Expert 3v3 Teamgame feat. TheViper, Vivi, MBL, and more!

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yeah yeah I agree I usually use them to mass and then would you read cassoulet do you have a big resonate so it's a very momentum based unit like you need to have a lot of res you need to to have a lot of them and then you upgrade them and they have a big power spike in castle age but if you don't do that if you try and use them like fuel age Scouts it oftentimes doesn't work out alright guys welcome to another 3v3 tattoes here co casting with me i will introduce the losing team from last game Mahara is the flank he's playing as the comer in the green his pocket is Viper Vipers playing as mayans do they flip-flop snips here yes not a Vipers now Mayans pockets we'll get to talk more about that as Frankie as Mateus playing as the Vikings up against Mateus is knee cough playing as some lay the pocket then is MBL playing as Indians and then we have Vivi's the other flank playing as Portuguese it is so weird help for out of these six civilizations we just saw in the last game and I know they did random yeah this is so weird last game knee cough had pocket his mind's Viper as Pacha's mines here last game Hera was Pok as Indians MBL as pocket as Indians this is this is interesting but we were just talking about what you do as mezzo saves when your pocket last game it was a forward from e cough and they won that game very convincingly the Viper has the choice of doing that or tat so he could go for something like fast castle in the plumes correct yeah I don't see vibrate doing forward to us that his map is not the greatest but it's more like a bit more offensively than he doesn't like to forward things yeah he's not a forward style player right Pauline whammy wine is different but anything game is leaps you so expose and they can exploit the earth in can exploit a so much yeah this is not a big fan of that but an even more he has millions he like he loves to be - bucket that's what ha ha well Harris stole two sheep from Viper he doesn't realize it yet but Vipers down sheep but he's would be good company yes they seeks right no save a lift huh that's a little seeps did he did he get him from Viper Viper has two more he hasn't explored yet yeah they have to be from Viper cuz I don't think they're from the opponent which is vivianne okay so tatto since I have you here let's talk about what we might see from the flanks especially if Viper will be going for a fast castle that means he won't be able to provide help for a while so starting with Vipers flanks I guess we have Mateus it's got to be either militia or men and arms into archers right yeah or just radar please of course yeah it has to be something that items into artists I would suggest that Mathias it would be better for him if he goes minotaurs because that will that would apply / - nicob right and Nicole you have to be careful about them yeah otherwise Nicole if there is both goal ranges Nico can send his first access to Viper and then Viper will be a bit more in trouble yeah good point Viper will need to be a Viper won't have anything to defend himself really so his allies need to buy him some time good point exactly the Gold's for Nico are not ideal yeah oh man so hold on a second he has yeah - forward I guess one behind his TC there's also a forward gold there for Mateus but his main gold is in a much better position yeah he's pretty say that also like that before this is good buddy see - whoa yeah for sure I'm sure that will drop the barrack between both colds Yeah right in front of it maybe like next to the next to the house yeah then he will be maybe Cuban goes dress so he goes dress then Matthews will be defensive and then with my lay first fiddle he can get a listen up time yeah you can get a decent uptight and then build a radius in front of the goal and keys safe it's a really strong bill normally joshing the archers is strong enough but when you can advance faster to the next stage you have a few more bills working for you you know a niqab is gonna miss out on his sheep here I think Mateus will be able to steal them or not yeah they both miss out but good thing for Mateus is he confirms his opponent will be going for address on the other side Hara clicks up the fuel age to on gold for him no barracks yet so maybe archers hmm his bill does not that it's weird right it's not perfect but yeah I think archers for him and then vivvy up against him will be going with it I'd rush into archers himself actually yep and Viper is he on stone yet Vipers going fast castle for sure and then be released as well so well that's good for Viper okay I know it's good that both flanks are dressing because then he will not be like concern about being in double all his his own militia so he can like Palace a wall his relators our history if I read the Mayor Pro when you are a pocket your major concern is they are coming artists yeah fine because you can you see you alright but archers you can't do anything about yeah that's the tricky point oh they're going dresses good new for Piper yeah because the Rangers will be up slightly later so if I per can get the plumed archers he can he can carry his