minecraft monday w/ James Charles (full stream)

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here we go the memes alright I'm gonna do monetize so hard today it's gonna be great it's gonna be great welcome chat we're here with James Charles we're gonna be sweeping today's minecraft Monday it's not even gonna be close okay we've been training alright for like for like an hour I have trained to James Charles and the art of the craft he's gonna just destroy I'm not even gonna need to play because he's just gonna like start 1v2 and the top teams he's just oh what's what's the team's to look out for we got uh the tabs moving too he's teamed with Preston and they at first they were like you can't team with Preston that's ridiculous he's like don't worry he's rusty so if they sweep this week I'm making a Trojan horse meme it's incredible alright teams to look out for I feel like Phil and Jerome are a pretty strong team Vic is by himself what a loser am i right hidden I'm hidden don't don't tell his Chet all right we got Skippy and bad boy halo they're both bald but they're okay at video games we got Chris don't gotta worry about him beige beige beige and got bailed on he's playing solo he's gonna have like find a PvP low and then I'm in CaptainSparklez also good also good and then there's like there's like four team they were like four teams last week I'm like that's kind of strong but I mean I'm not gonna be the guy to snitch on them I can still hear you alright and while he's muted now is a good chance to advertise my channel and get subscribers I'm trying to get 1 million ok I need 1 million subscribers for the clout it's a larger digit it's a way cooler number I'm just saying I'm just saying it's a cooler number did he pay you to be his teammate oh I should have asked for that oh I would have been great I could be like like a paid minecraft player like a career trihard fantastic this is incredible already got a who else do we got are we all ready we're already in first get destroyed this is we're gonna stay on this spot on the podium for the entire time all right we're never gonna leave that spot we are going to crush it's gonna be me in first James in second and then ever no no wrong James in first me in second and then everyone else 500 points below us at the end of this we're gonna obliterate them okay they won't even let us back they'll be like James and techno are too overpowered it's ruining the event having them in there cuz just no one else has a chance against them so they're gonna kick us out and replace us entirely it'll be great it'll be great my chats just blood for the blood god repeatedly I don't know how a cult is taken over I don't know how I feel about this but if I get ad revenue it's fine I'm not actually the only thing I'm getting ad revenue right now I'll get ad revenue on the replay probably until I get D monetized which is probably gonna happen but whatever whatever it's fine oh yeah we were trained in a duels and TNT run earlier all right we're gonna be legends a full hour of training I was gonna train Chris last time but like he asked to train but I was feeling like really sick before the game started week three was bad I went into week three with like two hours of sleep and a pepto-bismol for breakfast all right but now now we're at our full power all right we've had training we can't lose we can't lose we're just gonna obliterate Skippy he's gonna get he's gonna have to get used to get in second place every week because me and James are just too powerful we're too powerful can't be beaten talking to myself is really awkward James R you back yet you forget to unmute Vytas been talking over you for five minutes now he's gone he's guys taking a phone call it's the organizers were bribing we're bribing the other top teams all right Toulouse to throw high volume on right then I guess we turn it up a bit just a bit oh no there's swear and I don't know if anyone like even cares about swearing quick poll in the chat yes no swearing is something you care about yes if you care very strongly about swearing and you will just immediately leave no if you just don't care at all no one cares this whole thing this whole like thing I've been doing for years huge waste of time hello welcome back it's okay you had to like put on your makeup it'll make you like 30% better at PvP all right they don't stand a chance all right all my chat saying they don't care no one cares about swear and I don't know why I do this do not swear I don't swear really got to stay monetize man I gave up this dream I just put like a swear in tag it's not I tried with Chris last time it didn't work did not worry just don't say the n-word and you'll be set all right that's just twitches along a long list of one rule on the entire website and it's just that mission success perfect perfect what are we waiting on yeah let's boo them how are they not ready on the dot boo boo them it's Preston his minecraft crashed garbage get him out of here kick him out of the event whose minecraft crashes unacceptable go back to fortnight man out of here go back to roblox we're gonna we're gonna crush all right we need to win because my parents do not feed me on weeks that I lose Minecraft Monday I have not eaten food for seven days okay I'm at the end of my rope here I I don't know if I could go another week so we got to destroy I haven't told people I turned 20 yet everyone thinks I'm 19 and for some reason they don't process that that's only one different so when I say I'm 20 their like what I thought you were 19 and it's like well I mean I was like a year ago that's that's how time works what June first we got this we're twins yes incredible exactly I know a lot about astrology it's what I spend all my time on so I'm an expert incredible that's kepi get'em hello sisters we are now live on Twitter for Bangkok Monday this week I'm teaming with minecraft legend techno blade working away we're gonna get the dough low-key advertise it on my stream - it's the double whammy got them both I did I switch my for I switch to my front camera in the middle about sorry I look too [ __ ] scary incredible that's why you gotta do what I do and just don't have a camera mystery video output low YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth Street what is this YouTube stop not again we do not have a face cam on your streams nope I am a mystery they will never suspect that secretly I am a black man they'll never know they'll never know now I've shown it but people like people don't know the videos there so every once in a while like I'll show like half of my face and they'll freak out like this is the first time this has happened oh my god looking up techno blades face cam I don't know let's boo them boo his page and have a teammate yet he needs to get a teammate what a nerd by himself boo boo this fan we need a boo in the chat all right boo boo yes yes boo plus one and then someone has to say boo plus two but no one understands the plus one plus two plus three things so they never do it there we go we're boosting each other boo plus three do you don't have enough subscribers dude come on we got we got to save the rank for the relevant people man we how do you do God you go into like cosmetics prefix it's on the top left it's the paper you right-click on the chest in your hotbar shotgun raids has become a channel number is that just some clown or is that the real one shot I've ditched you for a much stronger teammate goodbye forever kick him out - 50 points for tardiness gets peer pressure Beijing yeah um yeah James a team with imb I actually probably Thank You Johnny for subscribing with which you are I don't have a twitch prime money I'm on YouTube like a casual all I get is the YouTube premium beta version where you can use free super chat but but not every once in that beta so if you don't see a free super chat button do not send me to real dollars but I'm just saying it's spending google's money wait does Google take a 30% cut of the money that they pay themselves is that it I bet that's the thing honestly yes so the one dollar donations listen wait so one said the hamby's gonna kill me what don't kill me that's so real you got this okay you're gonna destroy her she won't stand a chance you're gonna combo her so much that she won't be on your team from the trauma we're gonna train he learned how what like a hot key is okay it's advanced stuff look you got this cuz last week my teammate got 35th but this week there's only 32 players you disappear improvement I think you were like 30 to 33 ish so you were beaten like 10 10 people it's like the same thing you gotta get the TNT run points man we got this we've trained imagine if we did all that train and then just like the second the game starts we just lag and die actually that reminds me I have a strategy for how we can win TNT run and definitely get banned you can freeze your Minecraft client so you don't fall where somebody there's a lot of different players that are VidCon I hope join me in one get a mad I hear all right we're both on Team one we got this Hunger Games playing a lot of the same minigames we did last time well there's a new one find the button I think [Music] I don't think I've lost this map before so I'm very confident we can continue this streak with the 10 kill win we got this I'll get 15 kills you get 10 and we'll just have so many points that they don't even play the rest of the tournament I don't think PewDiePie is in here no no I'm PewDiePie dude you should subscribe I'm actually a second Channel my second channel is techno subscribe that was a joke honestly you know this better than I do but it's there perfect I think one of my strats so far has just been to run away from mid immediately and then just pick up whatever you can someone said Mew discord when thanking people for subscribing okay you can set up discord so there's a key bind so when I don't know if it's stream deck but you can go into like discord settings and set something so it mutes you on discord whenever you hit a button thank you not for the bits chat I've gotten no bits for my YouTube chat can you believe this they haven't sent me a single bit let's get there we're actually team one this week which means we're the favourites to win that's how the team number works there's a grace period we got this I bet it's gonna work just as well as everything else works in this game Thank You Willie one thank you Crandall yes yes thank you this is awkward cuz every time you like thanks I want it's like I'm listening like hello it's the second hand Thanks just do what I do and ignore everyone that sends me money that's how you gotta you got to keep him in line man all right just because they're supporting your creative endeavors doesn't mean that they're free from the boolean okay they're getting they're getting ignored like everyone else it's equality okay it's communism I say this but thank you Sarah Geller for the $100 incredible I'm very invested the game started I'm leaving immediately don't go to the LA area that's on the other side let's go up this hill yeah well I guess there's a grace period but still run I'm very invested I've been debated in to listen to our advertisement it just keeps going all right nice nice I got like pants let's go over here let's get this 10 kill dub man we just got to get like Armour and soup and then I can just start stabbing people do you need a weapon I go to wood axe nice nice alright if you get like bolas and mushroom oh I have one of those alright okay let's keep getting them loot I don't know when the grace period ends but we can just stab people for stuff oh I got soup you know I don't need the chain chest plate you'll have anything I do not have anything for you I'm good on food let's just get soup pearls eggs all that sort of stuff we're actually getting rich over here this is great we're just playing SMP there's no one in this entire area this is great someone paid me a hundred dollars to kill dantdm you got this alright speed soup here I'm getting pretty rich do you need anything that I have no you should be fine alright let's go it kills man we're an overpowered team we got to go on the aggressive that's not a sense here you go do you have a helmet for me I can give you some pants here all right we don't need helmets it did we have to show our heads for the brand free kills over here free kills yes yes I want points oh three points all right it's fine it's fine we got this we got the three points well just vert just verb is in this week I have no idea oh my god pearls yes I like this oh yes yes don't mind if I do yeah we should all we should all make an iron sword sure and also we can get enchantments cuz you got levels yes okay I got stuff I just gotta make sure no one like walks up and stabs me when I'm not looking and we should be fine dude let's get this dope do I have a helmet I can I might have left something behind oh wait do you need a stone sword I am very smart here you go look it's fine we're gonna get iron swords and a 10 kill win anyways all right using this Frankie I'm getting about our incredible yes let's destroy let's just ignore them and get stuff I do you have extra sticks you can give me yes all right need like one of those here's a Siam one level short oops did you do tonight can I have one get a sharpness and prod I think you picked it up you got a book just place that on the item up I need a stick I got iron I can make a sword you picked it up again no oh it's on the floor over here alright we just died of fall damage and then you can carry I have so many advanced strategies but I don't want to say them until they're necessary okay because what if I don't use them and then people watch the vaad and think oh that's a good idea do you I'm ready to destroy the metagame okay we need to we need to go hunt kills I bet there's poor people I have a compass real thinknoodles dude it's dantdm steep dude I'm getting that bounty I was paid for this let's go why did my laptop turn off that's the only way I can see chat we're killing dantdm boys let's get him let's get him I see him it's dantdm die I've hurled I pearled skippy is down dantdm is down thank you for the $100 the bounty has been paid alright I got paid for this wait no my laptop's back stop right in the chat I can see you guys I got one I got one ant venom is over here let's see if we can climb up well you just you just see people and then you stab them why how are you Paul the way down there we climbed a mountain it's antvenom and CaptainSparklez they're getting away they're actually a pretty strong I climbed yeah okay I'm gonna give you a pearl it right-click to teleport I don't know man you didn't know about the Sprint key I'm going in man I'm going in where are you I'm dead get him kill CaptainSparklez you got this you got this you killed him you killed a minecraft youtuber you're winning the video games I died man I'm gone it's up to you to carry I probably should not be playing this aggressively but I can't help it I can't help it James you got