Low Elo Legends #13 Baby Hoang?

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1v1 LOI lo Legends except it's on the higher end of low evil legends technically this is above when I would consider LOI Legends but we are all rule breakers here I think these guys are around 1050 elo and one player I think detta has over a thousand games and then the other player has 250 so they are experienced definitely no Smurfs here or anything and Tim Lucas is in the red and he is playing as the Goths and then in the blue we have death whose playing as the ethiopians I always say it with Goths Goths can either be really good or really bad if you get to the point of the game where they have the economy to span their infantry that can be any sieve it's just difficult to get there Ethiopians have better mid game flexibility to get +100 food and plus 100 gold when they arrive to each age they have the faster firing archers they also have good options to deal with Goths with their shotel warriors out of their castles so if it does get to that point later I think Ethiopian and Goths BAM could be real now is this the guy is Tim the guy who has how many games does he have he is 267 1v1 games 267 1v1 games and yet nandus remember this doesn't bother me he is chopping the strawberries instead of placing a lumber Kim now it's not a big deal if you're trying to decide when where you want to place the lumber camp so we'll see okay nice okay I was just a bit worried that he would only chop the straggler trees and he wouldn't eventually place his lumber Kim so he he's decided on his spot good stuff Serengeti you get an elephant and then you get five zebra and then you get three ostrich and if you're lucky they'll be on the same spot so they're not for red for blue they are not either however the ostrich are close to the berries which is cool as you can mill this and that will you be used for the ostrich and the berries actually I hate the fact that zebras record players are pretty close wait a second wait a second this looks almost like the exact same map we had earlier when we were casting in the Frank's first Teutons game do you guys remember that I mean there are some differences but the TC locations anyway pretty damn close all right I'd like to see some aggression from both players because this is a very difficult mapped wall maybe we'll see the early drush strategy for Tim so far it's kind of hard to say what the players might go for but they are bringing in their elephants their build orders seemed to be pretty solid and not not flawless but they have an idea of what to do where to be the timing on the resources which is good something you would hope to see from players who have played as many games as they have also their rating being above a thousand Eagle I think there you have many of your hotkeys down you have builders down or some of them however red has way too much on wood the key is 4 on wood here which is normal but then he still has these 2 on wood and that's why he has 300 in the bank so that's a bit weird for me Ralph thank you for three months and thank you oh and I already said thank you to Elliott but Elliott I'll say thanks again will be men-at-arms think man-at-arms would make sense and nurms would make a whole lot of sense red find a zebra he did yeah so I'd say instead of having all these excess villagers on wood you could after your zebras finished you could pool like three or four maybe even five bills six bills send them over to all that food all the scouts are just passing nice I like it I think they both are setting waypoints I don't think there's any Auto scouting here actually hold on this is autoscout okay this this brings me back this brings me back to my little auto Skell topic earlier okay this player detta wait where is it where is it where is it he has 754 1v1 games and he's he's completely been sucked in to the bad habit of auto everything because it's so easy it's so easy for him to just click it and have the scout scout for him okay well you know what Auto Scouts actually been beastly here because it's taken him right to read CC and it avoided it too okay here he comes with Vil's out to the zebra here he is with bills on the ostrich I like it and I think players should probably be clicking up the fuel age soon with all this food and that is if they're gonna go for a few late aggression man he's taking every zebra at once normally that's bad thing but when you have this many bills go for it it's fine red decided to farm instead of take this hunt I don't love that but I do love the fact that he's on his way to feudal age faster t90 would to still do the same thing over and over again after 700 times question mark what would - what would who would what always making militia he's making militia - on goals this is a man at arms build wood would I I mean I potentially I I don't know I mean he might play random save my point is simply not that everyone needs to play to improve but it does it does kind of bother me as as someone who has played this game for a long time and casted this game for a long time that was someone whose experience decided to do that as well you know you know you did live your life buddy live your life it's just if you heard my my topic earlier I kind of had a little spiel on it all right so he's in feudal now if he wants to make more there a little bit more discounted pet he's in futile age he's building a blacksmith early does he want to get armor or attack doesn't really have the eco for that yet for men at arms now what's blue doing blue is autoscout or he just clicked his Scout I actually don't know but his Scout is not scouting where the enemy knows he's not looking to see is the enemy going aggressive he hasn't looked for a barracks yes it looks for range all he hears is that notification when his opponents in futile he has no clue what's coming his way and he's about to arrive in futile age with a lot of resources however I don't know what he's going to be able to do to deal with the pressure that's coming in