Low ELO Legends #7 OCD Meets Black Forest!

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ladies and gentlemen welcome to what might be the next episode of low evil legends I just spent 7 hours of but yeah pretty much non-stop casting high level play and I've decided to cast some low e low Legends now there might be a big difference in quality meaning these players will be way better fare on is in the blue he is playing as the ethiopians this is Black Forest and then we have Tarrou and Satoru who has taken his cowl far all two cows all right perfect so now that we see how he has decided to eat his cows far away from the TC I would like to start off by saying I might laugh I might cry I might weep I might sigh this is low evil legends I hope that I can help you guys improve I hope that people watching this will be more comfortable playing online after watching some of these games and I hope that you viewer who decides you want to defend the honor of these two individuals do not get upset with me because some people do even though oh god oh god just passing even though I have never heard a single negative thing from the people I have casted in low e low legends there are always people out there who feel the need to defend these people and I get it I'm just trying to have a good time and teach people and learn ok now red he started off very aggressively with the scout however he received a few hits from blue so I believe in his ability to micro I believe he will run back oh he did it you do 25% more damage one on top of the hill red go to the hill ok bluebells perfect so there's a couple things that I need to point out about black forest first off this is a really weird map gen normally you have one choke point de is actually given us to choke points to wall here so if you want to play super safe you could do that second this is not necessarily Black Forest but we see this straggler tree thing again so this really bothers me and I will admit this is probably the one thing that I see most frequently and lo ela legends that makes me want to pull my hair out but I've been told that people really don't like these trees and so they don't care how much villager bum pitch there is they don't care how much village are idle time there is when there's longing so I'm going to just accept that this is how the LOI lo legend players choose to start ok ducks the Savior and my twitch chat has pointed out that in one game cutting this dragon of trees in one game in a 2v2 viper decided to chop the straggler trees and build the mill before building a lumber camp and now everyone is saying if viper does it it must be right I would not suggest it all right I would not suggest it but you know live your life whoa Oh Oh God Oh here I'll help Oh God Oh No lose being attacked by a bear as well a wildlife is against him oh wait oh the bear has the hill here too quick wall if Viper does it you could do it quick wall quick wall quick wall my friend oh okay it's been a rough start to blue all right it's been a very rough start don't tell me oh oh man but he did the right thing here to wall that up I like that okay so he did build a lumber camp actually which is brilliant now if he wants to mill he can do it he is down by three villagers which hurts to see but these lumber camp these Lumberjacks are so inefficient they might as well not even exist so it's identical if you ask me now remember red had less HP before but now that blue attacked the bear red has more HP and yeah we'll see what happens that's Mongols against Ethiopians and both of these players are 600 raiding okay so there will be some flaws in their gameplay it's definitely possible for blue to come back after his rough start now you have this much on wood now would be the time to probably get some villagers over here to mill you could even go crazy and you could mill out here those deer if you're not comfortable luring them in I'm totally fine with that all right red what's funny is if he just saw Blu Scout he might remember that he he might think that his Scout is weaker and he's probably not high e low enough to check the H be there by clicking it so you might actually be scared of fighting Tarrou is actually unranked they lied to you oh really is he unranked what if you're lying to me what are those forms all right I've been there okay I have definitely been there so here's the strategy if you place your farms right next to the town center you do get food faster however then villagers spend more time walking over the farms so the food is dirty and you you get sick more often so this is a great way to prevent disease is leave gaps between the farm and the drop-off point so hopefully he also leaves the the gap here hopefully he leaves a one tile Oh yep very consistent perfect perfect alright and he's just guarding this area I guess ok he did see the blue walled this up he has some tea see idle time I think he might be saving up the feudal ideally though you can keep your town centers producing until you actually have the food you click up the feudal because now blue blue is kind of catching up here now I know what you're thinking t90 if this guy chopped the straggler trees and built a farm over it it would remove the straggler tree and then these villagers would be more efficient and you would be correct so it actually would be a bad idea for him to do that ok blue is building a a barracks now alright so are we going to see aggression aggression Oh a barracks from red as well whoa I just realized red didn't take any of his bores what whoa okay so he doesn't he's afraid of the pigs he saw what happened in the other town the scouts came back and he said avoid the animals they're not worth it in your legend in Rus vid you asked what's his mean game length got your back here an average Rus game is 129 minutes on verbal wait are we talking real time Sam are we talking game time yes rusty M is the legend who probably plays more Age of Empires than anyone and he's the guy who has a recorded game which is 19 hours long which I may or may not have said I will cast if we hit 250 thousand YouTube subscribers more rust games on YouTube yeah well let's let's get a few more YouTube stubs before I consider that one oh man hmm well what is huh oh that's Vil okay so he wants the wall this is smart so if you wall then if your opponents aggressive you have some time to react to it and even wall behind so playing defensive ism is definitely the good move on Black Forest on other maps it's kind of hard to wall but this is just asking for a wall so nothing with the barracks just yet Ethiopians do get +100 food and plus 100 gold when they arrive to each age so that will be