the rarest pet on hypixel

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in March people competed for glory and riches in the hypixel sky wars solo tournament they competed for tribute for tokens probably not for crafted mystery boxes but they got them nevertheless but above all these rewards was the blaze pet pet so exclusive that of the 63,000 people who competed in the tournament only the top three the three biggest losers among them could walk away with and one of them was me we did it baby number two we're going down in history now my name is permanently etched into a list that you can only see when you right-click this one statue and did I mention the statue is all the way in the back corner of the tournament lobby a lobby that isn't even available to the public half of the time and even when it is nobody visits it I'm just saying you could at least put it in like the skywars Lobby where people would actually see it I'm not bitter or anything but I'm just saying ain't nobody right-clicking on this if it's all the way over here well that's not why you're here for you're here to see what the rarest pet in hypixel looks like so now in all its glory the blaze pet this is a bigger disappointment than my son welcome to ISOs Kairos I'm even talking about the tournament today obviously this is one of the maps that was in the tournament so we're gonna use the tournament strategy where you just use frog you just ditch your spawn island and just immediately run to mid and get all the loot and then it doesn't it doesn't work at all when it's not the tournament because the loot here is trash I need a weapon what what okay we're using a pickaxe this game by he's also a frog we're outmatched all right we got this pickaxe time let's go we are the superior frog die this is awkward there we go beyond strength pickaxe die pool die pickaxe rampage let's go you don't know me you don't know me you don't know me yeah yeah you better die in fact I'm gonna kill this guy you thought that was your kill it was actually my kill in fact in fact get over here get over here right now Thank You anyone else oh oh you want some of this you want some of this see I was basically what the tournament was like except not at all but you know close enough I know you're thinking oh my god techno blade that tournament was like 12 years ago your upload schedule is hot garbage which is true you know that's fair but I I was gonna make a video on this like Monday like not like this Monday like two weeks ago one day like like a week after the tournament and just instantly got sick the second I got back from Spring Break it's two weeks later I'm still kind of sick it's not it's not bad it's just every time every time I talk I want to like pop slightly just it's just not it's not good for commentary I'm dying yeah high pixel count with like a new system for running tournaments and they've run three tournaments with this new system so far and this is the first one that I actually managed to play and I'm telling you there is a conspiracy at work here I don't know who's behind it but there's a conspiracy okay because I am available to no life minecraft 95% of the year it's too much of a coincidence that the first bed wars tournament would be on the one weekend where I'm headed back to college after Thanksgiving break alright it's too much of a coincidence I didn't realize we're so I genuinely thought oh this is a coincidence of course there's not some like vast conspiracy to me from winning in minecraft alright it's just that that's just completely ridiculous or so I thought until the Blitz tournament came though one week I was out visiting my grandparents alright I was hyped for the Blitz termina the second I heard like blitz do us like oh my god me haskó dream team the revival let's go and then I saw the Danzig oh okay then it sort of becoming a meme of me never being available for tournaments okay when they announced the skywars tournament I'm hypixel tweeting me like aha does this conflict with your schedule as well and when he knew perfectly well that it did alright because he has ties with the CEO of United Airlines clearly the United Airlines is snitchin when my flights are so they can schedule tournaments exactly when I can't compete all right it's the only reasonable interpretation of this data all right there's no possible other explanation oh my got a frog you would defeat me with frog out of here out of here man it's not happening I'm the Frog master it probably should get like and actually like good sword Alec I'm the Frog master I like the inventory and proper use of available resources master alright that's titles way too long yeah I wasn't even gonna play in the sky we're showing him in originally to because I had a flight that weekend but I woke up at like midnight and I was like and there a tournament right now I might as well play I really want to knock this guy off dramatically there we go you know what else reminds me of the tournament bro you're just getting flex time you came from the good fight I like this guy I'm okay with him hacking so I woke up around midnight and I thought this would be my chance to get as much gameplay as I could on like college setup before I went back home which is important because the tournaments what they have if they have a maximum play time so the person that wins isn't just some random dude who stayed up 48 hours why would you do that to yourself no so for the sky where sternum I was just eight hours just still still a lot of line craft to play in one weekend in my opinion but okay look the bed wars tournament was twenty hours I'll take what I can get and it's important to play as much as I can on my college though because it's way better than my setup back home but the obvious reason I didn't bother like making a good setup at home was just it's just random stuff thrown together that I could find and I'm not gonna be using it 95% of the time why would I invest money into it well that guy's hacking all right I'm out all right we can team on him boys team on him yeah that actually really worked all right so obviously I figured I was gonna do better at those eight hours if I spend as much of them playing with 144 Hertz a billion and a half FBS and a ping Solo