When Did Your Gut Feeling About Something Save Your Life? (r/AslReddit)

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hey Rohit when did your something's not right here gasps feeling ever save you wife called me while I was at work just to say she was home from her night shift and planning to go to bed she had worked night shift for years and never called me just to say she was home and going to bed before she also sounded weirdly detached on the call I asked her if she was okay she said yes just really sleepy I got a weird feeling and told her I was going to leave work and come home she told me I didn't need to I said okay and then I left work and rushed home anyway to found a suicide note taped to the garage door I got to her in time rushed her to the ER and got her the help she needed a week of inpatient psych followed by changes to medications and doctors this was about five months ago and she is so much better now dang give your wife a hug from me it frickin sucks to feel that way so glad you were able to help her I used to just drive around country roads when I would feel stress out or sad as a way to just get away and listen to music one evening I was driving with my best friend in the car and we're on a gravel road that has a huge hill we were driving towards the sunset but it was winter and the light was fading fast as the car started down the hill I had this moment where I thought to myself my bright should be on and I flicked them on and at the bottom of this super steep hill stood six deer on the road I slammed on the brakes and the car turned sideways and skidded to a stop like four feet from the deer but those stupid deer didn't even move they just stared into the passenger side of my car and my best friend pointed at them and said hey deer the car was fine we were fine and Bambi was all good I don't drive around like that anymore they run away when you tell them to get a job every deer that doesn't move when I talk to them no matter what well every time run away when I say get a job they really don't want to work my mom and her entire family were saved from dying from carbon monoxide poisoning by her dad he left for work got a weird feeling and drove back home everyone in the house was unconscious and he had to drag or carry them all outside one by one they all survived my sister since she was about five was always obsessed with tsunamis and would always ask my dad every night before she went to sleep if there would be a tsunami that night we lived on a beach about five years later when our family was holidaying in Samoa an earthquake struck at about 6:00 a.m. it was only add a low Rumble but went on for over a minute everyone at the resort woke up and went outside for a few minutes then went back to bed my sister having been obsessed with tsunamis ran down to look at the water and noticed the sea going out and saved a lot of lives including my own there was about a minute from her notice until that tsunami hit luckily for us there was a cliff right behind the resort if not a lot more people would have been killed so something like a gut feeling five years in the making not me but my science teacher when she was a teenager she was standing near some lights at a pedestrian crossing with her and her friend very chill but out of nowhere she had this gut feeling that both of them had to move they moved just a couple meters away in the next moment a car had hit another car and had hit one of the street electricity utility poles and it had fell and exploded minor explosion enough distance away that it didn't hurt the girls exactly where they were one of the wires had also snaps and hit it exactly where they were standing as well they basically were in a scene of car wreckage and snapped wires and electricity explosions and the pole collapse just real insane if the pole had missed them the wire would have hit them and if not as then most likely the cars that gut feeling of moving away saved both of them I went to hospital with shortness of breath and my heart racing they did a chest x-ray blood tests for blood clots ECG and a few other tests but all came back normal after observing me overnight everything still looked good oxygen saturation was perfect my heart rate was still a bit elevated but nothing too crazy and it seemed that it was likely left over symptoms from a bad virus a toad had a week or so earlier via doctor asks me how I would feel if they sent me home and I just had a bad feeling about it all I told him as such and that I had no real basis for it except that I just felt off about it he said fair enough let's try one more test and if that comes back negative then we'll send you up to general Medicine and see if they can track something down that test was a VQ scan that found despite all other tests showing no results for blood clots I actually had a whole bunch of them in both lungs I ended up with a diagnosis of unprovoked bilateral pulmonary embolisms and M on blood thinners for life super grateful both for the bad feeling and via doctor who was willing to listen to it EMT here I was taught if a patient tells you they think something is wrong or they think they are going to die you need to listen to them I woke up from a deep sleep at like 2:00 a.m. during a winter storm something wasn't right I immediately went looking for my senior dog and couldn't find her anywhere in the house my roommates had a tendency to let her out for a walk and forget