Mass Longbows in High Level AoE2 Game!

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what's going on YouTube I hope you're ready for an exciting Age of Empires to 1v1 one that offers meta breaking strategies and some awesome units that you don't get to see very often in Age of Empires 2 competitive play and in this one V 1 we have VIN Chester who thank God's active again he was always one of my favorite players I used to call him Winchester he is a the best Russian player in the world and I would consider him still in the top 30 he is playing as the incas in the red and then in the blue we have yo Keshi who's actually metal metal is is amazing he's so much fun to watch if you saw the best Islands ever video a week or two ago metal wasn't that a metal played along in a Big Show match and he he's playing a lot recently and I'm telling you guys this guy is a force to be reckoned with now in the competitive community I'll tell another story about metal in a bit but anyways that's who this guy is just so you weren't confused so metal is playing as the Britons it's incas verse Britons and to be quite honest with you Britain's always struggle verse mezzo sips so Incas and Aztecs and Mayans always are quite good against Britons and that's because Britons they tend to go for archers and there's mezzo civilizations have Eagles which are anti our church so this metals gonna win this game he's going to need to try some unique strategies and he might just do the unthinkable he might just do some things that I've seen in YouTube comments before like hey why doesn't the pro player use this why doesn't the pro player do that and normally I have some fancy explanation well metal might actually find ways to try some ideas that you guys might have thought of in the past and I just love the way he used the game I think he's he's constantly adapting in ways that other pros might not and even though I wouldn't consider him a top 20 player yet I certainly would consider him in the top 30 in the world and even if you look at their rating to both 2k 3 so that puts them in I think 40th 3rd 30th position um you know what I am gonna tell you this I was debating because I have so much to talk about regarding this matchup but one other thing I just want to bring up about metal because I find him such an entertaining guy he occasionally we'll get an account from someone who has gone inactive or just someone who you know I really don't know his reasons for it but but for example you the CEO Keshe account was probably not his when it first came out and he talked to someone was like hey can I have that can I borrow that or kind of just use it forever now and they'll hand over the password and it really is fun actually because there was an instance where two months ago he was using a flag that had a Canadian account and the the highest rating was like maybe 2k 1 or something and anyways medal however he got it got the account and started playing on it and the whole community was kind of confused and I remember doubt was playing him and doubt lost three games in a row and you know a lot of the viewers were freaking out like what doubt just lost three games to a Canadian it must be slam or the legend Chris is back and it was metal the whole time it was so funny and of course like people ended up finding out and he'd played on in a bit and he just he just likes to do that there's no he's not beating lower rated players obviously he's getting accounts that have high rating already but it's just so unique I love the personalities that we have in this age community and that's a little bit of an explanation of why he's playing on this account which actually has a Scottish flag he has lots and lots of accounts that he cycles through once people get to know him he's on one he'll cycle back to another one makes it fun and of course he is his main accounts as well but anyways to the actual game here and I really encourage you guys if you have the time to watch this one the whole way through because it is so unique from Dark Age on to fuel age on the castle agent onto the Imperial age just saw a moment ago that medal was arriving to Vinci's base and Vinci pushed him away with his scalp but but anyways what you normally see here is a man at arms opening men-at-arms is very popular for Incas the Reuben stop or started not Reuben stock no beru no bruise been doing man-at-arms and Vil's and towel rush with Incas it's a very very strong idea and it's very common and metal realizing that is the meta he is on his way to fuel age now and he he'll be making cement at arms his map is really solid though this is like a Viper map and it's for and check this out three golds in the back of his base and a relic it really doesn't get any better than that and this stone position and this stone position might not be ideal I guess the wood positions are certainly terrible but that is about as good as it gets now what Vin Chester's doing is is not what you would expect Finn Chester's been making militia and he's falling his base and he has a pretty solid base as well now his second and his third gold will be outside these walls but to have a stone in here have his berries in here have deer wood lines I mean he has for accessible wood lines right so this isn't bad and I wonder if I wonder if metal is going to react to this because he sees that Vin Chester's villager was walling he sees the Finch Esther wasn't loomed and so that might make him think well hold on a second I didn't see what this guy's doing but he might just be dressing me and and this is what we call a Josh fast castle attempt if in Chester's hoping to delay with his militia which are actually going the wrong way they've gone to the north and then buy himself time with a lot of walls and such so that she was kind of on the other foot here because normally it's the Inca guy going forward with towers and men-at-arms and such but that's