Low Elo Legends #12 Supplies Madness

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so this is a 1v1 low legend game i just clarified here to my audience that 900 elo is what i it qualifies for the legend in my book i always look for about a thousand or eleven hundred or below so our low yellow legend cast have quite a big range uh however this is this is more the average range so 900 ish elo we have mr vad here playing as the celts in the yellow and already we see another player chopping stragglers i i don't understand why this is needed however he's doing it because he wants to live his life in the way he wants to live it and i you know what i can't judge that uh in the blue we have nomad and we also have straggler trees being chopped okay and nomads playing as the slav so hopefully it's not confusing this is not actually the map nomad uh this is serengeti so if i could compare serengeti to any map i'd compare it to arabia it's like arabia except uh it's worse so it's more open uh wood lines can have holes in them so you have to be very careful with the acacia trees and then the the big big difference is that you only get an elephant and then a bunch of hunt instead of two bores and little hunts so you get five zebras and then there should be three ostrich around here yeah there you go uh another big difference as the game goes on is there's little bits of gold and stone all around this map if you've seen lands madness and more competitive tournaments uh that's that's a map that works similar go so right off the bat here this might as well be the low ela legend build order where players really want to uh build a mill before a lumber cam and so they will have like one or two villagers on straggler trees to collect wood and then they'll build a mill for fast food now my suggestion especially is celts place the lumber camp put a few villagers there and you're going to get the wood in no time to build the mill and your resources are going to be better off long term but you know these guys like to do it their way i think people like to farm here so they try and get the trees out of the way for it uh all right it's fine uh here we go see this is this is definitely better for blue good what's blue scouting looking like not bad not bad not bad good question from quad in the chat he says is it advisable on serengeti to mill the huntables yes however if you play it like yellow does it's going to be really difficult for you to pull that off because if you would have built if you would have built a lumber camp at the start he'd probably have about 100 wood already where he could build the mill there right now but because of the way he's played this he hasn't been focusing on what is heavily i mean now he's doing it which i guess is fine but um yeah so i would say something sometimes you're unfortunate where well actually most times you're unfortunate where your hunt is going to be far away from your mill but yeah this mill is not close to the zebra you can mill it i wouldn't say that most elo should push deer i think it'd be complicated okay here you have the plate from red so red's bringing in his elephant he could shoot the elephant kill that and then you can go over and mill the berries a bit later on cool i like it just gotta make sure you shoot those zebra there so i think blue start is more it was cleaner not sure what the plan is for yellow now so i think yellow is going all over the place with with what he wants to do he's killed so he chops wood faster and now he's going with seven to wood um okay but there's the mill for him cool okay isn't it normal to cut straggler trees if you aren't learning bores like most pros i'm not sure what you mean to rake trees actually has absolutely nothing to do with with with borlaurin so these are your flexibility trees right i'm not saying you shouldn't chop these but these trees you use um to collect while you're waiting for those villagers to do something so most commonly you're going to see these trees used if you need like one or two villagers on wood for the time being because you had to adapt and then you send them back to another resource uh or in feudal age while you're waiting for farms or you're waiting for wood for farms you keep villagers on the straggler trees and every single time you get the wood for a farm you pull them off straggler and build a farm that's how they're they're used normally like they're your flexibility trees so i just committing villagers to them long term rubs me the wrong way because they're walking such long distances and it's it's something you don't need to do but i low elo loves to do it okay but i think he for whatever reason the trees just don't look good for him so he wants to get rid of them and he also hasn't lowered an elephant yet but at least he's on zebra he's making a barracks hey blue is making farms oh god he's rang the bell ding ding ding ding ding ding oh it's all right he's killed the scout worth it so oh yeah i had the tail bell ring there all right it's not ideal because all of your eco goes idle but he did kill the scout and even blocked it i don't think it was intentional this to me looks like a fast castle place so you see how blue's on stragglers now look at his wood 200 wood you should go boom farm boom farm boom farm every single time you get 60 wood for a farm pull them off the straggler then build it that's where stragglers come into play that's where it's nice and handy it looks like fast castle the way he's played this i would say just commit towards it i was thinking that maybe yellow was going to go for fulham though like what if what if this low elo player tries to play it like wong he built a barracks okay and i was apparently wrong with blue blue