The Lowest AoE2 1v1 on Black Forest!

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maybe 500 elo now is what a thousand ela was before I it's hard to say but Scialfa at the moment please don't kill more than one sheep ok we have a low ela legend right here remember if I laugh if I sigh if I get upset at all throughout this game it's because I'm an emotional being and I really really care for scalpels Age of Empires to future every person who's featured in a YouTube video with low ela legends has contacted me and said I really appreciated the video had a lot of laughs something along those lines as and that I helped them improve so so the 5% of people and I totally understand this - the 5% of people who might think well - 90 you're being kind of a jerk not trying to be a jerk that's why I've clarified this ahead of time we're just trying to have a good time now what you shouldn't do is do what blue has done because if you do that you're going your foods gonna be rotting away however what you also shouldn't do is not create villagers out of your town center and that's what red is doing red has the more efficient shepherding however he has not created a new villager yet oh no he's actually created one new villager so it's a black forest game now he's building a house cuz he doesn't have the pop space so yeah this so far scalp is off to a lightning fast start chopping the straggler trees because efficient lumbering is not something that he likes in his town I swear to god it's like it's so funny to me how the one thing that's consistent amongst low ELO legends is that they always chop the straggler trees always but okay at least blue is keeping that town center creating he hasn't really moved to scout for now he's making a house now he's making another villager is red making more VLEs okay red is making more bills no build orders it's very possible there's no hotkeys either this I won Droog is to win all right because he seems to be the weaker player but we'll see I can't have any casters bias is it on explored yep it's on explored oh man oh this just reminds me of a simpler time that's what it does it reminds me of a simpler time it reminds me of a time when I didn't know builders were a thing there were no YouTube channels no twitch channels but we've all been here so I just feel oh no he's still sending them to the lumber but he hasn't set it to a tree and the lumber camps finished so they're just staring at it oh boy oh man how many fills are gonna stare at the lumber camp before he realizes here I it doesn't seem like you see oh no he's realized okay he's got it I mean at least he's placed in lumber camp read oh he's going to gold attend pop oh no it's too early he still hasn't created villes I think this is I think this is too low a low legends I really do I think it's too low a low legend he is three on food he's not creating any new villagers he's at eight filters and blues at 15 he hasn't moved his Scout at all I don't know what he's focusing on right now actually seriously have no clue what he's looking at because nothing's moving is he just waiting for futile age I bet you he's waiting for feudal age oh boy Oh blue has doubled the economy I mean blue is doing some things which are pretty low a low as well right like his T sees idle its just idle less often his Scouts not moving but he is creating new villagers so that let that be number one tip for you create new villagers because then you'll bring in more resources bar barracks is never too I think this will get interesting a late-game way to sell it barbaric is you should be a caster man do you see that this isn't too low I think this will be interesting late game have you seen the Malian franc late game on Black Forest before 10:00 you see their APM I can see it pretty clearly and it's not high no no um I can't see their actions per minute I could put blue on view lock possibly I view lock only works on the host and I think the host is always blue let's see if this works well tie for getting me back 0:01 my first ever ranked match yesterday was a Slav sneak attack Luba piece on BF 290 inspired I don't think view luck works he's just he's now housed guys red is catching up red is catching up red is catching up this is a game he's catching up with the Vil Kel let's go oh wow he's going to stone at 14 population - there's actually no way that you can use stone and Dark Age except by maybe building outposts I guess so the point is here you don't need golden stone a Dark Age but a little bit of everything he's catching up whoa he's 5 villagers behind he went from being 8 filters behind to 5 villagers behind oh wow blue is going crazy with the houses ok ok nice he still has these villagers so one tip I would give blue is just sand your new villagers to a resource so they don't just sit there like this this is what fat slob does and I know that for many of you fat slob is your hero but it doesn't mean you have to live like him alright his red still creating pill which was he is or he was he's catching up now he's going very heavy on berries I don't think these guys are gonna oh oh no oh man blue ring the bell and killed red Scout that is a low E low legend thing to do you see that there's sheep being eaten here so you just run right for it and died at the town center halves in the chat to pay respects you tried ther Giroux Giz you tried but you're catching up economically you're catching up captain sac what a name he donated $5 and said thank you for getting me back into a V 2 when my first ever ranked match yesterday was a Slav sneak attack newb apiece on Black Forest t90 inspired I'm glad I could inspire you man Slav sneak attack huh is he going to go futile age now oh he's on his way only to villes behind and blues also on his way and blue notice how none of them have walled the center blue he wants to attack he's making a barracks and he's going crazy with that - all right scalp +62 do you think he was born in 62 how old