exactly what metal will be doing to start this game and this is the perfect counter to the drush that Vin Chester has gone with the idea behind the towers is to stop VIN Chester from walling behind if it was just man-at-arms then Chester could walk behind he could repair the houses but if the towers there shooting then you he can't do that he'd have been wall pretty far behind right and then another tower will come up and then this would just continue meanwhile in case you're wondering VIN Chester who's had some scouting problems he hasn't found metal yet and I highly doubt he'll be able to even damn well he might be able to damage metal metal might be confused as to why there's no units there yet but metal is through so unfortunately for VIN Chester because his strategy kind of keeps him in the Dark Age for a while he's unable to build the defensive tower so he he has to repair these houses with poor villagers all this means his villagers aren't collecting resources that he would need he's all fairies which pretty much eliminates that fast castle plan if finally metal has the resources to build another tower you see the stone miners are working here and so he's building that tower now and Finn Chester luckily bought himself just enough time I think because he is on stone as well and inka inka towers are very cheap so if he's able to just hit feudal and place a tower here and maybe a tower here real quick it's possible that he can keep metal out of here said it's possible I didn't say it would be easy and yeah that's the place so a tower on the left a tower on the right but already I'd say you know metal has denied some resources metal now was sending his men at arms in of in Chester needs to be careful here what did I say about metal making games interesting and that TC has incredible range so he actually ends up backing up but he's placing his own tower now and I think with five villagers building this and with his Scout being here to annoy it's possible that both towers will go up and if I'm metal what I do right now is I send the men arms past this own up yeah there you go this works just attack the base of the tower and then build your own so this means VIN Chester will meet another tower something he doesn't have stone for right now and this tower will go down very quickly so the dress fast Castle strategy it's actually really uncommon in the current meta because it gives up oh sorry it yeah it gives up so much map info you're just relying on a few walls and players quickly figure out how to counter this but Vince does get the stone fortunately for him he's Incas so his towers are cheaper but no longer is he going towards the castle Age anytime soon this will be few late to be a few late for a little while and we could just see a repeat of what just happened VIN Chester still has nothing except ours and I guess metal choosing to run past I'm not sure if I like this or don't like this obviously he didn't have his own tower being built there and if you would have attacked the base of the tower Vince because it may be fought with bills so he decides to around so lightning fast start to this game VIN Chester's armies still just chillin here he could have gone to the stone but he's been under so much pressure ah there we go there's a tower for metal so this is decent it's a nice some farm space I really feel like the men-at-arms are almost useless now or the men-at-arms I'm trying to get better with that I can be stubborn sometimes but Ted something I'm not trying to be stubborn on anymore and so just keep in mind that VIN Chester will need access to these resources the second and third gold will not be easy for him to access if he loses out on this cold okay even the stone just keep that in mind so I can't promise you guys that I'm going to cast all of it but if you think this game is good metal and VIN Chester played 21 games over the course of four days this past week they joked that it was the best of 21 is actually not a best of 21 that just ended up playing each other a lot and do you want to know what the score was 11 to 10 and I'll tell you who the winner of the best of 21 was after this video so they're really close which is awesome because two years ago when VIN Chester was playing actively and he's pretty much at the level he is now meta was just an arena player he's one of the few arena only players who have moved on to play Arabia and be really darn good at it but good decision from metal to just build a lumber camp collect some resources with these bills he can't push in any longer with towers and also he realized his VIN Chester has an archery range so he's now towering his stone and I like the placement of this tower just in case Manchester sends the archers out of this gate which is excellent in Chester's doing it's not just good gameplay that's good game awareness good game sense to realize you're exposed at home and at your opponent has archers and so now what what is metal up to right metal is on stone at home he has the resources to soon click up to the next stage and he has forward villagers so what does that add up to that adds up to something that you don't see very often and competitive play and that would be a certain fielding which happens to create long bows and happens to be made of stone being built now will that be built at home I could make arguments for it will it be built forward I can make arguments for or against that obviously with the resources that metal has and being 15% of the way to castle age and the fact that VIN Chester isn't closed yet you could possibly win the game with a forward castle but then if you don't have any defence at home you don't have that castle at home VIN Chester could always shoot you with archers so it's kind of hard to decide on what to do my argument against forward buildings when my cast is always that it leaves you exposed and so for that reason I'm always if you want to see