technoblade vs the french language

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welcome guys smell so skywars same we talking about my experience with French just in high school in general if you guys have been subscribed for long enough you probably remember we talked about this last year before right is caught my GPA completely destroyed but today we're going to be talking about the full story so it all began when I was three years old I only know this from eyewitness testimony cuz I don't remember any of this but apparently when I was three I was playing at the park and I was assaulted by a Frenchman I'm not I'm not even making this up okay so apparently like there I was at the park playing you know I'm three years old and there's similar or similar toddler there we're both chirping around what we had the same we had the same toy what's the same and so some some conflict happens because of this and so you know three year old 1v1 inbound now we're both three years old so obviously we can like barely walk much less like savagely Maul each other so I'm sure it was a very intense 1v1 where anyways this French guy sees me messing with his kid and so he's like clearly as an adult I should intervene and attack his small child so he walks over and pushes me over it's not he was gonna kill me or anything but like you know I was three so the slightest amount of adult intervention and I just get GG 10 easy combos montage so yeah my parents being a very hardcore called the police and did state things happened I don't think things actually happen so I think the police just came and really quiet and he was like cuz cuz he messed up in the police like why I'll I don't think the police actually did anything they're just they just came over here and like judged him like why you pushing a baby why you do this yeah that was my first that was my first experience with French culture you know yeah yes it started off with a high note I like to think that was foreshadowing I got was that was my warning but unfortunately I what was okay he's just lagging for a second there I thought he was going to go in like full be hot mode and I was I was going to be thrilled now why don't go down to block sounds fun I have blocked sounds on what is this my game volume is just really low right now well then how will I hear footsteps see ya so fast-forward we're in eighth grade and we're choosing our world language and I'm just like well clearly since I live in California and my options are Spanish and French let's consider what country is literally shares sharing a border with California France of course yep so I took French I was not I was not the smartest 8/8 grader okay what is this guy doing how does how does anyone think this is a good idea why you had dreams but but why were those your dreams I'm sure it's a metaphor for something this one dude is refusing to leave this spot so I guess we're going to have to take down to him and have intense underground 1v1 hello oh there's a skeleton here no no I'm not getting shoved off the map today this is not not a possibility good day thank you very much we're it's this last guy he'll give us we may never know or and give you that we got region two let's go on an adventure we have a player I can compass I'm sure this guy is set up a brilliant trap to get us killed we're gonna use ender pearls to save time Oh what master plan has he come up with there's nothing here okay he just went he just went down why why why is this your plan no not happening not today I don't know punch happen to my first year of French I mean I thought I was learning things so then like a year and a half in my French education a substitute teacher called him you were now it's like the most basic thing ever and I like oh I got this man just Harley France things like no like what like it's just cheap parle you don't you don't pronounce the last last vowel and that conjugation I'm just didn't like it took me a year and a half to finally figure out how to pronounce like the most basic French tense is and I'm just yeah I remember the presentation we were supposed to give and everyone got like a section of the textbook in my section of the textbook was like the least informative thing ever so I gave like a ten-second presentation I was like walked up there and I told them all the information that was in my section I said okay so here's how you conjugate this verb if it ends it's like an IR you do this but if it ends with er ya do this anyhow thank you so I went back to my seat I don't think my teacher found that funny I got a C I mean I gave I gave all all of the information man I gave it in a concise manner that my classmates could easily understand I had a nice PowerPoint and everything it was a full it was a full slide what did she want me to do there there was only there was only that tiny amount of information in here I don't know that was my first year French not much happens at all so you can do it I believe in you now no fun allowed okay some fun allowed fun I can dual wield hello you're immune to fire it's pretty hardcore man hello you can do a man believe in your dreams believe in them don't believe in the dreams so anyhow cut to my second year French we have a new teacher and all of my friends are warning me instead apparently she's like known to pick favorites or something so I definitely should get on her good side and I I don't know if this was true at all it's just what I heard and I don't really think I ever saw any evidence for everything I went into my second year making oh man I better not better not do anything to annoy her because I'm really bad at French and I need to hedge my bets before she gets annoyed at how bad I am and so anyhow first first week of school I tripped over a wire and break her only fan in front of the entire class so that was that was a good start I just say I say so myself you didn't actually hate me forever which I mean I would hate me forever if I if I spoke French and heard my accent for like two seconds man it was it was bad as this guy still he's not sublime no he can't live actually killed him that was like a 2 mile per hour bow shot man right I mean whatever works give me that diamond armor we have we have alright armor man at