a kill you killed who was it CaptainSparklez alright okay right right click on their head to get more health you did it you want to get as much there's a few soups in there I'm gonna start ghosting hard James Charles is my teammate ban me if you would if ban me if you dare okay alright I need to go stolen dark you've learned how to hotkey so you're fine now you're a legend alright so our goal right now is to get second place in emplacements there's a lot there's a lot of teams of two I would not go for fights I would just chill just start chillin okay I'm gonna be honest the border is so weak that I think if you just stayed here for the rest of the game and didn't even go to mid and let the border kill you you might survive to the final two and then you'd get like you get like 20 points or something from placement which is like two kills that's what skydoesminecraft did last week it was I was like where is the last guy and he's just getting killed by the border but it takes half an hour oh no you have soup that's good because then you can heal while the border is killing you and it'll take 12 years so just just hide in some corner it's going to be an incredible view and experience just hide no trust me you'll get so many participation okay do you think you're gonna one be two Vic star or do you want to do this it's between one of the two all right I know I know you've done your joke haters there's the border there are eight other players left so yeah I just stay on that roof honestly just stay up there hide behind there all right just stay there forever and life will be good dude you might get more points from participation than I got from kills that would be hilarious I'm getting carried I'm getting carried guys all right it's time to ghost it's uh it doesn't count all right grape is going and he's fighting Vic these are both teams which are supposed to have one sentient player on them oh he's going in great versus Vic he gabbled though he gabbled it's all over it's all over what they said preston was bad we've been tricked chat we have been tricked minecraft monday has been duped we've been duped run grape applesauce run run why are you dying you had like a free human sacrifice right over there okay all right I believe in you James get those participation points yes you're doing it incredible yeah see the thing is when the border starts going in people can't walk out to get you if the border moves past you so they can't get you that's T that's the secret you'll take a little bit of damage but who cares you just got to make sure all the other teams start dying before that I'm gonna I'm gonna ghost hard I don't I don't know where any of these teams oh here they are I'd go in a little bit oops oh wow that does that does no damage at all Wow dude just chill there forever okay just eat start eating soup there's a cool-down eat soup when you have like less than eight hearts all right just eat it eat it man you got this we're gonna cheese I don't know if this actually works I've never tried this before but there's only there's only five teams left it's the border strat how much healthy got you have not dude this is actually gonna where there's four teams left we're gonna be top three dude Donnie knows the strat to keep what we have more soup than Donnie oh my god we can do this dude they know this written no one wants to go to mid it's just Vik and Preston beating up every team how dude Preston has more points than Vic I remember in the group chat when Vic said oh don't worry about it Preston's he was like don't worry about it Preston super rusty it's gonna be fair we've been Trojan horsed guys we've been tricked we've been tricked he unnerved himself dude this is working you're in the top three teams dude all right I'm gonna go find where speedy is hidin and go stand tell Vic to kill them where are they it's time they're fightin speedy they're fighting speedy are they letting what are they doing you're second you got second place all right go in and 1v2 Vic star and Preston you got this I believe 1v2 time stand back give up now Vic it's over get him yeah get him okay what you do is you ask for a screen shot and then you start critten him out okay ask her a screen shot and then just start wailing up it has to take a no armor screen shot we have to use diplomacy to win this all right he wants a no armor screen shot Vic be a good sister he took off his helmet all right though it's it's working guys you're gonna get your second kill you got this you got to be more so you can't just walk in waving your sword it sends a bad signal when he waved his sword it was a message of peace okay respect his culture you got this your training has been for this get him get him you've trained you can destroy Vic think of how funny it'd be he'd have to delete his whole channel if you beat him dude get him yeah yeah get him just just got it everyone's getting bored fight him yeah he put on his helmet because he recognizes you're a serious dude you got into two words he didn't even combo you dude I'm telling you we've been trained in James he's a PvP God now dude what place were we in we're gonna be in second place but I think you're actually decently high up on the individual ward dude you're fourth place this is incredible we're so powerful petition petition to kick Preston the Preston's gonna win nine events we've been tricked we've been tricked all right let's go we're joining TNT run this is the other game we trained for it we got this we got this thank you for the donation done mmm I do not have Nick permission say they did not give that to me techno why don't you pearl out when you're about to die because that's what smart people do all right you could have like curled up and then stabbed Preston it would have been incredible turn off car decals okay they all my particles are off they better have fixed particles it's been a week it has been a week that and turning off particles doesn't even work they still show up maybe there's a bit less of them but I can still see him we got this James we're third and fourth all we have to do is wait for them to kick out Preston and we're gonna win dude we're not fair okay we're to PvP guides on the same team they don't even stand a chance all right imagine if they didn't fix particles it's been a week and they just didn't bother it's the same map to their this is budget all right we'll see if that uh we'll see if this works out if anyone wants to pay me a hundred dollars to kill anyone else the the door is open I don't know how I do it in tea and tea run but the option is there I have the strat we discussed earlier ready I will troll everyone in this event it'll be great there we go TNT run power-ups what did you do not just announce power-ups two seconds before the game starts I tried to copy/paste a message it did not work there we go you got this dan tried to get revenge it did not work you got this man I believe in you plus one point for surviving that was that wasn't you right alright good odds could save your like the first death after we trained and everything wait did they not fix particles I was almost bad all right I still see some particles but I think they fixed the ridiculous ones did you die you got this you've outlasted like four people you got to get the points man so many people are dire okay I fell I was bad there's a lot less people this week so sleeps points are a lot lower than it should be but still a decent amount of points way he's been explaining how to use power I don't know what power ups are dude why would they wait until the last second to tell us this are you alive yes do during the top half you're so good at this game though oh it's alright you're so good at this game they're not gonna let his team again because it'd just be on target dude Preston and Vicker alive they've cheated us all dude Phil killed me last week to win TNT run he's got it out for us man he knows the threats dude Preston and Vic are gonna they look trained alright they've tricked all of us they're gonna win 9 of 9 games we're gonna ban them from huge I'm dead cancelled got him finally I'm not the one getting cancelled I like this when I did slash top last time I dislikes when we that was glorious oh how I didn't even know just ribs in here and he's a TNT run the legend really no I have no idea mix on the second floor he's trained look at him he's got the single hop strats he's been preparing this is the Vic Star Redemption week okay who's this verb I I think he does for choice videos I don't know I I know he does minecraft - we got this man I believe in you you can do it just verb if you win Vic star gets one less point you gave him that free point dude boo boo this man I don't have the auto GG mod that's why that's why we're losing I don't have the auto GG mod that's where we accuse him of internalized homophobia that's how they get you we know the lingo all right we just got to crush this all right just chill take the easiest route while you can and we're gonna be okay I'm putting on my TNT run trihard goggles bills trying to kill me I it's Phil man it's Phil he's got no respect for my personal space frankly it's unacceptable Skippy's trying to kill me man don't know what I felt to Flores what is this you got this man just keeps stay alive weight for weight for a bunch of other idiots to fall off first and we got this [Music] just the entire minecraft Monday in song you're alive right all right the points are starting to come in just keep it up man I believe in you you're gonna get a top 10 score this week because of the training all right this is where you would send to being a Minecraft legend oh my god it's Phil it's Phil are you alive no all right both Vic and Preston are alive we've been tricked Phil is canceled canceled he's getting like double cancelled today all right soon I'll be not the most cancelled person in Minecraft Monday get him was a bad sequence of jumps to make but he did it why do I keep doing this to myself oh you are alive I don't know why I keep there's like so many easy jumps I could do and then I'm just like an idiot and go the other way [Music] Skippy I can't lose to skippy no axe hacks hack use eight that man kick him out I want him out I want him gone kicked from the tournament he's flying he's be hopping yep we're doing five rounds personal space Phil yeah respect it you got to have firm boundaries man you can't just let Phil you've had a speed boot what the heck is the speed boost and why does my chat know about it and not me it's possible I was like picking up items and I don't even I'm not even like looking at my hotbar right now because why would i look at my hotbar there's no items in this game but apparently maybe they have like ten double jumps and that's just that's how I'm losing I'm not using the ten double jumps oh my god Phil he's got no chill rhyme so it's true oh my god Phil why are you like this why oh my God he's he subbed in for junkie jenker this week to just ruin your day specifically yeah yeah roasting yeah Phil is over party get him out I'm just so glad not to be the one that's over this week I'm throwing I'm throwing Phil under the bus just so it's not me oh that's good we just got a ton a point jinx in it man you jinx me I'm doing okay I get like top five each round but I lose but it's okay because there's no placement in spleef and T&T run no you just get if you're first place you get one extra point cuz second place died that's it it's just nothing that's why you want to get two people who can survive decently late in the game throwable explosive I don't even want to know what they did to this game had one tha's over it's okay we can hazel his powers are weakened I'm gonna die hey I can't yes I beat Vic I can get one one more maybe two more points than he did and that's how we're gonna win the tournament yes yes we did it the training has paid off yes yes Paige is one of the few people here who doesn't hate me it's great wait maybe they did ad placement score cos mine went up a lot really yeah mine went from like 79 to 97 what I should have only gone up late a bit I think there is placement points they just didn't tell us they just did not they don't tell me these things chat I specifically asked and they just were like Mac so many people oh you got this you got to put on the trihard goggles and ascend to the minecraft legend you were meant to be Phil get him out of here all right so that's the sound of my blocks and break and not someone behind me we got this stay alive stay alive you got this the training the Train in this work in alright people are gonna start dying now free points free points oh my god you guys literally on the film to try to kill me oh my god Phil has no chill it's alright you beat like I don't know six seven people so it's not quite average but it's getting there man it's alright this is to give them some confidence all right Preston is alive we've been scammed yeah I remember people complaining oh my god I remember people like oh my god he got squid on his team in week two that's so unfair and I'm like how is that unfair it's squid its squid get him out of here I'd trash talking but I'm walking Skippy No No [Laughter] oh just verbis bagans teammate that's why I had no idea who was here because he joined like two minutes before it started that makes sense I was like how did he sneak in he wins ban him that'd be really funny if Bajan won cuz at the last second he pulled in a PvP guide I I think I think it's fine though that's good because bingo is my weakness all right this is the last round just get as many participation point to know you're gonna win actually you're gonna get first I believe in you gonna get so many participation points the other teams will complain it'll be great [Music] all right I botched that one I'm just gonna sprint sometimes then I'm walking it disappears early I think maybe the speeds different than on hypixel so we're just gonna sprint for safety who's died already how do you mess up that bad now you will you at least survive fast a couple people each round you got this man are we gonna ascend you're gonna finish this in the top they disappeared early there's no way what okay bill don't do this to me I'm sweating I'm sweating I'm overheating I have to go all out for TNT run [Music] here's the here's the Cullen everyone's dying now what it disappeared it I hate this I'm walking forward at a normal speed and suddenly it just disappears immediately I don't understand I do not understand all right I know I don't know what I need to look into what how does that mic to get like I need to figure out cuz my the headset mic that I'm using now also socks just verb has achieving his full potential in video games right now so one said when you're by yourself you should walk inside everyone on the block's okay good my god beijing and just forget all the points from this and just sweep the entire event what no no rip page adversity big big still up here he's trained he went to a dojo for the last week in the mountains and consulted the TNT run champion 80 