playing bedwars with tnt changes

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I sit here and get some TNT it'll be incredible it'll be just like the old days trust me all right at least team to Gus before gold now there's always that and need more blocks and the way we go all right cyber bully the nearest team what's up guys how's it going that is a lot of chat a little checked in the late I got your bail on I you mean notification say everyone calls it the bowel it's always confusing to me whatever thank you my dude that's something you thank people for I'm not sure I'm not sure a YouTube etiquette works anyhow I'm gonna break this bed they had just enough defense that my one TNT was enough to break through are you are you okay I'm sorry but I need the coins rip oh hey a good iron armor oh yes well that was a very intense PvP battle we just engaged and I'm sure everyone's gonna subscribe after watching such sick PvP content I'm gonna speed bridge and I'm not gonna walk off the bat by myself and everyone's gonna be super impressed it'll be amazing my parents will love me again it's working kind of I feel like I knew how to speed bridge royal and I forgot how hey there that knocked them off right I didn't knock him up what a scam I'll write in T and he doesn't do anything I forgot oh breaking it with my hands and poop and the poop and a boot you should alive what is this how much does it take and they're dead all right it eventually worked huh this is even worth buying TNT I just buy sheers now if by sheer let's steal that works sheers least sheers respawn man I mean wool you can punch through well but yours are still convenient all right with me like this mm-hmm how's her bass doing ah 19:8 builds a build a bridge to middle but I think they're gonna be at higher risk for Fiat and stab instantly but you know these things happen oh boy and stone don't mind me see I'm blind and there's two of them there's like okay the only chance I have is if I can kill both of them simultaneously and then punch the wool now obviously killing two people simultaneously is easier said than done that guy didn't get knocked off with a scam what what is your knock back go go go go go go go go go go go yes ah I want to get the kill I gotta kill I gotta go I gotta go we have half health now I drop my box where you breve Dwight he's given me all the stuff he's like please don't hurt me I'll give you all my stuff but I wanted coins all they all belong to me all right so far so good we're gonna buy a stone pickaxe guys oh boy I can just feel the fun do you follow the tools also is that like you either spent a way too much gold on them or you spent hiring and the thing is if you're spending iron on tools then you have nothing to spend your gold on and you barely have enough iron for blocks it's a predicament anyhow we're gonna get tons of diamonds here and we can go back wait as her teammate spent any diamonds I know my teammate Bridge to diamonds but he hasn't maybe he's bought the generator stuff and whatever alright we're gonna go over here go like this and the way we go hmm Wood I'm not the biggest fan of wood is a block I'm certainly not about to spend 12 gold on a diamond Dax I guess TNT would do the trick just not very well but whatever we're gonna attack Green Team these guys seem like they they know what they're doing these guys seem extremely aware of their surroundings they they still haven't noticed I'm here don't mind if I do and that was some more sick wait why are you guys here you're here to take my kills no no get out get out I got the 4b one what is this i don't even care for everyone let's do this I want coins where'd he go why are you here dude bad words players I don't understand them I did I literally just walked in there stabbed all four of them and walked out and no one like no one was any of the wiser now we're buying three TNT which should be enough to get through an entire wood block mmm well we have sharpness now I don't have any prot I kind of want prot all the diamonds are gone what a scam ah wow that guy's gone might as well walk in here I guess I don't have much health but you know I have enough how much D&D will it take that actually not gonna be enough TNT oh my god okay okay that tiny tiny defense 3t and what is this brah Oh fine I'll buy a pickaxe like a peasant thank you for the donation oh yeah I just got I got three donations and I just played the sound now that's confusing honey I thank you Cosmo not for the donation I miss you tech know I wasn't even gone for like a full day what is this well I I still have this pickaxe and they're both here but I mean I to be ones in the last two times what what could possibly go wrong they're actually doing a lot better this game ah not even close I have full health right now did this is propaganda that's actually a video bug I have full health trust me and now you're here you have all the stuff in the world I didn't know my teammate was rich and they're coming back I'm gonna have to deal with them again and goodbye wait what no see mate I wanted to knock him off now I was gonna respond faster oh whatever okay the problem is I can't break the wood with this pickaxe which is why I'm not the biggest fan of tools because the problem is you need two different tools to get through the wood and my rich teammate just walks off the map well you gonna walk out with my view got shoved off the map I have much more sympathy for any situation I have to kill them both before I can do anything all right they're both dead they're both there they're both dead they're both dead go go go go go go go No out of my face no no no I was so close yes okay okay we did it guys all right mmm-hmm thank you for the donation which I assume was from Oh 101 but it might be from cosmonaut I don't know Stream Labs is weird leave me alone I'll see it on the I'll see you have a stream in a second anyways they don't know it was Cosmo not anytime without you is time that I'm sad well that's that's depressing but we're here now that's the important thing anyhow did I get a final kill I didn't get a final kill wait no teaming teaming teaming teaming teaming any coins the problem is my teammate actually has like a ton of stuff look enemies diamond armor and iron sword I'm sitting here like yeah man I got at least I have iron armor I mean I have a wood sword but still what are you doing oh no you put made the bridge slightly taller or whatever will I do one of them just walked off what a sick PvP battle had to pull out the maximum clutches to win that one everyone's gonna be so impressed they'll subscribe to my youtube channel it'll be amazing oh god there's a 13 and 10 star near I mean I'll rank them all but still oh wait they joined in a party ha I'm gone nope nope okay there's 10 star just one hi star I don't care about though because it's just one person out there is like a party that's both double-digit stars I'm like that's like not dealing with that everyone else should be fine why is there's 30 seconds Waits well the thing is when you start the game when your teammate leaves instantly you pretty much just lost that game so I understand why they make you wait a little bit at the start of a game Oh techno is not in the game Oh at least things I have an alibi we got Ella Bella Bella Bella wait what's your name stop moving why you can't have ADHD in game ok finalists reader name the tap Ella Bella to 103 alright is it worth buying TNT well what else would I spend my go along I guess I could spend it on gapless I just have a lot of healing all the time okay you seriously need to stop walking through my screen it's kind of annoying I'm gonna be level with you all right mm-hmm oh my god hello Chuck no blade oh god no no they know my secret identity anyhow we're gonna spend I would love to buy shears but the problem is that cost a lot of iron and I