suffering in minecraft monday w/ Wilbur Soot

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mojoheadzfake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

84 more to go now

(Edit) It is over a million now, Big Pog

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Viljar2005 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
do we have sponsors yet although I start in the stream we don't have sponsors yet but mr. beast is gonna be watching apparently I've heard I'm very excited he's gonna be given shallot I'm waiting for him to be like all right techno blade no weapon challenge and sky wars and I'll be like yeah and then it'll be another one-by-one finish no chance alright welcome guys they're already spamming Kahoot they really want me to play Kahoot I don't want to well so they suggested it on stream once and I tried and it was a disaster and it didn't work at all and everyone was like oh my god there's like a five-second stream delay I'm divorcing you and so I'm like never again and that's the only reason they wanted is for me to suffer and how the entire minecraft monday stream they're gonna be like we don't care if you're in the lead log out and play cookie it's like they come home from school they boot up their favorite minecraft streamer they've just finished playing Kahoot at school and then go straight to tech notes a techno please host a game exactly man it's the revival of Kahoot man no one cares about the revival of minecraft let's get some cut up in here hold on Tennant my dad's cool and make anyone's thing alright hello dad your your life you're live on the air in front of 3,000 people about the start of tournament how are you oh it's a lot more than 3,000 so I'll call you back after it's alright would you like to do an interview more than 3,000 of my ends so I was saying it's like yeah you want to do an interview with my dad oh surely only have nice things to say about my Minecraft skills I mean he bought me my first monkey he bought me this minecraft account I'm playing on now like really strong opinions about people in the tournament just starts roasting them so [ __ ] Carlson's play what's your opinion on them fits pokey main I really don't care but everyone else does so mm-hmm ed pokey made the list of people I've killed in Minecraft is a good injector for today wait have you ever killed me I call oh yes you did with a bowl are you like on the the odds are high yeah a lot of people okay weeks you know mosey on skywars you were bowing me you were the one that forced my hand so I had to run into the middle you know it was a won't forget Oh wonder if I should like reevaluate my sky were strategy the people went to me they didn't get a lot of kills but maybe that's the only place you can get like diamond chest plates mmm why it's my video hello YouTube don't do this to me Phil's been giving me uh Phil's been giving me quite a bit of advice before we started Phil's here hi Phil by the way he's been giving me quite a bit of advice before we started all right well Phil my big girl mode when I teamed with him so if you can just mash down his skills mm-hmm incredible I hope so I hope so I wouldn't want to disappoint your fans I might as you definitely not muted I'm literally having a conversation with my teammates yet who do you think you're fooling Oh 2 seconds my dude I've got to start the BM early in the chat Lake B is gonna be a participant you wait why does um G studio 4 of points that should be a fun twist the UM G casters just rip off their shirt join the game and destroy us all in person old dragon no you're right you like I'm fine oh my video output is low apparently because YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintains what do you mean stream complete hey what do you know the offline did to me as though that's not a just hey stream complete good job dude what do you mean run dream complete it says I'm streaming no b.s where does the stream going mm-hmm I'm literally stream resumed what is this please no YouTube I see it streams finally working alright that spam refresh refresh to get the stream back please chat spam refresh I don't want to drop ninety percent of my viewers because they don't know how to refresh spam refresh YouTube streaming by the way spam refresh some people say it never ended I don't know what's going on here man I saw it working the whole time it's just YouTube's like video output low it's over the bit rates so low we just canceled the stream I'm sorry - no I sound like him keep going to the toilet I'll go to leave you again for one sec all right all right they're all spam and refresh I'm pretty sure that means they can hear me I think that's what it means [Music] Tech now tell Wilbur my name is Milo and that he made me feel remarkably uncomfortable in his series I don't think I'm gonna tell him that Milo but you can tell that to me so I don't know where I was going with that I can't maintain a solo conversation that's why I need teammates forgetting the BM getting the B I'm in early the stream all right techno blade ever sees this that's where you're wrong Joelle should have made a safer bet like me mispronouncing your name hello hello hello so what would you pause of winning out techno mm-hmm I can't make like predictions anymore because I thought me and Phil was gonna be like a small like you know an okay chance but no guarantee and then we win by like 500 points okay so I may be like it's it's a decent chance it's not a guarantee I mean we're missing some pretty like powerful combos far from xqc and Moxie we're missing some pretty powerful combos to them so like Nestor's hope ninja whispers with courage they're getting that clout Travis is with James Charles a lot of fun matchup so you got a bass T and pop a lot a back they should be where they are good you're honestly Austin no one no one knows who they are because I think they're German so well I mean obviously the Germans know who they are but like when they won when uh what was it Bastian haka when everyone was like who is this and I'm like no I got second on the individual board I'm gonna lose all my viewers wait he doesn't speak English my viewers are safe you just get robes of all your views by a German guy the minute it's just everything German is there that dedicated to get it better yeah I was I was reading a stats above put on Twitter that apparently when you play with British people apart from Jack you always do really well okay let's go easy victory so hopefully that's actually the basis of my strategies British people doesn't work without them I say what British people have you played with you played with Jack you played with Phil I think Dan is Oh Don TDM yeah yeah yeah did you do what with that because honestly we like we crushed it and then he got ddosed and then the randoms passed us it was it was not a great week fair enough yeah okay I'm from the same era as Dan so I was so part of England you gave his power yeah he's not here this week Oh probably not again for a while but I've taken him over I've taken over his power you got this man my entire Chad's telling me to ask you about Milo I was my own doing I saw the video did you Milo is I hope Milo's doing well I don't like the stove and we're so leaving him to swim yeah you know god I gotta give him his space let him yeah go up yeah oh no don't cry I'd find it hilarious if there were like bird said buying crafts so you release him and like two seconds later a Hawk swoops down people say adult is just gonna come honey immediately Eden welcome to the real world buy local bet you wish ed you one by one bite now don't just frantically swimming in fear from some shark right now like I missed the bucket what's your what's your swearing policy am I allowed to you can swear I my viewers are all in high school so they can probably handle it I mean some like Christian moms will get mad at you but there's always gonna have to fend them off on your own I can do that I can do I can deal with that all right Jonah wait you're in Game one all right let's start power half the teams get in here all right so what's where which way okay techno come on I feel like I felt now I'm teaming with the with the like famous number one you need to tell me some strats about this map will sign because I know this mouth but yeah I do not know this map at all oh I I don't know I don't know the maps and the Hunger Games I just stab people okay yeah there's like a big dragons this was a big mushroom that's the dragon man mmm James Charles died in lava over there that's about the extent of my knowledge you come at a twitch cone now oh I got stream on Twitch do you own stream one good to say like why would I I should go there and get like the sick deals have like twitch executives like yo you know kid here's the million dollars you stream on craft Monday on Twitch honestly I think there would be like like executives out there well honestly yeah like you know that's the mixer guys want to send me a business email how much how much did you pay ninja I'm just saying I'm hoping to be a sellout I know that guy I know yeah yeah we teamed we teach my favorite numbers so you know just just come over pay me like seven let's go for eight figures you know seven figures is weak sauce mmm I have absolutely no principles I will leave all of my viewers on a dime for money that's just how I operate it's incredible Carson just gets ignored rip I'm very excited for my my song to be released with Carson oh you have a song yeah I'm writing a minecraft parody for call me Cass and it's being released hopefully in a week or two you could be in the music video you want that no man oh my beautiful singing voice well so how does blitz go again techno can you remind me all I remember is the mega walls one pipe and I've gone by and your team keeps getting killed now you're trapped and spawn it's probably some guy got that wrong let's do let's drop out of this ago let's do the entire Minecraft Monday in song well it's a Minecraft one day the view do we go to the Kona copia no we do not we're gonna run away there is a grace period no idea I think there's like like you don't know I know the maps I just run in a random direction until I find a chest oh here's one if I if even I know the our chests even if even I know that there's a bloody grace period then you should - where we going - no I just let's just keep running oh here's one I got our stone sword for you I grab the old Cheers yeah I grabbed her I grabbed an egg and a feather I'm hoping all right we gotta get soup we need armor I got an iron sword actually so you know I don't [ __ ] yeah I can stab things split up and loot for oh my god I just got like full chain oh nice give Lex I got legs okay fair enough I think I can make speed soup all right we win we win it's over I got the soup just make sure no one like sneaks up on us and we should yeah that's what I'm I'm following Phil's advice to keep you safe the tips and tricks to win but I feel like I just played for you dude oh I've called gold better than gold nah it's gold it's gold okay it's gold sad I didn't help I'm not contributing no yo let's just log out and play Kahoot dude dude after this we promise a bit no it's gonna say I don't know how I I haven't set it up well let's go get kills dude we actually got really good stuff for the early edge well thank you go over you'll do more than me right let's head to middle oh I'm kisser dude i'm kited let's go man yeah can't let moxie get all the fries oh it's fit said pokey Maine get them kill them kill them this one's for you Carson I'm gonna flank rounding a flank round on the right if you can get them so push them towards the right oh they're dead oh wait did they kill the Carson's head is over here worried too late we dominated Carson no he's having a bad day this is this is not a good day I'm just in shock about how like oh I'm just in shock about how bloody just like yeah they're dead by the way I feel like I'm coming in for the flank dude the fights been over for a while what are you doing what do you think they had like iron swords and [ __ ] though like they didn't click they didn't okay there's a chest they just kind of accept their database so let's head to MIT I got a lot of speed - who's this oh you know I shouldn't be pretty good do you wanna go for it alone do we tell my spider all right cool rats have people running away from me it's that Nestor and ninja it is yeah I took him on the shoulder them but I don't think it helped all right I feel like I make a scrap that bone and scrub the bones get help sure why not get that extra half heart all right I mean you how many levels do you have I have 68 dude I want you to go up to the enchantment table and get like 2 sharpness books and the rest on prod unless you have a power what do I get books how do I get books or just left click on them and then we'll drop a book oh just over 2 billion I'll just through my soul to hold a key girl get back yeah and then I'll eat soup down there yeah I just through if my sword bloody hours up there I'm being really need to keep that man all right oh no right here's your here's your sharpness book he's your sharpness book thank you and can you put sharpness too if you put another shot in there huh ok I just got the runner just for pride I'm gonna I'm gonna go up there and get prize yeah you go I've got one Pro wait do you still have a sharpness book yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna make an iron sword for you oopsie oh I've got an unsold ooh don't worry about it all right we need just an I'm so down here on the floor yeah I know we need to kill xqc and marks usually don't get 5 billion points what other team are at rest I guess Legion and Jerome could be yeah yeah let's go find them I want up I want a player tracker did this this refill I think it did let me let me give you some soup man Oh Cheers I'm just grabbed I've got like so much steak dude I'm I'm not gonna be a hungry boy rich man it's a hearty soup and a sugary soup different they both feel the same with the sugary soup also gives speed oh nice nice okay here's here's another soup down here over on this side yeah more enjoyment because like nice we're just getting