What is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you have experienced? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the creepiest pitch in the matrix you've experienced oh I have a story one time my wife and I were coming back from a dinner night out when I opened the door of the house she was sitting at the computer working as I usually find her when I get home nothing unusual except she was entering the house with me I shrugged it off and carried on we went to bed and I told her that I saw her sitting at the computer and she goes dead serious and told me that when I opened the door she saw herself sitting at the computer working creepiest thing I've ever experienced the fact that our neighbors - why Oh daughter used to point to the TV when it was often tell us that the person on the screen was making scary faces and that she wanted it to go away didn't help us getting much sleep that night I got a call from a police officer telling me if I didn't pay some old fines within a week he would come arrest me the total was 267 dollars 63 it was about two weeks before Christmas so I was really sweating it the very next day I got to check in the mail for two hundred and sixty-seven dollars 63 for over pay child support throughout the year craziest most unexplainable thing I've ever had happened to me was looking at the giant poster of Jordan on my wall considering if I should take it down turn the channel and the person on TV said Jordan's gotta go it was a show about the country took the poster down once I was sleeping over at my cousin's house we were sharing the basement and I woke up at around 3 a.m. I remember looking around the room and thinking to myself I wonder if anyone else is awake double-quote my cousin then verbally responded in his sleep yes I am double quote probably not exactly what opie means but having a false awakening was interesting it's where you wake up get the day rolling etc but you're actually still dreaming only had it happen once got paranoid for the entire day after I used to live in North Carolina a few years ago and still regularly go back to visit friends while I was there my friends and I who are now in college or are graduated ran into somebody who we had known although I didn't know her very well back in high school a few days later I flew back home to Texas the next day I went to the grocery store and was walking down the aisle when I see a girl that looks exactly the same I did the biggest double-take I've ever done being 1,400 miles away from the city where I knew the girl lived it seemed absolutely impossible as it turns out after I called my friend about it the girl I had been talking to in North Carolina has an identical twin in Texas who just happens to live in the same city as me for a couple hours I thought I was crazy though one night I had a dream about being in a car with my sister at the church we went to for some reason had started going out of control so I jumped to the wheel and tried to keep us from dying later I told my sister about the dream and she had the exact same dream but instead she was the one at the wheel and not me when I was about 10 I was trying to toss the cereal box to the top shelf and kept missing the last time I threw it it was obvious it wasn't going to make it and then it just floated the rest if the way me and my brother made eye contact and ran to our room edit to everyone saying the cereal inside made it push the rest of the way I understand what you're saying but this was like 2-3 shelves that it was pushed up when the tiny amount of force wouldn't have been enough sometimes right before I receive a message from someone I get a really strong urge to open our conversation with whatever social app the message is being sent on then a few seconds later I get a message from that person I knew my uncle had died my mom had called me and told me the news it was very sad she told me in the middle of work and I told one of my co-workers he expressed his condolences on my loss a couple weeks later my sister mentioned my aunt and uncle doing something I said but he's dead and my sister said no he wasn't I called my mom no he wasn't dead to this day I'm still not sure how much of it my brain imagined and how much was real did I rarely talk to my coworker was I even on the phone with my mom at all that day it still freaks me out knowing that my mind could fabricate so complete and real a memory like that I was moving into a new apartment where my new roommate had a long head orange cat named Floyd I was taking trips from my car to my room moving boxes in and Floyd was outside each time I went inside and then came back out to my car there was another orange cat outside sitting directly next to Floyd this repeated until there were four total cats all sitting in a row watching me might not be the best one but this one comes to mind so the television was completely gone because of a storm satellite mums playing with the remote flipping randomly between channels trying to find anything that still works my parents are TV addicts ok dot she leaves it on a random Channel puts the remote down and says looks like the satellites out to my father just as she finished the statement the static cuts out and clear as day we hear Kelsey Grammer Frazier say not anymore followed by laugh track have someone hold you by the wrists about a thirty degree angle to the ground face down relax your body and just hang there for about 60 seconds then with your eyes closed be slowly lowered to the ground arms stretched above your head again stay relaxed you will feel as though your arms pass through the ground and hang straight down in front of you it's f king in about 2003 or 2004 my mother who is absolutely not a believer in ghosts or glitches in matrices ATC and would never exaggerate a story tell me about a dream she had which I have never forgotten she said she had dreamt about an old family friend who was dying at lung cancer in her dream she was hanging out the washing on the clothesline in our backyard when suddenly he walked through the trees and called out to her she noticed he was wearing a pilot uniform she was shocked to see him looking so well and exclaimed oh my god you look well why are you here come and talk to me dot he answered sorry no I've only come to say goodbye to you and to tell you I'm so much better but I can't stay I've got to go now goodbye and off he walked past her through