The Legend of Blue Coffee on AoE2 DE!

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all righty man how long has it been since I've uploaded pilgrims to YouTube it's probably been a long time and some of the best pilgrims games ever have featured Blu coffee who is not actually blue he is red here but we have eight players on pilgrim's where you start on a small island with no town centre there's a lot of gold a lot of stone a lot of map control to be gained in the south players can choose to build their town centre on the land at the start or they can choose to go elsewhere there's a lot of options here in the well you know what we're gonna wait actually we're gonna wait to introduce the players because we have to see where they end up going but this is the first time blue coffee has played a game on this stream in six months I don't know if he's ever played a community game on GE yet so it's been the first time we've seen the legend in a long time now I do want to say this and this is a huge negative one we're talking about diplomacy and blue coffee on Age of Empires 2 to e it is not possible to see in-game chat from players when you're spectating I don't know why it has been five months I still really miss that so unfortunately in Diplo I can't see players smack-talk each other and trash talk each other and do the actual bit blow if you could see my face right now well you probably can guess what I'm saying what happened here for pointy boy pointy boy what this poor guy out here he's trapped okay he's got to bring him back it's funny so yeah unfortunately that's kind of the best part of Diplo but we're gonna work our way around that and I'll try and guess what the players might be saying for you all right I can tell you that what blue coffee likes to do is he likes to form an alliance early he likes to play very slow very safe and then he back stabs people later on right now he does not have the wood for a lumber camp and he's getting attacked by wolves and I think he's running back to his transport ship meanwhile pointy boys King is here this is awkward okay point you with the quick Walz what a nerd what a nerd let's go okay well guys I'll start doing the introductions now all right here in the blue we have pointy boy pointy boy he's playing as the Italians I had them do random civilizations yo this could be really hold on a second blue coffee could have a nightmare of a start here he gets wouid once he's gonna get whoo-whoo-whoo twice he could get whoo-whoo-whoo a third and a fourth time if he doesn't pay attention okay he just lost two villagers it's not the end of the world Blu Coffee is playing as the Vikings he placed his Town Center here to start off we have camo chamomile is playing as the Britons here in the purple bit more to the south we have Iberia Liberia Liz playing as the Slavs I'm the green on the left side we have Mayans for Patrick in yellow we have snow Shan skate who's playing as the Incas oh I like that and Who am I missing old liquid cat is playing as the Persians what a weird name also he needs houses and then interceptor as also TC 2 his starting Island and he's playing as these Saracens so we've done random civilizations I did not allow players to pick saves because I wanted I kind of got tired of people picking the same sis so we'll see where this goes now personally I think the best way of playing it is to town-centre you're starting Islands that way you can get more fills out early and your economy will be stronger and if you if you look to the bottom-left look at blue coffees numbers it's a good example of what you can do even after losing villagers he's fishing and he's adding bills here and so he has more because he started to create them faster so then I believe the play is to build a lumber camp with these villagers in this case he's actually gone for mining camp and then when you're in Casa leads later then you build the new tee see here that's what I would do but kind of a rough start for blue coffee hello Nevada I think who those wolf smooth hockey just ran into all the bad karma backstabbing people coming into play that's funny Niva de says that the wolves were just karma for all the times that blue copies backstab people you know what's funny about Blu coffee though if you I forget the exact video in the exact episode you could call it with blue coffee but do you guys remember the game where he lost I think all of his starting villagers his five villagers he transported two wolves on pilgrims do you remember that he was bottom score he fell way behind he lost his starting five villagers to wolves and then he killed MBL and then he won the entire game it was quite possibly the best blue coffee game I've seen uh-oh Iberia Liz just looking to send a villa out here to dock or something and now he's getting attacked by the wolves alright and he's also getting attacked by the wolves over here so what's funny is on a regicide start you don't start with gold so you can't research loom so your bills are gonna get slaughtered and oh the micro nerd are you kidding me no okay what what what okay dude I was seriously impressed by that I don't know who Iberia Liz I don't know his level but I was not expecting to see someone in a community game go for the quick haul trick and now pointy boys all no way like why did you bring them over here dude what are you doing that's funny well I ended up failing so uh not viper confirmed i guess lots of fishing ships you need to be doing that is extremely important to fish on this map can fish from the shoreline you can fish from your islands fish fish fish all the salmon eat it's trust me it'll be good for you the sieve breakdowns fascinating I wish I could see what I normally do when I'm playing the game as I click this so I can see the breakdown how the players and the breakdown of the civilizations but I can't do that when spectating which is really silly because I want to see them listed side by side and that's not pause well anywhere on here so I guess if you you have to memorize it if you don't have the icons down I don't have the icons down there are a few but I'd like to have the list available that's a lot of turkeys I did not realize it was Thanksgiving chamomile lots and lots of turkeys let's see where this goes t90 can you or someone explain the branch lifting and tree chopping when someone gives you a sub o real rock hopper I actually played the video on stream a moment ago man think someone just linked it that's me that's me training and force nothing that's what the alert is but yeah I just played on stream like 10 minutes ago I'm sure someone can link it for you so it's all about booming and expanding and then good diplomacy this will be quite a long game I'm sure I got this game haven't played it yet is it online only no no no you can play bursae eyes you can play campaigns spring in you can do a lot man what a day strap well the reason people aren't putting their kings in their town centers is so they can scalp kings have a lot of speed and a lot of line-of-sight so it's risky and you have to be careful where you go but you can see all the scouting here from purple this is because you did it with this King I imagine if everyone was allied together yeah like here everyone's allied together except for grey so if that's the case then you can probably Scout with your king from that way you know where to go later on no one's on the way to castle yet but everyone will soon be in feudal but it's blue coffee who has the slow start again wait a second where did his villes go Oh had to deal with a wolf again and lost another one I think the thing is you don't really need to use those villagers much you just need to get five villagers there and then those five villagers the ones that you transport over here with his build order they build your Town Center in Castle age I think he moved around just a little bit too much t90 official when I blow my nose I get a boner I don't know what to do about it well fat Teddy I'm gonna be honest I don't think I can help you with that and you should probably see a doctor honi says pointy will just rush everyone I think that's likely pointy is he's Italians very easy for him to get to Castle age he's also has a fantastic water sieve so he could always pressure heavily on water to keep his fish and chips alive so I think I think he will click up to castles here in a moment and pointy is such a dominant community game player I expect that as well s-sir thuds is hey mate glad I could catch you at a reasonable time loving the classic pilgrims map yes it took a while to get here what is this snow Shawna's Incas oh you're just gonna lose the tower though dude I think that towers just gonna get battered down awkward awkward get into your transport ship he tried to tower rush point II didn't have enough fills building the tower and he's lost the stone and now he doesn't know what to do you know he is on his way to Castle age though and I assume he's on stone - so Incas can build towers they could also drop cheap castles what is Interceptor doing good question he built a barracks here he's not doing much to answer your question not doing much to talk about right now I don't know why pointy hasn't sent over a fire galley to deal with this that transport ship is not in a position you want it to be in there's clearly villagers there right didn't send any of his Navy over which is weird now we have to pretend that we can see what the players are saying pointy has just said Wow why would you do that snow Shawn's gay I thought we were friends and snow Shawn said we aren't friends were enemies you fool and in blue coffee said guys a limey I want to kill you later hmm all right blue coffee will click up to castle H now this is typical for blue coffee to have a really really slow start never once anyone he doesn't want to put a target on his own back it's weird that snow Shawn is towering but he is attacking point e was a strong player camomile seems to be doing all right though second Town Center about to go up I like the fishing out here I like the food count I like this space as well it's nice to have your own little space yeah this is what I mentioned now these villagers are just stranded here and they could maybe hop into the tower but one villager goes down it does annoy pointy but pointy dealt with that pretty quickly what's up tars is time does fly two years ago I was making fun of you for the Denny's comment guys I met Tarsus this story will never not be funny to me I'm at Tarsus for the first time in England and tarses was talking about I believe he's French so he was like yeah I've been to the United States before the food there is really good and I said oh really what was your favorite place to eat he said my favorite place to eat in the United States was Denny's Denny's now if you're an American you'll