stabbing pewdiepie and james charles in minecraft

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/spectra_kriss 📅︎︎ Jul 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
I'm just letting everybody know right now check the plains council it's 45 minute video coming up technical blame you're done you're through just chillin where are you would you be well huh I don't I don't see you I'm supposed to be in again you're supposed to be in it from someone saying that techno blade has something to lose this week last stream the older of that server donated to him and said if you win this week we're gonna give you the pig rank on our server I remember like PewDiePie like joined the discord with the most like random troll discord name I've ever seen and just started like cussing out random people in there and I was like how did this random get in here and someone's like that's cutie pie and I'm like brah run run run run run run run run run is it a grace period hi I don't think so I stabbed in jail like 20 seconds since the game last time I don't actually play hunger game so I don't know where like stuff is who stopped oh wow there's a lot of people down here CaptainSparklez is going in oh we got health he got health I see a number one I don't know who number onee boy is jazzy it's tough can we stab him he's got no idea what's going on alright dude this guy was rich got to find someone to stab we have decent stuff right now it's not like the best but I'm sure we can find on the world who have like no armor because they don't know how to open chests he's just here to have a good time stab him up Dolan it's stolen yeah it's time issed every time I'm so bad he can't jump stolen him oh he's purlins out of there maybe okay that pearls gonna land he's out he's out of there I can make a speed soup yes oh yes yeah get up dude we got this we're gonna get like own first fight now that we're confident Oh and Venom spotted antvenom and CaptainSparklez get him oh they're out they do not want any of this they are out are you am I gonna get like to be one either sure they know they know my weakness all right I do I kill Dan venom caption sparkles just ditched antvenom dude he's out of there wait can you chime in this oh yeah there's an enchantment table up there I've got a book on the book you just take the book and you place it on the item in your inventory oh that's so fun say yeah man this is 2019 minecraft right now we live in it Oh track and drum once T and T and over here oh that looks like free kills and even kill there is a lot of free stuff here I want these pearls Vic and savage are here I want to kill him wait there's just a room right here okay didn't see ya I don't think he did I do not they do not want any of this they're out there going in dude they're going in ah let me get the thing Oh blow me dude let me blow me fight in Beijing Canadian was here I'm behind taken him is he's getting out of it I'm going in oh he's got like full health that's not happening these guys are pretty good stuff let's uh can you get Bowen Chavez in this let's go in dude now I got slowness tell these bikers behind me they're on me we souped again don't fix up get this dude no no don't steal my kill no no my kill no we're getting CaptainSparklez Oh get him get him yeah all boys eat in the Golden Apple there's a there's a team left cat him Bowl him to nothing yeah there's the guys coming up behind us oh no my kill no don't you dare don't you dare take this from me thank you thank those do behind you wait no you're chasing I'll never mind get that guy and and victory yes 9 victory we did it it's the beginning of the end that's what this is this we're techno blade gets banned from Minecraft Mondays just right here no matter who he teams with they win ok we're going to like hahaha the water I guess alright same tactic chop same taxa can we win it's just learning where all the chests are really I still don't know these are all like the mcsg maps my only recollection is watching walk we play these in 2015 oh here's your sub the PewDiePie get him get him dude PewDiePie is right there get him it's PewDiePie its James Charles [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] this is so tech you know blade more like I got not bad okay holo those guys have stuck waited swagger Souls killin that trashed here noobs oh no no no it's taking a blade he's got them okay okay we didn't we did it that was he started heating food mid-fight which heavily contributed to our victory yeah yeah Oh Jay slant spotted he has a chest plate I want it this is just bullying it is but I need his shirt you're on your own dude alright I acquired his shirt oh it's a team I think they're trapped in this building yeah it's right here yeah Adam oh wow I see a wolf list he's got like a sharpness one diamond he's actually like pretty rich I'm next okay I like how he's got bad stuff in you oh god he just got all of his health back come back come back oh my god that was that was the close fight get this egg I need help oh I need to I need to start chilling when I go after people that was that was too close he's that way that sharp one diamond hurt alright I can make I have like I could I could craft like full iron dude here's a here's a chest plate for you there's no one's sneaking up on us right now right here so here's a diamond sword for you I just made 7/10 delayed one week one which means we need to before okay it's too far mm-hmm-hmm shut that stuff down yeah how how though they think they're hidden is the thing and they're just they're really not hidden that is not in fact the reality here they just they're in the border now what are what are they doing what are they doing man this is sick this guy is no armor is he faking it is he gonna like put on full iron and just destroy me it's okay did you leave you killed that that guy had zero items in his inventory he called me a nerd that's very hurtful and accurate dude people spotted all right let's I'll go up gray accept your home you can fight the other dude I heard a lot more than I thought it would I'm gonna go after this dude and not the TT there we go there we go I have 10 kills I had two again one of them that was PewDiePie dude [Laughter] - so says I get the pig plus rank if I win this tournament everyone kill techno and don't kill me please now - James Charles wants me to die you die like I won last time and everyone