four buildings now what's interesting about this is VIN Chester he hasn't seen much but he does now see that there's an archery range here from metal and he now sees as skirmishers so VIN Chester might be thinking all right he's making units from home this is good I can track this VIN Chester built a second barracks so he's probably thinking about making Eagles something that he'll need to get to in this match in my opinion metal has a 200 gold 400 stone he house walled this earlier very easy pace to play with and he's building a forward stable so he figures you know what let's just stream some Knights in what save a my Britons I don't care they're still nights I'm gonna stream some Knights into Vince's base he won't commit heavily to upgrades or anything but I'll tell you what he will do guys boom castle on the front and there's no way that Vin Chester can really deny this I mean the only thing that I could think of zeti could try and tower here but if he does that then the towers that that met will have already are are gonna range those villagers and there's going to be some Knights so yeah there's just no way to stop this causa from going up meanwhile medal has sent just a few skirmish and he sniped all of in Chester's archers except for one and then the two militia but you know he has no worries at home now as well now there are some downsides with building the castle forward the main thing that comes to mind is that that's a lot of resources invested into a building he's been on stone for a while so he probably won't have the resources for the second for the third TC as easily he does help to be Britain's and have the cheap town centres but castles expensive and he was on stone instead of other resources but now the castle is up unfortunately for Vince ventures already at eighty-five percent of the way to Castle age with this town centre losing this TC would mean that he would be in feudal age forever and probably lose the game but the TC will stay up and now Finn Chester realizes he needs to think about abandoning the left side of his base because the Knights run in and just like that metal killed a villager and now metal who needs to get where his squirms at did hit I need I need to kill this Archer Chester's being really annoying with this what metal really needs or wait what was it gonna say oh yes what metals making is longbows which is I don't want to act like it's the most uncommon thing to see at the high level but it's really uncommon at this stage okay and it's really uncommon to see the numbers that metal is going to try and attempt to do Castle age long posts at VIN Chester he decides to build a castle here to stop to stop metal from pushing in any further with his long bows with his knights and he knows that he will lose this - you see metal has ten more villagers than VIN Chester and VIN Chester's not applying any pressure to metal normally that's bad sign however what Vin Chester does well is he booms he can be aggressive but he can also boom castle will defend him a town centre here will go up and then another town centres been placed out here where oh no he lost villagers to wolves I think but good good on him to find that extra stone that's not one of his stones the map just sent that there as a as a present an extra Town Center now for medal and now you can kind of see the weakness of being so heavily on stone he is 631 stone in the bank this is kind of a messy eco right but he does have more villagers working and whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what his vim Chester done well he wants that map back guys VIN Chester has done something so so brilliant so if he would have stayed on three or four TC just a lot of players do not save resources instead get upgrades instead mass Eagles then Vince would only be in Castle age and then this forward castle would be here in his face spamming longbows but instead what Finn Chester has decided to do is go for what I like to call a low eco up or low eco Imperial so he has way less villagers with what he will have access to is a trebuchet once he hits the Imperial H great game awareness from him now to bounce right back and push metal back metal is committed to making long bows which is an ideal against the SIB that can make eagles and of course that's not ideal if your castles on the front and can be trucked down so what you can expect for now is that metals vill count it's going to rise because both of his town centers are producing bills at all times VIN Chester to his credit actually has two TCS over here as well but he doesn't have a lot of resources floating after putting 1000 to Dan 800 gold into that upgrade will the TREB be enough will taking out this castle Alvin Chester to expand again and comfortably get these Gold's comfortably get this stone will see the medals he's trying his best he killed a few villagers but he really can't range any more on the wood line and so now he seems to know that there's something going on over here so he'll go there but the wave in Chester has his town centers position means he should be okay though he would have to garrison a lot because the longbows have eight range and oh boy yeah see he has two garrison and may be sent to this stone said of this stone but now he's in the Imperial age and now he's making a trebuchet so Finn Chester is about 15 villagers behind but what can the Imperial age do for him also he has enough stone to build a castle of a zone with Incas and and metals just lacking six stone to build another castle I don't know what he's planning on but his five villagers realized they need to get the heck out of Dodge and they're running around this way so such a unique game right a forward castle drop a fast imp not really what you would expect in this matchup and now I've in Chester's paying attention he might just see those villagers from metal and now he's building a castle here because he knows that he's