The Worst Thing That Happened at Your Family Gathering?!

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nsw what's the worst thing that's happened at your family gathering was celebrating an uncle's birthday and we realized about 15 minutes into it that grandma died everyone lost their mind because she was 75 and seemed fine 10 minutes before died of a massive brain aneurysm whole family was devastated i still took some cake christmas dinner grandpa picked up something at the store that wasn't what grandma asked for grandma threw frozen chicken at grandpa's head grandpa ducked chicken hit glass patio door shattering it police were called children were quickly taken and driven home and grandma wonders why most of the family doesn't make much of an effort to stay in touch my brother throwing a temper tantrum at age 30 it has been pretty common for him to blow up about little crap all his life it was his youngest daughter's second birthday and he was in a crappy mood all day even though our mom and his wife had taken care of everything it came to a head when it was about time to do the cake it was a kind of tall cake with a carousel on the top the dog bumped into the table and the cake shifted a little almost knocking the carousel over he stood up and said something like god damn it your freaking dog is ruining everything my mom said calm down the cake is fine he got in her face and said don't tell me what to do be at that point my brother and stepdad got up and kind of surrounded him ready to kick his butt he after a few seconds he finally stormed out of the house and left i feel the need to reiterate at this point that he was 30 years old and it was his daughter's second birthday tl dr my brother's two-year-old daughter was more mature than my brother i am flawed that someone like this duped someone not only into marrying him but breeding with him i used to live in mauritius and there fireworks are legal like you can buy them anywhere and play with them any time of the year now there are certain dates where a lot of fireworks are used new years of course holi indian festivity as well as divily also indian festival many ways my whole family is of indian origin and we celebrate devilly every year i normally live in a house that includes four families and a total of 16 people but during divilly everyone directly related comes which amounts to roughly around 45-50 people we are outside around 9pm when it's already dark outside and we are playing with fireworks and the kids are enjoying themselves when we decide to use a specific firework looks like a rocket you put it in a standing bottle and light it up it will go high up in the air and explode so we put one in a plastic bottle and just before it goes up the bottle wobbles and starts falling and the firework goes straight into the neighbor's only open window the neighbor got a house off two floors with about a bazillion windows all closed except one and that's the one that it aims we watch an orange horror as it goes straight into the room with the window open and after 1.5 seconds the whole room lights up followed by a big bam i crap you not i never saw 50 people go through a small door so quickly here we are at 9 pm 50 people poking their heads out from behind the curtains looking at the windows scared shitless the next day we didn't come out before at least 12 tldr family gatherings and legal fireworks equals bad idea edit for people asking no fire happened and nobody was injured thank god plus about 12 years ago we were all at my uncle's house me my siblings parents grandparents and obviously my aunt and uncle grandpa was drinking some coffee with dessert when it went down the wrong pipe and he choked up a bit my mom being one of the biggest overreactors i've ever known assumes he's having another heart attack he has a history of heart trouble and flips a freak out when my aunt tried to intervene and say that he wasn't having a heart attack and only coughing because of the coffee they got into a screaming and shoving fight eventually my uncle just goes get the frick out of my house get the frick out now 10 minutes later we're all in the car and out of there up until last year they cut a full contact with my aunt and uncle and fairly recently they've talked to them added them on facebook invited them to events etc wtf this is like a scene from the home alone family one thanksgiving my uncle and cousins brought along their pregnant chihuahua which gave birth in my bed my sister whose medical credentials included high school biology delivered the puppies unfortunately none of them lived tl dr i needed a new mattress my dad died christmas evening around 9 00 pm we get to my mom's boyfriend's parents house christmas dinner and family and all that after going christmas lights looking my mom gets a call and disappears the rest of the night actually all the adults are pretty much gone hey whatever 12 year old me throws on a movie and falls asleep on the couch wake up the next morning and extended family members family friends all kinds of people start showing up i remember thinking okay what's going on seriously and then my mom walks out after being unseen for the whole night and tells my two younger siblings and i that my dad had a heart attack what is he okay i asked with isaac could rip your heart out no baby he died and i remember my mom's voice choked cracked a bit on the last syllable i remember my sister crying daddy no and her buying face into a pillow but i just felt numb not hot not really cold just there i fell back into the couch in disbelief he can't be gone what kind of sick joke is this who was the world to take my dad from me i remember walking around the neighborhood after that to get some air wondering how the world could just go on how it was a nice day outside and cars passing and people smiling the funeral was four days later in dallas four hours from where i live because that's where he lived at the time and died and that's why my mom got a phone call and not his roommate at the door he was buried on my brother's seventh birthday i remember them standing beside the grave as my dad was lowered in i was in the van because i just couldn't stand there and watch him be put in the ground sorry for the long story had