obliterating minecraft monday w/ junkyjanker

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start in the stream all right let's see if that actually works dogs upstream is started here we go are we in first you know it's just Bob in first what oh that's supposed to be the default one oh it's ordered by teams and we're team nine because they hate us why Oh God I have my own stream open I can hear my own stream this was this was a mistake all right all right we got this we got the dog they're not they're not letting me team with the human anymore it was ruled too overpowered got a not a team with the animals chat chat were trolling Tyler won today it's gonna be great chat it's gonna be great junky you hear we're gonna be ruined in Tyler ones whole week exactly I was watching his stream like an hour ago he's playing T and T run he's going for my streak it was great I remember like you'd like following like immediately and he was like there were 19 out of 24 players I he's like I think I'm top five it's glorious is gonna be a great week just look at this roster oh my god xq c might actually win like he's a pro game you know i mean they're all like esports players i think they're taking this seriously at Moxie was like one of the top minecraft guys back in the day like he got third in points last time yeah I mean - because the problem is a lot of these are minigames I think it was raw PvP people would be I think I'm good at minigames I think the minigames just helped me maintain my advantage oh yes 20,000 viewers the famous lifeit story it was fine don't get trolled me your mic is muted dude dude we can't hear you huh why was it up what'd you say huh hey techno blade I the PT the sound board PTSD it'll never leave me yeah it's become a meme my whole discord was just spamming hey techno blade video output low YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth what is this no did you get bad unacceptable no it's the same settings as usual I think my Internet's just I'm actually upgrading my internet soon I was gonna do it yesterday but then I was like maybe not the day before minecraft Monday we'll see it does the video output low thing every like once or twice per stream so we're getting that out of the way in the pregame all right yeah it's already 401 we have not start this tournament sucks boo didn't start on the second so we back in low mine oh my god these guys are toxic toxic gamers toxic gamers disqualified banned swinging good we gotta punch him off spy we got the the yin and yang tactic here we're gonna go my full agro strat and then I get killed and you go full dip strats and you just never die no I remember in week one when I didn't know who you were I was just like how is this junky guy always alive every death batch I see him he's doesn't his teammates never there he's playing so but every deathbed she's just alive he doesn't get kills but he sees a survivor you see it through get those participation points see it's the UH knits the unbeatable team but I feel like I can back you up if we go honestly yeah you see him you seem like competent ice I've got one brain cells you're not like pvp trihard trained in the art of Minecraft eSport since like 2008 but you got this let's go fifteen kill win round one right let's do it let's go why is the video output still low does anyone know my chats not yelling at B so it's probably fine I know they're gonna start yelling at me you can't fool me chat can't fool me distract people with reading so they don't de monetize you oh it's perfect they're just gonna disable the chat join teams oh my god flat preston fills and none of them are on their teams dantdm I'm unsubscribing he's not on the team [Music] alright what are the teams we got this team I have no idea just Forbes good at video games possibly a threat bad boy halo naturally AB agent and CaptainSparklez are actually pretty find the button probably it's always battle 9 round first of 50 kills oh yeah there was 25 last time TNT run one shot kid PvP it's gonna be a lot of points I'm how I hope you're ready to kill steal I don't even like fight just like suicide charge whoever's getting beaten up the most and steal those kills these guys have a solid is this the Dolan and grande place yeah yeah probably probably all right we're gonna game kamikaze Tyler one that's instantly like we die but we take them down whatever it takes the single objective he's actually worth ten times the points he's not that's what they should do is have like a bounty system where the viewers donate and people become worth more points I need the 10k bounty on my head at all times me and Skippy just trade money your bounty is more than just have more than the events I'm pretty sure my Fulbright's working but I have a texture pack just in case yeah well I don't think I'm using fulbright but I'm using like bright enough yeah see look at it okay this is bright enough whoo all right I can fly yeah this is fine I'm gonna get to the top of the keemstar oh oh hey you can join you can join Game one we're playing valley side this is the map where you killed me the memories the week what memories pogs in the chair I love if I love reading twitch chats whatever I die they're all like the greatest achievement it's so great you can come together we're joining forces to destroy it's the it's that episode of every anime where the two rivals team up to White House a competition to prove that we're the only two serious players here am i right we're in it to win it team 9 is gonna take it home yeah okay oh yeah I'm afraid of like Skippy his team xq C's team we might be able to fight them in PvP I don't know about spleef oh yeah they're pretty good they're pretty units bleep I don't know under I don't understand how you get good at spleef it's just like I do okay but it's mostly just like hope no one shoots you and then they do you know the chest routes for some reason no this is the first I'm seeing of a lot of these maps I considered like downloading them and memorizing it but yeah that's a lot of work for something that will only slightly help I don't know maybe some people got the oh I should have downloaded that spark city map they made for this I still don't know where the enchantment table is that's such a big deal well I don't think many people are joining yet but we can use chill out it's free my god it's been eight minutes they're throwing its lat he's not joining a team probably I have no idea I mean doesn't he usually team with Connor oh yeah he is team with Team two wow they're the favorites to win mm-hmm Connor hundred years forever yeah being in a lobby with low tier players I don't know why you stroll playing as me it's kind of weird he's getting worse by osmosis why did they let these Randy's and spread the toxicity this is a very twitch heavy we go back to cause I hit open this tree up and see what they're saying I have actually like 22 other monitors I'm using right now to stream snape I got a hole a hole yeah yeah the Batman setup every stream is open right now and I'm gonna watch all of them knowing Alfred find Tyler what's coordinates immediately yeah they tell us how to find the butt dude there was one point find the button last week or I walked into a room stared it like 30 points worth of buttons and walked out without pressing them I was wondering why my chat was so mad but it was like white look I can't I can't read okay my eyesight the best team only idea would be so bad oh my god the chemistry would be off the charts the dream team get in here we're starting without them we don't need them Dizzy's got five numbers in their username oh five powerpoints Calvin oh I'd say about Calvin I I think he plays overwatch okay I only know this because I looked up Calvin to see if there were any like big youtubers cuz I have I know this one guy his user name is Calvin with X's instead of like the actual vowels and it's just the worst search result ever no one knew always how to spell it what is the I don't know no one knows how to spell with exes man it took me like it took me like two weeks to figure it out people are in 3131 we're almost started we're born and ready to start blood for the blood god the blood God is here and he is alright let's let's memorize Tyler's skin so we can just Institute are up there is it's just an Alex skin get them yeah treat him out treat him out yeah all the crits we're gonna do the second that we should disable James Charles isn't here we don't need a we don't need a grace period anymore just punch a mob spawn what should we do when we kill Tyler one type dab in the chat should we just I can only do if like recently figured out how to like scream again I can only do it with like thirty percent success and I've only got like yeah the other streamers is in the same one your juicer though I can only do I can only do a few everyday or my voice dies we gotta save it for the awesome Oh scream in time well I am deaf now that wasn't even a good scream your user fine they're fine that wasn't even like wasn't even ten percent of my full power man are we gonna start 39:39 people we're almost there almost at full capacity all right we follow you the entire yeah just we just dip out of there and get a weapon and then we try to snowball slaughter seems to be the strategy can I restart MC quick start without him Greek god no no tonight alright restart and kicked already down to 38 players alright quick start start the tournament go go go okay quick we got 39 that's close enough yeah we're good just go oh man we gotta like who's even missing we got 98% of the players we can call it we can call it here start immediately rip fifty mil gold yeah well I think I stole that meme from like Warhammer 40k or something and then everyone associated with me now and I'm like oh I just heard it somewhere and repeated it yeah shut up only thing you have to do is watch we're gonna make him spectate I think he's I think he's here already have expect it's got the fast restart computer or was he just restarting the stream a lot of runs God man now we have the one in the quiver thing but I think it's called one shot Rick Preston's points I mean I would have been fine with parkour just can't the terrible miss jumps constant speed parkour that was awful yeah I was that was horrendous Oh God and no one likes watching t parkour is the problem everyone likes watching t into your run that's the best mode am