is on his way to the feudal age so this isn't really if you're going for a normal uptime you're going to want to aim for 21 or 22 population if it's something like scouts or man at arms any feudal age build this is um this is kind of in between whereas you actually look at yellow and yellow's population uh his population is at least set up to go fast castle however i don't know if he has the proper amount each resource like one on gold is not going to be enough for the gold um also i i see him struggling to have food so depending on what he does with these bills so this is where i would say like when you're at this stage of the game because i can't get off the straggler conversation [Laughter] this is where you have three or four villagers on the straggler trees and then every time you get 60 wood you place a farm around your tc but in general i i really like the i like how they're aware that they need to have um like their eco balances are pretty decent i think a big thing you'll see with low elo is that they're not going to have enough on wood uh and while in early game it was awkward this is this is okay that now two lumber camps is very much necessary for blue there's a lot of blockage here but all right he's going to the next stage he's getting double bit axe and he's getting horse cars so this is actually scouts for him and he also has haskell too so this would be very helpful and so now with a scout build your new villagers go to the stragglers you pull the villas off stragglers and build a farm every single time you get the wood for it so another stable oh god wow okay and then supplies oh boy supplies for yellow damn a second barracks against the second stable holy cow okay so so i'm gonna tell you why this isn't ideal and it's pretty simple it all comes back to the eco can blue afford to produce scouts out of both of these stables at all times he cannot no oh i thought that was another one he's making a blacksmith no in fact so far he has created two scouts out of this stable he's not even used okay he's using this one now but then this one's not working right just passing so the better play the safer play the economic play the play you need to shoot for is to put that 175 wood into three farms and then this stable can be more effective you'll have more food floating for upgrades which i believe he's going for he wants to go all in but you know he is not at that stage of his career where he realizes that that's too much wood investment into military it's too little into eco so i get it now supplies is a fascinating upgrade and i always call it noob bait because it looks well first off it has apples on it and who doesn't like apples and so it looks like something that you need to get but what it does is it makes your militia line cheaper it's only worth it if you're going to create 10 units and he's now he's going to create again we have a situation where can he afford to produce out of both barracks no he cannot so it's and also you should probably just be making spears here but he's fighting with villes actually these scouts have armor and they have uh bloodline so they're really tanky and this is good damage for blue really good damage for blue actually now what's interesting is yellow has been creating bills non-stop blue has not been so this is the perfect time to show you this meme so blue you killed the villagers but please make sure you go back to your town center and produce more bills he's just creating scouts which means it's 31 bills versus 32 if anything yellow's eco is actually better because he's celts with the lumber lumber camps uh chopping and he has wheelbarrow now where blue does not have that but that's classic low elo legends right there so it's just about having a finer balance right a finer balance of things now if i'm yellow i i don't know what he's doing he's making mad at arms i would make sure i wall a bit more um he is starting to wall on this side i like that idea especially when you're up against scouts his scouts are so here speedy blue is he microing this i can't really tell it doesn't look like it he loses that scalp and won't kill that villager but he's sending in another one all right it's also a really difficult map well look at this ostrich man that ostrich has been running all over he's like ah the ostriches that's hilarious okay blue's coming on the other side now um okay so i think blue's doing a good job of microing he realizes that yellow's army's attacking these scouts so he's running away with them okay here this is a fight that he could probably justify taking uh probably should run away actually i'm wrong oh wow good micro and he kills another villager okay yellow yellow is freaking out now yellow is going for a tower so guys towers against melee units is it's it's not great can you get another doink in here hit it hit it again doink beautiful damn that's that's impressive i have to say that's impressive stuff from blue and he did he he wasn't creating bills at all times and he has six scouts queued up here and zero in the stable but at least he's investing into a lot of farms which is something as slabs you definitely want to be doing and when you're going scouts okay okay so he is he has six-man arms yeah supplies is officially paid off for him all right now if he starts getting upgrades and he is blue's really going to struggle in defense this is almost a situation of whoever attacks first is uh is going to have the lead i think yellow is playing defensive though with this i don't think yellow wants to go offensive especially after getting attacked i think we'll be freaked out okay classic example of uh looking at your resources again and and figuring out what you should do from there so he has 500 gold