would that make him why else would he choose 62 he either graduated or was born in 1962 how old will that make him someone do the math for me 69 does it actually 58 he died in 62 oh man that's brutal he would be 59 all right so this is someone's dad out here always making militia wow he's going for the the 15-minute man-at-arms rush okay lots of farms it makes me cry that he built all those farms before he got the free farm upgrades as Frank's because Frank's get free horse collar and the farms last longer but that only starts in feudal age oh wow instant wheelbarrow nice instant wheelbarrow at this point builders are out the window and Wow apparently getting houses out the window to peaceful little town we have here oh he's house now but he won't be and he also is going to get wheelbarrow instantly Zumwalt says his instant wheelbarrow bad I always do that okay so it's not bad if you're in this position it's really not like I'm not gonna hate on any eco upgrade ever if you don't really know builders just get your eco upgrade so no it's not a big it's not a big deal basically it makes the current villagers you have more efficient when you only have 21 villagers I mean if we're looking at competitive play it's not really the time for it normally it's around 30 but I wouldn't stress it main thing that the stress is why do you have three on gold then you're not using gold back that could have been on wood or food you know and you could have more balanced eco why has red sent one to stone a Dark Age and he's not using it either like you know it seems like a very low e low thing to see oh I need gold oh I need stone at some point let's just start in Dark Age so yeah if you want a castle go fast castle so collect food and gold to get there and then go to stone while you're on your way up that's normally does you're normally they're much faster but hey you know I I can't hate as much on the eco balance no don't get supplies no listen supplies is a good tech but all these low level level e low players are researching it at the wrong time so take a look at this barracks supplies cost a hundred and fifty food and a hundred gold and it means your militia line costs fifteen less food so what he's done was he created these at full cost then researched supplies and he has not made use of that upgrade at all so I think he's just clicking the upgrade because he sees it in there I don't think that a low e low player reads it I think they just see oh I want to upgrade these dudes somehow so let's click it so if you're gonna go if you really want the upgrade if you like to supply yourself then get supplies first and then the units are bit cheaper doesn't make sense to research that after you've created units but in general that upgrade again talking about more competitive to play it makes more sense in situations where you're in Castle age and have a lot more economy but the villagers are pumping out of blues TC they're not pumping out of reds TC oh no they are ok so Wow ok and he really wants to defend from okay he has a partially built barracks that he bailed on here next to the wood line and now he's also building a blacksmith next to the partially built barracks I can only imagine he's he's afraid of Bigfoot the Bigfoot might be wandering these woods you never know just install a trail cam on the side of the barracks and you can see what's going on oh no finish the barracks finish the barracks why did you why is that at 85% and not finished yet oh he okay I know he wants to get it ready just in case military arrives an opponent will think that he is no defence and then boom barracks finished I see okay makes sense alright whoa okay blue has man-at-arms is he patrolling he's patrolling Wow he's making archers he has a Spearman now he's not patrolling the front of his base on the hill to defend his gold miners because the scalp is supposed to tell the people when the military needs to be on the hill it wouldn't make any sense to waste energy to walk to the hill now and wait for any upcoming military attack makes a lot more sense to behind all of your eco and arrive when the time is right a blacksmith that the core thing here is is blues keeping his town center producing which is important that's so harsh someone in the chat said maybe he thought the patrol button was an upgrade no I don't know I mean I I remember my noob days and I remember I liked the Patrol because it looks really cool it looks cool I didn't necessarily do it for attacking reasons okay he's building a lumber camp over here with one villager while he has 15 on wood on this side so hopefully he had small villagers over here he's getting close to clicking up okay red now finishes the barracks he must have sensed that blue had military somewhere so he's finished the barracks guys this is close this is really close can you guys remind me they're ellos again they could he could click up he could go Castle age and he does have stone for castle ok now he's making an archer range with this villager who has to walk a long distance to get there instead of this villager because he doesn't want his people to be overworked so that that's good thinking and he's on his way to Castle age and so is blue so is blue okay now either player could Stonewall the center they have not done that so any attack is going to be a huge surprise I don't know what the plan is for true guys I imagine he wants to build a castle and I hope he builds it in the front of his base I just have a feeling he's gonna build it like in the back of his base he's already built his buildings up against the trees he will want to chop later neither player has lore de Bourgh that's fine there's a lot of people out there who don't lower boars I'm aware of that YouTube I know I know the people out there who feel like there was a comment and it was I think the comments did something like t90 laughs at me at player losing a villager to a board and then to follow up what to that was I feel