i right am i right chat alright Hunger Games are started we just immediately dip I'm gonna look admit as if I'm going there but we all know what's gonna happen who's on our side we got mr. Cooper we're doing this all right and we dip we are going for it we gotta win video games man who gotta win video games oh yeah I forgot there's a grace period that's so dumb yeah okay I got some good stuff I got next you need it alright um which way'd you go to you go to the left I'm going to the left ear okay I'm trying to catch up to you man we can't get split up yeah I got an axe all right all right I got a stone axe if you want it but you already got one I got a chest plate let's keep it moving I don't have armor yet but I had just got yet no there's no any six seconds that's half our grace period no the entire game we had a one hour grace period the first time sure I'm sorry just trying to kill people EES crazy monkey man going guy actually has a lot of stuff I don't wanna I don't want to instant PvP I'm still at the school where are you okay together I do I have any stuff for you yeah here's some stuff alright let's so let's see if we can find any easy kills and get ten points we got a hunt we got a hunting Tyler get him get No he died immediately no okay let's just let's just disconnect there's nothing to do here anymore I'm gonna be honest our stuff is actually kind of oh it's stolen dark and grand I get them get them three items three items kind of poopoo free items dude get him get him they fear get them yes that's right somebody's outside like it's super traps and subdued trapeze sit seats yeah I mean maybe we can I'm just going for free kills your swag there's Cooper I don't know is Ted good at the game I know Cooper's good yeah let's see if we can stab at least one of them we got a try while running mods ban no obvious hacks banned we hit him once okay we got him alright let's just eat food oh here's an iron chestplate for you there's an enchantment table up here if you have anything oh you got did you get level 15 yeah oh wait no get sharpness oh my god do you have any uh you have any like good armor for me uh nope I only got a leather chest plate that's it well I'm gonna put I don't have anything to put this prop book on I don't want to put it on a bad piece of armor yeah I just yeah oh here do you put this on your helmet okay do I see a name over I do see a name over here it's Phil's ax it still does just chilling here he's got good pants get him me just like watching first get him how does he still have three hearts I hate this I should not have spent that pearl that was a bad idea oh here's some pants for you I really not have any boots that's kind of sad my feet are just bearing out there oh it's big oh those guys are good everyone was like oh my god Vic had a fortnight teammate it's fine like now that for my teammate knows how to play minecraft you're not that dude could soup he knew how soup works that's my criteria for being a minecraft god they've heard of soup I have any like items that are good at things I have no idea I have a flint and steel I've never used a flint and steel I mean I've used it on like portals but not for PvP and stuff it got four kills it's pretty good place it on the ground let's uh see if there's dang it yeah I got sticks I have sticks for you here you go alright let me make this oh I can make a speed soup I can make a speed soup it's all over immediate victory thanks to the speed soup alright let's just stand here for twenty seconds for a chest refill we want we want stronger stuff we're doing okay and stuff well we could be doing Oh God look at this game Oh save so much okay let's just hope that guy like stalls them for a long time they've got like full iron armor oh my goodness those guys respect they might be the strongest PvP team okay I got TNT it's over for these fools I got a better helmet oh you're the TNT God man yep that's me that's my brand that's the thing all right do you have any and experience bottles rip all right well I got I got a bunch of eggs so that's the thing okay alright hello Sam alright it's my shot yelling at me my chest not yelling at me so I haven't haven't missed anything essential that's good let's start roaming four kills roman four kills yeah no enchanted which would be that would be extra nice but sometimes you can't wall can't win them all all right unless it's minecraft Monday in which case you can definitely win every time hundred percent Oh people are yelling at me they're saying I could get a diamond sword you can do you have a diamond I have one diamond I have one diamond give me one because full and chance this is okay we gotta leave you want the diamonds yeah team two and 14 are cheated who is that no team two and forever wait aren't we team oh wait Oh team fourteens the solo team who cares who cares it's Chris it's Chris oh wow they have Chris and their team as a third unfair give me their coordinates so I can target them and get three kills yes yeah just that oh my god they're getting exposed they're getting exposed in the chat I want my money back I see Bajan and CaptainSparklez I don't know how good they're stopping oh wow I'm holding I'm holding a wood sword there's a chest refill if we can get any chance then we can fights Cathy's team the problem is yeah they all got like sharpness and stuff let's see if their it out there's Moxie Oh what's this no what the heck oh shoot I got one let's go let's go quick right-click on their heads to get health alright did we get stronger stuff out of that why isn't it giving me all the stuff come on give me the stuff give me the things there we go alright well I got a lot of iron we can make iron boots and stuff and a diamond sword I got I got an enchanted sharpness one do you have any sticks I got sticks let me make a diamond swords oh you got can I have that here's our regular soup thank you I got a view speed soup it's my thing all right and he kills out there mm-hmm oh wait we have a compass Scott yeah he is over there yeah you just use the tracker you'll be the tracker man oh there Skippy I bowed them both once we going for it yeah sure why not Oh TNT em yeah oh yeah there we go get him Oh God get him oh no he's dropping it oh I'm getting owned now don't retreat retreat oh there's so many people here dude we got oh wait you're over there okay let's get out of here let's get out of here whoo that was close all right Skippy and bad boy Halo or split up that's one of the strong there's honestly a lot of it's just strong guys just strong guys left oh maybe not I think there's any weak teams at this point the iron helmet doesn't matter it's the same armor this changes nothing chat stop yelling at me it's the same armor we should we should mind our let's go for this Oh mind if I do I got a diamond sword for you let's not fight you don't need to need to regenerate help get over here get over here are you behind you behind you get over here what's up Skippy's down amazing I haven't seen moxie let's fight these guys let's get him all right let's go right click on their head right click on their heads why can't I oh if I use both by accident I'm bad all right okay make sure make sure no one's sneak attacks me right now yeah all right we actually could win this we could do dreamteam it's just solo teams it's just okay okay junky here's the Golden Apple yeah okay we can do this we both got diamond swords and stuff we just got a not get cross team dawn all right exactly mr. savage is right here there's TNT a year we just got a chill don't let him TNT us oh oh just give him some pressure up Moxie's coming over mm-hmm just can't can't let him cross team us that is the path to victory that's not happen that's not happen man mock's is coming in max is coming in oh he's using soup okay gabba gabba low it's bad boy halo he's gonna TNT get him he's on fire get him get him oh my god we actually won dude dude the strongest team that's actually how many kills did you get I got dude that's dude that's great we got an 11 kill win that's actually that's actually a fantastic start dude all right what's the oh my God look at how many points get how hard Moxie's Kerry and his team he's got a hundred two out of a hundred ten points moxie I understand how you feel I too have once been there no no you're good you're good I mean not like a try-hard sweat pvp guy but you're competent all right you got I'll find that this is where we lose our lead boys this is it is Skippy all right we have an eighty point lead on them which is actually I mean it is a lot but we could easily lose it over the next eight games why is this team allowed dude junkie Europe you've already been elevated to the to OB to play with techno you word like rank 19 out of 40 last time they're like who allowed this team oh my god junkies such a Minecraft sweat unfair wait did they not even change the bat wait there we go this is the radical change I need in my mind we got to be careful though because the teams right behind us are also pretty good just gotta find the but admit I just go for a go for territories that you don't see anyone in at first here's one game dude change your texture pack so the buttons are red all right so at the start we want to spread out and find houses that no one's been in yet then you get yeah cuz if you if you get the button first you get twice as many points that's how I think there was one team that got like 200 points it's just this one room yeah it's just I just I'd race for one of the far houses all right dude if Tyler one baby rages it'd be fantastic we didn't we didn't kill him so really game was a loss wait some 170 $50 thank you the best cool ninja 37 this is the winners yeah yeah winners Pete we're gonna lose why we started so well and we lose we got to keep this up we got to manifest all this I'm not content with a 50% win rate we need more buttons for the budded god yeah Tyler one is ghosting me does he have my stream open he's gonna find all my buttons no Tyler one is not ready for find the boy turn okay he was trained in TNT run earlier he's not ready for this everyone in this chat was like everyone is shy was like why are you practicing Tia to run techno blades of this tournament practice Hunger Games everyone everyone hates it except James and I don't even think it's in this week so it's just 40 people that hate it well I think I think the problem is that I think minecraft Monday