years old he was he knows how to use power I don't understand this game man he's going Vicco mode he's going Vicco mode let me just alright we got this let's look at the score I think Beijing and just verb just got a lot of points Preston still has more points than me no alright you went down to 10th place but I believe we're so far we got a third rip Beijing and just affirm man all right what games next let's please oh wait really no it's dropping yeah it's dropping yes we got this man we did not practice dropper at all bogey gotcha I was actually really good at this last week we okay if somebody has a blue Mike Mike or somebody has a blue Yeti microphone what setting do I need all right let me check money I use the heart one so that means it's superior to all other modes just by virtue of me using it okay it's called like cardioid or something I don't know yeah does it sound okay well you have a blue Yeti now nice really yes because you've had like potato Mike quality for weeks I know I don't know why maybe you're like maybe you're like yelling well too close to it and just like immediately killing off everyone watching I don't know am I not close enough all right you seem fine right now it does sound good yeah it seemed fine we gotta we gotta get the J slap Mike for you so at least it seems funny put the Mike in front of your face I do have I'm not on the head side light weight okay turn the game up with the Mike on the other side of the room it'll work out just commentate from a distance so instead I'm using my headset mic for discord I don't think I am wait let me see this is too complicated video you got I am does this sound better I have no idea I'm not paying any attention no it seems fine no yeah it seems fine hello no hello oh shoot I win I win I won dropper yes first place wait J slat one and his teammate SNP live is good at something I mean while I technically they won last time that's not the same SMP live alright it's not the same J slats completely different alright I believe in you you can do this I just didn't I'm just a master of this game alright I've done nothing but play dropper for three years if he anyone subscribed to my channel knows daily dropper videos for the since 2015 shoot I believe in you man you can do it get those 10 extra points I can't I can't spectate faster than this I gotta float all the way down get the cinematic view shot here get a eye on that button didn't work I believe in you you can do it 25 seconds no pressure alright I can look at the other dropper maps alright time to cheat alright Oh flying over to the pumpkins yeah captain sparkles is here we know what's going on we know what's going on all right the next pool is to the west where is the jump it's no this is a completely different map I'm done I'm done my cheatin hasn't helped at all oh I'm bad I'm bad no oh I completely overshot that and I'm bad 10 I'm bad I'm bad at video games no no was I not wrong or did they split up the order so you can't spectate the incredible plays going on here who knows who knows are they trying to trick me is this all you got this I believe in you Oh unleash your of latent dropper power oh [Music] wow the scroll wheel does work okay I believe in you you can do it you can do it get them get those points yeah yeah all right next round oh yeah is it is it this easy what gotta get first I got number 2 you got 5 dude you get extra points you got top 5 yes this is where the wind begins yeah hey that was not 90 seconds you got top 5 oh no wait Oh yo place do you get dude we're destroying we're destroying these teams don't stand a chance dude this whole time we've been tricked my chat well boys we did it Vic stars no more it's The Dropper points man we're gonna get like 5 more points than him and that's gonna be enough you can't you can't get a lead and dropper eye hits a thing dropper is a very participation round if I'm being honest look at these guys not even getting participation Jack sucks at life more like Jack sucks at minecraft am i right am i right look at him the waters right there the water is right there you bald idiot you fool you fool you absolute amateur look at this man sunset James your room is to Aqua Dots oh well I mean I can't change the I mean I can get sound proofing stuff that I can't change it for right now it's Chris he's learned nothing from his training and OBS there's a filter called condenser which turns on the volume when you scream oh I don't know how much OBS settings I'd change right now oh I can't I can't see it is this an invisible thing first really you can do a man just avoid avoid the glass I believe in you you can do it alright everyone's telling me that I was actually the name of his account Jack sucks at Minecraft alright my prank has been ruined it's been root Y is the admin mad at me I'm with James Charles okay you knew we were gonna sweep when you put me on the same team as this absolute beast alright don't act surprised when we just sweep the competition I believe in you man just go and just go in the middle oh now you get points just jump jump like through the middle and then rewind oh my god it's the same place every time [Music] three I believe in you man get those participation points you can do it I believe in you yes I don't know how but I'm damn good at this game and I've only played it like once from last week you know what you got the five points and that's what matters all right it's just it's just a five-point difference we got this this stream is sponsored by Chili's what's the that's the next one back to ghostin we done this this looks really easy would they oh there's redstone here so the quality is trash why is the quality it's because they're not watching my stream which is what they should be doing stop the video shoot is there a way that I can edit the bitrate while the stream is already live or no I don't think that's the thing no no don't die in lava no unacceptable all right and first got'em get destroyed beige and canadian every week I have destroyed beige and Canadians dreams all right in week 1 I killed him four times I am amazed he's one of the few people here that still doesn't hate me it's like he's the host of the event so I should be like supportive but I'm not I just kill him every time it's fantastic every time I'm there to crush his dream so you got second place last time because I stopped him god I believe in you you want to fall in the blue liquid not the not the orange one that is bad it's very hot all right it will burn you okay at least I'm getting participation yes the five points are crucial all right they're crucial I mean I don't think we're gonna get all that much of a lead anyways in dropper because it's just like a five-point difference each round but if we can get the participation so long as we don't fall behind we're good what's the game after this I have no idea incredible yes give me that chili sponsorship money speaking of money people should send me you guys mind hidden the join button and becoming a channel number it's like yes yes excellent Oh what there's the button three I was that was a really easy round what how did you how did you fail this this is a this is everyone gets points this round 29 of 30 people think noodles think noodles okay everyone make fun to think noodles oh wow this is a hard one last pant dude last one was like a trick all right they were still in false confidence enough dude I have to turn so much my brain my brain is melting hey my brain is not smart enough for this level how do people do this my brain is not large enough for this level one person has completed this it's Vic its Vic he's trained alright oh yeah I came close is there like a secret to this oh people are just walking down normally that's how they're doing it they're just walking down the stairs they're just walking oh my god oh my god why why is that a level second oh this is another freebie level dude that's such a twist that's such a twit they keep like they give us like a really easy level and they give us a puzzle and they give us an easy level they're tricking us it's the mind games the mind games my entire chat is making fun of me no no what happened where are we oh wait I got 85 that's actually really strong I'm in second place yes suck it Preston oh yeah uninstall the game Preston out of here yeah you're you're almost in the top half you got to get top ten this week man prove them all wrong what game is spleef spleef is next all right boys time to target Vick in spleef get them we're gonna start an alliance it's the only way we got to use diplomacy to win this diplomacy and subterfuge all right welcome to Minecraft Monday this is serious business I told you my parents will not feed me this week if I lose they will not feed me I need to eat I need to eat you're eatin right now you are eating while I beg for food I hear the sound of chips being crunched in my discord call no why it's been seven days since I tasted food why would you do this to me you guys I'm the chops tonight industry he's gone all right everyone like come over to my stream and send me money while he does that no yes okay people think it's fine I got to defend my first individual title all right it's just uh 21 more points we got this spleef legend coming up the problem is battle arena hmm James you're gonna have to show off your PvP God abilities in battle arena sense it's okay James we've trained we've trained for this what's your bit right right now 6,000 touch that's good that's fine yeah are you streaming like 1080p 60fps I think honestly I mean I turned it down to 720 myself but honestly with that bitrate you should be fine I mean I'm hardly an expert but but while while James is figuring that out if I if everyone could hit the join button and become a channel number we have a discord the channel numbers can be in it's great it's great just send me money we have tears now you can get a higher tier it's fantastic this is the this is the only thing I can do because I don't have merge merge and dice so I got a I got a plug the join button what place are we and we are in second place we got this man it's just in a hundred fifty point lead we got this we're gonna destroy I believe a second first oh yeah mmm Preston's gonna get top 5 and we're gonna ban them from the event banned this is his revenge for week 2 I can't allow it I gotta get more individual points a problem is you carried me in The Hunger Games so I didn't get those points you got all the all the team points for last into second place dude Vic what if even if I quick Vic 1 like the next eight games he would have had to like resign and disgrace he got 1v 1 by j --b that would have been hilarious just all of his street cred gone it's alright The Legend of James Charles is ascendant here man all right I'm ready what place are in write out you're in 16th I believe in you top-10 you can do it got a past dantdm you killed him he's bad you got this just got a repeat yeah all right set in a trend here techno getting carried by James Charles it's true that's what's happening techno is bald dome not lies lies alright everyone joining ok joining game for all right boys it's the Alliance everyone target those guys so we can get first thank you this is fair let me let me go negotiate a deal with scare you get over here we got it we got to negotiate a deal Skippy skep eat ghetto ghetto stop running stop running you can't just run from your problem Skippy get back here oh my god I'm going into is just squirt call to make fun of him alright where is he I'll be back wait is he not using the discord he's not using the discord I bet he's using teamspeak because Skippy is allergic to use in like actually modern technology he's probably using like like two cans together with a string to talk to his teammate every time I try to collab with him he makes me use like this different arcane technology like teamspeak who even uses teamspeak I'll have to rely on my chat to make fun of him chat tell him his technology is garbage alright I better use this internet explorer that's how behind on the times he is these uses MySpace YouTube is his second career you're eating steak I am starving to death over here and you are having a whole prime rib filet mignon you have like a personal chef sitting there oh my god I tried oh my god yes I'm getting all the channel numbers I can buy food with the channel number money yes yes the food so honestly James I might crap on my account I have people are like I'm staying up until 4:00 a.m. to watch I'm like you know you can just watch it after the vide is there you don't you don't got alright you remember the plan just mind our business and stay alive get those points yeah yeah oh yeah me is ready to go full in aggro oh my god he knows that you're a threat you know he's scared of your power you can do a man just chill out no one's over there in that corner so you can just like stay there forever don't go over here that's I was a completely unnecessary risk I'll just go somewhere you don't need to jump all right you got this just stay away from the edges so you don't get likes no wallet all the way down and you'll be fine you'll be fine alright which which are the team's pressed and all everyone's alive there's pressed and I'm gonna go I'm gonna go kill him yeah Preston's rusty don't worry about it we can put them on Vic's team lies slander CaptainSparklez get over here you killed me in the Minecraft Hunger Games and this is a sin for which you will never be forgiven got him yeah get him out of here I changed it so now it's like it's got the TNT run system thing or blocks disappear well now when you walk on them but that actor knee got'em no don't do this to me speedy no you don't want to mess with me speedy don't do this to me speedy no don't you don't want to mess with this speedy what did I tell you speak what did I tell you yeah out of here oh don't want to stand on the ice all right you're alive right good work good work you're almost in the top half just mind your business you got him oh my god CaptainSparklez just getting destroyed by James Charles oh my god it's Phil isn't it it's always filled all right Phil is uncanny this round it was I ran out I was gonna try to kill him but I ran out there's no blocks up here dude only the top layer disappears you're so the top layer oh yeah I killed everyone here oh I just I just want snowballs and there's like there's none to collect because I need all of this land I get the points man I don't know which is say bad boy hallo don't do this to me we're chill man we're chill alright just because I called you bald all those times he's just getting destroyed he never stood a chance because of our elite training is it block its blocks I stand on they turned on TNT run for me specifically alright hey I'm getting bullied Oh is glass the one that disappears or is like ice is it both I don't know I think it's I think it's glass I don't know man so ice disappears last which breaks yeah glass turns to ice so glass is safer alright alright good to know no one is dying because they only