Low Elo Legends #16 Fish Traps & Beer

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all right ladies and gents welcome to low evo legends in the orange we have glorified suburban alcoholic and he's also playing on orange train hold on can we make him blue let's make him blue because it's easier to see uh hilarious username he has 750 elo bit of idle time at the start but we're in no rush here we're in no rush oh yeah i need to change my scenes here you go you should be able to see things here uh because of the most recent patch the hidden cup three casting overlay is broken so uh you're gonna have to deal with this for our information uh is red even okay red also had some pretty extreme idle time because red is behind by villager but we have red playing as the japanese in the red hopefully that casting overlay will get fixed it does break every single time there's a new patch uh and red is starting with four houses all right guys so here's the deal we all know low eagle legends players have their own little build orders there was the try house now we have the quad house in theory in theory as red kills more than one sheep at the same time you could argue that you can do this with japanese because japanese have cheaper lumber camps and uh lumber camps so he still will have the wood to make a lumber camp and also a mill after building four houses now you can say that you can justify it but still this villager has not been collecting any resources oh and oh why are we chopping the end of the wood why the end of the wood you're the only reason i even have a twitch account it's not like uh it's not like a a sub or a sandwich where you start at the end what are you doing just just chop it here okay so he wants to chop the edge of the wood line um so i do know that with the new patch um sorry i'm hungry and now i'm thinking about sandwiches i do know with the new patch there's this weird little stutter that players get every now and then uh and that's very possible that when we're spectating we will get that stutter as well so i can't do anything about that i imagine there's going to be a hot fix but just so you guys know there's going to be some stuttering um glorified suburban alcoholic actually has very solid start here guys i mean he did have the idle time but now he's bringing in his rhino pretty good lore and he has four on wood right now and tell me he's gonna die oh please tell me he watches my videos plea okay drop off food please you don't have food to create the next bill okay he's drunk it's fine he's drunk okay i'm hoping instead of milling he will dock that is a really good spot to mill wait a second wait a second to the people who read the patch notes for the new patch did it not say that huntables would not be next to mil it would not be next to berries i read that out loud and i'm looking at both sides and they both have their zebras next to the berries but maybe that's not consistent across all maps oh and he's making a dock okay it's map specific i know it was for more than one map but i didn't can't recall which maps i don't know i'm not really a fan of um i'm not really a fan of that change if you're gonna do it make it consistent but now it's just gonna confuse people possibly but whatever we'll see how it goes i wasn't a fan of auto scout and here we are so oh god village is going to die ah whoa okay so he's a functional alcoholic this guy he he actually is able to go throughout life calculating his borders oh yeah we're just gonna make a mill because we can't oh wait he realized it i was about to call the guy out on it and he realized that he wouldn't have the wood for a fishing ship if he built the mill cool what's red up to uh red making a dock okay um docking in the north great thing to do on this map great thing to do as japanese also bringing in the next uh not boar but rhino not the best lure i've ever seen but we have gone from some glorified suburban alcoholic being ahead in villagers to now red being head in villagers red does really like to chop the straggler trees and i'm i'm stronger than this it's not going to bother me i'm stronger than this it's not going to bother me it's fine never mind the fact that he has cheap japanese lumber camps which only cost 50 wood for efficient chopping never mind that fact just forget about that aspect of it when he has 201 just forget about it not important i'm stronger i'm i can deal with this okay here comes glorified suburban alcoholic i think this is auto scout that's auto scout okay too drunk to be able to focus on scouting eco at the same time so let's just auto scout and auto scout's actually doing a decent job okay this is a close game and for 700 evil i'm rather impressed anybody else once in chat if you're impressed for 750 elo players i mean the straggler tree chopping is really triggering me i really want to scream but it this is a solid build like just the fact that they docked and made fishing ships is good okay now it's probably gonna be a mill here i feel like this mill is really bad because villagers are gonna walk the whole oh oh oh it's all okay suddenly it's starting to look very very 750 elo um okay whatever he forgot to create villagers or go feudal he could go futile if he wants okay now blue is going out here yeah it's basically they ran out of the food underneath the tc so they don't know what to do now oh wait a second so we made a mining camp on gold that is like all-purpose so we could also use the stone this is definitely laggy yes it is definitely laggy all right gonna take the hunt and then eventually the berries fishing ships still