need that iron to get blocks so we're gonna walk over there and hope they don't like place down head in stone at the last second hmm oh man high tech no poop what a savage burn my career's over guys ooh it's off no all part of my master plan we're almost there they haven't placed any blocks by where's your teammate what what why though well problem is he's the high ground which is actually pretty hard to deal with ah ah can't find him with my mouse and subscriber techni blade all right how I took a lot of fall damage all right here's a plan we're gonna get right on over here we're gonna need diamonds so we can get prot 1 diamonds are just I'm just pretty nice thing to have you know probably means you take less fall damage and also like significantly increases your armor by the time we get back here we'll have iron armor and like we'll be fancy now we're gonna build a bridge from over here that way people that rush us from eating it to the diamonds they won't have a bridge straight to our bed now I don't watch people stream hardcore minecraft sorry well that sucks for you man you're missing out intense PvP bed wars action over here mmm I want to buy sharpness but now you know how much resist I must resist all right girl look at this do we have we still have enough cold give me give me the last of all come on you can do it game come on come on thank you very much y'all this just gonna casually walk on over here is there - diamonds waiting for us no well now we have to awkwardly wait for 22 seconds some intense intense PvP content nears that guy coming to kill me now now this is mine this is die with I was here first don't do this to me this is my swamp mine bosses upgrades benefit both of us so doesn't really matter anyways hmm intense PvP content oh boy it's gonna take five at five TNT to get through all right which team is next hmm ideal you want to kill the people that all know you're streaming but they're really far away from us right now so I don't really think we'll be able to get there quickly at all we're gonna go like this and like this and we've spent everything we have and we're still four oh good well might as well go fight over diamonds Jaime emeralds whatever let's Greg I might have a lot of them he seems to have been here for a long time we can kill him we'll get all of his emeralds unless you knock him off the map in which case you might throw them away Oh why are you running back to your base no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] and since oak is diameter oh god there's so much stronger stuff than me and none of it matters subscribe to my youtube channel at slash techno the pig I don't actually think it's the URL I don't know my own URL leave me alone the important thing is we got the red now he spent all of his emeralds before we could kill him but whatever at least emeralds don't exist anymore I don't know how he won that play to get so much better stuff than we did wait is this how that's just one diamond who cares alright we're gonna go over here oh man here we go they have capes man they have capes that means they're the best yes yes got him see see that's where shears pay off and my bet is gun I am very I'm very glad they killed me when they did hey you better back off please don't come back I don't actually have a good weapon ah your item right here what teammate alright alright so far so good did you use to go by techno the big techno the pig is actually like always been my channel identity techno blades just my username I never really I never really tried hard enough to like switch over and techno the pig because my it never really mattered I mean ideally techno the pig would prevent me from getting like sued by Ninjago in the distant future but that hasn't happened yet so I'm playing with it and you're still here why I place that block what a scam do you make TV I don't have any help teammate what are you doing no what it I love bad words it's a fun game for all ages my team II had the block glitch unfortunately so she couldn't hit anyone Ella Bella you with one job one job all right mmm-hmm I missing the donation sounds I'm sorry thank you grace and his gun the donation he says techno it's awesome how did you get into United well you see I have a lot of subscribers silly invited me jumbled us things hey techno blade please Nick and Jumbo corn won if I remember I won't remember I'm not very good at remembering things except the Magna Carta signed June 15 12 15 what is June 16 I forget there is a donation sound who knows what donation that was for it shows up on your screen not mine that's how OBS overlays work but I'm gonna assume it was turquoise I'm gonna hope it's turquoise thank you for donation if it's turquoise that means it's actually like super updated and I'd be able to know no it was jumbo those things it's like two minutes to like whatever thank you for the donation anyways also we have actual stuff now let's go I think that's great about TNT it gives you something to spell gold on thank you Duffy for the donation techno blade eyes I agree this is factually correct thank you for donation turquoise I'm just guessing the names by the way they might be out of order oh I got that mixed nah wait I didn't get the mix upstream Labs did why am i blaming myself for this anyhow your beds gone you haven't noticed yet but I'm not in the team hello oh let's go dude no whoo get back here no no no no no no you think I'm just gonna let you go just like that no no hey you have emeralds B you have coins let me you don't have coins but you are coins let's go PvP action pvp pvp and i got an entire emerald out of that I'm a rich boy thank you for donation lit industries or is it Duffy I don't know stream Labs is destroying me right now anyways thank you for action we might actually be able to get Diamond over really quickly if we can just get out of here alive anyways seven emeralds is all I want for now usually I don't go to like usually I don't really get diamonds or emeralds but the whole the whole magellan strat I'm still I'm not using it exactly because it's not worth you know bridge into each team individually but I'm still kind of doing it the thing is I don't play bad words intelligently I play it to have fun because you know 2,300 people watching the stream I can't just sit there and collect diamonds for 30 minutes no one wants to watch that I can't play better words intelligently and I don't actually want to bed words used to suck okay before I figured out you could just suicide charge team's non-stop and no one would stop you it was not fun at all but now it's fun because you can just charge into a team and like no one's gonna stop you because no one knows how to aim like these guys I'm just going walk into their base I'm even gonna get some diamonds on the way what are they gonna do about it is this guy gonna stop me okay he's active night never mind I'm just gonna punch this sandstone I don't care I'm awesome I mean I'm holding down left click which is an act doesn't actually take all that much skill but I'm still gonna brag about it incredible there's a guy behind us but I want this kill No yes and I'll kick this kill as well and we're good and now I'm gonna buy prop 1 everything that's coming up technically are we getting rushed it doesn't go getting rushed so we're gonna go bully red team who needs TNT when you can just punch everything let's go it's actually a pretty bad sign when punching the blocks is stronger than TNT but whatever now this is made of wool if I had shears that be convenient but you can still punch through well oh no like I was doing it for us oh never mind you had one job okay you teammate you just teammate I don't hear up a lot of striking okay good demon do it you did it teammate where's steel all right guy he's over there that guy's gonna respawn and we're gonna beat him up get him yeah no