know that Denny's is not really the place that comes to mind when you say favorite place to eat and I've given him a hard time for that ever since guys somebody walled in blue copies bill there that was hilarious okay blue coffee is now trying to stonewall some space for himself lots of space for himself actually well now blue coffee keeps sending bills over right transport transport transport he's building a castle do you guys think that blue coffee will win another one do you think he can do it it gets more and more difficult because he has a reputation now he rarely plays but there was a time where every single time he played even if it was just three times a year he would win he's a legend though everyone knows blue coffee and everyone knows he backstabs I feel like now that they know him it's got to be difficult I haven't okay the last time I ate at Denny's I was visiting my brother in college my brother is 38 so I was really young that was the last time I ate at Denny's and I remember my parents were not happy because the whole place was filled with smoke so I imagine Denny's is probably a great place if you maybe you're drunk or something it's like IHOP I don't know but I haven't actually been to Denny's myself in a long time I was really really young hmm well snow Shaun hit point II and is being really annoying too pointy I think sometimes when I cast games I actually get annoyed watching players play because I know what it would be like to face up against it and what snow Shaun is doing right now is really annoying such a pest he's booming behind it adding villagers adding eco you can see the eco numbers here so he's not that high pointy chamomile and Patrick seem to be doing the best with their economies right now yeah rip Denny sponsorship yeah we just hit 50,000 viewers for hidden cup time to go for a big sponsorship let me call Denny's I'm sorry Denny's there might be maybe there's some big Denny's executive out there who's really angry with me and he was gonna donate thousands of dollars but I'm sorry I I again I haven't been to Denny's in a long time some people really like it according to chat but anyways that the whole point was I've known tars as a while on yes time flies super nice guy he did some awesome write-ups on a we zone and and read it for hidden cup hmm okay so this didn't really accomplish that much for snow Shawn except it did put a target on it did put a target on his back this is funny he's gonna garrison in Iberia's TC and pointy is also allied with Iberia so now point he's like hey give me the Vil's or I turn on you give me the Vil's that's funny we have to make up the chat because we can't actually see it in the game feels bad point she's probably like give me those villagers or a castle drop you he's running away how annoying is that that's great well the problem there is people will know he's been annoying and people might try and stop him in the Imperial Age what's blue coffee up to okay so he's tried to take the south for space but Iberia has already had the same thinking and Iberia has a crazy boom 94 or 95 bills so the thing about blue coffee is if you really don't think the guy's trustworthy you could just kill him if you some if you're someone that al boom booms him just kill him before he gets to him but what he does is he makes you feel bad for it you know be like WTF you know I'm I'm not a threat look at the score someone else is a threat and then you're like okay I feel bad and then later he's ruthless and he cites you anyways yeah like vari on says I would 100% wrecked car fiend Castle eggs yeah I think the point is Vorian is nowadays there's a lot more people who think like that whereas in the first year or two of his play you know it happens once you like yeah whatever happens twice Wow we did it two times three times exfoli people started to figure it out but he's unlike other community game members who play frequently I haven't seen this guy play de yet and it's it's April of 2020 and the game came out five months ago so I think guys I think he's gonna go for the wonder strategy again take full control of the islands build a wonder and then defended you see this you see how he's building town centers on these islands he's clearing them out there was a game where it was standard wind condition and that is this I believe and you can win with a wonder or relic victory and he ended up controlling all the islands in building a wonder dr. Moseley says t90 hello just stopping by to say that I love your body dr. Moseley what are you doing don't let others know about that t90 I agree with vari on I want a rematch oh that's right endurance played with blue coffee yeah it also sucks because you don't have a lot of opportunities to to get your revenge against him because he doesn't play frequently oh boy I wouldn't coffee if you build this teal is gonna see you as a threat this is a risky castle to build in my opinion because if you're a blue coffee shoes you don't want someone to see you as a threat this early but at the same time maybe teal will feel as though he'll never turn on coffee because if he does he loses all the pills that is a castle that says we need to be allied to the very ends or you need to turn on me right now one way or the other is the reason that there is no chat because of age of empires to defendant edition yes because for whatever reason when spectating in-game chat doesn't show now they do a show for recorded games but not consistently so for hidden cup we could see it sometimes but if you remember watching hidden cup whoa blue coffees pausing how much do you want to bet that he's pausing to talk strategy I guarantee it now we can't see it but it would be just like blue coffee to pause the game to talk to one or two people so it listen to this I forget the game I think Tarsus was actually in the game it was one of the last times that he played and after the game Tarsus said blue coffee is such a trihard before the game was even had even started blue coffee was messaging people on moogly like he was going into private messages and talking strategy to everyone like flat-out Diplo before the game that was regicide rumble three yeah so I don't know I mean he might be pausing cuz his cat jumped up on the keyboard or something I don't know but since we can't see what the chat is then we're just going to have to pretend that he's already deployed and before we start talking about the other players because they totally deserve it there some of these guys have insane EKOS but just one more thing I want to say about Blu coffee Blu coffee is so divisive half of people think he's a legend here let's try this if you think blue coffee is a legend type 1 if you think blue coffee is a backstabber and he's overrated type 2 watch this okay well actually I'm getting a lot of one and twos yeah see my point is is you either love blue coffee and appreciate the crap out of him or you you really hate the guy for how he plays so I I just I really like that okay I guess there's some comparisons there and regular age of empires to like like MBL some people were like oh my god MBL's whole areas MBL like his lanes are great when he freaks out it's great and other people aren't as much of a fan of it but I'd say like 99 90% of people appreciate it okay so camomile's britain's now I always say Britons are incredibly difficult to push with but they're incredibly hard to push so it's really slow sieve but it's very hard to break any foothold they have on the map so if you're pointy but being Italians it's not going to be too easy here you don't get C DRAM you do get our bless but they're worse than the are blessed Britons now having Italians is great for water but on land it's not so great he also is currently attacking yellow on this side I think snow Shawn who's on the way to the imperial aides will probably work his way into Eagle warriors I already has Eagle warriors so we'll go for a lead and go that direction okay green now a greens Mayans we have mines and incus on the same side so we could see a lot of eagles and he is a ton of golden come right now he's also going to make plumes to so he's getting a leap plume okay I like it I want to give you guys updates on these islands so there's a lot of there's three tile golds and three tile stones on the starting islands but a lot of people leave their starting islands you'll see some players still taking these resources but you notice how coffees been taking those golds that's smart move where's this king by the way okay it's inside of his castle right now he's protecting it with longboats and he even has villagers in there okay here it comes Catherine I feel like Italians should get Sidra but I'm not sure I don't know I'm not completely sold on that is pointy actually gonna push here what is purple doing with his units purple I think miss clicked the micro maybe wasn't expecting the Rams and didn't have enough archers behind but I didn't have anything to be in front normally you have Rams in front and archers behind just like point he's doing the pointy he's faster to make the move and purple could go down really quickly so the whole idea in an archer battle used the Rams against buildings but also you use it as a meat shield so when you're not micro in your units what happens is they attack the closest thing and if that's a ram it takes forever for that to do much for you so pointy actually you know what I think purple will hold here because the pointy lost his Rams and now you're seeing him have to back up do you think the more you talk about it the more it takes away from it takes away from what sorry I'm catching up on comments that might not make any sense now it is now at this point sorry is probably about the blue coffee or MBO thing well I mean still pointy at least he has some trebs here he has some strong momentum behind this a teal has been walled in here he's trying to get out and blue coffee is just making more walls but he has helps and he is on udders so he could easily help pointy boy he could easily help chamomile possibly remember the teams are constantly changing it is diplomacy so you can ally or enemy anyone at any time maybe a blue and pink wanted to work together now they could there's nothing stopping them from doing that that castle will go down now for chamomile now I don't have a hawk teeth to look for kings but the king is right there for purple and elsewhere I'm not seeing too much it's very peaceful on the other side actually hold on never mind we have elephants from old liquid cat he's making this is like this reminds me of day 9 right here like 40 villager economy but still making war elephants oh and he had a doubt castle okay so yeah unfortunately for old liquid cat he doesn't have enough economy and I I don't think Oh Big Mac and ello shots I don't think the guys gonna be able to do too