coming out both on the way to feud late close game so story time um and please i hope this doesn't come off as like super judgmental okay this is just meant to be a fun story so i was playing in a team game last night i just queued up in a team game and it was 4v4 arena and my pocket player his name was like thudius thunderson or something and i'd never heard of him i didn't know his raiding but he picked goths as pocket on arena and then he had a 20 minute castle time so this guy was like oh my god is it the real t90 he was really happy to play with me which is so sweet it's so cool when i i get to play with people and they just get so excited about it because they watch my videos but this dude clicked autoscale at like the fifth minute and his his auto scout was running all up in my business in my eco and i didn't have the heart to say anything to him but do you ever have a guy who just sends a scout underneath your tc he actually stole the otto scout stole one of my sheep and then the sheep was like in the because i was sheep scouting with it was like in the corner of the map so i waited till like the 30th minute and i'm like hey uh can i have my sheep and he's like what he had no clue it was so funny but that's like that um i thought of that simply because the auto scouting from both players right now so i noticed that there's a big eco lead because suburban has created fishing ships so props to him for that and he actually has the resources to go castle age he's just gonna need the buildings oh okay and and so does red red is making a barracks i like how he's making the houses in one little spot that's nice barracks and then uh he'll need either a market or a stable or an archer range you know what's really common at low e though they get higher elos if players want to go fast castle they'll go blacksmith market because they don't have to put as much wood into buildings at lower elo you'll see like barracks blacksmith archer range stable market they make a lot more it wouldn't at all surprise me if glorified suburban alcoholic makes a barracks then a blacksmith then a market here and that's not you wouldn't need the barracks in that case right barracks is a dark age building that helps you go futile um okay red is attacking we might have first blood here the micro from the alcoholic but doink she's dead and wow uh red runs away with the scout auto scout's still scouting for blue he couldn't be around to help he's not even attacking with it he's now making a blacksmith again 100 going to be a market yeah so he could just go blacksmith market without the barracks but maybe he feels like he needs the barracks for something blue is doing so good but then the white claws kicked in or whatever he's drinking and uh he still has not clicked up to castle with so much food archer ranges for red very little walling for both of them okay red's name means dog really okay interesting i'm still gonna call him red because most people don't know that hope that's okay yeah red only made one fishing ship that's the eco difference right now one fishing ship and um he's making skirmishers is he expecting mongols to go manga die okay here comes blue with the walls now okay three of these villagers have food in their hands his name just for this hmm dave 46 months what's up bro dave can we talk about how guys we need to talk about how dave is producing more controller only content than regular content he he is streamed more consistently playing age of empires 2 with the controller and uploaded videos more consistently with age of empires 2 controller than he has ever done than he has ever done in years that's that's it's actually fascinating thank you dash midi thank you for two i feel like if you do that though it's like if you lose you think well i should lose but if you win you feel like a god right i could see that okay red is all about the trash units he is all about the trash units man skirmishers no upgrades spears no upgrades and not the strongest eco either only two fishing ships which is really his biggest mistake now blue is able to get the walls down and it looks like he is because he's auto scouted it um he could build a castle and make manga die and because red doesn't have upgrades on these units manga would still be fine but you know it still could be awkward he's making a staple now they're called trash units because they only cost wood and food oh there's a hole no wait sorry i just knocked my mic over um red doesn't realize there's a hole never mind red realizes there's a hole blue's gonna panic blue make oh no not the town bell you're winning you're winning it's just skirmishers they don't have any upgrades and the funny thing is red runs away because the bell is a bad thing for him he's like he's like oh no not the bell i know what that means i need to run when he could have run right in here blue uh quickly builds a house here with five villagers panic time uh and now he's gonna make night okay wait he's not gonna make knights just yet first he's gonna get bloodlines then he's gonna get husbandry and then he's gonna make a knight so give us about like three four minutes he'll have army okay now he's making another stable um see i thought he was going to build a castle for mangudai but maybe yeah i don't know uh red is building a castle with one villager his army has come back to attack blue's auto scout there's the stutter that has come in with the most recent patch love the stream when are we gonna have the t90 versus what okay hold on a second so red went from making one dock and two fishing ships to making three docks and four