about her closing the door I ran to the front of the house and found her laying on the welcome mat she was hardly breathing and covered in snow she had been outside alone for at the very least five hours I moved out shortly after I was learning violin when I was about 10 from an instructor at my local music shop I got the weirdest feeling from him even though he didn't do anything out of the ordinary I wanted to vomit every time I looked at him especially his hands after four lessons I told my parents that I had a terrible feeling about him and I never wanted to go back luckily they listened and didn't make me ever go to him again a few years later he was arrested for touching multiple of his students I have no idea how I knew something was off he never did or said anything but I just felt it I'm just glad your parents listened when I was about 10 years old I was going to the beach with my older sister her friends and their parents they had a van that was open in the back thing quite creepy van no seats the other friends of my sister's friends took turns sitting on the father's lap when he asked if they wanted to steer the van he then asked me my gut said no this man is creepy as Frick the look and his eyes sent shivers down my spine once we got to the beach I forgot all about creepy guy and focused on fun fast forward several months later my sister's friends asked if my sister wanted to sleepover but she refused and my mom and I were baffled as to why she didn't want to go we kept encouraging her too soon she broke down in tears and told us that one night their father had touched her the van incident and feelings came flying back to me I wish I had not forgotten my gut feeling and shared it with my mother and sister before anything happened to my sister sometimes I still feel guilty over it that was over 30 years ago I don't remember what happened to the guy I just remember a state vehicle at my house a lot afterwards no one ever talked about it again and I never asked I want you to know it's not your fault when I was in college I lived in a sketchy part of Chicago Humboldt Park Logan Square before gentrification I like to take late night strolls even when I was living in that neighborhood as a 20 year old woman yet I know pretty dumb of me one night I was feeling stressed out so I embarked on one of my late-night strolls I was walking along a somewhat busy road cars were zooming past me pretty normal I wasn't paying much attention because I was too wrapped up in whatever was stressing me out at night suddenly had shows shot up my spine Hyper Villa ganach Tovar me and I became more alert than I had ever been something was wrong someone was watching me I quickly spotted a car it was driving in the opposite direction a little slower than usual it was too dark for me to see anyone inside the car and the car was pretty unassuming but I still knew something was off they were watching me I just knew the car drove past me and then made a u-turn now it was right behind me creeping along the curb luckily there was a Walgreens a few blocks ahead I started walking faster and the car eventually sped past me and disappeared into a corner I somehow knew I wasn't safe yet so I still sprinted to Walgreens I told the security guard what happened and we both went outside the car was parked up the street about 50-100 feet away the security guard was a big guy who looked intimidating he marched toward the car and the car immediately backed up made a u-turn and then booked it out over there the security guard called the cops and they drove me home I never took a late-night stroll again my gut made me more alert but it was really the security guard who saved my life I'm positive that if he wasn't there that night something bad would have happen to me I wish I could find that security guard to thank him was sitting on one of those metal cylindrical electricity boxes outside my house when there was a blackout electricity was slightly flickering in my house no other houses had a blackout I look down at what I was sitting on and I was like euhh maybe this is the source of the problem I stood up and stepped away from it and like two seconds later it frickin blew up like a pillar of flame shot out and above it for almost two full minute it was basically a gigantic Bunsen burner and I was a few seconds short of physically getting fried last year the first of December I had slept for almost week trying to fight what I thought was the flu woke up and that exact gut feeling kept on telling me something's not right with me called the parents to tell them and then cabbed myself to the emergency room took blood the whole nine yards was there for eight hours discharged and sent home called the next morning asking me to come back because they found something in my blood back to ramier an indica Dittus I was put on penicillin immediately for two months more tests more things wrong went for a specialized test on the 21st of December woke up to them telling me I need surgery as soon as possible they are trying to find a surgical team earliest is the 24th I go in and while they're operating I have an ascending aortic aneurysm and it caused an aortic dissection they're able to fix it I've got a synthetic valve in there now here's the kicker I work in a restaurant kitchen just before the start of the holiday season normally most cooks would tough it out in just work most think it and it'll get better soon just