okay red good micro actually very good micro and I like how attentive red is with his scalp like Auto scalp I wasn't trying to imply that it really helps blue I'm just implying that it may be instilled some bad habits and that's hurting him now because he didn't know about this that Reds now looking to see where resources are that he can hits he sees the gold also sees an exposed villagers man this guy is very aggressive but blue knows that he can fight with three villagers against one scout and likely kill the scalp and he's making an hour cheering so we have a high agro player against uh a defensive player so far so far Blues gotten away with it but four men at arms here he's gonna need quick walls house walls or he'll need to lose Vil's oh man this pressures insane so this is probably a great example of what happens when you rely on something like autoscout because if if you click that and you don't know what's coming the higher the e logos the more you're gonna be punished by it I think if you scout it you can just wall you know build a few houses and you can actually keep these men and arms out and wait for a few archers to mass so now while his resources are really high he only has one on food and whereas red is is doing a great job at adding eco at home and eventually his food count was gonna climb so props to Redman AG really good job for Matt I'm actually impressed for his ego to see this now I think blue is going fast castle I disagree I don't think someone said blue has no builder he was clearly going fast castle but like everything got screwed up because the man-at-arms came in and realistically with a little bit of walling I think of a fast castle could have been pulled off still could be pulled off Reds microwave micro Mike ring and blues microphone - and he is faster firing archers will need to get fletching before the archers are extremely effective here he's only doing two damages shot right now but he's completely freaked out at the moment because of the pressure I wonder if Fred's gonna be in a position to deal with any Castle age units I'll mark it now her blue was Mike rolling he could actually pull his Scout over here and fight with the scout and it would do so much damage but yeah this is gonna this attack is short-lived I don't know if there will be a follow-up at all Fred but I think it's gonna end here for him okay yep yep there we go okay so blue that has one on food and he has had a ton of idle time and only 22 villagers but he's gonna click up go Castle age go Castle age I'm trying to like will this in okay there we go Castle age yes go up beautiful t90 stalks he's on his way up he's going over to wood cuz he knows he needs it he has a blacksmith he can get fletching actually could do a lot of damage with this there's no follow-up from red now as echos good he's not fully well a look at the house walls though this is beautiful Goths don't get stone walls he needs to make sure this is wall like maybe a double layer of palisade or something but lots of house walls I like this a lot from red now here's blue scout he's gonna try to find where the opponent is here he is he could attack and kill that villager red has nothing right now so a better play is to go men-at-arms into archers art sorry not man-at-arms into archers main arms into skirm here would make sense I think that town bill was probably a miss quick blue get fletchie blues gonna win this I just have a feeling he's like he's like the 11-hundred wall where he just wins an early cast late with something oh no Timmy boy Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy what's he do he's making man-at-arms funny enough if fletching doesn't come in or crossbow man-at-arms could clean it obviously blue is making more it's not ideal though who's gonna win this frickin game isn't he who's gonna win this frickin game I can't believe it so basically red just needed to either have a fast skirm follow-up or he needed two full walls base like red no way [Music] these games are just so unique man blue blue this fletching now okay Luis fletching he's attacked with a scowl you know what's really interesting to me is how many how many 1,100 players see this and say this isn't 1,100 I don't play like this and I'm 1,100 that happened so much and I could be way off base here right but I have a feeling that games when I'm spectating or games when you're zoomed out I'm looking at it from this perspective looks so much different and how it might feel when you're in the game blue is just idling as TC he's just a micro nerd guys he's just a straight-up nerd he doesn't he doesn't create new villas in Castle AG he's like he is the home of noobs he's the wall of news he just micros except it's with crossbows oh god he did lose a lot of archers though that's why I watched my own game she learned so much from that yeah but funny enough if he doesn't get vodka red could hold right now red is holding well who needs to back away forward Archer range is this like lungs younger brother or something this is this is hilarious to me look at his economy he doesn't care he's just he actually will have three ranges after the forward range completes if record range completes Micro Micro Micro props to red for holding red you need to wall this quickly it gets get these houses up quickly and get to Castle age of course and then I guess he doesn't have any on stone but I would have sent like six fills to stone for either defensive towers or just to prep her castle still getting some nice hits here we'll blue be able to do the damage or will this game end no eco for blue just full focus on the fights and production guys he has how many eight cross-post cute Oh only he got vodka narrow though he actually has the reservoir I love this I love this so much this is a type of player if he just learns to get so a little bit of ego behind this type of a push he could he could go up pretty high now you're actually in a rough spot unturned in terms of what to do when you get to Castle age think you have to get Castle