Unprofessional Actions That Will Get You Fired (r/AskReddit)

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managers offered it what is the most unprofessional thing an employee has done that resulted in an immediate termination employee one wearing earplugs on a string employee two comes up behind one and decides to yank on string which pulls earplugs out of is very fast but this causes a vacuum in the ear canal and effectively pops your eardrums outward it hurts bad employee one got mad yelled and possibly cussed employee to employee two decides he doesn't like attitude about the situation employee two who is an amateur boxer punches want to lay him out on floor he slashed my tire after I told him to go work instead of sitting in the break room he obviously didn't want to go to work so I think you did him a favor I gave my secretary a document that I wanted incorporated into a letter I had written and she hooked the document like a frisbee into her trashcan it was literally my only copy so I had to walk over and fish it out that was a last day had an employee a nurse who was drinking on the job snuck vodka in a plastic water bottle we became suspicious when she began behaving erratically then we noticed that there was super possessive of her bottle and never let it leave her sight or let anyone else near it she messed up and left it at her desk when she went to the bathroom so we sniffed it and she was busted hot mess that woman was almost identical story at my job she had in a replaceable water bottle one day in a downpour she had to go out to her car to get her magic water bottle came back loaded in soaking wet she never made it back to her desk I was part of a group of IT contractors together for a large international project the client would get us apartments to live in at each implementation site for six twelve months a member of my team got into a disagreement with the CTO when he came to visit our site which resulted in her screaming personal attacks at him in the hallway when he tried to step outside to de-escalate the argument she was fired on the spot but then proceeded to go back to the apartment provided by the company and completely wreck it the site was in the middle of the desert and she had open all of the windows doors turned the AC on max stopped all of the drains and turned the water on through red nail polish all over the bathroom it was the most extreme breakdown in a professional environment I'd ever seen I once had an employee snapchatting as he drove an ambulance with a crew member and patient in the back through an intersection during a red light throbbing a pregnant co-workers belly three times after being asked to stop and then asking her if her husband was good at the frake I fired him and he asked if we could still be friends no he then tried to file for unemployment after only working there for three weeks part time one of our delivery drivers was supposed to be training a new employee basically driving around and introduce them to routes and customers and that type of thing well he told the new driver to just drop him off at the park down the street and when my boss drives the 15 seconds to the park he was smoking crack with bums that sounds like some crap they'd show on a don't do drugs video in health class guy had a crush on a female co-worker he passed her a note at work one day with a gob of hand lotion inside that in the words I got really excited thinking about you earlier girl freaked out went to management guy got escorted out it's like creepy pans but analog had an employee pull a gun on me this was after he was fired for threatening other at a tier-one help desk made everyone uncomfortable the entire time he was there he's still in jail it's been about eight years now I had an employee who got drunk on her lunch break flipped her car went to jail mug shot with our company logo on her shirt perfect free advertising though I work in pizza delivery and we had a guy back in the day fellow manager who tried to shut down the store five hours before the time that corporate set for us to close he clocked every person out and sent them home and then just refused to take the phone calls or anything like that he was fired immediately after our boss found out and he even tried to come into work the next day like everything was fine we used to do crap like that at my store once or twice a year we always said the oven broke down or the power went out no one bothered to check and nobody ever got in trouble I had a tech who wasn't showing up for work and forcing his junior coworker to lie on his behalf and do all the work by himself we were installing some massive printers and it was a huge liability to have the younger guy be doing all the heavy lifting on his own I had to promise the younger guy that I wouldn't fire him if he told the truth I wasn't the manager but watched the whole thing happened a few years ago I worked at a restaurant and we had kind of an annoying new hire one of those and too good for this types it was this kid's first job and first day out of training one of his tables was a family with two small children who were being obnoxious good Hey it's a family restaurant that's expected while walking away from the table he muttered something along the lines of shut up you're freaking kids except he didn't actually mutter he spoke at a normal volume the mother overheard and was not pleased he was sent home and invited to not return one of our warehouse workers was a young man about 25 years old he was suspected of having a drug problem mostly because of absenteeism and that he just seemed off at times one day he called our office manager from the back parking lot of our building and said that he had an upset stomach and had poops in his pants she told him she would try to find a change of clothes to bring out to him but before she could he ran into the building and into the bathroom off the lobby trailing poop smeared on his shoes onto the floor he then took off the poop pants and left them in the bathroom and ran back outside to his car at that point everyone else in the small office was running outside to escape the horrible smell our office manager