and he's putting food and wood into the gold mining tech is that necessary right now no it's not so if you're looking obviously i say it depends to everything but if you're looking for a time to get gold mining tech normally it's worth it to get the gold mining tech while you're on your way to castle h in futile age even when you're going archers it doesn't it's not necessary in most cases okay yellow has built this tower which should not bother nomad at all and nomad is just passing and nomad sees the villager yeah so this is just better better game knowledge i think from blue to realize that it's not a concern if there's a tower out when you're making scouts all right so villagers go down blue is on his way to castle age his eco is really well balanced uh only thing i'd say is again if you're going knights next get the gold mining tech and maybe send a few more gold but this is really well done mid game man at arms it's slower than scouts it's actually weaker than scouts and you're spending gold which you're not on scouts so yellow should feel a sense of urgency here he should feel like he's behind i feel like he's the type of player who likes the wall and play defensive and serengeti is not the best map for that uh because he continues to to build these towers which are ill-advised and he also has a hole here he has a hole here it's just serengeti things i think this game is actually pretty over assuming blue will attack with knights like he did with scouts here don't you try to get most ecotecs on the way to cass lage when going fast castle yes yeah when you're going fast castle that's how you do it deadly cookie exactly because with the correct fast castle build you're actually not going to be able to put the um the resources into double bid x and horse collar and also click cast slave so you normally do it after it's like while you're on your way your resources are coming in you get those upgrades well yellow has the same amount of bills but remember that his tc will be idle while he's on his way to castle so that that's a point where he's not going to be able to create bills and that's what blue just went through not to mention the fact that as blue is building another tc i really think his next tc should be on um on wood okay this is good too i like it you gotta you gotta keep wood and come coming so your uh your farms are good he has zero on wood right now but yeah and the fact that yellow is gonna lose a bunch of ills too tonight's is pretty bad the ostrich man i can't get over the ostrich these towers are unique yeah blue if this is a higher level game the game would already be over blue should win this but i wonder if blue's gonna struggle to deal with the amount of spears that are out now like if yellow makes it to castle age and gets pikeman long sword a blue can't go just knights he could use knight's raid but this might actually hit a point where blue doesn't know what to do anymore now blue you're right he's struggling to produce bills but yeah we'll see we'll see i'm just still yellow still producing so he doesn't have the food to go castle age a 34 military against nine it's crazy i think what blue will probably do is he'll have a few moments where he will look back to his town centers and produce but for the most part he's very much focused on micron maybe maybe once his knights all die he thinks all right backup plan let's let's do this instead let's create eco where's yellow still producing yo i like we judge supplies or i judge supplies initially had i known that we would be 29 minutes in and he was still producing man at arms i would not have judged at all yeah here we go blue's now getting his eco text because he's not focused on everything else and he's queued up bills okay guys if you're in blue's position you're faster to castle you've tried to raid it's failing what would you do there's a couple ways to look at it someone said resign okay someone said boom avi okay booming but as far as i should have rephrased this as far as uh things to do while booming now you guys might be thinking well t90 booming and fighting at the same time is too difficult for me i can't do that all right so there's two different ways to look at it you could go knights and scorpions here work very very well so if you wanted to you could walk forward build a siege workshop make a bunch of scorpions which are cheap with slabs alongside 15 20 knights you just destroy yellow okay however i think that that's something where low low elo players might struggle with execution on is yellow still hold on is yellow still producing he still has things cued dude he has barracks on the right side he's still producing crap over here too this is ridiculous he has all that one two three four four barracks and they're all queued up with units however knights just destroy madden arms okay so back to what i was saying with blue you can do what i said also this is a great time to think i should have the eco lead let's just make sure when he gets to castle age he doesn't upgrade his units and beat me so let's send a few villagers to stone so i don't know if this is intentional but having five to six on stone at this point just ready for defensive castle is quite good now a concern i see for blue is he he has to keep more he has to pay more attention to how many voters he has on each resource so someone in the twitch set just asked me like what the best ratio is of villagers on each resource you're going to be very surprised by my response it depends however however in like if you're looking for proper farm to wood eco balance at this stage of the game you normally are looking at about um i'd say half the amount of lumberjacks you do farmers so you want 30 farmers and 15 lumberjacks