age longswords and then go for second armor upgrade if you're red but if you don't transfer off to stone here and you've committing to infantry it's really dangerous I think siege workshops a clear first choice if he didn't make squirms while he was in futile age I think making a skirmish kind of futile because you're not gonna have enough squirms and you're not gonna have any upgrades for range so I'd just die anyways he's trying too quick while he does quick haul a little bit this is buying him time yet first thing red needs blues going for a siege workshop oh my god okay red first thing you need is this each workshop siege workshop make your own siege Magon else scorpions preferably maghen ELLs you're good forget it forget about the men-at-arms now you don't need it siege workshop not a what it's on the edge of the map why he's panicking he's panicking and he doesn't know that blue is all in he doesn't know that Town Center is is not really the best guys wow look at the economy for blue he actually built a second TC but he's not using it just full agro is he gonna make seeds now mag enough it's wrong it's wrong it's a newbie Hong and he's just like Wong because Wong has like 2,000 games and this guy has 2,000 games I'm telling you I've never seen a low-level player plays so much like Wong the power of aggression quell it instead of Celt et Cie it's Ethiopian et Cie it's the same thing he's actually winning with archers against gods to like obviously there are a lot of you guys and we've been able to see like how Red has struggled here but red seemed like the more capable player for so much of this game blue just likes to take power spikes from getting to Castle age and if you pick Ethiopians for this type of a strat you do get the faster-firing are true so it works out and if he had bodkin arrow it'd be even stronger Red's dead Reds dead and there's some no redemption here he's just easy to straight-up dead there's nothing he can do actually I lied he could still make a siege workshop but I don't know if he's gonna realize that now because he's been so harassed by all this this is the type of strat where view rewatched the recorded game you feel like such a trash player because you look at blues bass and he hasn't been creating villes and he has one farm it's like losing to pong when I lose to pong I know exactly what's coming to me but there's so much pressure that comes in it's ridiculous okay he's also rang the bell I feel like these all end strategies should work a lot more at lower levels because yeah there's gonna be more imperfections in general okay I'm on rang the belt still has wood for a siege workshop he could save himself with the siege workshop still just not thinking of it build the siege workshop and make him a Goodell dude I think LOI lo they they do not make seed and they do not make monks as frequently they actually make they tend to make mumps for relics but they do not make monks for things like converting enemy Knights but certainly here the only thing that saves you like you need a big bang you need one one or two units that can change the course of the game for you and that would be a mag Annelle he's still creating bills let's see let's check blues economy what's blue doing okay blue is building houses great economy also I don't know why my mouse isn't locked on screen anymore thanks to eat and all of his ranges are cute I'm actually I can't wait to look at this guy's profile after this I want to look at blues profile and look at some of his most recent games I want to know if he always picks Ethiopians I want to know if he picks Celts like how he tends to play maybe he does random sieve to me it's just like a newbie long siege is hard require too much micro and luck let's shoot so I would not make well then you die here you die in this situation you're just dead against it then because there's nothing there's literally nothing right can do except imagine l/2 have a chance and if you need luck needing luck is a whole lot better than needing a miracle because he doesn't everything he continues to make just just dies Wow 40 villagers verse 28 and red resides look at this he just goes all-in look at that look at that I don't need food I'm making crossbow I don't need food it's just like long I only need gold I wish you would have got bodkin arrow because in a situation where red might actually make more or be a little bit stronger not having bought can was a pretty big deal okay I feel like I need to spend the next three hours looking at this guy's profile this reminds me of the old days when I would find legends and go through their profiles okay 754 games holy crap let's investigate who he's in another game of course he is do you want to watch do you want to watch the next game golden swamp let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go that's what lets go okay this this makes me so happy I can't wait until this game actually has real profiles where I can get recorded games so Microsoft if you're listening please make it happen my girlfriend won't like you but I used to spend like 15 hours a week just going through random profiles and recorded games late at night I won't have any free time but it's fine I really miss it it's how I found legends it's how I found so many of these weird random players like f2f actually f2f was on stream one night but okay so I don't know like this but this might be another legend video right here okay instead of low evil legends however we just watched etta play he has 760 games and 1b ones and just hundreds of games in other game modes and from what we just saw him do he basically played the game like a very low elope wall where he tried to go for a barely get to Castle age and then not create villagers much in Castle age and go all in with crossbows and nagging else also want likes the lame dude who long likes to lame he likes to steal resources and red is red has come forward he's wasted no time and he's trying to steal these water buffaloes um this is this is like Huang in a nutshell