keep going there was just something about the way I was feeling this time that made me go to the hospital I'm told that if I had done that I more than likely would have died before my birthday and they would have found out about the aneurysm during the autopsy that still sends frickin chills down my spine my best friend works as an emergency room nurse at the same hospital that I was operated on and she was freaking out internally but kept it together on the outside for me she explained just how serious this all was after I was in recovery I've promised to tell her whenever I get that same feeling again there's a very fun road that gets you from NIDA and off to batch or back in Germany you can go 50 or 60 clicks along smooth tight turns and little rolling hills all around it four acres and acres are fields of whatever's in season and no intersections for several kilometers it's a very fun road to go to fast on this day something like wheat was in and it was high I couldn't see around the corners but I knew the road well and was staying in my lane and I was going fast and smiling about half when I heard a voice in my head as clear as if the speaker was sitting next to me and it said you need to slow down it was startling and I braked immediately two seconds later I come through one of the turns and into the butt end of a combine taking up both lanes and moving slowly I barely stopped in time those extra two seconds of brake time saved a Volvo at least but I'm pretty sure they saved my life too if it was an old Volvo it would have survived and you wouldn't have if it was a newer Volvo you would have survived in the Volvo wouldn't have I went out with my best friend on New Year's last year and were having drinks with her friends when I realized I was out of cigarettes I left for a few minutes to walk over and grab a pack and ended up talking to a homeless guy for a while and when I went over to the entrance of the bar she was outside and said something mean to me for no reason and walked off I was confused so I decided it would be good if I took a walk to let her cool off and then figure out what she was upset about I was going to walk down the street for a bit but something told me to turn left walking behind the bar and then turning to the side off the bar when I see a girl laying down on the sidewalk and people walking by her as I'm walking over to help I realize it's my friend and she's not very conscious she was probably drugged while I was getting smokes and who knows what would have happened if I hadn't decided to go that way scares the crap out of me I was with a co-worker he had lied to me about going to a family party of his but when I showed up it was just him and I and we went to a bar I rolled my eyes and just thought I could clenched my teeth through it he knew the owner of the bar and got me alcoholic drinks I was only 20 I started pouring out the drinks when the dude was shooting pool because I didn't want to be tipsy drunk while dealing with him the decision honestly saved me I told him I wanted to go home but he talked me into taking him home first so I followed the directions he gave me and I pulled into a hooker bar parking lot instead he started getting really aggressive and trying to kiss me I kept pushing him off I was still trying to be polite but firm and telling him to stop that's when I noticed the group of guys around my car talking to my coworker in my car in another language he then opened my car door got out and proceeded to grab me by the hair to try to pull me out of my car the other guys gathering around I have a mind to lock my door when I noticed the other guys I also had put my car in Reverse so when he grabbed my hair I lit off the brake and my car started rolling back so he let go of me it was terrifying I told our boss the next day and he quit when our boss asked him about it you never have to be polite in that situation no one is entitled to your politeness especially after violating so many boundaries glad you made it out in sorry you had to go through something that scary I was walking to the barbershop and for some reason everything just felt off I ignored the feeling but every step I took just made me feel like something wasn't right so I decided to just go grab some food and come back while I was eating I saw police cars and ambulances driving too around where I was before it turns out there was a murder now I always listen to my gut feeling maybe you smell death I was offered a dream job at almost double my salary in a different city it was only two hours away but something told me not to take the job I had a number of people tell me I would never have another opportunity like this and my fear of leaving my hometown was holding me back two months after I turned it down that division of the company was sold and everyone in that department lost their job I'd have been stuck in a new city with no friends or family nearby and no job prospects you were obviously supposed to save the division when I was six my brother ate at a time and I would go to my grandma's house while our mom worked late some nights one day I was just randomly thinking about fire alarms I don't know what caused me to think about it but after I started I couldn't stop I have added on this super focused thing so whenever I'm thinking about something as simple as fire alarm as it consumes my mind I asked my grandma and she said she hadn't tested hers in a while just for