Low Elo Legends #14 Lord DauT Joins!

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Wow all right so these players are ranked 600 ello which is definitely on the lower side of low util legends and the legend the high e low legends doubt is here with me doubt how excited are you to cast 600 Evo players especially after that to YouTube introduction I feel amazing I feel like need to deliver now oh wow pressure is awesome guac okay well we have hang golan FDP doesn't ftp mean something in what this isn't in some other time okay well we have him playing as a Saracens and then in the blue we have just the devil who's playing as the Portugal with an amazing house right away honestly this far oh no no I just stay where you're at what time are you at 140 okay I'll speed up a little bit catch up yeah yeah I'm at 145 so we're might give me a second or two off but yeah honestly this does not look 600 Evo so far this looks this looks decent what can go wrong what could go wrong you just producing achieve yeah okay well fixed units to control hang on there you go oh it's off yeah pango took two sheep at once it's not a big deal they're building some lumber camps here I'm talking about the devil your guys to be kind oh oh my bad my bad so what's your how many how many low e low games have you seen before in your life now have you watched any of us cos you and ma okay I set myself up there ouch okay Saracens like Oh careful he's about q-tips always standing on one by one he doesn't want to miss quick it's true oh is the timings a little bit off here put this I've casted 1000 ello games where the builders work is good so these guys should be proud of oh oh oh man that was close his files calculated Oh sheep or not or he will take this opinion he was so careful about that to know this yeah well I take the Sheep well del told me that he said he was worried to join Lolita legends because he didn't want to be too brutal so I said that to my audience here and pretty much everyone was like well I would love it if doubt were to roast me so this is my side my side right now yeah I could tell I'm just waiting for something really bad to happen and then you can't hold it in any longer well I think we will evade for sometimes like he what I told TC I don't think they will reach Goodell in oh maybe normal time yeah yeah at least they're similarly Idol right now the same pill count you want to say similarly bad okay okay nice all the time you're the one whom all the black kids man too fat too fat kids missing the ball to Cordelia that's sure that's different so I'm not a little hype it up oh oh here he goes his food see that you can tell the villagers prepared to eat food because he has food in his hands alright i and the time Excel actually really cooked for him but the luring positions making oh well okay alright well that one was a little bit further away from the TC this time like they know you don't need to get long like every village you don't do lumpur it's like ten extra resources yeah so he's avoiding total boom and then he'll is luring like this next level okay kinda impressive yeah I am I am really impressed that's not sarcasm at all now I would like to see a doc but players Aetna CeeLo do not dock on water maps usually so while they don't I love them believe me you don't want to know let's get down yeah yeah I saw a guy who was Portuguese and he just made fat Oreos on Islands and then would try and transport army across he would not make baby I will do back in tournament victorious a really good you obviously have some of the most entertaining island games ever if I think back to all the in games I've casted you had the one Portuguese first Vikings against Hera where you came back and then you know you already stole the compliment let's steal it as casting it are we a my stealing this from the devil right you are and then all what was the other one other Korean one I think we both uploaded that one I know you have that on your channel to where you use this you planning to upload the heroin as well but in the flow you that was like a month ago you still haven't uploaded that I'm a bit slowly okay you maybe don't know about this about me but I'm a bit lazy what you're not yes little bit its continuities yeah it's really hard to notice you don't sound like that type of guy okay well Wow blue lots of villagers on berries here we give the dog from the red man the talk really oh yeah and he will use the surface next to the dog oh he know he even read the balance changes these guys another Wow okay so he is gonna dock and I guess he'll want to make a few fish and chips in both or going for the fuel age do you think they're gonna rushed out or or what I have no clue look at the cows wall it got pretty big why would you move your wood line he's house walling his wood line and he's trying to keep it safe this is where the Lumberjacks live obviously but imagine like in the top level it's always start behind the wood line good luck doing that now oh yeah this is like the culture to vivvy it's the V counter they know they know they watch the callgames and they think about those strategies they're just a bit slack in the building yeah yeah