technoblade vs 5000 stream snipers (bedwars)

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stream has begun alrighty then we are playing some bed Wars today ladies and gentlemen were actually doing some YouTube incredible I know who's gonna be the first person in the chat hypixel bought and then la me and then little savage then f Barker Ito unfortunately I know where that names from and everyone else welcome to the stream we are playing some bad words today looks like he's gonna be the rusher which is fine by me also I have a new texture pack the problem is I I had the same texture pack for like 12 years and the problem is I could never replace it because like all the new texture packs were much worse the mic isn't muted this is literally the first thing I checked in the stream ok I even checked the problem with last stream it's not there y'all are liars lies slander begone what is this target yellow I'm just I'm just not I'm just not gonna comment on whatever that was we're just gonna kill him okay we're just we're just gonna kill him okay I don't I don't pretend to understand this game see the problem okay like three like a few months ago everyone the best thing the best players could do was breezily and now every five star can God bridge with speed - I don't understand what's going on I just want one kill no he is half a heart okay whatever I it completely it's all legit anyhow we got the bed that's what matters we where are they why am I being invited to parties no stream don't sell me out don't sell me out stream oh my god alright how much help do they have they do not have that much help but there are two of them and I'll put the message to plan thank you very much mm-hmm-hmm don't doubt me all right this is not the shop I want we want this shop thank you very much all right I'm getting donations oh man I've missed all the donations like you a Jets fan 980 will you be my friend I will not be your friend thank you call me cap kid donut Avery techno you're the best at bed Wars I mean probably not but I appreciate appreciate the support a pink team is incoming but it looks like gamer boy already already has a handful announced game boy 81 there's a lot of gamer boys ok it's not there's no one here I did it just destroyed that team easy I'm carrying all right Thank You survivor 24 and also lego fan 26 79 for the donations let's scroll down here and also clinton subscribe to tech normally i agree people should subscribe to techno blade and a new sponsor gaming with pikachu rocks welcome new sponsor you can join our sick discord it's completely worth the money trust me mmm just buy that and off on adventures we go which team looks like a threat honest may be like white team's pretty grass that we can go for them looks like it's going after aqua aqua already doesn't have a bed though so don't really care about them I mean you could firm final kills but I'm kind of I'm kind of far from the leaderboards you know not not exactly the closest where I've been like spot like 35 I'm spot 40 basically leaderboards hmm one of them's the diamonds pink is aw be home in pink team's going all out I'll have to kill these guys and then go after pink team you dupe do I don't care I'm just gonna suicide charge these guys and see what happens hello-o that's what happened alright that was learned and experience all around I think you're gonna nation's space gamer how was your day it's it's alright it's alright subject no I agree people should do that that is high on the agenda of things people ought to do also thinking about a nation Dolphin gamer one four three my name is floof and I am the fastest dog alive agree that got him alright how do people oh my god it's the stream DUI let's go for pink team they seem to be like actually playing the game which is just not allowed not on my watch Thank You Fiji Florida donation my name color on discord as shrek green shrek isn't even that green every time I set the discord color like oh it's Shrek green look up pictures of Shrek he's like he's like yellow green if anything it's not not the green on my discord is lies it's like the only green thing people can think of as Shrek so I always say oh my god it's Shrek green there's more than one green thing there's grass okay think of grass okay you need a new metaphor okay this one's this one's overused and got him doo-doo-doo-doo we should probably have someone actually defending the base yeah probably no one else is a bed though so that's always good imagine my bed broke like right before I hit the ground I think elimination Kawano sponsor techno to get monthly Hannah bullying well I think we I think we bully Hannah at least more than once a month but you know you get what you get thank you for the donation Clinton and also dolphin game and one for three no Rashmi shunt he didn't say senpai he said snipe I okay notice I guess let's get final kills man let's get final kills mmm-hmm all right I see clowns over there white team and the Aqua team are still alive subscribe to tech no blade agree what are these dudes doing oh wait that's camera boy he's got it all the kills what a god alright oh I was gonna jump down there but uh they probably have more than one fireball fireballs are not that expensive I also have a pretty decent amount of stuff I did not want to fall that far ya know I'm mad it didn't work at all like if I mention Clinton your mic is muted lies lies lies so many lies in my chat man nothing about wise sorry I'll get an iron sword and a Golden Apple do we have prot we don't have prot I thought me about prot what did i buy denied by iron forged by accident no no in my defense I am multitasking hard right now I'm not I'm not good at streaming