or 50 farmers 25 lumberjacks somewhere around there but then if you need wood for military buildings you might need more but that's for eco anyways that's the way you should be looking at it now blue just wants to take this to the imperial age which he can consider doing he does need to worry about the fact that he only has 16 farmers working because you have about you need to have about six farmers per town center to keep build production going at all times he's on four tc's now so he actually does not have the the consistent food income uh long term even while like the resources right now are pretty deceiving but yeah he doesn't have that guys yellow has 70 military 70. if he just goes to castle age and gets longsword pikeman and all the upgrades i think he can actually i think he'll destroy blue and he's building towers everywhere as well i don't know this is this i've never seen anything like this this is ridiculous 76 fuel age military and blue has opted to just boom and he's also building his buildings to go imp i think um in imp you just go champion his slabs okay yellow finally decides it's time to go to the next stage okay and blue is going to make some scorpions which is a good decision t-90 you need a lot of military to deal with what yellow is gonna have though if yellow sends everything oh my god okay blue does have the resources to go imperial again if it's imp i think slab should go champion here also blue was doing a good job with raiding earlier he's not raiding now because he's focused on booming so he actually doesn't know how much yellow has or what he'll be doing yet uh however the blacksmith might be a tell and then yellow also has an army over here attacking a town center and blue is quite possibly very overwhelmed by this he doesn't know where to be and he's losing villagers over here he's not garrisoned his tc oh god okay he's placing a castle there now normally i'd say that it's not good decision for yellow to fight underneath the tc and actually i'm gonna stick by that but he has a lot more where this come where this came from though he has more units right here okay slicing the dyson villagers he does have enough infantry to send some in after the scorpions even though it's just man at arms and the castle should go up for nomad uh who is really not spending his food in his gold right now whereas yellow something you can learn from him is he's producing seems like all the time he's producing from somewhere jeez man okay this monk is bringing back a relic that will get taken out blue wanted to do something with her and i'm not sure what exactly first thing yellow does when he gets to the next stage gold shaft mining guys he has a thousand gold and the units he's producing cost 20 gold a pop or no gold it's so expensive instead i think getting double bit axe getting hand cart getting your food upgrade would be good getting pikemen would be good getting attacked getting armor would be good but we are we are seeing a difference like okay this is how blue plays blue he has a lot of focus on military or he has a lot of focus on eco he really struggles to balance both yellow has very little focus on his eco a lot of focus on spending his resources so yellow i'd consider more of an aggro player whereas blue like you you kind of want to go through the stages that blue is going through in your age of empire's career if you want to call it that but now when you when you're on your way to infant blue's position you've got to be building buildings you're back in military mode at this point and yellow if you are going to be the aggro player you need to actually fight here and this is your this is your opportunity but he doesn't know what we know he's he's thinking i don't have enough right now what i only have 92 military this is a 200 population game 290 yeah he doesn't have enough so he's gonna wait so he has 44 units here he has 34 units here and the last time he attacked he he fought with both armies at the same time so we might see a similar flank it pains me he doesn't have his last armor upgrade i just heard a university for him i think he's building a monastery in a university for his imp buildings oh murder holes yup you gotta make sure those towers have murder holes oh you never know someone attacks your towers you don't have the military to defend it 100 military don't have the military to defend a few stinking towers man i love low elo legends there's just a few technologies they just love murder holes op yeah we'll add a murder whole zemo except i don't know if twitch will do you think twitch is going to approve t90 murder holes that's that sounds a little bit sexual if they don't know age of empires twitch might ban me for that maybe i took that one too far just the word murder they probably won't approve t90 holes yeah okay yeah what if i'm trying to get chad to get hyped i'm like oh get the t90 holes in the chat that alongside t90 creep would be a bit weird but man yellow he's actually doing it like he's actually i don't know if he's winning but certainly he's going to take he's taking a lead of some kind i'm not sure the type of lead he's taking but he's taking a lead blue's trying to get that relic that's cute but look at this little raid over here now the kd is not all that pretty for yellow but he's still producing units the power of supplies ladies and gentlemen this is why so to everyone out there who gets supplies and makes three militia be like mr vad here okay mr bot is showing what you should do when you research supplies 75 villagers however 17 are idle and yellow has 61 with with no idols so his eco is better now i really want blue to make bowyars he's thinking i think he wants to get heavy scorpion or something which