team it just will take him some time he's going to the back old and the back stone at the moment yeah I like that because as well he he he is forced to make a tower more or less with two stat words he can almost predict all the resources yeah he decided to go for the forward goal then he will have to use a yeah one more and anyways like he will be like a cell to become build a castle between a town centre and goal and then he's gonna be safe yep yeah so it's just a matter of if viper will have time to get that castle up he so needs to hit castle age then build it a lot of things can happen i'm leading up to that hera is adding archers to kill Vivi's Josh I gotta give her a credit he's walled this out he expected it and he should be able to kill it now but maybe is at least distracting a little bit but he'll lose his scalp yeah great Johnson Hara yeah I'm gonna do a mini he's have seen nothing always going fast castle off this he's uptown he's really slow yeah okay well he's adding the walls chat can span the the walls for vivvy lots of walls Smart Play Doh and yet you were right knee cough into archers and of course Mateus starting off with archers so it does seem like Mateus and Hera on the flanks they've had a stronger start they have more range two numbers so Vipers should be completely safe yeah they are like Nico not right now has to are to someone else game so he cannot do anything at all to right over there if I purchase lost his eagle at MBL's base Saul anbiya was building a stable tried to pick off the vill MBL didn't have loom but he now gets loom clicks up to castle before viper and Viper pointed it out to his allies but I don't know if his allies can get there anytime soon and now India has dobut oh yeah it's fine now he just needs to to wait a minute or two and then those Indian camels can be quite Shawn now if you all up like vivvy did Hera will go right to MDL normally he won't sit outside the walls he can go right to the pocket so when you wall like this you make it difficult for your ally we that could happen yep are we well luckily for and ble right not bringing in a spear so yeah he decides to go to him he's to be fine and Matthias is done well versed in cough as well he has nose to be layer you think so let me stick it yeah yeah he's pretty far behind okay and knee coughs micro there with the skirm it's nice to pick up some more archers but I don't think when you're playing as the flank for Viper in this position you don't necessarily need to be winning you just need to be 50/50 like holding right and then Viper can start bringing it back with the plumes yeah the bridge now is like oh can be safe to go full of schemes for a sable yeah because all my per team is going for taking the archer so that's not a good a unique combination yeah you're right you don't have that melee ranged combo whereas MBL's team will have that MBL's is making the camels and tc's already is there a hole there there is a hole there MBO will lose one ville that's that's good stuff from Herod it's also a good position for him to fight in hmm yeah and be alone he has a gold next that new TC he's building but for now he won't be able to make any camels because he ran away from his gold this is giving Vipers so much time yeah indeed he's going for that was weird he went for four second doesn't already yeah yeah so fibers going for what he normally does a high eco approach but mixing in his plumed archers which he likes and I think this is the only awkward thing for vipers T my guess is that they have all archers but is looking pretty good for them right now Hara did a fantastic job against vivvy to start and then he hit em BL and now mble doesn't have a lot of military mass and I can see Vipers team starting to to overwhelm and get map control yeah and her Aquila in front of me okay he was a bit disturbing now imagine if Erik goes straight to make a ruling oh my god that would hurt hello oh yeah he's looping around they need to communicate Nika is doing well verse Mateus on the side but again Mateus just needs to hold and not die here VIPRE will show up to help soon um oh geez Harris done so well seven kills two deaths but that has pretty much changed the whole game with how easy what there is he's hit one important thing is like Luka a V V army now what is it BB army it's chasing it's chasing Hara yeah so he's not even going forward and using his castle H advantage so here are the really good moving out from maybe an even for a Mia oh no oh now he signals this is when you get so pissed off because it's the other flank killing up you know why didn't you tell me oh man all of these villagers dying here that's one two three four that's at six dz-5 I mean yeah it feels like the game just ended right there because now neke of he has tons of idle time he has lost villagers he lives the healing schemes exactly and this is before vipre arrives and viper now comes in with the plumes the viper can kill more villagers or just this focused on the main army MBL he's adding camels but I don't know if those camels would be enough that Viper continues to dance with the plumes Wow an Indian is going for the Eco approach here and the best one yeah yeah so I know business