helpful blue does have loom right yeah he does so a loomed villager can fight too well you know what nowadays on de I think bears attack faster than wolves so look at these farms I am so rooting for red that's so cute man see it's all about how it looks it's not about efficiency one tile gap the whole way around the TC it looks nice I feel like it's worth it alright it looks cool that's really all that matters now just a small suggestion here for red and this really matters if you press your house hotkey again it will change the way the house is facing that is new in de so if you want perfect farms and perfect houses I don't think you really should pay attention to it this is bad advice but you can do that now that I talked to my brother and he was like what my houses can be symmetrical now that's huge so he was very happy about that and Oh what our whoa big ball play from fair on where his red scout okay well he chose not to wall Shh guys is that is that tower even in range of the gold it's really hard for me to tell without bread 1 2 3 4 I think it might hit these bills I think it hits the bills on the right side of the gold not the bill to the north of the mining camp red is making militia so he might he might I mean if this happens to you and it's not walled in and there's no more towers just rush it down with your 4 veils easily you'll batter it down quickly or man-at-arms in this case he doesn't have loom he doesn't have loom ah oh no yes he I don't think the tower is fully in range ok blue you need to wall this in buddy-boy and why are you getting forging what's this forging forging in tip it helps your scalp which is 7 HP ok well it was good while it lasted but that tower will just go down good response from red oh wait the scout the forging is here oh good thing we got that upgrade wait did he get armor too I think he got armor to 300 food into an upgrade on a 7 HP scout not the best okay and red realizes I need more pills let's add them nice play it is very close right now I would say that red should definitely wall his base oh but blue santaville and Stonewall behind this red is coming for the counter the epic counter-attack is on the way you you you poked the hornet's nest you've awoken the bear okay actually when blue finishes this archery range he will have the resources and the buildings to go to Castle age what is red doing in the north whoa wait a second wait a second I was kind of wondering where the gold villagers when did he send all of those Vil's up here I think I think he said cuz the ones weak so he looks like oh you don't want to deal with any of these towers I'm going to go to the safest possible area to take hold I can't go back to the mining camp okay alright he is stonewalling just odd I hope he's stonewalls the other area though otherwise like I think this is good as long as he stone walls the other area he's good and then I would like to see him really take some initiative here and fight and be aggressive but I think that's probably it might be scary guys I feel like it's very low E low legend like to just wait like okay I'm going to make military and if he sends anything in we have something you know instead of saying oh well he's not Walt let's go attack him it's okay let's just sit here actually hold on is he about the Stonewall that oh no he's going to be able to stable well he's invested way too much in a fuel H in my opinion to not use it right so yeah if you say another mighty camp on gold this guy likes efficient mining camps okay hey if there's anyone out there who is a miner and they're looking for jobs I think red will probably have a few spots available we have a mining camp here a mining camp here I have to say these are also a plus mining camps this is as perfect as it gets for this gold this is as perfect as it gets for this gold the one tile gap is good and he's running in this way uh-oh Blue has archers what's his red do how does he react does he fight he has enough to potentially fight no don't run so here's the deal like honestly the archers if Micra properly should destroy the man-at-arms but I think at this level maybe if you just dive in there and fight you get more value than you would otherwise okay he's panicking and he's going to solo some walls are good just ask fat slob Rapha King thank you very much for the twitch prime sub thanks again Sam for the dono guys I will be reading alerts off during thread mmm throughout the game snake and if this makes it to YouTube in the future and you'd like to stop by we normally do lo eat all legends on Twitch after expert games on the weekends but that very much depends I think the next two weekends might not happen because of the qualifiers I'm going to be streaming the qualifiers like ten hours a day on Saturday and Sunday next weekends I'm excited hmm minor I hardly know her okay I want read to it some point oh yeah that's a perfect spot for a blacksmith that's a perfect spot right right between the mining I want to see him build a mining camp on every single stone and gold pile beautiful gates by the way I think he wants the the blacksmith as a building so he can go up and he now has two buildings he's thinking about it thinking about it thinking about it thinking about it and um still hasn't clicked up to the castle age still thinking about it think that wait is he chopping every tree one two wait what I think does he want to get rid of these he wants to get rid of the trees you can do that with Palisades or any building if you chop them this really bothers him this guy must have OCD oh my god that's like amen brother whoa wait no oh you can't get that one wait but this is bothering me you have to so you can build stuff over them okay what I thought he was going to do these as well so individual trees you can chop and build over but why chop them and just leave them there by a show of ones how many people have so much appreciation for him I honestly I would never do that myself because I'm too much of a trihard and I'm like Oh a little time but um honestly I hate it when there's individual trees like that you can't build on so respect blue has been on one town center by the way not to and he also has not really pushed out to attack it all but he should he just wants to wait for five more archers and then crossbow now a small tip would be don't value the lives of the people in your town as much as you are blue okay they're meant to fight and die for you that sounds awful but it's war so what you can do is even if you don't have good micro just click the light calf forward and you can at least know what he's up to right so you would see the stone walls and then you you'd be aware that hey