Fathers, When Did You Learn That Your Kid Wasn't Yours?

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men of reddit who have found out their child isn't actually this how did you react and how are things now didn't make it that far but had a little fling with a girl who i was honest and upfront with it was a fling and wasn't gonna be serious she agreed to it so one time we were getting it on condom broke i told her and she didn't seem too worried mind you this was way before climax when i noticed also i know there was no pre-ejaculation i had that when i put the new one on made sure that everything was good afterwards fast forward a couple weeks and she messages me saying she's prego i admit my heart jumped a little but i called her karma's british bloke drinking tea she was so surprised that she asked why i wasn't freaking out and getting angry or panicking truth is i knew that the likelihood of her being pregnant was very slim and either way i would man up no matter what i asked her all the details was i the only one have you been drinking since the last time and all that good stuff i told her i wasn't ready for that but the ultimate decision was hers to make she started saying how she would never do such a thing and i still stayed calm told her we would talk in the morning i was just meeting up with my boys to go party she was shocked even more that i was still so calm and started asking where i was going because she was going out with her friends too i didn't tell her after that i knew for sure she was trying to push my buttons so the next day i spoke to her she tells me she has to think about it i said take your time eventually a few days later she said she's not gonna keep it and that she booked an appointment with her doctor who was in another city and over an hour away she doesn't drive and so i offered to give her a ride she declined and said a friend would give her one i said i want to be there at least she said all she could to convince me that i don't need to go with her so i backed off i know where she worked and she worked all day the day she was supposed to go but she messaged me saying that she went and that she couldn't walk properly after i played along and never spoke to her again was told he was mine raised him for eight years before getting my own paternity test done to find out the truth i changed his diapers taught him how to ride his bike basic dad stuff before i knew the truth you can't unlove a kid i'm his dad and he's my son i wouldn't have it any other way i despise his manipulative lying mother i think she holds him back i was dating a girl for three years who i had trusted i was 18 at the time she got pregnant i was relatively safe but everybody has slip ups i took my lumps and agreed to fatherhood and did the best i could during the entirety of the pregnancy she was pretty absent she wouldn't talk to me much sometimes for months at a time i thought this was odd it frustrated me beyond belief anyway so later on a friend of hers started to work with me he started to hook up with one of my co-workers she told me he knew my gf and i was thinking oh cool interesting then she told me he banged my gf within the last year i was p i called her up and talked with her apparently they did frick when we were on some break this was entirely made up the timing didn't match up with the pregnancy though so i continued on my way to fatherhood with this soon-to-be mother that was all over the place eventually she gave birth to a little girl i wasn't there at the birth because i wasn't told it was happening a couple of months down the road of trying to contact her she let me see my girl it was great we started talking again and acting like parents well just to make sure that this new baby girl was mine i went ahead and had a paternity test she was a one percent match and therefore was not my daughter i was appalled i went to her place and asked her what this was about she swore up and down it had to be mine dna is dna she wasn't my little girl after all i left her on her knees crying for me to come back to her apartment i got a text later that day she told me she remembered she got blackout drunk and flicked this guy at a party he claimed he basically violated her i don't believe this at all so i went through nine months of a pregnancy and three months of actual fatherhood before i found out and now i don't talk to her at all i hear rumors occasionally about her i am glad she is no longer in my life tldr frick that bee she'll get what's coming to her all cheaters do keep your head up man i knew that my father wasn't actually my biological father before he did my mom thought i should know first and she had planned to tell him shortly after me but due to her work trip he went on i knew for about a week before he did mom told me that she had a one night stand with a dude while she was dating my dad he thought the baby was his so she went with it the problem was she didn't tell me he didn't know so i asked him how he was holding up on a phone call it was pretty hard to explain it to him myself i mean i couldn't just give him a cliffhanger like that for such a huge announcement like that later that week my neighbor accidentally set himself on fire mum and dad mutually decided to divorce since she basically cheated on him it's not really different between him and i i still love him like my real dad this isn't my story but i feel it needs to be noted here seven years ago my cousin married a lovely girl she got pregnant and they bought a house fully committed to preparing it for their kid she died due to complications during childbirth the kid aimer survived my cousin spent the next years of his life doing everything possible to be able to provide for his daughter while still being a father he used to work evening night