saving minecraft monday w/ DanTDM

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art stream all right there we go that'll probably work I mean let's hope so we got this all right now it's up to us this week to save minecraft Monday dan we have an important mission all right okay they're trying to destroy minecraft Monday because team three is Vic Star and Skippy okay I saw that and I was like wait wait wait a second it's that's not just a bra moment that is some brah momentum what is that like literally everyone in the group chat was roast in them and they're like no no it's fine and kiemce stars like off doing the bird box challenge or something cuz you know so long as it's not techno blade it's fine yeah brah it's a come on I don't know I don't know what they're doing but we got last time Vic said his partner wasn't that great yeah he's like don't don't worry he's he's rusty family he looks kept it one minecraft Monday for like a whole seven days I'm pretty sure he's rusty okay it's been a whole week okay I'm rusty let's go we got this full of rust oh yeah we're gonna we're gonna destroy man it's gonna be incredible where are you wearing the lobby I've done a special skin just for you Oh God I'm uh like you there are like the crossover you've got a pork chop okay so yeah this is especially for you I am your student today oh yes all right it's time we're gonna destroy them all right we're gonna form a pig all right boys pig cross team on Team three it's the only way we got a four bit alliance this is gonna be that episode of the anime where all the good guys left a team with their guy techno blade to defeat an even greater threat the greatest threat being Vic Vic and Skippy up bro bro that team I'm kit pvp I'd say I could PvP it's alright it's just yeah you know it's a it's a fun round it's better than bingo and find the button I think we still have bingo yeah we still have been well you know it's a tradition to have like one boring game mode per week minimum we can't we can't violate the tradition everyone would complain I say Bing goes slightly above find the button yeah it's about fun I'm waiting for the week of bingo where they're like all right here's the items dragon egg elite rrah nether star just three hours of bingo yeah I think it's Hunger Games and then tea and tea run our TNT run you know that's one game that I can kind of hold my own in all right we need the TNT run points yeah this is how we make her come back a little bit but apart from that I'm following the leader after last week I wouldn't be surprised if we join TNT run and suddenly we hear the ender dragon and it just kills me immediately the entire bat it was what that was just for you that not enough probably I would not I wouldn't beat I remember there was a conversation in the group chat where they're like okay what okay are you good at like at some game and I'm like I'm not bad at it what about building oh I'm not good at that okay bill battle it is and I'm like haha because I thought they were joking and then two weeks later bill battles bananas and I'm like bro yeah I'm not saying this entire tournament is a vast conspiracy against me but I'm not not saying it you're right it's turning into like that decent anime episode where it's like you said it's a perfectly exactly this is just this is an anime it's all it's all scripted we got our roles yeah we all we all gotta rally them in the chat all right we just need everyone of us targets them off spawn it's the only way just thirty they have Lauterbur all right you're on our team time come on I don't think it's gonna happen any please we got like 18 team no no yeah 18 teams this week I think we should change the objective whichever kills Tyler won the most should win that seems it seems like it'd be more fair overall it's what the people want yeah tie the one over and over again you can use the little compass hunt him down everyone's fun there was one week where I looked at my donations and someone sent me a hundred dollars with the message he'll dantdm and I'm like okay I'm a minecraft hit man when you did that as well I was hahaha from this close and I was like I've got this I've got this that I just swooped in nope into the pig blood for the blood god alright we can't even join Game one if we wanted to no can't see the maps game's gig do it like knowing the maps yeah I don't know any of the maps I don't okay I got the I got the oh I'm away team in this tournament and everything except TNT run it's the only game I'd heard well I mean I've heard of Hunger Games but I didn't play these maps that's interesting I thought like half of it was knowing whether chess saw because I think I know Jerome and beige and it pretty good at that yeah I know an exactly where the chests are there's a lot of people here who've been playing this for years so they got Chester outs I just like I just pick up a weapon and start killing people and then they have stuff so I just put it on after that's my strategy yeah that's a that's a decent strat I try that and then die well we got this man we just got a win 6 out of 6 Hunger Games TNT he's so incredibly overpowered we get banned from the tournament not not invited next week if we take first place I might I might be ok with that it's the only way we gotta save minecraft Monday what other teams are a threat I don't know is a 60 like a pvp guy cuz he's with bad boy halo I know captain sparkles in beige and are pretty good Preston's cats like Preston is good yeah he's got in second place two weeks in a row yep very good stuff like the parkour lava right yeah he's like he's the parkour legend and honestly I was watching him like on replay he's so good at find the button I don't understand how how do you I know it's like out how do you get good at find that as he trained he's just go like a resource back but the buttons are all red yeah he went to like a dojo that just trains find the button and just trained under a sensei [Music] you can sense them you can hear the buttons yeah I can hear the buttons yeah whispering I could feel the I I just I'd watch him walk into the same room I walked into and find like three times as many buttons it's me he's a madman hear the noise of buttons which I guess is them whispering to him and I'll walk out on it's just unstoppable what other teams moxie and xqc [Music] oh poor moxie they've been doing poor but I can sympathize with moxie okay I can understand his struggle where he gets like top three every week and it doesn't matter no runner-up prizes ya know it's just first place or Nothing Jerome in Tulsa decently strong private fearless is gonna be Kari and James Charles super trav scary and quackety yeah I don't know if fitted in camp and Russia or PB I think they are I think they're like factions dudes well I don't but I'm pretty sure compromise geez dude like a lot of UHD I think he was a faction pvp okay and then fit is he's the oldest anarchy server dude oh we can join Game one now let's do this we're playing on this special oh wait they do they put an enchantment table huh this map is suddenly good I take it all back what's the coolest spark city yeah so there was no Incheon table at all I I could never find it I was I was about to like DM the dudes that made the map like yo where do you put that ed she had table I don't there wasn't either there was just nothing in middle and it make me sad I'm just trying to get that sharpness one man all right we just got as far as the enchantment so yeah this one too we just got a fear the border they turned it up to like five hearts per tick or something and they just like oh yeah we got yes last week Wiegel caught in a fence as well and to take some Oh dead I remember there was how much did you bribe them five wait why am I getting blamed don't blame me look at team three you can't throw me under the bus this week I am a man of honor they planned this they planned this all the time they're waiting for this despairing oh my god xanga Games the super team now it's our chance yeah Skippy crash that means it's fair that's fair quick start people are gonna think I'm so toxic up until they win six out of six games yeah and we cooled it with the Preston one so I think that's what yeah well you know it's fine I'm pretty I already made that joke Skippy's rusty guys it's fine we got this there are empty chests oh yeah I was noticing that too look it's minecraft Monday do you think they play test this course not that's part that's half exactly it looks okay did they actually start oh no you got in now we don't go to mid there's I don't think there's weapons no it's just armor I think yeah well actually there's a grace period so okay I'm just gonna immediately run to our left for mid can you follow the mosque let's go no items of course I'm telling you it's scripted they coded it they coded it so if I open the chest the items disappear that's clearly what's going on no items I knew it what's yeah oh my god I got cake watch out wait there's cake in this game yep two cakes alright well I got an actual weapon here you go it's not thank you my teammate didn't got sponge rip-rip it's the plot armor it's kicking in all right yeah they don't do that don't do Rhys tots on this scene mycroft mondays guys gonna rip oh here's some stuff here's a chest plate thanks thanks thanks I don't I've played this mat before but I'm too lazy to remember chest Oh Grande and Dolan let's stab them I mean let's do it that's it's gone let's get them let's get them yeah yeah yeah they actually have decent stuff but I know that running but this is what infuriates me you're exactly the same speed yeah it's this is why I don't like water maps cuz you're both moving it like two miles per hour in the water I'm gonna go back you up Thanks I might need this I'm gonna end up oh but you should give that to me if I drop it can you get it I'm pretty far behind but I I think so I don't even know where you are man quick slow down don't chase them anymore okay okay which which way I'm at mid okay I think I'm I'm right next to you let me talk around there you are an easy way and no items alright all right they got away this time I have this uh I don't say this end up oh yes yes give it to me ha ha ha T - ha yeah might as well enjoy just give me all the items it'll be cool alright here's some you can cast like healing magic in the background at school yeah I'll just swing this around we do not have enough items to not be we need to go get rich we actually I wanted to kill a Dolan for his pants but that didn't pan out iron axe oh I have an iron axe see my chats play in the game for me I'm blind I'm actually playing blindfolded chat that's my secret that's how I'm reading the chat right now it's through the blindfold it's my excuse if I miss donations all right I'm gonna make speed soup and instantly win the game all right here's one soup thank you you can right-click on this for health and speed now I got the speed one we need better stuff we have no we have no armor yes a leather x - yeah you got half leather armor we're ready to fight we're gonna like find a team and they're gonna be in like full iron oh I'm really why did I think those okay here's some pants here's some boots here's a stone sword gray autumn day is in this direction okay let's go stab Grande let's get him again they escaped us once haha he's crouching there's no way we'll find him Oh Grande we can smell you the border is shrinking I am very paranoid grande grande grande it wasn't happening all right let's get out of here I don't know what the borders gonna do but I don't want to find out no oh oh no no no no oh no no no no no no no Eden to get out we need to get out of here oh okay it does nothing it does nothing at all okay okay we're good oh my god I was having a heart attack thinking it was just gonna instantly one-shot me two seconds into the game and then it does nothing okay I'm getting