well long term unless green keeps man unless green keeps Miz Mike going his plumed archers okay the elephants and the mega nose will take out the trebs a doubt castle was a failed castle that is something doubt is really well known for where you try and build a castle and then it just doesn't work out that's doubt well okay I'm still curious where these sea challengers are going to go for I be real who will he work with blue coffee down here still not doing too much little coffee has a lot on water guys a lot on water he's building another castle see he just wants to survive he knows that people want to kill him he just wants to survive he doesn't want to rub anyone the wrong way wait till some of the stronger players have exhausted resources and then start making moves so the best thing the blue coffee does in early game is just he becomes a forgotten player people forget about it see liquid cat liquid cat you know he is very much fighting despite his low score he's getting a Whoopie water hoping that can't be real I don't know how he's affording any of this see the problem here is you need sustainable units and you can only produce maybe ten of these and get elite and that's it with oranges economy and then as the unit's die you can't make any more and then he starts today bloomed archers and halberdiers is it's actually on the opposite side of the spectrum where it's a low population unit or sorry a low HP unit but you can make a lot of them they're really cheap and really sustainable oh my god teal has chosen a side and yeah you're just dead if you're purple I don't know what you do except big bow down like bend your knee and bow down to pointy boy and I be really because you just you just don't have a chance to fight this not as Britain's no way will this be a Dalek castle it will be a doubt castle I think looks like it oh my gosh that's funny ninety-six percent failed castle the king has run somewhere there it goes okay and it's now on that castle their old liquid cat I think he accidentally ejected his king there and it just died so he's the first person to die in this game meaning that snow Sean and Patrick mines and Incas are in a strong position to clean up that side and work well together you can already see that they're trading a little bit too oh actually it's blue coffee who has built markets there so maybe trying to gain their trust okay well Italians don't really have strong answers to the siege of Slavs if you look at ideal land compositions from Slavs and ideal land compositions from Italian slabs should win so I think it's kind of risky for pointy did ever turn on teal okay I love I love the sounds of multiple si challengers hitting the grounds it's so satisfying guys blue coffee wants to go for wonder victory I'm sure of it I'm sure of it to me it looks like he's clearing out all the islands he's keeping his King safe he has long boats right so one of the best navies you can go for and he wants to build a wonder out here eventually t90 just watched the bottom that game so I'm in your mind the guy who always attacks too early and and proceeds to bank up a ton of res that sounds like a little dude strode you're right like I said what did I say I said that in separate instances that you bank up a lot of resources and then that you fight too early it's true I can see why that could be a contradictory right but yeah I think in that particular game you can attack as you attack with just that trade if you add trade you're good the problem was that and also the fact that you and gray well you did the right thing and you were fighting but the other two didn't have a target so they chose you I like how there's one rands I'm a little halberd here in here attacking the sea challengers what oh he got poked down what a bummer teal has to be careful not to attack his own units Oh like that that was worth it just do that 20 more times in your fine purple yeah that's one of the worst things about sea challengers is the friendly fire really hard to avoid that well I don't know a purple saying right now I also don't know what he's gonna do blue coffee not really doing much and he has you noticed this here he has a villager inside of that Town Center so he's acting as if there might be Kings there oh wow hold on hold the phone hold the phone Yello wants to turn on Patrick is it green no this is Patrick he has to defend his King is inside of that castle see germs are kind of difficult to deal with here there's a lot of seed Rams he doesn't have the HP upgrades on the castle either oh there's a lot of the Eagles remaining that thinks no Shaun could kill him I think the castle is definitely going down it's just a matter of how many Eagles remain after this Inca Eagles are incredible with their ten pierce armor and there it is there goes the king it's not so easy to snipe Kings with melee units you really need some range so maybe making some árboles wouldn't be the worst idea for yellow now I have to say this is surprising to me maybe it was just because I wanted to see the South American saves work together but I thought Incas I thought that yellow and green would stick together because of all the space they had maybe snow Shawn realizes he could just take it for himself crazy now somebody asked me what the best Eagles are and a1b1 it would be Mayans because of the El Dorado upgrade you go from 60 to 100 HP but the courrier upgrade that that unique tech for Incas makes their Eagles very strong as well okay purple at this point he's still not dead and his king is in that transport now it would be just like blue coffee to be like hey purple send me resources and I'll let you live like surround the transports with with his Navy I say send me resources and I'll let you live and then probably just kill him anyways but yeah I'm Incas and Mayans and Aztecs all have amazing eagles and we're seeing it here poor Patrick Patrick just wanted to be friends with somebody oh no he actually walled himself out there with the buildings oh no your king that is a fit King I must say what's what's hello hello snow Shawn did he get intimidated no I think he didn't realize and he he had them on a control group and he clicked them over here he probably had no clue he was attacking the king that's what I think happened over here blue coffees attacking a Grey's Town Center as grey repairs the town center I forgot all about grey poor Gray's at 13 population and he's repairing his TC hip against galleons and he's actually keeping it up to click create more Vil's and repair more okay here's the king again surely that thing's gonna die now yeah okay there it goes down F's in the chat for Patrick who I thought played well he just maybe didn't expect it grey is using mag and Elle's I feel bad for gray blue cough he's picked him on the poor guy what else does grey have he just lost a house over there poor guy yeah purple was defeated by who though blue Kofi just got him did you see that blue Coffee got him okay we can't see the chat but I'll tell you what right now pointy I be real snow Sean they need to talk and they need to realise what blue Coffee is doing because blue coffee wants the Wonder victory I'm pretty certain of it now he is making some some buildings down here but against players who have reputations you need to know that or even if it's a brand new player without a reputation you need to realize okay this guy's not helping us he's just trading and he's on water and that can be dangerous and gray is a freaking legend he is a freakin legend is he somehow I don't know where his king is but does he somehow gonna keep this town center up against galleons this is dedication he's like well it's so difficult to get into T nineties community games I figured I might as well try no one likes a quitter by the way his King is in this transport on the right side he is allied with no-one who is alive currently so unless someone research his trees and I think we'll be okay oh yeah Willis you're right he has resources to build another town center why not just build a new one he could build like five more town centers I thought this made sense but then I looked at the resources it doesn't make sense oh whoa alright well that was quick oh there's a tower over on this side too oh and now he doesn't have oh no he deleted them he's giving it up Oh No he's just gonna run around see what he can find oh that's a perfect hiding spot he's probably hoping you could run past there let's see have right now two Lumberjacks a king and a transport ship that's all he has oh oh okay yeah just build a town center over there it's a perfect spot easy easy easy what's going on elsewhere Till's resources oh my goodness guys thirteen thousand thirteen thousand gold it's gonna be so tough for pointy to push this I almost feel bad for we want random SIVs and it's not gonna be so good for him snow Shawn doesn't have much gold actually but he does have a lot cued up he still has some on gold he just killed somebody so he's an aggressive player and still four blue coffees just making longboats and Wow okay yellow is making a push verse teal now you know this is actually really good for pointy and also really good for blue coffee because if yellow and teal start fighting they don't really need to get involved or at least hit point he needs to get involved he's working with teal and not against him okay grace King is just gonna chill there I guess for those who are wondering blue coffee has a plan but it always takes time play to win the game no matter the cost reins twitch says hey guys is this community game it is a community game and we have the legend blue coffee in the red not the blue but he's here and Iberia just sent him resources oh I wish we could see in game chat because I be really just sent him resources and I bet you blue coffees been chatting away this whole freaking time man I just know it I just know it that is so much Siege whoo yeah I don't think it was extortion I don't know how you extort teal teal would not take any of your crap you just nothing kills this right now I am NOT using texture Mon I'm using the the Ultra HD graphics but no mods except for small trees I guess whoa did you see that what is this snow Shawn likes his Eagle RAM rate I hear people deleting their pop they want military pop space no there's no way this works this is gonna start a battle that you cannot win yellow okay so it says chamomile resign'd chamomile has been dead for a while that happens when whoever has already died then leaves the game that's another de bug so don't worry about that okay so teal is losing some villagers to the attack is pretty much already started yellow just hasn't started ramming down or ramming against that castle and wait a second so now pointy is making a move I wasn't expecting this guys and blue coffee has Pike's here and teals cane is in that castle do