When did the "I crave attention" kid go too far? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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when did the AUSA crave attention also kid go too far he drank an entire bottle of vodka at lunch and was kicked out of school a girl once punched herself in the gut at her little bros bday party and threw up just so people would notice her started angrily pumping weights when we were chilling at someone's house threatened to shave his head and then tore his shirt off of his body snuck vodka into state-mandated testing in a water bottle she was sent home drunk off her ass and my entire class was banned from having water bottles in class for the rest of the year little brother is a few years younger than me he used to come into my room to harass me all the time and my parents never allowed me to have a lock he was around ten when I started propping a piano stand under my doorknob to keep people out I am so sick of people saying it was a fire hazard you'd use whatever you could to if your parents never knocked and your brother used to shoot you with airsoft guns little brother pushed the door and the piano stand was at the knob I ignored it before all I heard was the loudest bang followed by a thud I opened the door to see him laying on the floor holding his face and crying apparently he decided that he could break down my door like in the movies by throwing himself against it after running from down the hall but this dumb bus didn't just throw his shoulder or kick it he threw his entire body against it like a squirrel going for a tree arms and legs out face ducking first I got blamed for it but it was worth it only time I ever laughed that hard at his expense again was when he tried to fart into my room and shat himself about two years later he was a jerk I had a couple of pet goats and he would come over and bully them all the time he'd poke them through the fence with sticks throw rocks at them spit them with loud noises but he'd never go into the pen he was too scared of them he should have known better he was sixteen one day we're all inside and we hear this blood-curdling scream in comes the kid screaming at the top of his lungs the goat the goat is after me help we turned to see the big billy goat staring at him through the sliding glass door every once in a while it headbutt the glass Aldous was a very docile animal he'd have never hurt a fly but he was out for that boy's blood it turns out that the kid had been torturing the goat he had him pinned up against the wall of the pen throwing rocks and sticks at its testicles to see if he could hit them the goat came after him scaled the fence and chased him across three acres of land and into the house the kid waited for two hours for the goat to go away but it never did any time he opened a door to try to sneak away the guilt was right there trying to attack him eventually the goat disappeared and the kid tried to sneak out a window feet first and once again started screaming because the goat was right there head-butting his backside as he climbed out it was absolutely liberating I knew this girl in high school who was the queen of obnoxious and attention-seeking behavior she was constantly trying to get people's attention from screaming loudly in the hall - crying hard / sad memes at lunch she was so annoying but unfortunately any people bought and fed into her histrionics let's call her cry face I never really liked cry face she came off as fake and kind of rude I tried to ignore her for the most part but the absolute turning point for me was her over-the-top behavior at a choir concert in a year it was 20 minutes before the concert was set to begin and all the kids were practicing getting on the risers about 100 people suddenly cry faces mom entered the auditorium briskly walked to the director and whispered something in his ear the director nodded and called cry-face off the riser when cry-face got down the mom whispered something to her all the sudden cry face let out a blood-curdling scream and ran for the auditorium exit she got halfway before collapsing to the ground wailing she kept yelling oh my god oh my god over and over again the mom came up behind her pulled her up by the elbow and rushed out naturally everyone in the choir thought something horrible had happened some friends had texted her but cry-face would only respond with cryptic messages like nothing will ever be the same and why couldn't it have been rumors spread that her father and little sister had burned to death in a car wreck with a reaction like that what else could it be people were talking about organizing a couple to attend the funeral and taking friendships shifts so someone would always be available to comfort her I even agreed to a couple shifts hell the entire quasi a group prayer for her before the concert and this was at a public school we were all so worried now these thoughts would have been incredibly kindess I that was what happened but nope turns out cry faces little sister was diagnosed with diabetes the sister didn't go to the hospital she didn't get sick and need medical attention the family had only received the call that the scheduled medical tests came back positive for diabetes the mom came to tell cry-face because the family had decided to skip the choir concert so they could meet with the doctor and talk about the medical diagnosis TLDR girl finds out her little sister has diabetes and