personally attacked I know all right there's so many different skill levels Navy to the funny thing is blue could also build a castle hey you need 488 stone to build a castle as Frank's t90 do you find noob games harder to cast because they're on they are following no meta or foreseeable structure the the thing that makes casting noob games hard is I don't want to be too harsh but I also don't want to be a boring person oh he wants to castle there let's go please tell me you're building it with more than one villager please oh no that's so risky why one no sir now again he's getting handcart that's an eco upgrade I'm not going to stress over him getting that but why there blue could deny that with this scalp man blue hasn't sent any units for it even if you're the biggest of noobs just like click a random unit into your opponent's base and who cares if you lose it just click it you know blue also is getting handcart now okay so if you combine their current elos you get the eel oh you start at all right so if you're out there like wow I could never play online I have a feeling that you could compete alright I want everyone out there who's hesitant to play online to realize you're not alone okay you're not alone and Droog is and Scialfa are putting more emotion and energy into this game and any game I've seen in a long time this is legendary oh god has any player scouted yeah red scouted blues town center arrows and he lost his scalp blue has not scouted single thing and this is a spec bug so no he doesn't know about the farms I guess that castles gonna go up and after the castle goes up red is going to click up to castle age needs to check his idle villagers I mean we very well may be looking at players who do not have hotkeys at all here or that or just like TCE house and villager hotkeys wait what did I say what did you say you guys said Castle did I misspeak what did I say did I say they might not have castles at all here I meant to note I meant to say hotkeys what Oh I said he'd click up to cap ok ok sorry and yeah ok I got you oh ok alright so red is experienced he knows he needs to add extra town centers and he wants to be really safe so he's building the town centre with her in the very back of the map ok and he's on his way to imp it's a fast imp it's a 1 TC push whoa and he's going for Gepetto's he's chosen his unit composition he likes those female warriors let's go and okay I have to say that army positioning from blue was dreadful but the castle position is good and blue is also getting a lot more upgrades he has researched attack her like melee attack he's researched fletching he's also now researching bodkin arrow which i assume is either for the archers or the castle or both the downside of that ok now he's making a staple the downside of that is he now doesn't have a lot of food for other things oh but he also added a second town center now his first town center isn't working but that's because you don't want you don't want overpopulation to be a problem so you have to colonize other areas and then populate that area and once he gets about 35 villagers here then you know not enough food to go around then you need to add another town centre way over here far away from the rest red is is he going to produce out of this TC he has not built it yet oh also no loom for him that blue does have loom ok new TC is up I just have a feeling he's gonna forget about this and that that bear is eventually going to claim a life yeah blues TC isn't an awesome spot yeah here's the boars there too if you wanted it wow he's getting a lot of upgrades ok so I want to talk about this because of my low e low legends episodes there's a lot of people who say t90 I just get all the upgrades because I don't know what does what if that is you please type a 3.5 in the chat so here's the deal that's fine when you're an imp but that bothers me when you're not in imp because you're investing all the resources you could use to go to the Imperial age into random text which might not do anything for you right so especially in blues position you have a castle on the hill you don't know what's what you're struggling keeping your town centers producing that's fine don't research husbandry for Knights you don't have don't research pikemen to counter units you don't see and don't get vodka narrow for archers to council units you don't see either instead go Imperial then start getting every witch attack all right that makes sense that's the only thing I have to say about that I totally get it I'm not against people getting text if you don't know you don't know that's fine but don't it's the timing of it that bothers me also this is what we call a Tetris mining camp and because of the tetris mining camp red can't take these four tiles of gold properly so please try and keep a one tile spacing or even two tile spacing between your golds and your stones so all villagers can fully saturated all right blues has built his second market which means I assume he forgot he built the first I think you forgot about the first one he just thought oh I need a market I guess he doesn't have a go to market hockey fair enough they blend in sometimes it's like a chameleon market they really blend in with the terrain and ie bought food so he wanted to go Imperial so Geppetto's are a mobile infantry unit and they're really low HP with high attack so it's actually it's probably one of the worst units a low-rated player can go for because it's very micro intensive and they're very low HP so I fear I fear for droogies but he's just booming noobs like me thank you dude zero thank you for the tip man no I'm glad I can help I'm not again I'm not trying to poke fun we're trying to have a good time who a university okay my favorite part about this is that the people they're gonna learn that you should rebuild lumber camps when your villagers are walking 20 tiles to get a tree that's what they learn at the University so that's why he hasn't