still made fun of me because if it killed me that one time dude I was watching the clip and okay so to be clear Nick is actually pretty good at the hunger game so I was watching that clip we had him pinned down in a cave 2v1 he had no weapon there was no conceivable way we could lose and he finds a random chest in a corner and pulls out an iron sword you know what that is that is some real-life water armor right there okay full water armor the whole event scripted and he's the main character where we're going for the Minecraft Monday 1000 win streak I want to kill skydoesminecraft give me a second yeah die killed yeah I want to do what we did like the last two games where we just get like tons of items so even when we meet someone we can just we can just devour them whatever like combined net worth run the opposite direction dantdm sin the trip I see the chats laugh at him Ron James jaw huh oh he's dead it's James Charles he's got iron pants I actually I actually need those bet he doesn't know what halt wait hi just pearled I'm out I'm out that's a lot of people wait none of them noticed James Charles okay hit him into the tree hit him again this is bully in chat this is bull I need I needed these items okay these are actually pretty good items 45-minute video coming up taking the blame you're done you're through stop you get one warning pick little blade techno blades is canceled no that is junky jenker I'm gonna go for do not go there actually I'm gonna mine my business and let I'm gonna let gumball deal with that here's Lauren get him get him get him just chance it I'll just late ladies yeah yeah I'm all right Eric doubt anyone who comes in contact with techno blades just gets deleted okay he's not famous all right I bet he has half the eliminations for like every game so in a way he is kind of Thanos to be want him yeah yeah he knows he knows my weakness you know it's actually pretty rich look out be careful nope he's at full health what is this why is it full help dude oh good shot needs a back away a second he's good plan get him yeah yeah you got the stuff okay let's get out of here before the boy dude you just stand-in right now dude run border I'm not loosened to this again I'm sponsoring band I'm getting kicked out oh good players saw good players get him get him power boom power Boom go fake huh okay Oh I he's got soup I'll just spawn quick get him avenge me brother yeah dude final 1v1 you against a SF Jerome you can do it man you can do it get health why do you not have health it's okay man it's okay dude everyone in this game hates me you kill techno before the final ten I will PayPal you Ted Kane no techno blade with over a hundred points more than anyone else isn't first this is worse than last week somehow this is actually pretty fun I'm not gonna lie oh this is great it's the year of the pig boys they don't even know what they're in for it's the year of the pig let's justlet's oh god one one dude one ASF Jerome is here he wants me dead hey SS Roman filler here dude you can just stab Phil right yeah I get him I almost go actually use a lot of help okay let's just get out of here okay those guys you sure this would be a good time no no they're trying to eliminate me early before I get stuff is what they're doing let's go hunt for kills see if anyone is like no stuff and then we can stab I think there's stuff over here maybe we need oh wow I do not know this map where am I oh god dot zip spotted get him boys he's got pants I need pants get him yeah he's going straight into them he does not want to deal with this this guy's so much more stuff than me but I gotta stab him anyways no unacceptable he's got like full health how did he even get that he dropped his sword oh my god let's go do I have any throwables yet I don't see any throwables I don't even have rolls to make soup I'm back to being broke I used it all killing those guys there on different teams get him get him never guy no guys oh yeah Adam they were fighting a a scepter oh god they're so rich they are so wealthy right now oh we're getting cleaned by Vic we're getting cleaned by Vic kill them you know they're going they're gonna go straight for us no Vic please please I'm sorry I stole your prize money last time okay we got we have to we have to fight these guys even if it's not gonna work get mr. Savage there are three teams left and two solo players wolf licious rich so he could be a threat s major is probably hiding in some he's actually as decent stuff but he's he doesn't want any of this this poor man is getting bullied and then Vic's gonna swoop in and kill all of them and the team that does the least worst well I'm not making fun of them I mean in this specific fight actually all of his health is gone what happened what happened get him kill him a roofless solo player come back yes roofless swooped in oh my god wolf list is killing all of them was going in oh wait he's gonna destroy my fill oh my god Phil's a legend he's a dope he'll please don't win please kill kill Phil he's a UH septums teammate ruthless the legend can he 1v2 can't he's one be chewing he's going in he's actually the God look at him Oh Mikey actually won God plays how do you even get out of this room uh wait Oh where's okay to our over there okay all right okay yep I don't want to go in the same direction it's not unless they get a wet like 3-shot me oh oh Jerome ASF Jerome ASF I want to kill night arms where is he where is he Adam this poor man look at these guys their cross team and their look at how many people are here the entire game I gotta get kills before I die the entire game is hunted me look at this the entire game is cross teaming report the entire game just like had a convention okay the axis and Allied powers signed a treaty to hunt me down on the streets I'm dead I got I got three kills before I died though okay just stay alive you get participation points just crouch in some tower for ten minutes I don't care about your watch time we need points he's gonna hit you in a second they're still cross teamed these guys are on different teams what is this pick me please I don't want to suffer I don't know why everyone's taking it so seriously video games are serious business and deserve to be treated okay we're good we're getting out of here we are leaving I don't want to look at anyone this game I wanted to like camp until the last fight and then clean we got