this in my head a while tl dr my old man kicked the bucket on christmas was buried on my brother's seventh birthday edit thank you all for your support and your stories i did up a bit reading some and it gave me some newfound hope for humanity keep on keeping on with it like your brother's birthday wasn't already ruined by all the combo presents from being so close to christmas my favorite uncle was an early casualty of the aids epidemic he was gay and out long before it was in any way acceptable think small southern town late 80s at his funeral my grandmother was telling everyone he was a junkie that shared needles just to avoid admitting he was gay to her church friends as if that were a more respectable way to have gotten the virus i'm sorry to hear that our worst family story happened at my aunt's wedding my aunt a white lady was marrying a korean-american man whose parents really wanted him to marry a korean woman during their entire engagement his parents would invite random korean women over for dinner to try and sway him eventually they seemed to get over the fact that he was definitely going to be marrying a white girl on the wedding day his parents seemed politely resigned to the situation his father actually even danced with my aunt at the reception so we were all relieved after dancing his father approached the mic and we all expected him to give a toast about how my aunt was so great that he overcame his prejudices or something instead he said in his thick korean accent this is abomination like german shepherd mating with poodle my aunt ran out of the room crying and my grandfather casually walked up and punched him in the face in front of 200 wedding guests people cheered well it was a series of events but it all came to a head at my grandfather's funeral however i'll attempt to make this as short as possible so a number of years back my grandfather had a stroke no one knew it was a stroke till two or three years later while he was refurbishing his 32 chevy which he treated better than his family eventually he starts to deteriorate and can no longer care for himself and my grandmother can no longer do it by herself in comes my brother who closes down the business he just opened in order to be his full-time caregiver i helped as much as i could but i lived four hours away at the time finishing up college occasionally his brothers and sister would come to visit but for no more than 20 minutes before they had to scurry out the door for important business all the while telling them how much they loved him eventually he passes away in a peaceful manner surrounded by my family i'm still away at this point and reconciles with them for all the crap he had put them through in comes his siblings who once again shrieked like banshees while mourning his death as if they had done everything to care for him they did not however my grandfather said i took care of him more often than they did and i was a full-time student who lived four hours away then comes the wake or open casket viewing for those who may not know where his family puts on a show for everyone to show their love in a public setting eventually things slow down and my grandmother thinks it would be nice to share our fond memories of him with those who have gathered to show their support which we do however when my grandmother gets up to speak they begin to chatter amongst themselves and abruptly leave in the middle of her speech this was the last straw for my father who confronted them and told them they would no longer be able to carry his casket to lay him to rest the following day at the funeral things went dearly smooth although they did the whole banshee wales again for attention but other than that it was peaceful then comes the final goodbyes before we lay him down to rest all of the sisters thought it would be great to write a joint letter to my brother and grandmother who took care of him in his final days and speak their minds the gist of the letter was that they killed him neglected him and ignored him which led to his death also included was a jab at my nephew who was two at the time stating that if my brother cared for his son likely cared for my grandfather he would have another tinier casket to deal with in the near future they ended the letter telling us to repent of our sins and to ask god for forgiveness unless we wish to burn in heck we don't speak much anymore with that side of the family i was 10 and there was a family gathering at my aunt's house with a bunch of people staying over at her house get called into the family room and all my aunts are there looking at me they start questioning me about my grandma's clock and whether i was playing with it which i did so i said yes turns ugly real quick and it's an all-out argument between my mom defending me and my aunts accusing me of breaking my grandma's five dollars clock they keep grilling me about whether i broke the clock although it wasn't broken the batteries just fell out fight drags out into the night the hosting aunt brings out other instances of how i wasn't behaving like running my fingers through her carpet and drawing on her carpet with my finger eventually accuses my dad of purposely breaking her sleeping bags me being ten and not understanding what this fight is actually about feels guilty that maybe i caused this whole thing because i played with my grandma's clock and my poor mom is defending me when i might have broken my grandma's clock by playing with it the hosting aunt eventually apologized to my mother months later but it made things really awkward for 10 plus years even now things aren't really the same years after the whole thing i realized it wasn't really even about me or the clock it was about some other crap that i don't really even understand but my aunts use me as their point of attack i even remember me saying all this over a clock when i was 10 during the fight and one of my aunts insisting it was more than that implying that it was about how i was a horrible liar or something you can't make this crap up at a birthday party of my rich gay uncle in the middle of the eating area filled with older gay people my little five-year-old cousin starts singing the everyone has aids song because her parents were hip and watched