Doctors, What's The Creepiesst Thing You've Seen? (Medical Stories r/AskReddit)

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doctors over dit what's the creepiest thing you've encountered while on the job verifying death is always sad but my friend tells the funniest story about how creepy his first verification of death was this is not meant to disrespect anyone black humor is a huge part of doctors coping strategies he was on a night shift a few weeks into his first job as a qualified doctor and got a call from a ward to say a lady had passed away an expected death hence he hadn't been called about her before and could he come verify and do the paperwork it's a busy shift with lots of sick people to see first so he takes several hours to get there he goes up and they tell him she's in room 8 the dotter room aids is slightly ajar in the room is dark now she was in a side room but most patients there were in shared Bay's of six beds so you get into the habit of not turning lights on in his nervous haste to make sure it didn't look like he was nervous he slipped into the room armed only with his little pen torch the window was slightly open and he swears the blind rattled against the sill as he crept towards the bed the tiny circle had light from his torch picking out the rumpled white hospital blanket only a very slim rise showing where she lay as she was a tiny old lady just skin and bone finally the light plays over her face and he has to bite back a little scream nearly dropping the torch for whatever reason her pose and death is one order horrified and horrifying snarl lips drawn back to bare likely false teeth the whites of her eyes showing in a fixed blind stare and both hands up close to her face curled into claws slightly over long nails shining grimly in the bigger torchlight now to verify a death the doctor has to listen for hearts and breath sounds for two minutes while feeling for a pulse check for pupil reactions in check for no response to pain he flicked the torch beautifully across her glaring eyes forcing himself to shuffle close enough to touch first to check for response to pain and then to settle shaking fingers on her throat so close to those furiously grinning teeth to feel for a pulse to get his stethoscope under the collar of her gown under the blankets he has to lean an even closer almost nose to nose with her now unable to draw his gaze away from hers and he has to stand like that for two minutes the seconds crawling away as he stares into that screaming face he says there's no way he would have heard heart or breath sounds even if she had been alive all he could hear was his own racing heart in his ears and on a loop in his head please don't let our move please don't move oh dear God don't move so a lady once who had gotten high on something and chewed off her lips that's pretty freakin high medical student while on my psych rotation came across an individual who was a chemistry graduate student apparently he had been taking astronomical amounts of ketamine and he was just continuously disassociated for the entire time I was on this portion of the rotation three weeks I never heard him speak a word 95% of the time we was wrapped up in his sheets like a mummy and he would just periodically laugh a crazy soft chuckle from under his covers if you tried to talk to him the creepiest laugh I've ever heard I'll never forget that I work as a psychotherapist in a hospital system my definition of creepy is probably quite a bit different from other medical professionals the one that got to me the most was a patient who came to this after attempting suicide by sawing both his arms off at the forearm with a table saw his arms were reattached fairly successfully - with only limited impairments and mobility all I could think was how bad it would have to be to live in his head that sawing his arms off seemed better than that he has since completed suicide when I was on in a rotation during med school we got a call about a 23 year old woman who was shot in the head and who was already completely gone but it was reportedly five months pregnant so they were doing CPR until they got her to the hospital to see if the baby was viable they got her to the ER and did an ultrasound and turned out baby was full-term and they did a c-section in like under a minute and got the baby out I don't think it's so incredibly uncommon but it was pretty surreal to see a baby delivered from a dead person with their brain exposed and she was pretty close to the same age I was at the time I was having a PT signing her admissions paperwork everything was going normally and she seemed coherent until she looked out her window and asked me did you see that I hadn't seen anything and she said a man just jumped off the building then she shook her head and mumbled to herself how her mind isn't right any more freaked me the freak out now I'm terrified of getting old and having dementia a woman at the nursing home I worked at had macular degeneration and would think she saw little men on people's heads or doing a jig on the windowsill or something I had to explain to her that our brains like to make stuff up when our eyes are going and the little men weren't real luckily she was still pretty sharp even at 90 plus so she understood but she seemed a little sad paramedic checking in a few years ago I responded to a call for a pregnant female who shot herself the 911 up before any more information could be gathered by dispatch we arrived to find a girl in her early to mid twenties sitting on the bathroom floor leaning against the front of the bathtub slumped over she was obviously pregnant looked to be third trimester to me she was unresponsive and barely breathing with a rapid carotid pulse a small revolver was on the floor next to her we found a single gunshot wound to the center of her very pregnant abdomen the patient's mother and four-year-old son were on scene the mother told us that the patient invited her over for dinner for some company as she had been fighting with the father of her fetus all day long the mother stated that in the middle of dinner the patient excused herself