kicks she didn't sure enough the batters were dead she replaced the bat isn't made sure they worked the very next morning her house caught on fire while she was asleep if she didn't hear the fire alarm she would have been trapped in her room on the second story without a phone or any way to contact help she most likely would have died I always make sure fire detectors alarms work in my house now plot twist the new battery is shorted and caused the fire about 10 years ago working security at a site about 50 miles from home got off shit at midnight and didn't bother to change out off uniform because I was only going to stop for gas to stations in the town I was working and were open after midnight but it slipped my mind as I drove past the first one pulled into the other same brand same gas price same sort of dump entirely and just didn't like something about it nobody else around but he Clark that I could see but I decided to go back to the other one he topped off and headed back out of town I get close to that station again three city cop cars two deputies and a state trooper are outside blocking the road with guns drawn turns out a city cop walked in on a robbery dude put a bullet in his vest and the store owner knocked the robber out cold with a bat before the cop could recover enough to get his gun out that would have been me in a uniform with a nice shiny badge but no body armor row in all earnestness you actually dodged a bullet on that one so it technically didn't save me it would have anyway a couple months after my 10th birthday we went on family vacation to visit my dad's side of the family they lived a state away - my mom was about six months pregnant with my only baby brother at the time we got to our hotel at about 2:00 o'clock and by 3 o'clock we decided we wanted to make the most of the day and go to the aquarium I got fully dressed and ready to go and suddenly I was hit with this crippling feeling of dread at that age I'd never experienced anything like it pure anxiety but I knew I just frickin knew if we waited five minutes I would be fine I tried telling my mom this and she was having none of it I even tried to just stall her by begging nope got dragged out of the hotel and into the car we pull out of the parking lot and get t-boned so hard we do a 180 into oncoming traffic as soon as we all realize we were okay I was like ah yep there it is I've never let either are then forget it either I'm afraid of roller coasters mostly Heights but they go hand in hand my friends and I went to a theme park and went on one that was in darkness and went underground I rode at once sitting in the back and really enjoyed it surprisingly when we reached the start again there was no line as it was the end of the day so they asked if we wanted a final go before they shut down something in my gut told me not to go on so despite my friends nagging I didn't and waited with the bags my friends came back around a few minutes later white as a sheet about three-stroke 4 of the way through the ride there's a big drop then it goes fast and just before that my friend in the back spy had risen up apparently they had to grip onto her for the rest of the ride whilst trying to push the bar back down oh god that's my worst nightmare not me mid my mother saved my grandfather's life when he had a stroke in his chair in their living room we had all started to walk around the development when my mother after about 50 - 75 meters from the house said I am going to go back and check on dad I went with her and I nearly witnessed my grandfather die he was on the chair conscious but unable to move or talk just looking at my mother with bulging eyes she called 9-1-1 once then twice when she felt that they were running late ambulance came got him on the stretcher but it was too wide to fit out the door we ended up tearing the doorframe off to get him out because he was conscious he actually remembers the ride to the hospital he told us later that he heard the driver or someone say there is not a chance that this guy lives that was when I was around five - six years old he is still alive to this day more than a decade later at my mother's funeral part of his speech was about how without my mother's actions he would not have been able to spend time with her during her final years of life and for that he is eternally grateful my aunt told me a story about my dad who greatly dislikes his sister and as an all-around butthole 98% of the time calling her out of the blue one night while she was in college she answered he said he didn't know why but he had this urge to call her to make sure she was okay but she told him she was fine and thanked him for calling to check on her she never told anyone else except me and hopefully a therapist or two but she was holding the bottle of pills she was planning to commit suicide with right when he called her 20-some years later and she's very happy with her decision to live this some Jedi staff I was 15 years old and my mom dropped me off at McDonald's to get breakfast while she went across the street to get Starbucks it was a shopping mall in suburbia and we were on the way to pick up a new kitten a few hours away instead of walking the 100 yards to my mom I sat outside waiting for her to pick me up teenagers I guess as I'm standing there a guy in an old station wagon with two kids in the back talking to me he asks me where I'm going and I say whatever town it was he says