rich when we got videos it's cool I'll just keep watch yeah can we climb up on the tail do you think oh we got we got a ninja and ninja and nest coming are they yeah they're running party bald all right well Nestor is obviously pretty good at the game I always don't don't get T and T that is really strong you can like 1v2 people with tea and tea it's over if you get hit right now that will solve just an area denial oh yeah he's just like nope leave me alone here's Prince okay I got a do um I'm trying my best I think I do get the whole TNT oh we got we got xqc and Moxie alt Moxie kill gunk Adam I've got I've got TNT as well so this time I am flanking I'll get TNT here really one it's here's a me man yeah they are really do not know here's behind us behind us yeah yeah yep I'm ready I'm gonna teensy tinsy them I'm coming in that's the bonus oh I'm dead it's over I healed on you Oh rip rip no please don't beat them all the kills Nestor please please no no Nestor I'm unsubscribe and why have you done this to me it's fun that we got like what four eliminations that was all right they got a decent amount yeah I should keep us up oh yeah I was like I saw you were taking on Ness and I was running up behind and he was unlike he had like six HP I hit him once he like got the bonus and seemed to go up like 17 all of his health instantly get like five hurts from the bonus you had enderpearls leave me alone san I didn't think I will into f5 like noon or they going after me that both of them are right on my tail they know who they're after all right oh it's all over yester you can't just give the game to xqc like that man it's nothing I think we did I think we did pretty well and considering that so that's my weakest guys you know Skyblock skybox my weakest ever got a few kills in the world I don't know I can second in Hunger Games ones that was florist apparently there's battle arena this week lost ballerina it's it's that uh way did they replace skywars Oh God battle arena it's like everyone spawns in in a normal map so it's like Hunger Games but there's no chests you just get you get loot normally like in bingo like in vanilla and you fight yeah so what you like place blocks and stuff yeah it's like you HC okay yeah no I can do that they change skywards with you HC rigged they bribed the admins well isn't nest like a really good you a super I think he's played it a few times I think he's dabbled in that HD absolutely yeah a little bit hmm you wouldn't know about it though being a biggest hypixel Skyblock youtuber i play sky black it's a player versus environment yeah I know I'm aware I think I think I watch more than you you would believe I do alright how are the teams going there's Beijing in Jerome they could be our hope I think I think I excuse the amongst you might have this one they got they've got pretty good stuff I think they're gonna have well I got our stuff so they're gonna have like full broad and oh god they got sharp diamonds okay and yeah yeah all right great apple sauce we need you to sabotage dude I'm just waiting for find the button won't find the button comes I'm pumped I'm ready wait why are these guys fighting each other I guess I got an ally for Stalin buttons man dude find a find the butter in his back and I didn't fix the points Hunger Games doesn't even matter mmm-hmm it won't even matter man I think they did fix the points last time I played each the first button was worth like four and like a second was what and like third and stuff was worth like two or one yeah I remember like at first it was worth like five points per button in ten point for first and you'd get like 400 points at that a diamond that's that's the diamond helmet you don't I do they could you've doomed us all Nestor look at this now please ginger I'm didn't realize yeah if I could just please read they're not taking any damage Roxy got hit like four times and lost one heart it's over it's over he's got a stack of ender pearls okay well there we go rest in peace all right which do we have replica second I was saying this right I've got so excited it's a replica because I've got a near photographic memory so when I heard that replicas happening I was like I could do really well on this and then it turns out that you'd have to remember anything you usually need to copy oh oh god it's one shot all right one shot is a game that favors teams with two strong players so Wilbert gaga I mean every team favors that the Wilbur you're gonna need to go sicko mode I can go sick remote do you I mean where am i right now I'm 18 dude that's not very good yeah it's only been one round we got this man you got to do it for my hello man I'm doing I'm doing dude I've I've been given the I was gifted fifty substitute for Malo you think you're gonna our I think I'm gonna yeah you think I'm gonna just let that slide you know I'm going home it's going super saiyan man yeah yeah yeah what's a good amount of kills for one shot uh well we it's a race to 40 so you want to get 20 right okay just as fast as you can just farm on people you just run up to them and just hop right click I don't think that's a good strategy mm-hmm it's a fine method for getting killed I hope there's rap looking this week I liked replica wait so we have battle arena and find the button if there's bill battle I'm gonna cry yeah wait no they did I thought they'd learned their lesson little battle when do they ever learn they're ice and it does feel like they're I'm they'll sort of working on getting the game going quicker now yeah before there was like huge gaps all right we got this boys we got this I believe in us go go go gotta go cinco mode bloody hell hey snow it's a good job mate [ __ ] I'm gonna go all the way over here a lot of people in this area and I don't want to die get out of here I missed their ninja leave me alone yep Vic start no how was that not a hit I'm mad oh that was bogus you getting the kills oh yeah I just I did a little lap asleep and then just slammed down in midair on them [ __ ] invasion I keep missing shots by like two centimeters you have more kill at Wilbur's Carrie and Chet I'm bad no that's why I got Wilbur on my team I needed someone to like really helped me get my first win take the piss out me dude stop it oh I mark it myself you gotta believe me I'm trying to go sicko mode as possible [ __ ] Oh bad no oh no I'm actually getting carried I believe in you dude you've got this alright I got a kill this is a chat this is where we come back no job is Travis look at that Salt River and I got this drummer I told how much I didn't even spawn I didn't even spawned I'm dead techno I'm sorry I almost shot you ah this is a chat come back time call five five more five more than that's it oh he flies past no it's sex just we don't speak about this I don't want to be here yes come on don't kill me Oh Rickster hello Travis one mole knows one mole to twenty damn I wasn't even reading that correctly CaptainSparklez got out of here I can't shoot Nestor he's just inaudible is impervious to damage no no I'm bad all right names Charles No Go Go Go Go hey Hank no big start what ok ok then ok then got him I've got him just flies out of nowhere die okay we're doing good we're doing good come on oh I'm slacking dude I'm slacking I've lost my mojo I believe in you I'm trying my best don't worry I'm on this oh yes okay good all right we're 31 I think that second place actually cuz we got 30 score hmm well play good job yeah we should be nice we're not catching up to first but we should be a decent team score this time maybe third second yeah we're in third man seven points to second all right replica boys oh eight points okay Wilbert this isn't Wilbur its find the button we all out we've gotta go yeah boy mm-hmm right all the casino is gonna be full of them dude oh yeah I mean I hope everyone's full of them but you know all right so the way you get did Phil guide you on find the button Oh is there a strategy I guess he couldn't have guided you because no one had any idea this game would actually be there what you want to do is you want to like race past and get to the places that no one else has been right you were right you missed farm double points get as many of them as you can I'm gonna I'm gonna race to the end of the pay then that's gonna be my right most of all they might give us ender pearls so you can just like you can just man they are sending me all the money it's mr. beast doin challenges this is how I need to get my money I'm gonna get us it all right oh it's fine man we're gonna we're gonna win 5k from winning the tournament and we're gonna win 10k for mr. beef mated okay there's no way for me to check Twitter button for the button god we got this Wilbur yeah I might not actually go there Thank You about experiments where a lot of people gonna go I'm gonna see where other people go first and then well you want to be like a building or something because I feel like they're concentrated around the structures all right all right all right I'll go I'll go into that sort of colorful area other than I guess that looks like an entrance point yeah we also want to maybe go to recover like different halves of the map mmm okay I would I'm not gonna go for casino so you've got casino for yourself all right I'm headed towards I caught my ender pearl blocked I'm headed to the left why the oh this one I don't know if this is a good idea oh here's one I'll bust on that one but in trihard mode first on that one it's gonna be more in the head oh it's still worth so many points dude is it still broken yeah it's still broken go go go This Is It this is our game oh no I can't get up I don't know when I'm when I'm first is there a different noise that happens when you first I have no idea oh I have not studied find the button enough to know these do you maybe that's what you gotta do start okay open up the books you've closed your English literature book open up you find the button dropped out of college to train find the button yeah dude it's fine you'll get it it's my whole origin story you're right it's not I've been debated I found that one first how there's like 50 people here oh that's a good one by their buttons I feel like it ought to be oh here's some first first off 16 points just front of that oh no again chucks what a go you guys are shouting at me for running cost buttons I'm gonna throw myself off the hats why find the button and games like bingo or stressful it's just oh I got first on that too a lot of firsts doing pretty well already at 80 points yeah I'm so looking in the places no one's gonna soul think to look I might go out to see I'm out here on the peripheral and it's not it's not working out Oh what so wait there's the button all right gonna say that lever scammed me Oh Oh help okay yeah I just go cool on a ceiling hmm that's got to be one over here right oh no all right well there's one yo Inc there any underneath the house is that all the people outside of the Bulldog why would they be outside there's no way there's buttons out there you just like fine like some natural generation that has like tons of literally generated buttons and get like the Bible - what has he been he's probably statistically likely all right I'm gonna I'm gonna head more towards the center here do you think fooling damaging this let's find out yeah dad no you don't know I keep finding the ones you found no get out of Hippo ki-moon I'm headed oh you're okay you're there yeah I'm on the pier now have you done the payroll no now you're good all right I'm gonna go to that boat yeah I'll always think about the boat but I didn't boat seems promising also there's just a button on the floor over here yo Inc what's know something that told us how many buttons world yeah I haven't found any on the pay I'm glad I didn't come here can't I need to get this button villager don't do this to me all right do this and I get wrongly ended well there's a button there but how do I get to this button dude if I get to this it's like a button that's like impossible to reach how like yeah oh I'm making it so obvious where it is but it's old in the pole I'm being an idiot okay there we go nice is there nobody none oh oh is the first one to get it as well wait is that one in here as well no I don't see a button on this boat man that button was so hard to get I was the first one behind the towel what the heck is a towel towel you know you dry yourself with a towel I don't what is a towel I just what is a towel now I know what a towel is but what's a towel in Minecraft Oh carpets what is a towel what are they oh I don't understand others one I already found it cha I know you're pretty shouts or anywhere I'm just a bum and I'm just an old gonna read you now casinos gotta have a lot right Oh shall I go in as well we'll just now you go to you go somewhere else I'll cover the casino all right my my eagle eyes all right maximum concentration I don't even like concentrate this one Hunger Games it's just buying the button where you got to go all out yeah man no don't blame you small there's will be something I've missed mm-hmm all right 41 oh here's to [Music] Oh down is things up here some pretty buttons in this one room whoever got to this room first is rich oh my god mm-hm they're gonna be wealthy gentlemen I got this one right I didn't huh alright we're at 55 buttons we're doing well his vocals get out of here yeah kill him mother him for his phone he's gone yeah that's how it works you kill him you get his score she get his buttons dude exactly you just carry the buttons around in your inventory and then we kill him okay have you done the ship's I went to one of the boats and I didn't see anything there okay I'm gonna go to the submarine because I think anyone's actually [ __ ] seen the submarine full stops yeah I have no idea what the submarine is so oh it's not even a submarine he's like a shock okay the mouth of the shirt buttons oh no no he's getting killed by the shark no my end up all threw me to the bottom of the know if you die in yeah we had to poke through me to the bottom of the ocean quick call for Milo Milo you gotta say they just given the under poem you can [ __ ] swim away with that help it'd be hilarious why would