fishing ships the ratio is not getting any better here i mean if he actually makes fishing ships i'll be okay with it okay he's making a house wall which does not wall in his lumberjacks over here fascinating stuff now building a second tc okay so tips for red just invest into eco you have the military side down that's something blue doesn't really have uh but invest into eco so use your wood and just cue up fishing ships okay he's doing it now had he done this more in dark age it would have given him probably the lead to be honest uh blue honestly i'd say is pretty solid here he's creating bills he's making a castle he's making knights he has upgrades on the knights i mean it blew attacks with these knights he probably wins the game right now because bloodlines and armor and attack six nine speed six spearmen i just don't know if blue is gonna have the confidence to go forward ah that's where you need that liquid courage eh the liquid courage this is where it helps being a glorified suburban alcoholic what if he wasn't a glorified suburban alcoholic until quarantined okay red scout just attacked blue i you can't make that up i didn't show it but i'm pretty certain that blue's scout ran past reds on auto scout and reds is on stand grounds and red actually attacked blue scout as he ran past oh god okay you know blue's being a nerd he saw one bill he attacked it saw another bill attacked it red's probably gonna ring the bell here he's like where's the bell again do i ring it what do i do okay the knights are raiding this is good work up there's the bell okay expected that one but blue realizes that if he has upgrades on knights he can still be fighting this i don't know well i mean it truthfully he could fight here as well his castle is now up at home he did queue up bills before he went into the attack i like that like that would be a good tip for you guys like even if you can't look back at your eco while you're fighting just cue up a bunch of hills before you fight now it's probably going to be idle for a while but nice attack um you know you really should be diversifying with ponds instead of building three docks in this pond get a dock over here i always say eight to 12 is the number of fishing ships you should want from one dock on that map like this um okay blue's gonna farm a little bit create extra villagers a large reason that blue has a score lead is because he auto scouted keep that in mind so he has like 90 percent of the map scouted where red has maybe 40 percent but red needs to get pikeman and he needs to get upgrades i mean thankfully he's japanese spears so they do attack faster blue doesn't really that's a lot of spears yeah blue doesn't really seem to care though what could be really good for blue is to just switch right into mangudai and then you know archers counter the spears but transitions are super tough red tried to housewall him what a beast he tried twice that's amazing i love that i love that there's so many people that relate to that they're like i i have the thought i just i just can't oh we trapped him let's go let's freaking go all right so he didn't get the house trap but he got the spear trap but yeah there's so many people who feel like they have like the mentality but they they just can't execute all right pikeman upgrade now on the way for red uh still is making more fishing ships thus catching up with the economy is making manga die now a lot of them and making another tc it's called ambitious but rubbish i played my first ever online de game after not playing any aoe for months i was being destroyed but i believe you said a good counter attack is most effective i defended the front lines while sending troops around and surprised him inside his base ended up winning thanks t90 wow that's awesome yeah see sometimes if you're being attacked by their whole army and you just send a raid to their base they're going to freak out at the very least send that whole army back to the base that is a great tip i think many people could learn from all right so he's going to boom on three tc's congrats on that george if you want to rotate gates you just have to set the uh go to your hotkeys and there's a there's a hotkey for that most people said it on the scroll wheel thank you curly blues for the twitch prime thank you sir smoke weed a lot oh god weed smoking alcoholics what else do we need on the stream he says twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky oh how i wish t90 would rig me in that was that was beautiful thank you oh a doc over here for red see i'm telling you if he just queues up fishing ships he forgot about bills like he's going ham on the pikes oh he's going too crazy on pikes blue also got gill net so his fishing is more efficient um but it's 60 population for both 60 population for both players this is so close man is that auto scout ever gonna freaking die and the thing is this is not the first time that red has sent all of his forces back to deal with it it's still a lot of scouting wait wait for it oh he's gonna die here f's in chat pay respects oh one hp boys and girls one hp let's go he doesn't really need to scout this this area i don't know why auto scout's still moving okay wow i really like what glorified suburban alcoholic is doing with his eco all three tcs making villagers he's also transitioning into farms normally the food income you get from fish gives you the food income for bills to then send a wood to then make farms for food income does that make sense you don't want to go only on fishing um red red just stopped creating bills over the last couple moments and