might get more attention than her so girl makes high school choir think her family died in a car wreck edit oh my god oh my god I have a silver nothing will ever be the same this definitely should have been me collapses to the ground wailing but there Thanks edit I'm like so crying real life tears over this gold oh my god so many real tears I haven't cried this hard since I first saw sad Pepe waa AAA each put powdered laxatives and his friends drinks this was in sixth grade some kids shat on the ducting tal eats eat a week later he shat in the sink I don't get why people liked him he was a massive jerk one day we had a supply in science and he got up on the desk whips his D out and yelled I'm Gandhi then ran out of the classroom he went to a special-needs school two months later a teacher friend of mine told me once about a student she had who cut a hole in the pocket of his jeans so he could stick his D through it and when the teacher wasn't looking he'd poke it out through the pocket and thrust it towards the girls in class finally one day she caught him in the act and he gots either suspended or Kay tout idea I was at my friend's house I was bored and started playing portal 2 on his xbox after a while my other friend's sister who mind you treated attention like a drug bursts into the room and starts screaming at me like we were dating and in a fight my friend was there too and just watched every time I would tell her to leave she would get louder there was this girl for a while that had this huge crush on me and she didn't seem to realize that she had been a total jerk to me for most of my life and that I really disliked her finally she decided to get my attention by stealing my $300 leather jacket and saying that she wouldn't give it back unless I went out with her so I contacted her mom and told her that if she didn't intervene then my parents were going to press charges the day after she gave my jacket back she sent me this long as text talking about how I hurt her so badly and it would take a long time to learn back her trust I replied with by saying I don't want you to trust me I want you to leave me alone and we haven't spoken since started yelling and screaming purely in an annoying and antagonistic way during a school shooting drill we had no idea it was a drill and the kid is just banging on walls and yelling hey we're in here we're in here as other students are in the corner and girls are crying because they truly believe this kid is going to get them killed the teacher and student aides were trying to restrain him and a friend of mine again still under the impression this was real literally stood up to go punch his lights out to shut him up just as the drill ended and was revealed to be just a drill had the announcement come a few seconds later that kid would have gotten knocked the hell out edit while thanks for the silver first time ever getting one some Wolverine want to be stabbed me with six damn pencils he T posed whilst standing on a table in the cafeteria and got suspended my junior year of high school someone threatened to shoot up graduation rightfully the police were called and he was suspended ducked a horse and took a video of it brag to a couple other weirdos about the horse ducking they sent themselves the video off his phone and it went around the whole school enlisted right after graduation probably to escape horse Decker reputation teacher assigned us a confessional speech and he admitted he had the hots for his sister then got offensive when we recoiled with youwith and Noah he claimed we were all on the wrong side of history in that consent sure incest was going to be the next big thing she told the whole school that some dude got her pregnant with twins and that she had an abortion she printed pictures of ultrasounds off the internet and put balloons on his locker on the twins birthday joke's on her because she didn't cut the Aral off one of the ultrasound pictures there used to be a guy in my class that would do anything for attention the other guys in class like to make him do dumb stuff and he always thought he somehow proved himself he did things like cutting of his hair during lessons touch girls where he shouldn't have stopped fire alarms just for fun one day he got caught masturbating in the cafeteria twice almost every school shooting twerked in front the classroom a girl in sixth grade started yelling at me and my friend that we were racist just because we both happen to be white when we ignored her she went to the teacher and told her that we called her fat and were bullying her she's also super skinny and in shape sir he was this annoying popular kid who loved getting attention and in sixth grade he set a bathroom trashcan on fire so the entire school had to stand out in the snow for like ten minutes and then we sat in the gym for another 15 s mhm wanted numbers edit didn't expect to get this many up votes because this is my first comment had a kid in L school named Ricky he was the typical Jack s kid that just was in trouble constantly he was funny in some cases but in general it was like please be quiet whenever he spoke up one afternoon pretty much everyone was ignoring Ricky and he got upset and excused himself to use the bathroom about 20 minutes passed and the teacher asked if another student would go check then that student was gone a handful of time so everything stopped and they called the office turns out Ricky was in the bathroom lobbing