MD's, What Was The Dumbest Patient You've Had?

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doctors Alfred it what was the dumbest patient you've ever had why this happened in med school I was taking the history of a guy in clinic and I asked about his past medical problems including if he had had any heart attacks he responded oh yeah I've had about 20 others , you've had 20 heart attacks yup which doctor s did you see about them do you have a cardiologist nah I never went to a doctor my wife is a massage therapist and whenever a heart attack hits she starts to massage some pressure points and it stops Commonwealth okay what does it feel like when you have a heart attack I don't ever remember them my wife tells me that I fall onto the floor and my arms and legs start jerking she says it takes about a minute of her massaging before it stops I then get really confused and tired afterwards and I can't remember much of anything that happens to me until I take a nice long nap the dude was having seizures and thought that they were heart attacks they normally stop on their own after a few minutes at the most and his wife thought that her massages were curing him this is only tangentially related to the topic at hand but gave me great joy at the time so I thought I'd share during my time as an intern a patient was admitted for anemia hematocrit of 16 requiring blood transfusions turns out that at some point in the past after she was diagnosed with an inborn error of metabolism her primary care physician prescribed her vitamin b12 injections your body requires b12 to make hemoglobin instead of going back for refills after she ran out however she headed over to her local pharmacy bought vitamin b6 tablets and proceeded to take two per day and went on to explain how you know doc it's the same thing yeah no silly woman everyone knows to be six pills make B b12 not b12 patient had diarrhea it was yellow and liquid the patient said there was something very wrong and somehow the tubes got crossed inside of their body because of the pee was coming out of there but patient calls 911 cardiac arrest not a family member reporting that their heart had stopped no the patient made the call and said they were in cardiac arrest patient comes in with a gangrenous toe he says it will get better with antibiotics he doesn't need to come into the hospital he knows his body etc he left AMA with the antibiotics he came in for and told to return if anything changes the patient came in the next day the toe fell off patient gets diagnosed with cancer doesn't follow up with the surgeon and medicals were made by the surgeon to get the patients to meet in the office six months passes and the patient shows up in the edy for something unrelated ask about the cancer and how treatment is going the patient says they never followed up because I had a lot to do that weekend the spouse was right there and didn't appear to know about the diagnosis some are funny and some are just heartbreaking and sad and unfortunately the patients are not the only ones that make incorrect diagnoses but occasionally the doctors do too until the fourth paragraph I thought they were all the one person anal cysts nope he just touched his anal cavity too much and left it irritated he was just checking for anal cysts every day someone thought they had a strained muscle in their leg because it locked up and they couldn't bend their knee then an abscess formed at the top of their leg right at the pelvic bone and blood pus started literally pouring out non-stop for days eventually he came to the doctor's office then straight to the ER and had an abscess in his psoas muscle caused by a perforation in his small intestine yep pretty far off on that guest there but apparently it happened right off to some heavy lifting but to be clear for all you gym rats no it was not in any way associated with him lifting it was a result of undiagnosed Crohn's disease destroying his intestines I had a male patient come into the IDI complaining of breast lump he anxiously stated that the mass was very painful to touch and was convinced that he was going to die of breast cancer after a battery of questions I asked him to take off his shirt so I can examine and palpate Reid touch the mass after a couple of seconds I turned to him and said sir that lump is your rib he called me a dumb kid and asked to see my attending I was a student at the time the patient asked the attending why if it is a rib that it would hurt so much the doc replied sir you've been rubbing and irritating the area for days now you've been hurting yourself I've never seen a man leave the hospital that fast the number of times I've done that is ridiculous my most embarrassing breast cancer scare though is when I went to the doctor because one breast seemed lumpy and way bigger than the other turns out my breasts are just lopsided he wrote it on the chart it hurt my feelings while working as a nurse had a patient who insisted that her abdominal pain was from a surgery she'd had done on her arm she thought that a staple that had been used to close the wound on her arm had somehow traveled to her abdomen she thought that a staple that had been used to close the wound on her arm had somehow traveled to her abdomen rod had a guy common for me grains and confidently proclaimed that the severe head trauma he had suffered one month prior had nothing to do with it patient was dizzy patient thought she had a brain tumor went to the medical general practitioner general practitioner thought she had a chronic middle ear infection went to the air nose and throat physician and diagnosis pregnancy not a doctor but a pharmacist so I hope I'm allowed to play patient had a cold convinced they were severe sinusitis a bit of a known hypochondriac saw dr. got script for antibiotic was convinced she was allergic to every antibiotic tried until all that was left was antibiotics which aren't usually used in erisa to sub-therapeutic dose because she's very sensitive to medications - the infection wasn't going away so she took antibiotics longer and longer she somehow got her hands on a blood glucose machine and must have had a reading that was slightly low one day because all of a sudden she started buying bags and bags of jellybeans because the infection is making my blood sugar go dangerously low fasting for mol/l so normal so she is taking more and more glucose moved on to the straight glucose powder now to control the dumping syndrome I don't think she even read the wiki on that one that the infection caused symptom of her dumping syndrome blood glucose dropping rapidly because she is on a diet consisting of pretty much solely pure glucose to dangerous levels for Millau she is testing her blood glucose on average 20 times a day and taking about 250 GM of pure glucose at least from us plus supplementing with lollies from the supermarket for some variety we've consulted with the doctor nobody can convince her otherwise we've all tried she's put on 15 kilograms in the last month or so and will definitely end up with diabetes soon doctor made a mistake the other day in exasperation she said to her in her third appointment that month you should count yourself lucky there are people far worse than you that can't even get out of bed neck minute she now gets deliveries because she is so sick she can't get out of bed she needs mental health evaluations how the heck does someone like that function where does she get money to live so many questions had a 19 yo girl come in asking for antifungal medication because she was convinced