you're dead mm I got the cable oh yes I'm trying to steal only teammate skills but like a little oh sorry I see all my teammates kills but you know I'm trying to go for the final kills leaderboard I'm in second place right now Udall final goal I can get thank you oatmeal cereal for donation or is it lit industries or is it grace and it's gone either way thank you all thank you all now neither me nor my teammate have been in her base for the longest time which means were probably gonna get rushed at some point and we only have prot one hallway to have diamonds never mind we're rich we got this easy actually buy a iron sword I mean we need something to spend our gold on and on we're not buying TNT and shears is just a nice thing to have you know you can punch wall there yeah yeah oh wait they already built a bridge for us and everything how convenient it's that n stone that kind of looks like n stone they are both alive if it Sunstone you really can't punch through it now I would say instill refine you can punch through sandstone I mean not quickly or anything but still it's like a gana okay okay we're good we're good we're good I have to punch it before you response and this teammate comes back alright as teammate isn't coming back we're gonna go like this so we can hiss and then we're gonna jump now de-spawn protections over and subscribe to my youtube channel oh yes everything's coming up techno blade that be inside my teammate just fell into the void I hope you didn't do that too well I mean I hope he did that to save her bed but I hope he didn't because I beat someone is attacking our bed you know how these things work out let's go stab people admit I saw the rushar he's revenge Russian teammate T my teammate we need defense center but do you hate teammate please to me teammate teammate do you mate go away thank you do you have any animals you didn't have anything already threw it out oh you guys aren't any fun I'm gonna steal ur diamonds I don't care are you guys gonna do about it fight me I mean you probably could better probably rich all these belong to me now what are you gonna do about it yeah that's what I thought what I thought all right oh it's actually gonna do come do something about it huh nice alright we managed to barely win that PvP encounter but we managed to come out on top are actually gonna steal diamonds like the white team is just sitting there we have aqua team pinned there we've pretty much control the entire map let's get rich okay let's get rich thank you for donation I actually don't think it played the sound so people think I'm crazy but I see super sword XD just donated I'm not very good at this okay I'm not good at this whole stream and thing leave me alone anyhow if we go over to pink team we can stop by these emeralds for one thing and then we can go to those diamonds you can buy sharpness and brought two which actually isn't even that much stuff what we're getting we're getting stuff quickly is the important thing there now aqua team looks like they're gonna start getting aggressive and they do have obsidian and I kind of hate obsidian with everything every part of my being now they're going after a white team or at least one of them is I mean to be fair our bet is kind of terribly defended I don't think it'd take that much to break through is he going after me I'm fine with it I actually don't evaluable is even if I die even if I die we'll be fine I kind of want to steal our kills like who cares about rushing their base I need final kills let's go over let's go over to white team well I think I just got killed all buddy stills full health I think he's gonna get the kills before I can get there although one of them is gabbled oh one of them's got killed no no white team has been eliminated no all right well we don't have a diamond pickaxe oh no no point in rushing their bed anyways he just bought something oh you don't have any health well that's a shame I know this dude's gonna get here can he actually PvP he seems to be lagging a little bit I mean he traded hits I just have a lot more stuff than he does so it didn't really matter we do not have as much hold as I thought I did like buying this diamond pickaxe is actually gonna be a pretty sizable part of earnings all right we're gonna buy haste why not thank you for the donation sorex or is it super sword or is it Grayson is gone or is it hope Neil saying hi noob I don't know I don't know man either way I appreciate it so we have a diamond pickaxe like I just walked off the map I don't really feel like we're gonna succeed on our first rush but there's no reason not to try anyways I give myself maybe a 30% chance of success he just went back to buy something I about to get fired bald the problem is I have to kill both of them simultaneously mmm kill number one I don't know if this counts two simultaneously but good enough Go Go Go Go Go Go Go I wish I had a better block that wall to put around me we did it I hate you Oh got him oh you thought you could backstab me no sir oh well I remember one like TNT got nerf and everything like check now blatant up to use tools and it's like I you already have to use tools every time they use obsidian you can't go pure TNT obviously but using tools just ah not walking automatic like myself is the hallmark of a good player go team a go come on we don't have any resources who cares but suicide charge we can respawn II can't let's go okay you just destroyed me rest in peace there goes my career I'm kidding I'm gonna respond in four seconds no one's gonna care go teammate actually don't go I need that kill Go Go I'm not even gonna buy stuff let's go wood sword rush let's do this oh man he's down to only twelve and a half he's down to only eleven and a half hurts we got this man only eleven hearts easy we got this so was that charge suicide charger no I want to go like this oh my god that was brutal Oh rest in peace oh that poor guy and all the elves in my chat turned to double use oh my god while we're waiting here for the next game to start you guys should consider subscribing to my youtube channel I mean why not why not come on my ego needs inflation okay subscribe today it's not like you have anything better to do their free time well I don't have anything better to do with my free time the game game takes a little bit to start but whatever at least it makes it less likely for my teenager instantly abandoned me oh my god we got curry dough we got curried oh we've got an anime protagonist here let's go dude I also watch full metal alchemist there we go now we've well now that we've bonded over our anime or best friends now as everyone knows full metal alchemist covers the story of credo as he uses the Death Note and tries to evade I can't think of a fourth character Harry Potter let's go Harry Potter is my favorite anime I've annoyed every anime watcher in the chat yes success all right back over here we go Harry Potter is my favorite anime I know right yeah we're gonna bridge over here oh no they have actual blocks no all is lost at least not hence tone I can punch through would you just to kill them first we have to kill both of them first okay maybe one of them take a lot of damage oh god this guy's proactive go go go go go go go go go okay they're gonna suicide charge me I don't have any health I don't mean health but I can still bamboozle em perhaps oh my god I kill why is there a blue guy here this isn't even your team okay whatever we got to kill I got install ads Oh blue team already has like a really good defense I am NOT looking forward to fighting that do we have enough iron armor we do not thank you for the donation the flaming goat I must stop the flaming go in which case up that's pretty awkward um why are we already in rushed where's my life no no where'd he go he walked into the void by himself I don't know what I expect it's okay