I would fight for them for a Viper no no they are fitness good for him yeah thirteen I mean Vipers microing well he knows that kneecap doesn't a ballistic so he's moving side to side he hasn't taken any losses with his bones so it's not a good fight but it's almost there force to engage this right they feel like if if knee cough doesn't fight this he just loses more hmm yeah well let me go sound of gold right now I think this game's over another quick one but it's gone to the other team because now he needs to haul a beat yeah yeah exactly until he reads castellated and Hewlett finally yeah but do we look at video he's ahead already of like seven blades but he's gonna be even more yeah vivy he's the one guy who's so good we're not the one guy but he's especially good as flank when he goes crossbows his booms are just insane behind that is it enough though is it enough because knee cough on the other side is really struggling yeah well now Matthews what you think there yeah that that's not a good position for his army Viper shows up this is right as elite skirm comes in for knee cough so I think they will end up pushing Viper and mateus back yeah so twitch chat MBL's gone for a very high eco approach he is 66 villagers niqab obviously struggling so MBL's economy's going to have to give them something that's what they're hoping for it's still awkward for Viper and co because they have all archers while while MBL has the melee with the camels and the niqab has the range with the lead skirm and what what does the thing about Maddie was sad in any range mmm okay so he'll he'll be aggressive but I agree with that well your yeah you're already ahead why slowly on your eco even more is that your thought process yeah like well Miko farm is not going to be a big problem for him right yeah for sure and then the brilliant is is about the pocket because MBL yeah yeah meal they should know how you look at look at her hair it's gonna lose three bills on the new TC they could be bringing this back now yeah it's just VIPRE though fiber heat he has so much mobility with these poems that he is twenty three of them like that will that's a lot and it'll only grow so if Pfeiffer gets to two castles let's see VIPRE he will eventually want to go to to cast as I imagine if he gets to two or three castle plumes verse MBL's Imperial camel like what would you prefer the plumes or the Imperial camel if my aunty said really good yeah keep aunty I ain't seen yet so I'm thinking I would prefer my what I was talking about it's like pocket is really I have in economy so yeah it doesn't matter if you have a tea are tears or do you have thirty because he comes with Priya comments he will destroy your army yeah the why do you need to worry about this yes don't lose too many video saying is your flank and then it's right to him yeah that's how I will have played this way instead of making more I mean and you think Mateus has gone too aggressive here as a flank because he's still on one TC yeah and also he goes Nico is already behind right yeah so you don't need to invest too much more to this because you're already ahead yeah I agree yeah maybe only the only way that you can throw this is by not adding enough eco did my brother Emile says okay I'm Nico prolly would say will do him as well like not just go don't don't save me yeah you fine I would try to hold yeah yes getting PL keep someone and then asleep yeah yeah this is true yes Megan of Commerce this is still a very good position for a viper mateus inherit but vivvy has been able to pick off some villagers he also defended well from Hera and viper just got hit by vivvy as well and he's losing even more villa an Opel is sick so he doesn't lose anything there I think it's safe to say if niqab loses his he'll once again he's in big trouble though yeah please there's camels have all upgrades mm that dunkey it's a lot of plumes though so many plumed archers initially used to keep alive this fundamentals yeah Megan l went down but MBO invested so many resources into killing just one maca no I think it's weird that niqab didn't have his own maghen l do you agree yes that's true this is true that much less really here to the Kings he's making really good yeah good good micro void the mag Annelle and vipers plumes are nowhere to be found the micro from knee cough wow that was so sick and they get the score lead back there for a moment that was so sick from niqab to not loose any skirmishers to the Macan l need I was really good my though considering he's lost so much as well fantastic engagement so maybe a theme would be the first to be booyah yeah that's what I was gonna say it's all about who gets to imp next rate another few splits here from knee cough his micro still exceptional MBL now killing another mag Annelle well hold on a second yeah who killed I don't want to speak too soon now Viper is he transitioning to him surely he is now because he stopped sending plumes over yeah he's gonna click up at the same time vivvy and MBL do on the other side we call he's been sick oh yeah that's crazy so what's hairs resources like Hera you could buy his way to in okay but he's not up vivy making ranged units right now tatto so what do