exposed here but the long buzz from metal were on the way the metal is bound to lose that castle metal definitely wanted to build a castle here he just purchased 100 stone but VIN Chester has a lot of villagers building this and that castle should complete and obviously now it'd be a mistake for metal to commit to building a castle here because ventures in the Imperial Age and VIN Chester has straps so metals had more villagers for longer he's been spam and T C's and so he's doing the right thing he's falling back I talk about this a lot it's a mistake to double down on an area you're losing sometimes you were denying resources that metal should have had at the start so consider this an accomplishment to have denied those resources and taking that space away from your opponent and just back up and form another line of defence and I like this castle on the hill and now he too is on the way to the Imperial age now he has that situation where the T C's Idol not creating villagers and VIN Chester will have 1 2 3 creating villagers so expect that Ville count to be pretty even VIN Chester still doesn't have the resources to make elite Eagles but he is getting Eagle warrior and you have to imagine that he'll slowly get there now longbows V Eagles good for longbows at all and the less longbows have a bit of a meat shield and Britons do have a good meat shield they do have fully upgraded champions I think the key here for Britons is to control the pace of the game slow down the game and get a big deathball of units if you if you played this game at all you've probably had a friend make a bunch of long bows and you think they're impossible to kill at the high level they're actually quite easy to kill or at least Britain's are easy to kill and a lot of that has to do with the Eagles or anything avoiding the long bows and making the slow long bows chase so what metal is about to do is he's gonna form some choke points with these cliffs you see all these cliffs here and he's gonna realize if I can slow the game down if I can keep eagles away from my economy at home which I'll never be able to protect unless I can afford countless castles then maybe I'll be okay he has to control a game he has to keep the long bows together and most likely he'll need some champions but both players are a long way away from what they what their sibs potentials are I mean VIN Chester hasn't even researched a leak eagle yet and it is impossible for metal to get the longbow upgrades and also get champions right now wait until the Phil counts are higher and they have more filters bringing in resources oh I like this though metals made a monastery to get some relics it's a good move and okay so I was a little bit late or starting no I wasn't late I was a little bit early mentioning the wall thing but check this out if I hit a dollar for every time someone in YouTube comments over the past couple years said why didn't so-and-so just wall the other person in I would be a millionaire and it's finally happening like maybe it takes someone who's not quite in the top 10 or top 15 to do something like this but metal realizes he can't have these Eagles running all around and now he's going to try to wall VIN Chester in now you see this guy right here this guy could make some big big changes for VIN Chester if metal gets the walls up the VIN Chester's ho to expand hoping to build outposts find extra golds and now you see some Eagles running a lot around as well and the armors coming in for them so there will be some units outside these walls for VIN Chester but I love the use of the walls between the cliffs and the wood lines I love the fact that Vin Chester's is our sorry metal is taking some of in Chester's gold tier kind of funny that VIN Chester's just rubbing down the mining camp and I love the fact that metal has elite longbow guys you got elite longbow so 11 range on these puppies he sniped one tread faster than you might think and he'll kill this one as well I think surely it's gonna kill that one yes that's what long bows can do and now metal is researching long swordsmen now then Chester arrived two medals base and somehow metal realize this and he quickly wall then that's that's where you see the level that they can truly do in these these uh these little moments right because we haven't got to see that speed and the micro from them really whole not much just yet but as I say that there was a hole in the wood line and this is what Eagles can do verse Britain's so suddenly metal has to get some champions at home or long swordsman or whatever he has and VIN Chester is now researching couriers that is the unique tech for Incas and that means that the Eagles will have ten pierce armor which makes those those long bows a whole lot less effective so with one single raid VIN Chester evens out the Vil count I'm sure he'll kill more anti distracts metal a little bit from where he needs to be on the front because what metal really needs is to have those two-handed swords from here he doesn't have them here yet but if he's able to get some units back here we go oh boy this this has done so much damage so much idle time oh look at this man one raid can change the game so much one hole in a wall it hurts to see this because the game plan was working to perfection but it's not working to perfection anymore this is still open over here but Vinci has lost his castle 41 military for medal still pumping out those longboats it's so rare to see long bows but if you start making them in Castle age you can justify it maybe and you can get the numbers of them I think that's why a lot of pros prefer to not go for long boats because it's easier to make archery ranges to produce archers out of they have more than enough range as is but if you start making these long bows and get numbers in Castle age going into it makes a lot more sense but oh boy it's making a whole lot less sense now that these courier