we got Creed oh man we got credo he's gonna master all the four elements and defeat fire lord ozai we got this we're gonna get prim rushed by blue so one of us one of our teams has to die and I kinda don't want to get fifty else in the chat close fight the problem is they have n stone what am I supposed to do against that I guess the answer to that question is to cry all right this boy pickaxe whew having some fun hi pixel Network and credo fell into the void mmm you thought you could Juke me good day that being said I lost all my health in that fight not a fan of this no sir like we don't even have a stone sword no wonder I've suck all right give me one more iron give me a nine iron he's gonna get here and I'm gonna have to fight him again yeah and he's already back wonderful and I was gonna break up to stop me oh god okay I didn't expect him to go quite that thirsty but he barely managed to clip me in the back rest in peace anyhow and he's back wait are we getting rushed by another team's now that's just some guy over there okay Torito we need stuff tools cost so much that it takes me 12 hours to rush him and by the time by the time I get actual stuff he's already respond 30 times it's actually kind of ridiculous way they're getting rushed by red yes yes red team what are you red team come on beat them up I'll distract this nerd by just stand-in here why don't you take knock-back what a scam alright whatever he's gone is the red guy red dude hasn't done anything red come on I had so much oh my god okay I have like access to two different generators and I still don't even have enough stuff I can't even afford the stone pickaxe what is this and he's suicide charge and again whoa why do resources spawn so slowly in bed this is this is why I don't like tools okay look at this by the time I can afford tools he's already gone over to me like 30 times and he has an iron sword and it doesn't even matter can I afford a stone pickaxe now thank you and I can't afford an I can't afford it with stronger than a wood sword that guy had an iron sword and he came to fight me by the way he's stacked well he's not stacked he's just you know spending all of his all of his money not on tools like I am but I have to try out the scrap you just walk off the map you just walked off man he's got the kill him once mmm close fight why are you here I hate this game so much and now they're both here oh boy this is a fun game whoo having some fun doesn't matter how badly I destroy any of them individually because they're just gonna respawn in three seconds what wait wait wait wait wait wait blue bed was destroyed double use in the chat what a clutch oh my god oh I actually did that dude the amount of combos I had to do just to break that bed because tools are so weak what is this yes yes finally and I don't even have time to get this generator because this guy's already revenge rushing remember that time you did this to me and by learned it from you now I'm just kidding on you that trick for a long time Oh revenge feels good and now his teammates gone on that to where he does teammate though I mean okay Miran you might still kill me but I don't care I only I only have this much stuff okay I don't have anything and goodbye please don't walk off by myself all right here we go we cut coins 18 to be exact but I mostly care about the flame appeals oh yes any stuff in here there's no stuff in here okay what are we working with you don't have any diamonds but we can get these diamonds and making it red team space great team is still alive they've wood everyone is wood nowadays it's such an overpowered block ah see the problem is you can't no one wants to buy a diamond axe we already max this out out brought to it is that you be very close fight subscribe for more epic PvP content what are we gonna do with this I think we buy enough TNT I won't have to deal with this problem TNT is pretty weak but at least it's a wood defense hopefully maybe it'll actually do something you can do you thought I was gonna fight you oh no you're breaking the bridge slightly oh no the problem is teammate just got killed and as you can see in the chat so he's gonna respond when I played both of them i canti and see them from above and the TNT actually goes off then we'll still have enough mmm that was very close as I said as I said earlier fireballs are a pretty strong counter to bridging from love well I did almost nothing alright expose their bed at least well I did almost nothing anyhow we got the red ah bacon sandwich no I got into zero hearts are you kidding me honey how we got our weekly quests which means we're gonna level up at least all right we got this mm-hmm I don't I said bacon sandwiches because I keep thinking of credo and it just sounds so much like burrito burrito is my favorite anime protagonist which makes you think about food and then I'm hungry leave me alone oh I stole my dad's chair I don't know if you guys care okay so everyone let's make some of me cuz my chair makes way too much noise like every time I fidget slightly an I've ADHD I pictured a lot let's leave me alone it makes like these like weird like squiggly sounds that every was like right a cow bite pardon like it's just my chair and they all complain about my chair okay we have actually like half as much stuff with this guy but if his reach isn't you know 12 times longer than ours we should be fine oh he's backing up are you kidding me okay well usually when you walk backwards your reach is worse it was a reverse for that guy but it wasn't bad enough for me to call hax I think it's just lag but who cares we can respawn ah ah are you guys trying to wait no that's not a revenge touching the other white team oh my god white people ruin everything I'm kidding I am white although I do ruin everything so I guess that isn't the strongest counterexample I could think of was rich also uncomfortable historical parallels I'm just gonna move on from that comment don't mind me they're not rushing us right okay let's go so you don't have any stuff this person is like actually like way stronger stuff than I do you just jumped off the map by yourself like a god I don't have any idea how much time I have left no no no leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone no are you kidding me what a scam okay okay then Edwards is a fun game for all ages thank you for the donation well swell thank you droughts for the range and thank you the flame and go I have to run through all the donation thank-yous like in a row because I I can't see the stream laps I'm not a good enough streamer see okay I know it looks dumb from your perspective because you can see the OBS overlay the message shows up fine for you but for me I'm sitting here like oh I got a donation how many donations have I had since the last ding and then it's like there's like 4 of them I have to guess which one stream Labs is and I know what you're thinking we'll just guess the one in chronological order no no no that doesn't work spam emotes to counter Knight but you know Knight but like doesn't care right it's a robot why do people always like declare war on the robot ma I just said it to say subscribe to techno blade in the chat like every I really like 5 minutes I wonder how many subscribers it's actually gotten me who knows everyone just hates Knight but you like you don't you know I can figure it right like it doesn't do anything that I didn't tell it not to those are those guys placed in obsidian oh god they are I have to get over here as fast as possible and stop that guy and to stop like I'm gonna have to kill his teammate that's nice pad yeah there would be a shame if something happened to it oh my god diamond armors powerful no no no no no oh he's out of there he's gone we have we have prot three nevermind we don't need these diamonds alright oh no you placed a couple blocks what