has like one total developer and they don't even pay him and also he has other things to do so I feel like they should have I feel like they should have more than that we have like I bet we have like 300 thousand concurrent viewers between all we gotta have a way to pay a developer like we have a prize got another $50 donation thank you I can't I can't look at your name I gotta find blood and it's alright rush for rush for one of the four houses okay this game what sucks mmm-hmm everyone already knows the strat they're all running they're running all the way across no is there a way to get that far I don't know if there are buttons all the way over there I'm going in here with Dan TDM diamond minecart buttons buttons button oh I got 10 points yes they quit get into a house and just start press what bro let me get this boy oh my god apologize in advance Chad if I miss something this is so bad I don't see any buttons Chad who actually likes this video no one likes this video game oh and points was taking so long on it what's this border well it's just he's just now to find the button God like us no people have already found their tent how is Preston so good at this game I don't understand he made the map himself he placed the buttons every button was placed by Preston usually our it was last why aren't there there's nothing behind the painting that's Minecraft 101 you always put something behind the painting what is this man this map is so big I don't I've only found two you found three year ahead of me you're carryin to find the button team okay okay he's got to keep this up that's all it is employee access only just a fridge all right I'm gonna go over here probably won't be first buttons but whatever oh wait there's like two up here for free gonna get fine first place and find the button dude why can't I hit this button oh here's one oh it's one on the floor there - do we got 14 buttons we're destroying Go Go Go Go Go button I'm sweating find the button I never predicted this is my sweat zone yeah I never predicted that this moment would derive that I'm try hard and fine in diamonds and minecraft the heck is this is this even an intentional I feel like you could accidentally get like out of the place you're supposed to be on the map and there won't be any button so I'm trying to be careful not to fall into one of those oh yeah there's minecarts hey Vic you should go down there's like twelve I'm gonna play stall no it doesn't let me take it out wait wait there's actually a button that you're supposed to be able to get and I can't because you can't get the mind cards wait I got it anyways I am a legend bathroom hope you got to be one in the bathroom we're up to 19 buttons okay you're probably carrying cuz I've been stuck in here and I haven't found a single woman here if you don't find any buttons in the house I'd just bail on it I know but I don't know how to bail this you're trapped I'm trapped in this like underground DJ Club oh this way yes I found the escape you did it I'm out I've done it wait there's an upstairs and that'd be something good up here I'm very scared of this room I'm afraid of this entire game Preston you should go down man should have all that power Preston you should uh-oh here's one let me just copy off fix homework I've already found this funny exit placed all in Minecraft right now I wish I could but they banned it bro didn't let me take the disks out the chest alright there's got to be one on some of these trips oh there's the button I was missing it alright trying to copy off their homework and fail in exactly oh here's one oh I just got to free buttons man who's going over here is this is this allowed is this allowed I'm going chat don't say anything okay current score 45 total score 105 okay we've got a honey you gotta tell me what went down Preston was getting too many points I just trapped him in a room and left him to die now his teammate has to rescue him now his teammates got a rescue of the stretch three buttons man we got to get all the buttons I'm sorry Preston but I have to win minecraft Monday why do I have a paper oh wait I thought I think I forgot to get a button I can now you gotta you gotta try her now man I know this is this a serious business yeah Tech knows I think I think my chat snitched [Laughter] I'm sorry Preston but I had to for victory I'm actually getting a ton of points getting buttons in this area there's gotta be what his teammates got I've rescued him by now right there's no way he's actually trapped in there for like ten minutes I was just there's one how do I be one around the big burger funny how do I in between his boots got it Skippy's trying to copies copying off my homework bad bad mods I want oh there's one I believe in you junkie get everybody I'm going to the Chinese's where we beat moxie he's not prepared how we do it for find the button while you were busy training we were studying honestly x2 Zia was trained and in Bill battle I was wise he's ready to win video games welcome to the only time you play follow Preston now that's a strap oh I just follow him and get like half his points exactly because while one guy just goes for like all the first buttons the other use the trails behind somebody who's really good it's perfect it's the best dress it's the only way to do it alright we got a minute left all right we got there just on top of all the bookcases this is great I figured out there the only way they hide buttons in this house Mookie's putting them on top of bookcases do we have 42 buttons wait does that bad does it actually only wait here's another one wait a minute there's 300 I already got it there's 312 okay nevermind we're doing terribly dude what did I tell you every week we're like remove find the button they're like but what if double the buttons and they actually double it every week their brain is too large I know we're in the same building I gotta try to get like oh I'm going upstairs that's higher but dude if I was a programmer I would have 47 buttons 48 48 if we somehow lose our lead because we just didn't do well 50 50 buttons we're so good at this video game oh I got one at the last second mod packs hacks mod spec tape all right let's check it out here how's their score doing okay dude how is Preston so good at find the button what got three hundred points how is he a find the button guide how is he so good at this dude I lead our leaders like God look at this how how is find the button worth so many points oh my god how are the points distributed wait what there's no way there's no way it's the same theme oh my god I think they got a nerf to find the button points cuz it was fine when there were 60 buttons but now there's 360 people get more points from find the bud and then winning Hunger Games what is this scale well we got the Hunger Games win but we're gonna lose to find the button and build battle don't worry once we get that PvP stuff and TNT run it's it's it's dubs only thank you for the donation hungry Felix we all gotta agree on like a new theme the theme is cartoons on the wither yes let's what are the odds they haven't fixed that immediate wither let's go is it based off of skill or likability it's based off of whatever looks good you vote down cuz we're trying hard exactly you try to win here get a no that'll doesn't really work everybody's just like no we just finds everybody alright quick quick twitter twitter i mean my viewers Preston always deletes he always deletes the vods after a quick I need footage of a trap and Preston for the highlights he always deletes his perspective it trolls I don't know if you can go back in his stream and I don't know just someone someone send that to me alright let's see life's a beach wedding wedding why am i I'm trapped worst wedding worst wedding ten minutes of for just when you thought this event couldn't get worse ten minutes of for how my audience retention no we don't even had been the admins on break time for had to leave this is this is Lake making us appreciated more I see how everything falls apart when he's got oh oh I glitched out I glitched out spam blocks spam blocks both flying up I'm trying I'm butterfly clicking clicking it's not we're okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to do the whole thing myself dude is this how this is gonna go this is the best event all right oh I'm building this without you what's a wedding look like there's like red carpets at weddings right I'm just there there's red weddings at carpets at weddings right red carpets all right police and use a torch that's not gonna work use an enderpearl yes I let me place a torch he's an enderpearl I can't play I can't throw them rip doesn't work I will I'm probably gonna be spectating yeah there it is my teammate is in spectator mode please please all right I'm gonna find you where you at skip skip this game is terrible right restart a riot man skip I'm trying to build an altar I don't know how wet in this way all right we got a we got a we got a priest here and we got a who's the bride they're all men this is a gay marriage anyone that doesn't go to seven homophobic homophobic nothing but homophobia this is more entertaining all right all right they're all wearing they're all wearing leather and the priest is wearing gold it's the Pope the Pope is officiating this wedding you said he's in full he's in full gold armor oh my hot keys got messed up now every streamer she goes yeah please skip we can all just leave and join next one dude half of the guys like a third of them are unlike spectator all right maybe even alter perfect the things let's give him a blue he's got a blue shirt they're beautiful doesn't work dad Bajan please I clean stage and agents in charge how they were too lazy to change it they were too lazy to change all right we got we got the altar here use a lectern what the heck is a that's not a thing oh wait maybe a lantern Oh beautiful this makes sense oh that's terrible this is the worst this is the worst what is a lecture stairs for the pews exist they do all the themes around the beach so it's like wedding surfer beach wedding they just got to steal the code from high-tech so that's what I'm saying what they did for the TNT run mass just straight-up world download and call it a day honestly yeah make it happen it would give us an actual quality thing because this is absolute garbage if we created Rock maybe they'll change skip