that's probably a this builders not is they they they're probably uh they're probably more big brain than we are doubt they just don't have the skills they don't have the experience value to take just two more years and I get the new year yeah all right well pango built a barracks he also really likes to build his buildings right up against the wood line it's not the end of the world hopefully cooked to him oh wow okay so that was it's been risky he also made a dog dude he didn't yeah maybe it's not risky if they don't attack he made a doc but the doc might as well just be a mil at this point because he hasn't done anything with the dog so that is true that is true but he doesn't have what he didn't bother seen economy correctly he's kinda busy he's not producing villages he's stuck with some food and I what we do he thought those similar just equal to 500 food he's not producing anything he's taking his time man he's saving food always getting wheelbarrow there you go and the town will try to talk about yeah okay all right not now I see and the Scout or he was saving for Boy Scouts so here's a question um you obviously played this game for a long time right was there like how long did you play the game before thinking about it somewhat competitively did you have a long period of time where you played it without hotkeys do you remember any of that or were you just immediately into hotkeys I was immediately but it's actually I stopped playing it competitively with my primary school yeah friends right away okay there was like five of us we were like playing all the time with dial-up connection multiplayer and I was destroyed so he's bragging about his primary school victory playing like those guys but I was reading also make them the maximum population standard was seventy-five population oh wow yeah those were the days the computers can handle more than that oh well that's that's funny to hear well right now red is making a transport ship but he's making a fishing ship from the back doc and he's gonna take the shore fish with it instead of the deep fish he's making a transport ship for his past I mean it's cooler to put it in chance but the agreement Oh like scientists and it's always he knows everything oh it's true there isn't transport so strong Wow yeah they fit dan scouts say to be a bigger surprise ochio well blue is uh he's doing a little bit better with bill creation daddies he also has made fishing ships so he is 31 eco it's what I see it's only 22 red however red will have the attack and blue is just booming so this could actually be pretty even think about it you just told me okay are you are you not are you not you would not qualify this as a boom boom more than one cc yes he's booming with houses this is a house I'm really excited to see a Pangolin can slaughter villagers up on this hill went when he transports across well that will take a while because his is even producing well care production is wrong and he is waiting for folks and yeah he's not producing any villagers he's just producing Scouts right now yeah well he cannot afford attack like how to blue gold okay so here's a question and recording the back here's a question what is going through Reds mind at this point do you think you said you didn't really have a time where you didn't play without hotkeys but do you think that maybe he stressed do you think he's excited he's gonna he's gonna win the game here what do you think's going through his mind I think he's playing with the idea of winning the game I think we all do that yeah I like to see the four before he doesn't even know like probably he doesn't know that the enemy did not wall so this transport attack will be surprised but in reality he doesn't blue is going for it he is going oh here he goes it will be such a big surprise six scouts it's actually gonna be epic and blues all the way to council age she doesn't get that quad keeps on unload no no what does he do oh there we go okay thank I cannot help to think it to be fast if you just walk there with no chance [Laughter] oh did you get the mochi good long yeah blue this loom here comes red now he sees the wood line okay here he comes what will blue do here blue could lose so many pills you got your action time with vanilla vodka okay alright my queen well the scouts are gonna slaughter villagers the score is getting um yeah this is this is the most competitive game at 600 eloah the doubt has ever seen this is a sick combat right there we just sneaky transfer at that Wow does he have upgrades on these things no he doesn't you just had the numbers well if you like the villager counter count after that tease you feel like it for them yeah a devil's still ed I don't because of the fishing ships because he was woman with me alright I like Kelly he just went into attack and then didn't even think about my curling just like let them fight okay now now difficut that's true that's true that's fine doubts experience it that's no bit happens okay he's get gasoline but yeah Devil's castle age making a barracks now and he still look at these houses man this is like a ring of houses in the back full wall from that like he saw the transport and he's like