refreshed his lumber camp yet he's gonna learn in the university about lumber camp efficiency he is pumping out pills out of his town centers and it's 45 villagers for droogies and 48 for scalper I feel like blues army it's it's it's like an expired bag of Chex Mix you have everything that you might want but it's all disgusting like man I'm kidding I would eat an expired bag of chex mix but CAV archers with Frank's really not what you want archers really not what you want champion or man-at-arms no pikemen no I mean it depends right I think it would be wiser and better use of his time to send his can skeleton see what's there and then you know adapt from there but that's not how low a low legends play what they do instead is this this is what's gonna happen and I actually this is precious to me this I love they're gonna create one army whoever wins wins and then GG just like one big fight they're not gonna fight and then make more units no just one big fight that's exactly what's gonna happen Wow okay so is he make is he getting a relic I'm always gonna get a relic let's go dude and also like I said he researched lumber camp ology in the university so now he knows about the efficiency of lumber red just has the Geppetto sitting inside of the castle dude zero thank you again for the $20 tip man that's that's a lot of that's a lot of Dallas waffle basket thank you for the new sub oh wait no waffle basket hosted me for one viewer damnit you got me raagh No thank you very much for the twitch prime sub with five months if blue would research architecture in his town then he would know that maybe placing your buildings up against the edge of the map so it doesn't clog your eco would be better I'm kidding architecture actually just gives your buildings more HP but I would like to believe that that would help him gain that knowledge I like the amount of farming we have from red that he has more food income actually no blue has more food income okay so he is cavalier on the way he has heavy calves Archer on the way he's just getting every tech man oh and he's taking a boar yo we didn't do this in Dark Age alright he's also researching treadmill cranes so he can build his houses faster nice jabroni how about you calm down man jabroni you have to give them time all right this is this is a work of art right here you can't rush greatness this is good it might as well be no Walmart I wanted I'm really excited to see how much they'd freak out about the bear at some point they're going to encounter that oh they already did encounter the bear oh never mind did he lose a Vil to the bear yeah I think he must have he must have yeah he must have got t90 rargh because that villagers like barely took any damage that was probably just the last remaining hit from the bear anyways mat fifty bucks dude gladly gladly thank you man I were making bets yesterday on lo ela legends I just feel like blue has so much military all you should go for is the highest HP unit he can get and that's paladin Frank should go for paladin and throwing Axman these villagers I don't know if they're exiled or what oh wait a second are they no they're not stuck he just forgot about them the worst thing about these villagers is that they're not idle because for some reason they're frozen and so if you go to check idle villagers it's not going to show up for him so he might forget about them forever oh my goodness 53 villagers for blue and 64 true cos who does have elite capetto and a camel two camels oh it's it's from the back stable okay he has ten camels queued up and then heavy camel all right and now the unique tech for Malians which I believe is the unique tech it's TIG we I think Town Center's shoot arrows I think I mean I don't hate that what no don't building out why no don't build an outpost there you have a TC why did you need now post there okay he cancelled it what was he trying to click up a farm wait can someone tell me when you're in game if the outpost is near the farm that would tell us if he's using hotkeys or not I actually don't know that or is it on a different screen it's on a different page okay wait some people are saying it is some people are saying it isn't can someone check and send a screenshot and post in chat keep in mind if you're not subbed to the stream you're getting timed out by posting links so don't post links unless your sub or passed along to a mod or something with HD hotkeys it's qa4 house wa4 outpost Oh interesting okay I don't use that hotkey scheme that could be it too alright so it might be the ease you did use hotkeys there he just uses misclicked fair enough so you could definitely tell he's putting focus on military you could produce more stables to produce the camels to get more but he's patience so he's gonna just use one stable despite having 1400 wood so he should probably make like five stables but speed is not the issue here their speed speed has definitely not been the priority for either player now funny enough wait don't tell me did he just research heated shot who was researching heated shot did he who did it read did read research heated shot oh boy here let me show you guys something amazing learn I'll show you guys something heated shot towers caused 125 percent more damage to ships castles cause 25 percent more damage to ships well this is Black Forest and this is literally the only body of water so maybe maybe he's just covering his bases guys you never know you never know maybe blue will dock at some point and then he could castle drop it I mean he does have a castle next to the water so he's just thinking ahead oh there's water down here too it's just so cute to me how the Cavaliers surround the stable gather points ain't got no time for that gather points ain't got no time for that I love his new TC spots though I love how blue is building them on the stones in the gold by the way he hacked here he had all the extra stones and golds how many relics does he have I see one