too many like 10 kill dubs earlier and now they hate us we're getting out of here let's get this guy funny mate get him the points this is going to take us a half hour to kill this dude it's not Eve worth it yes cael's I can make it sharp one iron guard me make sure no one comes knocking I'm making an iron sword for you as well it's about to make iron boots for you that would have been way less useful if there's people here and they're gonna are gonna stab me for coins the bow isn't okay we're killin a scepter on they're going for me man how much healthy you got I don't fall I'm fine they don't even hit you they don't even care here's the huge cross team die die everyone dies now we're stuff I need items laser being said James was getting rushed off spawn when people are like targeting people specifically who are not techno blade yeah this isn't making any sense I'm Berlin again I don't even care I don't even care I'm a madman I'm a madman I the guy to sharp diamond sword and it's mine now a just property of techno blade skep II get back here get back here Skippy go I'm sorry Skippy I'm sorry where did he go he escaped ok he didn't escape yeah there's wolf --less there he is get him and here's the 12 oh wait now let's do fix it how is he still alive how much soup does this man have it's not happening with it's not happening I don't care how many items you have this victory is not happening for you you are going to loose you are going to lead kill him stab him he's got like you know health any blow any bro I can't aim I can't aim I'm gonna this is good this is good I'm uh choking me any soup if you any soup I forgot to put speed in there I'm illiterate I can't read I can't read okay let's go in Oh what was that dude when I click their heads right click their heads and get help I am so wacky it's not working oh my god I'll kill him it's fine it's fine I'll kill him nope nope never again what's my individual I have so many points dude people are make making fun of me for how I pronounce things I don't know their names man we're here with the Dane TDM we got a real think knodel's names properly a Skippy I want to say a Skippy let's go to the pirate ship I need armor I have three diamonds no sticks no armor here we go yes yes me gusta yes speaking some you know Spanish so I can get into the next DNC debate I bet no one's admit yeah let's just go and instant sharp one diamond yes oh there's a name it's Carson it's game does he know does he know he doesn't know you don't know Oh Lord God oh there's tons of people over here I'm gonna clean I'm gonna clean die Willis die die die die die get him die how's guys coming guys man ooh philsie hey we got to not lose to these guys should we go get him dude this is the Jerome team if I can double hit him that'd be great did not double hit him I do not know how these I don't have any arrows let's get out of here you're gonna clean up oh no it's it's wider we'll never reach them we'll follow them for two minutes and we'll never get a single kill where is he areas okay Brittany straight so watching some reason and blowing himself up I was a masterful plan on his part s major here's enchanting let's get him drop down go down go go go die let's go he has so many books let's play passive for now they're both gonna get us but maybe they won't okay we're just going in they're gonna in sham that's not it's not worth it kill them both kill them both you gotta fight both teams now it's not ideal but it's what we got to do mr. Boies why do they have the same team color as us dye CaptainSparklez dye get fixed our he knows he watched my video he knows my weakness get him boys yeah let's bow let's bully him I need to eat food so we think yeah get him yeah get him I have ten kills how many kills did you got you had to go like at least three right I go one I don't really you dropped under your your your two per game record man to be fair to be fair we are funneling like all the best items to me yeah so you know I'm like a hopper yeah you're you're like you're like a greedy chest you're like the camel that carries around my stuff I'm such a bad person [Laughter] look look I can insult you but you're getting paid so that's I like this lead yes yes this is the lead I like to see we have a three hundred forty point dude when I can I'm not getting invited to week three am i right the last year it's time to be harp I'm just gonna keep running the way you going I'm killing this dude I'm killing this guy any points any points are you kidding me I hate mine crap he didn't know I need ten points I need ten points I'm sorry I'm sorry I just need points let's get the disses out techno more like heck no techno more like tech I hope you stub your toe you got techno more like just no he's probably at a grace period next week I'm getting roasted by James Charles and pewdie dude techno blade is canceled bro I'm just trying to get points they're nicked I don't even know who they are [Music] mom I mean I'm killing Nick I need to kill as many I've killed like three people and I don't think between the three of them they had a single item oh these are the kills I want to get the guys back don't blocks give me a kill yeah I see Skippy I am boots we're talking about get him yes him to me did they run early oh there they are person actually is pretty decent stuff so let's be no don't pearl don't pearl no no no yes okay Oh spam them Bose Pamela picking up all the hours feel like I've done a lot of damage I need to come out of arrows we're gonna get both they have full health look at them they got they have full health I shot them so they have like 20 gabbles they have God apples they have regen to potions for eight minutes it's over it's over he's gonna be making a living off of Minecraft Monday tournaments I think we're getting the pig plus rank I don't know what that means no please what're what are we doing are they like all in like the in the group chat getting ready to lie close to me what [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 9,228,757
Rating: 4.9610744 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Minecraft Monday, Monday, Minecraft Monday Pewdiepie, Minecraft Monday James Charles, Minecraft Monday Technoblade, Week 2, Minecraft Monday Week 2, Hunger Games, Minecraft Hunger Games
Id: eTqSsSo0MS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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