there's Stonewall's there I might need Rams or hey I should Stonewall behind I should make you know I should make economy or something like that new town center for him with one villager probably should use the villagers that are idle here actually I know what it is there there ah there it is okay she's decided this guy still is he's not working because of wage demands but he'll figure that out in time overall it's not too bad for blue you know you're you're going to see LOI lo players struggle to balance how much military they create and how much economy they create and red has gone for a second Town Center remember this guy did not take boars as Mongols they hunt 50% faster he said nope I do not need that let's check eco upgrades actually I am scared that they might not be getting their economy upgrades please have double bit axle horsepower okay that's good no bow saw no heavy plow you definitely want to get your wood upgrades at the beginning of every age and horse-collar at the beginning of feudal heavy plow kind of debatable your LOI low so you're probably getting it or so you're probably forward enough resources to get it but at least he got the basics that's good what about blue do oh that hurts yeah that means his farms are going to expire and this is actually where the t90 farm thing started because of expiring farms he does have military though since it's such a simple thing like if I were to make a quick video about LOI law legends 10 things LOI lo players need to do honestly I should probably do that I feel like that'd be popular but that's what I would say just getting cooperates don't stress about when to get them I won't even be that particular just you're eco upgrades hmm all right so the man-at-arms are about to be mana dead here in a second all right blue chase chase my friend you've already you you've already seen that you can kill them oh god don't repair it that's not actually someone's home it is just as worth it's just as useful to you when I'm fired as when not ah all right so I have to tell this story now because a lot of you guys probably never heard this so there's a thing on twitch you can do when you stop streaming it's called a host okay that means I send all of my viewers to someone who normally does not have a lot of people watching okay I love to do it because you have people who are streaming for like one viewer and then all of a sudden boom 3000 hello people are spamming t90 salutes people get all notional and it's a great way to like show love amongst communities right so I remember this was like two over two years ago I hosted some college kid who is playing Age of Empires 2 and he was very noob he was losing to the AI right and so he was so thankful like what t90 I watch your YouTube videos oh my god thank you you know really happy really upbeat I really like the guy so we're all in his chat and he's getting ransacked by the AI and he had like a group of houses kind of like this that was previously getting rams down and then the RAM was destroyed so his houses were on fire I made the joke and I said hey you should repair your houses so your villagers don't die from smoke inhalation which is a lie that is not true your villagers will not die from smoke inhalation that's not a thing however he was starstruck so he was like oh my god t90 hosted me and so the only thing he saw from chat was me saying your villagers are going to die from smoke inhalation so he spent hundreds of wood repairing his houses like oh thanks t90 oh I wouldn't have known that one this game is just really complicated isn't it there's so many things to know how do you know this all the while I'm like no no don't do it don't do it I felt really bad I never saw that guy again I don't know what happens maybe he doesn't like me anymore but this game is really close a fifty nine population for red 58 sorry no it was 60 population threatened villagers and then pretty much 64 blue but if blue were to just attack he would be great but he seems really scared okay so pop quiz t90 professor time what should red do if he sees his opponent is making archers I'm in do well what is that Oh Scouts okay it does depend so depends is definitely relevant resign is not relevant okay you should go for a siege workshop have you seen a fat slob game siege behind the walls would be perfect what he instead did was he got full armor on long swords which are very very very situational in castle age so I would not suggest that however he has run through over here and he's ready for the attack tell me blue has blue and blue does have loom I have a feeling blue might overreact to this attack and if blue was scared before to attack he's going if he's scared now if the like tab make it in I think there's a hole there yep five thousand golden making like tablets told Hospital hey he's just saving it don't you know the strat look at all the gold he's mining he's also getting stone shaft mining when he's not mining any stone he had one villager mining stone actually now he's getting stone shaft mining which is the second stone upgrade but he's not mining stone but he will he will he's just getting that for okay it's like at the other night I was eating tacos and I got some on my face my girlfriend's like you have taco on your face wipe that off that's disgusting and I said I'm saving that for later it's fine it's the same situation wow this is a lot of upgrades for just like to have full armor and full attack hmm I like how they're getting upgrades I really need to know what the plan is with the trees though he just chopped them all once just enough to make them fall wait is this the moment is this the moment you could build Palisades over all of them just to leave the palisade foundations they'd all be gone oh oh he's getting the relic he's getting the relic sneaky sneaky I feel like things in Reds base definitely have more of a purpose he built walls he he's castling there that I don't know there's something about that castle that cracks me up because it's like this would make a whole lot more sense but instead he's placed it anywhere but on the trees I don't get why you would chop the trees and then place the castle a spot where it doesn't cover the trees okay but anyways red also was getting relics so it shows that he is a wool I think blue wanted that relic I wonder if blue will realize wow this is like Tetris over here let's see how much we can fit into one spot a blues bass dropping a castle right between the stone and the gold from maximum villager efficiency and George Brett is now attacking the house now will blue repair the house that is the most important thing he's reacting he's sending his crossbows I