Eagles are out do these long bows do one damage a hit that's that's not gonna be good enough and so VIN Chester mops up those two trebuchet x' and he starts running towards the long bows and and metal needs to get out of here man it is truly insane how good these Eagle warriors are this is the weakness this is the kryptonite of Britain's now VIN Chester he was hoping to expand here meta was building a castle on the hill to still deny these Gold's so that's not gonna happen for him yes unless he makes some more TREB somehow and he has to send the tribes from all the way over here some metals still doing the right thing there he still hasn't plugged the gap here but he has the two-handed sword from roaming around and he nicely gates and markets to keep these Eagle warriors penned in now I imagine the markets probably going to be on fire so it's possible the Eagles could get through but at least there are some long swordsmen coming now you see what the Eagles can do though meta was able to complete the walls over here guys but it was too late because of this one single villager that snuck out and a few Eagles are over there oh yeah the market goes down so now VIN Chester could just run right through and you know there's 140 population for metal but he's slowly losing control over this game and it's because he wasn't able to get the walls up and more importantly I think it's because VIN Chester is playing with Eagles exactly as he should cuz if he was just fighting this big clump it would be an easy win for metal not so much of in Chester raids like this and now as as metal approaches this and does have enough to kill this hopefully you'll see VIN Chester probably start focusing somewhere Allison oh he goes here now and I don't not sure what happened because it wasn't a hole there before let's say goodbye to more villagers metal he does wall it up there it is if you're starting to get a little bit anxious if you're starting to get a little bit annoyed with these raids that's what players feel as well and this is the problem with Britons this is why they need things to be in a choke point there's such a slow Civ you're very good in choke points but they're not very good on open maps in these situations against faster civilizations and all of inches hoping to do to come back to this game he's just busts through houses busts through walls and kill villagers man that house had 20 HP and he decided to bail which is a surprise but but now the long bus had had to come back and here's VIN Chester Trebek slowly trepang down this castle on the hill so metal has had some big food problems guys he doesn't have the food income he needs to get two handed swordsmen apparently he doesn't have the food income he needs to get upgrades either he was not expecting ving Chester to have that many skirmishes with the Eagles and so he desperately wants to keep this castle up but he thinks oh boy you know this isn't very good and now Finn Chester we fight this up the hill it almost looks like we'll very uncommon see pros take big fights up hills because the person on the hill does more damage yeah I think it's funny how he has Spearman that must have been a misclick I think you should just protect his trebuchet 72 units though for metal and all the long bows are coming now if they do one damage a hit and the Eagles have 60 HP it's not bad you can one shot an eagle now but VIN Chester is breaking through again it's only 200 pop game's metal was hoping to avoid this because he can't feel the population that it needs to deal with these Eagle raids the Stonewall idea that was the idea that he had to to keep this from happening to prevent this that one villager though built letici more villagers are being created and even the extra gold is being collected now but you know what thank VIN Chester is gonna be out of luck here hey he might kill the castle but 66 military at 61 longbows the Eagles are gonna die too this the skirmishers are gonna die to this in time check this out and then the treads could die to this and medals might still control these Gold's yeah Finn Chester realizes he's kind of in trouble and that he might need to fall back oh man but the economy the economy metal he is creating long swords here but the long swords are so slow they don't have as many upgrades you see how slow they are that's that's a way to buff the long swords if you want to buff too long so just give them some more speed so they can catch up the stuff because high-level players would just avoid any fight they don't want to take metal ran out of stone so thankfully he kills these straps and metal is pushing on in boys and girls he's pushing on in the long bows are working they are working because he has so many of them now what he really needs is his own siege I think if he gets his own siege then he can ram down these archery ranges ramp down the barracks to start pushing further in funny enough it's not like VIN Chester has resources in here he really needs he needs this goal that he needs this gold he did find this extra gold he's also been snagging the relics he's about to get his second one but metal has 135 population and 71 of that population is longbow it's ridiculous you get to this many Goodluck pushing them still I think that metal is going to need to make something more I think he needs to get his eco up first off he only has 64 villagers you can get to 80 or 90 or 100 then he will definitely have the food ego to make some champions so I'm not sure what I'm titling this yet but this is beautiful this is exactly what this is exactly what we probably thought the competitive scene was gonna be like when we played the games were younger if we're even thinking about a competitive scene it's so cool to see this legendary unit made in mass and it's so cool to see it working especially against counters like squirms and eagles knock on wood because i don't want to jinx the guy but look at