skip this is poo poo no one can play this game we literally can't it's like oh just shut up and play that's what we want to do oh my god what's he up to this is the only game he can survive 10 seconds in all right this is this is beautiful we got a we got oh an enchanting table that's good that's good oh someone just paid a lot of money right after I read that it's great it's great with your time let's go I mean I mean if they're not if there's no admin if there's no admin I wish you could see what they're building all right I hope is this the map invincible or did I just ruin my own life why is there a cave noise get him no no my building no no hit someone else it's someone else it's someone else quick break it it just it just killed it killed the priest this wither just destroyed our gay marriage no we gotta kill it we gotta kill it another star alright we're getting we're getting a new priest please disregard your trauma we got you a new husband way way better than the old husband let's be real here that that marriage wasn't gonna last anyways we're getting you what we're getting you a better husband let's go perfect all this is beautiful this is I'm gonna join a different team and just vote for your build that's how we combat this unfair this is terrible no there's no there's no page in please page in where are you yeah team come on this this is this is making us all appreciate lake more man wait they fell no well we got to kill that one too I'm sorry I'm sorry oh this is terrible oh it's so bad all right we're on to husband number that's a good idea like black and with it's a tuxedo you start yes keen please we need ink all right and we put we put this on I can't how do I craft I can't get my crafting menu up Chad it's over all right everybody skip restart none of us can play the game none of us can play the game let's play the game team everyone's audience retention is dying all right we got this this is the best take out a crowd I can just spawn a crafting table you see this wisdom chat okay I'm thinking we go for a bigger stand it won't let me use a chat it could still be a gay rights marriage with this I got Grand Ike we just have like five guys all getting married simultaneously voting starts hey team use your administrative please I don't understand I'm giving this I'm giving this a four I don't think it's quite as good they can't vote oh my god greater one this is hilarious oh my god can't vote in spectator mode we're gonna lose our lead due to this before/after rip rip why can't I have three money and no kids all right we'll give it we'll give it a 4 for the meme wait the votes aren't even limited you can do them infinitely you've won on everything oh my god beautiful beautiful I'll give it a five strong dunning-kruger effect more on everything I said oh it's just the strike marriage they were gonna lose our lead do to build battle no because this is actually like really good they got the big going shoot they have like actual builders in this game kick them out kick them out bye bye bye my PvP no I can't rip rip the strat how are they so good at this wise how how are they so good up the priest is small kick how are they so good at this really not junky is our main builder that's why we're losing here it's because my god they have flowers they had villagers let's go yes yes we're saved were saved just find the button only find the button measures yeah let's just do that the heck is this oh it's okay hey I'm giving this I'm giving this a for the lowest vote I can give Oh incredible I feel like my armor stands for a bit better than this what is the certainty I hit the wrong button it deserves a 7 anyways all right Oh seven seven it's a gay marriage if you vote blow your homophobic oh it's censored they don't even let me say it the server [Laughter] all right this is this is a nice cake wait beat him up yeah beat up the group yeah oh my god they didn't place all the fuse get them we're gonna get two points you're gonna get two points out of this Wow it's a red point this is a team that couldn't build they died I trapped Preston so hard and find the button even in the next game you couldn't it didn't even warp him to build battle he still he's still play and find the button oh my god he just got beaten up they Jack just murdered they're built sabotage sabotage quick quick grief the builds grief that this is a serious event get them me and a scepter Omar just destroying this villager watch the no build win I don't think people are voting seriously oh my god it's oh they're gone three three thank God they didn't realize you could destroy armor stands before our bill otherwise people would think our build was bad team said the points aren't counting all right lamo find the building is worth every point this is a serious event we got this so cool what the heck what hey it's a Satanist wedding huh it's the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft wait they won't even let me do the lever maybe the levers give you seven points and that's their strat oh my god it's so good how are they all so good at building I don't understand I don't understand for the first time in two b2t history slave can we find love on the world's oldest anarchy server how are they so good at building what is this that's not actually that's like I mean it's still it's still way better than ours wow it's it's symbolism all right exactly that's how it works societal dude yes this was so good the best I can explain they're throwing I can't believe they're not taking this event seriously they built nothing at all kick him out kick him out I want them gone we got 36 points we got nothing the points are the points aren't gonna count in the end right they're not gonna we're not gonna lose cuz build battle trapped but do they even like know how to subtract points I hope they do okay we're still at the top bro Skippy and bad boy halo just caught up I hate this no oh god it's spleef Oh No are you kidding me thank you wait sir the points getting removed like now or let me get my phone I don't want to be in this belief game forever junkies joke was a little unappreciated totally that was comedy genius nobody batted an eye I couldn't Skippy says he couldn't play or vote at all and his team did so well how is this how is this bad boy bad boy is carrying I'm gonna get water what am i do to entertain fix the points during the break can they do that they gotta I don't do they have the infrastructure to fix the points is that's what I want to know aren't we not doing points team said bill battle points don't count team's word because of us we're stuck fantastic news y'all should be reading the group chat y'all are preoccupied you guys don't have your phone up here for the group DM all right if I hopes for the points be on stream alright quick everyone in in junkies dream come subscribe to my channel I need a million subs were so close please I will do an elbow reveal if we hit 1 million subs I need this I need this alright or actually how is this happening I don't understand we won The Hunger Games buy so much but find the button and bill battle and we're gonna lose no rip gotta get those TNT run points oh yeah dude Preston's catchin up off find the build or finally button and build battle oh wait how could he have points if he was like trapped and people vote as a joke no no please bro actually wouldn't be surprised they wouldn't be surprised if no build was worth more than our build like they vote they vote they vote higher out of pity I was that not censored but gay is what is good we got our priorities yeah Calvin is in third how I thought he plays overwatch excuse find the button the skills man Oh God that's why they needed the build battle points yeah exactly this is this is where they get their win what are we gonna do these points I don't think they know how to fix the points I think teams like sending down the command fix the points and everyone's like but how but how fix two points but serve we don't know how to do we don't know how to do that we don't have infrastructure do it we don't know what's going on oh this page and this page and fixing it page in my hero let's just just do the first game and then everyone else is a practice round yeah everyone saying Pilar is roasted me all right well he's got he's got a lot of time to roast me because he dies in the first minute of every hunger game so I mean you got to spend that energy somehow while you're spectate and me and junkie win the game every time best team Bastien hundred years Tony Stark fixed the points police all right no I can't believe this man isn't good at Minecraft that's the standard we hold our citizens to in this modern age is how good you are at finding buttons we need to kill of it'd be fun dude imagine if Tyler is like secretly a god and he just won v1 v2 is us they died I think the camp and rusher just killed him both just immediately that was our job that was supposed to be us no join like just joining the game matter I mean there's still I mean agents out here and he's the admin so I think we're fine one minute left wait why is he saying intermission are we fixing the points or not I need to know I don't want to lose to build battle brah I always kept you catching up he was stuck he was stuck get away alright shut up but I'm that gets in the way of our win today we lose cuz you were stuck and you're the best builder we have man isn't that right isn't that right he's been training he's been training for weeks and then and then the game man like my opportunity was stripped from exactly exactly with techno blade the main man himself we're gonna all right I'm gonna oh god its belief yeah I'm just gonna all right this is this is bad for us because Skippy and bad boy halo always do great and spleef somehow and they're like right behind us in points somehow the point system is so weird don't do that don't let that happen mm-hmm okay but you know what's gonna happen we've got a destroy fools in teams we got the Oh TNT run that's where we make our comeback man TNT let's go one suggestion was to make a bunch of snow blocks and build out of the map week that's uh that's that's actually not that bad I want to see if we can get to the top of the tower and just camp okay there's gotta be a way and just yeah but wouldn't someone have done that by now what the thing is we have to be careful with it yeah we have to be careful that rifle gets