you see that blue coffee just has random Pike's next to the castle he's allied with teal I think he's there because he wants the king with the Pyke's he wants to be sneaky and act as if he's helping or maybe he actually wants to help no I don't he's sending orbs now - he definitely wants that King hmm maybe if someone else takes care of the castle he wants the king snipe oh man just get ready for the biggest honniger shots ever it could be incredible Tia was really struggling to push on his own right now boom big ceej ometer shot now i'm really wait wait wait a second Luke off you just turned on pointy and he sniped up most of those bombard cannons I wasn't sure where his allegiances were going to be but his allegiances lie with Iberia lie guess which might be a bad decision actually because if yellow joins pointy an attack and blue coffee in the south that could be really bad now here you have blue coffee taking out some castles so that will this will probably be short-lived but it helped steel at least so the thing about Iberia less competition is it's really tough to address but you also are only in one spot and you have no mobility so you have to make the push counts and you also it's also probably the most difficult composition to control because you need to have helps in front at all times and you can just slaughter your own units accidentally blue coffees now going to add more markets I feel like blue coffee and yellow are talking yeah I think they're gonna trade together or not because yellow is now ramming down blue coffees castles so yeah I'm really is anyone else really surprised that blue coffee decided to team with teal like that's a problem that might be the honorable thing to do but I feel like blue coffee would normally let the person who's going to be three be ones get three be ones instead of work with them very surprised at that now it doesn't end his game because his Kings not down here his Kings on water so if this doesn't work it doesn't work and it's whatever but I think he's going to lose all of us land control because of it or a large portion of it that is I think blue coffee wants to get Italians dead so they can't beat him on water interesting yeah that's a good theory yeah it's not a bad theory also if you think that pointy and snow Shawn are your biggest enemies anyway long term maybe just keeping them on enemy now so they can't surprise you is good it's a way of looking at it but I'm impressed with snow Shawn's rating he has been everywhere he's been so active in this game he and pointee both incredibly active good balance between trading and also creating military point she's gonna be really tough to kill with all the bombard towers there but then again oh oh man look at the unit's dying then again can he stop the death ball that's coming his way but teal just killed most of his own units there so he has to consistently keep house in front it's not easy to control this if you watch the Black Forest game I uploaded between dau and MBL you saw MBL control his help siege on Hal beso really well but that's a pro player right I think considering the level we're looking at teals looked really strong it's a lot of bow yards - we really see those though yours could help a bit okay so his blue coffee lost everything down here then he has a Ville I saw he's building a castle on this side blue Coffee does not have trade everyone he does not have trade as very important to note I don't think blue coffee can win without trade oh man it's a slaughter over here oh that's his brutal I I can't watch I can't wait to look at Till's Cady after this to see how many of his own units he's killed though he's killed a lot of his own units Oh yards halberdiers see janitors and still gold despair for teal this is a guy who also doesn't have trade all right what about great oh yeah great still alive wait a second who teal can see Gray's King if he looks for it which he's probably not doing I know it's hard to spot he could spot it gray as a new TC here he's on 19 pop and he's making petard he's making petard if he sniped somebody this guy is a new legend he's going to mate who's he going after though I don't even care I just want to see him try what a beast can we please salute the crap out of him twenty pop he is twelve petard Zhaan the way I love that so you can do you can do one of two things if you start falling behind give up or you can try and make a name for yourself and he's gonna try and make a name for himself now there's a difference between this and when there's two people left running all around the map with your king when you have no chance but he recognizes that well everyone's preoccupied with other things he actually does have a chance to do something I don't want to encourage people to drag games out when they're over but for him it's very much not over there relics in there for pointy boy those are two relics a teal doesn't have any trade so that would be nice for him hey what's up shark fin salute shark fin while you're at it and I think teals boom it's just so impressive the fact they doesn't have trade and has these resources hmm so blue coffee oh he's now going after no no no no no no blue coffee you're losing all your fans what are you doing dude why him that is me in the sub animations AVG why him leave gray alone what if Inceptor gets blue coffee though that would be epic okay suddenly all the blue coffee fans are torn because they really wanted gray to be able to do something remember his King is down here eventually Tia would just spot him and kill him I think gray might have just signaled and said hey help me out where is he going with the tarts guys yellow has his King inside one of these towers I'm not saying it's possible but it is possible it would have to be a crazy stream cheat though oh wait no he knows that the towers are there how many king how many petard does it take to kill a king does anyone know he has 10 I think you need 4 for the tower ok now this this is not gonna work because yellow has done the wise thing and his towers his towers what's it called gather point is set inside the castle so even if he takes out the correct Tower oh well I don't think he's gonna get there but yeah he has no way of ever killing that King he went to the correct tower though which is interesting but he didn't he didn't connect at all and now he's on to population what's his population the transport ship yeah at the transport ship and he doesn't have a town center anymore either so he's officially dead ok well a nice little raid here from pointy as pointy is getting pushed look at these army cops this is crazy this is this is really cool for a community game epic what you can do in pointy shoes is make bombard cannons and try and slight the siege on Jews from distance but it's not easy still waiting to see if blue coffee has a plan without trade I saw he docked over here actually was teal who docked and teal starting to make some trade oh and he's trading with blue coffee so I had said that it might have been a mistake to team with teal but I was saying that expecting snow Sean and pointy to win against teal we haven't seen that yet a lot of life is just choosing the right partner to be with guys you can tie that in romantically if you want I'm not going to but that that's very important in community games are Luthi I don't know if this will go to youtube I feel like it has everything that a youtube video should have but we haven't seen half of this game yet there's still four players left the four strongest jabroni says that's why I'm single yeah yep must be yeah the only thing that surprised me about blue coffee is that he has not been trading more because it really doesn't have a lot of resources the Kievan teal who's been fighting is banking more food anyways but you know what guys teal he only has 58 bills 27 of which are idle he does not have the strongest economy so he really needs to get some gold income but at the same time he's still pushing look at this boom look at the pikemen go down Italian pikemen get out of here ah yeah it's just not looking good not looking good for pointy here 129 pop for him he's losing buildings he's losing map his King is in this castle where's yellow why is yellow not helping him that's my question oh he's loading up for an attack okay so maybe he's saying pointy just hold on my friends why not use trebs against the amateur well because you can't really move the treads around and they're expensive like bombard cans would be to play that but he's been trying that he's still got 12 range against a unit with 9 range just and then you can micro them I mean you could use treads and not saying it's a bad move you have a little bit more range but it's just less less mobility well I think if yellows raid comes in or even if he arrives to help it would do something hmm if I'm pointy I'm getting a little bit annoyed with snow Shawn for not helping this might be part of snow Shawn's plan oh no you have to go spread formation if you're running in against C geometers I believe teal knows how to attack ground please tell me he's going to spread his units out watch oh he's sending in more he's sending in more my god oh you know it might be worth it though if the Eagles just clear out the siege then suddenly this is very winnable for point e yeah it's still worth it it's a lot of gold down for both right there excellent micro though from from Tila but that's what I was expecting a while ago I was expecting yellow to show up and contribute and I thought that pointy and snow Shawn could actually win against this guy still no trade at all from blue coffee hold on a second he's making trebs here oh do you see this do you see this he's making trebs and he's going to put them in the transport ship he wants somebody he wants to snipe somebody by the way speaking of somebody did I completely forget they I'm sorry if I forgot it but did I forget that Grey was killed I don't even know where he was maybe he got sniped there I don't know who sniped him okay so the King for Iberia Liz here not in this castle however he's about to get RAM and Eagle pushed it didn't show up okay while there were some other things going on hmm so he's he's trying to stabilize there and also teal has to do something here I would be saying blue coffee help me make desserts help me our be Ariel's doing fine on zone though which is so good for coffee I wouldn't say blue coffee has ever won a game by out playing someone it's always been out smarting he missed his text sometimes he doesn't trade heavily but here he has trips a lot of trips who is he going to go for I'll also see he's making arms he's making arms out of these ranges era still really baffled we're not seeing a lot of trade whoa whoa wait a second elite berserks are here for blue coffee what what is this is he currently allied with