shifts and then take a few naps across the day two years ago it became apparently that while amy shared features from her mother she didn't share features from my cousin he had a paternity test done negative he hasn't told her and we have no idea who the real father might be but those who have been told me his sister my mother have agreed that it doesn't matter we're still actively looking into it just in case a potential medical issue or something i don't expect that she'll be told until she is either old enough to understand or old enough to notice the difference i've been the investigator and i gotta be honest i'm really starting to dislike amy's mother frick my brain is fried i read this and thought wow that's kind of chauvinistic what about women who find out their child isn't theirs wait a second to be fair i'm on prescription pain meds currently i know a woman who has lots of kids strangers will sometimes jokingly ask if she knows who the father is she responds yeah but we still don't know who the mother is it's my favorite response to a rude question just as a public service message guys you can get a paternity test kit for 100 on amazon etc that includes lab fees in the price it's a cheek swab no blood and you just sample yourself in the baby and mail it in check the result online nothing even to worry about in the mail don't even think about telling the woman you're thinking about doing it though because if she has something to worry about crap will get real really quickly every you don't trust me if you do this and i can't live without manipulation will come out of her mouth anything to make sure that test never happens maybe even running away and lying that you abuse them or something if you're going to do it just do it or you'll never get the chance not me but my brother he had always thought his youngest wasn't his biologically mainly because his ex is a raging s and mentally unstable whose true colors came to the fore in their hideous breakup either way he is a stand-up guy and he loves his kids more than anything now he couldn't care less if his daughter isn't technically his yet hurt like a bee at the time but he is the only thing stand in the way of that crazy when shuttly wrecking these kids lives with her selfish and stupid behavior our whole family is right behind him and will do whatever it takes to support them and him my niece didn't ask for this and she will most likely never know either way she has a loving father who adores her and an extended family that want to see her grow into a wonderful young woman my parents were a little bitter about it for a week or so but in the catalogue of crappy things his ex did getting pregnant by some other dude rates pretty much at the bottom back in the 80s a good friend got a girl pregnant around the same time my own gf stopped taking the pill without telling me so now we're two young musicians stuck with dad jobs we weren't looking for no other friends have babies so we start hanging out together more taking the kids and gfs to the park and playgrounds etc i didn't really know his new gf before but i started to see what a crappy mom she was he appeared to be doing all the caring and parenting while she just picked fights with him and ignored her own daughter i didn't see them for several weeks and somebody told me he was in county jail accused by his gf of having violated his own 18 month old daughter it made zero sense to me i didn't go visit him because i had warrants so i didn't see him for about five months finally i ran into him at a show he'd lost all his front teeth from beatings in county because diddler but he seemed positive and happy because he was declared not guilty at his trial apparently the gf overstated her false accusation by claiming to have seen him penetrating their daughter with his dong a medical examiner checked the child and ruled that was impossible so the case fell apart he was in the process of trying to get visiting rights to see his kid when the mom suddenly stated it wasn't actually his child he insisted on a dna test and learned that she wasn't lying this time he never saw that little girl again no legal consequences for the moment neo dead years later his not daughter's name still tattooed on his arm row sorry that's all i can say i was with someone for five years and during the time we had our issues being in a relationship together from the ages of 17 22 of course had our off to live life moments well her and i were giving it our last try a week after the deed i noticed the signs of pregnancy and told her to get to test it was positive however she then let me know that before we started to get back together she had been trying to start a family with another man my father who had raised my half brother and i so i like that we never knew he wasn't my brother's bio dad had set an example for me that family is the most important thing in life so i accepted the fact that i could be a dad and i was willing to do everything i could do after nine months of trying to be there for her while she bounced between the other man and i her doctor had advised her that i was most likely the father of the child so i became the prominent father to everyone in her life at this point i was overwhelmed with joy that i would become a father and i could try to be the best i could be a month after the baby was born she wanted to clarify who the father of the baby was so we took a test i was holding the child in my arms when i received the email i looked at the zero percent on the bottom of the results devastated i showed it to her she replied with well i should tell the other guy her mom and i insisted on raising the child without telling him he had a terrible drug addiction but her idea of a perfect family was both biological parents so that was the last day i had