shot immediately yeah and the snowballs destroy blocks all right yeah we got a we got a bridge fast before anyone can anyone can get us how much more until break is over junkie should do collab with techno one time for high pixel games this is basically high pixel there's just like much worse just way lawyers just be just threw in a bunch of bugs to spice it up starting in five seconds there's someone not in here we're stolen oh he's up there I don't know he's not in here hmm we starting okay I think this one just starts like there's no like cool that it's just like yeah I think Chris is solo alright so are we gonna build all right I don't know man I don't think we should stay together I think we should split up and just just try to stay alive for as long as possible I already fell oh my god Connors trying to destroy me you can make snow gloss yeah I'm blocked glitching out I'm blocked glitching out I'm block glitch Annette oh wait I can actually I can actually cam up I can actually camp up here this is Opie I'm not gonna do it because that would be toxic I could totally do that actually works you could camp where no one can kill you that's fantastic [Music] almost died - oh no got a block got a block got a block gotta block the blocks just stay alive dude stay alive free points three points nope no Skippy and bad boy Halo are both alive what is this where's Skippy and bad boy halo nope we got two more rounds of this we just got to stay on top that's the game yeah was this a deterioration part of it last time oh yeah boomer jenker totally me how you doing it's just a competition - mind your business as effectively as you can yeah like logged on zip is one of the guys that actually like plays spleef yeah it didn't work he had too many snowballs for me I would do it okay 27 points now we just know not to build do the glitch I'm not doing the glitch chat yeah you could actually get up there where you can't be killed what's fantastic all right that's amazing don't let anybody else have this information Cooper saw him he's like huh it looks up like what is this five solo players up Calvin's going in he's got the same bot he's going in it's what he's known for it's in the name oh oh just rips got the backwards skin yeah the strats people would never suspect and just Preston up there we pressed we need Preston to die cuz he's got like a ton of points get out of here man just Ferb please just Ferb just four no alright next find the button points and the spleef points combined alright we just want to mind our own business that is that's lame that should not be a thing oh now it's destroying itself I'm trying to jump faster using the ice this might not be a great idea why don't we just target the Skippy and everybody just just stay alive don't go for fights that's the best long-run tactic here leave me alone dizzy people could still fall on me that's the main thing that could go wrong here mmm-hmm bro relax bro just chill out man it's just a mean room got him Greek God down okay okay okay this is going good all right we're staying alive that's all it is yes I miss every single one of those what's going on that's all it is really oh no just stay alive Skippy and bad boy hallo are still alive how are they so good explique they're so good at spleef I don't understand it actually still a lot of people I I was on the top for quite a bit but then I just felt straight through that sucked eh and you gotta relax Beijing Beijing no Skippy and bad boy hallo or both still alive this is poopoo garbage I actually got Skippy I got him you are the spliff Carrie caught the ambush oh he's getting he's trying to get revenge alright now we can get like now we can get like three more points than them it's nothing at all finally that's that's Tyler and Greeks like called claim to fame that's their content it's so funny that's oh we're all just chillin yep everybody's just hanging out no one wants to fight we're all minding our business do something all right only I can shoot as mr. Savage and he's got like something he's got a lot of map left around him everybody's sleeping bro everybody's sleeping look at all these sweaty Minecrafters out Frankie just sent me a hundred dollars I got a win for Frankie you gotta got a win for Frankie up ASF Jerome takes someone down but a a septum goes down too you know I have to go up against aimbot Kelvin the aimbot himself we need content we need points and content you gotta find the balance this is this is just mr. Saavik I wasn't expecting it he was waiting for the moment to strike No Oh slash top I don't think that's the command now all right anyone on the surface still yeah all right Maxie's got his own his own spot carved out here aimbot Kelvin going in I think that same bot Calvin isn't it I think he's playing this week who else would be named Calvin yeah Russia's got Russia's in the middle of everyone I think spleef is fun it's just it gets stale maybe is the problem well there's only two floors now so it's better than it was originally we just need nine rounds of build metal and find the button time everybody boos I'm not doing the glitch I don't want to get banned no no all right we got a four-way stalemate we're gonna play so you don't want to be the one that's parkour in amid that just makes you a target oh he's going in he's so good at this he's actually aim but Annie fell by himself rip moxie versus the camp in rusher 1v1 he's going for the artillery strikes oh my god he almost gets the long-range snowball he's getting bombarded lot snowball missed completely oh he's sending his own artillery they're going they're going in long-range combat moxie can even carry and spleef he's so good he's mastered every game okay just remember it starts immediately yeah you just gotta you just gotta bail go Coco Coco Coco Coco go go go go go no Skippy you Goomer Hey I fell don't don't kill me I'm not in a good position okay just for if you need to relax oh shoot alright I got my own little don't don't it'll make us a target leave stop it Skippy's going for a revenge and he's gone and chris is gone I don't want to be attacking and shalad is gone and that person still very here oh I died you're gonna have to carry you're gonna have to carry no I just don't parkour at mid that makes you a huge target and then or that defeated by dantdm you got 83 points that's uh well I got 83 that's that's above average at least I think the average to be about sixty points because twenty per round you got a practice but dude if I try to practice spleef everyone in the server I tried playing spleef on the minecraft Monday server I got instantly assassinated by like ten guys it was a bad idea it's probably still gonna pass this in points all right what are the odds they actually fix the build battle points brah moment we're gonna take it up in court we need a legal case we've been at art the defendant has been cheated of their minecraft Monday winnings I can't let this happen man when I'm glitch or the glitch guide but uh-oh mr. savage going in man I mean he's dead but still oh just for ban landed do just Ferb's get in so many spleef points they both got backwards skins their video game and dude they have the strats they have trained he says diamond armor get him it's o P it's so big get out Isis this is fun is he gonna try to place blocks CaptainSparklez and fit or both still on the surface and they're way far away from each other so they won't fight and the dudes on the bottom are on the same team CaptainSparklez assassinated it's a to v1 to v1 probably because there's two of them what I believe fit dude they're going you can do this fit fit you can do this clutch clutch mode watch 1 V 2 1 V 2 they got the backwards skins they're too powerful eat the berries eat the berries all right let's get some let's get some PvP games you've been doing good in those let's do that no more fine the blood no more find the button what happened to the points I'm in the lead by 7 hey okay I don't I don't think they did either it seems unlikely all right we're still in the lead just the same what are the odds that get a new map dude okay you know the drill just go for it go for kill steals okay if you see someone getting combo to oink it go for people it just were in fights pure kill steal mode engaged janitor clean up you don't want to fight full health people let's take a long time to kill we got to get 50 kills first this is worth a lot of points you gotta activate your inner trihard mo junkie you got this you got this is your chance you can do this this is your chance to get him kill in Tyler one friendly fire oh my Glock dad sips gonna get killed by his teammate again dude I almost lost last week the if there was another twenty point differential like that from Preston kill steal and me on his own teammate and we lost brah brah moment we gonna find out we need a new Advent agents now shut it I don't think they're paying them you really think we have that kind of operation it's like a volunteers what's kit pvp you just stab people show you're jittery everyone thinks I like jittery click I click like six seven times per second it's nothing well obviously everyone in the game is good to start I gotta ask the people out of the game I think it might be a 39 player a week I don't know it's possible Chris is playing solo cos channel or had to drop out okay Greek is targeting Tyler that's his teammate okay there we go all right steal all the kills you can do it just blitz don't don't care about your own life just splash beat I just splashed healing on myself immediately just instantly go in oh I want this kill give it to me oh no all right you respawn pretty quickly just blitz in and kill everyone it's the camp and rusher swagger and goodbye also you can use pearls if you're far away a slit give me this kill give me this give me the kills how did they ruin this week I no one knows wait this is two people I'm out how their healing and everything nope let's go Connor oh my kill just got yoinked it's okay I got him afterwards mr. Savage let's go let's go I got Travis healed it's over and by and I'm gonna die he had healing no wait I still won anyway that's you okay must oh wait that's you if never mind you can kill him I'm trying to get him get him get him into stuff no people are so far away I know I'm out of speed let me just get killed by Landon I'm out of speed this isn't gonna this isn't gonna happen at all no let's