why would he buttons under water I'm an idiot I'm an absolute buffoon I'm a fool I don't know that my incur dairy amount we still got two minutes man we can still try her there's my lost ender pearl oh it was a good one is this the boat you were on juice do I think hope not cuz that was my last pearls I got that one there's nothing in here there's nothing no buttons no buttons in it there's villagers having a bit of a sunbathe done some popcorn go go go go go 61 62 out of 62 button 22 already been in this area No is it the roller coaster they're like 500 buttons up there I run along the road of coaster didn't see that many I might miss something I'm Andru into the plane thing you need to not having to go out I'm going into the cockpit yeah how do i how am I supposed to I'm blocked listen I don't even care band band alright let's just pearl up here you're here I'm getting it legitimately chat don't cancel me don't cancel me alright I don't see oh here's one oh my god this is painful alright was nothing mm-hmm Oh something and the sixth person to find it well so that one won't be quite hidden my chat didnt debate me for once there was actually one under the plane mm-hmm we're at 70 mm hmm hmm Brooke Brooke just runs straight past a button Thank You Brooke you linked up two seconds left two seconds are CaptainSparklez and victims every day today oh this is where they make their comeback man 89 buttons though we got like close to that now we did pretty good hmm I don't think it's gonna like win us the game or anything but but we got the buttons how's our team score it's almost the opposite has dropped us all we're down to four up dude dude ninja Nestor are in second place that's depressing Nestor if you win I'm not gonna say that I don't want to be interpreted as me BM and ninja but dude imagine if Nestor won oh my god he'd be so legend he's beaten me in points no I'm one point behind xqc dude oh god it's okay when are we gonna TNT run replicas at the last second okay it was replicable very last thing it's one of the one of the later games right well the problem is that the individual score is somewhat weighted by how you do is the team because you get like you get team points for winning Hunger Games and one shot hmm I mean next excuse ease not getting carried as hard as some people believe he is he is pretty good but like last time I got like forth above Ness story oh let's be real here obviously and Nestor's obviously pretty good at the game well let's be real here guys I give Nestor some credit here come on [Laughter] just the break oh it may be it's been three games oh they're doing an interview for one minute oh right interview time not for us I can finally unconfined leads I'm very sorry I do have to do my donations for real quick but I'll come back all right give me one sec all right wait I can do channel numbers to guess this is how I get I think we had a thousand channel number state welcome to channel vid welcome to channel number fine its Astro Charley's Ryan McKenzie I needed like eleven to get a thousand that's for any new channel members did anyone hit though thinking they mention etcΓΆ ah vampire goth blitz work up by more Jason Aiden huh the seven star Spock curious axle noodles cut wait I don't think those were from the stream alright I think we're close to a thousand if everyone could just hit the join button and I could make 5 million dollars that would be incredible incredible thank you did I get opt I'm not opted to get out of here get out of here man gonna creative mode kill my enemies all right who do we kick who do we immediately ban with our powers welcome to channel number Japheth the guy with the the symbol that looks like an H new channel member like the first time I've acknowledged donations in all minecraft Monday welcome to channel member ggruthdiana and three have countdown so you can run away from people and the floor Oh lunge ride lunge your item why would they add the lunge I'm I'm gonna be mad I'm gonna get why his skydoesminecraft here you know whatever he can be here if he wants let's negotiate a tree speedy with him alright let's negotiate a tree speedy man Treece a peace treaty I dropped out for a reason chat I just wasn't cut out for academic think of it welcome to channel number Brook zombie Trent yes my dad's making fun of me no no no I had to be a Minecraft youtuber it's the only thing I had the intelligence for a chat please welcome Michelle over max Jack I'm back I just I tried to say peace treaty and I said tree speedy and now my chats making fun of me they should be actually you deserve it no one makes mistakes like that it's okay I think I just passed a thousand channel numbers so oh nice maybe I can become a discord partner now I don't know those guys have high standards it's like socialblade for like my channel like completely explodes and they're like yeah best I can do is Abbey that's what I had earlier the mmm yeah I'm getting twenty five thousand subs a day and sociably it's like hey maybe like a b-minor yeah just a flat B all of this videos are like literally like top ten in trend and yet lame B - techno did you read that in the chat by the way there's a fifteen thousand dollar bounty in the final game on someone on some it's on me you got Hakeem kill me man the money is on you I'm just gonna tell you we'll just run away to a nice quiet corner I'm gonna jump in to claim it myself just look at the flowers techno just look at the flowers look at the channel over fast boy alright I'm gonna stop reading the map alright so there's a lot of decay now apparently we have a Lunger item which we can use every uh I'll won't read 30 seconds see this is like one show so no one is safe it's the one decays [ __ ] boss what really is I'm just gonna get snowballs rocks you don't do this to me don't do this to me max we're best friends max alright you can really jump fall when you step on the ice though to be fair it's kind of a not a conference too much Oh get me out of that why I see why would he do that no I know okay I'm fine wait can you just go to the top floor from the bottom with Lunger that would be that would be so dumb you just like you're falling into the lava double shuttle back Oh Brooks got a thing what is what broken may dude I need to hit her up off there's also be why she wants to kill me the rivalry know what we really know if at the start that she was like she was like hi Wilbur and I said hi and she was like I hope you're having a good day smiley face and I was like thank you mom oh my god for the top four for the bomb that's so dumb they've done this I'm back up I'm just the guy I killed and he flew back up to the top floor to get me no no wonder no one stops now it's personal there and it's sleepy no no I used the plunger by a close I was like I was always look force of habit I fell I told you tomorrow I use also do by accident I'm in danger I was force of habit shooting you it's finished so used to kill intact no blade so used to target techno blades that I just started opening fire all right you can hold this down dude I'm not used to having it in my second slot so I tried to shoot someone no no watch out behind you you got Moxie on your back I know you stopped now alright try and get back up to the top floor as soon as you can I kind of want to save it watch out my crew necks okay like I lived Oh got him now there's an ester spliff God all right oh my god hi you can go in a corner dude there's go Keys camping in a corner don't let wave that fits leave me alone oh you got immediately dead don't have a [ __ ] beak to me you got behind you affairs everyone's still alive because you can just double jump all the way back up there's no consequences for death no chair there's a guy camping in the corner light on know Lana's nest is on in the corner right behind you he's got like no face on him you could just go and knock him off Ruiz I'm just trying to to chill yes all right don't pick fights you know yeah except for this guy get him do you think they test minecraft Monday no no I'm sure they tested like a tiny bit but in the long run no this never struck me as an event that's been like play tested extensively the bonocore is decaying they're out of blocks or Tommy or Brooke okay go kill Brooke for me please okay your things no reason your thing man I got you thank you techno plays very much appreciate it you can you can send the the hitman check in the mail yeah you got moxie and CaptainSparklez is that no you got nest project camping yeah you got nest you got Moxon you got CaptainSparklez go for nester moxie I would let captain who's ice will break first probably mine last to leave the ice wins 10k I really like this spot if I'm being honest there we go this is much safer place near ice a good boy me and yeah make some shots of captain dude but then we'll take shots at me yeah but you know you deserves them moxa killed nestor spawned the ender dragon again I just missed all those humbly oh is it coming yeah get him yeah get him ball to get oh you knocked him off - you knocked him off yes you in come out - no walls I just got it no lunch dude just lunge lunge him lunch him dude he's got loads of space he's gonna he's gonna last I got one snowball dude let's go let's go tight now that was my only snow belief points are mine oh right I'm not gonna let you down dude that the full willpower now ins we got this man fits please four cool I know I stabbed you in pokeyman but but we're cool mm-hmm just I'm sure look mister yeah there might be a bounty on your head at the last game I don't know who would put it there oh I don't know who would do that oh no thanks mr. beast always a pleasure I was about to get pissed off with those one of the UM gee stuff I was like mater in the middle of enough to speak to us who is this mr. beast learn your place yeah mr. beast is dropping by to talk this is a pretty normal occurrence chat I'm uh me and Wilbur are big leagues why the bounty on you though when we're in like [ __ ] third that's because I have one more time if you win though you're gonna keep the body so yeah Wilbur I need you to download a hack client need you right now I'm also also I need lots of content so if you could just not die in the first like five seconds oh don't worry extremely have all eyes okay I've never died before it's fact good good I took down Captain Spock was though so just keep your lunch you're ready and if you fall just like look straight up no use I I did that already I'd fall in once and I lunge it up I took down three people though so no wait did you die yeah I'm full dead dude I'm sorry I'm sad Nestor Rochelle I'm sure I don't like to be here there's so many no you did the same as me you did the same as me do I was exactly what happened to me oh my Chet's gonna make fun of me spoke with mr. beast on my CV no okay I'm just gonna replace the title minecraft Monday with mr. beast I actually put in my Twitter as well maybe mr. beast will come who knows hmm lunge lunge over how higher the barriers can I check them I can't go in spectator mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 blocks well 10 and a half blocks do what if you could just lunge out of the map well yeah how tool is the how tool is the natural arena because you can lunge up like I wrote they can like black glitch to a safe place by the do but it's not even there is a it's not even glitching anymore because you don't need to dude Wilbert rashidun we're cheating what happened Wilbur how what what are we gonna do we're gonna because you told no barriers there's no barriers around the top another can't because there's a ok Wilbur come come look at me where are you ok stand still I'm flying over the Umbria all right follow my head Wilbur we're cheating boys you see this over here right block glitched up to this spot once and you could stay in there and be invincible but if we do it with you Lunger it's legit cuz it's not blocked glitching Oh Wilbur bugger up well hit with snowballs though what the snowballs knock yours well they can only hit you from they can only hit you into the wall yeah but it's a fence you might slide off the barrier and fall down how would you slide off well I'm guessing that there's barrier blocks along the bottom here you see where the gold air but now because I'm an top 2 we're getting kicked out maybe we should wait a little bit like do it sort of towards the middle now let's do it immediately only one round left man everyone's popping a crime time in my chest FBI get them is crime time up no one's getting beaten up I forgot they were still in this no offense I'm not sure if you can go out of the map entirely how far is the first floor is this like it's ten and a half blocks to get all three four six seven eight I'm not counting that properly what if you could just leave the map entirely that would be hilarious I think is about 10 blocks to John I think it does about like 13 block distance all right I'm gonna try to get out of the map entirely alabaster you know I'll just I'll just get up on my little yeah you vent up on the ledge I'll try to get out entirely let's go all right that where they want to be able to see me let's um you know I get kicked from the tournament the requirements be in while Chetan is 5k viewers I can only use this sure in the game as well I'm nervous I'm gonna I'm gonna go by the ledge thing where are you yeah I'm on the ledge too I'm ready oh my god I'm up I'm up how high up I'm on second are you up - get up get up techno I'm on I'm on the ledge I'm chillin with it's the story oh oh this isn't right I wanna I want to get to you I don't know where you are I'm gonna I'm gonna risk it to go all Oh Victor wants me down dude no all right I'm on the top floor I got it I gotta get down we got to ruin this tournament are you going I got I got to survive for 23 seconds to get it back I'm just gonna I'm just gonna play with you then I don't want to know you got to stay up there me okay I'll jump down get back up I'll get back up hold on we got this we're gonna get the end plate I need to find a spot to get back up hold on five seconds I got banned from minecraft Monday not clickbait there we go mom yeah right right after right after I jump up here