skype just crashed what is this place this is you told me to to sex dungeons and this is the worst place you've brought me to so far it's full of demons and it crashes my [ __ ] computer I'm getting out of here stat this I guess I miss poppy corn no don't we can't I say he's staying and I'm gonna get some [ __ ] poppy corn I'm now in a group it says I love London over my head permanently now that seems not great okay I don't hate London it's just presumptuous I need everybody be absolutely silent while giving my speech please I'd like to talk to you about the possibilities that awaits you if you vote for me in the upcoming election instead of Duran Duran please don't sing Duran Duran songs during my speech thank you that's not fair you sir I'll give each of you ten thousand Lindos which is what I call linden dollar yeah now I got your attention you can spend that on anything you could please don't sit on the stage people are now sitting almost odd now wait now I'm on Sapir nice Andrew [ __ ] I'm not sure that there's enough pizza for everybody sir would take some sort of amazing miracle to feed all these people now eat feast feast with me feast with me you little monsters eat this eat the sweet spicy meat and give me your vote I'm having a hard time campaigning to you guys when this strange monkey person is doing what looks like sex voodoo can I count on you guys vote or not I feel like you're really you're really yanking my chain cuz we're not American that's trouble you're do you don't have to be omit you don't have to be American up up I wouldn't count says Jesus vote for what was wrong you've wasted my time look at this [ __ ] guy getting down I see his butt and like pubis I'm looking at a twirling button pubis and I just got rejected I just gotta ejected and banned from the land what I just got booted how come you get to hang out inside but the Boyer second-life got booted out I can only look into the window oh no just got thrown into the ocean the gear mates going to pack it's it because it says I love London in my head oh Jesus oh god they're tearing us apart okay now they're rending us oh I just wished to I not a dance oh good this is good this is funky I gotta say I don't think I'm making a lot of campaign progress here but I'm having a [ __ ] excellent time yeah Totino stati knows hey Totino's yeah how can I help you do you think that everybody in this bar is also making a comedy video for their video game website I mean that would explain a lot more than my current sort of like understanding of it okay baby - oh my god Justin we can't do this people are gonna love this all over a second life I think look at this look this guy's a fan yes well as touchscreen house some of the imagery like yeah Liberty Bell shirt Statue of Liberty yeah great great great region Constitution all this stuff but then there's like a chill ass like Jack Johnson Beach session Totino's I'm sick get me good daddy cuts you know something bad happen in the chair don't worry sir I want to get you out of here let's see what else we can find - Tina's I was possessed by the bad chair this is called light house it's by the singularity tribe oh just the singularity satellite service is a beacon of hope for diverse sentient beings to find their way through the infinite universe I guess infinite universe would be a good thing from - vote for me I think these two people are about to have sex should we go should we go should we go should we go let's go I just threw myself off the space station I can't believe we came to Jane Austen's English countryside and it's completely like nude and nasty of course it isn't Second Life I can't believe I tried to sit on this horse and I ended up inside of its gut I came all this way to find you and you're just dancing by a lake with an umbrella and you've got devil wings why the [ __ ] are you here there's nobody else here there's nobody else here and I accidentally clicked your wings and asked me if I want to finger your wings where are you at I think I'm in hell and I guess my question is can we count on your vote here here in a few weeks it sounds like maybe you have an issue with one of with one of my main campaign platforms listen man - Tina's are trying to capture we're trying to capture the young vote I'm not worried about the old heads we've already lost the old heads now - Tina's I do need you to take that t-shirt off before we talk to anybody else this one's already are you are you gonna vote for me please I need your votes to live keep okay that's just a weird thing that you that's a weird weighted that's a kind of a way that's kind of a weird sign-off but whatever you say look look in here look perfect complete abathur uh see I don't want I don't want to replace the avatar I just want to change are you gonna change clothes Jesus the clothes are like what why what did it just it just transmogrified you into it team like it literally looks like the boy mayor like was granted a wish by the Blue Fairy and turned into a real girl see I just still see the old the same old boy mayor I wish you could see you how I see you because that's a beautiful sentiment does it it's an amazing it's an amazing transformation now you seriously still see the boy mayor of Second Life yeah okay you look like a regular a steam with a boot on your head to me there's something wonderful about this this is like shallow how like Beauty seeing is a beholder you're shallow Holling right now yes there's so much nudity in second life it's just like everywhere you look there's a breast or three on the same person this woman's just like floating in the air like some sort of haunted bride don't look at me no but okay so that that's done that's it that's a non-starter sex on the beach sex on the beach okay they're doing a little hump here okay now kind of little observation on a little hump so this is arguably worst case scenario um I don't think we've done a good job I'm gonna go over this voter it seems like um not only have I not gotten this kitsune vote ah but I'm looking at something and like that wasn't upsetting for me Justin it's a worst-case scenario in that I actually really like that I've kind of done this I see so you have my hat Oh God touch he knows uh yeah that's kind of my thing right now do you see anything you like because I feel like as your um as your campaign manager that kind of thing like that really should be handled by me I can buy the outfit what about a big sweater with a cat on it let me find a place and you come with me oh god what's wrong just like an anime vagina just like popped up in the second life search window you're wearing it okay but I'm trying to share it is the important thing I don't want it now you've worn it well that's just I have several sizes no you stretched it out it won't fit my little body anymore you [ __ ] ruined it I really wanted that shirt but now I'll never be able to wear it uh I guess now I guess you paid for it so no that's fine yep so you thought this would be a clothing store to be clear in my defense it is not a clothing store at all it was it was called freebies but I'm starting to think freebies is some sort of weird sex act I'm now lathering up my big tummy with soap just real quick just like check on what's going on with the tutee nose brand uh the synergy okay so you're just kind of disappearing into the floor well that's an impressive like technique that you have there you know people don't take give me very specific and the pole keeps getting in the way as I spin around it and I just saw inside you like an old-timey kaleidoscope I logged in and I logged out and now I'm straight Beetlejuice dog uh I still see a teen a young teen girl what the [ __ ] is going on with your [ __ ] second life uh I don't know where the boy we've lost Liz I'm I'm a [ __ ] ghost is what I'm saying and frankly I'm scared I become I become yokai whoa holy [ __ ] did you feel weight what's happened oh you're open I'm not sure you you're not the boy mayor either you're something else what is this move your giant pizza ass who is this is like my political body double for like what I'm seeing campaign events and don't want to get assassinated what the [ __ ] happened oh my god I'll get it the best defense oh god I'm gonna lose this election you
Channel: Polygon
Views: 1,655,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Factory, Totino's, Second Life, Second Chances, gameplay, lets play, videogames, monster factory second life, totinos, monster factory totinos, griffin mcelroy, justin mcelroy, second chances part 1, monster factory boy mayor
Id: orrcgpJ5tQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 41sec (1361 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2016
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