Thank You donation cat bread he wants a party I'm not party's right now thank you for donation Dec corrects I hope I pronounced that right because this donation message literally had the pronunciation guide in it so it'd be pretty awkward if I all mess it up welcome to sponsor the cat bros welcome now you have a green nametag in the shot you're officially better than everyone else in the stream I asked all the cool kids at school and that's they all agreed I didn't even knock him off okay whatever we my and victory ain't won i some dolphin game in one for three mm-hmm I can't see any heads and tab I don't know it's that it's that a thing it's that normal everyone's an Alex no way these are all Steve's well some of them are Alex's I think the Minecraft skin servers like died rest in peace thank you the nation Rose licks I have extra money here you go thank you I will spend it wisely and I spend it wisely I mean I'll probably put it in a savings account and forget about it I don't I don't have expenses probably well in a few months so college is coming up that'll be fun everyone's worried about me going to college but think about it once I go to college I'm gonna have like 15 ping I'll be unstoppable okay unstoppable but I'll never stand a chance I can just eight block people into the shadow dimension thank you for the nation Landon carne Lee love your video same well I mean I don't really make them but you know I'm still coming are assists mmm let's just do this why not why not Pokemon's why not I'm not sure all right diagonal speed bridge while reading the chat can I pull it off thank you for donation toxicity plays your toaster is muted no it's not ice brave I don't even have a toaster wait do I have a toaster I guess I do have a toaster but I'm pretty sure it's not muted I mean it's never said anything so it could be muted hello we hand dead it didn't work it didn't work all this lost no yes and all part of the master plan don't ever doubt me again thank you very much thank you very much looks like our teammates in trouble we're gonna go a help out over there Oh God so many donations thank you AB Lake Laberge you're the only minecraft youtuber i watch these days Thank You Man I appreciate it thank you a Decker --ax use this for college or food I don't really care and you said my name right you're welcome good it's the least I can do is this pronounce your name correctly alright apparently people are coming to beat us up Oh Green Team that makes sense oh wait it's two layers of teams coming for us but green team killed blue team so whatever and also thank you uh Kenny just need to stop for one second there's a brief pause in the fight I can read more donations Thank You Kansas rockers when people say your mic is muted it's actually skip propagate I don't understand that at all Thank You Ava McDermott Thank You Dalton gamer 1 for 3 thank you of the sky above alright I'm done reading donations let's actually PvP let's do this man let's do this mmm that's awkward I win I got this this is this is gonna kill me okay that didn't work at all dude can you how did you get me to send you money I don't know man should have a natural talent of Caanan people out of there - I think of the nation - edge and get good I'm trying my best man leave me alone all right Green Team hates those yellow team knows who I am we have to like actually go places mm at least it's only one team going after us at this point once you're a streamer man you take what you can get I might have jinxed it thank you validation the cat bros I have more money and it's mine now thank you very much did not hit that MLG go gamer boy anyone go do welcome new sponsor central media official and we got a sponsor hype in the chat he'll have sponsors ok my problem with sponsors - oh one second oh we missed awkward and he just falls off the map for shame for shame oh you don't have any health oh I didn't want to fall I did not want to fall no I'm so mad he was one hit I'm done I think that I didn't gaming with Pikachu rocks party me I'm a sponsor no not we're not doing parties right now I have a delicate little system here and having people in the parties would uh destroy this more of a test run for an anti stream snipe and measure I recently got ok cool think of the donation when are you gonna start uploading regularly I was hoping tomorrow but I don't make promises because I'm a terrible terrible person gamer voice better first time I saw over there now we're fine first green team feel like yellow is just gonna ender pearl over and end our dreams thank you apricot for the donation I'm back with a new paycheck and there it goes rest in peace thank you space gamer for the donation Thank You Ryan blue for the donation you do Thank You Decker --ax make more videos I do have a video plan that I was actually gonna head it but then I was like if I edit it I can only upload it tomorrow I could do a stream and i missed i am a god did you guys see that play it's cuz i'm just so good i somehow win this fight oh my god oh my god subscribe to techno blade alright where is this clown mm-hmm and victory get some every time alright thank you for donation dolphin gamer 1 for 3 and also Luke how much money do I need to be friends ok like legit you can send me like $10,000 I won't add you people of tribe will not 10,000 but a lot and I'm just I'm not gonna add it's not it's not for sale don't don't send me money thinking you're gonna forget a friend request because it's just not gonna happen I'm sorry I just hate friendship I'm allergic I will die ok I will die Thank You Shep for the donation I fell off I'm bad the $5 I owe you I mean that's that's $2 but I mean I'm not I'm not that stingy I thank his