these things go they're running all around and VIN Chester is surrounded VIN Chester come out with your hands up man you were surrounded by long bows they're everywhere funny enough this castle has the same range as the long bows eleven range V eleven range and look at Finn Chester he's used batard x' to break out talk about more units that we liked when we were noobs I said when okay YouTube I'm not a noob anymore now he's broken out so I guess he can send more he did have the villagers so it's not that the biggest thing in the world but he is three relics now VIN Chester and three relics two one and O the other one is actually in the back of metal space so there's surely no way that metal can get to that metal also hasn't found that gold and please tell me oh no the eagle gets in again you know what really is the small things at the high level it's it's not letting units into your face it's keeping your economy safe it's those things that keep you alive and oh my goodness Finn Chester's surrounding the longbows he finally has close to equal military numbers oh boy the skirmishers have some pretty high pure SAR myrrh with all the armor upgrades the longbow is due to damage a shot but I think it's wise for Finn Chester to run back for now I'd really like to see VIN Chester make some seeds Rams I saved this on my stream a lot and if the games are good then it goes to YouTube as well but Britons are almost an impossible sieve to push and it's also an impossible sieve to push with convinced us to run up this hill easily no not at all but can can metal push further than this easily no you can't that's why you need that position and that's why you need to prevent your opponent from raiding you and and distracting you which is what VIN Chester has done so so well you'll see more barracks and archery ranges built on the outer edge Finn Chester has done a very good job at getting three relics to one and now finally metal has the food to get chainmail armor and two-hand sword and so I really think he needs some buffer in front the champions would be the way to go and honestly I mean now I'd want to see stone walls here just kind of a bummer that these all these beautiful stone walls were useless you know I say useless and he's hoping to Rewald this but Finn Chester notices immediately wow great awareness from him so he notices immediately and he will not let that happen and now all these Eagles are running around and this might be the moment for the longbows to push look at this look at them shoot that lumber campus it's pretty useless but plate mail Armour the final armor upgrade is coming in for the two-handed swordsman that's fantastic to see oh man but oh you're getting hit again and again here metal by some stone for the love of God build more houses I don't know fortunately he has the two-handed swords from here Finn Chester's been so annoying and you know more units are gonna be coming there but look at the long bows now look at these long bows go and with the RAM buffer then Chester will slowly lose the siege workshops he'll slowly lose his ranges his barracks just watch the mini-map at the moment there's a lot of red here and here there's a lot of blue here and here this could shift we could see metal push this area and then we could see VIN Chester pushed this area and it could just be ring-around-the-rosie in fact metals kind of expecting that at the moment so he's sending his villagers more towards the south where he is being raided by the way look what Vin Chester can see and look how many areas he has units it's great awareness from Vinge which is what has given him the lead so far but I really don't see how Finn Chester can hold against 100 military 100 military from metal now 98 military maybe 10 maybe 20 of that is back here protecting his starting area he'll certainly need some here as the Eagles are coming in so much for impossible to push with might be impossible to defend but if metal kills ven Chester faster maybe he has a chance here normally the the great counter to Britain's would be Eagles and seed Rams and squirms but not when you have the two-handed swordsman buffer and not when you have this many long bows behind in Sain the first time that I've seen this many long bows in a 1v1 and a long long time in fact we're gonna zoom in on these bad boys for the YouTube thumbnail look at look how gorgeous they are we'll get even further look at that okay getting to pixelate so oh I do one damage verse your units that's cool I'll just make a hundred units that's cute oh you may count ur units oh that's cute Eagles yeah good luck with that I'm Robin Hood and I'm here to kill all the birds pretty sure that's not accurate with history but whatever now now VIN Chester's doing exactly what I said he's made Rams and Eagles and he's hitting this area and also ving Chester has a monastery there with a relic inside of it chills bad for metal he can't defend this with his 86 military because he has to continue this push he can't give in to this ground back so it will probably patrol his two-handed swordsman back over here that's also important for VIN Chester to kill as well because that castle is one of the castles that metal has been using to make these long bows now he only has one castle really upsetting that metal still hasn't seen this gold and still hasn't collected that relic not sure the gold is the biggest concern for him it's actually been the lack of food and wood but I love this I love this win or lose metal I Love You Man forward Castle into full longbow pretty much against an eagle Civ yeah you're the best I also love how Finch has survived told you a beautiful Age of Empires 2d game so unique I know I can freak out in the moment but this is certainly maybe not one of the most competitive they're two other competitive games for me to say this is the most competitive game I've seen ever or this year but this is one of the more