I Must Win MrBeast's $10,000 Refrigerator

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👍︎︎ 112 👤︎︎ u/Tacanboyzz 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

5000 dollar refrigerator acquired POG WE WIN THESE.

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/Struggle_Desperate 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Also Bois remember there’s still that SBI video that they recorded nearly a month ago for technos channel

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/LethalLizard 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

new content weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/biggus-dickus2 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

He actually hid successfully for a long time there thanks to his skin

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Howzieky 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Impossible, Technoblade uploading

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/JamieWinter25 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Anyone notice when he first showed his disguise on the client that tommy's skin was right there as well? lmao

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Chezz42 📅︎︎ Apr 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

more rewatch material

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/NeverEverOrignaluwu 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

techno content pog

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/potatoandmuffins 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
it was a day like any other when bam new discord notification it's mr beast he's doing a hide and seek contest and the winner gets a ten thousand dollar refrigerator i had to have it but the event was in one hour i needed a plan and fast i decided to use one of the oldest minecraft techniques camouflage but i couldn't just show up looking like this what if mr beast had us all get together to do the intro everyone would see my disguise but i had a plan you see minecraft skins can have a toggleable second layer now i'd never edited a skin before but i mean it's just copy paste and how hard could it be and finally with only minutes to spare i had done it the only thing left to do was put on my masterpiece don't laugh it's for the fridge okay it looks a little chubby but so long as nobody looks at me too closely wait a second something's a little off there shh mr beast explained the rules we were on a recreation of the planet earth and us hiders had access to the map you see now the game began i immediately headed to the safest place i knew afghanistan and took off my disguise so this is my hiding spot right here uh probably not that clutch i am wildcat has the right idea he just went off into the middle of the ocean he's out of there while he's falling to his death if i could direct your attention to the shiny subscribe button doesn't it look beautiful don't you just want to press it guys please i depend on internet numbers for validation as i watch the others techno where you hiding uh yeah i love antarctica i did a whole video series in there okay i'm heading there are you actually in antarctica why would he lie techno can you just give me a hint is anyone in antarctica uh how many fridges are you willing to pay me for this information i'll throw in a five thousand dollar fridge if you win you mean like an extra fridge yeah yo and a five thousand dollar fridge yo double fridge yeah there's no one there there's no one there okay okay i'm gonna go report this information to chris except me i can't believe that people fell off the side of the earth christopher columbus was wrong i think they found chandler chandler is getting kind of owned right now while the hunters were busy murdering chandler i began searching for a better hiding place i found a hole in the map and stayed underground for 30 seconds before an admin kicked me out then i headed into china where things took a turn for the worse oh god they're headed right towards me hide i give the greatest advice hide don't [Music] what am i hearing right now what am i hearing wait wait wait i'm getting nuked i'm getting actually new run how are you getting nuked i just got actually nuked wait did they find you i stared mr beast like in the eyes what did you did you withstand nukes you literally got nuked they went somewhere else they went somewhere else they literally nuked you um they're both flying back they're both flying back and the admin is staring right at me oh wait no way and okay i was in such a clutch spot and it was just like all i see is arrows so i can only imagine what it actually was man asia seems to be the place right now eh i will post your coordinates fundi uh spyfee spyfee go away why are all the hiders coming over to check me out wait they're actually sabotaging me they just walked by and placed a boat why did they place like 20 boats wait this is actually coordinated scam i think that small ant wasn't joking bro puns just placed a boat as well all right i just realized you guys could see where me and chris are on your maps which makes it kind of easy i don't like that so here's what we're gonna do chris pick a random continent asia in five minutes we're going to just completely delete asia off the map good thing i was never hiding there i've been in canada with fundy the whole time wow i see mr beast instantly start flying towards them also i don't have my boat anymore my boat will take in a long time taken taken wow that's someone else the audacity minutes later they decided we're just going to cut off the entire right side of the map which is not what i wanted to hear in australia this meant that i would have to travel across half the planet all while the hunters were patrolling looking for people crossing the new border if i wanted any chance of getting past them and get in that refrigerator i needed to go faster than i ever had before and there was only one way i was getting that kind of speed ice bowden in minecraft rowing across ice lets you travel at about 90 miles per hour and there was only one place i knew with that much ice i headed to antarctica i reached the shores and began gliding across the ice i just made it clear of the new border when i saw both hunters rapidly approaching me on the map i dived underwater and managed to not get spotted but when i resurfaced rare