little donation you could do thank you donation apricot I tried to send him a lot when it didn't work rest in peace I don't actually I can't I can't tech support man I don't know this website works what's going on over there well there's a lot of people fighting over there I feel like everyone in this game got rich while we were fighting these guys we don't even have pride yet ah thank you donation apricot thank you validation apricot again think of the nation Shep who sends me another four dollars but that adds up to six dollars which means you've overpaid me you just can't win man you just can't wait thank you for the donation Gallic Galactic gusts due to do spam L guys no don't listen to Tony bunny in the chat man don't listen to him he sounds like a hooligan you're gonna let Tony bunny tell you what to do spam queue instead it's the new thing yo stertorous see muted i don't understand that message at all Oh shine well thank you for the donation hey I understand money so that's always that's always good techno blade please Mary I'm lonely Thank You Vinay sandecker --ax everyone's spamming Q what have I done what have I done ah even even is this it's yours of course it's yours it's always yours my bed's gonna die oh boy alright well hmm okay you can you can stop you can stop Sam and Q guys alright my teammates over there he's in a 1v1 with that dude he appears to be winning by a lot but he has a lot less stuff and you want anyways he's just a legend he's like all of his health now I'm worried about the yellow team Blair he's he he still has a bed he's been into middle so he has stuff I he could be in his rush in me right now I could die in like a second and the dot emeralds are gone which means he's been here recently I'm getting out of here I don't feel safe I don't feel safe at all alright let's go over to white teammates what are the odds he's camping here ready to kill me what are the odds oh wow I'm rich oh thank you oh yes I deserve all of this I've worked hard to get these items thank you thank you mm-hmm mm-hmm completely desert all right in this cost too now all right I completely forgot about that that's a good change so everything's like oh my god they over nerfed invisibility no and this is needed to be nerfed hard man mm-hmm that's also good this [Music] like once you got like in vis and jump boost combined it's just the most powerful thing ever I don't even need this why is it her compass no one ever uses the compass they could just put the player tracker in the shop and it wouldn't spawn in our hot bar every time [Music] I'm helping I feel like he's got this I don't think he needs me but I'll still be here hello a thank you donation Travis Peterson call me cap kid sky above is a sponsor worth it techno blade it's worth more than a super chat so I'd say it's worth it I don't know thank you apricot for the donation I have a genuine question I'll ask in a min okay Travis Peterson think of donation everybody your skin is techno blade on hypixel oh my god we predicted the future of your bed being broken longing it's not the most bold prediction but whatever think you call me cap kid Shep do you have a teammate yes I have a teammate Ryan green blue what is your recording software I use OBS mostly sometimes I also use action for videos but you know and also X talked 675 X thank you for donation did you remove my mom status or did the the mod status or did the name change yeah I removed you because I was a virgin mods and I was like who the heck is this apricot guy rest in peace welcome new sponsors the sky above welcome new sponsor Andrew come get a everyone spam the chat with dream to celebrate these sponsors man just spam the chat ruin it everyone else is gonna be trying to have like an intellectual conversation they won't be able to have it cuz everyone's spamming green oh snap Red's going in he's going in you just wanted to play video games it wasn't happening not on my watch yes excellent Green spam wasn't someone saying purple why and that was a sponsor to rip offended all I did disappear for months I didn't what what I looked away for I I looked away for half a second and now we're dead okay lots of thing Pink's trying to Andromeda what vanquished every team in the game is coming after us look at this what is this okay alright hi I don't think our chances of winning are very high this game gamer boy 81 I don't think they are I think this is more of a survival challenge than anything else can we pull off the greatest collection okay that guy's stream sniping he literally sacrificed himself he didn't have a bed you don't what it they're all sacrificing themselves what is this alright whatever see I could play super defensively and try to clutch but I'm also live streaming it board so I wouldn't really work out so we're just gonna go in I mean not like all out but whatever do you think is animation red Leo the Lion we just not walk off the map reading donations that'd be a I'd be a poor way to go mmm-hmm and also Shep I would try to get into your games but I have a win streak same I have a win streak of like two it's pretty high let me bridge up what is this hmm hollar not a lot of teams left by this and will buy this oh my god someone sent me $100 thank you for donation Desmond Brown hey check no can you add me no no I don't add people for much it's not a thing I don't friend people no stop stop I mean thank you for donation but I don't know no no no this is like my most clear policy why are you guys still spam and green stop snagger it's been 12 years Cat Man and snag Oh what is this Thank You Keller Wade flotation welcome new sponsor adversity I guess they were spam and green for the new sponsor also and room 19 