the yard and out of sight for some reason my mother woke up rolled over and looked at the time 5:23 a.m. later that day she got a phone call from the his wife he had passed away at that exact time this happened to my dad so it's not exactly a personal story anyway my dad was driving down a long lonely Highway in Ohio doing about ninety in his z28 with a radar detector rolling hills and what now it meant that cops could hide at the bottom before you could see them and slow down so all of a sudden his radar detector starts blaring and he slams on the brakes right over the hill there's a squad car running radar he's super relieved but when he looks at the detector it's not even on the windshield it was unplugged and in the glove compartment what the [ __ ] TLDR ghost radar sector kept my dad from getting a ticket one morning when I was 15 my dad looked tired and stressed I asked him what was up he said he had an awfully realistic dream of me killing myself said in the dream he came into my room to find me hanging from my neck in the closet it bothered him so bad that he actually came in checked on me while I was asleep not too big of a deal but not cool as I thought 20 minutes later my sis comes into the room fresh from waking up she looks at me and first thing she said was damned Russ I had a weird dream I came in your room and you had shot yourself in the head it was messed up double-quote I told her that dad had a dream about me killing myself last night too and had him explain higher to her we just kind of sat there in an unnerving silence I've never been suicidal but that freaked the whole fam family out I got in a motorcycle accident about six years ago I'm going 45 through town and a woman who didn't see me turns left in front me it could only have been a millisecond but I remember weighing my options and thinking if I should try and go over the car or under it by laying the bike down I put the bike down it went straight under her car I went diagonally I slid across the pavement wearing no helmet no jacket just jeans and achieved zip up Hoodie from Walmart so I slide 480 feet or so not sure on the exact measurement but it was a long f king way on the pavement and when I stopped I just stood up and the only thing wrong was that there was a hole in my hoodie cuff about the size of a dime not a scratch anywhere on me I remember looking at it then with my mangled bike and just screaming in my head physics don't work this way when I was in first grade or so I had this crazy dream that my best friend was actually there with me having a sleepover I woke up saw him on the air mattress and he sat up and started to float he goes look I think I can fly and I said oh my gosh you can maybe I can too and I could so we flew around my bedroom together and he pulled a book off my bookshelf using telekinesis and we read it that's all I could remember next day I go to school and tell my friend about my dream I explained that he was over for a slumber party he woke up in the middle of the night started to float etc and his face gets panic he stops me and says I think I had that exact dream I said seriously and he says yay you could fly too and we flew around your room together and I could move things with my mind and I moved a book off your bookshelf we were pretty freaked out I've won the lottery twice by playing numbers that I saw in dreams the night before first dream was me entering the numbers four thousand nine hundred and six on a keypad for some reason in the second dream months later was me using a bottle of 409 I only want a couple of hundred bucks but it's better than nothing I got exact matches both times I was in my living room looking out the window at the street and I see a neighbor from a few doors down going down the street on her scooter she is morbidly obese my living room has two sets of windows separated by a bit of wall so if someone walks by there's a slight gap when you see them so I was sitting there she scoots by the first window there's a beat and she never appears out the other side I continued watching both the windows to see if she comes out or turns around and there's nothing I get up and go to the window to see the entire street and she's completely gone there were no other places to go as she was on the sidewalk and couldn't scoot across the grass and she couldn't go onto the street because she was tip over the curb her two directions were left further up the street all right back where she came she disappeared and was going neither I even went outside to see if there was somewhere else I missed that she could have gone nothing she went past my window and was promptly deleted from existence years ago my best friend called me really upset it was around 1000 or 1100 at night and I was already asleep because I was working two jobs at a time the short version is that she had a fight with the guy she was crazy about although not dating at the time I told her that she had to stop letting her hurt him she deserved better etc as soon as I said that I felt a shift on her end of the call she said that I was right and that she had to go to pick up her car I told her to call me when she got back home I tried to stay awake but I was so exhausted that I pretty much fell right back to sleep I was sleeping hard but then just after 3 0-0 in the morning I suddenly woke up and sat up in bed and I just knew that she was gone I laid back down and drifted off to sleep knowing there was nothing I could do after I woke up that morning I convinced myself that it was just a weird dream or something and spent the day trying to get in touch with her later that night I finally got in touch with her parents they told me that early that morning she had died from carbon monoxide poisoning I'm Way too late to this party but this is a true story that nobody believes I was driving northbound on i-5 into Seattle at about 3 a.m. it was raining very very hard and I drove under the Convention Center in downtown Seattle which is like a tunnel when I got out from under the CC I saw something that made me slam on my brakes and skid to a stop in the middle of the freeway there were five cars upside down in the middle of the road I though what had happened upon a horrible accident but then I realized there was not a single person in sight the cars were completely empty no headlight song no cops no fire trucks no ambulances no tow trucks and then I realized what made me hit the