turned on this for like the top level so everyone else is still chillin who is a threat mage and Canadian is a threat they are in third place chew chill chill I tell I felt two floors I hate this this game is bad this game is bad I'm uninstalling I'm playing for at night from now on no die at least die at least kill beige and I did not kill beige in Canadian he lives he lives all right get him bad boy halo get him yeah immediately denied alright and now the second level disappears all right I got the I think the being on the first floor isn't as big a deal now because it disappears everyone's everyone's staring at Preston after he got he got reverse heiped alright yeah get him get him yeah bad boy hallo get him yeah no I died Connor is just chilling he's just chilling he's not good at aiming this is not on his list of skills oh he got help he's gone bad boy hallo going in he's getting the kills boys he's getting the kills and there's still the guy on the second floor alright you guys should cross team on sidearms that's all we should do get him yeah oh it's happening yes bad boy hallo I believe in you get the Skippy points get them yeah it's dantdm we can't let dantdm win there's no reason for me to hate on him but I got paid to sew hundreds of dollars just for me to ruin this event for dantdm specifically now I got it now I got it get him bad boy hallo yeah yeah well boy hallo get him yeah yeah you did it yeah legend gg the contract was fulfilled lief takes like ten times longer than uh then TNT Ron I don't know it's cuz no one ever fights which is a good idea do not fight people oh the game instantly started I didn't even know I just killed Skippy by accident no this is a bad idea that was a bad idea I've suffered for my arrogance Oh Chris no please after I got you so much twitch crime money last week don't do this to me Chris yeah out of here yeah I just destroyed all of Conners dreams Connor wanted to play this round and I did not allow it I said Connor you know what no more no more Connor no no please I cheered you on I wish your number-one fan this person looks like they're easy to kill got him I'm just waiting for people to go near the edge and then I'm just destroying them it was the people with the most points Vic and Preston are still alive we got to kill them and venom does not like me he does not like me he wants revenge for last week and also last game well I guess the last Hunger Games anyways where are the people I'm trying to kill theirs Vic where's Preston denied if he tries to get a screenshot you just log out now free kill spotted doc get him yeah wouldn't be to sidearms no sidearms we were chill we had a nice collaboration going relax Vic Starr relax he's not relaxed and this is the opposite of relaxed and that did not work [Music] Oh Vic Vic you need to relax Vic Preston's still alive get him get him boys he lives no wait I got him too okay we killed each other it was a draw all right you see what I was doing there was I was I was killing me and Vic killed each other which gives Skippy the opportunity to win the whole event you see how the teamwork works kepi paid me ten dollars for this we are cross team and do not tell the organizers this is a very real thing what does sidearms doing if I stand by this ledge no one will suspect slash top no I can't do that in this game it's not a command dude Skippy Skippy and bad boy halo they did well in spleef last time too this is their main game Skippy you can do what Skippy I believe in you Skippy this is your week destroy them I think did they add placement spleef they didn't say they did but they didn't say that about TNT run either so if Skippy and bad boy halo could get two placements in one game that would be legendary it's so now he's he's good man we gotta kill Jerome where's Jerome right where's Jerome what where is he he's on the top floor what a nerd I should sell him out in the chat be like you I should target Jerome Jerome he's just chilling he's just chilling he's ascended above okay now it's just Skippy and bad boy hallo what are their points 38 71 let's see how much he goes up Skippy I believe in you watch him 1 V 2 get him he's going in he's going in yeah he's dead there's no way there's no he's going in he's gone rip rip 39 I don't think is there not placement points that would be a huge scam for scapulae wait I think I think there is placement points I think you just got them the legend dude I believe Skippy and bad boy halo dream team my chats telling me to type / win just get it off now grande lives don't do this to me Phil no who was that Jason lat you got a chill you got a relaxed in this video game Oh can't be out you're doing that man hey Jack Jill Jack Rochelle oh my god no I felt by myself I'm bad alright no hand venom does not like me all right just got to survive I people are trying to fight I am minding my own business all right there's only two people in here I need to kill Preston and Vic so they don't get points because they are in first place and I am in second place and I would like to close the gap a bit oh he's protecting his teammate man he's protecting them out of here yeah all right I want to be one too Vic he did not die so it didn't really matter but he went down a floor know how all right here's my chance to target Preston get him Jason I'll get him you got this man you're carrying all right I killed Preston Oh Vic's coming back he's avenging him no no Vic chill Vic killed Vic are you alive it's all right it's all right you survived to the top half don't leave me alone aunt I killed the number one team we gotta get got to get aunt I don't want to be around here because I'm near the edge but this is honestly one of the safer places to be because everywhere else has just been destroyed I'm just chilling I gotta get as many no aunt why why does aunt hate me do I got a kill hand in self-defense no Jill y'all gotta relax all right just verb do not do this to me people he's not even talking he's eating too busy food I'm starving to death and he is eating caviar with his mic on Phil relax Phil we're bros Phil have some chill no no no no Phil Phil remember the $10 I gave you Phil remember the money that's what you get I want to go to the another part of the map and I'm gonna try to see if I can kill a SL I killed a except your own he was not expecting to be attacked nope nope the revenge the Carmen no no he's just chilling man oh there he is he's chillin there's always one person left at the top that just does not have to descend to the realm of mortals I got immediately Carmen I'm not getting any placement points but we're getting a bit of points we're getting a bit of points we got this man the bingo legends we're gonna get 500 points in bingo and sweep we're gonna sweep wow that should the four people that are left are both on the same teams up there they go to be one grape applesauce get him do they know sidearms you have to go on the offensive it's just grape Oh speedy knows speedy knows he's getting attacked from well he's not getting attack his sidearms is chilling son I can't type sidearms get him beat him up yeah yeah get him there's only one enemy why are you chilling get him get him believe in yourself yeah he's right clicking he's doing it he's doing it they're instantly winning the game no didn't work I believe in you sidearms you can do it grape applesauce is just gonna like 1v2 he's got this yeah I'm not a boy you're not alive either why do they think I was talking to them they're not even alive they're spectating and oh oh final floor / air pods that's not a command that's not a command this is like the most chill spleef battle I've seen in my life they do not care oh all right eat the berries eat the berries get them yeah oh my god mods kicked them admins punch eat the berries there they go you're just flexing and they kill they killed the caster too no one survives all right what's the what's the score looking like have I ascended I'm not in first place I'm down by one point I'm down by oh my god Skippy Skippy's 2/3 yes I'm down by one point I'm trash I'm garbage unacceptable it's not enough oh god battle arena alright it's time to be a PvP god it was incredible incredible okay look you can't build it middle so there's no physical way for me to get to your sky base unless I like rip off my shirt to reveal my super suit and fly up there for those of you guys who are not aware what we were just you were about to stalemate for 10 hours as everyone else in the game why is Jerome mad I didn't even kill him ruined his whole day it was fantastic you watching his perspective you said you like yes I'm king of the world no one could get me and suddenly just slap him all the way down to the surface it was fantastic that felt it felt bad this is the second week in a row that's why I had to assume that's why I had a team with you this week so if we win I can get uncannily eat me up I'll get killed in real life I'll show up to my house they like try to kill me in real life and I slash top to the moon it's my powers my chats telling me to type slash win it didn't work I'm out of hunger I'm gonna starve to death help I'm gonna starve no I'm dying in the pregame all right where where are you you are there you are all right let's uh which direction should we go I can't sprint anymore I ran out of food there's a desert over there let's go this way oh my freaking light just died for my you don't have the gamer makeup on and how are we gonna win Vic's gonna sky base again he's learned nothing I can't build anywhere no he's gonna he's gonna be like up there like welcome guys to another episode of sky block OH Oh God are you here for business I think they're here for business all right you guys spun kill them and I'll pay you 50 after I'm uh okay alright we're going this way we're gonna sprint we're gonna try to get to the desert as fast as we can and get desert temples last time I got a desert temple I got a sharpness for book and then I never even got to use it it was a huge disappointment I was so mad because I kept getting like followed around and I never got a chance to actually like equip it would have been such a free win did they fix loot they better a fixed loot alright it's all luck oh come on that's fine yeah like something like that I think it's 26 or armor and a sword alright I'm roaming through I don't I'm not seeing one I'm not seeing a desert temple please I need the free win free diamonds please no yeah let's just let's run a bit farther over here and then we'll go down what's the once the desert ends I think there's an enchantment table admit actually it might be worth one said I'll talk about that Luke goes in mid and I think Luke going to mid was a bug it's gonna be really awkward if they didn't fix it because that would that's just weird game design otherwise I don't there's just another desert over there we're just gonna run for the entire six minute grace period we search for desert temples we don't find them and then we die yeah you should maybe we should start mining you might want to split up and then meet up afterwards you know how to use coordinates right all right I don't know I don't feel like the desert temple has happening right you you start getting iron and I'll just run in this direction forever all right and then the border will appear and immediately wipe me out is that a temple over there no it's just like a pile of it's a pile of sand I'm getting trolled way that actually might be one I don't know maybe it's just like a really clickbait pile of sand I think it's a clickbait pile of sand I've been trolled I see a ravine over there I'm going to the ravine oh alright there do you have any idea where I am no all right Rock let me just post the coordinates in the chat where everyone can see it and wait I can just talk home to you alright I am at a negative 350 mm this ravine sucks don't come to me it was a huge scam this was I was a clickbait ravine right there there's nothing I got to find a cave get wood I should get some wood that's a smart idea these ravines are so terrible they're so terrible bro all right we're gonna be going out there with like no armor and a stone sword is the plan all right oh that looks like a promise in cave I'm just gonna get some wood and then go in there we'll just have to avoid confrontation for the first part of the game I hear skeletons Thank You zippy for subscribing got the musical commentary incredible I have 7-iron I believe in you man you don't even really need coal you can just smell it with wood is the fuel yeah it's going well we're gonna win this event Oh I'm just gonna slash top and look for another cave how can you forget the trauma should be ingrained yes you miss diamonds I did not miss diamonds chat shut up out of here lies literally the same it's not it's just useless is what it is wait nice nice nice I don't know if it's the same one oh no there's definitely lot of iron get that iron I feel like we're gonna get iron armor a bit late but I think a lot of teams get ironed a bit late so it's fine as long as you don't get like instantly to be wand see I don't you missed a stone block thank you chat thank you I did not see that stone I'm up to ten iron enough for a chest plate oh here we go this is where the Cape gets good yes yes thank you you don't mind if I do you're still at ten man I'm at like 16 get with the program James thank you for subscribing for the beds oh I need more iron game I should start smelting this if I get spawned killed it's just that's just how it is I'm pretty far out I don't think anyone's gonna like immediately get me you need a furnace I'm aware that I will need a furnace I should alright I'm gonna I'm gonna start smelting you just make sure no one's nearby cuz combat gets enabled very soon oh yeah it's like 40 more seconds yeah so just stay alive don't let anyone get near you and we should be good I wonder if I'm like way too far out and the borders gonna own me I think oh yeah I need to spawn some iron thank you I don't want to get owned by the border that's not high on my list of activities I want to do today you missed a stronghold Bligh's the border is closing in the border so fast I have to leave I have to leave immediately nope no top what what why is the border so fast why is it so fast why am I out of food what is this the border no are you kidding me are you serious what what it's so fast no no they're gonna shotgun raids me no unacceptable no what is this it's so fast why would you even start it out there if it was gonna be no what is this okay it stop it chill it's chill we just got to get there and we'll be fine dude the borders so insanely fast what is this okay I live it's a good thing the border does like zero damage I am pretty far out I am at a I am at negative 388 a 1800 wait we have a player tracker there's no player within 500 blocks I need to get stone just so I can get more furnaces because I did not bring the ones I had to evacuate immediately all right I don't I want to get stone somewhere that isn't a desert here's the stone all right here we