here too maybe red has three now red has one oh I think on de there's only four so yeah I mean blue has the extra resources but then again rent who's getting loom now that tells us he's ready to venture out of his safe little cute little town whoa and he's getting fortified wall too well you don't have any walls yet maybe he wants to stone wall shoot what was I gonna say you were talking about something Oh red has 5,000 gold I think my point was yes blue has more resources but they have they've not done the best job at spending the resources it genuinely seems to me though like red is only going to fight once he's a 200 pop is that what we're gonna see I don't think either of them will fight until they're two hundred population until their max population Lu's not researching Audigier okay so he's gone heavy cal archer halberdiers two-handed swordsman he could actually go champion if you really wanted Cavalier no defense upgrades which is really bad you need to get defensive grades on your melee units this is cute man this I like this neither of them have sent a single unit forward to look Oh but Reds making traps and red has heavy camel with +7 attack he got the other unique tech for Malian so he has the counter to the cavalier and he also has a bet Oh our defense upgrades more important than it's a core it's alright I'll explain this to you ready I'm gonna make it simple write it down if you have a ranged unit get attack upgrades first because that affects the range and the damage which is much-needed melee units in general already have very high attack and you want to get defense first big reason though you need to get defense first is if you have all these Cavalier that have all this attack that's great but you're not gonna make it to your target if they're hitting you from distance right you need to survive to do damage so he actually got the first armored upgrade if he gets the castle age and the imp one he's going to be very strong Brenna's gonna forget about his Geppetto's you think so now he's building another castle he wants to make more he's getting murder holes masonry and now shoot what's that one called is that now that's not to man Saul what am I talking about I know the name of this what's the name of that tech he built faster treadmill crane treadmill crane but yeah again I what I like about their play is that they seem to be getting upgrades for the most part they have stopped producing fills which is concerning if they had 50 more bills they'd have so many more resources oh oh blue wants to castle there he's also sending one Ville but he's also sending a ram this is it this is it this is the attack we've been waiting for choo-choo look at those wooden wheels roll but oh oh my god oh my god whoa boy red is here red is on the move rent there's a castle there there's a castle there go go go go go all the castles been deleted blue bails on it let's get this party started oh oh oh oh oh that's a nasty Hill to run up red did he click the TREB okay no he's actually kind of patrolling kind of not I don't know what we're seeing blue send in the calves are Chur send in the house ended everything let's go let's go blue has more military units he has 70 military units and funny enough CAV archers are actually kind of good in this situation even though there Frank have archers and it's not such a good move red don't pack up those trebs yet don't pack up this right no kill the castle kill the castle no he's bailing he's freaking out he's gonna roll back home uh and now the Cavalier coming in now what is Reds response is red producing more okay he's producing Gepetto he's four going back and I think blue will freak I mean red needs to roll his trebs back he'll probably lose them that's why you should have just committed to killing the castle alright the counter-attack is on so it's only Tibet Oh again the really low HP units so camels are great here their camels use definitely make camels but I don't think he hey after that attack he's probably thinking wow those units don't work let's stop making those but no heavy camel counter the Cavalier they also countered the CAV archers it was just the castle fire and numbers this is this is the sad thing about a noob game we might have just waited all this time for the game to end here but Blu protect your trebuchet with something more than an archer please is that all you have to protect yourself is a freaking Archer Oh No Oh No and now the Geppetto's backup micro god from red and blue also fails to kill a castle [Music] okay well the economy has just fallen apart right you got idle villagers everywhere full focus on military Pike Minh not a bad move with Malians to do have hi pierce armor I don't hate that I also like the fact he's repairing this castle now what is blue to blue his researching paladin I have one stable he really needs to get the final armor upgrade if he gets the final armor upgrade that's easy game well actually Red's making a lot of pikemen so the ideal composition for franks would be would be throwing Axman and cavalier point blue sends out a bombard cannon is tempted by the Gepetto's and loses 225 wood and 225 gold just like that it is not easy to control units I understand that but this has been a very very close LOI lo game who are you guys rooting for I don't know I'm like on one hand bull who had the better map on the other hand druga has had a pretty good fast infield ok chat is torn alright some people want blue some people weren't red red he attacked first Wow our criteria for rooting for people is really not really not that specific rooting for red because he fought first in war ok that's a lot of military this is just not gonna work for you Scout but you could cut through the trees with Auditors but no the to the cap tram strategy this is what started it all off man you pissed red off by sending a ram forward now again hi pierce armor on these pike 7 pierce armors so they actually they hold their own against