gas and get out of there not a single dent on any of the vehicles they were just sitting there upside down in the middle of i-5 it has freaked me out to think about ever since and everyone thinks I'm making it up but that was a glitch if ever there was one I checked the news four days afterward and couldn't find a report weird there were four trees in my side yard beside my house for as long as I can remember I came home from work one day and now there are three no sign of a tree being removed I didn't ask a service to remove it the neighbor didn't remove it and there is no stamp the spot is grown over as if nothing was ever there this has been bugging me for two months now I went through past pictures but never had that area in pictures maybe I am just crazy my friends and I were about to go on a country cruise Midwesterners we'll get it one night as we went to the same route as usual we were at the last stoplight until the start of our route the light turned green but we sat there for about three seconds just looking at the green light I think we were all in some trance out of nowhere during those seconds anyway as all three of us sit there staring straight ahead at this green light for no reason all of the sudden an 18-wheeler that none of us saw barrels through the red light passing only inches from the front of the Jeep we were in he was going 55 plus speed limit of the Hwy we were crossing and had no intention of stopping we would have all died had we gone through the light when it turned TLDR didn't go when the stop light turned green semi past inches from smashing our vehicle and us into tiny bits the movie Sweet Home Alabama just came out in cinemas and my friend wanted to see it I was confused why was on at the cinema when it had come out a few years ago he told me it was just today I told him the plot and that it was old he convinced me to see it anyway and I remained convinced his seen it all the way through and was correct with my description of the plot turns out it had just come out at day that has always weirded me out it was like deja vu but I described the movie before I'd seen it one time I had a dream that I was drowning and right before I was about to let the water enter my lungs I got woken up by someone calling me it was my friend asking if I wanted to go surfing sure a sh t I got caught in a big set of waves and struggled too much as I was getting thrashed and the whitewash and almost drown when I finally got back to shore and collapsed in the sand I thought about that got weirded out I was waiting for the bus next to a busy road and I was starting to feel anxious so I decided to stand up and walk away for fifty feet and I already felt better so I started walking back and on that moment I saw a truck loosing control and demolishing the spot where I was 20 seconds ago since then I believe that people have destinies I was driving home from work one night when I saw lights in my rear view mirror for some reason I felt like the car behind me was following me and I began to feel anxious the entrance to my neighborhood has two directions once you turn in I lived to the right but I decided that I was going to turn left and see where the car behind me went they also went left getting more worried I decided to take random turns into sub streets of the neighborhood and each time the cut followed me finally I reach a cul-de-sac at the end of a street and I pull over at a random house in turn my lights off sure enough the car behind me turned into the driveway of the house I pulled up too then the family inside the car got out of the car walked up to the house unlocked the door and went inside to this day I have no idea how that happened I can't read minds by any means but I swear I can like hear people's thoughts sometimes for instance more than once someone will play the gettin number one - fifty game and I will just hear like 47 in my head and it will be spot on the weirdest one was when I lived with my ex and I was in the shower and she was doing makeup out of nowhere I get Leah do a deer song from Sound of Music stuck in my head I have not seen that movie in 15 years I stopped to sing it in the shower and my girlfriend just throws open the curtain freaked out apparently I was just singing along exactly what was going through her head shit's weird homey my sister and I are forever scared of the dark now when I was around 7 I lived on a farm in we had a Jacuzzi outside my sister six years old and I were asked to go outside late at night and close the jacuzzi cover because it had accidentally been left open so we go outside and we're trying really hard to lift the cover it was really heavy and we were both young and suddenly the sky erupted with this huge mushroom atomic bomb explosion it was huge and getting bigger and my sister screamed and we ran as fast as we could into the house nobody ever believes us but we both swear it happened my brother started hanging around with the wrong crowd one day my partner got a real bad feeling in his gut he had to block the front door nothing I could say would stop him or convince him how crazy he was being the door just had to be blocked the desk got moved in front of the door and I was pissed I had to use a back door to get in and out of the house two days later Bros friends came looking for him he owed them some cash because my partner had blocked the front door I had to open the window to speak with them I'm eternally grateful to my partner for moving the desk and blocking the door Ross friends came at me with a knife but cause I was through the window they missed me and got the knife course into the curtain netting instead of in my gut the next day partner said that feeling in my guts gone now let's move the desk back and unblock the door my mom liked to go and he kind when I was a little kid she took me into a shop and I saw this doll in a glass case I told her the doll was mine from when I lived before she told me that was nonsense I insisted that the doll was mine her name was dawn laws she asked for the doll to be removed from the case it was the kind of doll where the head neck and a small portion of the chest and back are wood and the body is cloth as she's looking at the doll and showing it to me she sees a carving on the back of the dolls neck doll laws she gets all freaked out and doesn't buy me my doll we left I am still frustrated that she didn't get me my doll when I was younger I