the admins like wait can i I'm gonna I'm not gonna assassinate much yeah like be drop - no cheese - I'm gonna put fun I want to at least get my lunch down before I drop so I don't inside I but okay we had the cops on us man I need to get snowball actually they [ __ ] feds ruining everything man it's the police man they just want to keep us James is just gonna oh I'm a fool that's all right we did pretty well mostly cuz we were outside of them was on a Ledge it's the strap man it's just not to be in the pounds of play at all how did they not predict us doing that it's like it built battle when you could break other people's bills the only way to play is the only way to win is to not play dude that's the winning move mmm we're just chillin tell me a Booma Chad just because I broke the book under myself and dies doesn't make me we're just chillin gotta get that second spleef man man win man oh I want to live no oh oh no LT and why big don't do this to me we're cool we're cool man 13 seconds I need I need my double jump they were making fun of me for practicing with double jumps on hypixel yeah yeah we call me calm Sarika we come yeah man yeah yeah we should no [ __ ] me the snow boys right in front of a pit we cool man we're so unbelievably cool right now I'll look at how chill we are techno let us get a dub he's right in front of the pit dude he's run in front of the pin right in front of it he's actually over a pit run it's gonna like break underneath him I'm chill with big cross team with the entire game no that's one point we can get one point if you just knock the block under Zerg oh it's just I'll wait I'll wait until there's less people alive I mean I would never quarry I would betray my friends like this we are best friends get him techno I'm the devil on your shoulder suka one it's just one shot he's not over a hold anymore you need to get an angle on him I always getting artillery by Vic look we're cool we're cool man we're cool Turk no this is your call my conscience is evil Wow shoot shoot once noble Absaroka wouldn't kill him he's not he's doing shoot a few snowballs at zurka they don't have that many snowballs I gotta say from man oh if only we were actually in the field my dad understands we have we have a tee speedy okay at East pretty even if only we had if only we'd been in the field of play for more at the start of the game we might have more snowballs exactly we're all just what this isn't this isn't even game play it you'll feet dude it's just showing oh I guess you could say this peace treaties on thin ice it's me versus Nestor my and leaf win thank you um gee Studios gonna die cuz they automatically spectate the winner dude that's like the best I've ever done in spleef dude so so good well place it up for us that's my individual we're back to third but wait we're one point behind captain and Vic okay damn - I'm 16th - this is like the worst I've done since week 9 you got this man because it's battle arena alright don't blame anybody Gyor out a way to team kill in Hunger Games and the Mounties put on me we can split it he said he said that all team if we survive we get 15 grand but what if we team kick well then I'd get 15 grand what no way is it different wait do we just get to split either way cuz then I might as well just team kill all the idea is that we we negotiate rap we negotiate a deal mr. beast it's gonna be like this isn't content denied you wanna do it so we actually do it people saying use TNT oh yeah there we go I think you can team kill with TNT surround yourself alright alright it's battle arena boys mm-hmm I do have high gamma No okay well the resources are buff so we're gonna have to mine so okay can I um is that full bro I can do an office fun I have no idea we're allowed to do Fulbright in Minecraft Monday my entire chat spam and slash top they remembered I just don't know how that if you can do Fulbright on I'm not aware - fun chat I know about the / top command I am aware of this coming here $15,000 bouncy in the final Hunger Games if the bountied player wins they win the oh the bountied player wins okay so basically I have no chance of winning this trip you get the weight they could they could bounty someone else so then let's just follow them off smiley have no possible way of winning the money I'm just out 15k you can do that I'll help you in all might be it they might bounty like pokey main tragedy mr. beast is going to like every voice chat and telling them they're the bouncy twins mmm I've actually run out of hunger for running on associates too much yeah I can't sprint Riggs I think it'll heal us alright my chats telling me to kill James Charles will become ond blocked a new world for my oh but can't change his gamma I see a village over there to the north you want to head over there sure I don't think it'll matter that much I think diamonds are super buff so we got to spend a lot of time mining all right get ready get ready to charge towards the village nobody do feed us nice everyone's going for the village dude everyone's there's like 12,000 mobs in the way no tribes is in front of me no no who's fighting it I imagine if you died to an Enderman like instantaneously go go go there's a chest in here right this is get a chest dude I got three gold nice alright where are you but it's good money here this campus yeah I see you alright let's go let's get those diamonds straight and straight in okay this is a [ __ ] cake wait is there acknowledge no hope that sucks alright Oh Hayes won his cape here's a good cake oh here we go I hope it's a good cave it looked good should be here we go I'll go I'll go this way alright Oh [ __ ] spawner dude a [ __ ] zombie spawner is that helpful at all for us why do know there might be some good stuff no it's cut clean though or smelt automatically oh my god oh my god can you help me get into here no many torches so I can't actually like stop them spawning I down of torches me here I never got trees I should have gotten okay well right by our the surface so yeah I think I can be learned from no [ __ ] Widow there's a birch tree there 30 points for first there's nothing else have you come for that's foreign systems weird they do 18 for skywars but like more for a second place and skywars broken well I already have like 30 iron yeah you work with the iron I'm gonna work on lighting up this zombie spawner there we go lit up right saddle redstone bucket could be useful three buckets gunpowder one bring high low I've got cat the music disc alright I don't think any of us gonna help we can try we need to start getting those diamonds we got like five minutes left okay let's see very easy to get iron armor at least also a bow we're about saw you I'm on the surface trying to get some trees okay I'm gonna saw a head straight down yeah boughs are gonna if we can get a chance to get boughs we need them yeah yeah if you're fighting a team with a post and you don't have bows you just lose that's just what happens yeah yeah all right I do need to adjust well I'm gonna come for your crossing table that's alright we're about to you I'm headed over I'm so I'm just in the pit team VP is not a command alright I'll wait for you in the pit yeah I have no idea where you are I think it's this place over here buh buh buh nobody dude sick yeah one hour oh I see you want it yeah yeah take it man yeah yeah yeah take this alright here's ya here's some wood thank you very much alright if we can find like chickens and gravel you like more arrows I got no I think let's just go on the ground let's go into ground yeah alright whereabouts are you I was like I'm just gonna start mining straight down dude let's go yeah yeah I'll come with you will do will do like a dual block one way down I've got a crossing table with me so alright here's mama I've got an on picked up wearing I've got I made all that stuff my Laden iron chestplate for you nice I'm gonna make iron swords I've gone solo make a nun so like alright go go go we got a mind kick well don't whine straight now oh boy I should boy before I'm gonna go get some water and a sweet film to love or something psycho buckets three minutes Oh No well we don't have to we can just go as underground as we want cuz there's slashed off anyways yeah I mean when I mean all I'm thinking is that when we when when the three minutes up what happens we were teleported into the same spot oh do we how we stay where we are look at that we've got loads of time to mine thinks no one knows where we are well the border closes pretty quickly oh oh we really want to get irritable well yeah make sure we get full iron and then start getting those diamonds oh I kind of left some on behind whoops that's the line from shot not on blades now cuz I've got two so yeah you can dual wield man slash bottom just get voided immediately instantly fall into the void how much is it for white one two three is six seven eight nine ten eleven I see pasty down there is there a cave 69 is nasty goink in our cave right now that's not okay we kill them we can there's still two minutes of grace period yeah you see sin this cave with full diamond dude do get down here the diamond greatest I welcome it is insanely buff iron armor does not even matter dude it does not even matter don't bother craft in it what the heck is this oh my god I'm am down oh I saw less coal than this gap called diamond sold ready to go I guess dude we gotta make full diamond armor as fast as possible yeah man yeah man how long we got one minute 31 okay okay this is where you use that water bucket yeah yeah thank you for reminding me oh my god okay I got enough for one Golden Apple I need to listen lapis over here we might we can make an enchantment table if we had sugarcane yeah yeah I'll get the lapis you get the all no sugarcane [ __ ] I think I got leather I see diamonds over here if you want to you gonna have to play yeah oh I can go place the little turn hold on do you want some more so no okay sure I brought three buckets alright we are moving away you didn't crafting table I'm over with that crafting table is we right oh they want I see you I see I see you guys ready three plate let's do this all right at 11:00 know someone just left a diamond here lovely they don't even care that's how common diamonds are I'm making diamond pants for you alright I'll make a diamond chestplate for myself yeah PvP enables in twenty seconds so make sure we don't get jelly gone yep any more diamonds we can see I thought I saw some over here alright got a Golden Apple we need to get you full diamond and I'm getting champions that's gonna be a huge deal okay do we slash talk now now okay we get full diamond and then we get we rushed for enchantments I guess I apply his two diamonds his two diamond alright let's quick get a little bit I got boots for you we need a two more die oh let's loads mole diamond - look it's got huge okay just grab grab several them and we need some for the enchantment table and we're gonna slash top just immediately okay I'm going to grab some more gold I've got a bunch right slash doc yeah okay cool nice should I make boots and helmet or you okay I'll make a helmet all right we need to find sugar cane and making chant mints I drop the boots for you I'm looking around can't see you all the boots I wonder if there is books and the bed are you here I'm go that you don't mom meds didn't see yeah I'm gonna go to the village cover my back there might be people in there will be bookshelves so we can just grab a book yeah I'll there its nest room okay okay do you want to back up a bit or no they don't if they don't have that much stuff oh yeah they really don't okay let's get to enchanting I've got some lapis I've got 48 lapis so I don't see any books did you get obsidian nuts they might have six obsidian from the village Chaman table admit let's just go there okay I thought we were getting a sick advantage and everything and we were not oh that's DS : chance already okay we're staying away from the enchanted dudes okay shall we make our own in gentleman table we don't we need sugar cane now we just chop a bookshelf in the village and get a bit didn't see any bookshelves you sure yeah that's rush let's get the middle here I'm in chanting to only go for the Shelton this one's yeah don't yeah where did my lapis go yeah what am I go I laughs it's disappear my lapis is gone what hey that's like all my lapis last one all right well bug discovered there I didn't get sharpness I cut power oh [ __ ] alright people wait wait take this dude swap swap swap swords and swaps alright you're gonna do let's be honest I see Jerome over here let's uh let's check him out see if he's got stopped he probably does now he's below us yeah so [ __ ] [ __ ] I can't believe we lost all of our enchantments robbed no slash eat there's no way /e table is the thing you guys are trolling me call me card let's go call me Carson's over here oh nice sorry guys they got pretty good stuff though oh it's a baby zombie I don't want to fight them on this hill because we'll just take all the fall damage what's that stall was quo they have it's over Anakin I have the high ground I see skeleton I want to get one arrow added him our arrow is even gonna matter I thought about marrow oh there's about maybe they will have infinity and maybe there's a hundred percent bow drop right I was gonna say cuz I thought bows were overpowered cuz everyone was in higher armor last time but if we're all in diamond it might not matter hmm I mean you go power one but oh there we go Jerome right there fathers are comfortable and chance oh oh should get on this I suppose I mean these are the richest guys I want to kill the weak dudes on the peripheral alright well then this go up that hill the constant stuff run away from us home yeah well it must be pretty far because I'm not seeing them on the player tracker and I felt yeah let's just wait here they have to come to us because it's live or GERD yeah you're right you're right we could probably just weigh out a bunch of people coming this way to be honest yeah let's get some kills I see him they're gonna be in hold I'm sure so shift or not I'm shifting they're not running this way and it's not them I don't think it's