she had oral thrush her and her boyfriend had googled her symptoms and at 19 you're never wrong when I suggested that perhaps we check an EBV antibody to rule out mo no she looked at me like I was actively drooling on myself and refused because there was no way I can have mo know eventually I convinced her to have some diagnostic testing done and sure enough she had mo no I tried to explain that having oral thrush as a 19 year old could possibly be much more concerning than mononucleosis but she didn't seem to get it I had a doctor go too far the other way at 19 I got thrush parked way through a course of xiii max for a nasty case of bronchi this internist flat-out refused to give me antifungals and sent me off to get an HIV test and see a gastro two days of pain and no food later a gastro saw me and yup known side effect taken to fungals grrrr not exactly a misdiagnosis but my favorite misunderstanding my dad worked as an a doc for 30 years and started practicing in Alabama way back he said he had a lot of illiterate and uneducated patients he was taking one woman's medical history on a visit and she told him she had fireballs of the Eucharist translation fibroids of the uterus if going to church allowed you to cast fireballs of the Eucharist I might consider going had a friend come to me claiming she was surely dying and had colon cancer she had dark stool among some other things the bloody stool being the smoking gun I asked her what she had been taking to help with her stomach pains she said pepto-bismol of course I told her to stop taking the pepto-bismol and told her to go see her primary physician about it sure enough it was just the pepto-bismol it says in the label it can darken stools and your tongue bTW happens to me every time I use it the black tongue is the worst part as a self diagnosing patients one day notice a white hard jagged object protruding from my back gum can't believe I'm having a tooth coming especially since I'm 23 and had my wisdom teeth taken out years ago go to the dentist to get some x-rays and it turns out to be a piece of a tortilla chip I'm sorry you have Doritos it's fatal just finish med school so not too much experience but had an elderly woman come in the ER with new onset seizure the patient's daughter was convinced her mother had a brain tumor on review of the medications turns out the patient had been out of her xanax prescription for four days and had a withdrawal seizure oh God withdrawals if I didn't know what withdrawal was I probably would have thought I was dying when I went off some of my medication I also want to add my favorite correct patient diagnosis a female doc I know at my school likes to tell this story as an example of why one must always ask for patient attribution that says what do you think is causing your problem really old guy came in complaining of foot pain he was diabetic lady doc already has a diagnosis in mind but go through the whole shebang at the end asks and what do you think is causing the problem he goes I think I have attack in my shoe he had attack in his shoe and couldn't bend over to get it out she helped him remove it and he went on his way so I'm a therapist and I work with kids worst misdiagnosis was a family with a two week old who was convinced the baby had one anxiety because he cries to autism little eye contact three people a disorder because baby would seem content then angry I spent hours explaining child development what these diagnosis mean how they would present in kids I provided them with books handouts etc they insisted on going to see my coworker and a psychiatrist as I was surely lying to them even after meeting with the other two professionals they still weren't convinced they requested psych meds from the doc two weeks old holy crap that poor child the parents are going to fall apart as that baby gets to a month or six months row not a doctor but a physio had an elderly female patient asked if she should go and have her prostate checked because her father died of prostate cancer at her age bless I shouldn't laugh at this but given the fact that the rest of these are pretty harrowing scary stories this one made me smile less self diagnosing and more self treatment my wife is a nurse at analogy clinic she had a patient comment saying that she was having issues managing her allergies even with self administered injections of liquid benadryl suffice to say the doctor had to have some very strong words with her she's actually had a number of unique patients come in like the lady who worked at a greenhouse and was convinced that she was allergic to the birds of hung out there and brought in some of their fesses for my wife to perform a scratch test with that did not happen man came into the year in a panic thinking he had incurable skin cancer turns out he had a wart on his foot from all the skin cancer awareness campaigns I've seen it's hardly a stretch to go from new rapidly changing war to skin cancer especially because foot warts can be really bizarre looking a lovely healthy 50-something lady patient presented with her best friend because she was unable to walk it turns out she had been becoming weaker over the past couple of months and now had been bed bound for two weeks as she talked she waved her hand over her right breast and mentioned something about a problem there I took a look she had breast cancer that was so advanced that it was ulcerating through the skin in an area about the size of a small orange I'll never forget seeing that it's such a shame because she was such a lovely lady we talked for about half an hour and during that I found that she had put it down to a lot of stress overwhelming her life lately to do with her son leaving home and a few other things she seemed like a spiritual lady and she was so sensitive and overwhelmed at the time that I had to take things very slow with her during that 30 minutes I really felt that I connected with her run slowly helps her understand what was actually going on and that the next few weeks would be tough with treatments etc this was about a month after I had started as a junior doctor the next day I got a complaint to my supervisor by the head nurse for taking too long with the patients plus a whole lot of other made-up stuff about being unprofessional et Cie to make her claim sound better had to go to meetings with management etc anyway the reason the patient couldn't walk was because of high calcium from metastasis all through her bones I treated that and she was able to walk again a few days later I looked up her file about three months after and she was still alive on hormone therapy to slow the cancers progression you did exactly the right thing medical care is patient centered if anyone tries to tell you otherwise you can pull out a few books about proper patient care and tell them to take a hike self-diagnosis I'm an orthopedic surgeon so patients are really often unable to diagnose themselves because they don't have the power of MRI or scoping the most incorrect self diagnosis I've encountered was a patient who believed they broke their hip after a fall when they actually had a two inch piece of skateboard lodged into their side they forgot about ya cometh forgot about hey that's where I put it thanks doc this is Diamond Sponge Bob he only appears every two hundred thousand videos subscribe for good luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: KEnxEX1sspU
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Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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