cap archers and the cowboy shirt slack bracer and that then the defense and well I won't even get started with why not to make Frank have archers Makoto says I'm laughing but honestly this is how I would play if I went multiplayer see that's what I want people to realize right so if you're like haha jouji judge I think most people play like this ok now Blue has he's making petard Red's making petard don't make guitars they don't work first units oh he is healing up his units though that's good that's good he needs houses all right Wow ok he's not messing around with these houses who's building it though who's building the houses you oh this villager from the other corner ok she has to get here she's taking some time there's no rush here he just grabbed a villager from the other corner so here she is alright and show she'll get to building those houses she's got this so we have 5 10 15 20 25 30 we have a lot of pop space upcoming I would love to see more auditors from blue I think that would be a nice move auditors are really hard to control though and so often you'll see players kill their own units did blue just have to chop his shrubs out what a legend he chopped his trebs out I guess those villagers were bugged there earlier all right this is what he can see this is it's about to go down the list of its showdown oh god oh god he's clicked everything together no no no no no click patrol or sub down fight red I think he's clicked the trebs he can't control the unit's but I think red will win I think red will win I think pikemen and elite Gepetto is way better and so blue has his trebs attacking Reds trebuchet ooh the auditors rah boom boom man wouldn't wouldn't camels be helpful there or like calves or something to take out the auditors what a fight what a fight but in the end I think that blue comes out on top red ran up into the archers so there was a reasoning for making them and now blue is getting the final armor upgrade for the paladins and now i'll put swords no way no way no way dude attack the tribes please please no he could have actually killed the tribes with the petard that's the funny thing oh man alright quick make more petard make more pitar Oh get the trip get the trip oh ah red could be dead those paladin's finally have finally have the armor upgrade a hundred and ninety two HP eighteen attack and full armor blue should win this now oh that's right Reds got a backup Castle waiting no words no sense of urgency needed that's how confident he is blue is producing seven more helps and two more paladins so it produces them here and then sends them forward oh oh I seriously the one use of the put arts the tarts there sorry would not have been against units but against the trebs please do not bc be deceived by my exploding villagers mod and all those crazy community games orbit are stronger the tarts are very weak against units especially paladins okay red backup patience my friend your gather point is set here's change your gather point to here wow let's gather points that really far forward make some Gepetto's and i wish he wouldn't have given up on the camels camels are so much better than pikes pikes are still only 55 HP with four base attack so yeah red should just honestly if he were to just send the paladins into it blue were to send the pout and send Radhika red would die but um that's not how these players fight i think red just doesn't know he has so many resources he's so many resources yeah i think red he lost that camel fight earlier for other reasons and so he's just discounted camels is a good idea I mean Gepetto Pike isn't awful it just makes me sad he's not producing he's probably freaking out blue is making four trips from this castle his only castle by the way four trips so he wants more siege wishes are Catholics donated $3 and he said I cast the stream to my TV last time I watched the stream drunk I want to press a button as you open the tech tree drunken we thought I could open the tech tree on my controller and got super annoyed oh man well drunk me drunk you is gonna have some great entertainment tonight because the pike in Geppetto combo is actually pretty good yo red came out of nowhere with these I didn't realize he had that many Geppetto and don't tell me he's gonna save his castle he could save his castle one more hit the castles down oh he clicked the honor first okay that castle goes down then but the treads go down and Red's back in it baby Red's back in it Droog is true kids let's go this is like this is like Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic if they were gamers no no this is like Roger Federer vers Novak Djokovic if they were in their 70s still very close just they don't have all the mechanics down all right I mean my goodness blue keeps going back to his individual buildings to get more reinforcements so it's gonna take some real time waiting for more cave archers more house and more paladin's he does not need more buildings hmm and red is building it red really likes that spot for castles red is actually doing better because of his production he went for four barracks verse one multiple castles first one whoo this is intense I don't know listen I know you guys on YouTube twitch and MySpace really like lo ela legends but I don't know if my heart can take too much of this there's a reason we only do this every once in a while because this is so good oh man you guys don't watch on MySpace I still have a big myspace following look at the production you shift cue those units bro you shift queue those units so if you're gonna fight like this make sure you have a big you pack a big punch and then have a lot of trebs following up so right now two or three trebs isn't working go for eight now that could be really bad if you lose the trebs I will admit that but it seems like they're struggling with with finishing off the castles and taking the hill my space my crew is like 140 years old type of CAPA in the chat if you also feel