it's like it seems like he wants heavy fish focus but he didn't think about it at the proper time and so i do think this is going to hurt him a lot of good eco upgrades coming in as well for blue and red's going to imp what 17 on food he's on his way to imp okay blue again this is an auto scout right so he's probably not going to see this and really react to it sorry about the stutter that's the new patch for you i mean if you think about it red will cue up five to ten more fishing ships here that's a lot of good food income he doesn't have to pay attention to if he goes skirms pikes and shreds what does blue do against that if blue's not a name well blue blue could go magnels so you could go siege but that's tough like if you always forget about making magnels and castle age type of one in chat it's so common where players just forget magnels exist at least at the proper time wow this is next level here glorified suburban alcoholic making a dock and then the town center okay really should just cancel a lot of these bills and go up to him oh the scout died rest in peace could you elaborate on on the proper time for magnels um t90 respects in chat i mean this is gonna make me seem so like such a jerk but the proper time for magnels is when you need them like it depends right um i would say if you can't use so in this case if you can't use mangudai to snipe the pikes because there's also skirmishers that's when you need siege or if you like are in a situation where someone has a lot of range units and you can't make a counter in time that's when you need siege or in general if you need a big swing like let's say you're behind because they have a lot of military a few siege units can take out high numbers of military but it all depends on how you use them oh guys blue he's drunk he doesn't even have fletching he's gonna try and fight with mangady without fletching they have four range without fletching oh no chad [ __ ] man i will stay safe you two thank you very much go up to him okay he will go up to him soon well you know what he could raid he could raid he could still kill villagers oh wait okay he's getting fletching an armor now okay so he seems to know uh up right to the wood line and my question to red is why did you go imperial what did you gain from impure you put 1 000 uh food and 800 gold into imp i haven't seen a single imperial age upgrade i haven't seen a single imperial age unit he also does not have fletching and he's working on getting upgrades so whereas with blue because he he's fully boomed blue can actually gain something from going to the imperial age as a kid i hated mongols and thought mangudai were terrible i only used them in groups of five and never got fletching yeah that might explain why they're bad that might have explained it this is the second time in this game that the alcoholic is running around and red is red is finished red is finished he's attacking with bills just passing just passing just passing just passing just passing chop wood red what do you is this him tilting did he give up chop wood where do you find these people these are the people you play when you're using your controller dave i mean the micro from blue is decent considering it doesn't have bodkin just coming um but you know i would maybe like run away for a bit get a few upgrades and then go back into the fight get your game on go play hey now you're a rock star get the show on yeah they just take a moment compose yourself get upgrades and build a few castles like here onager would just be devastating but that's only you only really need onager if red makes a lot more scrumptious upgrades and to be honest fred is like the big thing about skirms is the armor he's at least getting the armor i assume he's going to get the attack after that oh box formation that's how you know he's good okay box formation blue what's the plan here buddy [Music] well he wants a forward castle this is this is going to be so bad for blue i think wait will red see that what what what calculated but these skirms are going to kill elite samurai really red what do samurai counter here i think some people just i have to remember that some people just pick they just pick a strat and hope it works they don't like think it through they don't think okay i see this i should counter no no they're just like i want trash units and samurai because i'm a huge spirit of the wall fan i think they look really good he's probably playing the spirit of the wall like theme song as he's playing the whole game it's like i can't he's like i can do this okay i like the siege workshop that tells me he's going to do something with it he has 14 magnetic queued up in one castle still no bod can arrow on use the blacksmith don't throw this you have 50 more villagers 50 more eco i mean he even made fish traps back here what is she doing that's a bug by the way she has 10 food and she's had 10 food from a shore fish probably for like 20 minutes and i didn't notice she doesn't show up as idol but she's just running back and forth because for whatever reason in this dumb game you can't like this happens it happens on berries a lot as well thanks to e look she's gonna be there all game if we go back i bet you she was there she was probably placed on the dock around the time that he built it she's an alcoholic okay now we have drill coming in but he doesn't have any siege yet and then what's this that's a perito you don't have any trebs yet people you're thinking too far ahead there's thinking two steps ahead and then there's thinking like ten steps ahead you're thinking ten steps ahead come on