you think do you think that MBL's team can can bring this back seeing as two of them are on the way to end boy bbm and be learning they're running with this book so yeah I think yeah okay so she's in a steel it's just tough because viper will have elite bloom and elite plumes should do very well versed these camels yeah and I know MBL's focusing down the Megan else but he's also losing so many of his camel numbers to do that every time I deal you'd have like twenty to thirty camels minimum when you hit the Imperial age you can upgrade them and I just don't know if this investment is going to to trade well for MBL's the game goes on yeah and I did make those who have already won custom terrain is later that he still will be there sex in this person area too yeah yeah for sure berserks would be great because you have a melee unit and also the berserks would be fantastic versus of camels once you get all upgrades on them we'll see we'll see I do feel like Vivi's going to have a really good position versus hair on the other side that thing said Hera is going into elephants so with the koomer elephants if he can afford it of course he should kill the current composition from vivvy because Vivi's going with basically sperms and ARBs but I think he's it gonna reason them good enough yeah only 93 bills that's not enough to get Ali at least forty seven pharmacy that's okay keep casting and then then again Viper once you get the operates yeah he's getting a lead he gets razor you're gonna start slinging her into a little faster yeah exactly so he can he uses he gets all his upgrades and then he's just making wood and gold units and then he can send his food to Hera good point mason's thank you for a year man that's very kind of you thank you I I will do I'll I will do all shout outs after this game that all the rest of the shout outs thank you guys the question now is can MBL vivvy and niqab holds because VIPRE now well in a moment we'll have full upgrades on these plumes what they become is have really decent minutes please even the heavy camels because of the Pierce right oh my god that engagement Viper took so many so many hits there and he's still taking hits Wow you gotta hand it to Nika and MBL I don't know how they were able to hold here and you know what the middle it were where all these flights took place at so there's two golds there whoever controls that will have a huge advantage on for now he's Symbian right yeah for an Alex MBL me cough pushing into for me it would be there and he's going forty [Music] okay yeah it was obvious that that case has to be cussing yeah yeah so he builds that there how's Hera doing on the other side Hera he lost a few elephants two conversions okay so now Mako is making the first castle ground and I think by pursuit already I don't he get banking like on its banking is not in this map does we are playing the ACL map yeah I have coordinates yet okay so you're saying that your brain they should start swinging a little bit here it is it is just a regular rated game though so they might Viper might not be too concerned with that all nice horse collar time from Viper 39 minutes pro stuff best hair in the world but I bet Dee Dee's like okay the food price is too high I will first sale and then I sling now he's making coordinates because he saw like 1,000 foot okay so he will sling resources to Hera yeah yeah well Hera needs to get upgrades he needs to make more military his stables are on the front if he loses these stables he doesn't even have the wood to add more so viper is needed here and viper now arriving again with elite plumed Archer vivy has árboles and some monks and then MBL is here he has the camels which are mobile he can fight on both sides with these MBL nice nice move I am going to the market look he's me now you might have gotten really upset oh he's going to stop the trade yeah and he'll also kill the villagers on the gold there that will just make this better and better for them yeah they fight there like this in the mouth yeah that's not too bad two conversions I think for vivvy and I think they have just enough to hold this Viper and era but well hair lose his castle he will will vivvy lose his castle oho the bombard cannons I don't know if this castle will go down I think that he can keep it up if he uses the elephants he just converted and his bombard cannons he can keep his castle up and hold this position and he will that's huge no I mean he's dreaming about food economy so that's gonna hurt them in Morton yeah MBL's been so good from pocket so he's gotten away with the with the boom right he's gotten away with that extra eco MBO yeah I didn't like gonna get from thrown Mateus and Matthew yeah I think you should go and leave ourselves and he will he will be finding a student the university could kill Nico and we finding his coming yeah so I will let that would free a lot of pressure oh those two Megan else they could do damage here kneecap will likely micro them down though yeah he does and you know what Mateus he's going to lose the forward castle lose the forward gold if he doesn't hold this which would be a huge concern is that the solo or East Nichols cold that is his goal I believe because