from the table to use a bathroom but that's when the mother heard a single gunshot anyway the mother told us that the patient was 23 and was almost full-term I can't remember how many weeks well it was more than 34 with her second pregnancy to make a long story short we interpret the patient established two IVs carry her down from the second floor to the truck and haul ass to the trauma center the patient went into cardiac arrest as we were wheeling her into the hospital CPR was started and an emergency c-section was performed in the air both mom and baby died the bullet went through the baby and through moms abdominal aorta her belly was full of blood freaked up call nothing I can say can possibly describe the year I worked in psychiatric intensive care creepy isn't the thing that comes to mind when I think back on it more heartbreaking and horrifying but creepiness was a part of it especially evening and night shifts naturally there is always something disturbing about watching someone while they're hallucinate you can tell it is 100% real to them and something about that makes you believe it on some level a lot of stories end with and of course I had to look over my shoulder to make sure you see the emotions it brings out here's a couple stories there was a woman that came in and sat down across the table from me for her admission interview she had bandages all over her arms and scotch tape over her mouth and ears she looked very uncomfortable and wouldn't really sit still when the nurse would ask her a question she would peel the corner of the tape back and answer then stick the tape back on really fast we eventually found out that she saw and felt bugs crawling all over her and they were trying to get inside her body the tape was to keep the bugs out the bandages were because some bugs had got in and she had to dig them out she couldn't sit still because she felt the bugs all over her even while we sat and talked the worst part was she had some idea that it was her mind playing tricks on her can you imagine going through your life feeling like someone is continuously dumping buckets of cockroaches on your head feeling like they're all over you and getting inside of you to the point that you're digging chunks out of your flesh in a panic all while knowing intellectually that none of it is real another story a girl spent my entire eight-hour shift fist fighting the same ghost she would throw a few punches and obviously landed knockout blows so she'd bend over and twist her hand around like she was wrapping some long hair around her wrists she dragged her opponent down the hallway give a few good kicks then set up for a curb stomp starts off kind of funny then gets a little disturbing when you think about the graphic things going on in her mind then just sad after you watch this replay for hours on end as a Tech in Psych years ago there was a seven-year-old kid sent to the floor because a mom didn't know what to do with him sadly common thing to happen even if the kids don't have psyche issues anyway the mom was shaking and crying and they had to take the kid into another room she was genuinely afraid of her own son she had suspected something was wrong when she kept finding mutilated animals in the back yard but never heard or saw coyotes or anything around the neighbors smaller pet started disappearing the boy had an obsession with knives hiding them around the house denying anything when the mom confronted him then when the two started getting into arguments he would get really violent and hit her push her down and kick her threatened to kill her on multiple occasions she woke up in the middle of the night with him standing beside her bed staring her in the face she put extra locks on her bedroom daughter feels safe wale slept the last straw was when she lifted up his mattress and found fifty-plus knives of all shapes and sizes under there but so she brought him to us I remember talking to him treating him like he was just any other kid that came through he seemed remarkably normal until you spoke directly to him he had this way of looking right through you or maybe likely didn't see you at all while you were speaking he would respond like a robot like he was just saying words because that's what we wanted to hear and we would always put on this creepy dead-looking smile like all mouth and no eye involvement in the smile especially when he would get away with something like taking another kids mockers and they couldn't figure it out still gives me chills laying here thinking about him I believe I met a seven-year-old psychopath whenever you admit a patient you have to inquire about their DNR status in case of a code being called I had one elderly patient late 80s early 90s who was severely demented and chronically ill in and out of the hospital every month barely holding on to life basically a horrible miserable quality of life I asked the patient's family about their DNR status you don't want to put someone through a brutal resuscitation that may not even work if it isn't something that they would want if they wanted to die naturally she flat-out state so we want everything done for him because we really need his check I didn't understand at first but apparently the family was living off all his social security and could not have cared less about his pain and suffering or his wishes I'm pretty sure it was the creepiest thing I've seen these people were supposed to be his loved ones taking care of him and they were using him like an inhuman object - he was doing CPR on a lady whose heart has stopped they initially rolled her into the room unconscious and not breathing this lady is pretty much dead however in the middle of doing chest compressions her hands reach up and grasped my wrists and then fall back to hanging off the table we never got her back my mother was Annie Kunis for 30 years and one time she showed me a picture of a baby maybe a cm or two smaller than a dollar bill placed next to it she told me it didn't survive too much longer that job rector I remember her coming home some nights and just pouring wine immediately I'm also never going to