he's going there to with his kids and asks if I want to come I tell him know that my mom is across the street and he comes closer my gut is saying something is off so I see a random woman walk out of Starbucks and I point to her and say that's my mom right there he freaked out and left really quick I still remember those two kids in the back seat they look so off I wonder to this day if they are okay I matched with a guy on tinder we exchanged messages and everything was fine normal we decided we would meet up for coffee in a week a few days after we arranged the coffee date he messaged me saying his father had passed away in those few days he couldn't meet me in public he could only meet me in private at his apartment I trusted my gut sent my condolences but said I couldn't meet him somewhere private he tried to tell me I could trust him because he had a dog I still declined he got really aggressive and started messaging me horrible things he called me every name in the book I ended up blocking him I tried to find him later on and he basically never existed he could have blocked me on all social media but I couldn't find a trace of him anywhere I don't know what the outcome would have been but I just couldn't do it in 2004 on Boxing Day not me but my mother family trip including all cousins and extended family on my dad's side to visit the coastal south of Sri Lankan vacation about 20 people in all well-planned trip last moment my mother didn't want to go no reason at all none of us could get her to explain why but she refused to go so we went inland on a different trip to see some other relatives around midday the entire extended family now on both sides were sitting shocked in front of the television watching the very same hotel we booked being washed away live by that tsunami to date she still can't explain what she felt I smelled burning plastic early in the morning at my family cottage and almost went back to sleep I was around 15 but got up to investigate a socket on the outside of the building had caught fire and flames were shooting up the the rest of my family was still sleeping and there wasn't enough smoke for the alarms to go off but I ran and got the fire extinguisher got my dad up and put it's in his hands and pointed him towards the fire stopped it and called the fire department I was building a fort in the woods near my house as a kid got a theory feeling that something was wrong so I packed my stuff and made my way home next day on my way to school on the bus my friend mentioned the Cougar his family saw running across the road that was within a couple hundred feet of where I was it just so happened to be at the same time I was out there we were looking at houses awhile back and found one that was great location would have been perfect size for us and didn't appear to need any work other than new carpet and stuff I wanted to do like painting and switching the it over from oil burning furnace I just had a nagging feeling about it and my husband agreed as much as we loved if something was off with it I actually thought ghosts or something silly like that and we ended up passing on it I was still kicking myself about it until a few months later when it had a major electrical fire the whole house and everything and it was a total loss and a family that lived there barely got out alive I don't know if it saved me but years ago my so at the time had a co-worker that kept inviting us out to drink I had never met the guy and was wondering why he seemed so eager to meet me especially since I wasn't even old enough to drink at the time he eventually told my ex that we should come over to his place for drinks in order for me to partake I remember around this time creeping his FB and seeing the squirrelly guy posing in front of his Honda something about it all made me laugh and wonder why does this twenty-something year old want to go to such lengths to hang out with a 17 year old girl he knows is taken a couple years later he is arrested on a multitude of CP and sexual assault charges they seized several devices that proved he'd been doing crap with children and animals since he was at least 13 cherry on top local star cops son I had gone to this bar back home with a few friends and afterwards everyone was supposed to go to this house party I was game to go from the moment I was invited halfway through the night I had this gut feeling to not go I told my best friend that she shouldn't go but she insisted that she wanted to go because there were a few cute guys there I couldn't shake the feeling that we shouldn't go but she talked me into it when we got in my car to head to the party the guy feeling was worse I grew up around cars and driver manual my best friend is completely clueless when it comes to cars so I deliberately grinded the gears and jerk the car and made it stall acting like something was wrong I pretended to try to fix what wasn't broken and after about 15 20 minutes of fixing my car cops and fire trucks followed by N's flew by us I fixed my car but told my best friend that I just wasn't feeling well and she agreed and said my car breaking down ruined her mood so we went back to my place to watch movies but about an hour after getting home we got a call from a friend of ours saying that the girl who owned the house and who was throwing the party was cheating on her husband who was deployed and came back and leaved to surprise her and caught her in bed