Nick I've had that one I guess yeah that one to the north of his starting TC so it's worth pointing out there's a lot going on now a viper has gone to vivvy space and killed plenty of villagers but he will lose his plumes if he doesn't run and on the front elite battle elephant now for Hera but I don't think that's enough vivy is built another castle organ gun skirmishers monks and then MBL has a ton of camels and keep in mind that the tyrant guys or viper anyway he hasn't really been able to start his trade just yet because of the stop remember yell earlier Oh what are these auditors doing for Matthias is huge is he overextending near tatto I think he is what he wants to go there if he wants to stir a castle well Castle it bisects now how many castles one yep just one Wow he's building a second in the trade so it's good castle yeah but what about these managers going into niqab space I guess it's working so far but it's definitely weird oh and gates lipstick wow so many plumes from Viper will these elite that elephants offer enough it's a good fight for now I think right because Vivian maybe isn't fighting oh no no oh vivy says no but it's a little bit too late MBL arrives with another batch of camels Viper is is carrying his team right now is that is that locket is that Locke his dog yeah yes sir it's okay t90 movement it's actually elite organ guns for vivvy I just feel like he lacks the support from MBL there so at least for now Leiper and Hera will hold that side the other side though I'll not too short for Viper it just feels like niqab is getting he's climbing his way back into the game right yeah the Braverman will be the goal he got 28 but minor so he's we find with Moses right now I need to trade and he's starting the trade so it's almost like Vivian MBL can't push this ball of elephants and plumes just yet neither team can take a big fight here so they're just adding trade as they hold am I right on that mm-hmm Dania yeah so on the other side the Viper might be needed Matthias is on his own verse two at the moment but knee cough you know his populations only 143 right now he's still struggling to get up to where he'd want to be do you think he should go Karambit or do you think he should go with our blessed knee cough oh stop hi in the short to be honest because ah and again he goes Emily's then might be can't come any time industry oh yeah yeah but Quran bits kinda it's it I guess it's tough when there's plumed archers and berserks out there for cram bits to do too much yeah but no Bible is getting more and more nervous he has almost 100 military yeah if you can move any Jay any time to a trade and then we have things yeah and he's actually already in the trade and Vivi's building bombard towers but a few trade carts have gone down already oh my goodness all these trade cards could die for MBL and I guess Vivi's realize this yeah MBL's realize this but Viper's at that position now we're seventy plumed archers he can bring this back for his team indeed yes yes a thing is not a good idea maybe to fight there yeah for Viper yeah cause it maybe can even move do it as they can to maybe maybe ways because there is nothing yeah and then make the new army and try to so they go on like contra attack then we force Viviana BL to move there I don't like that fight from Hera engage so many camels they are slowly losing ground because Vivi's building bombard towers but you're right what viper should do is distract a little bit use the mobility of his plumed archers and he's doing that he's killing Vivi's villes here once again he's running through Vivi's eco trying to pay off more and more trade this is what he needs to do a viper and i think he would go with units well let's see he's here I could I mean now he's yeah and viper still been sending Hera resources for what it's worth on the other side bull you gotta give Mateus credit he's done a great job yeah he's nice he's doing really nice now he come right with over six and now my base in the trade I mean it's coming with something pretty I kind of suit be nice yeah but it'll be so annoying because viper will split this up so yeah there will be multiple groups to chase down and this is just the game is slowly shifting back into vipers team's favor I think because all enemy 20283 it mean what same to raiding the left side right look there as well he needs one more oh wow they've saved their trade while doing damage the opponent's trade he needs another wall another wall to my straight yeah if I personally don't have a lot of trade but they could loosen trade now I don't think that was a quick wall attempt from here but looked interesting I think an issue 4mb elenco is that MBL now has to deal with the rate in his own economy he is all of us military back in his trade line and I was going to say they should give them an opportunity to push back against vivvy but holy vivvy capped Rams skirmishers árboles and Oregon guns and powers Hara is running out of spaces to run to tato yep can you say he's running I don't know why he's not that breathing them yeah and then they need to be cool sweet like pink Caesar I don't think he has the economy man I really don't think hair has yes yes mm yeah he