found a pair Roth pants in someone's Locker and took them to where the guy was parked but turned around when she saw him standing beside his car with no pants or underwear on while everyone else was figuring out how to deal with the poop in the office the guy got in his car and left he showed back up three days as if nothing had happened he was told to head on back home I could never figure out why he ran inside if you poop in your pants wouldn't you just get in your car and drive home I'm not the manager involved but I think this fits the bill a co-worker of mine who was a little bit too much into his car got snapped doing twice the speed limit instead of pulling over for the patrol car behind him he decided to run for it he led a police chase to the office and shook them off by hiding in the underground parking the GM watched it happen from his office he took the lift down found co-workers car and told him not to bother getting out don't pick on the office cloud-storage years back a co-worker got into some trouble for something and got called into the owners office few mins later you hear a huge thump idiot broke his hand on the boss's desk during their disagreement he got a police escort off the property had an employee pass out in his truck in a customer's driveway customer called me to report said employee had a glass pipe on his chest luckily guide decides to call me instead of the sheriff employee was picked up and brought back to shop when asked what was going on he stated I was on break it wasn't we did just spice sorry bud I don't think this is gonna work out worked as a bartender at a restaurant I was cashing out a waitress who decided to enter the bar to make herself a smoothie after fumbling around she dropped a wine glass from the hanger and it smashed all over the counter I told her she's gonna need to clean that up before I can finish cashing her out she then begged me that she needs her tips right now as a friend who she owes money to is waiting outside and that she was going to deliver the money come back and clean it up she never came back and I had to replace all the eyes and all the fruit garnishes on a busy weekend night because of broken bits or glass that landed all over well of course the manager comes over ask why the drink tickets at 10 minutes long and I told him what happened who then immediately went into the schedule and gave all her future shifts away to mothers the waitress called the restaurant not even five minutes later to ask why her shifts have been forcibly given away in the manager replied cause you're fired and hung up fired a guy in his first week for browsing and downloading P at work on his lunch break on a computer in a large open room that other people worked in at a government organization so caught him red-handed warned him not to do that already thinking this guy will be fired at the end of the day but have to go through the channels was a weekend shift then two hours later he does it again at the same place at that point I had the VP's approval to just fire him and we will deal with the paperwork on the Monday let him go he's shocked but doesn't say much being the only manager on site I take screenshots of the site's he visited forward it off to HR and the VP to document it all a few days later the guy's father calls the VP to complain about his son being fired guy was in his mid-twenties apparently the fire employee never thought him being fired on the day he was busted for browsing pornography on a government computer in a government office was a reason to be fired and he never told his irate father about this so the VP deals with this very diplomatically saying employee was viewing an appropriate content at work was warned continued bad behavior father doesn't accept the explanation so the VP starts reading off the list of the sites that were visited all of them were hardcore sites geared towards large african-american women fired employee was Caucasian the real kicker to this was that the VP believed that the fire employee was listening in on his father's conversation via another phone just as the sites were being read off there was a very audible click of that phone being hung up my husband is a manager and his employee somehow had another employees ID and then stole that person's check and cashed it caught it all on camera she still denied it in Auto Sales one of our salesmen always seemed to be up to something between all line two customers drug abuse and constant at home he was impossible to manage unfortunately he was the type that gave the rest of us a bad name eventually he got into it with our GSM about several issues and his go-to was to start making fun of our gSN's handicapped son I had so much respect for our GSM he took him in an office told him he was terminated and walked out even though I know inside he was boiling with rage glad he is gone not a manager but had to share worked up Jamba Juice coworker put bare hands into his pants and scratched his crotch at the register while helping a guest when the guest commented he put his fingers in his face and said smell it I had an officer under me he was reported in a tree I went to investigate the last place he was seen he was still there attempting to pepper spray Birds I wish I could have made that up I own a tree removal service harder guy as a ground worker he worked great the first two weeks didn't complain seem to know the work and I paid him well the third week working for me we did a job that consisted of two big box elders to be removed it was 95 degrees that day I told all the guys that day don't push yourselves too much make sure you're getting enough fluids and if you need a break take one the new guy drove his own vehicle to the job as he needed to leave up day forty minutes early to make it to a dentist appointment we are like 40 minutes into the job I notice he's moving really really slow just looked really unmotivated and like he didn't want to be there we had the customers driveway blocked off with brush everywhere at this point I'm still climbing in the tree and I see the new guy driving through the customers yard which was like two acres and then onto the road in a serious