go I don't even need iron right now I just need stone for furnaces okay I'm gonna place my furnaces my fur died all right the smelting begins the border is a hundred seventy five blocks away and it is now much closer I hate this this is not good it's so fast it's so fast what is this I got a pack up I got a leave because the border oh wait no I got a place of block no no one accepted okay I had to see I had to take damage to hop over that I was almost very bad because you can't place blocks dude I hate this border it didn't even go that far it's just messing with me you can you're fine just you slash top if you're just you slash top if you're in danger dude the border it's trolling us we're shotgun raids now this is how it feels to be shotgun raids you're alive oh my god the border okay I got I got an iron chestplate at least we're getting there her doing all this work just to get full iron and every team there is gonna be like enchanted diamond oh alright I had one more stone this is so bad this is literally so bad we this sucks alright not even doing anything there yeah are you sure about that all right so long as you're safe so right now long as you're safe how much iron do you have total the border is shrinking down to 200 blocks hold pocket this I hate this game this game is bad this game was poorly designed and many babies oh my god you can do what man I believe in you stay alive stay alive this border has zero chill this border has zero chill all right it stopped moving at least all right all right don't just mind your business don't let them see you okay just run run run it's okay you only have 16 million subscribers they might leave you alone they might leave you alone it's fine no no halo please halo don't do it I am in the border man I am dying a slow painful death because I hate this border this border has zero chill all right I'm gonna I'm just gonna smell one more iron and then I don't even care about the rest I'm making a helmet and leaving because the border alright it's alright we can just cancel him and all will be fine now I can see mid oh I'm just chilling I have four total points we got this we got this man that was so awful I believe we just got a 1v2 Preston and Vic it can happen it can give me an N a pearl please thank you thank you is it all drop no order why I hate this I hate this game I don't know how much 20 hearts these full health this is not a fight I want to get into oh they're after me man oh I can't they've got enchantments I hate this I'm out I'm out I'm dead it's over it's over dude they have enchantments it's all over you know was not happening you can do it Skippy I believe in you beat up this random homeless guy yeah yeah get him yeah dude Preston has enchantments and a bow remember when they were like oh it's fine man you can team him with Vic he's rusty it won't be overpowered narrator's voice they lied they lied about eight diamonds oh my god they all found desert temples and got sharp five fire respect to books do they really know I'm just making that up run bad boy halo run run make him take fall damage he's probably gonna hit a tree or something run I can't see his health he's just a god he's a god my chats like maybe if you didn't waste your time I was running from the border the whole time that's the border man it has no chill all right which teams are alive captain enhance I know I'm gonna be honest I don't know just verb in Beijing might be the team if they can get enchantments and crush everyone everyone's just running away from the guide team right now yes border kill them it's not wait Oh for a second there I thought Chris got a kill and I was like what how could this be how could this be beige and just verb you are the team that has to clutch this alright we can't let them get more points we can't let them get more points they've got power bows no oh oh you got a free hit I'm spectating just verbum beijing vs. all those guys they've got bows is the problem the boat is a lot of damage how do you think hit boson Jim well everyone's just chillin they're stuck in a corner which actually might be to their advantage if someone else ambushes beige in and just verb who need health they need to heal up I got more hits but then they got bowed so hmm oh this is a chance to deal some fall damage and they wasted it and it's over they've got bows they've cup just bet bad boy halo no don't feed him kills what are you doing you're feeding him points oh my god you were destroying him and he gets full health from the head it's over no no the bows sunset seems can you make a hockey to meet your mic on you what can you actually cure might they have like a stack of arrows where did they get the time for this up moshpit time moshpit time yeah get him Oh Preston's down they just got a kill Vic I think major and just Ferber actually pretty high points so then winning isn't perfectly ideal but it's better cuz anyone except first went in is good for us yes they did it Bayesian Canadian is gonna win a minecraft Monday who's like captain honestly captain sparkles and antvenom I feel like they would be a strong team but they just they just die every week is the problem I think if they stayed alive and earn points that would be ideal Jerome is chillin Phil's been dead for 12 years Jerome is minding his own business as he should just to taunt me just to taunt me the bad news is they got like 50 kills so they're still gonna get a ton of points out of that we got a total zero kills basically reflection this we got this there's grape applesauce he's solo but that use basically solo anyways it's fine everyone's just chillin where is oh here they are they're walk-in to the border they don't care does no damage what are they do it ant venom and CaptainSparklez they don't even have full iron Conner stream is calling me toxic I'm very toxic alright when I said he was a homeless man that was not a joke he's streaming from the streets right now okay he broke into a hotel and plugged in his laptop and his streaming minecraft Monday as we speak that is his setup I asked him I have the proof I have the receipts oh my god bad boy halo and Phil are canceled Hansol 'm if techno loses he's canceled no not again I like how the border this entire game has just been zooming and then when now it's here and it's just chill it doesn't care how are there still affords he was loved the border doesn't do any damage so you can just walk into it if anyone threatens you oh but they've got bows now they're doing what they're doing our strategist chilling the border forever he doesn't what he doesn't want to suffer what it looks like he's gonna suffer you just Boehm it's like wait no that's great that's great I'm blind I'm illiterate he's winning he's destroying him Beijing is getting owned and fall damage oh there he goes ant venom agent sound 1/2 health which is still a lot of health and his teammates full CaptainSparklez just wants those participation points man he Huestis teammates head for health ruthless oh here's great you saw are you gonna two of you want him it's over you got this crepe you got this low ground sick combo didn't work at all he used the MLG he's a legend full uhé mode engaged and while I'm waiting for him to like walk by and Jerome's he's getting killed by every mob he's gonna die to a zombie he's playing single-player right now the creeper I mean while Jerome and captain's articles are just jerk CaptainSparklez does not care about the border man he doesn't care if ice raids his house he's just gonna chill he's gonna chill forever here's great he hadn't beaten up on by every mob the mobs are stream sniping grape look at him he's getting stream sniped up there's CaptainSparklez oh he's going in he's gonna the creepers are guarding him wait he's not even here he disappeared he used ninjutsu he disappeared he's getting killed by creepers it's ok he's chill with this spider oh he's going in oh there they are not 1v1 him rip where's Jerome I'll go in Jerome you got this one b2 you got this hidden the zombie down the zombies will take him you got the zombie all you just hit the zombie you could have 2 V 2 them with the zombie Jerome you got this they got the songs get him get him I believe in you Jerome they're split up just one V to them you got don't bow fight them they have a power boat is 50% more damage you got the zombie to v1 don't wobble why would you lava like that no it worked that strategy actually worked that did not seem like something I would pay off but it did and just Abreu comes in rest and peace they got a hundred seventy four point do do we just get knocked the third place did we just get knocked to third place no unacceptable no no the dream team no we're not even in third we've been owned we're down to four that we're garbage were terrible we're terrible in that way I'm actually still second in points but I didn't do anything that came I'd I think you have to find the button I think that's the objective with that game now find the button time new minigame boys it's alright I have trained my entire life for find the button I got to get more points man I'm only in second place out of the 30 people here that's garbage my chat expects better out of me I am failing them but I'm gonna make it up to them by destroying this game of find the button I think if I if I drop from first individual for even a single week hypixel will change the plus in my rank - a pig - this is a reminder of my failure dude I can't go two weeks without food we got a win we got a win man Vic has trained in find the button all is lost all is lost all right we got this I'm just gonna turn on my x-ray client where everything is invisible except buttons let me just let me just turn on I don't want to go to my options cuz I sure and I have a low fire pack that I named I'm not even using it all right I'm turning on the x-ray pack let's go let's go we got this Geist the only way to win James look only I don't know man how many buttons he says how many buttons and he says there's a bunch of buttons thank you Beijing that was helpful there's a lot why won't they just tell us a number they set this up they don't even know how many buttons could it be - five a dozen the more you find the more points you earn I would never figured that out on my own until then I thought the objective was not to find buttons I thought the objective was just to afk it's fun techno show hitboxes buttons don't have hit boxes and plus everyone would like tuning to my stream and they wouldn't know what hit boxes are so they'd be like wow he's hacking mods get him people talk about [ __ ] politics in my chat room absolutely the whole DNC debate is taken place in James Charles cream chat yeah separate what type of blood and stone would there's gold buttons okay there's no such thing I was gonna say I quote they teleported us anyways the buttons are all gonna be like camouflaged in the wall this is gonna be terrible no no I bet there's a button here there was not a box dude there's gonna be like these tiny buttons that my chat sees and I don't and they're gonna get so mad at me come on you axe dude you're a legend Skippy is stuck he's so bad at this he's so bad I have to die have to draw my help I got another one yes we're doing this James we are destroying we found the only button so far has been us we are clutching this there's 260 there's 64 buttons is this I've already oh did you find that button because I have alright I don't think we can get the same buttons you just gotta get as many oh my god you're a legend at this I'm so paranoid I'm gonna miss a button walking too fast I bet there's a button unlike the side here that seems like a place a button would be hidden how are you so good at this how is your natural talent find the button it's just incredible don't trust the chat they will they will troll you even if they're right it's too late you know how long it would take to find the button they saw with their guidance it just never happened I have no idea there's got to be a button in here there's no reason to have this room here there's no button but I can't find it because I'm bad at video games no don't do this to me find the button don't do this I'm not finding it I'm gonna leave I'm out see ya doo doo I found a few maybe okay I found one button I thought I found multiple but I was wrong you're gonna have to carry me in this mode James that's why you like cut off for a second there there are some people that are only finding their first plans Oh what a bunch of noobs am i right imagine being that bad at find the button you've already found this button hey every time I find a button it's one you've already found you're just flexing on me man oh hey go try to go to a different area because we need yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna head east that's that's exactly where you are never mind I'm gonna head west this seems like a button place my chats gonna see one and I'm gonna miss it and are gonna be very upset I think there's only one other team that has five oh it's seeing cry us at five you keep walking next to me I'm gonna run over here I see a large coat over here I'm gonna explore it you're on it hey there's a different boat I'm climbing the boat there's got to be buttons in here man there's gotta be a button up here right maybe down here how would they even hide a button over here oh it could be on the roof oh I hate this I hate this possibility yeah yes I can't find buttons man they're not gonna feed me oh my how are you so good at this game I'm getting destroyed he's just to find the button legend I think this is your I'm in this boat and this boat has given me nothing but disappointment this whole game alright I'm going back to like the building so seemed to yield more results I only got 10 points so far I'm bad I'm bad the circuit your your chats downloaded the map oh well that's how they new Chet you can't just tell them the ones I found yeah it was undo time not well you like the big Coliseum area already I have no idea I'm just going through the stone man nice nice no I think you got points for that can't jump up there sometimes I missed one I'm stealing where sir is there no button in here is this entire house just is there like a button here that I can't see what oh we have ten - it's the Phil and Jerome team they've trained okay help I'm trying I'm looking for all the buttons I can get I'm on the roof which feels like a secret place to find buttons but it could just be a scam f3 + B I don't think that works I hit the button just for you no wait that's hitboxes I'm not trying that hitboxes I was like the item info thing after there's like a button in the furnace I thought there's gonna be one in here there's no this entire house is a scam this house is homophobic yeah I never found anything in there you never there was nothing on the big bowl I didn't see anything they're all hidden so you know maybe but I don't I don't think it's worth checking oh and I already found it and I hate this game gotta get more buttons there's only like a minute left we found 10 