think that was just a prank I think red was just pranking him red might not have small tremont oh that's true he might not have small tree mod that's true oh my god it's probably likely he doesn't have small tree mod he wanted to see over the trees it was for vision oh I forgot I completely forgot about that thank you guys sometimes I just I get all high and mighty up on my small trees mod course and I forget what the game is really like for relics for red so that that will be good and still hasn't made many gold units at all I mean I don't like them because it affects pathing and because it's hard to build places but I think he genuinely wanted to see hey there's the castle will he go up to the next stage always building a new lumber camp finally let's go yeah and he has Imperial HQ DUP I didn't realize because it looked like he hadn't clicked to the imperial age because of all those resources but he could go twice he took his good old time okay let's talk about what you should go for as Mongols if you have the time elite manga died and siege siege auditor you have seed RAM you have manga die which is one of the best unique units you have you can go HUS are as well I wouldn't recommend going with anything else but if you really like cavalier for whatever reason you shouldn't pick novels but it's okay it's okay they do lack the final armor upgrade you could go for our blessed might be a bit easier for low evil legends to do that but again ideally that's what you'd be shooting towards just so you know blue reached the imperial age that the two so far do nothing I'm not sure if he got freaked out earlier oh well he has the two are blessed protecting the hill but red did attack him with light cab and then flee and maybe that put him on the defensive reality you should see that you're in the Imperial age and at least I can at least send a unit forward if he would have sent a single unit forward to attack the wall he would get to see what red is making he would see there's a castle that he could trap the castle down but I don't think that is common for low evil legends I think instead low evil legends they just make an army they're happy with and then they fight and then they hope for the best from there you have to wait for 200 pop indeed yeah so blue could win blue could win he actually has an army in war okay this is not just SimCity or mining camp simulator or tree chopping simulator this this is war so red might have a lot of resources he might have the relics but they got whoa how did he get all five I didn't realize he had all five that's nuts that's huge but he's not making military he is but he's lacking upgrades all when here comes blue is he also going to chop the trees huh it's the same strategy the tree chopper is here was that intentional or did he miss klegg did he just escort him yes Gordon wait a second wait a second what I'm not sure I think he grouped up his whole army and just happened to move the dude back which makes me think initially he he clicked the army this way and had a Ville wait did he go box formation there did he just box around that okay there goes the are blessed it should get shot by the castle this is a good thing again do not value lives as much as you are guys there we go that was worth it now send Travis too bad this house is so important to him because he can't freakin path through here okay double-click the ARBs now he has to move the skirm here come the trebuchet and I think red might freak out he does not have fletching he does not have bodkin he's done a bracer he has very little ranged upgrades grand has all the resources in the world okay now he's making siege workshops this is stress this is stress time for low e low legends no hey blue might not have as many resources but he spent resources and Ethiopian are blessed are Oh red doesn't know this red doesn't know this manga dire great but you need upgrades blue has almost all of his attack upgrades he is missing chemistry which I'm gonna cut him some slack long but he has the blacksmith upgrades in attack and red was researching something in the castle but it's going down now okay now he's going to make maggin ELLs uh-oh monka s t-90s it's wedding time here if you just whoa okay his castles over here he's making traps but if he just researched Audigier he might be okay because remember it's gonna take blue a long time to muster up the courage to run through here also blue still does not have a lead skirmisher which is a concern you could sell that wood for extra gold by the way if you really wanted to I think that's a smart move okay where's red going says these guys are builders was he going to repair that gate I think he wanted to repair the gate because they stopped after the gate went down this is definitely an episode right here if we if we the game continues this is definitely an episode red seems to be the better boomer or the better banker have resources anyways he is researching on injure he could go for siege on inter afterwards is making a ton of siege now okay guys what is red vulnerable to this is going to be very difficult before blue to figure out but what is what would kill red you could just have five of them honestly like have like anything anything melee could kill this ideally something like cavern eggs so you go cavalier and you take out the siege and then you move in the are blessed all blue is scouting this is what I wanted to see earlier this is good this is good look he can see days oh really that's all he has that's good that's a Perl play right there all right oh man he's going for his own siege that's not bad you could also make bombard cannons since we have chemistry I know he doesn't have chemistry cool chemistry is big it gives you plus one attack on their archers and also you can make bomber cannons with that with SAMHSA's also elite manga dies on the way for red for his one manga die which still only has bloodlines for the HP and fletching so that is going to be the most resources invested into a single manga time ever wait why is he getting supplies oh he's getting he wants to get everything okay supplies will make his infantry cost less food he's also taking into infantry he had them earlier and they also look really cool so you have to get that I think infantry is definitely a trap for low level players like for the most part infantry is very hard to control unless you have helps I think Calvin see each can make a lot of sense whoa did read to hear me say good chemistry okay whoa look at ease getting everything chemistry guard tower fortified wall murder holes siege engineers ballistics and masonry that is value right there that is value Oh oh god he got too real