will I do do you mate Oh easy er oh I completely expected him to turn around because I am a PvP legend I just realized the game isn't over there's still some nerds over here oh whatever I guess we never killed great team more final kills for us eventually we're just gonna go over here and pull off a clutch so amazing that everyone's gonna subscribe to my YouTube channel we're gonna instantly pass 300,000 subscribers actually want one more diamonds it's liking it wait we already have proper game dumb nevermind are they coming over here to fight me mmm I'll be interested you want to go there's two of you so you'd probably win but I can respawn and you can't so I'm completely willing to suicide charge you're not paying any attention oh I think you just noticed mm-hmm I went for the critical hit but you can't get wriggle it's all blind no no no no no let me hit him no no please no are you kidding me what a scam okay whatever we're gonna respawn in a second and we're gonna buy a ton of blocks and an iron sword and we're gonna go right back into the action where I can get a store this for I don't care take my iron and the suicide charges begin mm-hmm they wreck around great team space we have a bridge over to them from that wait wait wait wait wait wait why is my teammate over there what's he doing I rush to us am i paranoid am i overthinking this where are they what what am i oh they're still in their base they're just going there going full-on camp they got golems and everything okay all right how should I deal with this I think I know how we're gonna spend all our gold but I don't really care if they have arranged to up and I'm just gonna instantly die by the way this is not a good situation to be in oh god they have ranged weapon no no anti blindness I love blindness Vigo um I'll let vote right there that actually did a lot of damage Oh oh god they have knocked back sticks why are you guys like this Oh God every time I hit one of them oh my god no no no no no no no I hate you guys so much you have no idea ah see the problem is I destroy one of them and then the other one starts fighting me then I start destroying him then the other one starts fighting me and they just tag-team me like that well they're willing to use a knock-back stick so am i okay okay I'm done with this tag team in tomfoolery ty see this is what happens when you bond with people over enemy they give you free gold everyone's spamming I'll leave me alone and I destroyed both of them there's just two of them and they actually know how to tag team and they about is remembered uh whatever oh boy hey what if I actually got emeralds wait why are there enamel to teammate are you rich are you holding out on me teammate come on teammate don't be like that he is rich she's got diamonds he's got diamond diamond no no no I'll take now I need one more emerald you can get it over here now there are caman with a bow which means I'm gonna need an ender pearl but if I can enter pearl into the right spot and just start like beating them up they have a really high amount of prot got a lot of hits on them and it wasn't enough I mean we have a high level also the absorption there going full-on camp man it's like they gave up on winnin we just want as many else in the chat as they can find ideal I do not find it ideal on like this we actually have a pretty high amount of diamonds do you get prop for as soon now our goal is to kill one of them this life we don't have to kill both of them I just want to kill one of them and to do that we're gonna have to kill we're gonna have to sneak attack them before they can do their tag team routine over and over again why don't you take off back what a scam you teleported back I'm so done with this game you have no idea you have no idea what is this what what I hit him and he just teleports right back what a scam what a scam okay everyone's spamming hell what do you guys want me to do a rubber band it back how am I supposed to knock back people if they teleport behind me all right well we're gonna get prop four anyways which I'm certain is what they have anyways I'm having a great time fighting these guys but worse is a fun game it's very hard to turtle in bed words definitely we have prop for now the problems are still you know boat camping and there's still tag teaming so hard oh my god but wait I have a teammate now he might get bowed teammate you almost got me killed oh and now he's running back what a scam see these guys are like avoiding a fight as hard as they can are they trying to wait until ledge break automatically because that's just not gonna happen oh what's this caught away from your teammate oh what's this no hit glitch and goodbye level up I'm not level 19 hey wait was I ever level I think I just leveled up twice cuz I was all haha I went from 17 to 19 in one game thank you bad words thank you alright while we're sitting here waiting for the next game to start you should consider subscribing to my youtube channel mmm I mean why not I do any better to do this every time and watch me play video games that's what I thought subscribe today get blocks mm-hmm who needs tools when you can just oh wow those guys already have so much defense what the heck what the heck I mean it's wool well hey looks like they already have two layers of defendants I've already British times I just guy here man I just got here we're just gonna casually go on right over here it's from the two times experience limited time offer I don't think that effects the bed words experience I think bed words experience is something else and one final kill and two final kills oh yes okay they didn't get those diamonds yet they went back to defend against me and white team hasn't gotten them so we can go and just take all these diamonds for ourselves oh yes all right thank you guys for the donations Noah breezy minor pig bowel seawall and drowse I don't how many others reason I guess the last two I don't know stream lattices yeah it's gaming me right now do we have prot I know my teammate went over there but red team might have taken our diamonds I should actually will probably help them front team that are probably a bigger threat to us right now we're gonna buy I'm gonna I'm not gonna disconnect from the server um we're gonna what my streams still alive is it is it just the server well I lost all my I lost all my stuff wait everyone's disconnecting okay it's half the game is gone our servers dying no I got to go back there and get my stuff I got to get my stuff no my resources uh where's all my stuff where is it where did I die no don't do this give me my diamonds oh please tell me I didn't dial his tiny bridge know my stuff did not drop my resources are you kidding me what a scam okay okay then I see how it is game well we're the only team with two players I think I think bed words just purged one teammate one teammate from every game and no one knows about the slash rejoin thing because no one was like played on the server more than three seconds I mean it's bad words after all this is to be expected we're gonna buy shears am I gonna be amazing shoes are actually like the one tool I enjoy because a they only cost thirty iron and that's the entire game like pickaxes you gotta cost twenty iron every time you buy them that's just for a weak pickaxe like that pickaxe sucks I'll use sandstone we can punch through sandstone we got this we're gonna bridge over here cyberbully this one guy and everyone's gonna subscribe to my youtube channel it'll be fantastic did you just block yourself oh god he is N stone and gets all his punches who cares this guy doesn't seem like he's paying attention oh oh please don't know how to climb wait this is working who needs tools he's an iron sword though he doesn't know how to left-click though so subscribe to my youtube channel thank you very much mm-hmm tactile blader mic is