pointy again and he's gonna yeah okay so he got pointy to ally him again and now he's running all around but where is he going who's he going to turn on because they were against each other before remember we've seen this before blue coffees allied with both of these players I think he wants to come for pointy then it would make sense and maybe his arms come from the other side snow Shawn's going to be the most difficult to kill he and Keeler are really fortified well yeah I just don't know what about that transport ship for coffee I missed it dang it where is it do you guys see it I don't oh no here come the trebs and yellow spotted that and yellow said what are you doing now blue coffee saying just passing he's like just passing or I'm gonna help you with somebody because he definitely wants to go for an attack here but he has to explain it away now the first time we ever saw blue coffee he ran 50 cataphracts through his allies base and allies like what are you doing and he said just passing and that's where the meme started okay and look he was probably like I can't get through and now snow Shawn says go this way I think blue coffees full of it I think he's full of it I think he wants to go after snow Shawn and snow Shawn just believed him when he said I couldn't pass through or something he probably said the pathing and snow shunts like okay I'll make it gay I'll make walls it'd be just like blue coffee to just turn and go immediately after yellow like what if he knows that yellows King is in there the thing about blue coffee is cuz he's not as active he knows exactly where Kings are cuz he pays close attention to that an early game I think we're about to see a classic blue cap blue coffee snipe attempts either he doubles immediately back for this or he he goes to wear yellow wants him to go and then turns around or maybe he actually wants to help but I just don't I don't trust him look look it's happening it's happening look and now snow Shawn's probably focused elsewhere on the fights and he knows where that king is man or he thinks he knows here he comes this is such a blue coffee thing we can't see the chat but I'm telling you that's exactly what happened if he sits underneath that Tower and just starts tripping all the towers he could do it yellow needs to turn on him fast now remember yellows tower when this goes down it's going to eject the king to the right side does blue coffee know which tower it's in and does he have his arms position properly typical blue coffee stuff yellow can escape yellow can escape blue coffee does not know which tower the king is in and the king is now on the move theirs are blessed here though yellow survives barely survives barely survives that King is so weak and I think yellow I think yellow will be fine now I think he will be fine he has the Eagles to clean that up oh just hop in this tower and it is a failed snipe attempt from blue coffee that was as blue coffee as it gets right there but the funny thing is guys those árboles were just passing they were just passing he it was a miss quick all right he didn't mean to attack him he was just passing miss quick Wow well I think the smarter play there is you sit you're you are blessed under each tower so you say like five underneath each tower or maybe more than that you need I'm not sure he was obviously a bit unlucky but spread them out a bit more and then hope for the best yellow is gonna be pissed now but where's blue coffees King blue blue coffees King is on water so what do you do as Incas try and fight Vikings on water good luck with that great micro here from teal and also from pointy at the same time really surprised to say that point E is at 191 population at blue coffee he's not turned on pointy but he's also not helping pointy do you see this pointy if I'm pointy I'm like blue coffee helped me and now pointy turns or sorry blue coffee for the second time in this game turns on pointy boy because he wants to snipe pointy boy out of that castle which with long bows as our longboat sorry is not going to work he would need some siege oh my goodness you cannot trust blue coffee blue coffee cannot be trusted even teal is not safe even teal cannot trust a guy well of teal uses his trebs on the castle which he's not doing then maybe blue coffee can snipe it Oh blue coffee has a cannon galleon now okay never mind pointy has saved his king it is now inside this castle and now yellow arrives with the Eagles and can maybe help out again what a game this is man what a game this is this is actually sick what we're seeing here though it's actually the downside of being blue coffee he's fighting for only himself and because he doesn't have anyone to work with teal doesn't have anyone to work with and blue and yellow are very strong when working together I'm still very surprised that blue coffee has not added any trade no trade on water whereas teals been trading like a madman and that's why teal who to his credit has fought so well on his own oh my goodness not again not again not again not again not again all right the Eagles clean up the siege 60 Eagle warriors now they're not all that good against siege on Zirin champion but they can get into the right spots or the wrong spots yeah just run away snow shopping kid get out of here man give him the turkeys or something but it's too risky it's the battle turkeys all right what about pointy boys King now okay it's in this castle so let's see if yellow is now allied with with okay he's animated with blue coffee blue coffees probably blabbing his mouth trying to get yellow to trust him again or trying to get pointy to trust him again but I don't think you can trust blue coffee at all blue coffee is making pikes and there's a signal from teal we can only imagine we can only guess what they might be saying maybe teal has said trade with me here at that dock Oh yellows in on teals wood line she only has 50 bills she's losing a lot again props the pointy end for snow Shawn for holding props to all these players for being in this game right now thick teal has been fighting 1v2 a lot of the time pointy has been fighting a somewhat unbeatable civilization for his for his position still doing fine but it's all it's all about teamwork teamwork makes the dream work it's all about friendship and that's what pointy and snow Shawn have right now there's no doubt in my mind that they will fight together until while they're the only two remaining most likely blue coffee just sent teal would really wonder if Lou coffee can get some gold out of that oh wow oh wow the Eagles are raiding everywhere look at the reading from snow Shawn what a game from him look he's everywhere and now he's here as well he's adding ARB ante has Eagles and now point he has huh stars so you get the melee in there against the siege and in the range against the infantry this is really good play from snow Shawn and pointy yeah I think blue coffee I kept waiting he always has something long-term plans but he is 12-month food - on golds I don't even know where those two are on gold he didn't add any trade earlier I think blue coffee is near dead at this point I'm probably gonna jinx it but if tio is dead and blue coffee can't help which you most certainly cannot and blue coffee doesn't have trade I think that eventually pointy and snow shun which is wipe up the other two this is what happens when the man chooses red yeah teal is trying to reboot with villes when he has almost no food in the bank I think I think blue coffee has brought his longboats down here to protect the some of the farming region he really really needs to keep some foothold on lands okay blue coffees making trips no are blessed just traps you know it's really fun always making calves archers - out of these archery ranges he wants to snipe somebody and I think someone sent him that gold - I think it was probably teal who sent him the gold teal needs to back up regroup and stabilize he needs to mask something here add 30 40 more farms you still have the gold income so you're actually be okay as long as that gold income continues I see a single trade cog for blue coffee right now but look at the amount of military look at the amount of bombard cannons for pointy he is unit skewed out of every building might even make a push here from the south as well and just fully surround steel in a bit blue blue coffee has to make his move alright let's talk about King positions King is right here for snow Shan he does not have a gather point set on that towers if it goes down and he's not realizing the king will just sit there but there's a lot of towers here very very unlikely anyone with surprising unless they have mobility for blue it's in this castle which is actually doable for someone like blue coffee and if you were to somehow get that that would be sick hmm thoughts on blue coffees Archie ranged position well it's about time someone realizes how good building archery ranges on Islands can be he's adding trade now so as long as you have water control you can consistently trade it's doable that he can stay alive if he adds trade maybe just realized it a little bit too late Viking CAV archers are not great but the reason you make have archers is so you have a mobile sniping army oh it's a massacre it is a massacre oh my goodness look at the head see that's what see junctures can do that that's the beauty of it you fall behind but then BOOM big shots and you're back in the game Thank You state'll actually need to go through I've missed so many names cuz I've been so focused on this game Thank You städel snap Chan soo so Chewbacca AVG pickman's tyrannosaurus rocks hello feel especially bad about that one it's been a while since I've seen you words at rogue are tactical or tactic waffle Don raspberry with sword lots of new twitch Prime's to thank you everyone for stopping by and yeah this is another blue Coffee episode right here knave win or lose at this point this one's going to YouTube I'm just waiting for the snipe for the attempt anyway he seems to be waiting as well but does anyone else feel slightly bad for teal because teal was played so well like teal yellow and blue or just beastly players and I just I do feel bad because teal he's played so well on his own a blue coffee is sending him food and whatnot but you know at some point you just need to have some help yeah building slowly going down teal has two relics there I think that were point cheese earlier so point to you or snow Shawn could take that back okay here are the calves archers 13 of them remember he had shrubs as well where are the trips I have to check I have to check idle military and villagers for things okay he's making more calves archers I mean might as well fill it might as well go for 21st hmm well there's a whole lot of yellow and blue on this mini-map [Music] OBO yars it's been a while