SMP Earth: Battle of the Pit

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it's not allied with me is gonna get you you wouldn't Daffy do it [Music] today we're doing a war all right I'm not quite clear on all the details but we're doing a war let's uh which which set of armor should I use for this war I'm not quite sure how I should set up my hotbar I guess you put you put arrows in the offhand and then we can go like this and then we can switch arrows Oh incredible you got a bow what else do I need blocks blocks wood problem I'm overthinking this see I'm overthinking this because I thought Tommy was gonna bring like or were fighting Tommy today I was ready to do like a 1v5 Tommy's recruited a wisp in the night log in today and Tommy it's like yep wisp is in London it's just me and I'm like bro this fights gonna last five seconds I'm just gonna shoot him and move on with my day it's not even awards it's just it's just cyberbullying why hello Tommy pakil who's just not logged in you're on your own right now I feel like I feel like you do in fact need some allies your armor didn't you get that from my village okay all right every time I kill you you gotta buy another you too so it's how it works I mean oh man you're about to lose all your money oh I'm going for 10 kills I did say I prepared for this like I was gonna be doing a 1v5 and that's just like okay you know I feel like we have to fight I've spent the last week making eight what you're just gonna box me out of my own house all right let's see let's see what the chat says all right chat what are you feeling should be should we talk out our differences or should we use violence kill kill blood death do it blood blood Tobuscus I don't know I don't know what that one guy was but where you want to do this battle yeah okay okay oh my god no no no no no no no no no no not a death time it's time for death time for death well that lasted a few seconds longer than I thought it would Yugi Yugi Oh sick apples oh I coughed it more damage to me than you did I think you need to get some back up man oh there's Tommy and unenchanted iron armor all your stuff is in this chest should have an axe that's really a fight you want to have don't you at least have iron boots to wear find me find me okay oh we're about to have an epic fight let me get my axe ow epic battle time let's go well I didn't immediately kill you I was hoping it would do that wait a second wait oh he thought his shield would work word clickbait oh oh no I've accidentally clicked baited by viewers all right with me blade where are we going there is please don't outfly me when you're following oh my gosh you can't follow me if you're in front of me and yet and yet I'm managing well I thought I was gonna have a a grand unveiling but you're gonna have like a giant like lava pit and you'll be like please jump in it please please my mom's watching me get out the planes I know why would I get out of the plane cut out the play fight me like a man you're an iron armor well I guess a pig fine like drop-kicking a toddler they pull meta phones they're like a trap somewhere here there's no other reason to go out you know I've been creating what I would like to call a peace tribute because I don't want the war to go on forever man oh I was hoping it'd ask me why do you want to be Franz Ferdinand's listen listen do you know what it takes having a hundred stuns spamming war on Tommy in your chair it really gets to you I feel dirty I want you to come with me all right come with me why are you saying so far back because what if it's a trap there's no trap stay no there's just a block there yeah you should mind that block you should stand here and mind the block like this nothing happened come on tight no no no stand here remind the block that nothing happened at all oh oh get in the trap get in your own trap get the heck out of here blood for the blood god listen to me you know what for the blood god I want you to look in there why are their mind hurts how he's not gonna kill you man I can think of many ways in the pain in the chest the convenient you're not techno trance techno trap Oh Sylvie says she offered to help you you need to get some allies man help help him to be one it'll be fun 3v1 even anyone please content I'll do a 1v5 I Tommy it's like negative two people why would I want to get in the pit why wouldn't you huh because it's clearly a traps what's the toy literally at war I've killed you three times today that's three techno u2's by the way oh oh god oh god oh it's actually really easy to get out of I don't know why I was afraid Wow I was anticlimactic drunks here yes okay wait wait give me a sec give me a sec wait time out time out time out time out you can't respect the rules what rules can we talk for a minute quit please stop I'm going to die and I'm very weak I'm on Harper that'll be four techno u2's they're saying items in the pit I'm gonna throw the boots into the pit since they're from my village that's cuz they're from my villager no don't go in the pit okay they got seats and everything he's going in the pit just going in good wait how did he die so fast who knows - maybe you should him for the blood God blood for the blood god five twos you guys want to have like a big battle I mean who wants to be Franz Ferdinand Tommy's been doing that this whole time already but no one's going to war for him so it doesn't work it's like Franz Ferdinand dies and everyone goes and World War one just doesn't happen don't fight all of them techno you can't beat them all maybe at least like three come on did you just take out your own a light on all right time to knock them all in the pit come on the pit and this is how I wouldn't be three no an anonymous user show me where you can it just tons of damage even if you have armor so I thought hey I'm gonna set up a trap fruit berry stuff so I got it all set up and I've been doing it with over weeks and telling all my friends at school about and I thought you know I'm gonna I'm gonna get him so it was a two-step plan the first step was to let techno blades kill me lots of times of course we thought that all part of my plan not went very well five that went incredible and then the second step which was to tell him I'd made a new pub in his base like my base in Africa they did not go so well yes I don't there's no base here there's a big lack of base in this I've never been to this area previously your plan to die repeatedly went pretty well but after that really die