oh my god no blue light Kevin no run and the mega die is leading the charge that's hilarious that's hilarious Genghis Khan has just sent his troops out to victory Wow Oh rip Genghis rip Genghis oh my god what did I just see okay again if you send in oh god he clicked the tree oh he clicked the tree and just destroyed his own units oh boy we've all been there blue it's fine oK we've all been there that's why you take care of the trees oh that's why red left the trees here it's a trap no red don't fill the castle there no no no no no no or Lee maybe yes I I don't I can't tell Big Boy's seeds rolling through Oh calculated calculated all right I like I said I think it's gonna be hard for blue to realize that he can make light tap there any cab destroys that no don't no don't no no no do you really no I think he looked at the tech tree and it says that Ethiopians excel with archers and siege that's probably it and so he's like okay well I have to make archers and siege I can't make anything else whoa and now red wants to wall this up so he built the castle there so he could stone wall and then lose the castle okay all right that's fine that's a lot of villagers walling he could send in to see janitors it seemed to work before but he has other plans okay now he's making the gate hmm now remember you could quite literally just play fat slob style here because you have way more coal be due to the relics blue eventually we'll run out of all my noble Gold's so blue needs to kill always making elite show tells tell me his upgrades on them elite show tells nice I like it so show tells would be a form of melee they are a bit low HP that the struggle with adding melee in against Mongols as Mongols should have elite manganite which is range but they don't right now so I have not seen the show tell were yet to check upgrades I'm assuming he's probably missing some whoa boy if they are elite though they have a lot of base attack alright let's look at Red's base again only 100 population guys still going through all of those techs from earlier I I don't hate the fact that he's doing that again just get the text it's just sometimes you need to probably worked out you really don't need to build castles there he really likes these spots and you know in his defense if the castles are up in those spots it looks kind of like a scenario of some kind also the gate is now open you did snipe blues trebuchet okay he's using the trebs I mean you'll get kills he'll get kills and then you have the castle fire behinds the effect you see with the enhanced graphics is a whole lot more than what act is Act what actual damage is happen is being dished out but okay oh the micro the micro god oh god in the castle fire Oh God into the castle fire into the castle fire micro dodge dodge Oh let's go pogchamp in the chat dutch boom beautiful worth it worth it dodge again yeah let's go boom alright now those are gonna be tough to deal with we probably need to get we probably need to get some more units oh you guys see what i'm seeing the manga die they approaches still lacking a mess of upgrades but they at least have vodka arrow again infantry at the low level is a trap okay it it's so much easier to control ranged units in his infantry but I don't think blue can really do much about these walls right now I mean it's bothering him is it worth it he killed two trebs and lost a ton of arms red one that ward no but what red doesn't have is the moral victory there's moral victory in if if you micro well right so red definitely lost in spirit there all right that skirmish was a big deal definitely to make sure you TREB that definitely oh well did he just sit did you see that he said rally points for it so it would distract the trebs that was the distraction right there I love it let's see if he tries it again he must really like that idea [Laughter] that's so much seeds honestly there's no way Ethiopian should ever kill there's no way most efficient ever kill this many see jhanjhar is manga die if they were upgraded and if their micro property which we're not going to see apparently but if you're red like you don't have the most confidence in your gameplay he did think smart about getting the relic so he's a smart cookie damn it I've been streaming for 8 hours now I really want the cookie but this is for sure going to YouTube this might just crash and burn and one person might win like red might flat and blue and the game might be over but also blue could on injure cut through the trees and surprise attack and I don't know I just have this queasy feeling in my stomach that red you throw this somehow so you know he'll read went to the University earlier and stacked all the upgrades do you guys remember that when he did that we laughed we said wow he sacked everything in the university but after that what's he have all of his university texts there's this thing called the blacksmith and it not only affects your archers it also affects your calf it also affects your infantry so I would really like to see him do that with the blacksmith too now it's not ideal it's not what we normally see because normally time is of the essence but that is obviously not the case here so I hope at some point he goes into that blacksmith and just taps all those upgrades because it's worrying to me how expensive this army is and how little upgrades he has so let me talk through all the upgrades naked-eye are pretty complicated because they need the most upgrades out of any unit to be fully upgraded he's missing bracer and chemistry for attack he's missing the first armored upgrade the second upgrade in defense he's missing party and tactics out of the archer range which is also defense he's missing thumb ring which is also there I think he might be missing husbandry which affects the speed he had oh he has chemistry oh god he doesn't even have bodkin arrow okay so he needs bodkin arrow and bracers and has chemistry sorry he has blood lines were good all right well we we definitely don't have what it takes to flatten an army of archers so we need to go the long way Oh Oh the skirmishers back Oh oh I love that look I really wish blue would at least get lead skirt but I love how he keeps sending one unit out there all right I wanted your cut Shh you know what's crazy from Blue's point of view you might be able to hear this on de listen see that's a bog you should never hear that listen yeah that's blues point of view I I've realized this myself see if he's looking this way you can hear it yeah did they I don't know how far sound carries with the sea oh I think that's the first entree he's lost actually but yeah I wonder if blue will react to that all right he's