away from it what if he gets like ten times stronger for no reason oh you need an iron axe wait you have a stew of a stone sword it's fine yeah I'm so that's the same right all right that's good let's get out of here I don't want to stress out my chat they have so much border anxiety after the last couple of games here's some iron pants you get caught oh so many times diamond sword I need sticks to make that oh I have six five six oh yes how many of them to good or not both I can make an iron sword as well okay let's go to mid that did Skippy manage to die how he's throwing he's throwing [ __ ] all right quick let me let me paste oh God Oh we're getting at we're leaving we're leaving here mm-hmm nope one-eighty get out of here nope no thanks who is it it's Beijing and Captain not a weak team by any means and they've got like full enchanted iron okay let's just roam around see if we can I want that I need them to leave all this stuff here's some loot all right I got more speed soup nice really still though oh let's crouch okay backing away go go go go go go go go go we need to get items and then dip oh well I have got a chest plate here's an iron sword now let me make you a gold chest plate I have enough gold for that here you go oh oh here they are I am lagging these guys are pretty strong I kind of don't want to fight him right now yeah well looking fairly aggressive okay get on get on the the gold chest plate it's on alright and now we're gonna we're gonna go hunt for easy kills alright yeah we'll save them it's fine yeah you know yeah yeah that's what we're letting them live for now all right out of our infinite mercy this guy this guy looks easy to stab let's get him let's get them oh here we go there's two other people go ahead let's okay I'm gonna have a pressure plate in my retreat Vic get him I'm following Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam he has two pearls get him kill him yeah okay are you okay there you are did you get him now he had two pearls alright let's go in is he down okay okay quick Bajan and Captain target that man to the end of the earth I don't know it's the only way it's the only way alright is there stuff it's just of items in them cool chain and chest I'm gonna grab that sweep all right half now is this way free kill free kill let's go free kills go guys person actually stuff it's person actually oh they don't have health oh there we go I worked out some free items in here age and Canadian has eliminated vixx star all right so wait there's Phil's it there's Phil's oh right here get him look at all these kills oh there's no that we got out we got to go in and stretch all these friends but not we don't want to get cleaned by those dudes to our left techno I'm stressed where are you I'm right at you okay let's go fight these two actually let's get to let's get to MIT I don't know what that borders doing I want to get a little bit closer just in case well they they they flip a coin every week is the border going to do zero damage or is it going to immediately kill your entire ancestral line the second it comes within three feet of you is it gonna be super fast we'll slow as you know James get them get them oh nice James Charles defeated I need this hello pearls yo Inc dude I have three pearls here you can have one that's fair alright okay how many is left six I need I want to make I guess having more soup wouldn't matter terribly but do you have any bowls yeah go three going you Inc you can take the you can take the Reg oh we got out that's goes red we got to get closer all right that's so let's chill up here for a bit I'm with ya all right did I win no virus I have a bow and three arrows make them count I probably won't all right we got this let me just eat some of my own people oh my god that borders closed alright we just got a play he just got himself yes Meijin is by himself and fills as well but they're both strong players no I don't think Phil I don't think fit in the camp and Russia a chopped liver either it's a bit of a stalemate that's all it's all bully Phil yeah let's bully him yeah yeah let's bully him yeah yeah careful we're gonna get cleaned up and not even close Oh buddy get him I got another one let's go get him okay okay let's just relax let's relax for a moment we got health we just got a to be one-page an ad and we do now yeah this is what we're doing related he's got a boat he's got a bow rush him rush him he's come to boast families we question we get him I'm coming in get him yeah oh my god we actually won we actually won I had one heart to advise I had five techno had less than a quarter of a heart techno blades ever dies may have the prophecy is true I can't believe we defeated dude dude Vic and Skippy are on a team and we're not losing to them okay look they're gonna see that they're gonna win like five of the next rounds there's night okay maybe maybe one of the okay there's a chance what if one of them's playing with the steering wheel to be fair and we're being toxic for no reason I doubt it but both playing ah that's that's it I'm in VR controls right now do tied for first TNT run okay I can't I can't fail here my chat will disrespect me we need to pay you whoever killed skip you by the way all right all right who is that I can't scroll up that I can't scroll up that far I don't have my mods so question for uh the TNT run strats when do you go down to the one block jumps I always time it wrong all right I just whenever there's like no one around okay but I'll only do the one block jumps if you can like do them casually you know without that like stress knit edge we'll just wherever um I just just whatever just make sure you don't fall and if you know you're going to fall make sure you only fall one floor okay like it's fine if there's like a really difficult jump you can just give it up and go to the next floor because you just want to get as many points as possible yeah you always gets to a point and then you hear that everyone just falling great music to my ears I'm so toxic [Laughter] he'll be hitchhiking it's just straight up PvP is enable amazing PvP run let's go techno blade your bike is off do you take me for an idiot chat stream in this whole time with no mic well it's we're not doing commentary because me and Dan are going all-in gamer focus this week alright this is minecraft eSports okay we can't we can't let the viewers down alright we have train to the Minecraft World Cup I dropped out of middle school to Train minecraft 14 hours a day I can't I can't lose when it counts okay your skills from bed was three years ago and now I'm now paying dividends it's incredible it's funny because I haven't actually like played almost any bed Wars for like a year and a half or maybe just a year I don't know and what everyone fears like we can't add bed Wars Technos here yeah I think it'd be cool if we had like what if we had like weeks where it was like two big teams fighting each other and let the prize pool went to like charity or something yeah or maybe it was late you mean like spill it'll all be 5050 yeah or maybe like do it by like countries oh wait T&T run started I'm not paying attention Wilbur is walking he is a brave man what is the Enderman sounds yeah I might I just felt you layers let's not talk about it alright this is where it goes silent no Bajan killed me nope I can't throw this is my game this is my game so I was just running around the outside no what is that - 25 blocks just dissipate in front of me brah it's scripted it's Bayesian no no Beijing okay I got in that time revenge wait they're not even they're not even dying they just respawn how did they break T&T run this is the easiest game to code in the world no people hunt dying hold on a moment brah moment when I feel like we should have like at least oh and I died nevermind no respawn he's still alive oh my god we're stuck in a 1x1 hole incredible fantastic our point it's working no I have I have zero points yeah literally just take the code from week three when this game worked actually no week three at particles hmm they just said Hunger Games what what wait you're telling me they can't fix the bill battle points when that would give me the wind but T&T run we can okay okay it's the script man it's the script it's the script and the ad unit are they coming back okay we'll go back - okay okay thank you thank you well I was gonna say oh no all right I have some kind of knowledge of I hate this man there's just what and there's like no I don't know if there's arrows in this game or not I mean I know there's arrows but like barely any yeah the toy my chat say and the streak is ruined he didn't win yeah last week didn't happen either honestly my chat usually holds me to like really high standards you know like it like second out of 40 players and points and they're like trash unsubscribed but last week was last week was so busted that they're like alright techno it we understand that a little bit of hot it came out just a little bit how much you pay a few I just slip them your money day and can't compete with that that's the it's the de monetization man it's hit us all hard [Music] alright I'm missing thank you not actually reg and that guy again techno show us your elbows I'm getting to it and thank you Tyler as well but I'm there is some rage happening I think xqc is havin having some issues I've had some issues in this getting in this game properly I'm an issue with a cow nice there's cows in this [Laughter] all right this is this is how we're gonna win okay wait it's like be here lake B isn't here alright I'm gonna have to delay the gambit I have a plan to immediately win minecraft Monday but it only works if the admins here and I think he's fixing T&T run does it involve money again no it involves deception okay we got this I can't see this plan failing it's at least 95 percent success rate the oldest minecraft monday server and minecraft who cried to the staff to get more hunger games would it be tacked up I didn't did you hey I'm better at minigames that's my strength they just they just enough do it CNT run were they talking about exit now the thing is the reason we're doing Hunger Games is cuz key Mac surely watched last week and he's like wow every single mini game is broken to the point of unplayable ax t we're going back to Hunger Games yeah it was his shout to be fair yeah you almost got nine games of hunger games yeah nine games would have been a bit repetitive I mean it would have been better than having broken games but true I try think what do we even play last week it was a blur little one oh yeah one shot no I was so happy because it was a bow game and I'm good at bow games then it was just the worst in every way yeah just waiting in a spool and think oh I just i'd spawn immediately killed and I'm like bruh for a moment come on gamers just do this we still alright we just got a win since out of quick quick getaway Blake B's here yeah initiate plan like beat I am from planet minecraft and I am here to review your server but I need slash it's gonna work 95% it's gonna work it's gonna work he's silent that means he's type in the command that's fair you know at least I'd get good click beta to get it IP bans from minecraft Monday yeah man alright I'm ready for the water map and we I'm ready to swim there was a chest right behind us but in before am something before it's empty yeah he doesn't spot Wow papa is doof who has it out for Papa man even for that chest I think let's just let's get out of here let's run let's run this way and then to the to the right axe let's go over here I don't know a race isn't there yeah I just like a minute of grace period what weapon do you have zero I have absolutely nothing stone axe appreciate it and I got some pants wait I already had pants this is the worst armor piece to get all right sorry you can have these cold single pants yeah please give me all