with his buddy dude pulled a gun and started shooting at this girl and his friend while everyone else fled the house few years back I went to uni in Brussels I would always take the train to get there one morning I just woke up and didn't feel great at all keep in mind I have had a horrible flare-up of Crohn's for the last weeks but this felt different guess it was my gut so instead of pushing through it like I did with microns I decided to stay home for once this was the only day out of two that I ever stayed home from uni that day the terror attack happened on the train that I usually ride to get to uni I had a gut feeling I should call my wallet and phone out of my purse not even 20 seconds later I get mugged the man dragged me across the sidewalk and stole my purse but all he ended up getting was a juice box and my birth-control not me but my mom's best friend July 2000 my mom's best friend Michelle and her husband were out of town Michelle has this overwhelming feeling of panic and that something was wrong and my mom needed her and neither of them had cell phones Michelle felt so uneasy that she made her husband drive them back home my dad had committed suicide at our home that morning it didn't save me but saved a friend a big group of friends and I were walking home from an event in a town we weren't used to it was night and hardly anyone was around empty streets and all that we were walking down a sidewalk that had high fences next to it so when you turned a corner whatever was around it was out of sight but one of the girls fell behind distracted by her phone I think and I noticed so I started drifting behind as well to become a sort of midway point between her in the group but soon we were nearing where we were staying and our group rounded a corner then started making their way into the yard where our living quarters were I saw the car drive past us then turned the corner down the street the girl was still on as soon as I saw it I suddenly got this suspicious awful feeling so I stopped and went back to the corner to keep an eye on the friend the car drove past her stopped did a complete u-turn and slowly started creeping up behind alongside her she was still on her phone and wasn't noticing a thing I stepped out from behind the corner and started walking towards her the car sped off quickly as soon as the driver saw me it scares me that someone could have grabbed her and none of us would have seen a thing it would have just been one of those cliche movie moments where you turn around and realize a member of the group is missing to compound that potential tragedy she'd just gotten engaged a few weeks prior I was hanging out with friends at a bar but then going to head to my friends to stay the night we drove separately though it was in a city with a super high crime rate and in an even rougher part of town we left the bar at like 3:00 a.m. and the drive wasn't far but I was really low on gas and wasn't sure if I was going to make it I'm not normally a person who's paranoid over City neighborhood crime rates and I spent like half my time in this city and in the area we were in anyway so it wasn't foreign to me by any means even so just to be on the safe side I picked a gas station that was well lit in at a relatively busy intersection I was the only car at the gas station and when I pulled up to the pump I luckily took a moments to text my friend that I'd catch up with him in a few minutes as I'm doing that though another car pulls up right on the other side of the pump that I was at I have no idea what made me pause but I just waited a second to let them get out first but I had to keep waiting because they weren't getting out at first I thought that maybe they were taking a moment to get their wallet texts someone just doing something I couldn't see through the window tint at all though but I also tried to not stare at them or make it super obvious I'm also not a very intimidating guy I waited it out for five minutes and then started getting more worried I texted my friend to tell him exactly where I was I couldn't leave because I didn't have enough gas to get anywhere else and I didn't want to just drive to my friend's place in the event that they followed me another ten minutes later the car pulled off no one ever got out to get gas including me I just headed to my friends and decided to risk getting there on what I had left in my tank I'm not sure what made me that paranoid at that moment but I'm really frickin glad I hesitated walking my dog in a park and I saw a teen girl crying by herself behind a building decided to trust my gut and went up and asked her if she was okay and she said yes but I pushed her and she told me she was feeling suicidal went dive into her reasons but I just sat and chatted with her about my own struggles with suicidal intentions and gave her my number in case she needed a shoulder in the future she's doing much and now it seems and though I've moved away we still text occasionally my family was out visiting relatives in California when I was about 12 years old my brother and I were out of Beach attempting to body board with my dad keeping a close eye on us from the shore at one point every nerve in my body just screamed died so I ducked under the water when I resurfaced there was a surfboard floating away in front of me some guy frantically swimming after it and my dad waving us to come to shore apparently the second after I dove under