dirty cups of water and whatever else you can imagine at people then holding the door shut and had like 4-5 other children and they're just covered in disgusting water hated this kid had an online friend claimed while we were making an MC server that he was super rich and had a mansion and like five beauties and Ferraris and water dakara showed us inspect element' versions of his PayPal posted his Google Images cars all over the discord had a mightier than thou tonne abused his admin on the server a lot he never once showed us his actual face or spoke on VC once he got busted he DM me pretending to be his brother saying that he had died in a couple days later his brother DM me and said the docs ducked up and he's actually been in a coma for like two days but told me to tell you he feels betrayed that you never believed him I blocked the duck out of him when he deemed me a few months later saying sup bro been a long time since I saw you anyone wants proof of this I got you PS duck off Salvatori you snot rocket in a recovered tree my old friend online he used to say he was depressed and suicidal and did self-harm ever Helen thought they were real at first I did too until I was looking up fake cuts on YouTube for Halloween and saw cut that looked like hers went back on discord to look at the picture of the cut and there I saw the pen ink and confronted him but apparently he was rushed to an emergency room from that same cut and was put on suicide watch for 24 hours but at his phone the entire time and couldn't take pictures of proof in the end a few weeks later we were in a discord server and I joined the public pool there and there he was there a few weeks ago I lied to my old friends saying I got some cut and was in the emergency room we talked daily still like real friends and not old friends then I said oh really well then were not talking anymore then and he tried apologizing and saying he liked her then but I was done with his bullet I blocked him and never talked to him again this was December 2018 edit a few people's keep asking for his name all information I will put out about him ease I'm 75 percent sure his name was angel he should be 15 years old he low at the US flag on the school's flagpole and hoisted up his Jolly Roger less than peer at a more than flag in its place in high school claims she was pregnant with triplets and then a few weeks later claims she had cancer now so she lost them in elementary school some kid unzipped his pants in front of a bunch of people and was showing people his underwear everyone was old enough to recognize that it was not funny I knew a pathological liar in high school she would tell you one thing one day and something the complete opposite the next for example one day she tells me about a threesome she hired the very next day she tells me she's a virgin which one is it lady not the worst thing ever but way back in middle school I was about three football fields away from the school itself it had a large grass field behind it that we occasionally had to run to the end on and the friend I was with passed out I carried her back to the school and the moment I got to the nurse's office she was miraculously better and felt fine this stupid-ass kid did a ton of acid shortly before a pep rally in high school and freaked out during it first the school called the police but apparently he was freaking out too much so they had to call an ambulance to hold him down and carry him out via stretcher pretty sure he got expelled because I never saw him in one of the classes we were both in ever again there was the kid on our school bus who needed way too much attention he was constantly screaming or throwing stuff out the window he at one point re-enacted giving birth the whole ride complete with legs spread screaming fake pushing etc one day he threw a water bottle and hit a car he was banned from the bus of the year the next year he was allowed back on in the first week he pulled out a needle and pierced his lower lip while on the bus of course it was bumpy so he didn't get it centered so he did it again to even it out he was banned from the bus again he was jealous that we went somewhere without him so he hit me with a boot attached to a bungee cord strangle me push me into a table and throw a chair at me if it didn't hit my ten-year-old self would have either had a serious injury a coma or even death that kid was actually one of my best friends and he punched me after confronting him about his plummeting grades his grades were plummeting because he played undertale too much a girl walked into class incredibly late and all our desks face the whiteboard and as she walked to get to her seat she had to pass most of the occupy desks so we're all staring at the whiteboard while she walks past us and she just yells what are you all looking at not me but my mom's story when she was in high school there was this kid who was always desperate for attention and would do stupid things to get it well one day he decided he will drink poison to get attention he almost died he had to be taken to the hospital and have his stomach pumped he said he felt like worms were eating him from the inside out my little cousin is for one day we're at my Nan's house and me and my mum was sat in the garden watching the children run around when all of a sudden my little cousin runs inside for no reason and started crying to her mum that she had fallen over and nobody helped her she got a