from very kinky attacking again with transport now he got one side secure he's securing the back corner hey the back corner would be the most surprising place to be attacked so make sense emanating effect of the surprise right so now I look at the mining camp deafness don't and gold at the same time oh that's value he could take gold and stone from that it's equally inefficient and give us another one Goldman yeah this one is efficient alright so thank you for the remaining victorious devil has reacted to the scout attack by building a barracks and he has two Spears already with seven more cube so he is gonna go for the full counter and red is currently loading up more scallops in the de transport ship well obviously now an enemy's going Scouts you go when you clean all the scouts you go for the same counter because why not he was in the scouts again yep door makes sense to me as well I wonder if Fred will go back to the same spot again he doesn't need to use the transport this is style points though I'll give him that but he did so much damage in its pod so why not just repeat it yeah it works don't change the blue she's sitting on the hill blues getting forging mani is so much food if you were to make a stable and send Knights to read space it'd just be game over but he just doesn't think about that well the best thing is if red ever decides to tag the trek he is very safely with ten spearmen yeah it's true yeah if you can't if you lose the barracks then you can't make more spearmint and you need spearmint it's brother packed and that one is I've been healing everything also I don't know if this is Auto scalp okay it is a disco on the right side but he's so good even autoscout is scouting that side we're ready tacked before transport on switches again and it's again feeling back you there for example of you oh yes oh is blue gonna build the team oh it is it out DC oh man Pangolin here he goes okay that feels definitely a goner but here come the Spears oh boy oh boy but um that was immediate reaction devil what me would it be easier to put up spearmint in the economy but yeah I guess this person saw fall cleanup for cleanup all right so the scouts go down devil can finish the town center now it is 35 villagers a devil also built another TC in the back of his bass booming but there's no losing anything yeah that's that's gonna be the problem here and then red is I think right okay red red is more of an aggro player so if if you were any of the players in this game you'd probably be devil because you're more of a boomer this is exactly coherent me that's what I was gonna say like this is this is probably like hair or Viper or someone here low eco oh and a castle from the South he by the he abused the market he you'll see a sir perfect feel perfectly alright you sell all the wood by the castle huh you think he did enough damage with aggression now he wants to defend so he's I have to give red credit because he's been using the Saracen bonuses the transport ship the market alright and healed him storage as well okay he does have wheelbarrow double bit axe and horse collar he does not have the second would upgrade yet but now he's getting fletching it's a bit interesting Oh readies the night you read is morphing are you telling me to cast your name is that oh yeah I see what you're doing here you put oh just a slight yeah sorry I just you every time like every time I play I just always get disappointed that you won't be there to approve you know I'm gonna be there for your gun for alright that's good to know pikemen now for devil so he's taking it to the next level alright how she is lonely making fountain transport so and [ __ ] my name behind that aids whoa and again red taking advantage of the Saracen bonuses Saracen galleys fire faster so instead of making a fire galley he's making a galley whitfill latching you for my head yeah that's why you got flashing okay one look at the cows I think he's drawing I suppose he's writing from them this is he you know securing the like hey there's one pro player and I'm sure you know who who could learn from this to have a designated house builder a certain person he will not be named and twitchchat don't name him either alright it's not fair but you know at least he is getting ahead of the game with half space blue what do you think of the fish traps he's fish trapping on the edge of the earth well Tim does the same wave yeah Tim does that thank you Tim was like that okay it's because the fishing ships don't chop anymore they work efficiently and did he get the gill nets as well I'm not sure but he's getting heavy plow right now so I like the fact you got heavy plowing boats all blues definitely better off when it comes to the economy but what bothers me is that the front of his base is wide open yeah that's a real real problem I'm trying my best but it's fine it's fine man we got Mamluks for propane go now you can do this okay I'm Emma looks are good too concert iconic he's so he's going full pikemen and then she was like what good again spiking divine galleon took an envelope I just Reds insistence upon taking this pod is still so fascinating to me doubt I think there was absolutely