could research see trim you're right about that have have they lost too much space that is the question we will find an answer to that sooner or later MBL's camels that were protecting his trade that will soon push forward to join vivvy they might need to assist knee cough because niqab is about to lose two of his castles on the front he's going crammed at warriors you know this game I thought was over a long time ago this is a pretty signal on Sat oh yeah he's becoming a really nice game and Bill has you live 21 to eight kinda he's running out the floor right now yeah oh this is so cool yeah this is so cool I mean really right now let's all Vivian MBL all Vivian MBL can they carry and what is kind of a to be three situation niqab he's he's slowly dying here so at the same time a hair is losing space vipers slinging in resources vipers going to lose more castles if they can't stop this push and vivvy has just gone crazy with the towers and this forward how will this game ends yeah they need the beep who's now with Aramis and I think when I Kimiko yeah see drams will will tank all of this skirmisher working gun are blessed fire and then also take out the trips maybe take out the towers even if they just take out the trips that be huge at delaying this and giving Mateus time on the right-hand side to push again we have a choice they're coming yeah here they go the camels get here at the perfect time to kill the seed ram stat oh that timing was perfect the seed Rams can't close in on the trips does viper have enough on its own as all that the elephants go down we finding the right side now yeah oh my goodness the last castle the last castle for nikah of I think I know he is to here I'm sorry can they hold on this side while they push on the other well well no oh boy the zerks man they're so good against this combo they're good against camels they are good against the Karambit and vipers still holding because he has that hill and that's it yeah he still has 90 plumes it's just that Hera can't contribute much at the moment except like calf yeah I think here has to make some meats I got a few of my tenders one but I guess he'd have oh man I mean if you look at mateus he has all of his castles queued up with the desserts he is eight hundred golds I don't think they can stop him he has so many rez I think Nico will get just get wiped up at this rate yeah yeah I think he's Hussein 1 to 2 verily yea on the left side I agree and he yeah he just sent gold to Harris O'Hara can make I think that the biggest priority would be Rams right just get more ran out there Wow knee cough he was behind earlier after Harrah's Archer raid and he just hasn't been able to bring it back he's losing castles to zerks now these things are nuts and now he's going into our blessed which is something he probably should have considered a bit earlier in hindsight so what are the trade numbers like a lot more trade for vivvy MBL anika I will say that but they're not they're not pushing anymore they're getting pushed Viper's team has held on the left and they're just showing niqab on the right [Music] yeah as would seem for bbp measly thing we do all that I am mm-hmm and maybe we need them a lot of time because they need to be get help Kim yeah for sure vivy is pretty much on trouble also they've they've stonewalled most of the NAP viper may have just busted through here but Vivi's closing it up in the center so they won't lose trade it's just about stopping this snowball effect on the right hand side because mateus is playing beastly really is he's playing extremely well I think you know what I think hair is lacking the food he is 60 farmers he should have more food than this I guess he's making a lot of light calves but yeah he's doing okay I think he's missing let's see how chemistry kids have chemistry I think it needs chemistry because he has one currency and that will help a lot to boost bacteria well is it down the problem with comer is that they don't have native fight yeah and heresy yeah so they are they could they could lose their bomb or cannons yeah well MBL he's mixed in some hand cannons he is wall walling up these irks so they can't go in any further look at look at this wall from MVL yeah so yeah he should kill these things but it wasn't annoying I don't think that that is mo how he's gonna be a be prone to fly but XE wants to rake in with 200 yeah Viper's pushing back vipers pushing back with hair on the other side where his vivvy been what has he been up to he is 28 military it is really coming down to the lack of options for Portuguese and the lack of options from Malay against Vikings right they just don't have they just don't have the Imperial aged strength in this Sid matchup look at me go nice move there oh yeah nice little chain so we want him yeah it's not not gonna be enough man these these berserks are so ridiculously strong and it's just insane I I love it actually you know I think they needed a buff they're so good and all that on etre shot from mateus knee comes down to 150 population viper now can afford to send plumes over I think I think my braces look to the trade to energy goes all day armies he's in the right side well if he shows up to the right