since we've seen the boneyards but we are zippy do fantastic here especially against the Eagles they'll just melt those Eagles watch this watch how quickly the Eagles die when the bow yards attack this was it three hits four hits they have nine Mele Armour with 150 HP to equal this thirteen attack so for damage I hit those Eagles do it's not a lot it's crazy look at that whew it wasn't for the ARBs there everything dies luteal I don't know how it's sustainable but it seems to be maybe it's the golden come maybe some of its the sling from blue coffee what he's doing it guys what's this that is a beserk a single berserk are you serious blue coffee you're spending the time to transport a single berserk with everything else going on transporting a single berserk okay my phone is ringing right now who is it Dave's mom don't call me I'm streaming sorry I told her not to call during these hours a teal is still alive 155 pop pointy does have a lot queued and it's in a great spot to continue to push but I think teal could stabilize or has stabilized I guess you could say well still waiting for it guys we have 30 CAV archers now you would need two transports he did have trebs earlier I thought wait a second blue coffee just placed turkeys here what is this next level mind game nonsense did he just place red turkeys here so yellow gets used to the idea of there being red next to the King I swear to god that's what he's thinking look okay if I put the turkeys here he's gonna freak out he's gonna look he's gonna see they're just turkeys and then the one I get my units there he won't think anything of it only blue coffee man show up on top there's yellow on Reds island no I think those are just houses those are just houses they've been there all game that's it I just said a moment ago the teal was fine but he's not so fine now I don't know where the sea challengers went but I think they've been picked off and guys teals King was in a castle earlier I don't know where it is yeah there comes all the trade from blue coffee but blue coffee needs okay the king is now in the castle blue coffee really needs teal to hang on for a while so he can make his sniping attempt at this point teal is probably saying to die I'm dead snipe somebody and if you snipe either one if you snipe yellow or you smite blue I think that Iberia land blue coffee have a chance together because they're certainly going to have trade hmm they're almost out of wood over here right almost completely out of wood I made a seriously amazing play I'm really impressed with pointy and snow Shan they've they played so good together it's not just having safe trade you might think wow it's because they're trading down to 90 but no the way they've controlled their units and produce has been sick the way these two have played scare people from playing in community games honestly there are a lot of people who probably will think twice about playing in a community game just because of how good these two have played they're like nope can't do that myself so I'm just gonna watch tell ya the turkeys were collected by the trade carts how many relics is is gonna be for yellow so he's about to have four relics I see this actually five yeah 5 wait aren't there only 5 relics on this map that could trigger a relic victory that could trigger relic victory what I thought blue coffee oh nice see janitor shot I thought blue coffee was going for the Wonder victory but maybe snow Shawn wants to win this game with the relic victory but then blue would turn on yellow you don't want to you do not want that to happen right now you need to wait guys 52 viking cave archers blue coffee there's no way you don't have seeds man there's no way wait does he think he can kill the tower with just the calves archers okay the king is on the move now blue coffee research treason so you could see the king was there what if he can kill the tower with the calves archers okay now the king is on the move again now he sees the tower okay I don't think it's possible to destroy a keep with just calves archers he doesn't have anything else I guess that was the Strad you do one damage a hit right all right well the Eagles are gonna arrive so you might as well just attack it and hope there's I don't I don't think so if he had trips with it or a ram or two it's doable I don't think this is possible though yeah I get the idea but the CAV archers do so little damage to his buildings a nice play from snow Shawn just to send in Eagles repair at this point this is the second time that blue coffee has has tried to kill yellows King and points he's quick walkway oh my god that was well played and also point he has been backstabbed twice by blue coffee what a nerd what a nerd all right well the CAV arches are dead how's it going on this front oh I keep looking at teal and his resources his resources are fine but the lack of villagers on wood and food is what concerns me I think he's getting sling from blue coffee oh I all the C geometers are exposed oh I thought the game just crashed I have to stop clicking things I remember in hidden Cup three qualifiers the game crashed when there was a demo and I was told that occasionally the game will crash when a lot of Units die on your screen if you select them and that made me feel very hopeless as a caster because this whole game is a game of war I have to select units so I'm just like well what do you expect me to do then how do I cast but yeah apparently if you select a units at the same time that a lot of them die like see janitors on ARBs then BEC that bug can happen guys teal is on the move can he survive here he has units around there's just a single huh start oh and the bad thing thanks to e he dad what happened there he's dead he had a castle to go to what the the constant pressure from pointy boy and snow Shawn was just too much pay respects to the man though that was an epic game and now blue coffee arrives with long swords like I'll save you long swords well what's blue coffee situation like now okay he's making trebs this time now he does still have trade remember blue coffees not gonna give up he's not gonna give up if he has trade and he has his king and these castles good luck I guess they would have to eventually take out these docks and then blue coffee you won't have trade anymore okay guys you you can't see it and I can't see it but how much how many of you think the blue coffee is trying to get pointy boy and snow Shawn to turn on each other right now I can guarantee you that's happening blue coffees probably like hey snow Shawn point he's talking about an alliance with me so let's work together on this and turn against him that's probably what's happening he is typing furiously to both and they probably see that probably would have worked three years ago but I think now after what six seven YouTube videos where blue coffees done that I don't think that he's going to be trusted so impressed with some of these guys though his unreal level that we've seen in this game okay well blue coffee doesn't have a lot over here right he has some herbs always keeping his bills there wants to protect them hey you really need to have some bills on the mainland's if pointy is going to I mean here's the thing that we haven't discussed enough who wins between pointy and snow Shawn if it becomes a 1v1 there I'm pretty sure snow Shawn wins then just because he's Incas so if that's the case maybe pointy will try and turn and Snipes no Shawn the es blue coffee likes to trick people and lie to people and all that but the truth is that point he wants to win he's at the disadvantage if he doesn't go first night and snow Shawn could go for the relics - I didn't think about that wait a second [Music] whether more relics what wait a second blue coffee just sets Knowshon to a lie okay so he has five relics and there's no relic ount down so I guess the settings were wrong or something I don't know or it didn't work thanks to eat but um did he accept the Alliance no he didn't blue coffees talkin about and now blue coffee has changed him back to enemy yeah because he didn't accept hahaha it's so funny I love it snow shells like no screw you you tried to snipe me twice nice try and blue coffees like will find that I'm gonna work together with pointy boy blue caught feet blue coffee is a lot like watching blue coffee and a Diplo game is a lot like playing force nothing you really like to watch it and it's it's really enjoyable to watch but it's not so enjoyable to play I love watching force nothing it's very relaxing it's very fun we can talk about a bunch of things it's also really fun to laugh at people a little bit when they make mistakes but playing it is the whole different story maybe blue coffee thinks that it's actually possible for wonder victory though and hope I stone to build a wonder out here because if that was possible it would be his best way of winning this hey jelly jelly you're not too late for community games no we are six hours in but we will have more yeah just clear out these docks and then blue coffee can't trade but blue coffee is already trading with this dock so he expected while there's a lot of docks out here that he can trade with I don't see any signs that pointy and snow Shan are going to backstab each other not much not much at all loo coffee has a lot of trade lots of gold lots of food lots of wood no foothold no control I'm pretty sure yellow just signaled that and said something about c90 farms because that would make sense for someone in my community thank you very much that's a teal farm he was dead there's no other reason you would signal that I bet you he thinks I could see the chat thank you bowling four scoops what a name and a deed repeater for the new subs it would take some time now for them to finish coffee off but you have the Italians player in the game so I think points you should go water and then eventually take out the trade and eventually kill blue coffee that's got to be the thought process I wonder what coffee is doing right now though okay she's gonna trade with that doc he's making more longboats sorry I'm just I just went to view Locke for a second Kasey's this he's gonna save that he's gonna micro these okay so he's just making sure that he keeps his trade alive as much as possible gene ID have you considered asking blue coffee to change his name for one game yeah I said that and blue coffee said it would be too easy then so I like to keep my name so fair enough hmm I'm kidding he didn't say that he didn't say that I never asked him about that I mean we could do something like hidden Diplo you know hidden hidden cup for diplomacy but before we do that I need Microsoft to step it up with the lobby systems and the spectating systems for de because the amount of plans I have for hidden diplo like I have a lot of big plans and there's a lot