minecraft but we cyberbully a small child (SMP Earth)

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after the Sun Mello trials the Antarctic Empire turned its focus to develop in a secondary base of operations in the West beginning the construction of a massive temple meanwhile voice over Pete began building a vast Antarctic bridge to connect our growing Empire we had no idea how quickly war would be upon us but first look at this I've got my own figurine now I'm like Batman except I still have parents you want to know how large the techno u2's is orange rescale the techno u2's is now available for purchase at u2's comm for $29.99 with free worldwide shipping very unbiased source here but I think I can safely say this is the greatest thing ever made this will be on sale for a limited time until it sells out and then it's gone forever so get one while you can that's all back to the video I hear that there is a strange man from a faraway land coming to a murderer associates I refuse to bow to tyranny I stand with you that's a bit dramatic it's just it's just some dude I will not have tyranny on my land in my home I will not stand for this with something and I just saw Tommy this way I felt I think someone's coming to assassinate you specifically wait for us Phil quick put down a minecart we can catch up to him credible speed dude spotted I went past him wait minecart turn around I'm gonna flank him boys we got him surrounded I'm going in we're going in I hit him with the minecart he's fired shots fired he's got an a k all right guys I got the plant Pete come with me Phil you're our backup all right I'm gonna place that there and then you get ready to launch when I say so oh he's built a blockade I think our plans been countered Pete get ready to launch go go go go go go go let's watch the bridge shots fired welp oh he's gone that man you never stood a chance kill them my boat didn't even lose durability that is how inconsequential this raid was Oh God he's acquired a thirst for blood [Laughter] polar bears been staring at me funny all day I'm on the way back on the tech no no wait chat we don't speak to this is like five section one unbreaking oh my fire guys oh we just killed some homeless guy what have we done repair our bridge what did he do oddity T&T it boo boo is this an act of war I think it's clearly an act of war he was told repeatedly I see what you did there let's just ominously walk towards him and see what happens I'm getting in the boat I'm rowing in this direction Pete get in the boat attack he's on the run row faster Pete we'll get him eventually Pete this is the strat oh he's out of there he's out of there the battle was over and in my free time I annexed South Africa but my chat wasn't satisfied they wanted blood I decided to approach another renowned bridge builder for help all right what's our plan Wilbur how are we gonna ruin his life because my chat demands blood say he dummy you big old your big old bridge through the end told ya here's the thing something he prolly wouldn't want you to know is that he's currently under construction of a bridge right now oh snap he's been building one for a while through Asia an eye for an eye you say I say an eye for an eye I traveled to Newfoundland and picked up Wilbur we were also joined by Charlie the leader of kpop that that's what he calls his con here's the end topi Tommy may have yeah he's living in a glass house he's throwing stones he's got his own bridge that he loves more than anything I see Wilbur's motivation because Wilbur spent his entire life building a bridge and now that bridges are being threatened the bridge bros gotta work together the bridge alliance oh this is the bridge tight no this is the bridge you see this off this is Tommy's bridge you see that sheep down there nothing down there so that sheep oh yeah the black sheep yeah yeah Tommy is Tommy the black sheep Oh check that you remember we came third in my craft Monday dude I got the plane we got the air support oh it's Charlie oh my guns it's fun I've got a gun in my hand we got a stand he's going in he's going don't get hit Oh No get him get him Oh me F enemy type slash enemy business oh we can't fight him in his own land there's literally zero threat this man can do nothing to me get him I'm coming I'm knocking him to you yeah oh oh look at him he's gonna kill me dude I'm not Charlie I really wanted to kill him with this sword this is my this is the ultimate sort oh you died I'm a big fan of bridges Tommy and you went ahead you went ahead and damaged Antarctic empires biggest bridge that they're making I think it's only fair than until you agree to secede from human squad and to also sign peace treaties with both me and the Antarctic empire and kpop we're gonna slowly dismantle your bridge okay so that's minute one so let's just get rid of that there we go that's that's one an entire hour rail we're just gonna slowly knock away the right Wilbur I did not betray you betrayed away techno this is not to do with you this is a battle of Honor this is between us no oh imagine Christian 1.95 EP is so excited is he gonna lose despite I guess he is a weaker story he's capelin again Charlie come on yo now I appreciate the incredible shield pvp it's so exciting to watch again human squad will happily take your piece tree see now vocally or always coming back should we get like a book and quill to cement these terms why me I don't think it's gonna work out for him I came third in my craft