is not the worst play but i think he needs more than just siege i would really like to see blue make bowiers or champions bow yards are really good veggie chops you are you're spot on this is the biggest raid i've ever seen in low evil legends now notice how yellow he's just added a second tc now he's like really he's really played this in an interesting way how he just spreads out all around the map um even with the towers he just wants to take map control it's fascinating i don't think nomad knows that boyars are really good against infantry i don't think he knows that slavs get champion or maybe he just likes the idea of heavy scorpion he could research heavy scorpion it's uh wooden food to get heavy and then yellow would have some real problems too what an interesting game here uh thank you emp peter for the two months he says keep up the good work i will do so man i would do as many streams as yellow has managed arms okay heavy scorpions on the way do you think yellow is the type of player to run away from this or do you think yellow is the type of player to try and engage against that because this could be an absolute slaughter so far he's not looking at his units he's probably producing more somewhere else yeah that's what he's doing he cleaned up those archer ranges he wasn't happy that blue had uh been able to expand does blue see them there blue doesn't see them there that's funny what does blue see we haven't talked about that in a while well blue okay he wants to push out he's getting played bart always making bowiers oh boy i think yellow is going to die to this bowiers and heavy scorpions just a straight up counter to infantry i mean he's still taking losses here but you have to consider the fact that yellow doesn't have in order for him to counter what nomad is currently making he would need to get to imp i think or he could just outnumber the guy a blue sending all the scorpions back because of this army so that's some type of an accomplishment yellow is here to protect the castle he's building on blue's face blue is expanding and blue is attacking the tower good thing the tower has murder holes and now there's enough long swords and pikes to take out the bow yards and now masonry is on the way from mr vad which means he'll have more hp on his buildings and stronghold i actually forget what stronghold does doesn't it mean towers shoot faster i think towers and castles shoot faster or something okay so the heavy scorpions mop this army up but yellow doesn't care because he's producing more there's plenty more where that came from and he's also in control of the map now blue has relics blue has bowyars and blue has scorpions but the concern for blue is that his army pretty much needs to be in one spot he's not all over the map like like yellow is this is a really good game here these guys are 900 elo i'm really impressed with both of them for different reasons like there's just enough flaws in their game where you can tell it's low evo but there's a lot of personality to how they like to play this okay look just look at the kd man the kd tells the whole freaking story yellow tosses away these units i just wonder if yellow is gonna get discouraged or if he's thinking well i've got this under control how's his eco looking it's 40 uh sorry i looked at his uh his military account he has 77 villagers against 71. now slab farmers are much faster and blue has relic so i think the eco is pretty close here blue doesn't seem to have a whole lot of confidence to raid again so funny it's it's like it's like um he ventured out into the real world and it scared him and now he just wants to stay inside and talk about other people playing video games all day you know i can't relate to that at all but he's like really terrified of what he saw out there today i'm gonna resub to you do you know how hans can counter the incan wonder push uh how can huns counter inca wonder push um i'll make a video on that this week go deega i'll make a video on that okay so he does have the whole map scouted with auto scout and so he sees an extra goal very nice kind of how yellow's been playing the game only yellow hasn't been collecting the resources per se well he has actually damn i even like this castle too from yellow because it controls that hill in case blue tries to raid okay there's one thing that yellow has needed for a long time what is it chat it rhymes with primperial page he needs imperial age man like the the same issue in fuel age the castle age but he needs to go to imp he's producing so much again okay blue should probably make a trebuchet or two and he is and you can see that yellow is placing a castle here okay here comes another raid so we have woad raiders long swordsman and pikeman an ai army composition going in towards blue been here longer than 12 months twitch prime breaks and all that though jeez man this is such a good game today is the best part of the week this is such a good game i still can't tell you who's going to win this blue is he doesn't know what to do because of the raid on the left he doesn't know what to do because of the raid back here and so yellow has actually been able to raid in the middle the high aggro plays working blue also still wants to focus and treb this down though and i'm not sure if yellow can snipe the trips really depends on where blue takes the scorpions but he has a real need to send something back to deal with the raids a yellow has a real need to go to the imperial age now uh this might be a doubt castle i think blue spotted this one yeah so it's like blues taking losses right now however yellow is going to lose his castles most likely look look at the infantry come in and die to the bow yards and the scorpions