buttons this is where we get our lead back oh no they can Preston have 10 buttons we got to get more we got to get more no no I can't find anything at least that's the sound of people sending me money no come on this is a place I've been before top of the fridge [ __ ] we okay I'm huh I was gonna ask her he's still alive but it occurs to me there's no way to die in this game there's gotta be something we did it I have no idea I can't find anything I'm bad I'm bad at finding the bud and no epi and bad boy Halo find the button champions my chats telling me I have to hit Alt + f4 to find the buttons I don't I feel like they're lying to me oh I bet I've lost no I'm tied for second with Preston Preston he's very rusty Chatt he's very rusty you see the rust on this man rusty oh wait unlike the individual oh wait you went up never run that make sense you're crushing it man top 10 I believe in you James I believe in you we are down to fourth place I do not like this I do not like this one bit you really did you really I'm getting carried next week they're gonna nerf you I'll run for the lava yes I have to do well this game or I just uninstall minecraft forever all right are you ready to be a parkour God all right do not hit alt + f4 stop spamming that shat know people will hit it and then they'll close the stream and then I'll lose viewers and then they won't be able to donate their 2.3 Super chats from YouTube's premium a check if you guys have that all right I'm gonna get a glass of water all right Chad you uh you guys all hit the join button while I get a glass of water and hit the subscribe button too but you can find the button it's dream is to join button by I have returned [ __ ] do I have a lot more money than I did earlier oh my god I'm getting paid so much money this is great I'm getting paid money I'm not even at my computer we have achieved the peak Internet getting paid not even to be there afk money is being generated yes yes ask if they fix point they have to a fixed points there's no way I know they added placement points all right so if I can get first I'm waiting for Preston to just destroy you just like flawless runs the whole map it's the rust man it makes him more powerful wait at the I'm not waiting at the end there's placement points now get in first matters it does not matter last time but they added placement points cuz half not having them is kind of weird if you use slash top that's not a thing there's no way there's no way it's a thing Preston is really good at parkour Oh God well who let this team be a thing we were fools fools alright I believe we have to have confidence James is not he's not a parkour guy he is a PvP God but the parkour not his strong suit but I believe that he can get past level 4 I think there's 12 levels got to get to the halfway point with his new legendary strength everyone saying Preston's channel was parkour for a year what we're gonna lose all right my entire chats telling me that Preston has done nothing but parkour for the last three years so I think we're gonna win is what I'm saying we're going to he used to speedrun okay maybe my chats just making fun of me maybe he hasn't downloaded minecraft before maybe pewdiepie is playing on his account it's the ghost that's the the trained hitmen that they put on us in case we started winning yeah man Preston played this Matt okay well all of us played this map before let's find his head and then complain about it like we didn't play it last week wait it's over here on the English side oh there he is it's alright we play I play this map too okay I got this it's the same map from last week yeah at least I'm pretty sure I don't think they would put in the effort to tell his CaptainSparklez head I can recognize people's heads now it's great it's a city blitz last time yeah and before they like trained non-stop for the last week and get first and second and get so many placement points that the rest of the tournament is over [Music] halo is canceled forever we're just canceling people left and right we're a menace a menace he has her stream open on the second monitor he's sniping muds banned that man get him yeah yeah get him [Music] techno can you post the stream as a video after it ends I probably will because it's summer I put I'm posting a lot of streams sure in summer and later weeks I'll probably put it in the past live streams playlist so you can still find it but it'll be unlisted in the future but until then free ad revenue ah yes remember I'm not waiting there's placement points guys you get more points from first all right you remember the you remember the ladder strat right the ladder strategy all is lost all right good good we can't say it out loud they're watching the stream they know they know the secret strats we've trained all we didn't train because I couldn't I bought a server I paid $8 to MC pro hosting and then I couldn't load the map all that money gone that was my food money I can't I can't afford food now ignore all those donations in the chat that's Photoshop I'm broke I'm broke right now you just got to believe in yourself here we go we got to do a flawless run it's the only way I failed I suck I'm garbage I failed what hey there's no way hey hey hey welcome to hardcore mode chill whatever run game eight no no I needed those points Oh [Music] dude that lava had no chill I rested he was in the lead Rus 12 quotation marks I think we're restarting cuz there's no way the lava was supposed to be that fat that was like that was a million times worse than the border in battle arena oh my god last round didn't happen minecraft Monday is a flawless tournament with no bugs or kinks whatsoever alright it's perfect I could beat it on that speed easy flawless runs only you miss a jump you die so is that my mic isn't you've a no it's not you did that's not your likes fine I can hear you get him get him the winner yeah they get a lot of points I believe in the dream this is my chance well the thing is Preston's tied with me so I have to out parkour him but apparently he is a parkour legend really that's what my chats telling me it's okay guys he's rusty he's rusty it'll be fine all right let's go stare menacingly at Jayce lat yeah get them yeah this is intimidation yeah yeah you better back off yeah yeah out of here out I'm in your personal space what are you to do better you want to go you want to go you want to go yeah get them Chandler yeah wait I'm surrounded I'm surrounded run twitch Prime a free nope we're kicked it's over it's over maybe they fixed it and I have to restart your nose down tech now well that's odd because I'm watching a livestream with myself on my other monitor here it seems to be doing fine game eight no Game six game six more find the button this is how we're gonna win is being a find the button master I was not my game - it was your game - the trainin it pays off Skippy in bad boy Halo how many buttons did they find I can't scroll up that fast that high cuz I'm playing vanilla minecraft I don't have my mods needed a good laugh intended feature it's all intentional guys quality content the ultra hardcore lava run get the steering wheel alright well you've had all that training from the two seconds we were alive last round let's go let's go now there's just no lava its run from nothing run from your from your anxiety okay I've been doing a flawless run for the three seconds and I fell and I'm bad and Preston has won the game he's won the game it's over it's over how did I mess that up that was like the easiest one wait wait Preston's on the same level as me ha ha what a noob get this noob out of here yeah yeah I'm falling behind dude no it's Preston yes alright I'm in the lead no no no pressure I can't let Preston get these points no he's catching up how am i choking at this this isn't even that hard no no I'm bad no he's flawless running it no he died he's bad he's terrible garbage I'm bad I'm garbage I'm uninstalling CaptainSparklez is here too we're tied he fell what a noob am i right guys what a noob aha this is a joke do not call me toxic do not call me toxic the only person I truly hate here is Jay slat hate that guy just a terrible person I'm kidding I'm kidding don't tell him I said that we're best friends I think I gave him a twitch Prime subscription I believe in you James this is our round to win me first you second no you first me second we got this we got this man oh god Preston's here no he said no he fell what a baddie what a noob fallin how could you not first run this level hat that was the first try [Music] cactus doesn't even deal damage I'm invincible I'm in creative mode I believe in you man I'm failing man no he's catching up no no please no my lead no it's just me versus Preston no no how did I mess that up I was there I failed no it's okay Preston's messing that part up we got this we've got like a two second lead oh no no no he made it it's all over we lose we lose he does it on his first try what is this he's a god oh no and Vic stars here too who let these guys on the same team what is this he's finished he's done the level he's in the lead no oh it's all over it's all over oh he's so far in the lead I can't even see him anymore I can't even see him we got to do a flawless run boys parkour clutch inbound oh boy it's the invisible maze it's the invisible maze of good game design boys why would you put an invisible maze wait this is new I don't remember this oh my god remember the ladder strategy I did it No did you die no I remember the ladder strategy man you got to cheese it we get disqualified because the ladder strat is too powerful okay it's the invisible walks again I got a time the jumps but they're invisible they're invisible no oh I hate this okay I need to concentrate I'm so bad at this no no I hate this no no look down I am looking down I can see the buttons oh I'm so used to being able to see the blocks I'm jumping off of the block and there I can't do this no no I'm dying no they're all gonna catch up now this is it this is my break this is my break we win yes he's probably gotten like a 12 he's like three levels ahead he's done he finished the map it's over no I'm making a joke but he is so far in the lead for a man who was told we were told he was rusty they were like now it's fine we can put him on the same team he's not gonna earn points it'll be fine it'll be fine narrator voice it was not fine it's all right I can get the weight I'm actually catching up yes yes maybe this level is like really hard and it took him 12 years no we got that Oh God wait oh no oh no that's why we caught up because he was doing this wait I got this no I do not got this life is pain all I think a lot of people here did this map in a video oh no this hurts to watch all parkour hurts to watch man oh no I'm gonna lose my second it's just me Vic and Preston no what hey I gotta hide I got a cheese it it's over it's over can I actually does this actually work I mean I'm just dude the ladder actually works I'm not gonna actually do that but still yeah the ladder works you could have lived the whole time oh my how far ahead to see what level were we on where is he see where's the TNT run it's over it's over my second place no no it's lost it's over we got this bingo clutch how far ahead in the lead are they they have like a hundred sixty point lead what is this I know you're in fourth place all right the teams that are destroying right now our Bajan and verb are doing pretty well and Vic Starr and rusty Preston over here are just obliterate and no please no more apples I can't do apples apparently oh they just they were saying it was gonna be another one yeah that's gonna be a nightmare we're all gonna die we're all gonna die all right you and me James were the strongest players here we can win this we're gonna destroy bingo and there's gonna be a Hunger Games and we're gonna get like 300 points and we're gonna win all right we got this the fifth the 500 point where I'm gonna get okay so there's 30 people here right I'll kill 14 you kill 14 that's that's 280 points and then we get placement it can happen it can happen all right everyone's in here why aren't we starting the convinced team start apple is rusty yes my chat understands it's / team TP spawn and - okay we have commands James yeah if you type / team TP you can teleport to me you can also do / top and / spawn I'm gonna go in the I'm gonna go I can't type my mic is in front of my keyboard all right on top of the world yeah we're on the roof now yes the strats tap + rusty haskó is rushed rusty yes you were gonna do bad words that I'm gonna tell them don't worry gamer boys Rusty's never even played bed words sir the items just hidden around I don't think those guys are gonna win bingo those are not the questions that inspire confidence but worse next week do we need bed words and skywars whatever again we need a hypixel week so I can just destroy plus I'm not a yes I'm not a pvp youtuber I play Skyblock it counts I'm PvE i play roblox all right let's do we don't we don't need to go in the same place we can just chill just split up we need Oh God oh this is gonna suck we got it we got to go to the nether Redstone we're together I don't I think we should just split up in mine diamonds alright okay cuz we can teleport to each other anyway so we might as well split up first item dragon egg second item elite rrah all right we have to go mining to get the anvil mushroom stew I should get some mushrooms while I'm on the surface what biome sorry I don't think they're in the snow biome it took me 17 minutes solo hey okay so first off 17 is a lot second off he's hacking 17 minutes in creative mode maybe use lava buckets for the oh you can use that makes sense that's a good idea I'm gonna I'm gonna look for mushrooms you can use a lava buckets instead of getting a diamond pickaxe to make a portal much faster yeah yes I'm gonna need some more iron I'm looking around for a cave maybe we get some mushrooms at some point I'm not seeing them but it could happen the Sun moves very fast faster than lava even if that's possible you got this just get a bunch of iron we need about I want to say 31 iron for an anvil do you really I think so yeah I'll look for I'm trying to find mushrooms it's not happening there are no mushrooms to be found here but I'm at least looking for a cave mushroom there's mushrooms in the nether I don't understand this game I don't play minecraft how much iron do you have right now for but there's like there's a lot of different like areas to go to all right i'll team TP hello oh there's a person in this cave where we can't let him get anything i'm gonna love a bucket them and get banned i teleported to this cave just to deny this specific team resources I'm toxic I'm toxic why is everyone saying check my Twitter why do I need to check Twitter you've been banned let me steal this iron yes yes I'm stealing the iron owned owned we're gonna win now oh that's the sound of people sending me money yes I deserve it that for the good karma I got from stealing that iron two irons