that's all right it's not like anyone in the chat good snitch on us they're shifting as well by the way I say I'm kind of most cost me my fastest I'll flank I'll flank okay yeah come off better I did I go indirectly get them I hit Carson who are you going for raccoon axel cuz I stabbed Carson a bit got a knock him back told you if I can reach him oh no all right let's uh let's get out of here so the border doesn't go in on us I'm gonna keep cutting them off this is our battle man yeah this is arson just turns around gets a 12 hit combo have we ever tagged raccoon eggs I want to hit him at least once so if he dies in the border we get oh hold on that low you go that's a big lava pool right there I tagged him once let's so let's go back a bit so we know they're gonna get pressured by the border yeah we could go grab some lava from yeah I have a bucket see if you Irish Carson get in a way he's left his teammate behind though which is good that's pressure his teammate then where is he yes teammates back towards the wall remember raccoon eggs yeah I can't see them on the compass they must be pretty far just keep walking towards the lava I guess they will appear how are these oh yeah there is there is there is there is simp Oh cut him off to the right he's going to the right all right not boarded ushering quick person just killed pokey main yeah I hit right here next once get him I got ya oh we're donating kills to Vic no it's okay didn't notice doesn't it oh hi why are they so eager to get killed by other people get back here No there's the rich dudes please wait surely we just way out the life because if we come second we get our 15 points surely kills me nothing oh he's coming back here kills me in a lie I want to kill raccoon oh there's an iron armor dude here get him it's fists so it's super traps and James get him vomits traps No why are you letting them kill bro man get the bonus I'll call Travis I'm getting Travis I got the bonus get James get Jamaica James he's on me James is on me I got the bonus I'm full help I'm going a girl go it go from different oh I'm running I'm running I think I'm coming back you still going you still good I'm knocking James into the lava here help behind me behind me behind me I might really low I'm like I'm still alive I don't he got the healing I'm so low dude I'm so low how is James still alive I'm so close here take my golden apples thank you I appeal how are they still alive how is James Chara oh they're trying to cross get him okay let's back up here back up back up oh all day they're being forced they're being forced dude this is it oh no okay let's uh back off a bit here to keep me more sir yeah knock him into the border knock him into the border man yeah hold it yes yes how are they still alive I don't Travis into the border I've killed in Travis killed Travis okay that took okay don't let's let's just stab James if we can yeah I'm going for James we again these 10 points in treasure did not expect him to turn around no is he still alive I don't know he just donates the kill no I just want a he'll exponents from someone they're not letting me get it get the high ground Anakin where the heck are the other Oh someone behind you oh let's back off a bit and he'll what's your health that oh very low now very low now alright we're gonna let's go back off into the corner here and heal all right we're just gonna relax let's go over here my saturations foot watch out watch out got moxie he's got good stuff no we're not going in man we're backing off we're waiting for somebody to try and clean I'll understand dude here ya go whisper a little bit Oh eatin up oh oh no no I'm down a berry [Laughter] hang else is alive oh it's all solo players no no and they're going for Miss cucm Oaks they're coming for you dude no oh you'll know oh did you hanging in there I wish I'd taken that golden apple from you now but also I wouldn't kill James Charles no no it's over it's over you saved in there you don't run into the border I can't I was stuck oh my god Oh wolf fault whoa for Jerome you got to go in man don't just feed them kills Jerome please no Jerome knows what you're doing dude if you just come second you do really well I really aren't that many participation points if I'm being honest they sit in the chat the very beginning like at one point every time a kid actually at two points 10 points four kills six points for third ten points for second thirty points the first after surviving a team fully and eliminate Jerome versus grape versus Vic Oh Vic starts getting beaten up but he got the health bonus mm-hmm oh snap oh but you're Oh mr. Locher now he doesn't owe a pick'em rider battle who will win I'm replenishing my popcorn I think big star is the strongest stuff Oh and Jerome wins good had like six hearts wow he was doing fine that whole time mm-hmm all right but now I'm waiting for replica man we got to go god mode and replica yeah oh snap it's bingo it's bingo boys do you know why bingo strategy that's one me twice what is it I'm not kidding here bingo where's my strongest right all right let's go so sick bingo exciting go right you will notice that half the things on the card I need iron and the other half don't yeah I'll know it's more than half it's more than half this time this is a pretty bizarre word yeah five things need iron and four things don't so one of us goes for the iron things so in that case that's the anvil Golden Apple diamond sword diamond axe diamond hoe and then the other one goes for the non-line things in which case black stained clay pink stained clay lime stained clay to MT yeah I won this with Phil's I mean Phil's at one this lot I think we really want to know what was going on with Connor with this is this this is known as a way dude yeah but like pretty much everything is iron okay her resource is buffed I don't think resources are buffed and bingo well that's just my strategy I don't know if it all if you if you think we should both go for her and that's cool too we'll try it but I've seen I've seen you and bingo dude I I don't think I've ever lost you in bingo he's the bingo boy man mmm where are you in the round yeah you are yeah we have is weird Oh usually groups people up my teams but we're far apart man it's symbolism no this is brown clothes no yeah yeah I was sitting like oh that's the easiest item ever let's go yeah trying to see if I can see any black clay in the distance I don't think I think they've pubs fully big stuff that won't be on there no oh that he'll read I guess pink we get pink now probably get pink I think I see some I'm gonna see pink yeah yeah I'm just gonna get pink you can get all the diamond stuff I'll get I'll get that I'm gonna grab the cat toys black grubby hand clay is wrap the cacti for earring and squids for black well it's it's lime I don't know how to get lime lime is cactus on bonemeal alright so you get character screen and the mix with bone meal sounds good it's actually lime stained clay that does not look like that looks like green that looks like just green just green man yeah alright and again we start another bingo round requiring [ __ ] skeletons every time man bro we got this bingo sicko mo boys - boys not close Tarek all talking out of his clay my ear may be worried then yeah we're gonna need a lot of hours so I feel like both of us should mine okay well maybe one of us does the surface things first and the other one keeps mining and then the other one of us then joins in mining off so I feel like I have where player to pay do you know how clay works cuz I don't I dunno how clay works alright so you should you should try to do the surface things and I'll be - well I mean we have we have basically here yeah need to dye it yeah so I'm just gonna go then I'll come to a new man unless you just legging you straight to cacti because I see like two cacti nodes over there everyone takes damage can we go I'm looking for the caves man okay go cacti get my my cacti well you go past it you can't just this just completely [ __ ] everyone over neither of those for what we wanted okay okay I've just I've just nabbed cacti a lot I called my white perfect I'm gonna go down here just completely just ruin everyone's day with it yeah all right well I keep psyched I'm going straight down let's go all right mister I'm gonna start smelting I'm gonna start smelting I need a bone meal you were fun with that I'm gonna mine for diamond it's that thing I'm historically really good at doing sure I believe in you did that's where you gonna turn it around with a bingo mask with a bingo on champions man five other fights another finding Nemo with my love finding Milo dude I mean he's just on my single-player file a single-player map like hit save and quit when I hit save and quick to title that was it they didn't there was nothing that's right how much think late do we need I dunno but I'm killing squid I found a skeleton this people are telling me that I'll tell you I quit song by the way do you know about the squid song have you heard I'm not I got one bow is that enough that is enough if you could just get that to me that'd be lovely I'm underwater right now alright you can /gp to me and then slash top afterwards because I'm already underground give me one sec let me get one more ink sack I think it was my oh no they all right I need more clay thank you charging only ignore you guys getting bills that I thought we were chill baby zombie I thought we were cure Phil's good right a 16 let's go for 24 that should be enough all nice I just need do I need that I'm going to do peyote pit and was it tepee fire was a team TV team teepee thank you right I'm on you love throw me that bones and grab a bone throw me a bone right let me just quickly make a oh no where's the enemy I can hear him you're moving I need more iron make sure no one grabs my furnace stuff all right that's the black stained clay done black stain clothes done nice nice Oh a good amount of iron right next to the green stain Claire you ready first yeah howay nose lime I almost made green whoops I got to get this gold find that I don't play is done right what am I missing I'm missing pink okay cool I check we don't mind the gold with the stone pickaxe alright let me go and get that red flower Oh God I didn't think about the red flower what is this pink welcomes this red can I just mix that with the bone meal okay silly me we're gonna wanna go this puzzle just left one rose one single rose is like poetically hanging incredible yeah alright put it on my trihard pants for bingo I need another gold please please put on your hat puns this is the one I'm traveling tomorrow I'm gonna need an apple at some point it's over I can't I'm physically incapable of getting apples man why did you need an apple what's that for color an apple don't make old map yeah all right that's three done so now I will get the TNT which is two three four five if you see any creepers shout out to me all right yeah I think we might want to both go mining at this point yeah yeah I'm gonna play a CPSU in a sec well should I go in a different cave I mean I'm probably gonna be strip-mine oh here's a creeper nice nice don't explode you dick there we go all right that's one dumb link you missed your doctor's appointment I'm pretty sure I didn't people are saying there's a creep responder at mid is that well it was a skeleton school nervous I mean it doesn't doesn't cost anything to check and then team okay I'll run an ogre run over and check well I'm at bedrock we got all the clay though that's done we did it reddit now we just need now let's get like a nine vein of diamonds and get like everything immediately we're trusting in techno here is [ __ ] time just sped up I think it is maca some people are online boxing xqc and suffer on their first item we're we're here on three I guess cuz we went for the easy items yeah man that's how it goes though listen this thing is the creepiest one oh my god oh how are you supposed to do that's a lot of creepers you got man there's a lot of creepers here and they're all blowing each other up they're all blowing up each other spawn as you can you can figure it out yeah I know it's just it's just oh my god this is I'm getting out of here hold on I mean Jesus that can't be allowed holy crap beauty and then destroy the spider yeah yeah cigarettes you think I can't you think I can now place more I know but still wait can i no I can't destroy the spawn is anyway why did he get brighter yeah just go bright for me as oh don't explode you I'm just gonna go look at them on the surface this is two diamonds please I died I died and lost everything Oh God but we're still in third that's fine that's fine everyone you didn't have like any like rare ores right he just had the clay so and the sand yeah but I need to go get that so Nolan just Lutz everything just gets three in a row alright okay I've got it right this alright I have enough gold for the Apple if you can get an apple okay I've got enough for teens you know getting out all right time to start x-ray and I'm not comfortable thing here oh my god they got diamond stuff already nest and in place you wait she man he knows how to mine diamonds mm-hmm got into keeping teeth nice yeah all right okay I'm gonna start strip mining the other directions to you I'll do one side found a vein of gold is well I didn't get a polite why do we need a gold Apple [ __ ] I made an have you got my iron oh that was it okay okay I got one iron left after that do you have an iron pick I do so if you find I am in sighs enlighten them all right I'm just to be mining quite slow with my stone picks NES yeah yeah can I have to make another one myself cuz it's almost broken I found some iron can you get apples for home shearing oak trees by the way I have no idea what you just have to break the oh chat can you get people shank just get Apple alright oh just go get Apple [ __ ] fine is it just breaking oak trees or can I all kind of share them I have no idea me if I'm asked him a chat I have to break it apparently okay thank you check my check every time I asked my chef for anything they immediately starts spamming both possible options no don't say that now see my chat really reliable they're