MC thank you for the donation you all right what should we get we need items we need actual items no wait I have stuff oh sure I'll take that hmm all right there are still pink teams alive and pink team has I'm guessing from his username he's played Minecraft before just a guess just a guess thank you donation Graceland and your footsteps I'm too busy reading donations to actually play the game leave me alone I think of the nation Travis Peterson happy Bros for us all hi techno party me fleet we're not not doing parties the challenge is to read this challenge complete pyro a quantity if that was your name that your name scrolled there's a lot of chat right now and it scrolled by fast leave me alone that was a six speed bridge on my part you do only one bed left thank you for the oh my god Desmond sends me another $100 what is this well I'm sad but there you go I'm a rich kid thank you for the donation Desmond's you will be remembered or you could sponsor which you know and you could be in the discord I would recommend sponsor and it's cool all the cool kids sponsored would recommend strongly anyhow congratulations on your to techno peppe's of the stream you think of travis peterson techno skin shall rule well that's actually something i want to do I don't have like a techno blade holiday where just everyone puts on my skin well then I got bored and didn't do that I guess I could still do it hmm alright so that guy is probably good at the game and blue team I'm guessing isn't but they have a bed so you know they can respawn the invitation herobrine party me we're not we're not doing parties I have a full party right now it's not happening the sky above add me to the sponsor discord I'm cool okay you actually our sponsor so you can join but I can't I don't send invite links you yet though there's a guide to join in the sponsor discord in the description okay there's a guide and everything it's fantastic would recommend what's going on in here isn't oh he's in there he's breaking their red manually yeah he's just right there now you will come with that and then I'll go like that oh you have a lot of stuff actually and you have a teammate wait you don't have a teammate and the victory is mine thank you very much be sure to leave a like and subscribe to get the nation in the sky wait out over here that one thank you learn another donation oh my god Desmond Brown single-handedly funded my college career what a legend Gupta do I think is gonna herobrine 586 I haven't I haven't heard the Pepe sound man his stream labs gonna give Desmond his peppe's or not man I keep hearing the regular donation sound hmm thank you the nation again Desmond I appreciate you have some complimentary ASMR thank you sir I appreciate it I'm sure that was worth the money I think if I mention jaylene and also Travis Peterson I love your videos also I know the answer but friend me no thank you I can't pronounce that name there's like there's two cues in it hexyl dank clan what's your field of view it's 1990 is the best field of view and minecraft sensitivity I mean it's 66% it doesn't that doesn't really tell you anything cuz everyone else has like a different mouse dpi and whatnot and I'm gonna be honest minecraft is not the best game for a accurate mouse sensitivity measurements I don't know what and like all the eSports games people measure it by like inches per 360 to like do a full I don't know man I don't know there there's there's the percentage anyways does that help probably not but it's what you asked for so whatever I think of the nation apricot while I help to fund your college career you're all helping man it's American College no no one can pay it alone I walked over here to help the gamer boy already killed everyone except this guy and I'm just I guess I'll just steal the kill I mean while I'm here I would've been very sad if I lost that fight all right Thank You Foundation sky Power Girl Graceland Thank You donating Graceland and also sky Power Girl you should totally friend me now out of here sky out of here oh dang was that a ninja bridge we were up against the greatest player of all time ladies and gentlemen all right diagonal speed bridge while reading donations can I do it oh it's just Shep's donation no one cares about chef I'm kidding chef I look and I die I still love you though you do I think gonna mention Travis Peterson your mic is muted no it's not Wheatley is that how you pronounce your name I don't know Nathan I should Desmond Brown I'm ADHD too man like everyone is ADHD well actually like 2% or something of the population has it but everyone I talk to has it I don't know if it's like more common than people who play video games or not which would actually make a lot of sense cuz video games like the one thing we can actually focus on with any level of success looks like grey team is actually good at the game and pink team has a try-hard defense so what if I just walked past them let them do that this isn't gonna work because he died and now he's gonna respawn but still still I can dream thank you for donation Andrew 19 MC what is your discord it's the sponsor how he fell that did not work I was hoping to pull off some clutch plays it didn't work think inflamation dead tornado thank inflammation apricot hey tech know-how how much to get mod mod isn't for sale apricot it's even less likely to get mod through money than through them to get like a friendship through money whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa are you rushing our bed are you rushing our bed that's not okay that's not okay man hmm I did not work yep yep I was like the weirdest double hit of my life I'm hacking hey hey hey get back here get back here man we