no reason to make war galleys here or to make the transport but could be fair if game goes the law along those little rivers are the most important because they keep calm up safe and annoying for the woodland I'm not saying that you thinking that David yeah well he's currently attacking me blacksmith devil was all the way to the Imperial aide what are the odds he makes victorious that could be good for this eel Oh Vlad tells I mean he goes cows is ready so that that's like he was building jasmine that's why he was building houses for game Oh toriel 20 population now he can spam them forever ah makes sense the one house is blocked by a sheep right now I don't know if he'll ever pick up all that son like you that's really really unfortunate looking Athens the best hey there he's also snagging the relic and the north built the University and the monastery so he could go in so he knew about that won't get the relic no he's not going for the trolley just passing I guess of all sake oh oh oh oh the dodging the micro the micro Bonnie I think he needs to be realistic right now all right well I think the bill actually blocked to the monks everything goes down there and read was was focused on that and now he's focusing whoa he's like you are not going to wallet yeah it's like you're gonna lose that one all that stone now yeah because it wouldn't auto attack a wall I think he's focusing on that it's funny he is like we don't wall in my game and blue really wants to wallet you see he instantly chain to religious he is full attention to that at blue it's not gonna bite yeah cuz he want to keep it open for mommy looks Oh duh and okay here he comes now if you go to Jasper's next I can he didn't need the trans big enough you ball skier the transport okey okey let's see the micro oh great great micro so far he lost all his metal in my level okay his blue Blues making a vittoria so blue new both these players with other civilizations yeah yeah he's sticking to the plan right how much Victoria called 250 stone and 250 gold I don't play that's impressive all say that you know yeah I mean you know it's it's not always a meme the thing is his eco balance is almost perfect for it he has 200 Eagle and 223 stone so by the time watch when this when this one finishes he is 249 stone that's almost perfect and what about mm what's it about it's a good balance yeah yeah you need wood you need to build more houses right and pikemen as well the coast would Omar could gathered relic finally you were right you called it red is actually getting ballistics right now now he doesn't want that ball to happen he does the keys like bored of them microdata transport all game he wants to keep it open okay so red is starting to farm up a little bit for TCS but he's not producing out of that always getting murder holes cow or vent exactly these given are those games last for like two hours or um it depends sometimes they're pretty quick sometimes they're not so here I think this games actually gonna be pretty close because Reds eco is well if you don't count the Victoria's Reds eco I think is slightly better than booze so this could be pretty alarming who okay who would you favor right now whose favorite I don't like a skill-wise devil is better player but that's got some amazing strategies in myself yeah it'll come down to those ways but problem is Victoria's gonna be really yeah so I favor the devil the devil yeah especially because if you're if you're at this Ehlo Vittorio's are so mindless you don't need to do anything you just build them and it gives you resources so I love the fish traps that look how he lines them up up against the edge it's amazing so perfect it's so perfect I mean those things to be here yeah yeah I always try and get to the mind this is why I asked you if you remembered your no hot key days because it I always try and get to the mind of the nude and think about how they that's my invites thank you tonight I use one tournament well not one lately no I would have invited you whether you won or lost boa no hard feelings I believe you okay inviting MPL that's true yeah to even it out so you wouldn't feel bad oh and look at the population from that 75 I don't think he knows that there's two kind of population limit here what's this Ville doing he's gonna sneak so so far he's transported through here multiple times he's run around he's made water and now as he loses his camels to pikemen he wants to drop a castle there doesn't he I approve it especially with von Bulow me I wouldn't boot any better than that alright well you heard it doubt approves it might be a castle I think right now he's looking cool he doesn't have the hotkeys so he's looking through the pages because I think the castles on the second page so he's through the page yeah he's trying to find where the castle is so he could place it oh you found it yeah there it is you found it okay two villagers nice Danny definitely going up Oh bombard tower is devil MBL is he just gonna make mass bombard towers he's researching that right now well so the houses so sometimes look you see four of them so keep in mind everyone who's watching that pops Vittorio's take up 20 population