all saying break it no shoes and I think guys in my chair alright they're gonna change now because you've said that okay no I really need to [ __ ] whiz I'm bouncing my leg like a [ __ ] alright I mean it's bingo so let me get let me get this Apple for you and then I can pee that's my rule alright I'm gonna have an impact in Vlada I've got the Apple coming where are you all right go go for me that gold I mean I go for me that go me the Apple okay fine my honey points I'm gonna go pee be right back then all right I'm gonna I'm gonna make him an iron pickaxe for when he gets back I don't know how to craft I'm blind I'm blind Chet I dropped out of college to play Minecraft and I can't even play the game I'm dumb I'm sorry you have to you can never have too many pickaxes man it's just not a thing that can happen wait we just need we just need imets now one good vein and we could be the bingo champions let's go let's go let's look you three tries to craft a pickaxe don't make fun of me chat don't make fun oh you my own says the race car I've returned all right I gave you an iron pickaxe oh thank you thank you all right the try-hard we gotta find a stretch vein of diamonds man that's all we need from now on is how a man saw your videos I never thought I'd be saying it you but let's get stripping all right then now looking forward to my fan art for the next few days this is 11:00 isn't it yeah good yeah 11:00 it's the official phrase that's how I read it when people say why 11 in the judge code 11 Oh larva I see what's going on with the larva I like how much further we're ahead and people have like diamonds and alike it's because they didn't go for the clay where is weird we're going we got all the easy ones first and now we just need diamonds which is not orangey at all we got this it's a competitive don't ever buy the first time I did this with Jack and I was just like well Jack was being very helpful but he kind of just finished you know how we split it into a one-half design one half dozen yeah so he'd done his nan Ironside he just left me i'ma head out gotta get the dye and we're gonna find like a minute like people are catching up on us no dude that's why we need the diamonds man I'm mining his efficiency as efficiently as I can this is how I've been taught to strip-mine by my forefathers I think I hear a cave over here please please just something would love some diamonds right now the easiest way is to just go into a cave isn't it yeah so maybe we should just find a cave at wide-open well I hear something over here there's a witch witch down I got one red stall there's another one which down I'm too focused to to do slash bingo player why would we be like investigate another player yeah hmm they don't have time for that why are there no diamonds I found this like water this is like yeah I found a spoiler as well we found two spoilers for nerds and no diamonds this is almost pathetic come on there's nothing good in I found a cave I found a cave I can't even break the spine right but they added protection because people kept break-in the spiders admit Oh ask em listen oh this is a good cave please please diamonds I am in the cave oh you're joking me you messing me around you messing me around such a large cave and there's no diameter you're gonna have you're gonna have another iron axe soon okay because I'm mines almost broken yeah so it's mine I have some iron I guess I could just go smelter all right my chats yelling at me for what they said I'm and how no you didn't ignore them that long to you but what if they're not I've gathered that your chatter evil and should be they really are where is it where is the water they were talking about I don't see any water it can all them ignore them that John to try to make you lose this is why I make videos instead of live-streaming she didn't get liars and filthy stashes there's nothing I just see obsidian what do you guys mean what do you mean while you were strip mining I'm done I'm you guys are lying I did not miss diamonds while I was strip mining you're all clowns ignore them techno apparently they're shouting in my chat that you passed diamonds they're not lying it's in the water they say on my chat I checked who are who are less bad but I'm still thinking they've come down with the sickness I already checked okay look I need my channel mods to like watch these streams so I have reliable reliable people in the chat so your channel modes come through light look in the wall to take water in the strip mine there was no water in the strip mine see he passed diamonds oh my god this guy you got it you gotta tell me if there's diamonds or not sky skies just been like watching the office this old home chat open you just had chat open and not be watching the story ah of course of course did we would we wins we had six items for the past like 20 minutes now now to get those diamonds banned go go go we still got a good amount of time I've been playing Minecraft my mods are unreliable can people make clips on YouTube now I think they're working on it I'll say if they were so sure that you miss diamonds then just tell them to make a clip of it you know you shifted I didn't shift okay I guess I'm what assassinated we just need to find like an eight vein of diamonds this is so pathetic go go go go go Rome is that we're both mining in the same spot whose products women like you get one day input shown we just have to find a lane it's gonna take me like a half hour to get back there anyways I'm not going leave me alone this is why I hate bingo my chat just stresses me out all the time same with find the button let me play Hunger Games that way the chat tells me dude you're holding an iron chestplate I'm like oh right oh right it's right there what you found the diamonds now you talking about the chest plate the theoretical chest plate you've got me excited for a theoretical [ __ ] chess play oh we got beatings are you gonna kiss Charles I love real there's no RNG and bingo it's a fun game oh it's a saddening go go go we're gonna find an eight vein and instantly make everything bingos my relaxed one fingers normally the one that i just do well on you know bingo is the worst who is that it's dozen dogs in all five well I'm gonna die you have a water bucket well I'm gonna die with you you take my stuff where are you behind you oh hi hi okay I'm back no consequence just why would I know that I think that's a lot of Appeals oh wait oh just throw you'll all of them I meant to throw you'll pick okay he gave me extra pickaxes are you still good on them yeah I'm cool left I mean how did you not see that these people hate me when I don't read chat and they hate me when I missed something in the game cuz I was reading chat you can't win I found diamonds oh oh it's a lot dude you gotta get a good craft and put down that crafting table we win what we make we win Zoe what what exactly are we making we need to make an axe a hoe and a sword okay you have what you have all the wood you get all the points out there alright you need a hoe I'll start reading it out yeah oh I've got an axe and sword nice oh no come on make make a sword got it eh we did it we did it nice work bingo oh that is a bingo right there pure skill no orangy involved because we're just so good at bingo let's reduce slash stop together and see where we end up where we've actually gotten to oh we're still in the most let's start team grief in people let's love a man well I mean we took all the cactus in about the first few minutes we did it read it oh my god write the bingo and spleef champions it's all the games I'm normally bad at I'm doing well this time that's my third time completing them there's no reverse isn't true for T&T run I've done bingo three times on my craft Monday and all three times I've completed that's why I added you to my team for your bingo prowess that's pure pressure and just as much this wasn't injured um yeah he's done no no Kenny you look at it I build yeah [ __ ] it Blevins yeah get back we will we wake jury bouncy announced next game oh god here we go the person has one before that ever sounds like half the game Oh God a bomb how's the individual score do I still third we're getting destroyed no replica TNT run I have to go all that all that yeah go all out I have to go all out just are you all are you one of those people that prefers talking while you tune to you run or silence I'm fine with whatever you want I usually talk okay sometimes I was with them I don't read chat in Minecraft Monday anymore but I mean during TNT run when I was with Connor Connor was a Connor had to talk yeah I had to it helped his come straight he was like Joe more like they have to talk and other people like stop talking I'm gamer focusing how's Phil I'm definitely man I'm sorry I have to become one with the force I think I don't like this man because there's no like there's no margin for error yeah like on the other maps unlike the previous map there's like five or six floors so mm-hmm you know you're fine if you fall once or twice but in this like the first floor straight up doesn't matter the second floor is like a participation for no it's just one floor basically yeah all right we just have to go sicko mode they said they were announcing the bounty there couldn't announce it in the middle middle of us run in cooling it mr. beast is gonna hop into the room of someone who's wait where is mr. Bies right now what room is he in uh uh uh no he's not even in the support room and disco just left the discord we got click baited mm-hmm I was imagining run out in front of his camera I gave $15,000 to the winner of this minecraft Monday to get a video man let's go mmm he's gonna be taking clips from us I reckon yeah change FOV ice FOV is fine why would I change it it's 90 this is what I always play on fix res I wish wasn't in fullscreen it's completely normal I'm really hoping you're not the bounty just because I want to have a chance of that 15 grand exactly man we got to get paid mm-hmm it's funny cuz that's like three work three weeks worth of Minecraft Monday what it is isn't it six because you didn't get half of the 15 gun you get yeah but does the money go to one person or does it go to the team well alright time to steal someone's kill yeah that's what I want to know you cause like friendship I was like yeah I get to compete in a little mr. beast thing you know I'm with ten Oh play this should be fun aside anybody all the bounty only goes to acquires what right xqc needs three we like quick start go I'll bring out with him I'll bring it up with him when he rejoins when they--when yeah usual give me you should give me a couple hundred mr. beast I didn't have a fair shot here yeah mr. beast robbed me of 7.5 grands not clickbait alright the one reason to stay on the top floor for a bit might be to get a powerup but I don't know if any of the power-ups matter besides jump boost yeah I guess there's the lunge thing but every time I try to use that I die horribly and they I think they closed down the Minecraft Monday server so there's no way to practice with the power-ups hmm I used to go on the microphone these over until they announce everyone's like Peas yeah it's like I used to go there all the time and it's like Dan gets ddosed and like yeah so it turns out the server was compromised and like the first IP they checked was dantdm hmm and I'm like brah moment that was why Jake's not quit the entire you don't want to know who you have to kill please no whoa omegle oh I've been a good boy no no oh well guys we're gonna targeted more than usual today hey I had to ask I have to us oh my god we're gonna get followed by twelve people off spawn it's a TNT run thing no it'sit's for the hunger games at the end okay if techno wins you win money 15kv bucks no oh I'm gonna get cyber bully it's time to just it's time to disconnect in the last round again let me team kill you are you gonna do it imagine the twist it'll be incredible you imagine if I like my stream goes down and I get disconnected again in the last round mr. B's trying to make content and my internet just ruins it I'm gonna win you 15 grand tonight all right we got this man we gotta try hard denied mmm imagine not going during bingo what an amateur disconnect before you should I had be so BM I wondered it actually gonna be like five people following me off spawn is good memes it's so badly plan oh it's gonna be incredible just died early in just the strats are we playing I never thought I'd hidden in just say just died we're asking the real question oh they're all conspiring against me what if techno kills themself why did they have lunch while under who is design oh my god what's the point of that lunch oh this is hypixel nice just give us ten double jumps let's just play okay I'm going down to the second floor I don't why who puts a Lunger oh I'm on the third already [ __ ] say you can just lunge back up to the second dude come on yeah I can you're right oh no I cut I missed but I can I just need to try harder okay I think it sounds once every like 30 seconds so be careful yeah I know I've got it I've got it I've got a jump boost so we're cool Oh take down food that's pretty good do i right-click it to jump yeah oh yeah and I have to point my mouse in the direction I want to jump don't know it's like I said lunges yeah the like point straight up if you want to last time I tried to use that i right-clicked it and I was looking at the ground like you tend to do in TV well because I didn't I thought was gonna bounce you up like a high pick so I didn't think I was gonna just launch before where to look up on hypixel 2d with the jump boost thing yeah all those dings dude those dings Basti don't do this to me I'm so sad - I got to survive for 30 seconds now before I get my before I get it back I don't know if I can last 30 seconds on this floor at least I got to eat my popcorn now must try hard T&T run 8 seconds oh he's a demon he's a demon he's a demon I must I must try the God has returned Redemption Ark Redemption Ark yeah boy tent is already fooling now yeah I just chill on the second floor and be sure to you got to use the Lunger properly because that's like an extra life qahal so