go let's go why are you two can just kill me faster I need speed he is a genius among men Tech by Boomer get them kill them all kill them all oh I think I got it yeah I got one kill out of that it's good enough good enough oh oh it's Phil's uh it's Phil's ax and steal the kill I don't care about this bow fight if I'm being honest did B just get okay B did not get that kill I would have done it would have been mad oh it's Paige and Canadian my health I don't have any health and it doesn't matter CaptainSparklez have heart okay okay it didn't work out just go for the kills man I'm trying bad boy halo the PvP got okay I did not get healing out of that it takes so many hits to kill people just oh my kill thinknoodles die you see alive unex and the kill goes to someone else and mad get up who cares about death let's go get as many kills as possible get over here slap you boomer dude did he die okay I gotta go Oh didn't work out I think I got a kill out of that go go go go go go go Chris it's Chris get him get him you guys steal this kill no rip it and see you can do it man don't do me oh there's a mosh pit steel steel kills just Ferb why why okay I got two kills out of that apparently dude were so far away from players what is this can I break this claw I can't break this glass Oh everyone is so far away I know that's so boomer oh it's Grande he's dead he's hacking it's mr. sparkles dude this was more fun last week I think it's pretty much the same let me just steal this kill must steal kill yes he just damaged potted himself that's the kind of thing I like you see no one even knows I just got so many kills yes dude I'm like so out of stuff I need to die and get my loot back don't do my kill now go go no okay Oh bro loves it bro what do you mean oh it's Preston oh and bad boy hallo takes it scam know what oh no they're gonna be so far in the lead no no oh my god they're gonna be so far ahead oh god - robbery you were a lat we were not last dude that's not a there's no way I think we were like third or something because we got ten points for the win rip honestly that's kind of expected oh we just got to bring it back with Hunger Games Ben let's just no energy if we if we lose by five thousand points let's say it was Bill battle yeah it was all build battle find the button 2.0 it's time for The Dropper plays I'm turning my fov 260 try hard dropper strats so you can see the blocks a pier closer it's just uh it helps for me it's like zooming in on Optifine I'll try it the try-hard strats lets go we're ready to go clouds off that's a good idea where clouds clouds are off okay first thing is never themed mm-hmm it is are you hacking your ex rain great break through the blocks I can't beige and stop blocking me and fix the build battle no big start one two three says I see dirt I see dirt we got this man the dream team we got this man when every Hunger Games I got top five I'm nice okay okay the buttons so easy to get are they doing this again hurts find the button V to wear to boot onna here it's by the blue wool distraction I'm 34 out of 39 have completed it and we still have a minute left helps me even Tyler one can get points out of this you can do it oh he got it Grande you can do it this is where we've peer pressure the one afk person bump but up you can no pressure granddad we get sabotage by build battle Oh bill battle man I will never play that game again oh dude this one's so easy yeah I got top top five again the pure skill do I hear perfect dropper match that would still be worth no points why there's always it's so close this custom-made dropper man that's what they spent all their time dude they're all the same they're all the same way they're all just a bunch of like sticks across it's not even that much of a drop heck you might be able to survive this in vanilla minecraft oh just uh just a sprained ankle I think it's fine it's just a few like Bill battle was just everyone's minds in the ground that's no good my opinion the only around that should count is the first Hunger Games not even the second one really no pressure no pressure no pressure level can be agreed upon by every person watching this yeah I love you both very much my personal okay game time oh it's on the top left I can't see because of all these usernames yeah I'm bad oh you can go to the far left and get the water more easily that way oh I totally just packed it I was twelve fourteen ripped the perfect clear no find a button and click it midair dropper is born what do you mean Chad drop her and find the button or the two hosts engaging engaging things to watch engage in Canadian at least this one wasn't one of those where you clear it on your first try before even looking yeah go find the other buttons and spectator mode Oh let's go attack attack yeah yeah we're hacking I don't know what order it's in so it doesn't matter yeah let's make fun of everyone that hasn't cleared it ooh it's because Preston focused all his energy and find the button when he should have been trained in dropper because it's worth like two and a half points total there might be a pattern here but I might be like behind it is it's always behind where yeah that's good to know the strats no it's not behind it's to the left it's okay I got it I got top five all the points dropper is worth like a two point Liana stielike the difference in dropper points are always like nothing where's the water I think it's forward I see it a top five dude I'm doing like a flawless dropper clear it's great well III go me I only didn't get top five on one of them but it's alright you can do this I believe in you get those strong 50 points hit f1 what does that one matter this just makes it more clear I don't care yeah nice everyone's spamming f1 this just it doesn't actually clear that I just want to see the chat once you slash menu to spectate what if I like put you out of player mode you got 30 seconds free Greek god - clear the round can't he do it Oh pecan oh I remember this one the buttons behind the water Oh Coco Coco top 5 wait we do we both get top 5 oh nice let's go dude we're getting to come back and drop her and it's not gonna mean anything because everyone can get participation points so we're getting like a twenty points back and dropper let's go let's go can we get a dropper record most points earned and dropper in Minecraft Monday I'm not doing alt f4 I was not born yesterday dude it's tri auras bro I'm not gonna close my browser it's not happening are you supposed to land on this oh oh I missed I'm so bad I was number 15 rip rip okay I'm bad why would they let this where the dropper Matt there's only like three obstacles to dodge look at there's like nothing to the left to the left yeah yeah how did I miss hey I'm so bad there's like a alright well I'm gonna get the sick 31 I'm just destroying dropper well the thing is it's either you get top 5 or you completed in 90 seconds there's no difference in points which is why I'm not I feel like the scoring could be a bit better because there's no way to get a lead and dropper like either to get like 10 more points than someone else or nothing yeah whereas games like Hunger Games and find the button apparently you can make a huge comeback right seven no 14 again no in controls you can hide have we done this one don't think so this one is awful play minecraft Monday with a Wii / bottom now there's there's a command let's go instant clear it better work dang it everyone else ghostin I'm gonna ghost of everyone else's ghost - who else who's a beige insko Stan wait he's the admin shouldn't he shouldn't he already know shouldn't this already be common knowledge alright this is the last level oh there's two more but wait there's there's 12 rounds hey hey why did they add more rounds of drop or who was like we need more dropper that's what the viewers want it's what the viewers want even Greek god is 40 points we're at 980 know everybody's going to the rice I'm just gonna follow them I'm bad now 13 rip this is the one I go stood on tuned to no no no you can do it I believe in you you've only got 62 seconds left it's so little time 25 gosh wait even like the lowest score people here 45 has no one ever like failed to get one or I guess half my honest one of them do the dream their dream team we need those points I'm at 75 I was getting some top top fives I've since lost my techno he's throwing he's throwing it's the only thing my viewers are here for his droppers skill well then I guess this beacon one did we already we already play this I'm not paying attention jack sucks a dropper behind there we go okay here we go pro strats number one maybe two - we got one into the dropper legends stream team's 33 people completed this in 15 seconds oh we're just so good at this game oh we're gonna get like 20 points closer to Skippy it's going to be great we have to win video games man I was just looking at this one first no wait 95 points everyone's blocking it everyone's blocking it block the button don't let anyone press did that that last one was so funny winner techno blade and people said I was throwing and people said I was throwing I just won proper okay the problem is winning droppers worth like nothing at all no okay still like 70 points behind cuz droppers worth nothing but find the buttons worth everything oh boy he'll there's a five-minute break did we ever fix the bill battle points I feel like we should do that before the tournament is over because otherwise there's gonna be drama if like the winners change I'm gonna be annoyed if I look on replay and we lose cuz it build the head oh no my chat say it 9 in a row oh god the pressure dude TNT run used to be chillin Ehlers a streak so there's stress like last time I was just chillin having a conversation I think I was even reading my chat a little bit but now now there's stress yeah can techno get a 9 win streak what do you guys think oh the pressure I don't know man Tyler was trained in T and T runs he's training he's got this he's gonna end the streak I mean there are there aren't a bunch of good like T and t run players in here and eventually everyone's going to be doing the hop strat just every single all 40 well that's the skin think emoji I chat as high standards its win every single one again bust or you're terrible oh dude literally Moxie is practicing his strats oh my Moxie is trained for a hundred years your teammates xqc you got to be good at