I'm technically in the future could you please thank you thank you it was very very kind of you to die there don't I have spring what's going on here you're dead anyone else no okay I started playing I was just going for like a top 25 place because I think top 25 respectable man you're not everyone has to be like you know top five let's go these chests were worthless what don't fight me why are there so many people here I don't want to I want to be here give me strength you know what you know what you know what everyone dies you know what you get to live I decided that actually I'll let you off this time out of the goodness of my heart yeah I played a lot Saturday morning the guy in first place at the time had like a like a 1,000 point lead over everyone else cuz he played this full eight hours way before everyone else did double shot the chicken y know my ego okay yeah I had a massive lead over everyone so I spent a lot of time in second place catching up and I swear something happened to my street cred okay I don't know what happened but it's gone alright because every time I went into a lobby I did see some random dude going wait a minute techno blades in second place that's impossible he sucks how could you get second place and I'm like well what is this way but why does everyone think I'm bad I'm a masters Division I have the dragon how did everyone forget you go to college for like one semester and everyone thinks you're trash I don't understand well they were just roasted me I saw people that were like no it's impossible at techno blade is genuinely winning games of skywars okay clearly it's a vast moderator conspiracy all right they're banding all as hackers if they have faith that if the mods respected my games all right they sure weren't banning anyone they were probably like eating popcorn as I got B hopped on that was a beautiful park or Die okay I thought I'd get better items from that person I don't know why I felt like that would be a valuable kill it was not in fact a valuable kill oh yeah yeah get him blaze you're more useful in the blaze pet anyways you can actually fight huh you got him you're helping yes die die no get him just one hit please I'm the greatest yeah I guess the wintry gave people the impression that I just have like an army of moderators that just like you know slash sent to Limbo whenever a good player shows up that's not the case what okay for like 90 games sure in the win streak we had moderator squash and because I was the last 90 games before 1000 okay they wanted to be there they weren't there for like the 900 are you seriously still alive what how many times do I have to kill you I don't understand what does it take you fell off on your own after clinging to life that much I don't understand it's after been under seven hours of tournament time I managed to get first place by a margin of like I don't know like two and a half points it was like nothing I had to go man I was gonna miss my flight I almost did okay I'm not a good decision maker would not do that again but I was in first place alright wasn't gonna last but at least I had that screen shot alright why are you going after me there's a dude over there he is mid stuff you're bullying me okay you're bullying me and okay I think I did a lot of damage that dude though and he's frog my frog I'm not a frog die J I'm at the airport in discord a bunch of other try-hards and they're updating me on what the leader board positions are and I hear oh my god this guy's streaming and he's like a little he's like a hundred points under you and he maxed out his playtime at eight hours and then he kept going and he kept turning points like what it's okay there's a bug he can keep her in points after he I was like what he can't know someone stopped him and so like you know - how were sliders the admins fix it he's passed me by like 400 points my first places in shambles everyone's making fun of me on Twitter everyone's like oh my god techno blading bad city like leave me alone he played like he played an extra two hours not not only that not only that people started saying oh that's how techno blade got first place he must have abused the bug - I'm like what I'm on the hypixel player council if there was a tournament breaking bug like that and I abuse it instead of reporting it the admins would show up to my house and break my kneecaps all right what what leave me alone die I'm just bullying this guy this poor man he just wants to play the game it's not happening it's not happening I'm telling you me it's not no no I have to treat it you have to be over there now now this is my portion of the map the this this right here this is my podium all right you can't you can't be here you can't sit with me because you're not popular enough all right out of here out of here nope nope nope nope coming in from different angle ain't gonna change anything alright alright huh-huh yeah that was an incredible pearl and it's somehow worked alright yeah looking guys doing our episode of golf yes no bro Golf is hard yeah there we go hole-in-one out of here get back here this is actually cyberbullying remember that conspiracy today I mentioned earlier it goes deeper than that alright I'm telling you the guy who passed me it was the son of the CEO of United Airlines because they delayed my flight straight up six hours after he passed me not even kidding what what six hours what is this I'm telling you it's all a conspiracy I was trying to think that forget like forget play in the last seven six minutes on my on my worst computer I was trying to think they just liked to delay my flight okay could you seriously chill bye bye bye I actually don't want to buy more people this is getting kind of dangerous but at this point I got to go for it bye bye all of the due to depth Strider okay I thought that guy was bhop I thought he was be hopping on me I was like oh okay man just kill that dude nope that's Rider leave me alone bye you want to fight me in the water you want to go you want to go let's do it let's do let's go let's go any year now if you don't have healing why are you running what are you where you don't what are you doing let's go nope don't you're at you're done and okay the important thing is he tried his best