water the surfboard went over my head probably would have cracked my skull open if I had been there my boyfriend and I were visiting friends for a week in Phoenix we girls were lounging at the pool while the guys were flexing their grilling skills my boyfriend paused a moment stood very still then told me to go get dressed we had to go right now I wanted to fuss but something told me not to we drove straight through to San Antonio right to his parents very rural house before cellphones and they didn't have a landline within a half-mile seconds before we arrived his little sister had jumped off of a rain barrel and landed on a metal spike that went straight up through her foot and into her leg his dad was at work so there was no car available there she was bleeding like crazy and his mother had just walked out and found her I don't know what spoke to him in Phoenix but it would have been all bad if we had not arrived exactly when we did I went to go sell an expensive smartphone I got as a gift on Craigslist in Philadelphia I talked with a guy for a while about it and he just would not agree to meet me inside anywhere I was young and stupid and needed money so eventually I succumbed I hit a supermarket nearby and told him where I was and stayed inside for a few minutes I then realized how stupid I was for going alone to this sale and not meeting inside in a relatively public place as I walked out a group of unscrupulous looking fellows asked me if I was selling a smartphone on Craigslist I decided to just stroll on past and get in my car and leave after they realized I had ditched the meetup I started getting all sorts of threatening text messages and voicemails from this group of guys I am pretty positive I would have mugged if I hadn't walked past them because of my gut my dad had to go to court to settle away overdue payment for the place he worked at he was going to take me with him so I can be more exposed to the adult world so to speak however that meant he would have to leave the office back door unlocked so the rest of the staff could clock in he suddenly didn't feel right about it and decided to have me manly office instead he got t-boned outside the courthouse on the passenger side of the car that day the car was totaled and I would have gotten severely hurt if I was there went to buy our TV off Craigslist for 350 dollars with a buddy and the seller cracked the front door enough to say we needed to go through the back entrance being dumb we did not think anything of it at the time and went to the back door we walked five steps into the house and notice all the lights were off and it was dead silent no TV sounds no music no nothing so we nope the Frick out of there and drove off seller never called us to ask where he went or anything we both still believe to this day was a robbery setup and are pretty thankful we did not end up dead or seriously hurt never used Craigslist again crap was sketchy not me but my dad was driving to a client's office to do some IT work for them he left the house without his coffee mug so thought about stopping to get coffee but he said he just had a weird feeling and decided not to he gets to the office and goes inside and two three minutes later there's a massive crash outside when he comes back out into the parking lot he sees his car in the two parked on either side of it stacked up on top of each other is upside down in the middle like a car sandwich some guy was driving down the street and had a seizure and veered into the parking lot it's near highway speeds had he stopped for coffee he likely would have just been getting out of the car at that moment I walked into a house party and got a really bad gut feeling most of my friends and I left the people who didn't leave got mugged it was pretty scary not mine but my dad's I was downstairs helping him with some woodworking when I was 10 or 11 he went to run a 2x4 through the table saw when he noticed I was at his elbow rather than behind him he stopped and told me to never stand behind the board when it's going through the saw in case it gets thrown I thought he was being overly cautious and I didn't have as good of a view from behind him but whatever I got behind him he flipped on the saw and ran the board through he only got one stroke three of the way through though when the blade hit a knot in flung the 2x4 hard enough to crash against the wall ten feet behind if I hadn't moved it would have hit me square in the chest and could have killed me guy was trying to hit on me at a bar and while I was a bit drunk I was still able to think straight I talked to him because he was kind of cute after a while he tries to convince me to go home with him but my gut told me not to later on the news it said some guy was kidnapping and our ping girls before killing them description matched the guy exactly never before have I felt so relieved in my life you have been visited by the skilled Papa replied shit gut Papa for good skill thanks for watching if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 463,110
Rating: 4.9033232 out of 5
Keywords: something not right, gut feeling, something's not right, instinct, saved, self preservation, survival, survival instinct, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: DpwMcnMrQ1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 2sec (2282 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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