hurry I called him probably 30 times to make sure everything was all right didn't hear back from him my other employees had no idea and were in shock they saw him hop in his truck and just dart he decided right then and there Frick this and left still haven't heard from him to this day I didn't terminate him that's the closest I would have come to firing someone my construction company was building a new addition on a hospital one morning the president of the hospital called to inform me that he had just watched one of our laborers smoke crack in his truck while on break went to the job site talked to the kid he said your I was but I waited till break time you aren't supposed to drive your personal vehicle to the job site for liability reasons oh yeah and you're not supposed to smoke crack even on break we've had some winners over the years but that kid took the cake was going over security footage saw the nim ploy that didn't want to sign their contract take it sign it stick it down the front of his pants and wipe it around on his junk then stick it in the Secretary's inbox the contract was burned in box was disinfected employee was fired maybe he just has a unique signature had a guy that would ring up dine and orders with five sodas the amount that the people ordered its then before they cashed out he'd removal that one or two and would pocket the difference he would give them the first copy and since of course that's what they ordered they never said anything when he realized they would be paying cash he change it I realized that one day as he was fired a father came to my restaurant with his daughter and the cook wrote his phone number on the girls burger wrapper the girl ended up being 13 dad was mad rightfully so cook got fired right then and there one employee was dealing crack from the back door another was higher natured nodding off while standing over a fire another went off on her admittedly rude customer and got real mean your wife must be sorry she married you one called me again I'm white and spat at me when I confronted him about the fact that his dad came in to say hi to him when he was out of work because his dad had a heart attack and was in the hospital and one just sat in the dining room and refused to go back to work because a hockey game was on TV restaurant management is fun punching his supervisor and then making a run for it he had permanent resident spending and wound up deported must have pretty bad anger management issues to throw your whole life away over not wanting to switch departments for a week I was a blacksmith at a federal historical site and I used to make nails as a demonstration I didn't see this but another blacksmith was making nails and a lady remarked they didn't have nails back then 17th century to which the blacksmith replied right lady they scotch-taped Christ to the cross not a manager but I had a teacher who was fired due to a spectacular display of poor judgment I was in grade five so nine ten year olds the teacher decided to reward some good behavior with a movie in class we were given a choice between movie about a family in the mountains and a movie about a ghost we picked the family because we thought the ghost movie might be scary it was the shining we watched it an edited in class some kids hid their faces through most of it most of this went home and had terrible nightmares and the teacher was forcibly removed from class and fired the following morning interestingly I encountered my story as an urban legend twenty years later when I was completing my teaching degree in case you're wondering the movie about the ghost it was poltergeist nice we were shown Nightmare on Elm st. in seventh grade science while our teacher graded tests when my mom called her on it she told the principal that she was really busy grading and didn't know what was on the TV twenty feet directly in front of her for 45 minutes it was even her own tape that she brought from her home and put in the machine so far as I know she still works there today wasn't the manager at the time but I work at a movie theater and we like most places have a rewards program you show your card to the box-office cashier as you purchase your ticket and as you cycle points you get free drinks popcorn and eventually a free ticket for this one cashier who seemed to always have tons of cash on her person would take the guests free tickets and keep it when the next guest would come and pay exact change she would use the free ticket and pocket the cash we do have cameras in the box-office so was shocked she got away with it for so long she got caught because a very regular guest asked to speak to our GM and was wondering why she isn't getting free tickets anymore fast forward a few days the same guest comes back but she can't stay for her movie she had to leave and wanted her a fund our GM goes down to handle it for her and notices the ticket was a free movie so we can't give her a refund she insisted she paid exact change to the cashier that was there a few hours ago she reviews the footage and sure enough exact change for a ticket no coupon but the cashier had in front of her and slides it sneakily to use GM greeted her in the break room and told her to take her stuff home she no longer works here I wasn't his manager but at a company that I used to work for they made the mistake of firing a system administrator before disabling his access he apparently had known it was coming for quite a while because he had scripts written to change the local admin logins on a number of our servers and then promptly shut them down we were able to get them back up and restore root access with domain admin credentials or snapshots but imagine 76 mission-critical production servers going down at once on a Friday of 3 p.m. that was a really long weekend you've been visited by the toothpaste man 4 good teeth and fresh breath comment Oh fresh if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, worst boss, r/ askreddit, funniest posts, askreddit stories, funny posts, funny askreddit, Managers of Reddit
Id: dtQDzcPwnm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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