like your micro is like a 140 year old roger federer hmm also blue did not get that relic or this relic which really hurts also red continues to make the tarts pitar czar very good verse but quite situational normally they're very good for busting through walls Oh actually there's another relic here so there are five relics on this map but blue didn't get any of them guys I think this is blues last stand because he doesn't have enough resources to keep producing what he's producing his 65 gold and that's it I think this is his last stand I don't know if he can hold from this mmm who called the red was gonna come back late game earlier well to be honest it's you have a 50% chance it's not like you could guess that someone was gonna win early game but we knew that wasn't gonna happen so you had a 50% chance congratulations though I'm proud of you oh there's a villager what forward guard tower forward guard tower okay and the treads are here and red is saying blue come out you coward and fight me fight me you fool this guy if he just built one more house would actually be a 200 pop and the Gepetto pikemen is going to it's going to kill blue it is going to kill blue and droogies will be a low ELO legend now it's a low yellow game so they probably won't call it for another 35 minutes but I foresee that a Fred just fights this properly blues dead blue is dead he just produced more imagine imagine if blue had 125 military as Frank's he could go how paladin how Paxman he just produced more and pikemen are really cheap they don't cost gold it's quite a difficult combo to for Frank's to fight I will say but it also has a lot to do with the amount of numbers alright he's upgraded to keep and he wants to build another one here with one villager she's probably going to die nope she's running back she's retreating she's her treaty I can't tell if she's for treating or if she just can't path to the tower she wants to build now I think I think the pike and that what what Geppetto's are left are gonna win this blue loses the fight on the hill more units come in look at this reduction from droogies and the petard x' which are on the way is just icing on the cake 70 population force Kalpa 169 population for Droog is the houses are going down everything's falling apart the trebs will go down the auditors will go down oh he's rung the town Bell save the people before it gets worse a town belt is just it's a sign of defeat at this point Wow like I said with enough trebs you can really make it count but it was the army man it was yaar me how grateful do you think this boar is that he wasn't killed in this game actually he's very weak but I'd rather be weakened alive than I'd rather be horribly maimed and barely living than dead I think and probably not oh here come the vataj let's go let's go Red's protecting a siege hmm okay blue at this point is panicking so he's producing more paladins more helps where's his archery range at oh did he build a new one he built a new one after that one got trapped down okay and now he's making skirmishers blue if you just build more production buildings if you get your relics and if you pick one or two units to stick with you're good but what you did in this game as you sprinkled everything in and you didn't produce enough of it and you didn't get relics which your economy look this is blues point of view this is blues point of view oh my god charge now just use your traps man just just pack up your trebs there he goes he realizes I also love does anyone else love how red heels is army that's great you could just fight with the army and produce a couple hundred more men but red really cares about the people in his town ah ah No red red red I actually have somewhere to be tonight no no don't lose your trebs don't lose your tribes patrol fight okay he's got it he had it's fine he had it under control he had it under control a big problem he's making is he's clicking units all blue he's giving it up hey this will work if red never fights back where is he going and there's a female villager in there too uh guys are they on no attacks the answer what's happening what does that Alderon Stanground he has him on stayin grounds he has the most and grounds no he can't possibly throw this right villagers are killing his tribes uh he keeps clicking them because he doesn't realize they're on stand grounds blue you can win you could actually win this if red continues to play like this you could win red red has frozen that he is stressed okay now he's gone back he's gonna produce more pikes he's sending them to here so we have to gather them up and send them forward uh 49 pop for blue the guy has 3,000 stone by the way 3000 stone it's alright this is fine listen to all my subs out there but send some words of encouragement to the players this is fine all right now Stan Grounds did make a whole lot of sense there because he didn't want his units just attacking anything they saw and getting out of position but he just forgot to put them on a tack stance what are their ratings whoever wins this will make it to the top ten in the world so Viper look out oh man 39 population scalp oh he's not producing more veils he's not rebooting he's only at 40 pop he's still only producing units out of one building one barracks one Archer range one stable one of everything except for houses I guess here comes the pointy boy to attack the trap and the pointy boy will die red just waiting for reinforcements red is gonna win this game well he's also upgrading the crossbow and getting thumb ring in that archery range so he realizes might need some range students which is not a bad thing but yeah it just send bills forward and build buildings here and then you no longer have to go back here you have you've 11k what just sent some bills forward boom [Music] what are the odds that I mean this is this is really low a low right what are the odds that blue doesn't resign into his last villagers killed blue his to