pain that will not be taken out of context by the chat yeah let's remover in there hey they would never do anything like that they are all wholesome all right I think grace period is ended in like six seconds so let's go over here there's no way we can kill them because they're in the water and that means they can run for 55 years and cover the span of like 20 meters there's just nothing anyone can do about it but we can get rich that's always that's always the master plan I might lose but I'll die wealthy I annexed you on this oh oh nerd spotted he's making a break for it get him all right where did you go I leave you for two seconds and you're killing people okay go go back to the Marriott James Jones James house around the corner to the Latin James I'm gonna need you to mind your business oh you get him I want to kill James he's got a lot of armor and probably no health yeah I laid into him a little bit can he make the parkour he can he's hidden the part oh it's over never mind it's not over it's very Oh Oh nope no I find in the what must get armor yes yes I'm so out of food I got some bread there's people behind you in front of you all right let's let's get rich off of these guys yeah are they coming no no I don't think they are I don't think they want any of this hmm you need boots here you go all right we're gonna want we're gonna want to go to mid I want to make a diamond sword nice we're actually doing pretty well I thought this wasn't that I thought this was gonna be terrible yeah not gonna lie I'm gonna talk about zero credit but it's so well it's funny actually you got like three kills that's one of the that's one of the strongest teammate performances I've had usually it's like I get ten and my teammate gets two and everyone complaints that I had an Opie teammate what am i doing yeah than him ban him mods mods it's rigged what weapon do you have I have an iron sword I want to get them we go in check out the other side oh excuse you in Moxie I don't really want to fight those dudes do they want to fight us are they sure oh wait don't don't go in no I'm not gonna I'm gonna make a diamond sword you can take this iron one like that through it throw it over here just like uh-hmm a 60s over there oh these dudes are all over here they're having a battle and now we clean oh there's a lot of people here there's a lot of people here get them no no you teed me okay get the help and dip dip on out of there Oh No Oh coach B Coach B coach it's the TNT it's too powerful all right now what you want to do here is it's like climb to the top of some mountain and then mind your business for the rest of the game that's I think I think I can do that all right there's uh there's two dudes on this island you know you got this just just chill the whole time hold up mom but um dan Apple my chat saying Dan's gonna carry it's true Dan's gonna care how many kills do you have one oh that's simply good yeah yeah you know it's cuz ancient Dennis hmm what teams we got out here how do you Skippy and Vic not have kills what are they are they afk I don't understand they're waiting to sweep at the last second or maybe the steering wheel theory could be in effect here it's possible yeah it's very possible there's actually a lot of teams here which have like a pretty a pretty decent chance it's just that team in particular is just mega broken I don't understand all right hmm who's out there Saab is on the opposite island to me chillin we're all just hanging out we're here for the participation points man yeah exactly all right here's the scapula's team 3 in full armor Oh Skippy's going after Trav's this traps no kill him honestly traps is a decent chance that killing one of them Travis Lee Oh trap set the problem his traps has to get out of there because he knows Vic and his enchanted diamond sword will be there to back him up but it's a water map so you can never get any kills all right what else do we got what other team with an apple I've got a that's pretty good end up oh oh you want the pearls yes you need the pearls so you can clean when people are low on health that's that's how we're gonna defeat Vick Star and Skippy all right we just got an ender pearl and when they're low huh they're actually they're actually getting beaten up how are these guys PvP gods what's going on they've been separated I mean it's in water so it'll never amount to anything but still no they've got bows wait is he actually gonna die oh he actually died are these guys PvP gods oh my I don't even I don't even know these guys were here MC Morgan plays and needle XD the pvp god wait is this is this the random team that one they give away yeah I I don't are those youtubers or not I don't know and Vic did Vic okay but notice now his Papa PvP God what's going on huh dude Papa's going in did every was everyone here training to be a minecraft god or what I don't understand whoa oh oh are you getting stabbed yeah I can't use my poly either so we did by time we did decent we got we got like five kills yeah it's uh it's an above average performance and we already have a win so we just needed to have we need what we want is for the winds to be evenly spread out among the other teams because then then get in first doesn't need as many points Oh fix by himself which is a good sign always a good sign oh my god you should just eat what's in the storm beige you know gonna wait for him wait from needle wait is the storm do no damage it doesn't rip there we gonna get gunned down by the random team no the RAM team could actually do the random team almost won in Week five like they were actually on track to win and then I had to stab them it's gonna be a huge a love for all of us if the two non youtubers win yeah watch these guys actually be like famous streamers and I'm just I had no idea they have like a hundred thousand views their carry in this event it's PewDiePie own and all I just didn't know but now he's unusually quiet all right MC Morgan Clay's and needle XD up jak sucks your life in Wilbur or chillin here we're gonna need to have a stack of points well they come at the Vic so I'd like to see go go get him get him stab win four coins oh he's getting hit yeah is he getting a cyber bullied into the boardroom Thank You variable he's getting cyber bullied but there's other teams here if could he swore fights that's so invigorating up the borders closing and he's gonna take half a heart of damage he's gonna take half a heart traps get him Trev oh wait there get all right honestly yeah Morgan and needle XD maybe the team to suddenly clutch and win the event trabb's is so good at video games look at him he's so good while he was looking at all right here's the plan I'm gonna team with traps next week different teammates yet come on one here right you're right they probably won't let me team with traps after I get a three from steaming with you Oh Mike dude they got like 200 points they got like 200 points that's insane 103 93 oh my chats telling me to stop playing with the steering wheel I can't I sore about both of us did how's the score oh we've been relegated to second we're getting owned we're getting out I'm tied with trabb's 500 in weight yeah 52 away firebreath man V to my microphone is not muted chat you guys will not fool me wastin what are we doing now I don't know I joined TNT run but I was the only person there so I got peer pressured back I think we're good oh no wait so the closed fantastic rip TNT run yes let's let's do like nine rounds of TNT run I missed the golden days when it was like five rounds so now they reduced it to three rip it still broke there's no girl hopes up yet let's skip it no Morgan please we not allowed to use badlion find them banned bannd get them banned all right TNT run is actually a pretty popular game among a lot of these among a lot of the non PB peers yeah I agree classic yeah like it seemed it seems like it'd be boring like bingo and find the button but there's actually a nice suspense to it yeah might be strategy well let's the suspense I mean I'm obviously her bias source here but you know what I mean your mic is muted alright guys if my mic is metered everyone spam the chat with uh what should I spam the chat with a just the letter A get them chat get them hey hey I saw the letter F oh I see an A so what so I mistyped it's like only like three three keys away on the keyboard it's an honest mistake yeah I've sneezed alright okay so let's see if people die this time time to try his beige and hunting me down is this why he keeps killing me no no beige and chill beige and relax there's no way he's at you learn how to oh geez secondly is he actually gonna nor me what is this bruh I'm getting stream sniped by beige and Canadian 2013 me would never believe this on life oh that wasn't even close I am fully aware of what I'm doing oh there's a lot of people come where am i where the dings come on why have people not dying everyone's figured out the single jump strat my advantage is lessening practiced it week well everyone knows about this trash Gordon okay I might be on the last lay out all right I use jump boost and it worked oh stop Oh fasion he's out to get us man he's got a hit on us well I got a fall to the second floor darn huh this is bad this is bad we're losing the floors okay you'll get good it's pressed in my rival oh the 1v1 he's got a lot of blocks left Preston all right this is it gamer mode I have been okay the admin doesn't have to say yeah in the chat in all caps for a second place I'm just I'm about to lose I just hit 1 million subs and now they all left they're all gone that was the only reason they subbed the professional TNT run no no we could both just run circles around him right now it's not it's not worth going aggro and TNT run no sir a guy with my skin here I could have my way that's probably probably grande yeah he's rocking the CaptainSparklez techno mix yeah it's the dream team my about to get okay I live tryhard goggles are on okay TNT run used to be like relaxing for me but ever since the streak thing I feel pressured yeah our necessary pressure I remember like in like to win yeah and like one of like the first weeks I was so chill I was straight up reading the chat while I played and now it's like no can't can't even talk gamer focus ona this is probably a mistake I could I could have made that second jump but I thought I'd miss it I'm throwing I'm old I've lost my touch I'm bad at minecraft oh there's the dings here we go wait wait did I just cut myself off oh my god oh my god I'm throwing I'm throwing oh I fell I was trying to do the one jump I was trying to look smart but I rehearsed myself alright I just need you to hold on a little bit longer who's left I gotta at least get top five Preston's not here bad boy halo don't do this to me okay I got it I got forth at least at least okay my parents won't look me in the eyes but at least I got some points oh man no no I Chad says I'm throwing [Laughter] redeem yourself child I'm 20 how am i a child okay I guess I'm playing Minecraft I don't know man bajan no don't do this to me Beijing all right Oh No second layout don't panic don't panic someone's doing the one jumps already now a guy oh yeah I got cut up to almost fell to floor is that what a someone's died already drop sixty thousand viewers if I drop two floors my entire reputation is just down the toilet no bad boy halo don't always go title one that's what extra points right yeah triple points Oh second-guess myself don't are you alive hey I'm on the last letter all right just stay alive as long as you can there's gonna there's gonna be a purge soon it's starting the pearl ow I'm going to a stream hold on okay stream raid come on taken away yet I'm on the second floor but not not gonna be on it for much longer okay cool found ya nice what the 180 whoa okay it's the try hard strats man calm down to the last floor no I got it one