don't don't waste it at the start I just used it Alps the second flow is fun all right I'll just mm-hmm okay all right I'm fine I'm not mad oh well corner parkour that hmm the refresh rate on my monitor is [ __ ] me it's like it's like Jaggi and I thought I can't tell why I can't tell why all right I got it I got a gamer focus right now you're counting you are carrying me in this one time I know this don't do this to me man we're in the top half of players are you still alive no look I said it's my refresher all my monsters already janky when I'm playing I think it's particles actually or something it's always the particles man they'll get ya I'm not a lag blamer but Table eight top 6/10 their blood carries gotta go 3 for 3 to avenge my honor mm-hm and Moxie's here he's down he's not gonna lunges back up this was a bad feature some things just don't fat dude why would they add a Lunger I don't understand I killed moxie and he just flew back up because you get a Lunger no no just add an ender dragon yeah we did pretty well though I think I was like top five you were good I was sick why would they add a Lunger why you'd Vic leaf yeah tired of the lunge ado alright but I can't wait to play some World of Warcraft after this dude hankerin just gonna chill on the second floor lunch out of the map that's a good idea it's too late I should have thought of that I'm done wheel robber I'm chilling on the second floor for now Oh Oh what are you kidding me I'm not mad I think there's a Ledge there that I hit my head on we need to survive for 25 seconds what how it just dropped from under me I'm enjoying this game I'm heaven I'm not right now no you did that's your classic sit your sarcasm techno but I'll be happy it is good I'm happy leave me alone yeah even my chats confused about how I fell there that did not make sense my chatting on me the first to call me a Boomer a COO and don't kill me I'm not gonna make it no it's fine it's fun forth why did they add a Lunger oh no game [ __ ] we do it [ __ ] both of what I mean yeah you try to why would you add a wonder I don't understand who's designing this it's the whole point of tea and okay whatever weapon out the place where we and we're in a sick fourth place right now yeah we got this man we just gotta win Hungary get replica finally there we go Wilbert it's time to destroy if they make the image in the background disappear I'm good I don't think they're gonna do that no one would ever give up lead it use but my thing is my memory I'll give it yes you just gotta get close as possible we know who's got the highest percentage but my memories pretty [ __ ] good I should take a screenshot on my second monitor high pixel high pixel is not designing it let's really get the map not like the code I saw earlier on when I joined the TNT run room it had a thing saying like I'm someone said designed by the great but I pick slow ever yeah well I originally they were just like using random apps they found on the internet which was just which is just high pixel maps were all downloaded I think I think I was the one that roasted for it because we just joined a skywars game like this is I've played this map xqc and traps of the same skin it's throwing me off yes I'm alright we have to we have to divide the labor appropriately depending on what it is like outside you divide you divide you divide I'll just do as you say okay I'll join me to do black and you to do alright I'll do the outside yellow okay sorry I'm stuck I'm stuck okay pretty quickly quickly quickly fill it in fill it in fill in there we go second second good all right we got a perfect the teamwork man it's cool nice cool Syme if we can get second every time I think that's a winner I'm getting cyber bullied what it's like the entire game agrees to follow us off sprite all right monka hmm he's got the emotes where they're people not done there's only 14 teams who else is in here I don't know dude does it does it not autocomplete uh-huh I mean there's someone over here with Oh incredible we did it good work great divide me all right show me to do black and on the top okay I'll do there we go first place boss write it read it this is it this is where we destroy boys boy you were the replica gods man with the replica boys we're gonna get first from now on we got here we go we got this I believe in us oh can we get a poke for them I said actually gonna do another 25 seconds it's hidden the button give me anything plus eight points now last time I did I put pumpkin on my head and was like [ __ ] you or they've taken that way now yeah I'll play with Phil and me and Phil were like what the [ __ ] he's got a plane f5 mode now forever I can I can I take off the pumpkin no you can't discuss a binding you just have to do with it all right here we go is it gonna be my face again do they not actually change it Skippy's face go Oh God okay you do love daddy right okay I love talk about Skippy's face in lost I'm out the [ __ ] name it was incredible oh Jesus go go go go go formerly we make mistakes well just don't make mistakes me a movie first laziness we're so good at this game look so ordered we just destroyed these foolish replicas is our game we got this yeah this is this is it dude this is the one man look at my chat trying to tell me I messed up wrong wrong this is where we go he just hates me man I don't understand look at that right give me a task shall I do the the outside you do the tree all right right now just fill it in right I'll try not to fill in around where your tree is just destroying my block sign this place there we go stand a chance look at these fools they're getting obliterated oh my god will replica gulps dude forget TNT run forget Hunger Games I'm just a replica major is this where we're pulling it back dude these fools it was never even lost how many points do we have at the beginning of this I have no idea because now we're at 1044 dude were destroying Oh oh my god okay you ready Skippy's face hey sis someone's face okay you do the face I'll do the snow I'll do this no you do the face just like SuperSpeed be the snow oh the eyes are slightly off the eyes need to be slightly off okay off killed their off killed Oh God quickly did I'll have you done wrong what have you done wrong no no you got 12 we got 12th we suck Wilber is on second second first first 12th is not bad 12 dude guys they don't know what my skin is they know what my name is I think they're gonna be able to read the big techno blade over my skin we're getting in at 12 Lola [ __ ] you go first like full times in a row but uh dude my chat my chat has no mercy they don't care all right I'll do the face you do the dirt this time we'll swap sounds good [ __ ] I've already got it wrong ignore me hey fit they're so good at this what if they'd been they've drunk their G fuel energy drink why they butterfly clicking dude check quick it's time to cheat it's time of the butterfly click boys this is what you need to win in replica what place we beat Jerome in his own face at least change yeah let me just go to name MC and change my name for this event easy I think sparks watching your stream dude pump it up this is awkward pause this event could be going like twice as fast but now yeah we'd be done by now I'm gonna come first more first in every round well thank you do face I'll do brick I'll do brick you do face I'd [ __ ] up already let you just fill in I'm just gonna build a round where you're gonna be so what do we do what we done wrong there we go second get a little second we should have been first it's a 2-point difference we got this it's not like I've ever lost by two points before we should have been first people in my chat saying you should change your name to invites caffee you got to change your name to like an exact replica of mine with like a high and in hell and I will be the district's anything there's a custody thing tomorrow if not change my name to LA but someone's already there's no way that name isn't claimed yet I've seen like five hundred tecnique one eight I'll change my name to Wilbert soat will change change the name to what I keep being called on the [ __ ] roster which is will the suits incredible alright like a plural alright I'll get all the help you do button I'll do top you do bond swap over what the heck are these even the right blocks I don't I don't have yeah where's the UM just get ready hold on the fourth bar and just spam right-click cuz they're gonna give it to here we go here we go on the empty bar just by my shirt make sure we've done it perfectly besides that I think I was checking all right I'm ready butterfly click on come on come on come on here we go I'm on two two hands on the ship so just forgive all my mouse broke it's all over no shampoo do some people didn't even get they didn't even finish okay alright I'll do right oh okay we'll just left him right then yeah now how many is that one two three good good good right oh [ __ ] dude I'm being slow sorry why is this one so much harder than all the others to me yeah good good that's fine that's fine that was a hollandaise well we're killing it in replica man these fools these amateurs they never stood a chance how well did you do last weekend in replicas with ninja now actually a decent yeah yeah I like how cuz the drill does is we can only see vixtorm CaptainSparklez let's get the resent the stare at them yeah let's get their attention stare G next time we'll get their attention like sparkles over here all right I'll do tree I'll do the apples after apples bam and bam and then brick down here oops nope wrong one brick down here and you got the red clay in the right place good that should be right ya know what we done wrong what are we doing what we done wrong oh there we go six good enough yeah we were a little bit fun it's fun we did a bridge oh god people making time wait let's let's get our attention get our attention mr. star mr. sparkles hey over here all y'all every single Zenith Bastian's give him the item wait that's just once over okay you do middle Alderwood Hey okay you do wood I'll be my worth yeah yeah you see this yeah why is there 30 seconds left no one needs that much time they're ignoring us to way I'm gonna floor giving us the cold shoulder we don't have enough we don't have enough viewers Wilbur we don't have enough subscribers oh I've just don't know just Tunnel [ __ ] twitch broadcasting Oh God oh now you're live on Twitch I'm blocking my way I'm going up there's a roof there's a really good I tried I tried let's go grieve for them wait I can place them Oh all right here we go final round X activate maximum try hard mode okay I'll do left you do Roy what the [ __ ] is that this is at our bottom but what okay whatever okay sorry I'm sorry whatever we got this this is this is dirty they're back in like a good realm what is this it looks like spongebob riding a giant ejaculating penis I just got to monetize so hard we'll be right with you why have you done this to me the Christian Mother's in my chat Wilbur no no they're gonna terminate my channel now so else it looks a little bit like I don't even want to know no no captain captain I need to change teams I need to change teams to get paid to listen to girls one cup no some of the chat my son watched this oh he's banned from watching my channel forever and watch and he's been he's been promoting spongebob probably now as well no dude we're gonna get targeted so hard at hunger okay I'm really not looking forward to this one Tecna can we just run hide and then I'll just kill you oh dude we're in second place oh my god these amateurs all right 300 we 300 points in the lead again all right I think key man I'm gonna do team balancing after this and they're gonna blame me for it somehow whatever all right okay what what is all Stratton knowing that we're the throne they're not gonna disguise me they disguise James Charles and weak - no no all right the winning move is not to play at all I can't slash Nick disguise please please I'm gonna get cyber bullied No / Nick just / Nick just / Nick please no oh god no Kevin mob this guy make me a pig yeah and then cover the maps and pigs so they don't know what you pick slaughterhouse legette aside people shacks what skins do but I don't think we're gonna work give me creative mode Oh can they please just like let us like I'm getting cyber bullied no it's not a mr. beast won't even share the [ __ ] pot one minute grace period dude I'm not you literally won't how I'm gonna die three seconds in no please just give me speed ten please please I need something hey how's dumb Oh God are you ready for a big day I'm going to suffer Chris I have a question Chris I have a question but this is mr. beast I'm Krista beast just the money gets split between the teams or does it all go to teknoaxe otherwise I can't win haha wait what happened to you or is this us um it goes to know if techno wins he gets to keep the 15 grand my team my team kill him what happens then don't do that big send your best I just can't win please quick tell me I've been give me speed ten I need something they're gonna ruin he's spamming in the chat they're gonna hold my life mr. beast yeah yeah you're fine aren't you like the best player in the world no poor in second take it please if you win if you win by will bear a new computer they go oh my god run run yes I have speed I have speed goodbye idiots I wonder what everyone else is thinking right now you get nothing no my speed warm Wilbur come back I love you yeah well how are you so fast whoa Wilbur come on run run over run oh wait get in the house get in the house will did you already turn on your hacks are you waiting oh I had those on the whole time good if you split if you split the winnings I'll turn on hacks I'm sold I'm still technically I got I got I got what here's paint okay here's your stuff thank you thank you thank you well well used to just blackmail him get him grace periods in about seconds always ask why I scared them away it's fine yeah jeez you already checked out bro oh god I've got a diamond to 9/8 didn't I give you a helmet no but it's okay oh no you did give me a helmet do you want to come fun across the table I've got two diamonds Jeff six I just