space so the population you see here for blue is is actually only about ninety clicking off the low event look at the resources now at this level probably Portuguese the best - yeah I don't care about the religious about to anything anymore yeah now Cain and galleon as well now he actually has some galleons that he could loop around the backside but Canaan galleons a unique one no keys nothing docks as well he is blank to add more okay and they lack cookies make like 20 stables they're not producing from a single one maybe it's part of the wall huh stable wow yeah it's it the houses are a part of it - was all part of his master plan yeah it's like when you looked at pro players and the cameras has finally dropped University market whatever I guess could eat at this table elite Canon gallery he's not messing around I have to give red credit for still wanting to be aggressive here because keep it real yeah he just he just clicked the mill by accident maybe it's better to not be aggressive and just a boom he's the Konami did he ask houses he asked you did but not egos stuck at 71 phone call - plan all right decent eco upgrades he does have hand card didn't get Bo saw how is he how is he gonna spend his wood here it's gonna make 49 farms what's the deal I think he will fella he'll scientist of perfection yeah just before the market okay like mom looks like his unit to the traffic light at the beginning of phase of Empress we all figure to be is done unique in it right all right high else we could play them so he is using his Mameluke to attack Blues town cetera that's gonna take some time Mike he does this all the time the only attack building I don't think it's a mystic and he did that with the mill - he should oh wait likes to meet this well with the wall everything yeah okay run away with the Mameluke run away with the Mameluke ouch well Michael Rose once again galleys by Jordan Mike Rivera I I am on the red hypetrain because blue while it's good strategy he's not making any gold units and he's just camping with Vittorio's which is acceptable myrrh exactly such a boomer so it's not a strategy I really admire whereas red is trying it's not really the best attempt but it's something well he is making bomb of dollars that I think we are in for 24 hours in here I'll let you go at 23 hours if it goes if it goes that long I'll let you go that deal oh he would the Navy okay okay he is Portuguese now the good+ he's going full Navy attack on the side while holding in the middle with bomber towers yeah Victoria's give stone perfect strategy see normally I would say that person in Reds position would get kind of frustrated and resign but red doesn't strike me as the type of player who's gonna resign early I just read it again sending Mameluke to attack you see oh wait he could steal the relics from blue he has the Rams there I bet that his plan like you need alternate goal to counter victorious he only looks at this side though doubt is nowhere else just this area he's popular he stopped playing at this population 6e saying he's not adding anything well he's on his way to imp so maybe he's looking at the tech tree or thinking about some type of a plan you still got the transfer to life that's true that's very true let's count likes cows did work so far and now he clean all the pikemen whoa he's just queued up twelve villagers twelve okay at least you have some economy to spend in something blue is building a castle in the range of these galleys but he has the tower there calculated look at the mic he's tanked micro Bombo towers yeah oh man it's so sorry and fail he's building another castle on this other side now on the other side of the cliff this is Viper vibrates always to both making castles on the killer hmm yeah map packs too you know the Gold's on the back definitely I actually gave my pretty bad mouth so is blue gonna go in for the kill or what he is cavalier for the kill he he doesn't have any armor upgrades your approval for him yeah that is funny looking don't the wolves attack cavalier why aren't they attacking that is true that is true they attack you Larry and that he convert them I don't own those are his balls now yeah use the power of God maybe but he's not collecting my legs back yeah I know that that could be a concern I mean if red gets those relics then he'll have a total of four they're here living the game okay blue sees the castles going up he doesn't how is it gonna be a duck oh wait no there's cannon galleons yeah of course that's just gonna get shot down nothing to the go up and insult it down I know how it feels okay if I'm super grab no I won't even go oh man okay so credit to red he's making trebs now and the gather point for that castle is directly on blues TC so I think he will have a that's his area that's where he's Scout brushed earlier he doesn't work out oh no oh wait yeah it doesn't look maybe he clicked another target oh it seen range decays that you see that's where the wood line was that's where he started off the attack and I like how devil is seeing that the red is only making mama looks so what good against mumbles cavalry oh man well yeah the treble go down blue just really needs to fight