by the time I got back to California my leaderboard spot was in shambles it was in shambles man forget first place I was barely in the top ten and if I didn't start playing soon I wasn't even gonna be that much anymore the thing is I wouldn't have been that stressed because you know I had like 75 minutes left I figured I could reasonably secure top ten well the thing is I realized I did the math I really had a chance to get top three once I realized that that was when the stress mode activated is the difference between third place and fourth place is rewards they're huge man first place second place certainly feeling it pretty much the same thing I guess I get like slightly more tribute depending on which one you are but I ain't nobody care we're all here for the blaze bet the difference between third and fourth placed fourth place like you get nothing here's the same thing we gave 10th place you suck go home that's what fourth place four words are alright that's just that's just unacceptable I didn't trying it up that was a bad time for jump boost and mine I deserve this so I play the last 75 minutes in California and barely managed to secure third place they even made me beat the dude who played ten hours I had to beat them in eight hours so they never reset his score Edmonds what are you doing how to understand it's not it's not like it was a it was not like it was a secret oh he literally broadcast it happened and I don't understand but whatever you know what I passed him not my problem anymore all I have to do is hope no one passes me in the last hour and a half of the tournament and good news there's a guy in ninth place who's still gaining points he's like 400 points below me but you know what what are the odds what other someone sends me a video of him on Twitter full-on bhop he's not it's not even like the kind of cheat where you're like trying to hide it no he's going all out man he might as well be flying I'm like mods my staff staff someone please so someone get in my spot if you know top three it's like 400 points away there's so there's only like an hour and a half left maybe maybe he's not gonna go for it and you already did he changed his username to Tekken blade that that's what I knew I was about to have a bad time all right when they start you take knock-back you do but in like a different time zone on the hackers chart naming themselves after you that's when you know you're gonna have a bad time can you give me strength Hey oh you poor thing pinata time this is a durable pinata this is a really durable pinata you're out you have free will you can leap how weak am i and he's gone all right but yeah if you see my last video you already know how this ends in the last 15 minutes the hacker passes me and takes third place I get relegated to fourth depression and thus the story ends I was telling you but don't worry don't don't no no the results aren't gonna get finalized with me at fourth place because the dude is very clearly cheatin there's no ambiguity here they're going like really technically what a sore loser man Colin hacks on the guy who passed and like no no he's actually cheating really technical Blake that dude even named himself after you and you'd throw him under the bus like that that's disgusting just think he'd do this to his own family like no he's straight-up bhop and leave me alone I'm kidding thankfully the admins did do a purge fire the blaze you were supposed to be mine alright worst of the admins did to approach I get second place in the end people have been telling me oh my god he'll techno blatant get personal she's like what 2nd place is great leave me alone what place did you get in before it's actually first up he's on fire and I'm out of arrows right when I needed to finish him off I'm not mad nope Rayna B hopper get banned and are you really really doing this to me and I'm out of arrows again Aeneas I'm literally half a heart where's his arrow I have no arrows again and this dude's here Andy is all the stuff in the universe why did I expect any different sky wars is just a suffering this man has been on no health for the last 12 years and you just he's just gonna keep running we're almost walked off by myself know if I can't I can't lose to this guy and I have my grace put me through this hmm he's actually going in with no health what is this how many pearls do you have and he got that one too you really you really doing this to me and he asked apples now you just gonna keep writing till he gets like a knock-back 3 isn't he in a year now oh boy he's got the rod he's got even more pearls he's got even more pearls he's got even more I swear - oh my god I'd like to revise my conspiracy theory I'm not gonna miss the next tournament because my flight is scheduled on the same day is it I'm gonna miss it because I'm still fighting this guy one month later yes Victor I would have been so mad if I lost row row I was emotionally invested I killed I defeated that guy too many times to not get my ten skywars exp okay too many times I know it might be hard to believe there's actually a vast conspiracy between hypixel and United Airlines to suppress my tournament flame but trust you man next tournament it's gonna be on like may 11 or may 18th those are like the only two weekends I could feasibly get prevented from playing in like the next four months just you wait it's gonna happen they're gonna schedule one the second they see this video the second I confirm my flight the tournament is gonna be tweeted about just you wait all right I'm calling it now that was no subscribers guys hope you guys enjoyed if you guys want to see a similar video where I will tell story while playing skywars then check out how Sony Vegas almost prevented me from graduating speaking of Sony Vegas crash like five times while making this video I hate it you you just you just do nothing at all and it's like oh yes I'll die but yeah I click on that video I mean I mean while you're here I mean what else are you gonna do homework now
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 6,848,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel
Id: cXczoMwdnT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2019
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