using non-elite skirmishers to attack trebs he's really focused on the micro okay I guess red wants to surprise attack if blue just added units and attacked red now red might be in trouble it's not a bad game plan though I don't hate it I don't understand what blue blue doesn't seem to know what to do against these walls and he really likes to micro liking microbe and being good at micro are two different things all right [Music] like I don't think there's anyone here who could use that many skirmishers to micro against Rebs and siege editors like that you know it's just not got to pick the right battles okay can we run a poll please okay I want to know if he's cutting to the golds and the stone or if he's cutting to blue at this point I'm voting for golden stone I I do not believe he's going for blue unless he's looping the whole way around again I think blue depending on where he's looking to build a castle there move your units dude see what he's been lacking is just a castle here some of his own traps red runs out red dies to the castle it's a little bit cramped in this town look he can hear that that's a bug you should not be able to hear them always probably freaking out right now [Music] yeah see did the trees even flutter oh my god that is such a bug look if you look it flutters oh my god okay well we'll have to report that one we can tell the red is coming this way blue he knows he's going to be attacked so he's really trying to build this castle but I don't understand wait it stops it stops it's Joe Lyons it's too quiet what did the game drop what okay okay so red is doing something Ches making hussars I like how he made more than more than one stable that's good did he get tell me he got blacksmith upgrades whoa okay still doesn't but we don't have the gold for that only two thousand gold with all the relics on the map always making a gate ah yeah you would hate to cut the path for your opponent alright blue okay he is realized he's pop capped so he's making houses but he has not realized that the castle that he placed like 10 minutes ago still hasn't been built so if he can't realize that I'm really scared he's not going to realize that red is cutting into his base with the Mongol horde this is triggering me so much Farren I'm rooting for you okay you know what don't even worry about the lumber camp efficiency because we have the wood it's like an Arby's commercial except it's like blues bass we've got the wood who cares about that but man build the castle oh oh wait wait wait for it yes okay alright he's alive again he's alive again here here it goes now what would be really funny to me is if red works all this time to think about cutting through to blue and then blue starts attacking red and red sense everything back so if blue attacks fast enough I genuinely think red after like going 20 minutes cutting through the trees we'll come all the way back so blue you better be quick you better be quick get these trebs on that castle man it's just asking for it sometimes LOI Lo is just about who attacks first okay is he making two paths don't tell me he's going to send a TREB here and just sit and unpack it and try and fire on random crap in the guys base oh it's like I have no words I just love these two to death can we please give some put some hearts in the chat for these two these guys are probably gonna be laughing their asses off when they watch their play later oh my god I didn't even think about the fact that blue could literally TREB from the other side of the trees as opposed to figuratively shred from the other side of the trees okay now what will red do he's definitely going to stop whatever he's doing here he has to he'll get the attack noise oh no God man blue you're not VIPRE you can't micro again see John just get out of here back up Oh calculate Oh God Oh God oh no no no no no no no no the castle was there though so he did get he did kill us see jhanjhar so I think the value wasn't great but yeah he got Rex see red has kind of stopped over here he'll lose that castle I think we can all agree that was not the wisest castle to place he's making hustlers now oh wow blue stonewalled over here that's nice mariana vari on is so ruthless vari on in the chat said this matches like fats off with lobotomy love it though i love it okay blue oh god you know i know exactly what blue is thinking he's thinking I'm gonna TREB the stone wall and then that's where I attack but if he trebs the stone wall and runs through that choke he's going to get flattened by sea Junkers okay he's making helps which I don't know if he's seen the hustlers but that would be the correct move maybe he spotted one red is cutting all the way to the gold he is three thousand gold then he's cutting to the gold right now 3,000 gold listen it's not a bad move but can we all agree that red should win this based on the tech that he has and everything you should definitely win this okay there he goes now make sure you build a gate here just in case gate gate extra safe this gate will go down all right oh he needs stone to build another castle that's true I don't think red will fight until he has another castle within the opponent's TREB range he wanted the castle on either side of the gate like that looks with the way the gates are set up and the castles would be placed it looks like a base you would have in a scenario so I can I can appreciate that okay he's getting conscription now you see he wasn't ready to fight before because his units weren't producing fast enough conscription means his units will produce faster if he were to get upgrades on the manga die this game is unloose a bolus Mongols unloose Apple Wow okay there he goes okay I'm wonder if you lock works we're going to try actually I'm gonna try this for blue first view lock it doesn't normally work or at least it doesn't it's not accurate oh wait he's just set something onto the did he just set his trebs onto that stable I think Oh boom okay I think he just set his treads on to that stable it looks like it bro bro is watching what's up Josh my brother's here if you think this is bad you should see him play I'm kidding I love you yeah I'm not exaggerating but Micro Micro Micro blue micro like oh oh my god he's a beast no don't attack this table no not that oh he wanted to take that stable out man that was so important to him oh but the shotel warrior what did I tell you about any form of melee any form of melee it's happening look what the show tells well to Red's like ah what do I do oh I send villagers after it yeah there we go okay so red just a word of advice you do have mega die so you do have some range to snipe any melee to protect the siege