a daughter i went through two terribly depressing years she would wave the child in my face when she wanted attention and things never worked out between us after that i always felt like i had done something wrong in that i let the child down i had to constantly remind myself that even if i felt like she was my child she wasn't and nothing could ever give that back to me i'm getting through it with the help of a wonderful new girlfriend and incredible friends but when a man makes a connection with a child it's the strongest love they will ever feel sorry for the long post i'm not able to really talk to anyone about this so it's sat on my heart for two years thanks to anyone who reads this i will give you a gold if i wasn't a broke college kid not my story but i feel it should be told in light of all the horrible stories in this thread i know a guy who found out his daughter was not his biologically after raising her for a few years he used that as proof in court that the mother was not trustworth and unfit to be a mother in order to get full custody he loves her and she is his daughter not by blood but he is definitely the father and loves her very much that's actually really sweet this happened to my best friend yet he loves his son so much i can't even express it in words it's as if the news actually united them more in an everlasting bond of love than if he had been the boy's biological father they need one another in the best sense and all our friends witness this truth and depth of commitment being a parent isn't necessarily about blood i've loved my son because i raised him despite our phenotypic differences i still care for him and protect him last week i had to approach a parent of a boy who was bullying my kid the brass knuckles may have been a bit much ha a true detective reference my neighbor is an amazing single dad to two children that he confessed that he's not sure if they are his or not he says it doesn't matter anymore they are his children and he loves them blood or not his ex-fiancee pretty much had her way with the whole neighborhood she had a kid with my neighbor then had another kid with a guy down the street and my neighbor forgave her and then had another kid with my neighbor one day she leaves for another neighbor's brother leaving all three kids to be raised by their fathers she now plays house with her husband's six kids that were abandoned on him by their mom she tried to get custody over a year ago and was denied but given two weekends a month my kids had run into their real father on myspace and invited me out to a nice restaurant when they told me they had something serious to reveal and they'd invited me here so i wouldn't make a scene i started to worry that they were banging each other but then my w ex-wife showed up anyway once we got settled down they told me about how their real father had contacted them on myspace and had dozens of pictures of himself with my ex-wife from the time a year or so before she'd had the twins my ex-wife chimed in that she'd had an affair with him and he didn't have money so she decided it would be easier to just let me think the twins were mine i freaking lost it i began shouting with uncontrollable rage and sorrow i asked every man nearby if he had banged my w wife the twins and my w ex-wife wife told me not to make a scene as i shouted that my life was a lie jesus frank that turkey neck be said as if i was the one out of line oh jesus frank i bellowed over and over again in angst then i had a heart attack anyway things are a lot better now i bought half of the bar the man who i used to think was my son the man who thinks he's my son and their friend own and now we work together along with the woman i thought was my daughter it's a lot of fun the whole gang is crazy my ex-wife died in a botched neck lift surgery so i guess that's a happy ending for all of us took me longer to get this reference then i want to admit similar story i'm a child who didn't know dad wasn't dad all three parental figures were aware and i wasn't informed until i was 18 and even then it was forced bio dad john and step dad is ted so mom and john are seemingly happy with the pregnancy and future child a few weeks before the jew date my mom up and leaves while jon is at work she moves several states away mum claims she doesn't know who father is so no one on birth certificate it takes several months for jon to locate us and several more to get a paternity test and establish weekly visitation mom fought hard during this time she met ted she then started dodging visits two years and 104 scheduled attempted visits later john had seen me 11 times and he broke he did something incredibly stupid no one was hurt and was incarcerated for several years and had a permanent restraining order from my mom which extended to me until i was 18. mom and ted married when i was four still married ted was always kind and a great dad the funny thing is i suspected i wasn't their kid and was sure of it when my half-sister was born but i thought ted was my real dad and my mom wasn't ted and i are very similar personality wise plus we both have similar minor medical issues mine are more likely to my mom doing her best impression of a chimney while pregnant with me conversely my sister is my mom's clone so that i lived for 18 years with my mom stamping return to sender on all birthday and holiday card sent from john when i turned 18 mom's restraining order no longer applied to me jon decided to try to come up to find and meet me he happened to run into my mom in town as he was looking mum rushed home said crazy violent murdering stalking ex was in town put a gun in my hand in case he came and left she said she was going to the police which is half true she went to find out where he was staying so she could stand there and