he got a lead samurai he doesn't have any samurai he's getting katapuruto he doesn't have any trebs blue did get bloodlines yes he did and he is now oh no never mind i lied did he cancel vodka i thought it showed that he was getting vodka over there oh wait i never mind i'm kidding samurai makes sense the same writer here okay blue comes to go deal with them does he have ballistics no i don't think he does does he even have a university he does not okay so no ballistics he's missing a lot of these shots um he is getting thumb ring now which is a big upgrade to get but guys the mega guy cannot fight these skirms oh god oh god no you're fighting up the hill and you don't have upgrades no okay this is where he needs to fall back and make siege he got drill which gives mongols faster siege okay there's university you should always build your university university on the hill uh because the the thinner air helps the kids at the school think properly that i read that in a book once um okay ballistics okay and then chemistry um yeah you can't don't even laugh at that that's just science i would donate money if that would make red build trebs well here you go two dollars two dolla okay here come the traps now are we going to protect the trebuchets with our army no we're not because we have cats of pruto and they pack up really fast with japanese so we don't need to protect these trips we're just gonna toss the trebs away yep perfect yep okay this is so i love this this is so low elo this is gonna be this is for going to youtube for sure because it has like they have enough knowledge where you have red fishing blue fish blue actually had a really good boom but now you're seeing how tough it is for low evil players to finish off games because they can't like there's too much they have to do mentally and they can't they can't handle the mental gymnastics but i think blue just remembered oh yeah i want to make siege so he's getting capped ram and he's going to make rams um i would suggest building a castle on this hill to protect it i assume at this point he's completely forgotten about the blacksmith at least like red doesn't have bracer or chemistry or ballistics but he does have eight pierce armor against mangadai which do ten attacks that's still pretty sick okay what do i always say about traps guys you guys already know don't trickle trap if you wait till you have three or four trips and then deploy them it's gonna surprise the enemy so they can't take out the trap so here comes blue what's he do he takes out the trap okay don't want to say i told you so but i kind of told you so now if red had four trebs blue loses all of his army and blue loses that castle big problem for red is the lack of of economy right now and i think oh my god no what are you i need a minute oh god okay so i'm trying to remember he probably doesn't know okay so hopefully a lot of people will learn from this now this does kind of bring up the fact that fish traps are somewhat unrealistic but the way it works in age of empires is wherever you place the fish trap you will get food a bit like a farm and then the fishing ship needs to drop off the food at the dock so essentially what red has done is he spaced it out where the other fish used to be like this would be more realistic but he can he should place them right next to the dock all right maybe that ruins his immersion anyways let's keep going all right all right all right all right he did realize he was having gold problems he really doesn't have a lot of villagers on uh gold or stone right now just a lot of wood okay the last time this happened you sent in one treb and the trap died what are we gonna do this time [Music] i mean i think blue with sea dram should roll him but oh god oh this the manga die still can't fight the skirms though the manga guy still can't fight the skirms this is so fascinating he's going to lose so many manga die here and the samurai can take out the rams i don't know who's winning this [Music] wait okay another castle for blue blue's sending his mangady this direction there's a lot of villagers he can snipe but wait a second he's going to need to deal with the treb now if blue panics i could see him clicking hit no no no no protect the trap protect the trap don't do this protect the trap oh my well at least blue needs to decide do i take out the the samurai or take out the trap okay so he took out that castle the skirmishers could fight underneath the castle i mean you shouldn't but they can and blue just lost a lot of gold villagers he lost a castle and guys red is in this game he's probably gonna make one more trebuchet and it'll be round three blue is getting iron casting now look at his resources look at blue's resources for a second and try not to weep 10 000 food and 8 000 golds blue just feels like he probably is thinking i've done everything that mongols can do and it's not working you know okay so now he's going to make is he going to go hussars normally i would suggest putting all of your gold into siege and mangadai an imp with uh with mongols however in this case i would say going cavalier wouldn't be the worst i wouldn't suggest it oh god he doesn't have murder holes no murder holes is he gonna remember murder holes as a thing or is that castle gonna go down someone said he's a fake low elo legend player because he didn't get murder holes no he doesn't have murder holes so the samurai can just take out the castle oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait samurai dude attack insanely fast micro micro it's down what what's crazy about this though is that red