thing Vic Vic no I know we've had our differences Vic all right retha I must redeem I must restore my honor oh this is tricky he's got this I think I just killed him nicely call you know look at him work he's cut so much space on second place Oh rip I think I got 2nd 4th and 2nd basically what I'm saying is I'm terrible if you're saying that that's no talk about where I came okay didn't you get a decent amount of points I got I didn't even not like 50 what place are you in dude you're in seventh place you're beating Skippy you're beating Vic you're incredible dantdm confirmed talk minecraft PvP they're gonna need to nerf dantdm he's just he's been winning unchecked for too long all right the viewers are getting dissatisfied they say why even watch minecraft Monday if dantdm is just gonna win every week it's just give the rest of us a chance man two minute break that make you that powering through this today dude I'm getting fire breath man flashbacks no no look at this no way are you in the next the next month oh there's like a two minute break super traps if super traps in quackety win trabb's is a god all right Travis I believe in you where is he is he in this he's not all right we got to give traps or energy but first we gotta land on the podium so who's Neto and Morgan okay yeah we're getting defeated by the randoms these the invitees yeah okay I've been like telling the organizers like I actually I forgot if I told them this or not but I'm like okay if you're gonna bring in random players make sure they're not like the best players in the game yeah because like everyone else here well I mean like we're quote-unquote balancing the teams so I mean yeah you know if they bring in if we get stomped by randoms because we've had our youtuber power distributed it makes us lick it makes us look like trash it makes us look like clowns exactly I'm fit I have to restore honor for the youtubers man we got to win this rests on our shoulders we're not allowed to use the badlands lion man - 300 points get them yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah we got James Charles on our side Chad Chad I'm joking don't call me talk yeah well known hacked client badly and I think it'd be hilarious if the random tube-like started hack in one week I wouldn't even be mad that'd just be funny no not even usin a little bit rechecks would be toxic what would be hilarious as if they'd just start flying yeah like you just like a youtuber looks up and they just see these dudes flying right at him and full iron oh that would be I wouldn't even be mad like just give them the prize money you're suppose lying from the top just bows yeah okay this might be is huge yeah lots of running has happened on this my chats calling me toxic no no we're just trying to keep the playing field fair exactly enforcing the rules exactly well the way they do balancing is weird it's like if I want to have a teammate you know they need like they need a full-on background check we need like proof of citizenship date of birth and then you know I'm need you know how many documents exactly and then like the people that won three of the four last week Swannack team and it's like no I see this as an absolute win all right no it's fine right that's cool it's cool all right we're going straight to that house yeah I'm not throwing chat leave me alone I'm just I'm just giving them hope let's let's phrase it that way oh man here we go got a good bounce out and they messed up we've got a stone sword I understand Shama table in here I need a weapon I can give you mine huh let's this let's just get a second one for now we still got 30 seconds to grace period wait is there no it's there no stuff in here all right maybe you should give me that sword enjoy all right so that's quick rush and get a second weapon we're doing this Fist of Fury watch out let's so let's go down here into the locker rooms I don't think anyone is in here here's a wood sword for you thank you always check the bathroom well we need armor we got nothing all right let's go out and your irritates it I remember there being like stuff out here not not seeing a terribly high amount of stuff all right I think there's a way to get through the fence here yep mm-hmm nice little house over here oh here we go I got pants I got pants for you nice thank you it's getting cold of it here's the helmet I actually have a decent amount of arrows Franz this is nice we just need chest plates and we'll be rich here is an iron axe so anyone nearby can stab bad boy halos up alright let's go over isn't looking good so far that's looking all right we just need chest plates I don't have boots for you why is string a thing no what if we want to craft the bow there's just not enough there's not enough bows here we need to craft them okay let's go on let's go on the prowl I'm gonna make a sharp one Stone sword nice hey Khan okay someone someone to uh what's true in front of you he has your own it's got a good chest plate it's Phil's alive Hills is alive all right we got a hunt on the hunt leather boots oh I have leather boots for you this is this is gonna win the game right there at half farmer bar 4% extra damage reduction we got this man oh it's Moxie and xqc psych psych yeah they don't even have chest plates this is such an unbelievable kill for us to get are we going for it I'm just Bo spamming them we got it right click on their heads for health all right well I got an iron sword here's here's this I think they might be trying to they might be trying to kill me first sometimes that's the strats um times the problem is okay we got and we got a nice amount of points out of that but we did not can I sneak up on these dudes get him he's throwing a fishing rod start work boy bye get him high so close to dying get him I have no arrows he's got four hearts I am missing every single one of these my aim is unbeatable well this one to the left oh no oh no those guys are good let's get a tip go to the right go to the right I'm going oh you got him okay let's see I think Landon had a good chest plate do you have that yeah oh I have a leather chest plate we need to get out of here they're gonna are gonna hunt us down oh we've got items we should get the in vase caps it's kept stir this is bad I can't I see the chest plate but I can't I can't get it oh oh we got a dip we got a dip we got to leave whoa you following me yeah cool yeah this is bad let's get right on out of here and hope those teams fight each other I'm gonna give you this letter chest black hawk run run here you go thank you these guys are fighting I'm gonna I want to see if I can clean I'll take it too long agent killed Skippy hello coming in I'm coming in I'm I'm far behind though oh you get him I got one of them sweet come here I got a diamond sword it's actually worked out really really well you got any other chest plate 100 there should be there should be a good chest plate in here somewhere oh these are these are iron pants for you captain captain just took a wait here's the good players here's the good players get it is get him I'm out good day I go when I go in I think you saw that get him I got one of them we go in Aaron we're going in ma'am nice nice how is he alive No Oh No we have restored honor for the youtubers let's go it's an iron chestplate in here I've loved the quick way all right you have you have a good plate where is it yeah do you have a diamond sword I don't have a diamond so where is it all right okay well I have four diamonds I was gonna make boots and just flex but we could make you a sword I think of how much of a flex that was knowing leggings this is our chance man this is our chance dantdm where is here we go okay you got that no we didn't I didn't I dropped it and children bro you're throwing your throw give me the chest plate please no there it is okay one sec take this off put this on I've learned how to dress myself let's go you got a brown mushrooms I don't sauce how did that not hit him okay whatever we're gonna we're gonna make you a diamond sword and everything's gonna be chilled arrows lying around is there is there a crafting there is a crafting table all right hmm diamond sword for you I need brown mushrooms we need to make more soup yeah definitely I have bolas but I have mushrooms yeah Oh level 15 all right make sure no one's sneaking up on us okay I finally got the chest plate nice nice all right I got sharp one diamond let's go hunt people CaptainSparklez is over here let's get them let's cyberbully captain sparkly make an iron shell out actually would worry I'm gonna make an iron chestplate for you okay sweet I mean I have you have like thirty three iron we're gonna make an anvil and get sharp me you're gonna get sharpness myself and then it shows in the chat so we're toxic are you sure you don't have brown mushrooms like a hundred percent Shula rip alright pie but I don't think that looks the same sub 0 x2 bite is this way no going down is your under here yeah well these people to the left is our nice people behind us okay no coming up you can get some enchanted stuff out of this there we go feather falling whack all right I'm gonna go get more enchantments I don't know man what if you were gonna take fall damage and that that saved you and that could happen to me easy actually I just got a book how many people got about six players including us we're good hmm okay people come into uh who's that cat - whoa oh that's the supply job no it's soup in here go on oh you got soup alright there's been a refill probably yeah let's look for let's look for brown mushrooms did you want to take this do you have a speed suit I'll take soup it's not speed as hearty good enough good enough man I still don't have brown mushroom rip oh I see CaptainSparklez I wanna I want to kill people I thirst for blood the other team here is okay and they're gonna try to but they're gonna try to TNT us be careful don't don't walk into it all right don't get ordered don't go oh really we're getting cross team Don no all right all right it's working out it's working out we go for Phil's ax and then we don't let CaptainSparklez clean is what we're gonna do okay get him I'm cut off from you be careful be careful Oh cap captain just want Santi he just wants the one kill while he can get it man he just wants the one kill it's not happening I'm sorry CaptainSparklez it's not I got eight kills nice this week - dude ranch chili Kerry we're actually like doing good we're doing it the prophecy is fulfilling it we're doing man the quest am i yes needle has been defeated we only have a 40 point lead actually we only have a 40 point lead now ground of hunger games that they won on the breeze I think they both got like eight kills or something yeah cuz we have okay we have an extra win over them and they're like barely behind us kit pvp alright this is this might be bad okay I think kit pvp is one of the games where it's most important to have like to to try hards yeah that's where that's where you really get your benefit so I don't know how the skill distribution is on needle and Emma Seymour again is I use buttons on my mouse and you can't rearrange the items it then messes up yeah what you want to do is you just want to instantly speed pot and just go all-in steal every kill possible don't even care about dying that much just okay just try to steal if someone's getting beaten up quick jump in take that kill it's worth knowing the last week we got a point for killing each other so if it comes down to it I almost lost one week because some guy cos Preston he killed his teammate right before I could and then we I think we won by like 18 points or something would have been 38 by the way the two you know the to be woods second now they went in on you so I was just behind them like chop yeah let's go pilatus they just don't underestimate me come on exactly oh that's the plan you know if they focused me