unique games I've seen this year for sure in terms of the unit composition that medal has gone for and just how the game is playing out the Vin Chester's is having to build up a base in his back corner to eventually deal with this he's also expanding his economy more to the north a metals doing similar thing right he's got some t90 farm problems but he's doing a similar thing with these new T C's but I think he really needs to do a better job at it though maybe a town center here would be nice to Town Center here they can run around in circles and back to those small things that players need to do right to succeed at the high level now putting a longbow next to the stone definitely something that metal should have done and he did not serve in Chester's getting more stone and with that VIN Chester might secure this Hill himself with a castle you never know I also like to see this slinger unit of in Chester's making slingers which countered that infantry so Eagles and slingers will sling down will poke down these these two-handed swordsmen and then metal will lose even more economy so for Finch job done so far in the North job done so far in the West but it's all about the southeast if he can somehow kill this many longbows he wins the game he'll have 50 more villagers he has what three relics still I imagine we'll get this one eventually make it four maybe just maybe see this one and make it five always even towering there that's nice but the military difference is what's crazy to me it's still 75 military for metal and 25 revenge Chester & Chester's losing maurico he's losing more eco he could lose his castle this was where Finn Chester started the game this was where he ran to and now he's in the North so cool to see this well he has sent some skirm forward who eventually died but they've killed a few long boats and maybe that's logic year every single longbow he kills will add up long term he's Mike going for that reason he's controlling these units to kill every single longbow that he can I like the tower I guess he knew the gold was there from raiding kind of funny that metal didn't metal Zico definitely needs oh man it needs a dress there's eagles here how is VIN Chester finding exposed areas time and time again now I called then Chester Winchester in the past because he was a micro nerd he was I don't want to say the original micro nerd but when he would face up against Viper for example those guys will go crazy with micro so he's certainly good at unit control and he's taken the lead now with the population for the first time in a while not in military but with the economy it's 144 VIN Chester and it's 111 now from metal which means he's kind of on a bit of a clock here if he doesn't kill VIN Chester soon if he doesn't continue to work his way around and kill the villa bandits of in Chester has a VIN Chester with the relics floor now should be able to kill these Eagles are not equal sorry these Volvo's in time such a fun game though rittany is such such a fun game again metal should probably kill this monastery he saw it by now most of the stone has been collected he is creating Vil's out of the town centers that he has but I think it's obvious that his Ville count is just not high enough and this is just unlucky I guess funny enough in Chester sending bills here to Town Center that gold which makes things fair considering medals still vin Chester's gold earlier but of all places to find extra gold VIN Chester finds extra gold in that corner look at what Vin Chester can see look at this does he have 100% no he has maybe 98 oh my god I'm an idiot that was Gaia I'm sorry this is VIN Chester you know what VIN Chester can see more than Gaia so before you laughs yeah VIN Chester can see 97 98 percent of the map whoops I wish we could get an endgame stat to see what the exploration is like for Gaia well now there's a trend Trebek down this castle and and metals slowly looping around but now the military difference is not that big just ten difference in it a sixty-four metal and 52 for Vince he will get the gold which means more rams and more Eagles or trebs possibly and he will kill more villagers it's do or die for metal with his beautiful beautiful clickbait army man I love it they look so cool but the reality is but kind of weak if you don't have castles to create them and if you don't have a strong buffer I don't think he has enough of a buffer they're only two-handed sorts Minh and this this is kind of it for him right he I see he's making Britain Lightcap Britain like calves are just not gonna work guys they locked too many upgrades and locking numbers but my oh my VIN Chester used to be down here he used to be down here he's done a significantly better job at securing the golds and expanding economy his new hands over here he's played nomads once or twice and he's done that in this game now he's hoping that he can kill this trap and he's hoping that he can keep this castle up by himself a little bit more time.i but meanwhile long boats are raiding his new economy Inca villagers are affected by blacksmith upgrades so it takes a little bit longer for them to die to this but they'll still die metal just man if you would have built new tc's so I remember him using this starting TC for a long time even though the raids continued now Finch has all five relics guys all five relics in three different monasteries monastery here monastery here and then he has oh one right there yep I'm really tempted to cast more games from there best of 21 cuz these games have been fun to watch metal is slowly losing his grasp on this one though as long as Vince doesn't take his foot off the gas as long as Vince is able to braid as long as Vince is able to make the correct composition to deal with this I think sperms Eagles and a few Rams would be enough to kill these long pose and two-handed swordsmen now but he's being patient he's waiting with five relics you