I won pure skill I don't think I'm gonna get any final kill credit for it but I won still counts thank you for the sponsorship get per man I'm getting all the sponsors today feels good you got to fill up our sponsor discord man it's currently been taken over by like the same five girl gamers but now now we'll help competition you can do thank Allah Nations chef I am the best mod in training and you or not it's not not a thing nope dude apricot number one you gave me mod your money why I have zero recollection of this wait a minute wait I want the skill nope no no I failed to steal the kill I'm sad whatever at least I have money I can cheer me up all right it's just us versus these guys watch us lose pretty sure if I lose they get my youtube channel I'm pretty sure that's how it works like you Oreo McFlurry for the donation thank you uh I'm not I can't I can't party yo I'm sorry the party is full and also thank you a Skype our girl okay know that they don't stand a chance against us you hear that Skype our girl says she oh wait oh no no no no and I'm sad tried to air shot him - itch make a merch store no I mean as awesome as it would be to get people to actually pay money to go around where and there's the techno Pepe there you go Desmond you got your money's worth the rare elusive techno Pepe has been unlocked well I mean you will not catch free of them so but there's the first one you could do how I got my techno modder friend me mods he I don't I think my policies changed since then Africa I think I was just a general no to everyone what was I talking about what I got distracted and gained her voice doing all the work for me Gameboy 81 calling him gamer boy feels weird because everyone thinks I'm talking about like the number one leader board player they all have the same name man well actually he change his username this is a white I'm not this is a disguise thing so you guys can snipe but everyone's sniping anyway so I guess it's not working but whatever you think the nation apricot thing inflation the sky above I would buy your alright I was talking about merch that's what I was talking about right right as great as it would be to have oh my god I'm gonna die I'm gonna I'm so dead I'm so dead you can nor list ad Stacey you do I'm so dead look at this you think this guy knows who I am you guys think this guy might be from the stream I don't know it's just it's just an impression I'm getting just a game theory here and the third techno-pop a congratulations ELISA donates and says what's the hat what hat I don't I don't remember ever having a hat I don't know what you guys are talking about I think apricot the donation keep myself safe that is a good thing to do Oreo McFlurry if you don't party me I'm going to okay please don't no don't be that dude it's a techno blades annal as an IDI free zone you know it's all about respecting woman over here that's what we do all day long those guys any good there I mean it's one guy but he seems competent so I might as well go we don't have enough locks to actually get over there that would be a problem he looks like he's got that he's got a handle on things mmm thank you Venetian snack and routine think of the nation Shep thank you go nation Travis Peterson your mic is muted trust me I don't trust you at all Trent Barger I don't trust you at all villager says respectful and I agree wait why does pink team hate us what is this what is this okay okay then everyone in there mom that didn't work at all everyone and their mother is here to target we're so dead we're so dead and not even close thank you very much be sure to leave a like and subscribe to my youtube channel for more top 5 plays of the week you know pewdiepie is on pink target them dude to do I'm sure that will work it always works I don't feel like we're good I don't feel like we're gonna win this game oh god they have the high ground yellow is Oh God yellow is coming too we're so dead we're so dead I mean there's only one yellow player but he's like actually competent I'm going for pink team but you know they don't care okay here's the plan is all plan we're gonna be like this didn't work oh wait they just felt they both jump into the void I'm out I'm out bye-bye not fighting that later okay we're very dead we're not I don't feel like our chances of victory are very high right now our beds gone pink team hates this yellow team probably I mean we were next to yellow team so it's not it's not guaranteed they were stream sniping us well I mean he's chatting to us so maybe he was but I mean he went for green team first so maybe you've learned about the stream at I don't know what's going on here donation candy plays Oreo McFlurry turtleman Nick I'm sorry if I've missed any donations I'm trying to Klutch pvp tech no shirt thank you for donation apricot Thank You van ice and Jack the Ripper Thank You donation sky Power Girl Thank You Filmation Travis Peterson Shep okay I can see pink team in my peripheral vision they're coming for me I can't I can't keep reading donations I'm so dead or I could just do that Matt that also works I guess I'm kind of alive yeah all right don't mind if I do I'll just be over here doo-doo-doo-doo how are we actually winning these games I don't know man when you're streaming man when the stream snipers come for you every single game has to be a clutch you just don't get a break [Music] hmm I don't have anything useful to get with that that guy hates us wait we need armor we don't have armor no oh I'm still in leather man ooh thank you for the nation candy plays we already read that well you know I already read all these donations it's just a donation sound is delayed sometimes that's very delayed now whatever