dude or dudes dudettes so his his build order was pretty decent okay here he comes I think blue spotted him blues like wait what he's here already okay I want to see him try and steal more there's no way in 1100 can steal abort flawlessly think he's just trying to steal the water buffaloes man I like these types of players because it's it's um I feel like they're part villain part hero you know like you have to respect the guy for having a style and playing the way he is going for the win but then also you're like oh I hate it when people steal my Buffaloes that's the worst didn't even find all of his like he sees it he just didn't collect it yet and actually scouted with his own buffaloes but I think at this point he's making the right decision to go home you're gonna see some things that are expected from someone who's not high level in terms of how many bills you might send the resources the way he's collecting excuse me his current buffaloes with nine on food is that nine I see eight but how is there oh it's it's somehow okay it's it's counting that one makes sense alright that's a lot of food for him normally on golden swamp I would suggest that players do not build a mill I would see jet open to blue just uh Oh Joe just lost the villager that Oh God the funny thing is the Ville counts even though garrison garrison garrison gives garrison okay okay whoo yeah that's what he is a Billy no he did temporarily that's what's funny about this because redhead idle time all right it's fine man I'm like I I hope so much that detta tries to go for the FC all in again I hope so much he tries to do it like low elo players don't dock on this map for fish so it's not like they can make fire galleries or demos because I don't think they'll have anything out there Persians is a great save great eco not not great that blue lost to villagers but if you look at the total economy it's basically even losing villagers at low e lowest not near as punishing as it is in high a low maybe that was just a one-off thing maybe red wanted to try it but guys he picked Ethiopians again he has to know how strong that is eleven hundred players should that's what you would think but I don't know I I I don't see docks on this map until about thirteen hundred elope most people are not going for two five two wooden docking and making fish and chips this elope on basically any map okay here comes blue he's probably like where am i water buffaloes oh here are my buffaloes try and take it so don't hit it give it a little smack now okay he just he just reset his waypoints so he doesn't run into the TC good job from Joe and OH got stuck for a second thanks to e there's a rhino steal it steal it steal it come on you're thinking about it everyone's watching steal it go for the double steal steal both the Rhinos now I would it would never work what's red up to Red's scouting okay you know what I'd like about though he isn't is a really autoscout much did he oughta scam the previous game what all these games are running together maybe he did actually I think I I went on a long rant about how you shouldn't autoscout because of an but he sees the dead he sees the corpses yeah that's re wrong it may be he's not Auto scouting here at least and I like that like he's he's plotting t90 how do you counter a castle drop you well you have to have army my friend you have to have army that's why scouting so important knowing what your opponent's gonna do have you see their own stone you should try and punish that that you can't just let them walk forward and drop a castle on you you need to have some military out there and if it's a map like arena where it's really hard to see what they're doing going for fast castle and and adding some scouts and Knights in the middle of the map is never a bad idea also depending on how forward the castle is you could make a tower against it yep all right now remember in the previous game are the opponent's went for feudal age aggression killed villagers at mister dentists base man has so many villagers are stuck here it's making me want to cry but it didn't stop detta from trying to go for fast castle think you will go for greedy fast castle and then try and go all-in I'm so focused right now okay going to gold I like it still looks like he wants some type of a weird fast castle okay he's on his way not that much behind blue maybe he's not gonna go for it I don't know Ethiopians get +100 food Boston hundred gold when you get to the next age to me it seems like this is a similar build and he's only sent to two golds and he's gonna get plus 100 so he will have enough to get to Castle age but what if blue goes for something like Scouts feel like Scouts and discourages could still be really good against this but I don't know how good the quality the build will be Thank You Nikolas for the eight months Thank You Cinelli for the 22 he says time flies up you're telling me I know thank you also a huge turd mm thank you for the host the one viewer host at that I appreciate that huge turd IRC thank you for the twitch prime sub thank you drag off for the 10 months Douglas Hodgson with 100 bits says hi T 90 I've been a fan on YouTube for a long time and it's good to finally catch a stream welcome you picked a nice moment for it I think we might have found the new Legend look look at his resume it's the same thing the red spikes okay archer range yeah there we go there we go blacksmith Idol TC not creating pills no we don't need villagers anymore we just need to get to the next stage what did he have 22 last time double archery range whoa whoa what he's creating more villagers how dare he that's against the rules well actually it makes sense cuz he has more than enough food actually I disagree with adding a second range I would have gone range blacksmith but again he's an ood so he doesn't have the buildings to click up to Castle age sale so I would not have created the second range until after the blacksmith but maybe he's not going FC off this he wants to send the archers forward