one of them doubled back i think you missed something down here well i don't think you've missed anything actually i think you missed it wait wait wait wait wait wait no wait give me give me a second here i wanna i have a cool trick that i can show you guys all right don't pay any attention to my skin i am playing with honor here i am playing so basically what i'd like to say you'll never catch me alive wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you'll never go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i'm trying to negotiate with you get on top of this stupid boat okay okay negotiations okay right there we gotta move into our own private chat because you know move to recording too oh god all right currently two of the ten people have been found yeah we could kill you right now and that would add one to the total true or true you could rat out two people and we let you go are you willing to sacrifice two people so you stay in as i looked at the map i saw it filled with my peers my friends people i'd known for years did i really have it in me to sabotage two of them just for a measly refrigerator yes alright so now techno has a prison cell tell us where two people are right now or we're gonna kill you oh yeah there's two of them in eastern europe just go north and a bit to the east of here you can't miss them all right we'll just leave you there okay i'll just i'll just be stuck in the salads that's fine if we find him we'll come get you yeah well if i don't find them i'm gonna come kill you well dude i bet you he's freaking out right now should i be in this voice chat still yeah yeah because you sold him out i just gave the general location all right oh i got him i hit it i landed it oh what have i done what have i done are we heading the right direction techno do you want your freedom uh we have to kill one more person are we confident techno couldn't escape from that prison i'm going to check yeah we should probably check actually what what guys come on come on guys come on have a little bit of faith but i wait how'd you get out guys come on guys guys come on guys guys please guys please guys hold on he asked for a boat did the boat i give him help him escape give him a boat for it i was trying to be nice i killed i why didn't you tell me you gave him a boat you nick composed yes you are you can jump on the boat is that actually uh i i just jumped and placed the boat outside and then got in the boat outside i just had the prisoners close out the maps they no longer have it open i want to let you know that the prisoners are now going to help me find a few people oh no you might want to move to a new spot oh they're starting to fly oh god oh you've got to be kidding me while i hid in the jungles of south america participants started getting eliminated left and right no okay it's far away i can breathe i need to breathe i need to breathe i need to breathe okay we're good please tell me that breathing wasn't my flaw please tell me that breathing wasn't my flaw move no eddie just got teleported it got teleported oh my god this is so scary oh god there's a tree burning next to me there's fire oh no armor go go go my plot armor go go go i have so many boats get out of there there were only four participants left but i had a big problem the border was slowly shrinking towards america and to get there i would have to travel across hundreds of blocks of open field i'd be visible for miles i waited for the opportune moment to make a dash for it but before i could find a good height in place i saw them the hunters you hear it two puns yep if they if they burn this tree down that's above me i lose there's no way i don't yeah same here man same here tree brother oh techno you would have been done with wombcat right there they're all just scanning the border this is terrifying i don't know like the bronx so is the border just gonna like shrink non-stop at this point i don't know why would that affect you uh significantly no i'm just curious guys i'm i'm going to be honest i'm really scared right now i'm not going to lie same here there were six people then the number went up one at one point dang there's four people how are we gonna find you so what what is your guys so what is your plan been so far chris bombing the entire [Music] okay let's see it just kind of happened we didn't even know what was happening to be honest it's just gonna keep shrinking i mean if you guys keep being little campy boys camping and hide-and-seek couldn't be me i mean i just scanned the entire top of north america you guys are clearly hiding underground oh get them out of here techno definitely is a tryhard so he probably changed his skin to blend in get him get him get him get him get him puns come over here i don't want to come over there punch no all right three remaining oh my god that's crazy chandler chandler trailer look at this flower right here i've never seen that before is that like a new like fire like yeah yeah right here right here this one right here is this oh this one color purple yeah wait wait chris chris all right guys i'll make a deal with you if i tell you where i am you get five thousand dollars oh so you'll make a deal with us where was this deal before we found you five thousand dollars take it or leave it for what what do we get hey guys wait he's trying to run away come back here hey can i get a dolphin up in here can i just just yoink a dog why can't i hit you and i just gotta can i just get a dolphin why aren't i doing one second can i get away okay oh connor you sold me connor how are you doing connor you sold me out caught her oh i can't believe you would change your skin for a competitive advantage hey fundy look me in the eyes look me in the eyes shame on you shame on you funny shame on you fundy how could you use a minecraft no i don't like that i think the moral of this story is that at the end of the day sometimes the best camouflage is not hiding directly next to a man wearing a bright blue sonic onesie and while i didn't win a ten thousand dollar refrigerator apparently i actually did win a five thousand dollar refrigerator we win these [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,842,950
Rating: 4.9848838 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel
Id: 61PVs2N61H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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