alright blue should be filled with confidence after that though send in more melee oh oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god whoof okay okay all right it's fine I'm on Team Blue right now because I know blue is that a big sieve disadvantage and I'm sick of siblings we casted the fair civic up earlier and honestly this has nothing to do with game play everything to do is soon obvious kappa Oh melee pokey poke and red realizes it's not time to defend it's instead time to counter-attack oh it's happening let's go it's 44 HUS ours and 40 Wow really 44 of each Wow did he count them or what did is this about to be a base raid blue how will he react to this what are the chances that he would have 44 of each though I feel like that was intentional okay here come the light tab from blue again lacking blacksmith upgrades that has been the theme for both of them throughout this game even if you don't know the names of them just please go to the blacksmith it would definitely save your caster from a few headaches and also get you a few more wins remember red got the relics earlier so that the relics have been bringing in so much gold for him and here he comes okay you lock her blue will it work this [Music] is where I was looking before I said on view lock uh-oh okay he noticed something we're not seeing a whole lot of defensive movement I don't think that you could possibly deal with this he clicked the villager he clicked the farm he has siege on he was on the way back okay he's hiding the bills this is good he's bringing halberdiers back and he does have C geometers I think that he could defend from this mainly because a red doesn't I I don't think he's very confident with his unit movement big ceej on injure shot remember the magnet I are not fully upgraded meanwhile meanwhile all the farmers all the beautiful farmers have died - like tab okay so we are not focusing on the economies anymore it is all about military oh oh god I'm just sensing it does anyone know if Blu has Torsen engines Ethiopian siege is no joke whoa God is using the Triggs against Duda ah there's three of them red use the hussars against the siege use the letters against the siege the lazarre's on the siege hussars seed please okay he's doing it he's doing it's fine I never doubted we've got this panic mode activated for both though guys blue is more population he has a very successful raid going he could defend from this and bounce back earlier we we casted Hara MBL and then Viper Leary and honestly this is more competitive I would not exaggerate casters do not do that good production from blue good production like full production of Helms and that's about it oh please attacked us he challengers with it with the with the melee nice dude nice that's amazing recognition Allah if he attacked the manga die first I think that would have been mistake so he's going after some of the C geometers actually this is 300 IQ because red will just friendly fire o or not oh all right so maybe like more like 20 IQ but it still it still results in him having more military that was Reds attack now he will have to make more units and Andrey boom and this will all die wow my god a good thing he has 18,000 wood he must have forgot about he's down here right blue has 64 bills he has 62 idols okay red it's time for another wave do we question whether or not our manga die were effective enough there do we triple check our upgrades now we don't because we're confident in our ability we are confident in our game knowledge so no no upgrade no additional upgrades to the mega that just so you know manga diet that lack thumb ring and all the other upgrades they're just not the same it's like hmm trying to find a real-life comparison here it's like a Ferrari without the wheels okay it's just it's just not the same it looks good but it's not near as effective huh stars against albs not ideal but blue also lacking every single defense upgrade that's one two three upgrades and then also lacking - OH - the out of three attacker threads also blue is really struggling to deal with these huh star AIDS I'm not even sure bread is paying attention to this at this point it's just the units were left here and yeah that happens as much as I want blue to have a chance in this game it does feel like due to the fact that he has zero gold and red has done a really good job stockpiling resources and because red is creating units now I think this is probably Reds game but this is I think we've had a lot of lessons here and a lot of epic moments I have also seen some pretty incredible things in lo ela legends I have seen players in Reds position lose because they freaked out because of an attack so I'm not willing to call it but red is he's repairing the wall he's repairing the wall oh no so this is a bit of a weird thing but you probably should just wall behind it it's worth it and it's ten times as fast to just build another wall behind I don't know if it should be that way but he likes this wall and his his ancestors built this wall and he's going to repair the wall okay disrespecting his elders also 716 gold here I guess he figures he has enough all right and he wants to go again let's blue up to still making non-elites Kermes and he is guys if he sells that wood I believe he's just doing it if he sells wooden food he could get gold I'm obviously red could do the same [Music] melee against siege perfect well-played red I'm not sure if he noticed that immediately if he patrolled what but that's a perfect move and now running back yes the micro now manga died in [Music] okay you know what glues halberdiers still will die because no upgrades so alright this has been a great game man this has been a fantastic LOI de legends match imagine if blue would have snagged a couple of the relics for himself I think that he would be in a much better position holy okay he really has had a hard time sorting out his idol villagers to I think building up your economy is one thing but it's extremely difficult to stabilize your economy for these players it's it's a bit like the armies where you make one army and then it's like okay that's it I think lowly legends you make an economy and if it gets attacked it gets attacked you do not think about making more bills normally okay well that's enough helps some show tells some Lightcap so if none of the units are upgraded fully who is manga tire firing so slowly it's so sad thus Kermes are also lacking defensive grades but they're still scre mega die that lack upgrades so the sperms will wreck guys red can't lose this right I don't think he can can II will he it would be so sad he has 41,000 would 13,000 food 5,000 gold I'm so