chocolate bar and a plaster she didn't fall over she just knew she'd get attention if she said she had little it has her parents uh stout already no one else seems to think it was too far but she drove the car into a pole her very first and only time driving her dad took her around an empty parking lot and she managed to crash it damaged the car broke her dad's nose I don't think she got hurt too bad but she never had to drive again now her best friend carts are everywhere she needs to go when she's expressed to multiple people that she doesn't see why she needs to drive if a friend can take her places she also made sure her parents saw the first time she ever cut said the dog did it showed me the cuts the same morning and talked all about how she was just like sooo bad at hiding it she wore a short skirt just so she could show it off he jumped into a window and crashed into the playground he was expelled and we didn't have a window in the classroom for two years when him and I were 11 he basically started going up behind people mostly guys humping them and then proceeding to call them gay I also recently heard his sexually harassed a girl at a party he is 15 now some wannabe goth kid borrowed my Nine Inch Nails t-shirt at a roller skating rink and put on a bunch of makeup his girlfriend promptly broke up with him because he was behaving like a idiot he then made a very public scene about how he was going to hang himself in the public bathroom the police and ambulance came and took him away all the while he was wearing my duck EIN t-shirt I never got that shirt back he went too far I was in the Boy Scouts with a kid who had ADHD or hyperactive as they called it back then one time he found a venomous snake Copperhead and started trying to poke and provoke it with a stick the adults got pretty pissed at him another time his dad was chaperoning a trip and asked him to get a soda from a vending machine he got the soda but shook it up before handing it to his dad afterward his dad beat him up right in front of everyone actually two different people the first person lighted constantly about everything claiming that he was moving or that he did something absurd one day he decided to tell everybody that he was diagnosed with brain cancer and that he only had a few weeks left to live he kept this up well past his supposed deadline then after around three months this he told everybody that he had made it up even though everyone was skeptical since the beginning I still see him around sometimes but I don't talk to him anymore the second person got a restraining order on her ex because he assaulted her he never actually did anything wrong she did get the restraining order until a month after they had broken up he broke up with her then when he was walking in the hallway he walked by her and she freaked out and made a scene he stopped coming to school and I haven't seen her since she sent picture of cuts on her arms to other students via snapchat with no warning when kids responded she left them on open the school and her parents obviously got involved and she was cool to the office first thing in morning the next day I later found out she sent them because she was curious as to what people would say to her if she self harmed the cuts were deep just deep enough to draw a small big of blood they're healed in a month or so and didn't even scar but it freaks people out this girl never really apologized or showed any kind of remorse she was almost proud of the fact that people tried to contact her or help her kids called her house phone to speak to her parents needless to say most people haven't forgiven her she was sent to therapy was confirmed to be non suicidal and that's where the story ends I'm not sure if she is still in therapy I used to work a boys and girls club there was one particular girl who was around 7-8 she came in one day with a bruise told the lady at the counter that her mom abused her CPS and cops were called determined that no mom did not beat her in fact maaan was very freaked out and worried about it a couple days later the girl runs up to me and another worker with a busted lip and blackish eye fresh she told us that another kid beat her up we get a look on the cameras I - not this girl tells the other kid that he she I can't remember which was gonna get into big trouble for refusing to play with her she proceeds to run into the wall several times and that didn't do much she takes a broom handle literally jabs our eye with it repeatedly then once she has a black eye she bites a lip to make it bleed then she runs out to tell him said kid idk what happened next as I was scheduled to do my lifeguarding beauty last I heard she hasn't come back I sure hope she was put in a mental ward or summat kid was psycho she was listening to music and class and was told to stop she kept on the headphones and said nothing by the way they are the teachers had phone and expensive ones too because we are responsible enough to take care of them the teacher and plugged them and sat the longer desk and walked back to her the girl proceeded to screen at her and throw the headphones breaking them the teacher just told her to calm down and didn't even punish her [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 649,780
Rating: 4.9047885 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: fUaLEu3wgec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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