gonna decide the game man it's always that's assuming the chats telling the truth I mean mushrooms we need Baba well you can just TP to me rooms yeah if they exist if they exist I wouldn't spend too long looking for them they use left click to mind blocks thank god my chat is here one of these days I'm gonna set up like a twitch plays minecraft Monday and just the command I'll just use commands in the chat to determine everything it'll be great I don't think they were real we need a 1 red mushroom in one brown mushroom ok we can go to the surface later we just okay I'm gonna go to the surface and keep looking for caves you you keep doing what you're doing I have 18 iron how much do you have that's uh 17 I think we might be good actually I don't know how to make a redstone comparator though I'm gonna look that up I'm gonna look that up oh yeah we need redstone needs quartz no all right I'm gonna team TP and then we can smell - all of this iron incredible it's because you're so good at find the button and she got word of that oh there's nobody down there let's not go let's just smell here's a crafting table oh you didn't turn up your game I did you well you know who did turn up their gamma and you can check out their stream is a technical blade it's the brightness of the game it's one of the few things you're allowed to change for this event so people can actually see underground you have to there's no way to do it unless you restart minecraft I can show you how after if you want I found more iron I just want to make sure like speedy doesn't walk by and just nab the iron out of the furnace that would be so toxic how could you steal iron in a game like bingo that's just unacceptable what kind of monster would do such a thing honestly I get in front of the children - in front of the children how could you unacceptable alright yours smelt in your iron right get my one extra iron here all right I can make a bucket which we're gonna need to make the portal and now we just need to find a lava source that's very helpful thank you for telling me that all right has anyone got in any items okay one person made stew that's the only thing that happened there should be like a thing where you click on the item and it tells you how to craft it all right can you give me your iron so I can make the anvil yes I just need I think 10 more iron all right just sitting around waiting for it to Forge this is great this is fun I'm gonna look for a lava maybe that's why Speedy's down here maybe they know they know where the lava is go for another word first I think I have to like make another portal before all that happens actually no we're gonna need multiple buckets because we need water too well we can get a water bucket right here wherever this goes you know what no I don't need to deal with this I can teleport I can teleport look at me go you've been tricked such a random lie that it's believable Oh nice nice nice alright and now I don't know how to make this I assume alright it's not like that it is like this first try we got it alright I'm gonna okay now we need to look for a lava alright here is a bucket we need for anything else not really I just leave them behind alright I'm gonna mine like straight down or something and if I find lava that's a good thing it's a good I'm not gonna mind straight down this is just a bad idea why would I need Flint is there anything here that 800 or do we need a block a goal this is just all the more reason to strip-mine just go to like why level like 10 and just start mining around you need the furnace for the okay we're gonna have more furnaces because look at how much how do they get spider how much love do you have a lot tell me if you can find like a huge lava pool yeah all right what wild are you at 42 42 that is terrible you are doing a terrible job uninstalled just teleport to me I'm at Y level 10 and then you can just start mining here slash team TP he did a team TB yes okay commands are broken oh there we go whoa there we go oh there's a lot I owe the entire server is crashing I'm making don't mind that with a stone pickaxe we need an iron one dude how did he do this in 17 minutes you have to get so much how oh wait no whatever mind we just need nine I'm dumb I thought we needed like night like eighty for some reason all right we have enough for a block of gold actually alright yeah we're just legends we got we're bingo champions alright just keep uh yeah go down like one and then just start mining in one direction forever and you will eventually find lava and then we'll be good I'll start mining this way my chat is spamming five thousand different things flint and steel alright we need a we can probably find some gravel I'm sure it's somewhere this isn't helping well we can find flint later we got this I can teleport to the surface life is good yeah we need redstone yeah you need that iron pickaxe yeah here you go we got this man we are the bingo champions of the world this is where we destroy Vik and Preston we get 500 more points in bingo and then they're just gone they're just gone you can get lava in the nether Whedon that we need lava to get to the nether what is that suggestion I'm gonna make a gold pickaxe actually no I'm gonna slash top and look for gravel where's that gravel at we're gonna need more trees as well what's that gravel or is that just some sort of weird weird block that's some weird block I hate this they added so many versions of stone and none of them were necessary it did not improve anything no one cares about what the builders want stop at an unnecessary blocks no no I hear water [Music] there was gravel in the cave what cave do you mean all the way back there because I'm not that's not even worth it there just D monetizing me in the chat right now three stone at the bottom right under the middle onto it here we go do you have any iron all right that's good how could you do this to me I trusted you and you lie to me we did rewrite some of the bottom redstone torches and I think it's a 3/3 stone at the bottom a quartz in the middle and redstone torches three of them around the quartz quartz we need to go to the nether for that [ __ ] alright brah brah he's rusty it gives him superpowers he's in full diamond armor he's got prop for he's fight in the ender dragon I just need we just need one iron so we can make the flint and steel okay good they said there was lava around here Skippy do you know ooh I heard I heard blahblah there's lava right here I heard it oh yeah I think we're gonna build like another portal just right at spawn show me you know this is this is the communism we need communism mode engaged and I get it get an iron I do learn alright they're trying to build a house and I'm just I'm not having to clear out we're doing this we're doing this communism mode engage chat the power of collaboration and by collaboration it's them sitting around and watching as I build this what are they doing how are they helping you want to do /team TPO Chris Chris is helping me build this is great all right he's got he's just giving it to me he does not have any hope doing it himself that's fine it does make it a bit faster I wanna I want a TNT Chris just to be toxic chat don't tell him I'm about to do this I'm building a portal you are wait let me get him stand still all right this is for last week this is for last week okay I'll stop all right it's very good all right do you have one iron all right you want to make a flint and steel we're doing it trying to T&T me he's blind he's illiterate look at him he thought that was tea and tea all right all right all right do you have iron and flint all right tell me when you do that and I have a plan to ruin communism for everyone I'm just waiting for three stones you can get the stone later we got a responded all ready to do /team tepee all right I'm gonna have a portal here you know how to start a portal right yes all right that's good okay we're gonna run through the portal before anyone else can react and then we're gonna ruin it we're gonna ruin the portal and then we're gonna die in the nether and it will completely backfire on us and it'll be great it'll be great you need to make a comparator you just need three redstone torches three smooth stone or just regular stone you need to you need three stone quartz and three redstone torches are you ready why would you do this Chris you've killed us all you've killed us all Chris Chris you suck that wasn't me that was him he placed that lava I can't be legally blamed he's dead he's dead it's over he died man he sees just respawned he's still on fire one death wasn't enough all right let me let me place these quick late the portal late the portal go we're going in you just die again oh no we can't trap it all right the Pigman are chill with me because I am a fellow Pig people have been here before wait what if I I wonder if you could play I wonder if I could lava and ruin this entire event by lava and the teleport point I would get so much hate it'd be so funny yep climb up I'm really tempted to TNT antvenom or not T and T and T where I'm really tempted to lava him you know what I mean yet I'd be so toxic it'd be hilarious how much of this do I even need anybody the glowstone is you have the it's just around in the nether you see the yellow stuff you just gotta mind that and then craft it by light I think it's like a crafting table nice nice alright how do you make nether stairs I mean quartz four blocks of quartz I need blocks some guy said James Charles stole my pickaxe I gave him an elf or you got him got him you missed the mushrooms okay dude and vitamin CaptainSparklez already have five their legends their bingo legends i believe how do i make i don't make stairs i'm gonna look this up it's just regular I need a I need six blocks I have four quartz blocks let me team TPD you oh hey we need another word so we use a find of all right oh that's true hmm I get glowstone I'm just going I'm speed bridging and minecraft Monday look at me go you guys should play bad words that is a good idea yeah I'm going in all right we have to find a portal one yeah oh there's red mushrooms over there we can make we can make the soup all right you already have that so you can craft it I see I see a fortress over here I'm gonna go in search for clues is this already looted I'm gonna be very upset no oh I see blocks here I think they have no no what do we do we just keep searching I want to do it did you make the soup you made the soup right you do not make this do they make that now you make it with a upside-down triangle with three wood no there's nothing here do slash top can you saw stop in the nether do not do that why would you do that I would never advise people to slash top in the nether it's a good idea guys do it for the memes yeah there's nothing here we need to get out of here and keep searching what do we do if they already got all another word we just looked for another one yeah oh it's not like strongholds though it can be loads of them oh all right we need we've got five items why did they make twenty they choose these items for bingo it's gonna take 12 years I assume you get teleported to the roof of the nether and you'll be unable to get to the mat make sure you brought it back let's sleep in the nether man I should craft a bed and then like find Vic and team kill him that will not get me any hate all right that's a good idea get those points quartz is everywhere you got this oops yeah if you want you can teleport to me and I can give you a quartz you find anything no but I found [ __ ] grape applesauce I think just you gotta barter for some man toxic he gave you some yes the subscribers it's working yes yes the cross-team its include finally diplomacy i told you me now we just need a blaze right oh yeah I'll give you I'll drop a quartz on the ground there go go go yeah there's some quartz and now we just need to find a blaze oh you just need one quartz you said quartz the entire time oh I see a place there's people there fight in it I gotta fight the blaze I've come stealing I got nothing this sucks I'm gonna die here I'm gonna die for my hubris I should not have placed that that was a bad idea I could mine this and it'd be so toxic let's just both get one yeah friendship yep I didn't steal iron earlier this is friendship we can even they do not they should not drop any okay you need a sugar a spider eye and a brown mushroom I only know this sugar cane sugar cane Howard how are these not drop in any blaze rods now I'm over here me and speedy are best friends oh yeah you can I think you can just do slash bond yes yes I got one French I could mine this that would be so toxic I'm not gonna do that don't do it No okay they're not even here anymore I'm doing it okay got him no one here but just in case alright I need to I need to make the I don't know how to craft it's like three alright we crafted this we just need one more okay we can beat we can be the first team to win bingo dude we just you got to kill a spider okay all right what do we need a sugar a brown mushroom you have a brown mushroom right all right we just need a spider I and sugar cane we got this we got this techno you're toxic I'm not toxic I was ordered by James Charles all right I was just following orders okay can't be blamed minecraft is serious business you gotta you gotta go all out yeah you gotta go all out the sugar sugar cane is easy to get we just need spiders that's the main thing literally [ __ ] shouts a grape and handy for being the absolute they won anyways that's why they left they already had it they didn't even need it and you guys called me toxic wow I didn't even do anything I didn't even do anything to them no this is not a good volume for sugarcane and I don't think it matters for spiders but I'm not seeing them either we can do this man we can be one of the top teams we can win in bingo and it's Preston I'm not I'm not gonna say rusty cuz it's bingo it's bingo who cares who cares PvP is off I mean you could lob a bucket him if you're toxic I would not do that we're gonna get kicked No you have viewers it's fine what actually no no we're all getting canceled it's the first fight first five teams get points so we need to kill a spider and get sugarcane I have not seen spider either there's no spiders bro everyone else is getting points I don't know man they're hacking the admin spawned it in I see a desert temple that's that's equally cool good job there's like a limited edition amount of spiders and the entire user nice nice nice okay okay I'm just going in here for the memes there's nothing here this was a scam you just put one in the Crafton thing and it instantly makes a sugar all right now we just need to find a spider and we can win in bingo the most prestigious thing you can do in Minecraft hacks we just gotta keep looking for spiders I don't see any hostile mobs at all there's just none me either there's just zero dislike go in caves okay I'm gonna try this one over there's just zero no no there's no spider eyes they found a spawner this whole