torn between him losing because it'd be an epic comeback for blue or him winning and just feeling bad for blue because he's been having to deal with all of this like I both of these guys have put on such a show for us I kind of want both to win he really likes to micro his seat challengers that I've realized I think he it's not the first time he's played moguls all right it's working the stress levels must be still high right now oh man Oh God not one halibut here okay good send the manga Diane that's perfect one plate yes boom what's he doing over here always shopping what okay I noticed the blue did get elite skirmisher oh and he's repairing his castle wait did I miss how that castle ended up on fire it's making camels now [Music] the treads from earlier well blue I want it to happen for you I'm not sure if this a I army composition is going to do it though um well the camels let's go let's go micro nerd let's go the Banga die are slowly falling oh oh oh that's not good oh he's getting conversions on manga tight weave nice micro red nice night girl I'm beginning to remember while Olo Legend games take a whole afternoon I'm beginning to remember because it takes so long to mask the units especially if you send them this far and he could just cut through this way so if I were red I would just take some time I would get my stables set the gather point shift-click the units like he's just done with the castle shift-click the units I think at this point they will never look at the blacksmith again they've just they just don't think there's anything more they could possibly do oh the micro from blue oh look at him go look at him go alright red sending more see geometers in Nice [Music] most pop red has had is 150 I know he's honestly so good he's trying to handicap himself alright if he had concert production all the time people wouldn't be able to keep up Wow that she just send monks in here to heal his units I think he did he's definitely trying to nerve himself he also has enough stone to maybe build a castle on this hill so he could have better reinforcements wait hold on I think he's making space for more buildings that's probably it right and blue oh man the skirmishers are all going to get flattened aren't they yeah I genuinely believe he wants to wait he said these guys on a path to here may be okay yeah I think he wants to build up there oh oh he can hear it he can hear it oh God but that should not happen by the way Microsoft whoa that shouldn't happen either that no that should not I don't think that's a spec bug because I should be everything that blue can can see in here from here yeah forward buildings nice okay wait is it when a building goes up in the area where the trees have been chopped that it does that it you see that let's see if he does it again 58 skirmishers Oh God through blue you are a trooper you are an absolute trooper to continue to try here now will be funny is if red loses all of his manga died then the camels will kill the C geometers micro blue like go blue light go micro you see it you don't see it you see it now split camels oh it's alright he got one worth it oh go go go go go go go go go quick quick quick oh oh hold on let's test this again oh he's building it in the other spots and mines all right he has the right idea sending two camels in sadly he only has futile age defense and attack upgrades so it will be now so blue is producing more units but his strategy is just throwing bodies after or into the into the battle right this is actually how wars were fought okay this is actually how most wars were fought fun facts Pharaoh resigns with 109 population red one with 103 yep that's right the guy who resigned had more population one hour and 51 minutes I think the best way to sum this up first off red had I think a better post M sieve and his unupgraded units were better like if they were fully upgraded it would have been better as well but I think elite maggot I see janitor is way better than skirmisher C jhanjhar right also red did a much better job prepping for a long game if we look to the gold collected huge difference he cut to the extra golds he also had the relics 10 that was the difference that was the difference ten thousand gold from the relics I believe to err on blue side and red somehow got there and he also got that additional gold so relics honestly changes came so much people who had more colds he could maybe make his own C geometers which are in many ways a bit better now when you look at the timeline you think wow these guys were 200 population 100 military for both back and forth the entire game really it was more like a hundred ten population but blue right here remember he had the military and he could have maybe attacked before red decided to do it himself but he just wasn't ballsy enough he was too scared to make a move that game is going to be a low evil legends episode blue if Yuri watched this keep an eye on the relics maybe when you're in the Imperial age faster try and send a scout out and make a move red well actually both of you get your upgrades ok I don't care if you don't know what the names are but if you go to the blacksmith and click everything because you have the time and the resources it will definitely help you ok I'm not gonna stress out over people not knowing the names of upgrades as long as they get all the upgrades it might help you to look because then you'll learn or when you get better and then you need to prioritize certain ones but just getting all of them will help you will help you all out a lot trust me and also don't stress it ok like I said most people who watch this series have a good time I know that certain people who were in previous episodes have played more since and are a whole lot better so they would no longer qualify for Louisville legends and I guess as a final note to YouTube if you're watching this again I do this on my twitch stream if you haven't stopped by the twitch streams and links in the description and also there's a whole playlist for this if this is the first one you saw that was the mouth full I think that's all I have to say and I don't think we can top that tonight
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 305,208
Rating: 4.9031458 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, Low, ELO, Legends, #7, OCD, Meets, Black, Forest, Funny, Noob, T90Official, Review, AoE2, Definitive, Edition, AoE2DE, Commentary, Bronze, League, Heroes, Villager Rush, Hoang, Legend, Blue Coffee
Id: -82S4ZN1_bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 32sec (4472 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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