least we have pants sir so fight going on here can I just oh my god it's a shield actually has armor out of here nope alright we get all the armor now yep mm-hmm thank you very much wait a minute I heard a nerd I distinctly heard a nerdy and relating now he shiftin knew it I called it all right well you know what you know what I'm just going to neglect you you're not important I'm not even up guys calling me out now we have to kill him now I have to kill him Oh Katya thundergirls well guess what I have ender pearls see the problem is you take damage when using it for life don't poke it okay I see how deft only death okay you figured out a way to free himself wait he didn't that is hilarious rift wait you feeling dizzy if it's actually going to kill him oh my god this is actually working yes yes get him you can't Kapil fast enough yes turn him out what no where did you come from nope step step step okay if you're going to try to get me now let them low yeah yes got them I can't tell who I am man you should go just like Bob my videos now he knows I don't have anything against French in particular by the way I think it sort of happened to me with like any foreign language of them haven't you know 50 tenses did not help at all but I mean it could be for I speak English I'm pretty sure English is just ridiculously difficult to learn language I don't know but like the problem with the problem with my friend education is I think at some point in the curriculum they assumed okay so these people speak French by now so we're going to do all our lessons in French to practice it and I can see why that'd be like a really good idea if everyone spoke French but I didn't have any idea what I was doing I just meant that I didn't understand any of mine any of my lessons from that point on and so I always just like sitting there to listen in like all right I think I I think I saw like key nouns wait did you say eggs Amman oh god oh god what do I have to know it so I basically had like like I think the only reason I survived French was good I had like a friend who was good at it sitting next to me and he could like translate everything my favorite inside joke with him was like whenever the teacher said something I just whispered him loudly like language she speak she ever heard that which is Oh God no no no no no Lynch admit players inbound no please tell me hands just like levitate over to where I am please no please i want to live i what no there's a person here please let me stay oh god no he's just gonna leap he's gonna leap right across me oh god no she wants to live what is that oh god no no let me out of here please a madman I don't even have a hat nope why do you hate me in particular this is the most legitimate player of our okay okay watch dogs watch dog you need to save me you need to save me watch dog you he almost fell off the map you need to save me watch done you need to say okay okay watch dog please watch dog gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run gotta run he below the only is 12 this is it this is my only chance for freedom yes I can do it I got him defeated it granted I only have to like hit him twice with all those guys did all over for me but still man still did you see that guy he was legit I just before anyone called tax on him in the comment section he just he just had a very balanced diet you'd be surprised what going vegetarian can do is repeat ep skills I think there were a couple cases where like not being able to speak French actually enhance my French experience because we got to watch all of these like really budget French movies and not knowing what was going on was ten times better okay there was because one movie watched which was about like some like hunters in an African legend or something and so they had to they had to kill some shapeshifter to like free some like ancient curse or something how I really remember the specifics but the problem is their their movie was like his budget is a techno blade less play so they couldn't actually show someone shape-shifting so when they went to finally kill the shapeshifter apparently she was like a rhinoceros or something it just showed them like like music playing in the background like they were like fire in their bows dramatically and then it cutted like some old lady like flailing her arms in a swamp while Ranaut surest noises were overplayed and I'm just it was so if they were just shooting some old lady it was supposed to be like a heroic tale but but it just looks like they were shooting someone's grandma and they went to the village and they were heroes I'm just like they just they just shot some poor woman she was just there man she was just like pretending to be an animal man there was no harm I don't know it's just ten times for entertaining to hear people like speaking a language you don't understand it all everyone just fell off the map by themselves I'll give you a helping hand though you're a third person fell off the map everyone's fallen off the map today I ain't falling off of no no sir good day not me not not not getting this beautiful delicious Karma me nope good day they lose all of oh I don't have pants that explains it all right what's my regeneration it's regeneration one I don't feel like I should be on this ladder for much longer climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb okay we did it oh you made a mistake sir hello that's instantaneous death out of here anyhow guys that was most of my french experience I'm sure I forgot like all the best stories I'm going to remember them like right after I hit upload but that can't be helped hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe please I need I need YouTube money well I don't need it but I want it because I'm selfish bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,775,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hypixel, Hypixel Network, Hypixel Skywars, Skywars, Minecraft, Minecraft Skywars, Technoblade Skywars, Technothepig Skywars, Technoblade, Technothepig, Skywars PVP, minecraft skywars, pvp, minecraft trolling, trolling in minecraft, trolling on minecraft
Id: JUUIkhqcY3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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