again this is why I'm rooting for red because blue he only is reacting he's not being proactive at all but oh this is why I'm always reacting as well in my game that's true that's true you never vote for me they stay blank very silly let's do nothing just like the Mamluks I'm actually curious what exactly is very skis point of view what is he looking right now you can try view lock sometimes that works it only works when he acts so we might not see much oh wait love you Crick's the law okay so he just got supplies down so I think he wants to go champion which is counter calorie yeah it's not really the best decision I think they're doing it wrong like when pikemen throwing he makes scouts when calories long he make champions that's true he doesn't know calories when you tomorrow he doesn't know counters yes he builds look he likes I respect that champions look cool he just queued up 14 of them yeah I still have him on view lot for me so you could see he's about to lose the castle I guess he's making more Navy she's scared about that he just click on the tab and it's not too big whatever you like what's always gonna repair the castle he's gonna try and repair the castle it's not gonna be oh the real lucky [ __ ] okay now I can guys yeah let's do it let's see like the next three minutes from you lock your luck use the vapor let's go hold on I'm gonna go let's go on oh we just build the castle back of a safe spot what is the particular give the temp he comes from the Kop come from the cube the same spot because Kinloss give oculus gallon it's obvious easy yeah he got it why don't and then he was IQ the point of view he was looking at this like again is going inside he was the luckiest to get is jumping inside the chaos on the pikemen and he doing doing doing okay I'm gonna go to blue point of view and see okay Reds building a bunch of new houses alright house house house blue about the surprise he's moving oh okay what is blue gonna do now now again with view lock it's not like actually they're moving around every time they do an action that we see things so I could say seem like he yeah yet so we might not see a lot of movement but blues moving his navy in the north I could see he selected them I'm not a fool okay so for me it's not showing his Navy but it's showing the pikemen right now but he did definitely move the Navy in the north oh yeah oh yeah the reading part is happening there so he got this just defend on land and wind water is the idea and let Victoria call me chicken yeah perfect one but certainly kicking in I think red needs to learn about being a bit more patient you know like he's sending in units one by one towards the towers and the castles he needs to learn some patience I wouldn't be surprised the Waypoint isn't he's on the tee see let me see let me see the Waypoint is actually it's actually not set at the TC but it's set between the towers down I didn't think about that I remember when I played against computer back 20 years ago I built to bumper towers and this is exactly how game looks like it's true cuz they don't know how to take out the bumper Jefferson and Jobs actually died instantly to bumper towers back to do this oh yeah that's true yeah how broken was that man I guess people couldn't do them like they can nowadays but still know people you know most computers back then you remember in the beginning of Age of Empires like cross-team Mongols first consumed betting accounts because of the champion they're champions yeah because they count you any trash unit and you just mash them they're cheap and you win the game yeah just like that world being is just so so mind-blowing that that's why Mongols were better than us and it's vivid tampering is amazing yeah well champion like wanna be from fire what what is what unit would you say looks the coolest if you had to choose one unit what would it be bill tonic night ooh okay that was my favorite units gonna start playing yeah yeah I'm trying to think of my answer to that I always felt like two-handed swordsmen look better than champions so I didn't upgrade the champion sometimes Teutonic Knights pretty cool I like the Jaguar warrior though I thought the Jaguar warrior was good I I think the new one on de looks a little weird for some reason but it looks amazing on the really I think it looks like different they don't his manly they look very like it didn't work it was manly yeah I like them I like them must be manly I guess you don't play money on them yeah just not what I meant doubt I meant I meant like muscular is what I meant sorry G better warriors oh oh it was always a bate doubt he has to trebs to trebs on the Devil's castle what exactly was a big I I don't know the death and destruction that he was allowed sending the champions to scout and guide to convert our son to the damage I guess yeah these cannon galleons to doing work right now well it's not like he's economy's anywhere after that these kids never kid on your lumber gasps oh my god it's only looks but it's actually the same okay so that castle goes down I think at this point if red kills that one blue TCE wins in my eyes if he destroys the TC he wins in my eye square makes the units