markets yeah he forgot he had the first one and then he built the second one I remember that uh I would say that odds are pretty good that blue might not resign until he's below twenty pop because at this point oh wait hold on I want to see this he's going to lose his archery range will he produce one more because remember he likes that ratio if he reacts to losing the archery range by building one more archery range a Mac that's actually gonna upset me because that means he realizes how many he has and he could make more next time all redstone count he has 69 stone 67 villagers he creates two more it's the winning winning ratio yeah keep sending in individual units it is 50 military verse the one you keep sending in blue another archery range Oh No please can you build two this time I just want you to make progress that's all I want for you can you make a second one you have the would just make make two two is better than one oh man this poor guy he doesn't he doesn't realize it's over yet the red won't kill him red red is making morpha towards style points let's go style point victory okay listen chat we've all been there okay we've all been this person we've all been blue we've all been red I remember the days where I played like I like blue did here right hilarious now I'm not saying you can't laugh I'm just asking relate with your laughter oh he's making calves archers again oh no I mean archers would be good but CAV archers is so expensive all right here come the pitar it's this this is a lot more effective than trebs apparently so here they come please please go for something of a value like go for a stable don't go for a market or something wacky where is he going that's the market well blue has built blue built two markets because he was predicting this could happen so we made fun a blue earlier because he built a second market but he actually just thought ahead so 300 IQ from blue he should have built Archer Rangers as well okay now blue has lost the stable and he has a mining camp which is on fire okay lost the barracks so now he is stable Asst barracks lists he only has his archery range he did take out one trip hokey-pokey poke that blacksmith is going down I take it red is now going to go for the monastery guys this is super expensive by the way just make Rams or traps this is super expensive boom monasteries down all right another stable are you kidding me another stable now you're missing the barracks alright the ratio is off you need to make a barracks now quick quick he's pushing you I hope that red doesn't lose another trip because it's gonna take forever this game to end Brad is still making Fateh ARDS alright blue you're at 40 pop houses your pitar ding houses you just dude just make a ramp just make a ram ah Oh gg gg we can't actually see in-game chat now I know what it is blue realized that he couldn't he couldn't afford a barracks so he decided to tap out whoa wow that zapped a lot of my energy however that was great that was great we can't see the KD thanks de the KD is broken but I can only imagine that it was three hundred three hundred and it was the closest game you will see this year Droog is had more food and more wood he actually had less stone and gold but scalp ax he made a lot of units and threw them away and I think the key thing for him he didn't have the total units he needed so at high level is what you'll see is you'll see a combination of a trash unit with gold unit so you make a lot of halves with our ballast or a lot of skirmishers with cavalier and i think blue didn't really have that combo down red actually did it wasn't the mostly it wasn't the most meta combo but pike was very cheap and then Gepetto was expensive but strong so you could you could do a similar thing with franks you could go Halberdier and paladin where you could go Halberdier and hand cannons or something at least go for like 80 Helms with your calves orders instead of leaving your calve archers exposed but just don't make CAV archers as Frank's just just don't do it there's the time line and if that isn't a topsy-turvy game I don't know what is Wow that is an interesting timeline okay but that is also another episode of LOI lo legends scale +62 if you see this Droog is if you see this thank you for playing that was hilarious we had a good time I feel like people learned a lot I hope so anyways and never stop being you okay people will try and tell you to build more than one archery range but then when you follow your their advice they haven't specified where you build it and it ends up on some island somewhere and then gets memes to death alright so scalp ax just be you alright cuz sometimes if you take others advice it doesn't end so well if you're watching this on youtube and you would like to stop by and watch this on the twitch stream in the future my twitch link is below in the video description I don't have a day where I only do low eel legends but normally at least recently I've been doing high-level play on weekends and then after near the ends we do low e low Legends ok so hi YouTube hi mom hi dad hi to my ex-girlfriend if you're still listening I or if you're listening please take me back I'm kidding hope Lorraine I hope my current girlfriend isn't listening to hear that joke because she wouldn't think that is funny it's not true either this is just getting more and more awkward we have to cut this off
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 639,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, age of empires, aoe2, age of empires 2, age of empires II Definitive Edition, aoe2 DE, aoe2 HD, HD, Game player, casting, expert, rts, low elo legends, legends, coaching, noob, Lowest, ELO, Malians, Franks, Black Forest, Fatslob, VIllager Rush, Khmer, Daut, Islands
Id: nWTH59mHoXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 40sec (3880 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 30 2020
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