of uncertainties with the stability of team games and setting them up and so if that gets sorted I guarantee you Reggie's head run before will happen and we'll have hidden Diplo I would love to do that but I'm just not as an organizer I don't want to host an event until I know that it can be a good event right so yeah maybe maybe in a few months [Music] all right so I think yellow just said add some markets here so we can I be even better trade which would make sense and okay now pointy has started to die I just don't see how this ends for blue coffee if yellow and blue don't turn on each other or no I do see how it ends for blue coffee he dies he gets overwhelmed yes he's doing okay in this fight right now but so easy for pointy to just pop up on water and the big concern for blue coffee right now is actually would you just had to purchase would so he will not have the would to to keep up with things on water he really would need to snipe that's his only ways if he Snipes and it's one of the situations where I think pointy is played to good I think so Shawn has played to good for blue coffee to have a chance here yeah at Kabul I agree there's a very respectable amount of skills way to say it mean pointy and snow Shawn been playing consistently for a few years now blue coffee he plays on and off I know but the amount of communication which these players have shown in game sense and community game sense is completely different than regular game sense is really good I have a lot of appreciation for how this game was played out especially up against the player like blue coffee and we have to hand it to blue coffee he came close to sniping yellow on a different day he Snipes yellow and this game plays out completely differently you could call him unlucky or just you know maybe call snow Shawn lucky but he was close he took that King down to 10 or 20 HP now these long boats just are not going to be enough which leads me to accept that blue coffee is going to lose this there's no doubt blue coffee is going to lose this however what happens between yellow and what happens between blue both players have fought by each other side for such a long time there's probably so much respect there they could do the ceremonial ending of putting both Kings in a transport ship and deleting it they could do that there's a lot of things they could do or they could fight or if pointy thinks yellow will beat him pointy could prep a sniping army and go for it okay so do you guys want to know my ultimate Age of Empires 2 community game fantasy I made sure to not say ultimate fantasy because you guys would have immediately gone for non age of empires to things but I'm gonna tell you my ultimate community game fantasy okay two players fight side by side in a four hour or let's not say four because I have to cast it so two hours long game they have a lot of respects to the point where they don't want to fight each other and then one player says hey let's hop into the same transport ship and then we'll delete it because we respect each other so let's say that was yellow and blue yellow says hey hop into the transport he creates the transport blue hops into the transport then I want yellow to eject his King onto the shoreline and immediately delete the transport ship so the other guy dies it's so evil but I imagine that being so easy like say hey hop on in and then eject real quick and then sail out into the ocean and there's nothing they can do how evil would that be yeah it's incredibly evil but uh I would just die it would be so funny blue coffee has is nothing guys he's nothing he is losing his trade his King is inside of this he might still be talking you might not be talking i he's only on the islands right now so any red you see on the mini-map is either a turkey or a wall foundation whoa the game just liked out there he's my crowing but with cannon galleons here now elite cannon galleons at that slowly but surely he's going down this is crumbly coffee he's crumbling to the grounds but yeah I think that would be hilarious there was a game how many people were around for the longest diplo ever I guess it was titled that three or four years ago but it was regicide Rumble one I think was bloody Neve Allen Nighthawk both of which are not in the community anymore and they I think it was a four or five-hour game game time and they both hopped into a transport ship and deleted it it was the first time I'd ever seen that type of an ending yeah well if you watch that back what I was starting to say before they deleted it was that they should do exactly what I mentioned that the player who owned the transport ship should eject his own king and then delete it and kill the other guy yeah they're the ones who started it but in that particular game it kind of made sense bloody nivel also started okay I'm gonna I'm gonna tell this story because I haven't seen the guy around in over a year so listen to this actually should I tell this story or not actually I don't know if I should tell this story you know never mind never mind I'm not gonna tell this story if you know it you know it but one thing he did start though was he started mass bombard towers no I don't want to tell the story because you guys no no no I'm not gonna tell it I don't want people to copy him that's the thing it was a sneaky strapless just say that now I would be it wouldn't be a wise move I didn't mean to tease you but he would build he would pick Spanish he would go full trade boom and he would just buy stone constantly and then he would make endless amount of bombard towers and then so he was the reason we started banning bombard towers and community games we actually created a mod that where bomber towers took a population space because of this there's no sniping attempts in coming wait a second wait a second point he's making petard and then we also created a mod which made hers and elephants have double the amount of population space or take up double the amount of population space because of a guy named Ganesha who's still around so there's a few people who stretch the limits to the point where he had to alter the game thanks guys now what I'm telling you right now is not what I was going to tell you was something else but I won't bring that particular one up yeah The Legend of snippy yeah Kamisha I I forgot that commission of probably won that game because what he did was so forgettable snippy's the only one we remember from that [Music] okay blue coffee wait a second where's this king oh it's in the town center now okay does he have anything maybe pointy told him maybe pointy said give me time so I can snipe yellow I could see that being the case they probably said something like give me time don't resign yet or maybe yellow said it but yellow doesn't seem to be making a move anywhere near this this King the king is in that castle and then for yellow his king is in this tower yeah I would be down to do hidden diplo I'd be down for it but but as I said I the game needs to be in a better state before we do that so I I'm already like I'm in constant conversation right and each patch things start to get better and better and better but they have to prioritize certain things each patch so it I don't know they don't give me a timetable and I don't even know in some cases if if some of the things that I want will be possible so yep no diplo without chat indeed but can we agree that it's really bad it's been five months and that's still the case we can agree on that right and I'll say it publicly like I love the guys on forgotten empires to death and the devs have been more more involved in this community than ever and I feel like I have a good relationship with them to the point where I can say that to you guys like the sound just bugs again I think it's another issue than having but um it's important that we say these things publicly I think okay so blue coffee still has his King inside the town center he's adding Vil's and everything man there's this fly in my apartment and I can't get him pissing me off okay wait a second wait a second pointy is moving his King don't know where he's sending it maybe to the town center on the shoreline okay he has petard x' and he has árboles that's enough to snipe you need to make your move before blue coffees dead okay blue coffee has a single transport ship and he's now on the move that is something that blue will see I think blue coffee is this is the assist yeah I swear pointy and blue coffee we're talking either blue coffee said I can't win go snipe yellow finish the job or pointy said blue coffee don't resign yet give me some time be a distraction the ultimate distraction yeah the king is on the move okay here he is who will yellow notice Shh okay yellows also signaling he's like hey the king is over here yellow signaling the other areas of the map if I'm blue-eyed ping up there and I'm like look look blue coffees King look I paying all over the place on those Islands oh my god yeah noticed it you will notice that before blue could turn and he's on the move these guys are too damn good these guys are all too damn good I mean he had so much time to notice right this is his fog of war you can see everything and there's a lot of blue there on the mini-map now I really wish I could see the chat again because snow Shawn's like oh no no no you don't buddy quick use the turkeys attack with the turkeys use your tail attack it damn it I like I'll point he's still chasing to look alright I'm still following you okay now snow Shawn turns on him a blue coffee might be hoping that this means he wins like it has a chance in some way shape or form I don't think it really means that at all does make the game more interesting though they're still petard here how thick would it be if pointy boy walls in the tower [Music] wait a second yellow could still kill this I'll kill the petard yellow kill the petard before they get in huh oh he just saved himself oh that was so close oh man those Eagles block the petard pathing beautiful sorry about the lack of game sound add as a bug that's been haunting me all all day and and other days as well since recent patch maybe it's on my hands maybe it's to ease end I don't know okay now point he has set yellow back to ally like okay that was fun but let's focus on coffee again and coffee has now put his king he's now put his king into this transport I'm beginning to think coffee is he's all about air time you know at this point when it comes to community game players he's definitely had more minutes on YouTube than any other and so he's all about just extending that air time he will not resign he does have resources and to me it looks like he was saving for a wonder look at that and he also built a lumber camp here I think he's trying to save for one he feels like that's his only chance and he doesn't have trees to