hey you guys think this guy's watching the stream I'm getting the slightest impression that he is just the slight impression we're somehow still alive I mean they're still red and gray team are left alive and neither of them neither of their username sort of particularly newbie so there's a chance they actually know how to play the game game oh boy just took our yellow team which is good he seemed I mean he can ninja bridge so he's clearly like he can probably left-click you know what I'm saying you can probably left-click Thank You delayed sponsor sound space gamer if I make an animation of you will you show it no I mean it depends if it's like a really good animation like I could like put it on my channel I could like pay you money things like that if it's bad I could like retweet it on Twitter so close okay we're just gonna go like this Oh God oh and what you're gonna do you're gonna walk off the map all right that's uh that's one way to fight back not an effective way but you know whatever works you do think of a nation Anna I love your channel I love my channel too it doesn't upload enough though guy running it must be too lazy I also think if I mention Travis Peterson show me your elbows no man 1 million subs to unlock one of my elbows that's always been the deal I been saying this for years people keep going oh man you should show it to us now no man we've already established this 1 million subs to unlock the elbow cam this is how I trick people into subscribing it's my contents garbage but they want to see my hot elbows it's a it's an interesting business model but it works you know it works all right it's pink team versus red team right now we have no diamonds at all which is bad we want some diamonds I don't like playing like super defensively or anything but come on come on we need diamonds come on come on give me a break all right we're gonna regular bridge cuz I am a coward yeah and also we can reach at what actually if I read chat and someone like shoots me with the bow I'm not gonna be able to pearl I'm gonna reach out anyways look at this elbow video it's gonna get demonetised so that might actually happen I don't know I hear the demonic station system is actually getting more reasonable I mean when it first came out it was like a coin flip man I could really I could upload a video and they get to monetize I could upload two exact copies of that video they'd both be fine I don't know how her exciter alright well you have one level of prot which is good enough for me looks like gamer boy is going in we shouldn't we should help him he doesn't have to do all the work Jack the Ripper don't sin says can you be my friend great is a sweaty defense I got this actually I don't I don't actually I have a lot of pearls I don't have a lot of don't have a lot of anything else that's actually the thing we have like a ton of emerald stuff but we don't have almost any diamonds or anything else like that we're gonna loop around over here thank you though nation cam is the Beast Travis Peterson Gabriel Alvarez can I get a friend request no no friend request ever the other nations Skype our girl that is a person in my purse vision one second I want the stop reading donations for one second here and to kill this clown that was painful mm-hmm we need higher levels of prot that's what we need mm-hmm accidentally stream sniped I don't think accidental stream sniping is a thing I mean if you accidentally get in the game and then you learn about my stream afterwards honestly I don't even care man so long as you're reasonable about it you know you know you feel me you get what I'm saying my standards if like dramatically lowered okay Gold pick X what else do we need what can we get with two emeralds I don't really care let's get out of this [Music] hmm looks like great teams going in so we might as well not even get more diamonds you do all right can we do this how many wins have you gotten in a row have we lost the stream I'm not sure I mean win it in a couple games of doubles in a row isn't difficult but when you're streaming man when you're streaming okay you don't you don't understand everyone in this game hates me okay everyone they all want me to die Thank You Gabriel laverra's for the donation yeah the fact that gamer boy is just killing everyone by himself so I'm not really participating at all here oh what Oh what oh there's glass what is this oh my god oh my god we just lost what was that the glass texture in this texture pack is invisible are you kidding me oh my god are you okay so what went wrong there okay what went wrong there was I thought this is a new texture pack for me I thought there was nothing there so I was trying to left-click on this dude but I was just left clicking on glass but he can see the glass so we can just combo meow oh my god defeated by a texture pack what is this this is not a game I feel like playing no no all right I'll have to delete the glass texture afterwards so we can see the default glass I can't really do that midstream but whatever oh my god I think of a nation ex-excuse II party me the party useful I'm sorry well actually it's not because we're in 3s right now but still no most infernal thank you Foundation I fireballed someone they call me a Trier dude right-clicking on someone with a fireball requires the maximum amount of effort okay maximum take advantage in Jack sealy gosset Ron 15 says I suck leave me alone there were invisible blocks in the way alright we're playing with who are we playing with we're playing with a swag Ness he seems like a pvp god and you do see the trick is to suddenly play 3s and none of the stream snipers expect it so even though it's like a harder game mode to