Monday so I get the baby zombie it's still a to be woman even nature hates him he's on the bridge he's going somewhere did Tommy just dip is he out of there he called his train he's got oh I found a brown mushroom is that what they say he's going to Wilbur dude Tommy's going all the way to the Americas man I think he's going after your base Wilbur what's he gonna do my base I showed you how if we don't have it I mean faster he has he is a history of breaking bridges I'm just saying wait that data that how far this is bridge go just this bridge go to the Americans I think it does oh there is a gap ahead of him just break the bridge forget the bridge up ahead of him to call me listen listen to me this to me this is your final warning coming we've ran up a tree see for you are you gonna sign it turn around and go back to business and your car go back to business Bay where we're gonna sign a tree he's under arresting you are not searching Newfoundland are terms of negotiable we're not just gonna we're not gonna force you to sign something I don't intend now let me just let me just quickly repair the bridge and he's not heading back he just got on his plane he's going to Newfoundland he's on a bloody mission all right you be my navigator it took zero seconds well we obviously can't you refused you are just getting in planes and flying away I gave me down no no you betrayed me I gave you a very simple price I said I said go back to business Bay and then we'll sort of terms of agreement for a peace treaty and then you said okay and got on a plane flying on the way back Tommy tried to justify his attempted assassination and Phil's or have any kill anyone that's cuz you're just a bad you know how can you blame someone for a crime they didn't commit tempted murder is a crime it's not what do you want out this piece deals to me thousand-yard stare what you want he's just staring at me oh he's got a sword guess trapped he's just standing there menacingly Oh help help get him get a shield wall boys you gotta sign the treaty boys it shoots fire yeah oh okay really worked out for a look at how sad he is he's done we have the first term written down here if you'll just come and read it that's all I'm gonna buy everyone he's gonna resell a bit double the price well we're you gotta read the terms okay I see it Tommy we're gonna have to see what your right in there give me time it's been like it's been like five minutes you know they say history is written by the winners but I can't help but notice him over there right in the terms of the treaty technical aid must not claim the world techno blade must refer to me as alpha male this seems like it this seems like reading please rejoin the Kuban squad and take back all they did you may not call me zombie head it's about reparations of $100,000 between you all to me you must accept that in battle I did defeat techno blade as he ran away from my like a coward and let's give give me all my things and some more leave business pay at once respect me and say I'm good at being funny okay I have a different Tommy must declare a peacetime of four days between Antarctic Empire and himself Tommy must admit defeat yes turn we should like knowledge that Tommy is funny we shall no longer interfere with Tommy's endeavors we shall speak on you guys are gonna see you I think I think these are fair and I kind of without all in favor I'm saying I well I mean I'm gonna have to say I I don't think I'd take anything I think - Tommy I think this is good I think you need to sign this one and pass it back to him by Chad saying ban him and burn his land I have some one thing I want to change wait what did by two blades you twos getting I think that was always there that term stays if we're not happy with this if we're not happy with this arrangement I'm getting in my plane and leaving - and we're leaving us this is enemies oh the book on the left put the book down put the book down Tommy the book or the lecture topic okay five seconds to spare turns from the Cuban squadron Antarctic in power Tommy must declare peacetime a four-day start the campfire himself Tommy must not act on regards of Cuban squad instead acting alone Tommy must admit defeat in return we should acknowledge that Tommy is very funny we shall no longer interfere with Tommy's endeavors we shall speak on awesome turns by u2's and twitch prime Charlie and Wilbur must like me and hang me with compliments constantly negotiations are breaking down here I've made one last change hey I'm gonna pass it to you and you're gonna read it out loud okay okay what are we even doing here no we're gone we got peace talks have broken down and so the Battle of the bridges came to an end with no treaty signed the war still going some might say that this was less of a battle and more similar to several grown men working together to drop a small child but I would argue that most words are like that anyways also since I saw some worried comments in the stream I just wanted to reassure people that we're all friends no one's feelings were hurt it's all good smooth transition to outro [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,234,848
Rating: 4.9621258 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, SMP Earth, SMPEarth, Technoblade SMP Earth, Antarctic Empire, SMP Earth Antarctic Empire, SMPEarth Technoblade, SMPEarth Antarctic Empire
Id: RoZafztaKn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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