want to hide okay let's get way through this every mosh pit we get into they're going like the whole game we're just gonna hide I've got a stick can we get to a crafting table can we get to a constant if I've got a stick I see I see captain sparkles and Vic out there those guys are rich we can't let them kill us guys have enough money okay I can't pose them he's literally good at McLaren they're gonna get a player tracker and it's gonna be a techno blades why how do they know they're going in dude dude run run run well we can't we just have to kill him okay gather from let's kill me get him dead Oh easy spelling he's pulled onto the eat what he pulled upper floor okay he's down I don't know where poem he went onus bonus bonus dude bonus get the bonus yeah I was waiting a bit cuz in battle arena had a cool-down do you have any arrows no but okay good you got a good chest plate yeah we say here so oh wait you know you should take the chest plate dude yeah you're a yes I should your one that everyone wants to kill yeah I think it's fair for me to have the strongest armor in this game you're worth 15k here not me [ __ ] chest plate dude no we need to get out we should get out it's Grande let's go Grande man all right all right all right go go go go coming I'm coming I'm coming oh oh oh he's gonna he's gonna go beat him up why would you pearl yes but it was a pearl it's about it's about get the bogan i I have a bow man I've still got another pearl it's fine it was a good use of all oh yeah I for they go I really I need to speed sue you have a brown mushroom wait I have one no I don't can we get to the crossing table somewhere is it possible I have no idea where the crafting table is dude all right techno blades me can I get 10% of the bounty Wilbur where'd you go I'm going back to where we killed Grande I'm ham ham I see you I see I'm coming okay I'm here I'm gonna I see courage over there the Cowardly Dog or no just I see doli oh just the dough living in and out its whisp he's on the roof oh he's got he's got stacked man okay just don't don't make yourself known don't make now let's go kill courage sure they're not painted oh this is where you die this is it look we got to go into fights man no no I know but it's like you know I'm not I'm not feeling nevermind we can leave you got say take a gold Apple take a gold Apple I already have behind me take another one oh wait yeah take another one chalk upon me all right yeah wisp encourage you're going for a session let's head this way on the right hip swing all right oh there they're gonna go for it what was that I'm good I'm gonna I'm gonna slow them down slowing them down no don't slow it we have to to be to them let's over here I'm gonna pre get okay go get him get him boys oh you beat him up and to show me beat him up they're gunning straight for me kill wisp oh oh he paroled on me you come back don't come coming back help I'm coming run run run he really wants the money I blow up the bush oh I brought the bush or I'm gonna die for you oh I don't like this no you're doing good you're doing good you're doing fine all right don't 1 V 1 the pro UHC youtubers to succeed that bonus hit that bonus I don't take that is the admin ghosting on me should should I be on Lookout should I be on Lookout oh my god I get a PvP street-cred today mace alright so I'm getting a little bit distance I'm gonna look uh I don't see anyone you're pretty you're pretty safe distance wise you've got a lot of distance on them oh I don't like this game it's mr. beast here like listening to me like be very terrified at all times oh yeah he's he's no he's definitely himself oh my god he's probably watching our streams I imagine oh there's someone at the pool there's someone in the pool let me find out who it is hey you're doing pretty good so far actually there's only eight other people left geez others eight teams left a lot of them too yeah 14 people left grape applesauce I gotta win solo for 15k I believe in you dude who's this over here you use 360 the next person you fight I why would i 360 oh content left you've got you've got circle on your left dudes occur across the sort of mud field on your left down below you have the real courage who's in full iron with a stone sword you can put a get I don't know how to get no no easy easy wait yeah yeah I told you cerca was a cross that it scared him he's got on sword but please don't pearl please I need that pony suppose he is half a heart I'll tell you where he goes he's heading straight for the pool oh you'd have a heart no they disabled pearl damaged can you pull to him no I don't have pearls did I drop the poll you should all know I did not you kill him I used the pearl to win that last one wait let me see was iron helmet is the same chat zurk is not bringing you anywhere where there's people so you look funny yeah there's no there's people on my tail and it's the Hunger Games - oh yes there is it's invasion no oh no oh I don't have tea and tea hit that bridge hit that bridge of our you've grabbed that bonus if you find that here we go here we go check this out check that he's using that he's using the speed oh oh oh come on 10 oh he's on he's on he's on three huts he's are the probations on full epic 1v2 mode oh come on techno drums - three hearts no my plan was to use the healin to get Jerome low and then kill him and get the healing and kill beige you know Oh beige and Canadian he's getting paid he's getting paid all arrested peace ok bacon as you promised for me throwing I get half right what's wrong [ __ ] Oh No yeah the border just no damage zombie invasion agent by Wilbur a new computer get the hash tag it's the rules dude TNT TNT I told you man TNT is the 1 V 2 weapon man yeah all right all right don't know maybe I did and I just looked at my inventory too fast to see it alright who's gonna win Nestor Beijing grape applesauce or Vic is solo players a man courage has got this easy that was does that's the best minecraft Mon that played it I was a lot of fun yeah I was I'm not used to it being that much sort of like I just lean over in the whole time I'm sorry man I've had a good time oh sure I've done a full damage rip no I think he got stabbed oh but he fell and died though he like hit the ground just going ham he's got 99 points what a god Serkis getting cyber bullied we come second seconds fun but xqc and Moxie will not be playing again next time we'll though for sure I don't know me and I'd be fine if they just made stronger teams to compete with them cuz I think I think they're a good match up you know the form is then you're gonna get the the comedy people I'm gonna want to come anymore well I can just team with Drew's Trav's a comedy person yes yes yeah yeah we got I'll just team with traps I'd rather they buff the team ok record what then that's gonna be one I'll tell you what dude fit for as someone who is a just just a sort of comedy guy who's just here for fun yeah I would definitely not want to play Minecraft Monday anymore it was just good teams I wouldn't mind if they let people team with good people but if it was just every round is just a bunch of excuses I've just one but I like I don't like the teams being balanced because I feel like it limits Italy right you can play with you know it shouldn't it shouldn't be balanced but it should be free for all but like you should definitely split people up if you don't if they're like if they've already teamed once and one really easily like excuse me if it's neither consistent a consistent system yeah I'll courage easy one be to courage you got this you got this courage he does not got this next you're letting in to get a kill there we go Jiji Nestor is the goat Nestor went ham dude all right well we just funded Beijing Canadians entire life what team score did we get oh yeah the 6-3 place we did it well she dropped to third how hard Nestor killed it this week oh my god destroyed I'm gonna team with Nasser next week let's go that would be powerful I'm not gonna be fine next week so you see with powerful people honestly like I had been like considering I was like should I team with Nasser like no they'll never James Turner will yell at me no no did you see last week when me and fill with teaming that quote from came yeah the hey guys all right is everyone alright with Phil and Wilbur teaming and I'm like it's like the fourth and my garden team here what do you mean the house Cole Minecraft us Wilbur well-known hard quarrel I mean I guess Phil is literally a hardcore minecraft yeah yeah I guess maybe maybe kiemce does already know what that means they just saw it and went oh that means these guys play Minecraft yeah um alright well I was fun I was that's the most fun I've ever had in among craftsmen that you know I've suffered a lot today I'm sorry dude right what's been your best minecraft Monday like mmm I feel like week six yeah week six was the best because it was like down to the it was the week with Jase lat and it was down to the absolute wire mmm very last game we like barely win by I think it was like 12 points we're not playing cahoots yeah get out of here hey guys hello hey how was it so I see you almost got the 15 but then you you prevailed or that's not the right word that's not you had almost worked out until I died that was a that was the part or it didn't work out mm-hmm so techno I my chats been telling me a lot of things right now yeah mm-hmm really positive things mhm mhm straps let's convince the team what's your individual score weight like and all right you shouldn't you should have thrown a bit more let's get here man we got this you were you were third wow you you really am I'm good in cyber bullied no third is tied for my worst placement no really I got third in week four as well but otherwise it's been topped - wait didn't like me didn't you come like six with Jax looks alive no that's in the team's oh I got like fifth right to go solo rip rip so I think we might be able to team since they let XGC and mock CT know we got sandals for him the super team I mean let's form the spare team trap let's it's gonna be completely even we got this just Abreu in their whole life will Bryce are you going off dude like I found you in the in the battle arena that was very unfortunate placement which was sorry last James and I like you are you guys really kill it like herding us in the river we study times it didn't do damage dying you guys just wasn't dying they had my positions for I James actually had two golden apples and I had one and I and then James yeah I had one I had we hit a bunch of gold we had a bunch of gold but we can get in the apples yeah that was absurd the rates on orders for that as crazy as men so many diamonds just everyone mm-hmm yeah that was this was a week that's for sure wait what's next week six plus 7 equals 13 2014 is next it's fool T I know but I mean like what day the day yeah so twitchcon 20 years old leaving me for twitchcon no I'm trying to think I might still be here on Monday I live on the 26 oh yeah because you you leave from the the the not America region I'm going from the UK there's two parts of the world America not America you just stop saying UK because you were I wasn't from the UK then yeah he's from France I wasn't sure I don't want to be like oh yeah you're from this place seeing so sure but I didn't want to I'm very English Travis don't worry okay so you so nevermind I'm not gonna get into this look okay too advanced no easy win traps we got this ruin their whole lives anyway yeah I think I'm gonna go play classic well okay later mr. Carson wit All Right see ya this is their first meeting yeah now we got it we got to continue my spree tribes if went in every fourth week I one week to every fourth weeks 1014 yeah man it's the patties do it week four days or a week easy victory my entire spam and Kahoot it's not happening it's what the fans want and if keemstar hears that he's gonna be all over it if we week fourteen round two Kahoot oh boy anyway it was a pleasure fun yeah YouTube me you ever want to do it elaboration I need video ideas so just just wrote me and do that I agree I have so many ideas I don't just hand over like yeah whatever so many ideas I got so many I've like like my brain just keeps producing ideas and I'm not fast enough to ride a bike I'm just full of them my brain is like bloated yeah I know it's just like kind of like you know I'm saying yeah it's just exploding man hey are you doing today mr. techno I've suffered a lot yeah at least mr. beast talked to me I should have known something was wrong cuz I checked this morning like oh my god mr. beast follows me on Twitter I'm famous and then it's like there's gonna be a bouncy this week and I'm like oh no Twitter can't you can't give me a bout if you can't see me walking my discord don't let him in the car oh boy I mean I'll try and team with you next week if mr. Saar mr. Stahr allows it they'll never agree we got to do some convincing they'll never suspect we got to just play it cool man never ever slide it under the table alright alright I'm gonna I'm gonna go talk to some other people about this oh and I spend a week alright I think we're gonna work on us I think I might be able to make a Skyblock video tomorrow I haven't made a Skyblock video in ages and that's that's the videos of mine that get all the views I don't know but I actually have material even though they didn't update it and it's gonna be awkward if they update it and then I make an outdated video so I got I got a speedrun this video guys anyways I'm gonna go bye I also everyone subscribed please I need subs please please and become a channel number I think I passed 1000 members stay yeah hit the join button mic hoots not happen ever know
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,457,086
Rating: 4.9348087 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft monday, minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, technoblade minecraft monday, hunger games, hunger games tournament, minecraft tournament
Id: LYXLdxw400c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 32sec (9632 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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