play it suddenly becomes way easier of a yellow team actually can speed bridge so the blue team never mind I was gonna say blue team seems to know what they're doing they just like you know walks off the map this guy is he just going for emeralds or does he know does he know I hate this game Hank I can't I can't talk to my teammate and the bed's gone I hate my life that horse is a fun game my towards your teammate where's our teammate at swagged is disconnected this is a scam ladies and gentlemen this is a scam what is this red team's going for yellow team one of their guys is going for me okay we got this we just got a clutch all right so there's two teams left with beds and blue team still its players why is blue team coming for us I was gonna say if it's just like this random yellow guy stalking us we can probably handle him unless it gets the element of surprise but if blue team why does blue know oh my god they teased a spy Mac died for us oh yeah I don't mind if I do yeah I'll take that final I mean if it's just gonna offer itself why not thank you for the sponsor name ire welcome to board party me and I will sponsor no can do herobrine no can do call me call me cap kid thank you villa nation Rose licks thank you for the nation Sparky no Sparkle think of the nation Gabriel spam Ellen chat please no don't do that now space camera thinking donation Jax Dealey wait I already acknowledged that one thank you again though you can never be too thankful for the nation it's what I always say is there's still someone here am I gonna leave the base and just instantly get like one hit off the map okay yellow his bed is gone yellow and green are still alive but red team is the primary threat are they any good is the question I mean I don't have any stuff all right we're going in clutch mode engaged we nope nope nope what is this okay well that didn't work at all although if my health has gone from like two hits what a scam they after me oh whoa no he is zero health I'm so mad okay it's up to you gamer boy it's up to you probably shouldn't spectate him if they're watching the stream and also there's yellow team okay that's technically speed bridging but it's so slow that I don't even want to acknowledge it you know ok gamer boy you got this man easy clutch I think that I shouldn't Skype our girl Thank You nation Alex Wilcox everyone's asking for a night for us party nothing wrong no parts you got gamer boy 81 he's a god he can't be beaten rest in peace FK dr this is the threes final kill now special oh no one cares it's all about the forest final kill death ratio man what is some I think it's like 350 or something by me no one cares I like to think about stats man when you think about stats like I never want to scream because if you stream your stats are gonna go down but the same time if I scream I get paid money then what matters more buying food or having good bed worth stats you got you got a wager priorities there he appears to be having some mild amounts of lag just mild amounts mild amounts thankful mentioned Jack the Ripper can you be my friend in real life no sorry about that thing relation candy plays subscribe technically yes I agree people should subscribe to technically have faith in game or boy 81 I believe wait why does it show the action thing on the top right of the screen it's supposed to show it's supposed to cover that with the sub counter what is this one second we just fix this there we go qualitystream don't worry about it thank you that I shouldn't know thank you for the sponsor fresh and Maxie what's going on i'm spectating the wrong place gamer boy got another kill it's a 1 V 1 V 1 ladies and gentlemen who will win it's a 1v1 for all the marbles who is the greatest fed worst player of all time game Roy T 1 RT n productions today we will find nothing the nation's xaviar subscribe to techno blade I agree people should do that think of knife in molten inferno should I do the $500 relation mmm nah I'll rip thanks donation though this is it the Battle of the ages I don't I don't see him alright this guy has iron armor he's got absorption he's got an iron sword he's pretty beefy you know you can take a lot of hits or that victory good job or what a legend that's one oh my god so many donators whatever whatever man it's double stats no one cares about double stats did you do sub counter broken now whatever it shows the Ruff subscriber count' hmm check now is a nerd leave me alone techno blade won't read this and if he does your mic is meter no it's not MC quits I don't know pronounce that now what's not lies lies Hannah stop yelling at me I will read your tweets on live stream don't doubt me oh boy streaming is so much fun just so much it's so enjoyable and it's like no no think of a nation kandi plays because I said it's up to you you say sub to kandi plays okay subscribe to kandi plays I guess woo I think they should sky power girl thank you I shouldn't Xavier it's not me - Thank You Xavier someone believes in me all right I think this is like the best attempt I can do to avoid stream snipers besides putting like a 12 minute delay on the stream which kind of high makes it hard to do a stream viewer interaction which everyone says I can't do anyways but leaving alone I'm trying my best okay I'm trying my best where these guys actually like people that said they target me I should probably go for the people who said they hate me first that should be my priority out of here oh I didn't want to fall like that and all part of the master plan PvP who's this and all part of the master plan thank you very much Oh who was that no no no no all part of the master plan subscribe today calculated thank you very much Tecna wit never