every game honestly I Moxie and xqc are gonna win one of these weeks they're actually like yeah well cuz Moxie is like good at Minecraft and I think execute isn't like an eSports isn't like an you sports player I mean they're only gonna be so bad at a game once they play it yeah so they're gonna they're gonna win eventually but we have to we have to stall that for as long as we can as long as as long as we can they're gonna get there do you have twitch prime have you heard of twitch quick chat everyone twitch prime junkie all of you that didn't use it on slant last week I don't know twitch prime em get him and you sure if you have YouTube premium and you're in the limited beta and you see an option for free super chat you should press that honestly I watched last stream back and I realized that Schleck got more money from twitch prime than he did then he did from winnin minecraft Monday he got 1,100 subscribers in like a couple hours ruin his chat twitch prime ruin his chat oh yeah we have to be sellouts because we're in the five-minute intermission junkie okay yeah okay hello hello tag all the way through thank you thank you you're welcome here to watch the mid-roll ads I will I'll watch them all and I'll click on them I can't say that on stream I'll get banned yeah no I do not encourage ad manipulation chat that's not okay this is actually my number one interest and then you and then you bought all the products right yeah you spent all your money on the product so it's not manipulating my stream gets taken down strike can't stream for three months it's something else dude this this that last round with the button that was really hard I enjoyed it I was really stressed then to build battle best game should I be like toxic confidence 9 for 9 or should I be like sportsmanship I'll do my best I'll do my best I'll do my best the power of friendship gives me strength there we go I just a lien eight and hundreds of thousands of concurrent viewers on other streams hundreds of thousands of people just decided they'd never check out my content because of that message all right we got ice in the back I need a message to type club sandwiches right next to the pool table it's the supper club all right when are we gonna start this thing what a place in that's probably a few minutes there's still two people that aren't in here oh wait you know what the other thing is we were training with like 24 people this goes out to oh yeah well you just just get into like the top 10 and you really will be good yeah and I see you watching leave you boomer the boomers are being dished out I might die for this meme but I gotta switch crimes still on cooldown the good luck Thank You Man appreciate it here we go just don't just keep always jump always jump never stop don't jump oh god the particles yay particles wait are the blocks disappearing on their own white why would they disappear on their own yeah they're ending my streak through any means necessary why would you do that why are they decaying why No hey hey cat you cannot blame me if the blocks disappear before I jump on them No why is it decaying how did they mess up this game even more this is the easiest game lake leaves lake leaves for one week and everything falls apart what is this why would they decay who thought this was a no why would they okay who did this why would they how am I still winning why do the walks disappear why do blocks disappear it's not even T and T run this doesn't count Chad don't hold this again why did they disappear why do they disappear I don't understand dude this is so fun why do they keep changing it it just randomly disappears oh my god oh my god whose idea was this my day is ruined yeah no I just fell two floors because I saw particles and thought it'd get deleted no no why so many blocks are being deleted what is this throwable explosive hey hey I almost got killed by him do they disappear so fast - I don't understand [Music] one week explosive get him get Vic I just killed Vic Vic down the blocks what - one whose idea was this everyone hates this the entire game nobody nobody enjoys disappearing blocks I had too many points they had to change TNT run no no look at us all getting mad at a game that is provided for OKs major we have like 300 thousand concurrent viewers well I mean all of us combined obviously I don't we can we can have expectations we can have expectations okay oh my god I was still getting a decent amount of points it's just not at first points it's not as good yeah dude like so many do this is freaking me out I keep trying to jump in like ten blocks will disappear in front of me they disappear slower and spleef and no huh what is this they just disappeared right underneath me what is this all right just just jump around stall for as much as you can okay oh God and I died fifth this is a good game I'm enjoying what they did it disappeared right as I jump to it this is such a scam man you guys I can't wait to play Minecraft Monday bring lake back we need lake lake safest I'm sorry I ever made fun if you like please please what is this that's me you I'm G studio just died I wish I was what did they do to Minecraft Monday no no that's the Hunger Games was a functional mode I know we're down to third you just literally have to not change anything what were they going for all right this is one show okay could you like maybe just like elongate the PvP yeah like get rid of find the button and probably we get the dumbest don't go any lower you will die okay I'm getting out of here just like remove find the button and like make dropper not too easy let this happen and then we got this yeah and they're like hey what if we what if we change TNT run we've been at this for seven weeks don't you think we would have figured it out that's why we need a hypixel to host a YouTube tournament that'd be fun all their servers are still on fire because of how popular Skyblock is but maybe in the future I pixel if you're watching this I'm just saying you could do it as hightail promo okay you could you could start dude imagine they do like how are they get in eliminations how do they oppose what you know the sad thing is I'm sure that gives points I'm sure it gives points no it's just waiting no because they're getting kills bad boy halo is getting points he's getting points out of this bad boy halo how many points how many points this entire tournament is a bro I'm just saying high pixel high pixel hear me out here all right you could do a weekly youtuber tournament and get all these youtubers to love you and then when high tail comes out you could do a week on hightail hightail Tuesday I'm just saying I'm just saying free promo free promo high pixel I'm just saying are these guys get in boys oh my god are they getting points out of this you just got ten oh my god I'm still getting points dude the points are gonna be so broken wait you can die a fault hey hey I have negative one kills Hey how can you have negative kills it's aimbot Kelvin okay I'm up 2-0 kills because I started at neck up give me a arrow give me an arrow give me now oh I got Greek god it literally started me with negative points oh how did that not hey spawning maybe you can't team kill hey it's a good game I don't understand what is this game what might instantly fall off the map what who designed this no I can't kill you hey and I'm dead who designed this game this game was made by monkeys dude I can't even like shoo it's like went through Travis Oh Mike it's it's a good game man this is funny water chase slit oh my god oh yeah that's not you I thought that was you that's why I didn't shoot him no don't mind me dantdm don't mind me this is bad this is awful this is worse than that hey you can just spawn kill you can just spawn kill petition to skip week seven entirely yeah just skip the whole tournament we'll be we'll be back next week guys oh my and Preston passes me what is this dantdm sign in the petition skip minecraft monday weeks of it i pixel you gotta save us high pixel I've given up on the points junky at least we got the Hunger Games win at least this is their time to step it oh my god I think he'll save us we all know that minecraft Monday I was getting spectator blocked is that a thing that seems like a thing that would be the case alright we're down to we're down to sixth place alright oh my god it's a good tournament guys everyone's enjoying this we're having you know the thing is keemstar is actually like spectating this week it's the only game that matters I agree 9 rounds to find the button erase every other mode Preston wins $9,500 actually wait I think Jerome and Phil alright petition for us all to log into hypixel and have a bed Wars to determine winner bed words let's go I've been considering the highlights are fun it's just streaming is gone it's a grand old time it's a grand old time it's pretty chill too you don't even have to turbo kart racers agree wait yes no not that message I was trying to thumb up the turbo kart racers minecraft is serious business how dare you disrespect something as serious as gaming alright let's just bail on out of here get that chest maybe nothing zero items it says even the Hunger Games going to be broken could you imagine I swear to God could you imagine okay oh I got good stuff oh this is great dude this is I thought this was gonna be a good time to give you us this thank you I appreciate it let's keep getting loot yeah I really I don't know if the points are messed up or not and they're gonna fix that or maybe not here's some pant oh yeah it's so it's it's a good week junkie we're having a good time you know we can redeem this we got a kill we gotta kill the tight here's a chestplate we got a kill Tyler one man redeemed the whole week let's get him he left no everyone's still here sure we can do this man redeemed the whole week it's big star get him he's gonna 1 V 2 again he's just so good at video games you know high esteem it's gonna come we might as well we can't chase him protect what we can but why yeah why waste of food you know I'm kind of scouting out on the outside looking for nametags win this one win this one we'll try not to win every all the modes that work we got a win and that's like two honestly like the modes work do you have any sugar no rip your some ire pants in here dry of sugars my [ __ ] making fun of me I think we're fine alright but um oh wait wait find the button yeah