will win this game that's pretty good prediction yep oh I look at the other guy on the top okey okey blowing he's full average and thank you go yeah he got chained barding and now he's gonna get pleat mail armor for his pikemen let's see quick both good ball job them click walls red click walls he got the TC by the way wow that the key already feel like having it down murder holes for blue well it's 192 pop obviously a hundred of that is from futur eeeh or something around that but look but look is making castle it's like but everything about the castle didn't make the sense yeah I know it's so interesting Jassa spots are fixed yeah they become very fixated on one part of the map don't they and the wolves are still the wolves are attacking blue the wolves have been around here for a long time the wolves are going home damaged the thread is doing to blue right now for Chucky zopi ten thousand food in the bank with fifteen on food you don't see that too frequently well I do not then I hope we never see it again oh my god I wanna I'm really curious if the wolves are gonna get a kill right now blue doesn't seem to realize how Cuba clean they're not know actually he's not know he's attacking the buildings the wolves are still attacking what coat is the runnable concrete we saw he click at someone oh the whoops he's got a kill let's go I think the champion assisted a little bit yeah okay Gigi Gigi I think red thought the wolves were against him and he thought ah I can't I can't fight cavalier and wolves this must be game over it's too much like Wolf's counter pikemen gathered countless everything girls game over game over well so did if you had one word just to solve that game up what would the word be mmm-hmm both the finals well you're right there were a few instances were red coat of Walden II didn't move too soon oh yeah I'm sorry I could I could have I said I see what you did imagine if the castle was the one I was making that's Jenny would never die that's true or if if the result was different you know like that would be remembered a lot more if secret would have got the ring okay well resources collected looking at the statistics 29,000 food for blue I wish that in the statistics when Portuguese were involved I could see how much he collected on his own Victoria and then how much he collected with the Victoria exactly because that is surely because of the futur eeeh well when you see the village account it kinda big tell ya exactly 95 village are high for red he was lacking a few upgrades here there an efficiency wasn't pretty but he is probably now opening Reddit and like how do you stop Victoria they OB yep I kept him beaten and then calories so because I'm limited to gold he didn't make any units how did he afford this yeah yeah wow I wonder if the timeline shows I'm looking at this does anyone know if the futur iya shows up as military in the timeline I don't know how that works might not show up at all mmm it's a building I guess he doesn't show up yeah cuz cuz technically it's eco but I don't think that this is accurate I guess it doesn't show okay cool well doubt thank you for casting that with me what can can you give anything bigger coming yes what you want for me well I just I I before we like end this game here I was curious if you could give any tips to these players maybe just like one or two words of advice well to be fair obviously I'm a bit trollish here but they enjoy the game at the maximum those are the best days yeah I assumed they don't watch record games they don't want the top players they just play because they enjoy the game yep and that's really fun to see I miss those days now it's like oh if he does not one second later if you push the deer I wish everyone Scout the last yeah and that will cost me the game in the Imperial age it's cool but not as fun as oh yeah no I'm with you like obviously I like to play the game competitively not good as you and I'm obviously not even close but I like to cast competitive games but I don't just do LOI Legends because it's popular I do it because I enjoy seeing people played a game like this because it's just a different world you know it's the best part of the game like especially if you feel like a group of the friends in real life and then you're competing and you all suck basically it's super fun I liked how you had to bring up that you beat people in primary school you're like I was competitive right away the week I destroyed that oh really how many people were in the tournament it was like 20 people eating yeah yeah it was the LAN event was there a prize pool did you win like a I think it was 50 euros yes 50 euros when you were kid damn that's crazy it was decent it was decent Wow and it was TV in tournaments we split into play viennese with mattress worth it
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 129,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game play, casting, expert, rts, commentary, overview, DauT, Low Elo Legends, LEL, New Player, Noob
Id: DkJbzyb348Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 46sec (2626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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