in is half the battle now let's go let's have a big team battle yeah I hate all right let's let's take this like like we're picking the dodgeball team all right everyone line up line up for the battle team captains I think I'm a pig sneak he's got the strongest armor of anyone here what nice bro is it too late to go back is asking for specs allowed well I picked the gold armor dude just picks up all right and uh I guess so maybe your team as well all right sneak you have actual armor hmm this is my actual armor what do you mean all right sick we got this this is here all right he's with me it's not with you get out we have a dude in gold armor why are you guys panicking all three two one I'm gonna 1v3 your best son dad mommy's going after the guy in gold or there's no timeouts what happened to [Laughter] [Laughter] Celine yeah that was gonna be a blast radius of like a huge creeper charge holding have enchantments uh bizarre bird let's get his lunch what a year by next cookie yeah another middles musical time boys take a seat everybody wait everyone left pointer guns have been well received I don't know where those two enchanted gold apples went they probably know I brought three I was really over prepared for the saddle okay [Music] one of those things was not like the other pramanas just a spicy chicken nugget that's why you always wear your bicycle helmet kids I think we can keep going for quite a while guys I think they're pretty tired of war I think we should form a book club and stream that their usernames are above their heads no problem just call me if you need any more help I need some time to prepare okay nature takes more than 15 minutes were legally allowed to leave you guys if you don't hurry up I'm gonna hurry strike you down do it you guys want to get out of here you might you can't hurt you trying to damina me Sylvie I was we fall off war for a little while would you - in preparation on both sides we're pretty we're pretty prepared vastly the Soviets like the only person here who actually [Laughter] pick up his items they don't despawn when the server I tried Tommy Tommy I tried I was so close Tommy this is the best forever you need to sign the treaty and pay reparation does anyone have a book we need to make Tommy sign reparation we're still at war until you sign the treaty and give me my rep ray so sick of booking quilt we own it now pretty much I'm gonna play you guys another tune on my trumpet hold on oh yeah just one of those like troublesome has a budget of parts yeah I'm very talented you can speak will find the trumpet goes yes alright where's the lecture we need to form another treaty there's so many planes oh the entire Air Force is shown all right Tommy I've got a pretty generous term alright my YouTube that's only one of the two term Tommy will make me a cow farm wait we should make the return thing three in return I will stop cyberbullying him for how many days Tommy to the 3d of what are we calling this the Treaty of boys the Treaty of Obama all right I'm gonna need you to sign Tommy don't go over there there's pillagers there's pillagers Tommy Tommy come come back come back Tommy Wow come back I need I need you to sign the treaty Tommy I didn't do anything I didn't do anything I'm trying to form the treaty here Oh Treaty of the pit all right all right Tommy I didn't happen why are you guys here we're not you're not even like part of the report he is not signed this Tommy you got we gotta sign treaties eventually man it's like the points really I do you feel a slight disadvantage in this current situation that's why we're having the treaty so we won't beat you up I think the terms are pretty good I just want a cow farm because I need leather so I can put up more vaner u2's I'll bite YouTube alright okay tell me we'll make me a cow farm know it that you just gotta get like two cows and weed it's really easy technically I have some cows Saturdays in three days you want to have less species all right Tommy walk I'll just walk single-file boys it's pretty respectful if I remember right push me down my own stairs I saw you trying to frame me gets punched turns around techno you don't get to negotiate terms here yeah it is what it's it's been a consistent rule it was techno [Music] by my u2's comes out December 27 $29.99 with free worldwide shipping to second term Tommy will make me a cow farm 3 in return will will be neutral until Saturday and for techno must pay back the $20,000 that Tommy gave me for no reason earlier and five is not that's getting a race you're not getting knighted out of this man get out of here call me alpha male you say it's so weird call me alpha male I'm really funny really funny guys subscribe to my channel I'm hilarious alpha male is non-negotiable oh well it's gonna have to be so we just dab him now [Music] and close in front of us is a witch killin male they threw witches in the water and if they floated there a witch okay so I feel like you just need to go in the water and sink alright Tommy just sign the treaty just sign it like no you didn't you have to hit sign so does your name on it alright sign wait will you refer to me as alpha male just sign it alright I'll go by the contract hit alright I'm pretty good with these pretty good with these terms it says here condition five techno blade must be referred to as an alpha male at all times I am amazed the chat didn't snitch I was I was like sign sign hurry up before the chat says me alright as agreed you guys agreed you get your twenty thousand time we just make the cow firm I'm not gonna actually make you call me that you told me I'm not here to King Jamie but that's pretty weird that's kind of mean like when you lose tactically and in reality you that just got twenty thousand off the blade that's like four diamonds he's gonna make twenty thousand off the video dude what are you talking it's real money for fake money hey what happened if I drop a higher strike on you many villages owe me do-don't come on we're neutral bail don't violate the treaty alright who wants to get in the plane flying no you're gonna party in Antarctica boys I have a present that I never opened but up but about everyone's taken off without me all right to Antarctica boys it's like six thousand eleven [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 10,232,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel
Id: FB2O6j_1lzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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