I gotta go we got the button we win we win minecraft one day we win ten points it's just it's just too easy for us oh my god more buttons it's just so incredibly easy for us to find these buttons it's gonna be incredible what happens why still get it alright I see nametags over here it's just for these guys actually a good stuff let's stab them anyways Oh Landon MC hey do not single them out okay let's say it okay I got this help don't get killed don't get killed he's Travers he's trapped got him with the pure skill TNT yep best weapon bro I told you it's pure skill it's pure skill I need yep thank you I need boots of any variety where are they oh nice nice we need to get you help it is huh go go go go go this way he's this way don't even wait to heal I see them targets now this is eSports we should just you need boots you did you ever get boots are else to the player s major over here we got him that was our one objective for this week it's just kill kill me so bad it's fine when the game is functional very rare that's why I don't practice T and T running hypixel because they're TNT run work so it's not it's not good practice you'd get used to the blocks not disappear and early that's just no good immediately murdered no sanitation station reservation you want to go back and get its loot um cuz that person that person's gonna run forever there's no no reason but um Jack down he's got some experience bottles which doesn't help because I don't know where stuff Oh pearls they're mine there give me those bras alright we need an enchantment table do you see one are there any out there we're like a crafting table even do you have sugar you have to have sugar by now no oh my god it's rigged the whole tournament rigged honestly this game fell off border let's not die to the board you dizzy just eliminated Moxie with like 0.3 hard slaps we gotta breathe let's shoot him with the bow from far away how it fills us here he's decent yeah this is a decent team let's be careful here okay no one has enchantments where is the enchantment table always got a diamond sword dude I don't want to I don't want to mess with this yeah that's my strategy and the dip up up fitting bad boy halo we're over here get him get him and blood for the blood I missed I missed I'm bad he's dodging arrows it's letting me catch up it's time to die God and we got more we got an iron sword do these guys said what is the loop broken how do you get that much loot dude this man was so wealthy how do you even get that much loot okay we have to have sugar by now right right okay give me that wait you have do you have any bowls I think I threw out my bowls way no I didn't I'm fine yeah dude how much loot did they like break the loot to who what happened all right let me let me give you a regular soup there you go oh my god help here's bad boy halo get him get him over now get him get him it's over it's over dude it's over it's over it's not happening you got two diamonds all right oh there's guys over here get him Vic your mind fills it oh wait come out get built knows your own nope oh you're getting it you're getting him yes yes video games we win all the games that actually work that's our strat we win all the games that work it's Preston it's Preston get him where are you there's no craft until let's uh let's get Preston where is he wait I have a compass what if I do and I have a compass are you I'm uh I'm going to mid okay there you are we got seven kills Oh captain sparkles and a general eye they're pretty good you need to kill Preston he's got points eliminate them where is he all right are you over here come on oh there he is he's making a run for it wait I need food I don't want to chase him with no healing all right oh and the Connors they're 200 he's gonna turn around Oh Connors going for him he's got AG Apple get him Connor I'm boosting you Connor that's what I'm doing I'm helping I'm helping get him whale on him yeah let's go we got soup let's just keep going let's just kill everyone it's just uh it's just Connor and that team left all right I'm gap one let's go let's to V to win every Hunger Games win every game that works that's our strength win every game that works win every game that works I got him with TNT I got him in the Boyar I'm fine I'm fine it's fine don't die no Connor don't die - Khan okay let's just let's chill hit the ceiling and now we fight Connor he dies he dies it's over it's over he dies we win every Hunger Games we win every game that works ten kills we win every game that works that's the strat stop flexing he asked how many kills thy head I don't think we I don't know they have to fix the build now wait wait wait wait just a minute did Bill battle get fixed did bill battle get fixed I need I need the referee I need the referee to check if bill battle got fixed referee referee we need a referee we need someone was Bill battle fixed team once was Bill battle fixed y'all gotta fix build battle I need to know yeah I need this a two-point difference find it on replay it's fine either look if I don't win I want skep you to win cuz I'm friends with him but I need to know was it fixed was it fixed I can still win this it's okay I just write on the individuals at least you worry guys we were 2 points I want I want a referee I want a referee where's the build battle counted yeah what was your build our build was terrible we got like no point we got like 36 I just did well junky was stuck so I did the red carpet gay marriage when everyone made fun of it was terrible no that sounds devastating no let me uh let me check something here team star please I don't know what's going on here so my god keep staring I don't know if you want me to call him make him make him do a Twitter video all right I'm calling team let me check gumball says this is [ __ ] up he needs my monetization no he's on the phone with Cartoon Network where he's gonna shut this down I can't I can't see how many I can't see how many points Skippy got in his pill battle I don't know unfortunately keep hung up on me referee referee we need to know all we beat Cooper yeah we did the points fixed we got a no hello I'm pretty good dude are you mad that your points didn't get counted what's going on did all right I don't know if they counted it or not I don't think Skippy you could like filled at all I don't know we'll have to watch it on play wait a second yeah we're like two points away we need we need the drama all right the epic minecraft drama 1 how much money is second place zero there is no second place prize no points for second place is definitely not a point there no money for 19 fun try out twitch dude it's better than YouTube we I don't know I'm getting 67,000 viewers here it seems to be working I don't know man I just stabbed celebrities every Monday that's my that's what I got going on it's pretty fun YouTube guys on the YouTube my name is Greek god x2 the sky we gotta know I mean they're probably not gonna just the points at all because I don't think they know how but it's gonna it's going to be [Music] my try I tried going to his dream but he is to set it on where you can't rewind you can't rewind do you can't rewind he predicted it the calculations you can see into the future let's get some minecraft Monday beefed up here we need to get on the news teams gonna make a drama alert on his own event like the two points are you kidding me we won we won all the Hunger Games what is wait wait wait wait I started I started one shot with negative one kills some people saw it with Fall Ball points wait wait bad boy halo was killing in the pregame did they win because of pregame point yeah referee oh my god I've been scammed the two-point difference no don't ghost us Bayesian referee no [Music] I'm saying people are saying everything was broken he was not good yes give us three points key we can quality the wait where was where was bad boy halo streaming was it on Twitch probably I didn't see it unless he ended the YouTube stream immediately I didn't I don't see we've been robbed we've been robbed no I just want I just need to know did they get points in the one-shot pregame and in build battle I totally saw that yeah I saw a bad-boy halo getting like tons of kills in the pregame dinner negative one negative one who's in charge here it's anarchy it's anarchy the first Anarchy minecraft Monday the oldest Anarchy minecraft Monday incredible oh my god we got robbed robbed they just got to take away the points for build battle and some guy in my chest says you're being annoying and talking about being scammed dude look at this point differential and tell me you would not complain there is no second place prize it's that or nothing and all the games are broken we need Snopes on this fact check fact check referee get the red card red card and killed in pregame no oh my god super scuffed we are going to fix things for next week what about this week Lake Lake quick you got to come out of retirement and fix everything like James taken away the mini-games hey this thing's yeah some of the minigames are fine it's just it's just a lot of them art Skippy got 52 points and built I got like 36 it means you're home killed I know you guys got so many points we gotta we gotta add you to my team because find the buttons where I fail we could augment each other's voice I don't know how oh my god all right I'm gonna end the stream here well we'll see if they do anything I doubt it I don't think they even know how but for the record referee what a scam it was a good game junkie we killed everyone we killed Tyler that was our goal we got him we should get three points for killing Tyler should be an official points like my shot was so proud of me for taking you out oh my god alright I'm gonna end the stream here guys hope you guys enjoy check out my sky block video I uploaded yesterday and also subscribe I need a million subs million subs you want to see my hot elbows everybody yeah get him in the stream here bomb
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,840,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft monday, minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, technoblade minecraft monday, hunger games, hunger games tournament, minecraft tournament
Id: ZTT6aGUqLnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 7sec (8947 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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