muted alright guys so my mic is actually metered everyone say subscribe to techno blade to let me know this guy trapped himself in his own spawn it's how I killed him what a nerd hmm she's gonna over here just casually cyberbully some more players we're basically playing a game of solo right now like everyone's teammate left I'm the only one that came back and leave x7 77 I came back for you let it be known Batman don't mind me hey there yeah I was just here the entire time you want to fight hey he's actually gonna fight me we I'm taking you down with me cuz I can respawn and you can't thank you nine coins oh yes mmm-hmm wait wait the Green Team eight just reconnected Oh oh god he knows about the slash rejoined commanded oh and I play put something like the top top like three percent of Patras players oh no we have to kill oh god no the red guy just get reconnected now oh no no no no alright we're gonna buy five gold five five T which is actually I'm less confident than I should be about that being enough even though it's a tiny would defense you never know now man you never know TNT is just so bad yeah they're putting in a layer of wool which is allegedly the only thing TNT is supposed to be good against here we go thank you for donation breezy minor Pig i-it's probably breezy man terrific either way thank you cut out all their defenses are what a scam I'm just gonna go like this his team a just went above he's gonna drop down above me he just dropped down and now he's gonna chase after me probably okay okay what was that TNT you had one job one job TNT one job why okay finally we got through and now we're gonna kill this guy and his teammates gonna respawn and we're gonna run up here and I'm gonna just jump over him on the staircase because get bamboozled and subscribe to techno blade thank you very much I don't even think the TNT did that I think I like punch through most of the flocs myself what is this anyhow the Green Teams left and they have two players and one of the knows about the slash free drawing command so he's probably a PvP god I mean at least we can get sharpness one I don't know where my teammate is he should be off maybe he's attacking Green right now you never know no he's just right there all right whatever maybe get some diamonds by now he's been away for a long time who knows what adventures he went on and we'll never know of we have to TNT which is enough to get through maybe like in one two layers of wool so hopefully that's all agree I'll hopefully that's all green tea Matt's always been upgrading the forge that makes sense yeah I'm not a big fan of forge upgrades myself but I mean once you get emeralds at your spawn that's actually pretty nice and he just got that so good work and Kubek key cub what disconnected again whatever it's a way he's back does he want to leave does he want to stay no one knows wait green team is there right I'll be good oh oh that's gonna need at least four TNT I'm kidding but actually I'm out now I say I'm kidding I'm not actually sure myself ah fall damage oh wait we have Pratunam rhino say that wasn't a bad PvP oh you survived okay well won't be needing these I don't do that to me man no not the end stone no the only place half of it whoa what is scam I have to kill both of them if the oh god they have obsidian anyways okay okay then okay we're up against one of those teams one of those teams all right I see how it is anyhow the problem is buying a tool costs all of our gold so thank you for the donation breezy minor Pig mm-hmm I assume let's do the Dacian from you never know what stream last night you never know anyhow this and this and we're gonna pray that's that's all you can do nowadays wait wait wait wait wait I have a plan I would plan I have a plan there's a genius oh yes this is gonna work out fine now we have to get there we can be completely full Thornton if they meet us halfway through and like just throw me off the map but anyways we're just gonna hope for the best we're gonna go over here pull off the sick clutch and everyone's gonna subscribe to my youtube channel it'll be amazing our sword actually isn't that good and I know they can take several hits but at least I at least my rush earlier prevented them from getting any diamonds so that's gonna be it I think we have a bridge over here already mmm they're going out to stop me I'd be able to just go over them well I mean if he's actually trying to stop me he's not alright we're gonna be like this mm-hmm let's hope he doesn't have a pickaxe don't mind me and we're through and guess who's back back again guess who's back tell off front ok I'm getting really tired of getting tag-team by these nerds what is this it okay okay then whatever we got their bed we got their bed everyone's complaining about an iPod in the chat well actually no no one's complaining about night but in the chat just one moderator defending him were you talking about any other back bread's dead and the suicide charges can begin lie it was kind of a suicide gr Denisovan whatever whatever man do we have caught three yet we don't have proper you see the problems were a bit under geared for like actually fighting he bought he bought a lot of my Tina bought a lot of forage upgrades and which is really I mean four degrees are good it's just more of a defensive thing why is hurt why is there so much stuff here what I'm suddenly rich how did this happen you know what I'm not complaining well guess let's stand here for another refill I mean why not game wants to throw money at me I won't complain and we do have to find somewhere to spend this where am I gonna find that I have no idea hmm I'm gonna go over here it's not a donation from Taiwan ping Lord ah slash Nick Taiwan pick lord please love from Taiwan yes sir thank you for your donation unless that wasn't from you it has to be from you though I haven't got animation for like seven minutes there's no way stream lapse would rested up that badly right stream labs right no it did it showed breezy minor pig what a scam what is this well you guys you guys all saw a donation and super chat okay I'm not crazy okay no one knows how to convert currency so they all think I'm rich now whatever that's okay I still appreciate the donation you're the best thing is when someone donates in a currency and they don't like five thousand like W and it's like everyone's like oh my god five thousand dollars and it's like guys it's like a sandwich but I mean it is orange that's how I gave donations nowadays like well the donation was orange and orange is a cool color get obsidian why would I get obsidian how hard do you think I'm defined and I haven't defended this entire oh don't don't fight me here uh-huh are they gonna fight me well at least I have like actual armor now Oh my teammates here and he's gone hello you have a stronger sword than I do but I have stronger armor and subscribe to techno blades thank you very much Nick hi one thing Lord it exists no someone took it okay plural whatever we used it too many times man someone actually bought it an account or they change their name to it anyways but while we're sitting here waiting for a game to start you should consider subscribing to my youtube channel why not I'm an unbiased source my videos aren't entirely garbage sometimes some people have said most of my mom does my mom sound like a trust really unbiased or subscriber day and again if you actually started we're still got to sit here awkwardly because we need no tools don't stand still no don't you leave me yes no yes okay good I would get scared understand is still to start you never know what I'm just gonna leave you instantly he's probably gonna see your home I got attacked I'm late that's usually all the doing this cancel I called it haha I've played too much bed wars I've learned all the tricks all right so I can see the future where's