I just like immediately run away and let other people other people do the choppin I'm cyberbully and Preston don't steal my kill no no okay well you're getting sacrificed okay I'm gonna get it it's fine you can respond did Morgan okay dude that's fine it's chill it's chill and I lost ripp all right we got Oh we'll go on come on almost tried to stab you there let's you I just want this kill no okay Preston go go go to steal every kill possible man Preston I had one hot dude this isn't working ripp put that down Beijing step it down just go cold 1 and V 2 1 V 2 attempt okay welp it showed up and ruins the 1 V 2 but it's like how do you have six hearts what I hit him okay yes free kill free kill let's go Cho beige and up Tyler one Tyler one free kill free kill get him yeah okay I got I'm six kills they got killed by James Charles I'm eight you're actually doing pretty good nice okay I'm going I'm going I'm stabbing Tyler I'm gonna die for this and it's gonna be worth it yeah yeah um now this isn't over yet wait Lowell Tyler let's go Adam get dudes damage potions do nothing they do nothing at all yeah it's not even worth taking the time the gap well I'm stealing this kill yeah I'm stealing this kill too okay maybe not I saw it for you that's good that's good got him we're going on a rampage I know can't eat help oh it's over the Mafia is after me it's over it's over we got 24 kills we're doing it we're doing it this is it Dan I'm 110 it's going well do you pop your golden Epona no it's not I usually don't get them beat-up xqc yeah I just got killed by Tyler one I'm uninstalling I'm uninstalling no no it's over I'm gonna drop 50,000 viewers that none of them respect me anymore yes Vic I would like to kill pop a latte the legend himself zero point three hots how is that even possible how long like how to use two fingers to click now I don't even click that fast honestly everyone's like oh my god techno blades it or click legend and I'm like do I click like six times per second it's it's not my secret must steal okay that didn't work out quite in Tyler one whoa Travis what oh alright we're at thirty two kills pretty good pretty good just go go go go Oh monkey just destroyed me come on it'll be our drought here let's go must kill steal weird 37 to 12 I got 12 I got 12 I believe in the dream must deal kills this isn't working out oh it's both of them it's both of them rip 39 we're actually doing good we could actually do this oh no Dolan the so anytime you'll kill me buildin I am stabbing two people and neither of them have a care in the world someone standing still I killed them pure skill rip 42 42 we're doing it we're doing it rip I got killed by James Charles again Oh get them nice Oh don't stall me I just need six more kills whoa excuse II got it reach no excuse II just eliminated himself with his own potion so far away gotta stab James come on fool kilos full Keolis four kills two kills we can do this two more kills yes oh there's a mosh pit to kill it's two kills there's a mosh pit no I'm coming in hot did we just win we just won oh my god I did not think I did not think this team was going to be good if I'm being honest okay okay like you play Minecraft but you're not you're not like a PvP you know try her that's not that's not your gimmick you were holding back this whole time dude this moment just for this moment how old Mike he's been this entire time he's just been he's been holding back so that we could both play together and just destroy I've been waiting for this moment my whole life that's how many wait how many are we had is a 861 to 7 1 7 we have ok it's it's a decently honestly I feel like it should be way more but I think they're getting a lot of kills in Hunger Games because we've won like like we want to yeah we won two Hunger Games and kit pvp and they've won one Hunger Games and they're like one game down on point right they did pretty well one chance you run as well I think yeah I don't think our TNT run points loose to anyone but another Hunger Games there's six of these xqc just wants find the button man do you want find the button is that what you want the peak of gaming preston no yes oh my god what map is this hold on boys you have to dig through the bush these guys do not like me rip oh this is this is the map where you have to break through the leaves to get to it that's that's alright a weapon find the button is good it's actually a good mode no no more PvP tighter you're in the wrong he kills you that we got a play we got to play some more fortnight in minecraft Monday I'm getting tired playing nine games of Minecraft in Minecraft Monday is pretty dumb we got a we got to start playing if there is a mode that simulates a full day it has to be bed was right rounding a Hunger Games is the original battle royale well you know people liked the minigames we're just doing more Hunger Games because so many of the minigames were broken please hire devs and painted-on +1 Bajan can't afford to miss I lose every Emma alright we're gonna we're gonna dip on out of there all the trees okay here we go oh it's nice we can just go under oh boy water alright oh that's glorious oh I just I just love swimming all the time this is my hobby oh so much action so much action too much should be visible on door oh yeah let's just let's go all the way why not swear him I'm going to the left land okay Oh photo I don't have a weapon I got a pearl though so you know if we get immediately attacked I'm ditching you man do it just do it I'm out getting those participation points here we go big barn let's go there's still no weapon by the chess set roll this house sucks this does okay I got I got Alma wait you have a weapon no I don't have a weapon Joey God okay we need this we need to get weapons we do not need to exchange armor until we have weapons nothing else matters is there no weapons in this game exactly they've stayed scripted man there's nothing in here either what is this okay we need to find a crafting table and I can go from no weapon to having a diamond sword Oh brah one of these this is an old map look at these builds okay stone sword all right here's the stone you have a weapon No oh I can make if we get Croft and say we can do iron sword yeah all right cases just got ten times better all right you mind if I steal your chest plate you can have these two thanks all right I don't worry you that take it anyway alright sounds good alright let's go on the prowl half mile 15 blocks in this direction all right let's get this kill first good where is she she's in the tree I've now come down this instant get him oh okay die appalled damage tangata oh the dive bomb there's there's a chest plate for you claw : I can't believe you didn't get a chest plate until now man that's rude what are you doing what are you doing Oh Dolan's over here let's get him let's get him oh that's a lot of names that is a lot of free kills that we need to get before they kill each other if we find brown mushroom highlight 100 no no who is it you good you gotta leave we got to leave about I'm going for the health bonus okay I got health we can go in they've got items that I want I've lost youth no go lion yeah what did you go Oh beats me speed you don't even come over here you can see my name find you yeah yeah yeah alright I ain't iron boots um work or not you're lagging out I'm like no no no no no like this cut these look at these iron boots robot mode engaged I wanna I want to see if we can if we can stab these gentlemen this is that they're going into the border and I do not appreciate it hey hey you timed out yeah dude we're getting ddos cuz you're too powerful the Dan no no no you're you're pure robot mode right now they go to all of this game is rigged no no you can't rejoin know is happening this this is not not going as planned i oh i have an iron sword sick i think i got that from you just grave-robbing alright all right this is bad if Dalit dance lagged out we just need we need needle and MC Morgan plays to not get like a ton of points cuz otherwise that's gonna that's not gonna be ideal no you're doing good I can hear you properly I can hear you properly now all right I did die though which is not good Oh what happened my stream is fine but everything else just died that's the admins man we were winning too hard yeah they had they had to step in and get rid of her strongest player that was so weird I I want to go to mid but I don't want to swim for 5 miles and there just doesn't seem to be a way around it yeah give his camp in Russia it's the camp in Russia or so whoa-oh-oh lasers those are - I don't know PV Pierce or not but I know they're not bad at video games and they have diamond swords so it's not ideal Wilbur and Jack it's going so well no right imagine we lose cuz yeah isn't this round no Morgan and needle are alive they have two kills oh I want to get no dan don't do this no what he's gotta get that uh I don't know how fiber connect I'm trying to get better internet myself actually I have like 11 upload and everyone makes fun of me it doesn't sound like it rip dan get an Ethernet the incredible people are gonna be like that's not even the real Dan techno blades clickbait in us look at that changer the voice changer is buggy Anna you gotta buy a better internet with minecraft Monday money oh no needle and MC Morgan just killed No are you gone is it all over everything's fine apart from my minecraft and discord alright why why I need I need items a guy I think I think he might know that I'm here actually there's there's a chance a small possibility camp back guys people it's so hard to tell because you get the the nametags of the spectators well at least I have items yep what team that I don't I don't want to get trapped in here and 1 V 2 that would be suboptimal that would be horrible do I sound less robotic now it's my yeah you're doing better of all the hyung of all the of all the minecraft mondays for this to happen yeah I have a plan and it's probably not gonna work ok they're not going in I go I'm gonna have to 1 V to the next place team no no I never asked for this we'll make up for it wait how many Hunger Games is this is the this is the fourth ok oh they're getting so many kills no this is rigged it's all rigged the scripts rent brah they know my weakness and it's just TNT spamming for three years no no one believed 5b one yes nice he didn't drop a head he didn't drop a head my house my health no and not even close not even you're gonna have to do better than that admins if you want to keep down techno blade it's rigged wait now there's a head okay no no no no no no no no no it's needle no no that didn't work out yes yes no captain why no oh this is such a scam how do you all nobody was I I died no don't give him free kills don't give them free kills please no he just got a free double kill are you kidding me what is this oh my god no they're gonna pull ahead no that's such a ripoff okay I'm just gonna close my disco and come back okay okay Wilbur what are you doing Wilbur Wilbur stop throw-in oh my god oh we got scammed we got scammed that's such a ripoff no [Music] why are there Randy's in the tournament I ask myself that question every week jet every week hello oh it's sabotage man straight sabotage rigged alright they're gonna be in first place by like 50 years no wait how are we in first did it not update hey we're still in the lead dude if we win after that round oh my god oh my god if we lose off to that round oh I'm gonna we're gonna lose by like five points every every time No after pushing it against a wall what's intimidation that router knows what's up maybe I should push mine against the wall just instantly here I instantly hear the discord disconnect sound shut up all right oh this is this is our we're gonna play a game of bingo and that's gonna be our chance that's all one yeah could I can re-enter bingo right with that what