dies I don't have any help but still still it's all working out Thank You Latian Gabriel of Arras think you can even fresh and Maxie can I join the guild please I'm a sponsored yield and lights are currently closed because I have too many sponsors I think I'm like a perk for like six months monsters I don't know green is incoming pink is incoming red team knows I'm tactical blade okay we're gonna go over here pink team hates us we're going like this I don't actually care about you so we're going okay I suddenly care about you a lot I care so much right now and I need an adult yeah I think relation deceit techno upload your hide-and-seek stream probably and I probably will start uploading some streams mostly like about burst stream Sega's Asian dead tornado I have a count of a full 33 subscribers congratulations man you got to start somewhere you guys start someone thinking Gabriel out there is friend me no no we want everyone from the stream to front them well that's fine nope how's that knock you off what is this he's still alive that that was not as clever as you thought it was I'm so dead I'm so dead ladies and gentlemen there's zero chance of survival here alright so the first step is just to leave entirely we're just getting no no no no no no no my if I died because I was trapped under that block oh my god I mean - we need to go try hard mode guys PvP clutch this is not a good situation to be in our bed is broken everyone in the game hates us alright well everyone but I'm assuming most of them pink team certainly hates us I imagine green team hates us gray team was kind of neutral but they're dead now [Music] that pink guys still chasing me you hadn't jumped down knocked me off the map at least we have prot one okay at least we have that well the first step to a clutch is being rich that's always always a good idea I'll fight this guy I'll fight him get over here get over here man it's time for some PvP action oh that was not not ideal but it worked out so whatever one of these how did you get mod I don't really have a mod system I used to have a mod system but I'll like it's like didn't work at all so now it's just Hannah's in charge that's what steps I heard alfie it wasn't pretty paranoid I'm trying to like manage like 30 tasks at the same time in my defense it's not the easiest thing ever mm-hmm oh my mean that was a pearl there spy some prot - to help you in whatever endeavor you are currently doing my this game Roy is getting kills because he is a god thanks - Jack see Lee think of the nation Isaac Wow alright let's uh let's get kills do all right he's suspicious of deadlocks so we should play it safe everyone's bad except blue is gone so what is plan what's the plan one plan I like you know just a general strategy for bed Wars and real life if you have a lot of money things are easier so that's what we're gonna do in bed words money is diamonds Oh that's also like real life but you know whatever it's a good metaphor all around it's not a metaphor it's just basic facts when in doubt get rich all right thank you vanishing xaviar thing cuz I shouldn't candy plays say if you want more money and speak French I don't I don't think anyone's gonna donate money when they hear me speaking French I'm just gonna be like bones hour and every French person is just gonna spontaneously unsubscribe in disgust okay it's just not gonna work at all all right mm-hmm operation get rich is going well let's go get some kills I think the nation fresh and Maxie when can I join the guild I'm lonely the guild invites you're currently closed you'll probably be a perk for a six-month sponsors in the discord I don't know I don't have any six-month sponsors right now which makes me sags I want to give people a cool orange nametag they're all 5mon sponsors within the next week though I've been waiting for a long time I've been counting the days what is that thing next to Gameboy anyone's name this name actually isn't Gameboy anyone the Stars to indicate that's not his real name so people can't like make fake reports it's a private mod so obviously I'm not gonna be abusin it or anything but you know just things like thank you donations Saviour subscribe to tech no blade thank you for the $50.00 you will unlock a rare techno Pepe the fourth techno Pepe of the stream congratulations [Music] all the best just open like that oh don't mind if I do no one's gonna respawn right pink team is coming for me I'm kind of scared all right do interview well it's a 2v2 [Music] it's a 2v2 one of them slow one of them is like full health oh hello Oh a healed they healed they healed a victory I'm outta here and be gone Oh Ryan I got a sick win streak of two ladies and gentlemen this might be the largest win streak I've ever had thanks donation deceit things animation molten infernal thing relation your PvP nightmare I think we're gonna end the stream here ladies and gentlemen thank you guys for tuning in if you want to see if you're a new viewer you should totally subscribe to my channel possibly I don't know and if you're not then uh I guess sponsor me on youtube gaming maybe I don't know you get a green nametag in the chat I don't know whatever I'm in the light schmear bye also be sure to respect women
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 1,656,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, hypixel network,, minecraft, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, technoblade, technothepig, minecraft bedwars, skywars, hypixel skywars, livestream
Id: BUqNvZQt9Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 25sec (3745 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 15 2018
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