the nearest prison writings are there mm-hmm we're just gonna casually move on over here spread anti nightbot propaganda it's a robot you can't hurt its feelings the only thing you can do is subscribe to techno blades I'm sure that'll annoy it yeah stick it to the robot I don't know if this guy's gonna be able to move fast enough Oh Oh is he they were literally typing in the chat techno blade I love your videos I subscribe in wall-e we're typing that I just start beating them up I'm sorry I'm sorry man I'm sorry well I need coins I appreciate your support for my channel oh you he's back he came back at the last second but it was too late all right I don't want to cyberbully viewers but I gotta I gotta get the coins all right whoa whoa whoa whoa personal space hmm oh he didn't have the diamonds I'm sad that her defense looks pretty weak it looks like they have a layer of wood and a layer of wool I'm still going to kill both of them because it's gonna take too long to break but if they go into the wrong spot killing both of them shouldn't be that hard and look at that that looks a lot like the wrong spot to me go after the strong one first and then kill the first one manually go like this they wrote the ED and we're good now I'm gonna climb to the high ground so they do something stupid again possibly perhaps like so I don't actually know if I'll be able to kill them or not over who cares one kill hmm and subscribe to my youtube channel oh my god half a heart what is this oh yes we've done it again anyhow we need diamonds do we have any pre-owned of any prot okay there should be two diamonds by now should be two diamonds oh yes problem mm-hmm try to get some Gaius there should be I feel two teams right we should have access to like two generators and if you haven't if you control the diamonds you control the world man white team is all the way over there okay I'm at blue base and blue base is on the other side of the map from everything that's important alright we're gonna go back over here I mean I could try to loop all the way around I'm just worried that my teammates I can be able to defend it kind of looks like white team's gonna go after us sometime gonna be honest I mean they're just going to the diamonds but those are our diamonds come on man alright we go over here sure I think I should have just jumped off the map this is a lot of hassle just to walk back huh we were rushed hmm white team is it a headstone defense looks like auch was going for them first though there any diamonds here I would love prot to or something really sharpness now we don't have a diameter that will store them will store them or maybe we do I don't know how much we have an interest one what a scam alright we're gonna get a tummy gold from here because he forgot the Oh free stuff subscribe to techno blade I agree a my humble and by its dependent we don't actually have any sort of resources with which to rush the race so we're just gonna go to mid for now I haven't seen the guys from aqua recently which kind of concerns me because it I imagine they could actually rush us they'd have to take a long way around the map but you know still threat still for it I got there slightly too late now will be a emerald short that guy considering rushing me I don't want to get rushed leave me alone ah we're gonna get 11 emeralds is there anyone over here there is but if we can walk past him successfully nevermind okay alright I underestimated how thirsty White team was to kill us we're gonna be over here now ah that Reds killed - wait why are you going for them instead of okay well there's our problem we were attacking at that a defendant anyhow he's gonna come bully me now I don't want to die want to go you want to go you think you can take me mm-hmm and subscribe my youtube channel alright the problem is aqua team still exists and I'm gonna be honest we don't actually we're not actually pretty poor it's termed in terms of a bed words Luke goes we only have prot one we have no sharpness like I don't even have an iron sword latina an iron sword for now just a thing to have you know mm-hmm one of these it's alright we're just kinda collage a first step to clutch is to acquire actual loot now we could just go kamikaze Aqua team right now I don't think that's the that's the greatest solution Oh white stream sniping okay okay he's a you can tell because they're responding to what I'm saying in the stream well that explains it anyways yeah at least our beds gone you should usually by the time I figure out someone screams typing my bed's gone they're gonna permanently watch me the entire game thank you for determination I don't know who it's from that might be Taiwan ping or donation finally coming through mm-hmm or maybe it's upon dough that I was doing I was uh it was a donation well we got prot to and sharpness the aqua guy just got killed I want stuff this is how we're gonna go so no one v2 and they have a bed I'm probably richer than them but not by a large enough margin to really take advantage of it okay oh he is about a nevermind he's a rich boy he's Sheila's emerald nope okay actually has a lot of stuff that I kind of don't want to deal with I really don't want to deal with it you know you get what I'm saying probably there's two of them so even if I'm claiming that one guy have to always watch my back it's not ideal hmm what do I do what I do this is kind of an awkward amount weird amount of Emeralds to have you only have prot two but I suspect that's what we're gonna have to deal with farming emeralds is fun and all but you also need you know other resources now we're gonna fight this guy it's gonna be enjoyable [Music] we got him oh never mind I thought I heard a guy like right next to me I was freaking out NoHo all right can we pull off the bed worst clutch we're getting the stuff I ain't gold honestly I don't the only reason I went to MIT is so I could have a bridge to get gold it seems kind of it's kind of a weird thing to say but I need the the basics not just emeralds checking all blade who's that I haven't heard of them sounds like he's a great YouTube channel I want suddenly feel an urge to subscribe all right I probably shouldn't discuss you know all of my strategies since they're listening but you know thank you for the donation SAP and oh it's probably the pond though I don't know you can never tell nowadays [Music] hmm you've killed them repeatedly the problem is they can respawn as you guys can tell kill a number PD isn't enough I don't want to just rush in and find out they have something really powerful because it's a little bit too late for them a little bit too late for me survive and like some plot twist I didn't want to by that I mean yeah that was my plan all along oh I did it whoo I'm smart you know techno blades sup I I think I think they're trying to let me know they're watching they're just a hunch just a possible hunch here hmm obviously I have to have some sort of plan we're not gonna have prot three which is unfortunate because brought three is really useful but you got to go in eventually oh they gonna rush me here no I don't do this now mmm stay back nerds are they both still alive what the heck I just killed one of them I'm not even sure how I did that sneaking around with the long cuz you know they can watch my perspective of the stream go out a little wiser okay okay they handle hefty the head my MC who the heck - my nephew nowadays anyhow we're gonna beat them up 1 b2 and clutch we did it subscribe ah yes thank you oh yes I was where they're gonna like turn out to have like obsidian or something do I do you see how much TNT I had to throw down to break like zero wood are you kidding me and I didn't even destroy it well it only destroyed the top layer what a scam alright alright then how many signatures the petition has probably too many it's just a block game you