forget when she told me with tears in her eyes if you're are very unlucky you will lose a child in your life I lose one every month motorcycle driver accident third-degree burns arrived DOA had to transfer him from ambulance gurney to a bed as we were moving him with a transfer sheet the liquefied cooked subcutaneous fat caused the charred skin on his back to separate and his body slipped onto the floor despite several of us trying to catch him working the night shift as medical on-call i'll explain that uneasily startled it's around 3:00 a.m. and I'm back on a ward where I started my night to see how an unwell patient from the start of my shift is getting on I have a chat with the nurses at the desk they tell me he's much better and most recent observed but that his chart is on the end of his bed no problem I trot off to the bedside and I go pull the curtains round and to not wake the other sleeping patients in the bay I use my torch to check his chart all looks good and I'm happy I turn around and suddenly in the dark I'm toe to toe with a hunched over old man who has obviously noiselessly crept and behind me well I just about have a heart attack of my own there I jump back scream and knock over a trip stand he starts to yell and the nurses come running someone wheeling the crash trolley Oh doctor that's just Albert he likes to have a wander at night yeah well Frick Albert friend used to share stories of when she was newly a nurse she was checking out her patients following protocol this guy had been seen multiple times and given an antibiotic for a lung infection again this guy had been seen by a nurse and doctor and she was to do the last follow-up before releasing him what is this a shirt I keep them in my hole dude had an abscess so big that he stuffed a t-shirt in it and forgot about it at the time it had gotten so large that he now stuffed three shirts in neglected to tell the doctor or get it checked out by the time the last person blood soaked one was pulled out the smell was so bad it cleared the room not a doctor but I'm a nurse that works in an intensive care unit I took care of a patient who had a history of esophageal cancer a while back he had surgery got better and eventually went home months later he got pneumonia and came back to the hospital in respiratory distress he had to be put on a mechanical ventilator he was stable no blood pressure issues heart rhythm looked great breathing wasn't terrible responsive and following commands all of a sudden his blood pressure suddenly drops and he lost his pulse we called a code blue and began CPR we brought him back after an hour and continued to run tests to figure out why he crashed none of the results of the labs or imaging were remarkable 15 minutes after we had brought him back his blood pressures drops again and he lost pulse we continued coding him for another hour until it was clear he couldn't be brought back the doctor pronounced him dead his wife came in after the fact she told me she couldn't stop thinking about the conversation her and her husband had wife honey don't forget you've got an appointment with a home health nurse this Saturday husband well I won't be here this Saturday wife what do you mean you won't be here this Saturday where are you going husband I don't know I just won't be here this conversation happened Wednesday he was admitted to the hospital Thursday and he died Friday at 11:30 p.m. not a MD but I do work at a hospital I was sitting a patient up at the edge of the bed as in I cou when she started getting all squirrely she didn't speak much English but kept saying stand stand so I helped her stand up after standing for a few seconds something told me to lay her back down before her head ever hit the pillow her eyes rolled back and she was gone she had a massive stroke and was gone on the spot she all but died in my arms but I like to think i hoard her last wish of wanting to stand for a medical school rotation in psychiatry I rotated at a hospital which is essentially a full-time psych ward for folks who have pleaded insanity or ended up in an acute psych hospital and were eventually transferred here because they could not become well enough to get home the place was actually very nice it was nothing like you see on TV it was essentially like a college dorm with six or eight wings total each wing had like 16 rooms and each wing was broken down by gender each wing also had a gated outdoor area and a gym area so the patients had a relatively good life considering met many patients with many crazy stories but one always will stand out this young guy about 25 years old was there he had had these delusions just after college about some girl he had a crush on from his freshman year of college she wrote for a popular magazine and he supposedly had these delusions that she was writing about him to make fun of him he hunted her down in her hometown are pet her and tried to kill her but she escaped he then plead insanity and was placed here I went up and talked to him as a little third-year med student I started asking about his delusions and whatnot it turns out his father was high up in her international corporation and worth millions the kid who was hauntingly normal on the surface and incredibly creepy once you started digging told me that he basically plead insanity only because his lawyer said - he never had delusions never had hallucinations nothing he basically thought the girl was hot in college 400 miles to our pay her then freaked out but his lawyers advised he plead insanity because as a soft upper class kid he'd do much better in the psych hospital than in prison so that he was luckily he'll likely spend longer in there than he would have in prison because generally that's how it works but he seriously creeped me the Frick out you have been visited by the hamster oh joy comment I like chicken to live a happy and full of joy like the joy hamster life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
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Id: ctH8D-JLbQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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