regardless I think they they continue to push this crack yeah but like I guess he's going to it because he fees they have whoa but yeah it would be forced to go there right oh he's gonna muster up at the same time he's gonna bust her at the same time I right in the center there so yeah Viper's showing everything right now and with the plumes that hand cannons won't contribute much even the árboles won't contribute as much and niqab needs to be careful yet again because auditors are coming in behind his bezerk sand yeah Mateus some good shots and I think Vipers teams slowly bringing this back look at the other side Vivi's losing all this towers yeah maybe that's happened now they they army he has it's been too many resources you boom but I wasn't happiness enough yeah well also hair canal for the elephants that's the big thing there's lots of elephants Portuguese can't do much against this and I think the same formal a Malay are really having a hard time verse the combo that Viper and Mateus are sending their way better late-game options for Vipers team they've held on to that point and they've just taken the swirly I yes how do they change this knee coffin MBL how do they change it do they keep doing more of the same or do they need to hit the trade or is there a way back for them tattoo what are your thoughts it's looking pretty Mattoon yeah now they they don't have any pressure right yeah none whatsoever they presently could like use newspaper now now they can they have to be much defense otherwise yeah they will get waiting on the trade and that's bad for him yeah and we've already seen all the options the niqab can mix in we've seen Koran bits fail we've seen are blessed and skirmishers struggle so it's not like he can change his composition MBL you've done everything right here as well all that makes things so much worse what a shot for Mateus another one there actually hey so the Viper cheering his teammate on I think this is where the gg comes in shortly right it's good we've definitely yeah that they've lost the other side completely and the Viper and and tastes are still pushing on the right eye I think as they get closer and closer to the trade viper and an era they're feeling pretty confident right now I won't leave you even come art it would be better for me to illness yeah Imperial camels are strong but maybe I know I know I'm just trying to think of ideas yeah well yeah yeah I mean I'm thinking the same thing I think that niqab MBL and Vivienne that don't exactly what they should have done with their SIVs possibly knowing the strengths of their opponents they should have been more aggressive maybe but okay yeah we'll see a nice quick wall from me cough as these jerks try and go through but situations still dire for them the city's like Indians they're beautiful and you have no place in comedy seats they are like Nick yeah they're not that great right yeah I mean they're still strong but they don't contribute near as much and I think the real questionable civilization in this matchup was with the Malay you know if if me cough hadn't lost his villagers and lost his eco at the stage he did I think that he would have pushed Matias but when it's super late game with trade zerks offers so much more than anything Malay can do and also you can make Portuguese too because what does vivvy do differently he has to do are blessed squirming help like he has no other option really whereas Hera has decent sanke to easy I was surprised how yeah it's almost like he didn't do enough damage he played fantastic obviously but it just wasn't enough making me like a lot of Bhumika nose and tongue colonies with monks Minh yeah it is a lot of unique different unity Carter yeah as Viper loses his units on the right hand side he just pushes right up the gut now at Vivi's so exposed Viper could just run right into the trade if you want it he doesn't even need to wait there my fee fee like he has Epson yep so so often in team games different sieves have different strengths at certain points so in Castle age we may have said Portuguese were better than Qamar but in Imperial age we might say comer is better than Portuguese and and so on so it's all about finding the sweet spots for your SIVs and I think Vipers team have done that now while Vivi's getting a lot of conversions yeah he's really good job yeah Vivi's the fat dragon is this hole amigo has a lot of resources so he's mortified Wow so if they can stop Viper and maybe they can find a moment to push back Viper has 88 military by percent can you afford scorpion Sarah tell he's telling parents millions worth ones yeah that would be a good idea his lie per sees the auditor from vivvy vivvy just trying to hold the center here Vipers Micro great he kills one on jerk sorry that's his yeah the third auditor he's killed there with that micro and he's still holding the center and taking good trades versus MBL's camels will be fighting the red tape look at the absolute oh yes this is maybe what Matthias needed just numbers see drams as a meat shield is I'm sorry I meant this is what niqab needed is Nika bringing himself back into the game I guess he's getting the resources from allies that's an insane amount of