it with her because the movie just came out i have never seen a little girl take command of a room like that or parents try to run across a packed room so quickly my older brother died in his sleep when he was 16 shortly before christmas in 2005. during his funeral my grandfather mom's dad got up to speak right after my sobbing dad and said i'm the grandfather i just wanted you all to know that and sat down everyone either looked confused or extremely payoff the reason why this was extra crappy was because we had never seen him until then my mom had spoken about him in a very negative way over the years and told us he had left her and her siblings when they were young he worked as a pimp and drug dealer and he had recently gotten a 25 year old pregnant a few months after my brother's funeral my mom told me my uncle had been born one of my best friends attended the funeral and he still likes to joke about my grandfather bona story two days later my girlfriend of two years cheated on me at a new year's eve party went to a family reunion in the holler of kentucky with folks i thought i knew it was my cousin's or great uncle's house i'm not too sure and he is 80 plus years old and his family has owned this land forever everyone except for my immediate family was very close to them so some like 12 year old girl in my family who is white brings over a black girl everything was fine and dandy till one of the owners saw this he yelled at the top of his lungs what the frick is this crap inserted name here didn't build this land to have n on i t i t ain't right that little girl will never forget that she had to deal with real racism right in her face and i was so embarrassed for being a part of that family and felt that i had to apologize for being associated we left very quickly after comma in the holler of kentucky that's when i knew we were at my uncle's house for thanksgiving one year when i was about seven or eight his irish setter had puppies that were about 10 weeks old my cousins and i spent most of the morning playing with the pups until the meal was ready my uncle put the pups in their fenced off area of the garage so we could eat everyone started to sit down when we heard tyres screeching on the highway we all went outside to see what happened turns out the puppies had escaped out of the garage three of them were hit by a car on the highway two were still alive but their injuries were pretty bad there wasn't a vet anywhere nearby so dad did the only thing he could he picked up both of the puppies grabbed a rifle and took them a few miles away to do what needed to be done he was very upset when he got back my cousins and i cried for a long time that wasn't the best thanksgiving i've had not mine but hs sweethearts they are having a family reunion for the week in myrtle beach most of the family is gathered around the hotel pool including her female cousin's family husband two young kids a cousin's room is on the fourth floor overlooking the pool and she comes out to take a picture before coming down when she leans against it the metal guard rail snaps off and she plunged to her death in front of everyone my gf says she will never forget to her own dying days the sound of her cousin's body hitting the concrete deck of the pool the silver lining is that the kids were too young to really understand what had just happened to their mother i have never trusted a guard rail since hearing this oh my god that's awful best christmas ever my uncle took two days to prepare a dinner at his catering business the spread was awesome tons of turkey prime rib veggies pies cakes champagne all the family was invited my cousin who owned a bed and breakfast showed up with 10 people we'd never seen before they formed a line and began loading their plates up while raving about the great food my aunt asked me to ask him who these folk were it turned out he had charged his guests 50 each to come to an all-you-can-eat buffet my aunt was livid i thought she might attack her nephew for a minute i was the guy who had to explain to the new guests this was a private party they instantly turned on my cousin and began demanding refunds i eventually got everyone outside and in the b and b van but the party was ruined my aunt has a long memory cuz wasn't invited to family functions for years someone got stabbed at my wedding reception so that was fun it was my brother and sister's dad and his girlfriend who had gotten into some drunken knife-wielding fight in the parking lot a dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair i'm a little late to this party and this isn't particularly bad but i find it hilarious christmas eve at my aunt and uncle's house about two years ago my great aunt brought her small dog and one of my aunt's relatives brought her baby the baby was new to walking and her shoes got no traction so she was falling a lot the dog noticed at one point and rushed over to her and starting sniffing her the baby absolutely loved this and figured out that she could let the dog chase her for a few feet fall on purpose and get dog attention the dog interpreted things differently and after this had happened three times or so started humping the baby fortunately my great aunt was able to grab the dog before he got too far while everyone else in the room was laughing too hard to be useful i don't think the baby's parents ever found out about that huge family reunion at the old farmhouse that's been in my family forever and has recently been taken over restored by my uncle and his husband adults are downstairs drinking their way through a small ocean of wine children are sequestered upstairs where they will not bother anyone or hear any dirty stories in this story i am eight years old and like most children have no sense of privacy or personal space after about 10 minutes cousins and i get bored with the movie we are watching and proceed to get into everything within reach including wanderer wanders a whole dresser filled with the best dress up clothes ever there were dresses and sequins and jewelry and high heels and feathers and all kinds of great stuff so we decide we're going to have a fashion show 10 minutes later five small children are sashaying down the stairs into the heart of the party totally