oh wait they're two and three bro why organizers why do you keep finding the strongest random right well I think what they do they have like a server they advertise sure in the event and then people buy ranks on that server and then they enter into a raffle which sounds like child gambling but uh I'm I'm just here to get cloud I'm not trying to I'm not trying to get kicked out for any exposed videos so we could age check them get out and cut out bandwidth fine under eight then now the problem is because the the guys that win the giveaway they aren't they aren't checked for balance like usually while I'm one I'm one in six right now because you're going sicko mode but these dudes are 2 and 3 so they're like neck-and-neck with us yeah 1 in 6 with high just I just got a win on the individual board at least to restore my honor my honor alright let's join uh-oh you're already in the next game yeah when I me go off to that round amigo this is your chance 10 kill win 10 fill win everything seems a little bit better yeah catchy well now 70,000 viewers yes yes I'm famous thousand let's go it's incredible that's insane Oh quick everyone hit the subscribe button I'm trying to get 2 million yet today yeah today come on guys let's go before I even released the 1 million sub video just BAM 2 million yeah it's just I just do daily uploads and all of them are milestone videos just every video thank you we got 1 million subs yesterday it was great yeah going straight for PewDiePie let's go 10 times points on bingo no no okay bingo with ten times point oh this is yeah this is our chance to show all right if any viewers in the chat have YouTube premium you might be in the limited beta to use free super chat so just send us that money thank you thank you oh yeah I don't think everyone's in the beta it seems pretty random it'll say free okay if it doesn't say free don't click it you're just gonna be spending I mean if you want to send me I mean if you want minecraft Monday winnings paying everyone back yeah honestly like I remember in week six I won was flat and he got more money from getting all of my twitch prime subscriptions than he did from winning it's just to we're both on YouTube so we can't abuse the we can't abuse the twitch prime but we can abuse the free mention that once every it's a free youtube premium which is like 10% is good but I'll take pride for hunger games I cried for functional tea and tea run that's what I cried for it didn't quite work out but good we're coming back alright see Tyler's into it hunger games rocks yeah let's go we just got a dip on out of there apparently like every youtuber is roasted me I mean told James is just I'm getting canceled a third week man a third time three times and not in a row but I'm pretty sure getting canceled by James Charles is one of those three strikes and you're out yeah I mean if you have the receipts I think you should be fine alright I got I got the vod's pumpkins okay here we go I hope you're enjoying my incredible chest trout that I memorized to get the maximum amount of loot you are speeding along right now oh that's great yeah I found a chest yes as according to my calculations here you go and had the two weapons inside oh yes how did you how are they died into fire how do they just say anything about traps those huh The Hunger Games traps I can't really I caught all of all of my free kills are burning to death dude what is this toyline oh all right I got an iron axe ooh ooh half an armor bar watch out guys oh there's pants in here for you finally thank you suck there's an iron axe thank you sir mmm-hmm are you scared me I thought I was like doubt moxie how do we end up fighting Moxie like every week every round it's the rivalry man yeah we want free kills that have like chest plates that's what we want right now do you hesitate on say that was not good I go ahead shiny hat nice no loot they're still dropping I'll Skippy and victim have you got um food oh here you go thank you so let's climb up here and see if we can see anyone now here's a chest nope to hit points if we eliminate ourselves that's the real question noodles getting more kills and how no [Music] bro where the kills at I know this is a big map - I need points the problem is we're taking too long if we wait too long everyone's gonna have like full iron armor yeah and all of the non minecraft players will be dead anyways I hope I see needle Oh quick 180 let's get out not the first fight I'm going for who do we want to fight gonna be honest a lot of the freak dude Skippy's in full iron he's got under pearls no the dream alright Skippy and Vic you guys have to take down needle and Morgan okay that is your mission to be - right now get them the chess set Stroman Phil they probably Isis bad they have stuff let's get out come on no no they following us yeah we got to get out of your man oh no oh no you can do it man you can do it we can get out we can escape everyone in this game is just plates everyone in this game has oh yeah I don't appreciate it I want stuff okay I'm keep it up now there's gonna be a chest refill in like 45 seconds so yeah xqc getting ya roast them do this Wilbur and Jack no no no what is happening I'm staying in a tent don't look out look out they're going for you wait they're going for me to v1 Jerome it's not gonna work oh ho dance lagging out Dan are under attack we're under attack Dan we're under attack no no we're getting scammed no this is I've done eight weeks you're getting ddosed by the admins man only explanation logical oh my god and deal Needle and Morgan are getting so many kills no no you can't say going ham you're a pig that's exactly why I can say it brah Vick Skippy we need you to we need you to get rid of them is that is that an 89 or that's a 40 all right did you die oh I died we got we were getting uh we were getting attacked by two stacked dudes and then you I ran I ran to you for I ran to you for backup but I just saw the lightning strike you and you disconnected and I'm like no and yeah if I didn't work out after that something's going down um I don't know what it is oh the powers that be it's it's needle and Morgan man they know we're a threat they gotta I gotta eliminate you through any means necessary pump but I petitioned to cross team on the randoms I'll sign it I just I just need I just need to have a teammate that doesn't lag out Dan you gotta you gotta get that strong internet service providers so strong it's the strongest on it honestly your Internet's probably like 50 times stronger yeah actually do you have like 500 upload it's 50 times stronger than mine it's all about that consistency man I say when sometimes my stream drops out see my stream is fine I've dropped zero frames it's literary discord and throughout the legs out simultaneously you know that's a lake bees just type in / lag dantdm that's it it's the command exposed minecraft monday exposed all right we try can you bring me separately instead of through the minecraft monday this alright we can try that yeah did you accept my friend request in my pending there is no I don't I don't see you on pendant I don't see you impending either I'm added you as a friend just now add friends please friend requests I'm friends with dantdm it happens look we might not win the event but I'm friends with dantdm so you know I'm the real okay I'll disconnect and call you okay cool Chad I know the screens small it's cuz that's because I'm all tabbed that's just it's normal where's Dan is he doing that fake offline he's offline alright here we go oh look at what James just said in the chat oh that's such a meme he's so innocent a lot of people saying Morgan and needles are still using badlion please investigate it's bad bite it's the strongest hat client yeah they are how many if they got 52 each oh it's not but now a bad lion I don't think it's helping them at all that's cuz it's cuz we keep getting disconnected it's not working out oh poor Travis if Travis had a good teammate he could take him but but he's got quackety no offense no offense but he's not a it's not a minecraft dude all right Skippy Vick star this is it redemption or a defeat needle and MC Morgan quickly no don't don't defeat them why are you guys all right you guys all across team and on Beijing and CaptainSparklez no yes they're innocent they're getting more free kills out of this I'm so mad No vixx kepi please come on Skippy don't run no don't turn your back on him what are they doing what are they doing do men what if they're getting destroyed what is this what is this where is he this is brother playing I don't understand [Music] it's okay I got us I got a strong seven points this round it's pretty good hey I go too strong seven - oh my god they got fifty pearls this this is this isn't working out bingo is up next though you never know but that's where we get our points man they don't know the survival it's time for bingo I'm fine I'm fine [Music] I'm so mad that happen to us rip a 60 bad boy no don't go for Preston everyone cross team on them yeah yeah get that's why would you I need to keep a bandit in their teammates that's not a good idea that's not a winning strategy get him yes yes Preston and know they're gonna win oh why are you guys fighting each other No Oh Chanti go to fight blew himself up Oh bra moment bad boy hallo get him how many pearls do they own we're getting scammed oh my God we're getting ripped off pal no I don't believe Riley I stay in to watch the whole thing but when it comes time to the act all right Dan it's time to start it's time to stop unplugging your router we got a win we got a win by 200 points there's only like two teams this week it's just us for now I'm behind by one point no okay I'm seven okay sky behind Skippy by one as well brah way you're almost tied with Skippy dude you're a legend you're a legend Pro bingo you're gonna have to change your name to Dan PvP now the TDM stands for the death machine exactly team deathmatch exactly it's just he kills everyone we need to find flower pot apple are we doing Eve's wait a second wait you can see that right / bingo oh yeah enchantment table why do you need diamonds obsidian oh yeah that's rough so you need five diamonds brah moment missing emeralds everyone's annoying - hmm alright sunflower flint and steel what is the times ten point how much does that mean pull out the calculator but wait we can beat up the rabbits get him get him yeah knock him into the lava boys oh there's barrier blocks get him why is this rabbit so big what oh oh we got the rabbit points man we did it people are saying all the twitch streamers are gonna go after me why did they hate on me and not the randoms brah go get them go get them okay so I was gonna say strategy I don't think there is one for this I'm being told there's a six man team for me I wouldn't even be mad that would be hilarious I don't know how it's gonna work out in bingo but alright I'm going to the to the right what do we need we do have team TP and stuff right I think we should I'm going straight down here wait I need mushrooms for mushroom stew I'm gonna try to find iron quickly as I'm very bad I'm not a I'm not a bingo legend but but it's bingo every one day they call me the bingo boy don't you know cook boy it's my main game oh god we have to find an apple no they know my weakness okay I've gone what do why do I need iron we need to make flint and steel okay and also we'll need to mine diamonds at some point I need to get clay and mushrooms and like a sunflower those are not sunflowers alright where's the where's the clay at this looks like I think that's that's enough clay right yeah alright break the giant Oh there's giant mushrooms that is that is a smart idea chat yeah you can share that as well alright sure oh can you just break it I don't know you can just break it it's CaptainSparklez I'm gonna go steal his iron I got ignored wait wait