yellow is going to lose a whole lot of control so what does yellow do he queues up 16 more long swordsmen obviously that's the perfect response lose 50 long swordsmen make 50 more the blues trying to make crossbow blue does not need crossbow here he just needs to go bowiers champions or scorpions but he's so overwhelmed by the numbers that he feels like he needs archers with another save archers would be good with slavs these divs are actually very similar they're siege and infantry ships uh difference is that uh slavs do get better calf all right so now it's it's funny it feels like after that yellow should have less population but he still has more because he has 20 more bills but dude go imp go imp my friend his random army is just sitting in wood lines you know you have a lot of army when you forget about army like yes you have more numbers but blues armies are blue's numbers are a whole lot more effective but keep in mind blue only has three on food right now so i mean he's not really spending it either but never know how far this is going to go i just didn't blues options are too strong i'm kind of pulling for yellow though oh ram push are you kidding me a freaking ram push dude blue's over here i don't care i'll spam over here now i'm going to take out his castle with castle age freaking rams and raid his woodline yeah i like they both have so much potential right they're both really fun to watch but i'm not gonna lie i am rooting for yellow he's he's kind of the underdog despite the fact that he is more military and more eco now you guys know the saying help eat tc help eat building kelp eat in general with their siege even if it's castle age siege and there are a few scorpions expensive scorpions for nomad he's losing over here he has 53 villagers 25 of which are idle uh yellow's still producing out of all of his barracks too he's sending them to random areas i think i think mr vad is a player who played before de because you see how he he's not using multi cue he's he's probably doing like this on the screen right now and just mass clicking the um he's spam clicking the units i think yellow is going to win look at the amount of eco that blue has the resources are super deceiving only two on food 11 on gold we have a tower here a random guard tower to to take the map and there's going to be a point here where blue will feel the need to pull his scorpions back over and then yellow might hit the other side actually you could use the rams pretty effectively against the scorpions in this situation blue's making skirms because he felt the need to just make range i guess i i'm not sure why but he actually has good upgrades on them like crossbow skirm with these upgrades are fine it's just that how sustainable is this for him okay i said it before i'll say it again yellow just take your foot off the gas with production for a second and go to the imperial age dude go to the imperial age and here he takes an engagement now is the kd gonna be pretty no it's gonna be awful it's gonna be awful just like it's been all game he might as well be goths the way he's spamming like this go in go imp man we will have i think we'll have a t90 up emote in a few days and if i can get my sound board working i could i could play that clip from mbl just like go up to him i'll play that after this game for those that that have not heard that but yeah yellow he's he's still cute stop it i mean i don't know if i wanted to stop it though it's so entertaining oh man okay let's talk about what blue should do blue should realize that his eco is potato okay so grab more villagers build a few tcs and use that food and invest it into your economy that's something he hasn't been doing he's not producing any more villagers he's just fro he just froze up because of the attacks now yellow hasn't been creating bills uh all that consistently behind this either but he is doing it every now and then and his eco is untouched so hizika has been much much better 35 on food verse 2. i know slap farmers are fast but not that fast still blue's army composition just shreds any time it takes a fight and blue actually has 63 army now so i as blue is about to trap this down and he's killed some of yellow's villagers i think yellow is going to die at this rate i truly think that if he doesn't go imp and get upgrades i think he will die this yellow is making his own scorpions in castle age does he know that the imperial age exists he just queued up 27 more long swords i'm so torn on this man like on one hand this guy has an amazing way of playing and it is entertaining but it's such a simple fix such a simple fix okay cast a defensive castle in the back updating the ostriches they're still running all around they're scared they've heard about this yellow also heard that his army is trapped in here actually no he hasn't because they're still standing there so he's falling back to another castle this would be the time to go imperial mass units wait for upgrades and then wipe up in the imperial age he's making more rams here he's making scorpions which are immediately dying i think yellow is going to throw this he has 30 long swords cute [Laughter] blue still has let this sink in blue still has two farmers that's it two farmers now he is adding more villagers and he's sending them all the way down here to wood but he has 700 food so like even the gold count i think is just relics for him right it's just three relics so realistically yellow could have i don't know if you can do it in castle age but i don't know what to think man young flame thank you for the five gifted subs i'm sure a lot of people out there can relate to the fact that the becomes a struggle to still create eco and do everything you need to do