should still lose this game he said two r2 ranges producing skirms all game three barracks one castle now he's going to add three staples red should still lose this hussar and mangadai despite lacking upgrades should shred what red is making currently hustler is a fantastic move to counter the skirms how are the fish traps over here okay no fish traps here can't look at it without wanting to scream okay and he does have full upgrades on the hustles i just don't know why he's running away but yeah making making hustles in this situation is the plague [Music] that and uh siege ram i think he was only on capran correct yeah and i mean he's using the food and everything he has like 70 hustlers queued up right now so the problem with going full trash is um it's kind of complicated to be honest but if you go help help us counter by the manga die if you go skirm skirmish countered by the hustler at the same time you could argue scrum counters mangudai and help counters hustlers so it depends on how the fight is taken and i don't have faith in either players micro i think something that red is doing is something that's fairly common i think he clicks the unit he attacks instead of patrolling he'll just like okay good micro okay that's a lot of hussars though but it's also japanese albs and samurai blue's not fighting with his manga die i would still consider that a very good fight for blue all blue needs to do is have the mega guy behind next time okay he snipes another trap but he took out what half the skirmishers imagine what he would have done if the manga were there yeah this see this is what i mean it's so hard to control trash units against fast mobile units there's not a lot japanese can do against mongols when mongols are fully boom and red stop losing the trebuchets stop it it hurts no relics collected for either player blue making a push is blue gonna have siege to back this up great and get oh my i can't the man hates traps what all right the skirms going down this this should be where blue should just swoop in with a few sea drams and win the game uh however he's very focused on his cueing he is more cute than red and i think this will end the game should be gg here i think red's gonna have to give it up yup there's definitely stutters here thanks to e for the most recent stutter patch oh yeah mongols some of the best siege in the game let's just use our mangady to attack the castle let's send a message all right so give it a few minutes and then the castle will go down uh red's still not resigning he's just now gonna make siege but yeah siege wouldn't work anyways so his units are just getting chewed up by mangadai not fully upgraded mangudai but uh wait did he end up getting bracer it looks like he did bracer he got thundering and even got parthian am i seeing that correctly or is that chemistry you got i don't know but either way blue has so much it looks like he has bracer and no chemistry still fine i mean he got most the upgrades i now see dram there you go yeah i didn't realize he got bracer bracelet makes a big difference so does parthian so does thumbrain the thing about magnetize you have to get all the upgrades and you have to get some of the stable some in the range some of the blacksmith some of the the university and it just takes a lot of resources and a lot of time um did he queue up 22 [Laughter] he queued up 22 rams i love that that's so low evil legend right to like not do something when you should do it but to make up for that fact you do way more of what you should have been doing later on like we saw that from red he made two fishing ships in dark age that's pretty much you could argue that that lost him the game and oh god these fish traps but um but if he would have created more fishing ships in dark age he would have had more resources and feudal and castle and uh he would have been more even with blue because he had the right idea to fish this pond but he just didn't do it in the proper time okay what a game i mean i i have to say that um blue was very good macro and defensive player he did have a hole in the wall but after that he did wall properly which is very very difficult for like this elo and uh a lot of players would have just kept losing mangady to the skirmishers he adapted and he made hussars and then um despite losing the castle still ended up being pretty good nice lumber camp by the way red that was 750 elo um 230 wait people said she's still at it wait who who is oh the woman [Laughter] the woman she was there the entire game that's such a weird bug and i guess at this elo they don't realize those things and again she wouldn't show up as idol thanks to e okay that's like lorena debating on if she wants to come over and see me tonight she's like hmm ah one hand he's really cute on the other hand he's really annoying on one hand i'm really okay um 235 kills 165 units lost i imagine blue had more of every resource he did he had more food more wood more stone more gold salutes in chat for glorified suburban alcoholic we had his funny name we had reds hilarious fish traps i don't think i've ever seen anything like that i mean i know that tim from new orleans like tim had some some uh weird things in the past and the hidden cap three qualifier but it wasn't that bad all right gg
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 109,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, LEL, Low Elo Legends, Noob, New Player, Guide, Fish Traps, Beer, Lowest Black Forest, Noboru
Id: D2u4F41hXxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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