have to be feeling confident at this stage as well you know that that you've been raiding the economy of metal and maybe metals looking to do a little bit of writing on his own or he could used to like cat versus Kermes I mean the concern is he's just now getting chained barding and that's the castle a dormer upgrade and obviously these things won't last very well against the infantry that VIN Chester can make but hey the tribe is stayed up and this castles getting closer and closer to going down see just how long it takes the light chaff to kill an eagle will van Chesser loses castle you know he might need to buy some stone guys only 50 stone remaining for him yeah the castle goes down the castle goes down and and yet the population seems to just be coming down for metal because of those raids in the south oh my god 41 villagers only 40 military so those military count has even gone down and this might be getting closer to the point where the 88 military that Finn Chester has all the rides here all folks is on this group it's a much smaller group of longbows even the skirmishers can do all right versa T's like keV and Vin Chester's now doing the right thing of investing into more trash upgrade so he doesn't have to rely solely on the relics but gold units he's using the gold to research Halberdier is it needed though guys is it needed with such a big population difference metal has struggled with economy alguém because if in Chester's raids look at this Finn Chester's back here with some pointy boys he's here with the Eagles and then he would kill these long bows as well in a moment and the GG is called I was speaking to metal and he sent me this game he said all the games were good he said this was his favorite and his exact words were t90 I don't know if this he said you're gonna have to breeze through the game because I don't know what what requirements you have of games to put on youtube but lucky the fact that he didn't think this would be YouTube worthy just tells you how every day feels his games normally our forward castle into the opponent's fast imp not necessarily a base trade but Finn Chester's main eco area got completely wiped as did a stat medals Vince didn't have his second and third gold we got to see full longbow I mean of course this is YouTube quality metal I mean I'm gonna need to stalk his profile a little bit more to see what he's doing in the rest of his games but yeah quality game I think the thing that decided it was VIN Chester did a much better job at a rating and that's mainly due to this his SIVs ability to do that with Eagles but be relocating economy it did it did begin to get frustrating to see metal get raided here especially the holes in the walls didn't help I think he could have plugged the holes a little bit better and then if he would have built new tc's where've in Chester's economy used to be possibly he would have had a better wood and food eco and then with that he could have mixed in skirm she could have mixed in more like kev earlier those types of things right you're just not gonna win a game with 32 bills especially the relics as well I think this was just unlucky and he probably ended the game and said what how is there gold here but the relic in the back corner he didn't get he didn't get a few of those other relics and those small things all add up to be very big victories of in Chester gets the win so I told you guys that I would I told you guys I would tell you who won the best of Oh God don't look at the scoreboard why is this scoreboard always here I said it would tell you who won the best of 21 between Vince and between metal and metal 111 210 sounds like some some future YouTube content possibly but 462 kills for metal see it really wasn't about the KD I think it was about the potential long-term Wow 35,000 food and 47,000 food for Vince II compare that eco Finn Chester did do a much better job relocating he had more stone and then he had a little bit less gold now that's a fascinating stat actually because metal didn't make that many gold units and VIN Chester was making expensive Eagles but it's possible that the game got to the point where metal actually had to use some of that gold to buy some food actually it's hard for me to focus on everything and 99% of the map was explored by VIN Chester again all about that expansion well played and a-five relics collected three cave relic gold and look at the timeline this is just an amazing timeline the faster castle the castle dropped this was where meta was doing well and then Chester slowly but surely climbed his way back into the game all this blue castle age onwards is longbows so if you enjoyed this game as always please let me know in the YouTube comments if you'd like to see more metal games let me know maybe more VIN Chester games from this set I'd Lee look through them for you guys when I have the time the YouTube content over the next two weeks is going to be kind of a taste of what YouTube content should be like on this channel November going forward once definitive edition comes out obviously then there'll be a bit more gameplay and a little bit less commentary as I won't have as many games to cast if well I just don't know actually I have no clue what things are gonna be like but the point is is right now I'm trying to get in the swing of things bleeding into October in November to make my youtube channel better and so you guys enjoy games more that's important to me believe it or not so thank you for watching thank you for your kind words in the comments and I'll see you next time
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 478,333
Rating: 4.8765206 out of 5
Keywords: Mass, Longbows, High, Level, AoE2, Game, Unique, Incredible, Surprise
Id: Wzt5TtBWe4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 28sec (3088 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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