game is scripted its scripted he has plot armor he has plot armor they have plot armor in real life did you find a spider okay if you can find a mineshaft then we'd be set they broke it man they broke it well we're gonna do theirs cancelled how do you spell it is it what I don't know I don't know I don't I don't major in English man I'm typing in with two L's god can judge me I believe in you I'm going I'm teleporting to you yes I hear it too what's over here I think yes this is it we found a spawner we found a spawner everyone else in here is apathetic a casual amateur that we are going to defeat in bingo right now with these spiders yes yes that's a spider right here you go wait no give it to me I know how to craft it yeah I learned this from Skyblock I'm winning because of sky block right now yes yes give me the give me the mushroom I think I'll write it right there I'm smart destroyed easy this is the easiest game I have played in my life everyone else here sucks even the guys that completed it before us are pathetic amateurs because we that guy sucks I hate that guy he is a sky block series it's some kid and these are all jokes if any of these youtubers are watching and replay I love all of you he's going in he's going no mercy it's time to break the spawners dude we're toxic well we could just give them the fermented spider eye for just straight-up feeding you you pick whoever is worthy I'm not getting banned you can go to slash spawn and organize some trade deals and then we can form the sister squad and spawn kill Vic star with a team of 10 what we win we win easy I'm typing GG cuz that's not toxic I am a sportsmanship I am a sportsmanship oh my god rigged let me look at Preston's points all right did I catch up to him and bingo nope nope I'm behind by like 20 points no no he's in second place because he's so rusty at minecraft yes we got this we're only behind by like 300 points dude we can get that in one game we can do this man that's an amount of points you can get we just need 20 kills dude oh god it's this map all right we got we got this man it's okay they're rusty they're rusty we can win whatever the opposite of canceled is they're renewed for a second season grape applesauce season 2 coming soon this maps a classic this map I have to I have the trash talk this mat this mat sucks okay it's all water it's all what if I wanted to watch people swim I'd go watch the Olympics and it's so boring in Minecraft when the entire map is water and everyone swims around at 1 mile per hour why do people like this map it's just water it's water everywhere it's terrible worst map all right we got this man we just got to get 20 of the 28 kills and we can win we can win let's get let's get right out of here let's go to that boat we got this guy's 20 kill win probably I don't know we got this let's go quick everyone hit the join button and send me money that helps me get more kills it helps me get more kills man okay let's go to this island over here let me see if pvp is on pvp is not there [Music] dude there's 3600 did they just set a 50 I don't know if that math is correct actually no I think it I think it's 60 minutes yeah it's 60 minute one hour at grace period let's go I'm good at math see look at this look at this we're playing SMP we're playing SMP right now we have a one hour grace period are you happy now James are you happy yes 1:01 our grace period I don't have anything so I was trying to like play the game and we have a one hour a grace period all right well we have 58 minutes to get loot so everyone's gonna have like enchanted iron just 57 more minutes guy I got a stone sword but it's okay because we live in a peaceful age I have so much stuff this is great hey you got a kill how did Chris gonna kill that restarted 60 60 minute grace period this is just an SMP server this is our chance to just explore the entire map I had 10 kills no please give my 100 points back I put my points back to no past 8 games were practice rounds let's start the real event I got a I got a get points man I can't lose to Preston what an L it would be if I lost to a player who was so clearly rusty he comes back from retirement he hasn't played Minecraft in 10 years and he just immediately wins the Hunger Games he's a legend he is an 80 year old man far past his prime but he still got it he's still got it man we esports now I'm ready you guys you guys should follow me on Twitter I have the second even before the game started when of ik was like don't worry he's rusty it'll be fine I was thinking if this is a lie I have a great I'm gonna make a Trojan horse meme it's gonna be hilarious everyone retweeted it'll be great I won't get prize money but at least at least I can get retweets on Twitter alright at least I can get retweets that's all that matters oh wait I can forget him you're not in the game I just have to get like 25 kills myself we got this man we got this we're so close to winning you're gonna get can you still get top ten actually I think we've been doing pretty well I believe in you James Charles top ten that would prove the techno blades training regiment works I'm just going straight away from mid we got this we got this it's chase lat I hate that guy why won't he leave me alone he sucks I hate him get him out of here that just sucked he's stealing my like flint and stuff what is this I'll be sure to stay away from those guys you're on your own it's okay I bet they didn't disable /team TP I don't know either and let's not find out because I don't have a weapon oh don't do this man don't do this no I can't find a chest this map is trash I'm climbing a mountain right now the mountain to the south of the map there's no chests this map is garbage what did I tell you guys okay oh my god toxic okay where are you I have stuff I can I can try all right I'm gonna try to climb this thing away from [ __ ] J slot alright which which side of the mountain are you on I don't I don't see you down PvP is on again you're just following me like why run look why are you following me I see his teammate and his teammate was going over here is this you I am way at the top of the mountain I don't know where you are I see Jace lat are you in the water oh my God he's actually gonna god no oh it's a 4v1 it's over it's over run James Charles run I'm alive but run you gotta get out of here oh it's over I can't even regen I hate this I hate this game it's Preston it's the rusty man himself they hate me that game that was not happening run James Charles get the participation points run oh they're on the hunt man you got to get out of there you got to go on the lam man run run climb the mountain run get out stop looting chests night run run dude run get out of there it does not matter they're on the hunt run run that's okay you're in the water there's no way they're thirsty enough for this kill that they would swim it's Preston it's okay they can take him he's rusty look at him he's rusty he did an egg combo a signature thing don't the run leave get out of there get out of there he's rusty you can't fight him run run run no it's over look at this look at okay rip rip that game what's not happening dude it was not happening all right let's spectate is Skippy all snowscape eats a lot Skippy you gotta do this yeah Jay slant is canceled yeah yeah get him let's start playing stall on loop 4 I'm gonna we're gonna edit stall over the footage so he can't use this in his highlights that's the plan that's the plan get him Skippy get him yeah beat him up am i a sister you just ended him oh my god that man had a family that man had parents siblings maybe no no he wasn't no chase let no he has feelings he is it you can't just do that to a man no you can take him Skippy he's rusty yeah yeah get him you can do it there rusty yeah yeah oh my god Skippy you can do this Skippy Skippy get the loot Skippy solo in this you got this you got this way to station that do you die although he died Josh lat I'm playing stall on loop atm so you can't use this in your highlights this is the advanced strat like let me open up let me open up Google Chrome we got we got to completely cancel him in the ways we can you can do what's Kathy I believe in you I believe in you I don't know okay we can't lose my I want to look at the score let's see how I don't think Skippy's and I think it's Beijing Canadian who was in second place [Music] it's a Beijing Canadian and just verb and they just got to get like 300 points it's fine it's fine he's rusty he's rusty it's fine oh it's okay someone's gonna earn 500 points the winner has not been decided yet it could still happen there could be a bug where you get a thousand points per kill it could still happen it could still happen you can do what's kept you I believe in you there's like there's like five teams left Skippy you got this ten kill win you got this tell Kim that Stimpy is rusty dude I got this that's my plan from now on in week two and week five I'll be teaming with Calvin who was well known for how rusty he is he hasn't played in years he's he's D'Souza legend sure know he's rusty is what he is don't worry about it he's so rusty it's his defining feature bad boy oh wait now expected his teammate that makes sense Chappell is rusty we got this Dan TV it to Dan Dan TDM salive I failed the bounty they're taking all the money back why is shad a terrible person I was kidding slats cool this is not this no okay well one of us is kidding he got this kepi solo player victory I believe Oh he's fighting Greg grande has no idea he's afk he what is he hidden dude's kepi if you lose this fight that'd be hilarious grande just pulls out the sick combo get them yeah all right it's kept you got the kill up here stolen dark get him yeah yeah yeah get him Skippy you just gotta hit one bow he's in how did you miss he was in the water you missed again he's got no health that is such a terrible idea why would you think that would work what incredible it was a close fight why did he think that would work I'll just hide here and he won't notice I'm not even gonna start climbing up he'll just he won't look to the left he will not look to the left Oh Oh Skippy vs. Vic the ultimate showdown everyone want he's purlins out he doesn't want any of this he knows sketchy is sketchy is rusty actually that's what he is we should team next week he's going in he's getting flattened by fall damage it's over run Skippy Jack's actually a full health beat him up yeah yeah get him dude Skippy's destroying Skippy is destroying yeah Adam Exodus Torrio is rusty this is how we're gonna win week five we got this we got this I wish I could join sketchy skull but there I told you they're using like ancient technology instead of discord Skippy is so many kills this is incredible yes destroy yes steal this kill kepi i can't even say his name get him yeah don't walk into them oh he's so dead he's so dead it's over run Skippy run oh he's actually he's dead dude he just TNT them twice dude that was incredible think noodles just got obliterated oh my god dude Skippy Skippy just ended thinknoodles entire career he comboed him with teetee into more TNT he's got a hundred points Skippy is a god look at him go look at him go dude thinknoodles has to like uninstall minecraft now there's no coming back from that top-five Hunger Games moments of the week right there he got obliterated yeah all right it's just Oh fill in Jerome it's actually a pretty strong team I don't let's see if step you can take why are they hiding in the border they're up against solo players they're up against solo players dude Skippy you got this 1v2 I believe in you skep you can do it you can do it yeah yeah get him get him yeah why are you pulling a bow no let's not how it's done that it's not how it's done all rights kept you have no health but I believe in you you can do this you can do the sketch yeah yeah Boehm yeah it did not work out he was heated to pietà Prairie a very poor strategy where he was one person instead of two people if I was to play in his shoes I would be two people that would that's what I would recommend being to win the Hunger Games is to just be multiple people all right I wonder who won I wonder who won did I at least get third it'd be a big L if I'm not he's gonna change my rank - Pig - I'm third I'm bad I lost to the rustiest play I have to be toxic in the chat look at this man look at him we've been scammed we've been scammed I got a make I gotta make the Trojan horse beam now we're in fourth dude Skippy got 2nd again just from the points from that one game he's in fourth wait he tied it's like tied with Skippy no it's ok i won off the tiebreaker my name is alphabetically higher than his own actually no his name's higher than mine is I only play sky walk way do you get top ten dude you got 13 look at how many minecraft players you beat you be captain sparkles and venom you got this man oh poor Chris rip I don't actually hate Chris I'm me man Chad he's pretty cool GG I'm typing GG in the chat because I mean it I mean it I am okay with this this is the best I've ever done in a Minecraft Monday this is a new best for me dudes you are getting better man you already like last time you were like 33 and now you're like 13 you just went up like 20 spots that means you're getting first next week if you continue the train and regiment it's incredible he's gonna ascend to minecraft legend status he killed the intended features he knows he knows you killed CaptainSparklez alright that means that you can you can devour his heart and gain his minecraft talents and all the views on his music videos also belong to you now that's just how it works I don't make the law recent law by Congress passed if you die in Minecraft Hunger Games you'll lose the rights to your music that's why Katy Perry didn't follow you she knows she knows it all comes together do I have to log give me had been on your discord denied to get this random out of my sight who was that man I've never met him wait okay let me not leak the IP did I get demoted to Pig - no I still got the plus in your face losers ha hack techno blade never dies alright we're gonna we're gonna end the stream here I'm gonna win next week by not playing at all and then I'll have a week of rust and that'll make me twice as I'm good I have to make the Trojan horse me him now this is important everyone follow me on Twitter and retweet it so I can at least get Twitter points also hit the subscribe button I'm trying to get 1 million and I hit the join button I'm trying to get paid yeah yeah yeah the sister shout-out by James around on the stream
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 4,625,791
Rating: 4.8859468 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft monday, minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, technoblade minecraft monday, hunger games, hunger games tournament, minecraft tournament
Id: kumsc9XvT0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 55sec (12595 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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