let me break his crafting table let me break his crafting table that's how you win bingo wait I can steal his stuff [Laughter] I could totally joint this I'm not going to but could you imagine he was crafted soup and he put all this stuff in and I broke the chest and took the materials oh I should have kept one of the red mushrooms I'll rip rip oh my game but oh my god all right here we go get the mushrooms you passed it well there's mushroom okay there's no lack of mushrooms chat I got this how can I not have Flint yet oh there we go okay I have flint and steel ready to go where the mutt there's one all right go let's do any gold for anything I don't think so we're also gonna need to get emeralds at some point might as well go for like diamonds yeah we have diamonds now what am I trying oh I'm trying to crack the bowl hmm and now I'm gonna down here I can hear that too that might be the bingo card I don't know come on I'm gonna need stone mushrooms to yellow sing digging them straight down let's go oh is that when someone finds something I see you passed many yellow flowers okay was there was it just some oh I need that okay well I'm gonna use slash top got them all right where's the yellow flowers hat I'm gonna go grief that guy - no wait someone actually went in here okay let's grab these let's go die for lack of diamonds you got diamonds one - oh my god - you got scammed I need four more Oh we'll be right here - all right I guess I guess I'll be the guy that goes for the Apple it worked out last time what else do I need let's get some sand for the yellow stained glass like what two diamonds this is not helpful I need how many bonita fire I just found some more you found more diamonds no he did there's like two people down here as well rip I only got I got three of the items it's not terrible we don't need gold do we we do not how do i how do i make yellow stained glass how do you hey you need eight I need eight sand blocks why I died I died I just died with the diamonds oh my god you can die in this I didn't know you could die bruh no it's okay it's just two diamonds she got this man you got this Orin no no no yeah you you move along never again nope we're just walks up behind me going sir eight glass around the die alright chat yeah just slowly waiting for a glass to smell this is why this is why bingo is the most entertaining game mode this is the one this is what people want to see ain't nobody care about Hunger Games nobody wants to see that wait was that cave and here hmm it was my crafting table down here somewhere hmm all right did my chat tell the truth eh I got it what'd you get I got the yellow stained glass without where'd you get some flowers did you go already yeah no I don't have sunflowers I don't know where to get some chat where sunflowers I feel like they're in a Sutton biome yeah hmm oh it's ditz Jack it's Jack let's steal his stuff let's steal his stuff I failed I failed to steal his crafting table I would have I would have cost him the game me get in alright get apples alright let me find let me find a nice place with a lot of oak trees not not like this this is a bad place attempt the diamonds yes again are those sunflowers I don't know what the Minecraft flowers are it's oxide what the heck looks like Daisy yeah I'm so glad they added these really important things in the next Minecraft updates I really what I really wanted was a de-emphasizing of PvP because because violence is wrong and video games definitely caused them and depth that's how it works what we need is we need to remove combat from Minecraft and triple the amount of flowers that's got covet that'll work out let's be careful yet all right show me diamonds Plains biome sunflower is that a Plains get a little hmm what else well they look like oh we need apple and oak leaves okay yeah well you should only get those so we can get the points it's this still oxeye Daisy rip scam I should you should get apples and uh yeah I know all right I'm just looking for like sunflowers I don't know what they look like so this probably isn't optimally suited for me that like that double-height I think oh they're the hives of high yellow ones all right yeah yeah I don't see any sunflowers or too tall too tall and planes where are they at she is I got me some Leafs nice nice do you drop apples if you share them I'm guessing no all right I have no idea my chest my chest very conflicted there's actually a pretty I'm gonna go mining for diamonds I'm gonna ditch the or I can just die that's cool I'm just gonna die actually that's what I'm gonna do was that really a jump that could kill me that didn't seem that far well maybe it was alright I'm gonna be real with you I had like no stuff I cared about at all I did not matter my chat will roast me the only thing I lost was was my pride that's the main loss there oh there they go oh I'm seeing a lot of lmao in all caps oh there's one there's one lowercased he spared my dignity oh maybe I should mind my business and look for flowers that's all I'm all I'm capable of someone fun to sell out they exist they're real they're not just what if there was like an item that just didn't exist they asked us to go for find a command block just one where these apples I'm telling I've tried to get apples one week and I could just never find them it didn't work you're going for oak trees right yep yeah I don't know if the other trees do with it's not a chance I want to take Apple oh nice nice ok we're at 6 ok what do you have left we need the flowers and the best ways to get emerald you need to be in like a Hills biome or maybe find a village for that seems less likely you need a village in the trade right yeah probably look for an extreme Hills biome well we're looking for diamond saws is he found the Emerald we're hacking all right hi I'm sure James Charles likes me this week I can negotiate for him do it but um trade him some viewers maybe oh yeah oh there's James there's Jim James James my man can I has sunflower I don't know if he has a I don't know if he's if you're near James he's just got an emerald saying you must be close that's the thing I'm not actually I don't I don't see where he could have got in it is we're on the surface come on there's nothing down here where the flowers that my chats making fun of me this is a real bra moment yep oh there's so many flowers oh that's just a full field of flowers and none of them are sunflowers look at this chat I found the pop ones we can just pretend we can just we can just bribe the admin slip them slip them $20 today Oh rip it's cuz you've been hiding your true power this whole time everyone's like oh it's fine dan can team with Dean with technology no issue there and then BAM you reveal your true power the shadows yeah okay Sarah world border I think the border should do a lot of damage and bingo and it should close in constant like you see the item just out of your reach and then the border covers it where the flower is at I don't understand there's a massive ocean bottom this isn't good hmm see evidence of people huh I found the border I want to look at the border I'm sure I'll see sunflowers right beyond it and get mad yeah my chats a and I missed one are they lying are they trying to deceive me it's a big prank yeah I don't see any I think I'm getting pranked oh I see a village I'm going to the village chair there could be emeralds probably not but there could be there could be yeah see what they trade for can i TP to you yes I think you can do /team TP is it was I don't like it super matters no I don't see any did they get murdered was there a massacre Oh No okay we need 16 wool and we can get an emerald 6 do you have iron quick teleport to me I see a ton of sheep here do you have shears oh yeah yeah quick flash team TP I didn't type it wrong three times all right team TP l1 what here we go man quick shear all of those she did yeah yeah get him the incredible teamwork and I'm that dude over there we can get an emerald the strats the team we're a I got how many needs 16 about 12 all this so many there's so many sheep fifteen sixteen yeah alright he just fell in lava it's an admin and disguised man I think is yep here he is get him yeah we did it Luke yes you are there just in here there are yeah oh oh oh skips Cappy of course if they're bingo means all right that's so that's so straight now I'm fine with Vic and skip you get in the bingo win I'm just gonna be depressed when I see needle and the other guy have one bingo in the chat bro where the sunflowers at have you been through this big flower field yeah I went I came in from the UH from the north where the flowers at hurt you guys come spawn it's kept you given free items I'm gonna slash bond and steal them yeah the strats all right no way did they actually did they actually give them the items brah okay well at least it isn't like needle all right how would that would be true sabotage yeah all right Oh give me sunflowers please some I can't believe that man would just ask someone else ask someone else for sunflowers that I would never do that I've never done that before not even once they burned it brah they find what I have no idea all right they've just surgically removed all of the sunflowers some fella at least I can get sugarcane cuz we're totally making that in chant table man I probably probably should have been killing cows actually love is out of control mm-hmm sunflowers please oh and we just got this lost sunflower we just need the sunflower run run we're going northeast there's just no sunflowers this game is this can't dude I always get this is this game mode by the way yeah running in one direction awesome flowers doing okay when I was just if we just find five quick quick mine straight down it's time to try hard okay one will we can be the last team we can do this man instantly find I got a mind straight down for the extra speed man we're going off I'm going straight down speed run I hear lava that's a promising sign yeah I can hear it I think it's to my right though I'm not finding anything leather for a book look I can I can slash top chat it'll be fine that way we can end shann after we get the enchantment table I went all the way to bedrock ready who needs emeralds I have them it's fun do not give them to needle do not give needle free stuff he is in the lead all right it's time to strip-mine wait I don't I don't even have iron all right you have iron you can just team GP to me if I find diamonds oh wait I have no I am remember it rip we got eight all right that's good enough it's good enough he has no oh I don't have wood I couldn't okay I got thirty okay fifty oh my god and carried you carried I didn't like out we've got one left right one left all right we're totally we're totally winning this just gotta get a 220 points we got this all right it's gonna happen chant we have to save minecraft one day from the randoms we can do it Spock's it's wait this looks different it's an eroded Spock City brah apocalypse incredible that the map it was just too terrible they had to destroy it aliens came in it was dark side just destroyed the map and the Justice League they were like you know what go ahead we don't care about that map nobody likes this man we got this man good points we're gonna bust 20 kill win let's go we got this boys I need pugs in the chat even though this is YouTube send me your paw energy chat lend me your power I think we should be allowed to team again just because of that fact alright I don't think they'd actually like ban us from teman because you're just too powerful dantdm well-known minecraft try harsh its without type 1 in the chest I I honestly wouldn't care about times 10 score at this point but like I'm not I'm in second place I'd feel toxic if I voted for it I wouldn't want no mercy at all got them all the youtubers ganging up on the randoms get them yeah yeah let's multiply end points by