done up in my uncle's drag queen outfits best party ever when i was nine me and my brothers along with my aunt and cousins went to the zoo i got into a fight with my cousin of the same age and punched him in the throat we fought over who saw the cheetah first it was me i saw the cheetah first i have this one cousin she's single and in her 40s kind of a mess and every family gathering she has a meltdown she always gets too drunk yells cusses gets up in your personal space hits people drives home drunk breaks things tries to give the younger kids alcohol because she thinks it's funny and overall just causes a huge scene every time there's always something ratchet that goes down when she's around it's sad because she's actually very smart and funny and relatively normal when she's not drinking she was banned a few years ago from attending any more functions unless she doesn't drink and we haven't really seen her since it's kind of sad pretty tame compared to the rest but my gf got really drunk at my cousin's wedding reception and decided to boo someone when they were giving a speech about the bride and groom with an exeter family gathering maybe thanksgiving everyone decided to take that year's family picture around the big tractor my ex's dad owned this thing had all sorts of attachments including a pretty large backhoe bucket dad turns it on raises the bucket a bit for the elder members of the family to sit on then turns it off the little kids pile up in the cab of the tractor one of the ex's uncles had adopted this little girl who was weird she decided to start fiddling with the controls of the tractor now the tractor is turned off but apparently the controls could still release the hydraulics so down goes a bucket with grandma and grandpa sitting on it everyone starts screaming grandma is quick enough it get away but not grandpa a kid pulls the controls the other way thinking the bucket will lift but it just keeps going down and pins grandpa's legs under it everyone is screaming but kind of frozen until i nudge the ex-boyfriend and he turns the tractor on and raises the bucket grandpa is bruised but okay though i doubt his legs were in the same condition after that tldr weird adopted kid accidentally pins grandpa under a backhoe bucket during family photo op that's totally the adult's fault okay so i have a cousin who can fart on command there's a name for it but i cannot remember he sucks in air while bending over dorgie's style and then releases cedar as a fart it's hilarious and we make him do it every time there's a family gathering anyway we're all hanging out having a grand old time when we hear his long-awaited father coming home from work to join us all for thanksgiving dinner he's coming through the garage which is connected by stairs and goes directly into their family room whom only me my brother and my farting cousin are in everyone else is chatting in the kitchen so my cousin waits to the side slightly out of view from the entrance of the door waiting for his dad to come and so he can fart on him and we can all have a good laugh his dad enters he farts frigate plum something is exploded out of my cousin along with the fart his pants are down and shot across the doorway narrowly missing his father and tacking sharply to the wall like a spit bowl of crap this was obviously hilarious so we all start dying with laughter his father is crying and laughing everyone in the kitchen comes into a very confusing scene the rest of the night was normal though just how cousins and us shoot him the crap tl dr cousin farts on command and launches collateral hilarity when i read this i was dying so i showed my dad while he was reading this i was literally bent over from laughing so hard my dad turns to me and the most serious face shakes his head and says there is something wrong with you i was about 10 years old at the time and we went to a restaurant for some holiday because my family was super busy around that time and no one wanted to cook but we were talking about schools and my cousin says only poor people send their kids to public school i looked at him and said so you're calling my family poor he looked at me and just made an arrogant face and shrugged something as simple and stupid as this caused a rift between our families for a few years my wedding leading up to the wedding my wife's cousin gave us more drama and headache than anyone in n family has ever done she was originally going to be in the bridal party but she complained about not being the maid of honor she tried scheming her way into the position and constantly belittled me and my family eventually i told her she wasn't welcome at the wedding and she certainly wasn't going to be in it she showed up at the ceremony thankfully quite early and my oldest brother also best man alerted me and asked me what i wanted done i confronted her and told her to leave she refused so i called the police and had her removed from the property after the honeymoon we received phone calls on the middle of the night so she could tell us how horrible we were i filed for a restraining order and now the cousin her mum my wife's aunt and an uncle that sided with the bee don't talk to us the aunt tried to hold a family meeting last year and didn't want me involved i showed up and when she said i wasn't welcome in her house my wife said then neither am i i've heard through other people that to this day four years later she's still talking crap about us to everyone she sees etl dr b went from bridesmaid to restraining order my aunt and uncle got caught banging in one of my grandparents spare bedrooms not a big deal until you find out that their respective wife and husband were the ones that found them but beatings ensued police were called and thankfully that was the last family get-together ever i sent them thank you cards if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 101,344
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: family, family gathering, family gathering massacre, family game night, family gathering horror stories, worst family, worst family ever, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: 3TrVDivRZD8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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