when the fights start i know you guys and i know that you guys freeze up when you get attacked and you don't create builds out of your tc so it took blue a long time just imagine if blue wasn't slabs though honestly blue wasn't slabs i think he's dead any other civilization dead because he couldn't fall back to bowiers and scorpions like this okay where will yellow attack because he he obviously is planning some type of attack he tried to sneak at barracks there that got denied oh god oh god oh no no no no no no no no maybe he can keep his castle up oh my goodness it's a slaughter oh my goodness it's a slaughter oh f's in the chat man oh geez well he can only go like this for so long if he wins this game if yellow wins this game i will gift 20 subs to the stream thank you very much young flame by the way for gifting five you are amazing i appreciate that napster thank you debark nice to see you back by the way he says been here longer than 12 months twitch prime breaks and all that no worries man thanks for the uh thanks for the year jabbar i saw you in chat earlier before the resub whoa why did what happened there i missed quicks yellow doesn't really even have the option to go in he's put himself in this position where he has to constantly produce to have a chance and now if he constantly produces he doesn't have the eco to go in so he's actually he's stuck here now this is his life and now blue has 103 military this game is kind of flip-flopped around except the difference when blue had less military and less eco was that his options were better yellow's options are significantly worse what a game though what a freaking game 69 villagers and it will actually oh my god he can get the 6969 power up wait for it wait for it come on of all times not to produce units are you kidding me boing there it is perfect 69 69 power up now imp oh my god oh my god the power up he did it the second he got to 69 69 he's on his way to imp okay now you really want to avoid taking any big engagements before you get upgrades you're still going to be at a disadvantage if you get the armor upgrade why you need to do this but if you get armor and attack and then all the way to champion you're still going to be at a disadvantage but it's something if you feel like you have the eco adding your own siege workshops and going on azure would be quite good but yeah you don't it's kind of tough to know what to do here right because you don't want to lose your economy behind this but i don't think you want to fight this boyar's just gonna bow your scorpion is the ideal composition for blue as we've seen oh my goodness is blue even gonna lose a boyar here he might lose one bow yard yeah this one that's it sickening 160 population for blue a lot of that is just military he's been spending his his uh his resources yellow will be in the imperial age soon-ish however he has no way of stopping this even in imp i don't think he stops this 549 kills make that 550 172 deaths for for blue i have never seen a kd like this in a low elo game not with goths not with anything but yellow is starting to raid a bit so he has a raid here he killed some some villagers over on this side and now he comes in with an attack which is surely not going to be good for him but you know it's much better than the previous attack i'll give him that much okay now he's in him we know he knows how to spam we know that yellow has better eco will the upgrades be enough here will he get them please get long sword please get armor and please get attacked he could work all he could work his way to champion here he has rent he's microing rams against scorpions in the middle i'm just going to repeat that just in case you didn't hear he's microing rams against scorpions in the middle of the map all right yellow this is your time my friend this is your time where are the upgrades please please don't do this to me man please don't go in for no upgrades and blue at this point again big expansions needed only one tc and he stopped producing out of it building uh town centers with these resources is huge for him because if he loses this it's because he doesn't have long-term eco yellow is actually trying to raid him and there's not many areas to raid okay yellow is getting two-handed swordsmen the blacksmith my friend the blacksmith where arthel blacksmith oh it's oh god it's already a struggle in low elo legends with blacksmith upgrades now the blacksmith is right underneath blue's forward castle maybe he doesn't have a go-to blacksmith hotkey so he might not see it he could also get albediere it's certainly worth it you have enough pikemen out i hear he recently and dying blue has 101 military he only has 47 villagers and many of them are not working will two-handed swordsmen be enough blue is paying attention to his scorpions there's not a lot else to pay attention to he's losing some of his scorpions keep in mind a lot of the military population for blue is skirmishers as skirmishers are not good against two-handed swords especially once upgrades come in i'm not sure if upgrades will ever come in also there's potential for yellow to make trebs out of one of the castles that he has that trade is just it just continues to be awful seems like yellow really just he wants to defend from here and here come the two-handed swordsman but the scorpions uh the scorpions did so much damage there you hate to see it blue is 50 skirmishers queued up yellow is going for a ram two-handed swordsman raid he could get capped ram he could get armor this is this is a classic low e legend game because there's so much that feels so good like i've never been in an abusive relationship and i don't want to make light of anyone who is but i feel like this is as