resources a key key but he even had like 70 yeah I'm sure this is an insane game tattoo now Vipers running back lvl and baby holding tat oh I hope you don't have to go you said you might need to leave nice but I would have been okay because this is a sick game why Scooby huh hey well vipre did tell him to go help zero Vivi's just kidding yeah malik couldn't meet them yeah he doesn't need them now he needs to mix in some scorpions a viper now coming to the right hand side to assist Mateus and the berserks anakov adding two handed swordsmen but he's lost a lot of his numbers and he has to go back look at the KDS just look at the KDS 821 kills for Mateus 620 deaths so the zerks doing solo viper has over 200 more kills than deaths so it's obvious that the the fights have been better for Vipers team and possibly that the SIV matchup is well but oh my God look at Harris ID look at the camels from MBL that would fight for yeah for sure it just depends on there can you check the achievements and tell me how many conversions Vivian's gotten 50 what no 51 conversions and assuming they're all elephants that is nuts 75 military for niqab at the moment a niqab holding to the hill with more castles he has three of them here somehow the auditors can change so much at first I questioned the amateur move as well but I think now it's good to mix them in can Viper and Mateus push up this hill hmm that's a little cousin right three customers yes maybe see to them I don't know what they do here except send forward some traps but I think that killing three castles is going to be very tough on the other side of up but the Viper and and hair are pushing on the other side tattoo yeah well you thing about sweet team to it you guys know from my / Oh for Viper yeah I think I think it can work out on both sides honestly he has to be careful on the right hand side because of the two-handed swordsman's in the 'quran bits but I think it's a population efficiency thing if it was 250 pop you could mix it in but he can't with you under table they're pushing back against maybe once again vivy just he's doing his best but you can't do much more with Portuguese the scorpion that was the trick yeah it's pretty sick health all the auditors oh baby loses his scores on the other side and oh god dude could that be it could that be it Melkor gets 60 kills with a few auditor shots kneecap loses a castle Wow Fukunaga tips pinch it there he's he has the gold or you could take down all the castles right now it just needs to to pack him up then I think the game is getting closer to the end yeah is definitely getting closer once the scorpions were mixed in it made it big change on this side a lot of elephants for Harris still and vivvy he's played extremely well but even if he holds here it seems like Viper and Mateus will will push on the right-hand side all these shrubs will kill the castles and then they would feel like in their left side he even oh oh we flying them okay what were you gonna say on the left side yeah even Eve Huracan Burton no Beauty cumbersome and if I'm not with the scope they have butter so yeah yeah they're killed is pasta yeah you're right now in did he say now I'm scared because niqab went into his space yeah with the feel with a few minutes swordsman oh my buddy's losing one castle to be there in the media a lot of eCos gone down here for her as well I don't know any Cory's really close to the tree yeah Melkor is close to the trade on the other side the Viper and Hera getting close to the trade I give credit to Viper here he's played on both sides we knew once he got the plumes it would be good for him and if you're Mateus now you just take down all the buildings just take down everything the archery ranges that the markets to the production buildings oh that's heavy booze there big big push on both sides again things have stalled out on the Left divvy is held nicely can niqab whole piss with MBL I don't think so man I don't drink man yeah desserts are just far too strong now they do yeah they do have more markets in the back so their trade will continue to work but losing this much map control remember knee cops base used to be in this big wasteland so we cough just doesn't have any space he's at a hundred twenty population I think I mean I've said it before right I've said it before but I think we're getting closer oh and they're going to see when they are going to three all those trips well if I first about to be in the trade yeah and well it is still Bali look at ya click walls it but it not gonna be enough and that's fantastic game right there great 3d 3d G yeah indeed what's three nice boy played by both teams yeah yeah seriously I just wonder if me cough had not fell behind in futile age to that one attack from here of all people if things would have been different you know because we we got to see Vikings with a stronger eco verse male but maybe if Malay you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 40,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, expert, teamgames, 3v3, malians, burmese, khmer, hera, Vivi, Fat_Dragon
Id: 4GTl-5xIOFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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