chop really but here he could trap I guess hmm now yellow is probably really scared to move out they should just kill him they keep researching trees and just kill them surrounds him on either side all right well what's point cheese pop [Music] 126 yeah he it doesn't feel like he has anything right now he's back to producing okay this makes more sense I was wondering where he was and now a market how much do you want to bet that blue coffee buys would I bet you a whole 25 cents that he buys would with that cuz he wants a wonder even if he can't win I think he wants a wonder yeah look he bought would you guys all owe me 25 cents he bought wood now he doesn't have enough gold though Oh No where does he even have bills okay now he has the res for wonder wait now he doesn't have the res for wonder he needs to sell his food this is so awkward because there's no noise he'll need villagers I guess he has a few out there Oh No okay okay now we can build it build it right now the funny thing is the funny thing is you can't even win with the wonder because you can't win with Relic victory so you can't win with a wonder victory so they're not even gonna get a notification for that and they're just gonna stumble along and realize oh shoot he was building a wonder that's funny that's that's a way to go out with style and there we go the King goes down for blue coffee we didn't get any noise from it and elsewhere yellows King okay yellow and blue officially turned on each other and I think yellow just wins here right checking the town centers I don't see doesn't even have a castle wait where was that you saw that though we're out oh it's still in the same Tower duh okay yeah so he's fine pointy had trebs in here a lot of trip so point he was not messing around he really wanted to take it to yellow and point he does have the Reds to make champion but I still think with the amount Eagles we're seeing right now that castle will go down and point he just doesn't have the numbers blue coffee is officially out this is the first time we've seen him on de salute the crap out of him that was a great game blue coffee we couldn't see what you were saying but we still had an idea of what you were saying that's the thing it's like we my favorite moment from him this game was when yellow told him to get out of his base and blue coffee probably said something like oh that was just passing and then yellow made that gate and then blue coffee doubled back that was typical blue coffee well played well let's let's check that King position for point E neither pointy or yellow have castles they don't have any castles and I guess they both have water control as well so if you wanted to hide your king there it's an option this could be a while if they're both gonna fight it out it really could be a while actually you know what I take it back look at yellows Q and look at the population for point e yeah 45,000 food that's incredible I just don't see it just passing the official says take my money xoxo hello nice to see you welcome back infernal Locke thank you for the Twitter Prime thank you Rhoda for the twitch Prime what a game this to me is what community games are all about good good teamwork good communication but then multiple attempts at back staffs all my goodness those Eagles what goodness regular auditors should not do that much damage to Eagles but they all stacked right in that choke point well I think if yellow wants to push the champions well he needs to have our ballast he's working on that can't just go full eagle okay I really need to find the Kings oh the king is here okay yellow actually has two villagers by this that's where that King is for blue and yellow it's still in that Tower and it's a line of towers as well look this tower edge X ended his Tower this tower Jackson at this tower this doesn't eject it all but that's still great way to make sure you're safe t90 trying to main a sieve Mayans Aztecs of Incas if I had to choose I'd say Mayans probably think Mayans they I mean Mayans are Aztecs I would recommend for you unless you want a ville rush and go tower rush then go Incas oh wow yellow actually doesn't have pop space he's lacking 20 pop space he doesn't realize that because his houses got Rams down so this is that stage of the game where when you're allied with someone for so long the buildings are a hindrance to movement so you see this a yellow is patrolling but he's patrolling into a mill so you need to clear out the buildings and you'd have to siege for that so it's kind of a slow crawl just how it goes but again looking at resources and Q could kind of go either way but remember yellow has the relics also yellow gets seed RAM you gets the Eagles I think eagle herb is probably better than champion cap gram who do you think is the best tower rush sieve um kind of depends 408 you have Spanish Spanish build 30% faster so there's best to getting the towers up you could say Koreans because you get the free tower upgrades when you get to Castle age and Imperial age you could say Incas because they're villagers have our armored so it's hard to kill them and also you have cheaper towers you could say Teutons because you can garrison more villagers inside towers yeah it depends if I had to choose a safe specifically to tower rush it's kind of hard to for me because I don't go only tower rush it's normally something combined with towers but if I had to choose one and I would go only towers I'd probably go probably I don't know Koreans so I wouldn't be tempted to do anything else GG pointy boy taps out yellow what a game from snow Shawn what a game two hours and 54 minutes we had the amazing Diplo that we couldn't read from blue coffee and others IB riolu coffee pointy boy and Sno Shawn were absolute beasts in this game that was sick we had interceptor repairing a town center when he could have just built a new town center because he didn't care it's about morals and no good player will leave a town center unrepaired old liquid cat went for a leap war elephants camo i perhaps you're the most bad for because he played so well and then with double than dominated and then patrick i got sniped by snow jean who was the eventual winner but what a game what a game now what i'm curious about is how does this game go if snow Shawn gets sniped by blue coffee it was so close that first attempt was so close I think if blue coffee Snipes their pointy boy is not near as strong at this stage of the game it's possible that blue coffee and I be real work together and they then push pointy pointy gets out of the game then blue coffee tries to do some wicked snipe on Iberia lime not sure but that was awesome now to the players who played we couldn't read the chat could you tell me what blue coffee was saying in some situations because I'm curious I'm especially curious about that one moment before blue coffee almost got snow Shawn because at that point it seemed to me like blue coffee was sending his units clearly into snow Shawn space snow Shawn complained about it blue coffee made up an excuse and then doubled back anyways that's what I think happened let's look at the statistics well relic victory was it's really hard sometimes snow Shawn we collect selected standard wind conditions so I thought relic victory was a thing but it was not in your case you got all five relics look at that KD hoof 1900 kills my birria was out of the game for who knows how long interceptor who were you in that game oh oh you're here sorry whoops disrespectful he said he said he was passing through and let him through a gate then he was silent while coffee turned on him then yellow said he saw that coming from a mile away see I knew it I knew it I knew he said he was just gonna pass through and then he doubled back it's really good thinking ah the trade profit was probably the one thing that blew coffee and chamomile and a lot of these players should have thought about see if you start trading with someone you have a solid alliance Patrick is another good example of this he wasn't trading with yellow he didn't make himself useful to yellow so snow Shawn got rid of him I think you have to trade with people for strong alliances also for gold which blue coffee struggled with in that game 94% of that map was explored by coffee he knew where most everything was and Wow relics don't hurt either 12,000 gold from relics are you kidding me and the trade eighty-nine thousand gold collected poof Hugo says it would be a lot of work but if you got the wrecks would you be able to see the chat for YouTube a seat Hugo not always like I said for hidden cop 3 it was all recorded games and we couldn't always see the chat so I don't know what the issue is with in-game chat I know that some people would pitch that idea of me casting recorded games but then again the thing about community games is me doing it live and there's no way I could just show the recorded game Oh while also showing what I'm saying because audio would be it would have to match what you guys are seeing so yeah they just flat-out Microsoft needs to update that and fix that and then we're good ok what a timeline crazy hosting and just insta resign no overconfidence I I honestly refuse to do that I used to do that I would rather have no in-game chat I don't even know if that works but I would have rather have more in-game or no in-game chat and constantly bring up that it's an issue so it gets fixed then have to do that in front of thousands of people I think that's disgusting that's absolutely disgusting but anyways you know what wasn't disgusting that game that was great we had blue coffee returning and playing well we had pointy boy Patrick snow Shawn Iberia yamo interceptor and old liquid cat all playing well was the first time we've done a really solid diplo community game in a long time with all the hidden cup three madness I didn't have time for community games and I know for a fact that that's going to YouTube so YouTube I always send the best games to from twitch to youtube and I know that for many of you out there you might prefer this over Pro content or maybe you prefer fine mix so I'm doing my best to mix in more games to the YouTube channel from twitch if the games are solid if you'd like to stop by to the twitch stream where everyone's currently saluting you the twitch link is below in the video description and the stream schedule is underneath the video so you can watch and know exactly when I'll be live that we
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 144,731
Rating: 4.8647146 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, Community Game, Blue Coffee, Pilgrims, Legend, New, FFA, Regicide, What, WTF
Id: 5b89mP3c7Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 49sec (6649 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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