close as i'll ever get to one because on the good days this is good and the good moments slow evil legends is amazing but in bad moments is bad man it's bad and i just want to leave i don't know if i have the courage to maybe that was really a bad analogy to make but um okay champion and halberdier i don't think he could take this and blue's gonna get the relics blue has two farmers that's his food eco two farms has been for who knows how long like this is hilarious because red or not red there's no red in this game except for the blood from yellow's dying units like yellow wants to destroy this castle and destroy the equal blue but blue doesn't have eco he doesn't really even have economy to raid it's it's like the 300 iq play they can't rage your eco if you don't have eco blue just place the lumber camp here and there's no trees and he has been trying to find areas to get wood i guess he has wood over here 133 military for blue i know it's just skirmishers but i still think blue wins this because at least he has good upgrades and the the final armor upgrade did not come in for yellow which means the skirmishers are a lot more decent than they would otherwise be all five relics are now here for blue and yellow the only thing that he had going for him was that he had numbers of military which he no longer has and eco which i agree it's better but he's losing some of it andy's is making the wrong options entirely i want a best of five between these two five million dollar best of five i'll call bill gates and he can set it up we'll have a bigger prize pool for this best of five than we will have had for the entirety of hidden cup three i think it's worth it front page on twitch everything jeez this is so messy okay like both players put on such a show here in this game i i know that there's been things there are people out there who might have gotten frustrated because they're rooting for yellow he couldn't close it out uh people might be frustrated that blue has only had two farmers whatever it may be however we have to agree that blue has been a champ to stay in this after that pressure and yellow well in in many ways was a chance to stay in it as well with those raids now i say be a champ he doesn't really have any champions remaining which is sad and he doesn't have upgrades but what an incredible game okay here comes the raid final countdown okay he's gonna raid here uh gg wow man what a game oh what a game well uh salutes and ggs in the chat for those two that was an exceptional low elo legend game feel like we saw the strengths and weaknesses of both players did we not blue he initially this is what's interesting he initially was heavier aggro right so he was heavier aggro he went for the two stable strap which at the time i explained doesn't make a whole lot of sense because he didn't invest into the food economy to be able to produce out of the two stables however you can't argue with results he killed villagers he did okay yellow went for very unorthodox play in feudal with the supplies and then what was his military account in feudal age actually hold on a second what's this timeline gonna look like oh what is that what is that oh my god like he had so much military in futile age and blue went for the more standard approach of going to castle age and then booming but like even still when blue arrived to imp which was shortly after yellow arrived to castle there was a whole lot more yellow here and then yellow went for the realistic warfare approach of just tossing all these poor people into battle not caring about their lives not caring about their families back home and then they just died man just like the emotions that was amazing um let's let's look at all the stats though we have okay 732 kills for blue 236 units lost that is one of the better kds you will ever see in a 1v1 uh oh my goodness imagine going to imperial age with that food count imagine crazy 44 000 food that is against slavs who have the faster farmers 44 000 food um the stone count would count and that doesn't really matter to me it was just when yellow was taking fights i i liked the mobility i liked the rating from the sides but he just needed to take his foot off the gas click amp get upgrades and then continue to do that but instead he kept spamming castle age units into the imperial age counter and it it caught up with them huge differences here in the castle age times 38 minute castle against 25 minute castle one hour and 16 minute imperial against a 42-29 minute imperial and good exploration from both good research count from both the blue was i would say better with that at least with the blacksmith upgrades because he got skirm upgrades uh and oer and then near the end blue had relics uh props to blue though for weathering that storm and getting the three relics and the early game i think that or i guess you could say mid game because i think otherwise you would have struggled uh yeah there's the timeline normally i look at the timeline at the very end uh but i will leave you with this uh i'm just gonna play this and if you listen to this yellow you'll know what to do next time every single game he's still producing bills mdl why go up go after him it's so annoying it's so annoying just go on yeah so um that's what i was thinking the whole way through
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 136,490
Rating: 4.9152002 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Low Elo Legends, Guide, Legend, Of, Rubenstock, Town Center Drop, WTF, Wow, omg, incredbily, incredible, funny, noobs, noob, new, beginner, tutorial, keshik, slavs, clets, celts
Id: s5xtIwsvXoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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