had a recurring dream in which I was in a car crash I could see distinct details about it like the surroundings there was a McDonald's and a Tim Hortons close by the car we were driving was blue and I was with two other people I didn't recognize but seemed to know I could see the face of the driver but not the person sitting on the backseat I was in the passenger seat every time I would wake up because a big black Ford truck would be ramming us on my side coming out of the gas station after a couple of times I decided to tell my mom she told me not to worry about it I had it at my uncle's place down in the south and I woke up screaming he told me to tell him about the dream as I was recounting the events his face slowly turned pale I'll never forget what he told me next apparently some years back my uncle had witnessed the exact same accident and tried to help the victims only the passenger had died that day it shocked him so much that he remembered the exact date it was about nine months before I was born I never had the dream again I was watching a high-school football game in my hometown when I was about 13 - 14 my friends and I were sitting at the top of the bleachers just hanging out when I noticed some seagulls flying in the distance somehow I knew that one of those birds was going to sh t on one of the girls sitting a few rows in front of us I tapped my friend and told him what was going to happen of course he thought I was joking I wasn't those birds flew right over that girl and pooped right on her head TLDR woe to mine enemies for I am the master of bird anuses when I was seven I was hospitalized after my dad's car was t-boned I didn't break any bones so it was just an IU okay just to be safe sort of hospital trip I vividly remember my sister visiting me she was five but she was by herself not with mom and dad like she usually would be she didn't do very much except play on her gameboy advance while sitting in a chair to my hospital bed she was playing Pokemon I couldn't really play or see what she was playing but I decided the hospital was serious enough that I shouldn't try to be whiny and asked for a turn to play after about an hour she turned her GBA off and said goodbye to me and left the room I think I fell asleep after this when I woke up my parents were over me dad had a sling on his shoulder like he'd been injured I asked where my sister was and they almost fell apart they told me she died in the car crash I was once watching Kolbert I sneezed he said bless you when I was about eight we had a cha-cha husky mix this sucker like every other dog would bolt out when not being held in public one day we were sitting on the front steps of the house and he just gets up and runs off I was little and didn't expect if so the leash was just yanked out of my hands I started to chase him praying that he wouldn't run into traffic he was a good distance in front of me when he turned and ran into the street there was an oncoming car and it slammed on its brakes tires screeching horn blaring when the car came to a stop I didn't have the heart to look I just turned around head down and brokenhearted I looked up and that f king dog was still sitting there on top of the steps just looking at me he didn't budge an inch I turned back around there was no car I walked back to the house never breaking eye contact with my dog trying to figure out WTF just happened I swear I saw the same person in double-quote the last patch put total populations at 7 billion unique NPCs how is that not enough you ungrateful little shits a single repeat slips through and you notice immediately I have had many strange things happen but here is some of the more crazy moments driving a car through some countryside a passenger I must say from the city decided to throw a plastic bottle out of the window to which I tried to shout indignation but it happened too fast and the bottle went out the window only to suddenly fall from under the foot whirl an identical bottle onto the passenger's feet I still have no idea how to explain it nor do any of the other passengers the bottle just appeared and rolled down onto her feet from under the dash an identical sprite bottle also both empty with the label ripped off stopped the car and went back and sure as hell the other one was in the road I don't drink sprite she was the first to bring it into my car first post on Reddit here goes I've never experienced something like this myself but my grandparents told me a story that's always stuck with me my granddad was in the Army during World War III and then drove trucks across country for years after that one night while my dad was still young and granddad was out on the road my grandmother had a terrible dream about him falling asleep on the road and she woke up screaming for him to wake up she eventually got over it and went back to sleep she told my granddad about it when he got home and he asked her what night it was he then told her that on that same night he actually did fall asleep at the wheel and while asleep he dreamed that he saw her standing in the middle of the road in her nightgown with her hands out towards him telling him to wake up this jolted him awake and he stopped his truck to find that he was headed straight for a bridge that was out seems crazy but I never forgot that I'm probably a little too late but who goes I was around age 10 or 11 I had spent the night at my best friend's house and was supposed to be coming home soon so I call my home phone number and my mom answers I asked what's for dinner and she says spaghetti and I say really you never make spaghetti and she says yes I do and I hear a dog bark in the background she says the dog is out back chasing lizards which my dog loves to do we talked for a few more minutes and my friend's doorbell ring my friend opened the other end my mom is standing there at the door with my dog as I'm talking to her on the phone but she's not on the phone I say into the phone mom and she says yes JC Jian and I hang up immediately I walk home with my mom and asked wasn't I just on the phone with you she says no I'm being silly and we go home she made spaghetti that night and I didn't eat it [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 454,682
Rating: 4.9320107 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 23sec (1763 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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