know alright mm-hmm we're gonna while we're sitting here casually waiting for resources to spawn you should consider subscribing to my youtube channel oh my god Tecna wait did I just play with you no I claimed with someone guiding like dragon or something didn't I yeah dragon buster anyhow oh he's giving me all his goal that's so adorable but unfortunately team T's bad now so I don't have anything to spend gold on still thank wait wait wait I have armor armor oh my god we can get iron armor this quickly in the game I'm a genius that way when I rush team I love iron armor and no one else will oh yes all the strats I mean a stone sword would probably be just as good and cost like two percent of the price but whatever we're gonna casually go over here can I please have one shout out I've subs a shout out to gamer Oreo like I guess John's don't do anything I'm full disclosure they don't do it me yeah I don't know how people think YouTube works editing like well I had three subscribers until one day skydoesminecraft said shout attacked an oblate and boom 200,000 that's just how these guys like awake oh I broke their bed only took three tea and he'd rake through those defenses like guy was very aware of his surroundings at least we have iron now I don't think we have enough iron I kind of want kind of watch shears I'm gonna be honest I looks like a red team's already getting beaten up for it guys and we don't even have enough first don't you see the problem is with tools a lot of the tools costs iron and the tools that don't cost iron cost way too much gold and the problem is kind of again get this imbalance because you have nothing to spend gold on and you have to spend higher on everything it's not not ideal which is why TNT was great cuz it cost it just you just spent your gold on it but you didn't have to spend too much gold you know you just had to spend like five whatever then you have one TNT and life is good are you I'm just gonna break this hope you don't mind you are you okay are you well I was depressing any penny how to the next team we go I guess kind of sad now it's like I'm not even fighting players they're just like they're just sitting there trying to deal with their personal issues and I walk over my coins and stab them I just feel guilty about it oh god that defense no ah whatever we're gonna go over there pixel cake in pixel era oh my god they have matching names - what is this what is my life we're gonna go over here oh we already have problem not scan you the problem is they have a really strong defense and TNT doesn't do anything so we're gonna buy 60 and hopefully that'll make a dent in it I don't actually think it will hey hey yellow rushing is there a bridge to our spawn island there is a bridge okay we have to go back over here rush we're probably gonna get killed instantly well I have to try like are they doing why can't I hit you thank you no okay okay well we almost died from that that was almost our team being eliminated we were like inches away what do you mean okay every time I get diamonds it's not enough anyhow we barely saved ourselves from yellow team oh there's stream snipe and whoa yeah stream snipers my favorite yeah having some fun whoo aquitine could you not go over here just for like a second that'd be fantastic fantastic I say thank you for the donation hellou you are I'm gonna say it's doge plays sound bounces upon doe one of them one of them do mm-hmm what are you doing here why are you here why do you lag so much please stop Oh God [Music] this by this kind of have to go in for a suicide charge we don't really have many other options because that team is going to target us until the end of time [Music] they're dead I just have to hope that my teammate can defeat hack hard which I have very little confidence in this happening gonna be level with you okay he's actually taking a sweet sweet time we're gonna jump off the map and help her teammate out our trap has been set off were probably dead beat him up no stream sniping today thank you very much and good day skin scripts knife is amazing so much fun it would recommend everyone else to experience it anyhow aqua team has made a defense that takes like 20 TNT to get through what is my life here's my claim I'm just gonna like get in there I'm gonna sneak into the top and see if they can like notice in time they'll be fantastic trust me that's like a defense where TNT isn't even worth it anymore man there the problem is red team still alive and I suspect they'll start to cyberbully us in the future subscribe to techno blade agree people should subscribe to techno blade a my humble unbiased opinion we're gonna try to cyberbully aquitine which I probably shouldn't be saying out loud because now gonna know all of my strats ahead of time well whatever spotted Coco Coco Coco go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go we gotta go in we got to go in we did it go oh hello and subscribe to techno blade thank you very much mm-hmm any stuff in here there's no stuff in here they spent the entire game in their own base they still don't have any like resources what a scam anyhow we have to go after red team now hopefully they're not rushing us as we speak that looks like a bridge straight to our base you guys hit that that looks a lot like a bridge I don't care about this pickaxe I'm gonna be honest we're gonna play Russian now I appreciate them building a bridge straight to their base this is convenient I don't even buy anything we can just like this let's go let's go man their defenses are actually so bad that we could actually break through them with TNT that's how weak their defenses it's not even TNT proof and watch them have a layer of obsidian and just completely approve me wrong why did it not place the block what a scam break their bed thank you I don't have any health oh oh no no no rusher he's right there I see him I see him trying to sneak into our base what is this no no no no no no he's doing the same thing I do die Hey and now bully our teammate with a dragon I don't know you can kill them you can kill them in sky wars a good game we did it guys we did it boys alright you tried to pull the same thing that we pulled to Aqua what a nerd oh my god we have a five win streak yes yes you did everyone that's like oh my god Chuck no blade realize I'm teensy twin bro bro it's bed words you don't you don't need anything to win you can go afk and everyone will just walk off laughs anyways how does the leaderboard spewing I'm getting there not really I'm actually pretty much the same distance lay before if anything that guy's catching up to me but still we're getting there one day I was number one earlier the problems be and number two is that everyone knows about it oh my god techno blade why are you only the second highest on the leaderboards what a loser its second place no one cares and it's like they decided look thank you for donation Doge plays wait that was actually that was actually an updated his stream Labs updated now no wait I'm completely wrong that was that was from eleven minutes ago the dream is dead anyhow I'm getting on the stream here subscribe to my bad youtube channel and always remember kids respect women right after you subscribe I'll go check out why you like I don't know I recent bed horse video I played with an admin it's kepi they were terrible teammates go check that out if you want bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 2,736,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, hypixel network,, skywars, hypixel skywars, skywars challenges, skywars insane mode, minecraft, minecraft skywars, bedwars, hypixel bedwars, technoblade, technothepig
Id: SaT3grJYM00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 45sec (4905 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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