or the archer forward what's blue doing blue what's blues also killing archers and actually blues build so the difference between blues build and Red's build is that blues build this is straight Archer builds so it's it's to stay in feudal age whereas Reds build I believe is fast castle but blue is gone for like this really good build because he's gonna have a lot of echo behind it and get fast fletching all that good stuff okay now now fletchings on the way and now reg should go to castle age okay he must do this every single time honestly it's fine for red because they're gonna have similar numbers the same upgrades and he's still gonna get to his desired cross but well he didn't get vodka last time hey he's still gonna get to his desired comp only downside though is if he's surprised by this attack he hasn't scouted blues-based at all and blue did scout the ranges from red but he just doesn't seem to know where red is even though they're right next to each other here man if regice if he just built some farms man if he just sent a few more to gold but if he optimized the strat a little bit more it could be so freakin good for him oh wait oh wait he sees blue he's probably like what maybe blue will see him okay dick noticed each other now Red's like no no no no no no no no no no that's not cool blues coming my base now keep an eye on the food count guys when you're playing it like blue is you're adding you're adding villagers you're adding farms you're eco will be more stable and we have two villagers that will likely go forward and build the seed workshop standing right here it's wrong it's baby wrong it wasn't a fluke he plays every game like this doesn't he but he's like he's really not sure what to do right now blue had some big balls to run forward now blue the best thing blue could do for himself is to run to red space to make red come back home but okay Red's actually creating bills this time around yeah he will not see the archers coming @ec I think that's for protection right zero on food I think that's for protection and blue is here that that is not going to happen so blue is doing way better oh my god oh my oh oh my hello sir sir those archers shoot arrows yep they're pointy they kill things detta debt debt debt ax that they killed the other they kill you all wait with the cap the counter counter textures are here could still build a seat workshop I I don't know I would love to see red send Vil's to the middle for gold now just be sneaky about it just forget about the TC and just send the villes to the middle to the gold that's what long would do remember last game he had 22 bills against 35 or 36 and he won and here he is he's a micro nerd he's all in blue will not know like I don't know blue will be able to get to Castle age Bret has so much focus on his micro he doesn't even care about this I think he's waiting for crossbow numbers so he can kill this and then he'll finish the town centre and blues bringing back screams big thing for blue here he needs armor on the skirts if you get enough skirmishers with armor you can close in on this but without the armor your the crossbows are doing six damage and you have only three pierce armor so with Red's micro he could be in a great spot and red will actually complete the TCE not that he'll be creating Vil's because he has zero on food now this is probably where red makes the siege workshop right this is where the villagers that are sitting here will come forward and make a seat workshop I'm sensing it guys I don't think we're gonna cast anything except Reds games tonight for the rest of the stream I think this is all I want to do if he's still playing this guy's so interesting to me he this is all he does and he actually he's worse with what you should do but it's an extremely strong strategy if you're if you're heavy a grow just like Wong does at the high level what bro what more rages what he's not he's not messing around look for good he did it again he did it again it's baby Hong it's baby Huang 22 Ville victory oh my god I love this guy yo detta what a legend what a legend now you should not really learn from this the only thing that you can take away from this is that if you go all in it can catch people off-guard oh jeez and realistically at this point blue did have a slight chance but like a couple of the key things he needed to do he wasn't able to do in time he wasn't able to get walls up at like what's funny about the full range thing is a siege workshop with two ranges would do it but he decided to go for four ranges anyways players have to endure little harangue I bet it is because someone has made way too many harangue videos that thousands of players watched thank you now dad Shirley Shirley that has nothing to do with their hammer Shirley that has nothing to do with it maybe I might be responsible for creating this monster why did blue resign well well think about it dude think about it he's up against castle age army he's about to lose these two scurbs he can't take gold he has like 12 villagers idle than his TC and there's about to be 6 more crossbows arriving to his base honestly blue is dead regardless of what this says up here he's kind of dead at this level especially I don't see him being able to adapt well against us despite how crap this eco is for red yeah and he also is he probably assumes that red has eco which is on par with his so because everyone makes eco in this game except for long and detta apparently ok well is he gonna continue playing site can't be reached no a we to net is down
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 116,270
Rating: 4.933126 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, Game play, commentary, Low Elo Legends, LEL, Hoang, WTF, How, Weird, Funny, Interesting, Unique, Aggressive, T90, T90Official, No Villagers, Villager Rush, Meme, New
Id: z8tB2KCTN24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 21sec (2301 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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