call the police on the restraining order when she got back i called her out cause it just didn't add up she told me he was actually my bio dad and his first name nothing else a few years later after college and such i reached out to aunts and uncles got more info looked in old newspapers and tracked him down he lived across the country talked a while on the phone and eventually went down to spend a week with him he's a functional alcoholic in denial who holds a grudge can't really blame him currently not talking much because i called him out on drunk driving the bright side is i've met a new uncle and cousins and i'm getting along splendidly with them i'm quite fricked up but managed to hide it well so this is my brother's story and i doubt anyone will read it but felt the need to share anyway he let's call him eric had a son with a crazy drug addict woman he ended up sleeping with our other brother let's call him matt around the time she got pregnant she told him this after my nephew was three and he started to look almost exactly like our brother matt at that age i know family genetics the thing is that matt and eric have different dads and matt definitely looks like his father just like my nephew had started to well he had gotten the dna test set up after he had found out and was absolutely upset by the news and didn't exactly know how to handle it finally he decided that he wasn't going to go through with it he said that he loved him no matter what and that he was his son regardless of what the results were he said it would devastate him to find out that it was biologically his and had to give custody over to matt when matt wanted nothing to do with him eric went as far to get complete custody from this woman and loves that kid more than anyone could imagine i love my brother and i think he did the right thing for both of them no matter what anyone else says also just recently we had a friend whose girlfriend was pregnant found out it wasn't his and he killed himself incredibly sad and upsetting this happened to a really good friend of mine he was a teenager at the time getting ready to go to university for his first time broke up with his ex who came to him a few weeks later and told him she was pregnant and that it was his he immediately accepted it and dropped out of university before he even started it got a full-time job took care of her all through her pregnancy and got everything they needed for when the baby arrived he was even in the delivery room when the baby was born upon the birth his ex wavered and asked for a paternity test all this time the kid wasn't even his he stuck around for about a month before he realized that this wasn't his burden to bear and re-enrolled in university he just picked up where he left off and basically got on with life i was dating this girl for over one year relationship was crappy and basically knew it was going to end she was a very jealous person i had a family member visitors from another country she was bringing a friend i had no idea who this second person was but already my ex was being a jealous monster i told her if she is going to cause a scene at my mother's house the relationship is over on the spot of course she causes a scene and i end the relationship her my grandmother's friend was my age beautiful lady we hit it off and i made plans to move back to germany fast forward i come back home after my month-long vacation with my family and this girl i am slowly working on getting my things in order to move away she tells me she is pregnant we basically decided to work things out for the sake of the child i end my brief relationship with the german girl fast forward we have the baby our relationship gets worse and i end it right before the child's first birthday she takes me for child support and basically suffer through paying for four years i meet my now wife and mother to my kids i tell her the story and basically say i always had this hunch the child was not mine i did one of those at home paternity tests and the results were a resounding no i was devastated i loved the kid and was working towards fighting for full custody when i confronted her she basically admitted to it all she immediately stopped the child support although under current state law she doesn't need to this all happened six years ago in the end i should have gotten the paternity test done and she should have told me there was another guy the one who loses out the most is the kid i am sure he remembers me to her point and the real father is not in his life i found out my kid wasn't mine and i was furious i had suspected it because his hair and eyes were a different color than mine and he just flat out looked nothing like me so i got a blood test the conversation i had with my wife at night will forever haunt me me so i just went to the doctor her you okay me number no i'm not okay because i just received this her a blood test me care to explain why my dna doesn't match our child's her because i'm infertile and we adopt it me that's no excuse you're cheating c who are you sleeping with her we literally adopted him yesterday me oh he was black wasn't he couldn't go back right well i'm waiting her go to sleep babe me go to hekukankarasw i left her and have been single ever since i don't think i could trust any woman after that ordeal you did the right thing once an adopter always an adopter you deserve better than to have that drama in your life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot
Views: 164,131
Rating: 4.9362111 out of 5
Keywords: parents, parents stories, not my kid, not the father, paternity court, paternity test, parenting, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: aAFHuPlwPHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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