our subscriber counts yes this is where you come in dan 21 million you got this number one great I win on that's what you wait it's like now you're beating a man you got this you can flex on James Charles man just did it I feel great multiply by how much minecraft anime we make well you know what I am minecraft anime right alright I have I have the POG energy in the chat Redemption arc let's go Dan's gonna get 12 kills and make up for disconnected twice we got this disconnected from the minecraft Monday discord I've been fine it's it's it's incredible that's clearly the reason alright are you following me I'm following you I think I got a stone axe sweet this is trihard you know how silent I'm really enjoying the vast amount of loot we're coming across it's almost too much frankly I'm okay you get that chest over there I'll get this one on the left I'm just overwhelmed I can't even sort this inventory there's just there's just so much loo wooden axe alright I got its James okay there's still like 15 seconds of grace period we got to go all in and stab people I feel like this guy is like secretly has a weapon yeah it's James shot that what are they doing the hanging all right we're just gonna go in on these guys yeah sure why not get him sacrifice don't get bowed don't get bow how does he have arrows we've been playing this game for two minutes I don't understand no we can still we can still win this we can still win us we got this I believe I'm gonna blame James for that oh my god I can't believe James his spawn targeting us can you believe it I'm kidding yeah he's targeting us with no weapon banned it's cuz I have so many subscribers that's why he's after me only explanation minecraft Monday is cursed three million views yeah that we got this alright excuse he's going in twice so rip that big showdown where they don't be I'm Jack getting out of there Kaneda Liz he's not doing too great they're gonna win 500 points leaving but this isn't find the button yeah no I think they already win because the next team has okay we're in second but we have like a 200 point lead on third place yes they're her only two teams playing this week run Jack run run wait he doesn't hit I don't think he has a weapon no wonder he's trying to run it's okay the stone axe only does +4 damage you just need to get five times as many hits jack you can still do this 20 hit combo 20 it's time to turn on the bad lion kind of a bad buying client plus 300 reach rip oh they're catching up he's over here to wall Tyler one the guide himself oh this is I think is this big muscle man hey can I not read and Morgan a needle I'm running around with hardly anything it's pretty big now I think they might not be taking it like super seriously yeah better they just maybe they're doing what we did where we just don't find a weapon ever in that one that went round on the water map they're all water maps why is there why are they obsessed with water that's what I want to know less building so much time save just natural gen water fill it the genius all right we got this who to respect Aiden respect cadence kepi get him yeah Redemption art Vick star and Skippy I don't know how they didn't sweep this week how however we how are we getting more points than that my tall max he's getting hunted oh the entire YouTube community is help Oh what's happening it awkward awkward fence Wow Vic just bailed on Skippy dude he's out it was out to go the other way you just let he doesn't even care all right get them yeah everyone's going wall 39,000 views are relevant bro brother tournaments over brick it doesn't matter tournament so we had like three Hunger Games oh he didn't get any points I was still came second so we did we did really good all right we did pretty good I'm proud of you you got we got those wins early on we won kit pvp we did good the dream team the dream team my dream was sliding no the one L is that the YouTube when you report your stats on YouTube they cook it doesn't show the average viewers it shows the viewers you had at the end of the stream so they're gonna I remember Skippy once put in his stats that it's a zero viewers yeah kick him out of the event not a single view not even his mom was spectating go moxie go one manner actually excuse he's alive Moxie one-man army you got this moxie I believe in you why are there mobs under dragon its Vic he doesn't have stuff I mean he probably has a weapon but less armor and he is sharp one diamond it's not ideal Oh yep no pause always go to Paul he always has pearls man I might have been his last one oh he's out that wasn't bad he's safe Skype he got left behind man it's kept you alive yeah he's alive he's got in a kill all right a needle a Mogan irony on six points each they're just chillin man I just taught you slash kepi when I meant to type slash menu that's the same thing are these dudes doing they've got they've got hand stuff it's not terrible but it's not like full iron alright they're crazy psycho dogs on the Hunger Games on VHS its plot armor this is it Vic 1 V 2 MC Morgan and needle XD achieve your destiny become the chosen one practice Brown does count chat you write you write chat this was actually a practice week exactly yeah we got him all right needle and Morgan or a chi BOTS he's playing bingo yeah all right who's the expression memory pro strats how to get those participate I mean I don't blame him for not trying a 1v2 definitely you got to go for it man Oh James and private fearless going after Preston Preston you can do this I believe it is Preston have a teammate no he's so low rip you running are they still in that tree what are the people at where was spleef they didn't have sleep this week it was mostly because last game last week that were like there were like seven minigames and like three of them didn't work so keen which is like Hunger Games let's go and they were gonna do nine rounds what they got talked out of it which is probably for the best gotta get that uh yeah I get that I think we should do nine weeks of t29 Games of TNT run that's what the viewers want mana some incredible mind boggling action going on here alright moxie oh he's going in he's going in I think it'd be cool if xqc and Moxie won one week I mean they're going to eventually they're not actually a weak team and they are trying to win yeah you can tell they're invested because they cusses me in the chat whenever I win go Bajor go go capped honestly baiting CaptainSparklez is another team I want to win they came like within like 20 points like two weeks in a row they've been scammed alright oh and he fixed the border this week as well the camp and rusher just killed him both the map was made in 1.9 brah moment of Oh no the camp in rut was camping rushers solo did he 1v2 those dudes is he just an unstoppable legend what's going on here oh it's fit it's been Oh is he gonna die - James Charles James Ellis coming through he was Charles is a legend he's going in 34 duteous at least like two kills he's gonna win James Charles is gonna he's been he's been carry in private fearless man private fearless it's like you know James Charles I need a free win some carry me Beijing and CaptainSparklez route oh how did Vic and Skippy never get ryu no past teammates our fight and the incredible draw Vic's getting cyber bullied run Vic run run don't get shot run to the right into that - oh one more shot always get in cyber bullied the entire game that was the you know every game is after him oh my god that poor man sometimes the world is just out to get you man yeah I feel that today I feel it imagine dying and then ignoring your chat I actually read the chat there's just 500 messages per minute so so I'm not I'm not gonna say I I get I get - a lot of them go Moxie go solo video he isn't he may never mind it's Moxie an excuse Eve IRS's Beijing and CaptainSparklez the dream team don't forget James my chats making fun of me they're all typing / Skippy / kepi to win unknown command Oh James was getting cyberbully this is it the final dude mocks he's a hundred points he's a god he's a god I got zero points this game I'm carrying I'm carrying not even go one alright they have they have a weapon advantage but if they can get a lot of hits which they're really they're really not doing right now I have to say not a lot of hit it's not working out Yugi I got more points in the previous Hunger Games when I liked oh well that's because it takes a while for the for you to disconnect so you can get those participation points all right I got this what's my individual did I get knocked out of the top three I'll be very depressed if I'm not in the time yes second place good enough I let you down 13th 13th actually 13 is actually pretty good I was one point behind the camera moisture in sky people all rip-rip 13 is actually what James Charles got when I teamed with him it's pretty good no I can't blame you Schleck got 18th and we still won and then everyone was like wow why is this teammate so strong and I'm like bro bro what is this GG I'm proud the randoms have defeated us minecraft monday is cancelled minecraft monday is cancelled alright randoms Rick all random week let's go we can do it like we can do it like fortnight Friday or or just two teams join and it's a competition to kill the most random that wouldn't work the entire PvP community would join and beat us up I feel like that's what's happening already Terran fading won't put up all right did the randos actually win no more hunger game okay no let's not go that far wait wait wait wait wait let's not go that far sub-zero I actually I actually do enjoy the mini game TNT run nine games of TNT run let's go I mean I enjoy the minigames it's just they don't they don't work they just do now and then when they work it's fine the button and someone gets 300 points and one round it's not it's not ideal alright so this was a pretty good week I team what the an TDM so I think I think I'm the real winner apophis I'm gonna blame I'm gonna put some blame out there I'm gonna I'm gonna blame the discord it's time to blame your ISP get them get them this yeah I can't believe discord discord first they denied my partner application and now and now they're DDoS and dantdm when when will they stop her installing Skype even Skippy doesn't use Skype that's how that's how ancient it is even Skippy doesn't use it Scottie uses that gotta use telegram we restarted - 5000 points hey techno trance let's go trav 2,000 points they'd never allow it alright less Hunger Games replace it all with tea and tea run alright slash elbow alright I need to do the elbow reveal haven't finished that video I was I was training in bingo no I was just lazy you did good elbow for that game like a man pump but um mocks he's gonna try to disqualify them I don't really care if I'm being honest look look last week last week was the scam alright I'll say that was a yam but I built bad buying client yeah bad buying client I'm not I'm not gonna contest that it's bad boy well what what are they gonna do have higher FPS the see through inventory that's what does it oh my god oh they're using a texture pack - five faxes point they're trying to make their game look good band alright I'm gonna I'm gonna end this dream bye guys send me cash everyone subscribe I need two million subscribers thank you yeah subscribe to dantdm get him get him - 22 million we need the innocence of growth oh yes the exposure all right
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,771,433
Rating: 4.9195166 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft monday, minecraft, technoblade, technothepig, technoblade minecraft monday, hunger games, hunger games tournament, minecraft tournament, dantdm
Id: TdZ64woZVLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 149min 50sec (8990 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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